Public Opinion, The News Media, and the Crime Problem

Public Opinion,
The News Media,
and the
Crime Problem
Chapter Two
Public Opinion and Public Policy
Consensus View/Democratic Theory
Consensus View –
…a theory that people agree on norms
despite their disparate socioeconomic
Public Opinion and Public Policy
Democratic Theory…postulates that decisions by public
officials should reflect public opinion,
which is said to reflect a consensus on the
major issues of the day. (Barkan)
Public Opinion and Public Policy
Criticisms of Democratic Theory:
Public officials are influenced more by a
small, wealthy, powerful elite than by the
general public. (Conflict Theory)
“The Tyranny of the Majority” ..majority
rules-(Democratic Theory-…democratic
principles of fairness, equality and justice.)
Majority views may violate these principles.
Public Opinion and Public Policy
Criticisms: Cont’d
Public opinion is often inaccurate.
W.I. Thomas – Thomas Theorem:
…when men define situations as real, they
are real in their consequences. (Even when
they don’t meet objective reality.)
How does the public form its opinion?
The News Media and Public
Opinion on Crime
Research reflects that the major source of
our information is:
News media – 65%
Law Enforcement
Personal Experience – 21%
The Nature of News Media
Overdramatization of crime
“…if it bleeds, it leads.”
“…20% of all stories.” (Barkan)
“…focusing on violent crime”
“…70% of news stories related to violence,
while only 14% of arrests were for violent
crimes…” (Shelton article)