Name:________________________________________________________________ Topic links: 1) Un d er st an d in g Co m p u t er s 2) In t r o d u ct io n t o Pr o g r am m in g SKILLS 3) Co m p u t er s an d So ciet y 4) Choice 5) Home Page Web Page Design Rubric Strands Strengths level remedial Marks 0/4.5 Category: 1.Navigation Marks 10 marks level 1 minimal 5/5.5 level 2 some expectations met 6/6.5 level 3 expectations met level 4 expectations exceeded 7/7.5 8 - 10 Your Culminating web page should include the following links from the Culminating list: 2. Interactivity 5 marks 3.Extra/ researched Html codes (ex.Counters, sound, tables) (10) 4.Extra/ researched information. (ex. 10 marks 1) Un d e r st an d in g Com p ut e r s Choose 2 out of 5 topics. (see school web page) 2) In t r od uct ion t o Pr og r am m in g 5.Home Page (web/link design) (Tables / List /Organization)(10) SBC Application or Game or Both Use Program submission format in web page. (see school web page) 6. Content (5 W’s) 30 marks 7. Architecture 5 marks 8. Features 5 marks 9. Visual Design (Colour flow, organization) (5) 10 Effort : using class time wisely. (Assisting others) (10) 3) Com p ut e r s an d Socie t y . Choose 1 A) Related Video/Movie B) SBC Ergonomics C) Computer Career 4) Choice Topic 5) Modify /Update Homepage to include links 1-4. Total mark: /100 This assignment counts towards 15% of the final mark!!