Academic Program Evaluation For Redesign Project COMPUTER SCIENCE MAJOR Program Enroll S12 Max. Enroll based on all Caps S12 Fill Rate S12 # of sections S12 COMPUTER SCIENCE 29 0.1% 48 61% 2 Recent Enrollment Demand: Projection for Future Demand: High ____ Growing ____ CALIFORNIA – STATEWIDE LABOR MARKET INFO: Software Developers, Systems Software Computer Programmers Secondary School Teachers, Except Special Educ. Avg max # Avg. max. student # students possible in ea. class per class S12 S12 24 14.5 FTES FTEF for core class S12 Productivity (FTES ÷FTEF) # of Certif. in 6 years F’05-S’11 5.24 0.2% .73 0.3% 7.18 N/A Medium ____ Stable __X__ Year 2012 2012 2012 Period 1st Qtr 1st Qtr 1st Qtr # of Avg % Degrees in Completion Rate for 4 years core F’08-S’11 classes 8 Low __X__ 49% (08-09= 35% Declining ____ Hourly Mean $55.49 $41.65 $66,474 Hourly at 25th % $43.41 $31.60 $52,003/yr 86.21% 09-10= 55% Hourly Median $55.19 $41.03 $65,388/yr Avg % Success with A, B, C, or P # F.T. faculty actually taught 65.52% 0.75 10-11= 58%) Hourly 75th $68.19 $51.37 $80,843/yr A. INSTRUCTIONAL PRODUCTIVITY AND EFFICIENCY FTES Generation is minimal and expected to continue at about the same rate as this is a major for a select group of students. Within that small group 8 (~5%) have achieved a degree. Note: the CS Major has 3 required Math courses with 9 elective courses from Science/Math (12 non-CS courses). Eight of those 12 non-CS courses are also found in the Mathematics Major. Class Size is restricted due to classroom size, classroom with computers, and according to the CTA contract. Fill Rate of 61% is a definite increase from 2008. This is notable as during 2008 the grant linked completing students to SDSU courses. FTES/FTEF shows LOW productivity. This is due to class size and fill rate. Efficiency may be increased if we consider alternatives for the CS offerings as CS 230 and 280 are offered only 1 time per year, pushing the degree further out. B. STUDENT PRODUCTIVITY AND EFFICIENCY Student Success is MILDLY LOW -for the ‘core’ classes ~65.5%. Student Retention is HIGH for the core with ~86% Persistence is LOW based solely on the number of degrees attained in a 4 year period (major was developed in 2008). Completion/Achievement of Degree is MILDLY LOW given the small numbers in a relatively new program. Out of the 8 degrees, 6 were awarded in the 2009-2010 and 2 in 2010-2011. There are currently 55 students declared as Computer Science Majors, so more degrees are expected in the near future. Transfer Success data is not available. Completing and marketing a TMC with CSU may be a way to increase this number along with the degree CORE: CS 230, 280, 170 (the 3 computer science courses in the major) Academic Program Evaluation For Redesign Project COMPUTER SCIENCE MAJOR C. FULFILLMENT OF COLLEGE MISSION Graduation Requirement – YES as the core courses do fulfill an Area A requirement for Analytical Thinking Gatekeeper – NO Responds to local job market – MAYBE. No data is available for the local market. However there is an expectation for a new market with the advent of the local energy projects. The living wage for one with CS /Programmer degrees is well above minimum wage. Responds to other community need – UNKNOWN other than as above. D. OPPORTUNITY ANALYSIS: (successes, new curriculum development, alternative delivery mechanisms, interdisciplinary strategies, etc.) Curriculum Opportunity: Thinking out of the box - It may be more efficient to offer both the CS 230 & 280 in the same semester if they are placed in a cycle that aligns with a Transfer Model Curriculum for CS and Math Major over 1.5 to 2 years. This may drive up the enrollment and degree completion if it reduces the overall time spent at IVC. This will require collaborative work with counseling Interdisciplinary Strategy: The CS Major is directly related to the Math Major and is closely related to the General Science, Physical Science, and University Studies majors through their respective required and elective course options. Delivery Mechanisms: The CS courses need to be offered in a modern classroom with the technology needed and in a room that can hold sufficient numbers. This will need to be part of the discussion for campus Master Building Plan. Other Opportunities: If we can develop Transfer Model Curriculum packages that align Math and CS Majors, then market to the community and students; growth may increase. E. SUMMARY OF PROGRAM “HEALTH” EVALUATION: (including consideration of size, scope, productivity, and quality of outcomes) STABLE - The ‘core’ Computer Science courses are stable and slowing growing. The other courses within the major are healthy and are tied to 3 other majors. Efficiency with FTES-to-FTEF ratios needs improvement, which will only occur with increased fill rates in each offering. There are quality outcomes, based solely on the Student Success Rate of ~65.5% in a program requiring high level math, physics, and science skills. The market locally will grow with the coming of more alternative energy/green projects. Increasing the ability of students to transferring to a bachelor’s degree program needs to be a focus too. Note: CS 220, a prerequisite with a cap of 24, has experienced an 80-90% fill rate for the past year. It is estimated that ~25% of the CS 220 students pursue CS 238 and CS 280, which equates to approximately 12-14 students per year. Thus there may be a need to look at a different cycle of offerings to ensure students get what they need to complete while the college is as efficient as possible within this smaller (volume) major. CORE: CS 230, 280, 170 (the 3 computer science courses in the major)