A discontinuous Galerkin solver for Boltzmann Poisson systems in nano devices1 Yingda Cheng2 , Irene M. Gamba3 Department of Mathematics and ICES, University of Texas, Austin, TX 78712 Armando Majorana4 Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica, Università di Catania, Catania, Italy and Chi-Wang Shu5 Division of Applied Mathematics, Brown University, Providence, RI 02912 Abstract In this paper, we present results of a discontinuous Galerkin (DG) scheme applied to deterministic computations of the transients for the Boltzmann-Poisson system describing electron transport in semiconductor devices. The collisional term models optical-phonon interactions which become dominant under strong energetic conditions corresponding to nano-scale active regions under applied bias. The proposed numerical technique is a finite element method using discontinuous piecewise polynomials as basis functions on unstructured meshes. It is applied to simulate hot electron transport in bulk silicon, in a silicon n+ -n-n+ diode and in a double gated 12nm MOSFET. Additionally, the obtained results are compared 1 Support from the Institute of Computational Engineering and Sciences and the University of Texas Austin is gratefully acknowledged. 2 E-mail: ycheng@math.utexas.edu. 3 E-mail: gamba@math.utexas.edu. Research supported by NSF-0807712 and NSF-FRG-0757450. 4 E-mail: majorana@dmi.unict.it. Research supported by Italian PRIN 2006: Kinetic and continuum models for particle transport in gases and semiconductors: analytical and computational aspects. 5 E-mail: shu@dam.brown.edu. Research supported by NSF grant DMS-0809086 and DOE grant DEFG02-08ER25863. 1 to those of a high order WENO scheme simulation and DSMC (Discrete Simulation Monte Carlo) solvers. Keywords: Deterministic numerical methods, Discontinuous Galerkin schemes, Boltzmann Poisson systems, Statistical hot electron transport, Semiconductor nano scale devices. 2 1 Introduction The evolution of the electron distribution function f (t, x, k) in semiconductors in dependence of time t, position x and electron wave vector k is governed by the Boltzmann transport equation (BTE) [24, 28, 21] ∂f 1 q + ∇k ε · ∇x f − E · ∇k f = Q(f ) , ∂t ~ ~ (1.1) where ~ is the reduced Planck constant, and q denotes the positive elementary charge. The function ε(k) is the energy of the considered crystal conduction band measured from the band minimum; according to the Kane dispersion relation, ε is the positive root of ε(1 + αε) = ~2 k 2 , 2m∗ (1.2) where α is the non-parabolicity factor and m∗ the effective electron mass. The electric field E is related to the doping density ND and the electron density n, which equals the zero-order moment of the electron distribution function f , by the Poisson equation ∇x [²r (x) ∇x V ] = q [n(t, x) − ND (x)] , ²0 E = −∇x V , (1.3) where ²0 is the dielectric constant of the vacuum, ²r (x) labels the relative dielectric function depending on the material and V the electrostatic potential. The collision operator Q(f ) takes into account acoustic deformation potential and optical intervalley scattering [31, 29]. For low electron densities, it reads Z Q(f )(t, x, k) = [S(k0 , k)f (t, x, k0 ) − S(k, k0 )f (t, x, k)] dk0 R3 (1.4) with the scattering kernel S(k, k0 ) = (nq + 1) K δ(ε(k0 ) − ε(k) + ~ωp ) + nq K δ(ε(k0 ) − ε(k) − ~ωp ) + K0 δ(ε(k0 ) − ε(k)) (1.5) and K and K0 being constant for silicon. The symbol δ indicates the usual Dirac distribution and ωp is the constant phonon frequency. Moreover, ¶ ¸−1 · µ ~ωp −1 nq = exp kB TL 3 is the occupation number of phonons, kB is the Boltzmann constant and TL is the constant lattice temperature. Semiclassical description of electron flow in semiconductors is an equation in six dimensions (plus time if the device is not in steady state) for a truly 3-D device, and four dimensions for a 1-D device. This heavy computational cost explains why the BP system is traditionally simulated by the Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) methods [23]. In recent years, deterministic solvers to the BP system were proposed [20, 27, 3, 2, 4, 5, 6, 22]. These methods provide accurate results which, in general, agree well with those obtained from Monte Carlo (DSMC) simulations, often at a fractional computational time. Moreover, they can resolve transient details for the pdf, which are difficult to compute with DSMC simulators. The methods proposed in [4, 6] used weighted essentially non-oscillatory (WENO) finite difference schemes to solve the Boltzmann-Poisson system. The advantage of the WENO scheme is that it is relatively simple to code and very stable even on coarse meshes for solutions containing sharp gradient regions. A disadvantage of the WENO finite difference method is that it requires smooth meshes to achieve high order accuracy, hence it is not very flexible for adaptive meshes. On the other hand, motivated by the easy hp-adaptivity and simple communication pattern of the discontinuous Galerkin (DG) methods for macroscopic (fluid level) models [7, 8, 25, 26], we proposed in [11, 10] to implement a DG solver to the full Boltzmann equation, that is capable of capturing transients of the probability density function (pdf ). The type of DG method that we will discuss here is a class of finite element methods originally devised to solve hyperbolic conservation laws containing only first order spatial derivatives, e.g. [16, 15, 14, 13, 17]. Using completely discontinuous polynomial space for both the test and trial functions in the spatial variables and coupled with explicit and nonlinearly stable high order Runge-Kutta time discretization, the method has the advantage of flexibility for arbitrarily unstructured meshes, with a compact stencil, and with the ability to easily accommodate arbitrary hp-adaptivity. For more details about DG scheme for 4 convection dominated problems, we refer to the review paper [19]. The DG method was later generalized to the local DG (LDG) method to solve the convection diffusion equation [18] and elliptic equations [1]. It is L2 stable and locally conservative, which makes it particularly suitable to treat the Poisson equation. In our previous preliminary work [11, 10], we proposed the first DG solver for (1.1) and showed some numerical calculations for one- and two-dimensional devices. In this paper, we will carefully formulate the DG-LDG scheme for the Boltzmann-Poisson system and perform extensive numerical studies to validate our calculation. In addition, using this new scheme, we are able to implement a solver to full energy bands [9] that no other deterministic solver has been able to implement so far. It would be more difficult or even unpractical to produce the full band computation with other transport scheme. This paper is organized as follows: in Section 2, we review the change of variables in [27, 5]. In Section 3, we study the DG-BTE solver for 1D diodes. Section 4 is devoted to the discussion of the 2D double gate MOSFET DG solver. Conclusions and final remarks are presented in Section 5. Some technical implementations of the DG solver are collected in the Appendix. 2 Change of variables In this section, we review the change of variables proposed in [27, 4]. For the numerical treatment of the system (1.1), (1.3), it is convenient to introduce suitable dimensionless quantities and variables. We assume TL = 300 K. Typical values for length, time and voltage are `∗ = 10−6 m, t∗ = 10−12 s and V∗ = 1 Volt, respectively. Thus, we define the dimensionless variables (x, y) = x , `∗ t= t , t∗ Ψ= V , V∗ (Ex , Ey , 0) = with E∗ = 0.1 V∗ `−1 ∗ and Ex = −cv ∂Ψ , ∂x Ey = −cv 5 ∂Ψ , ∂y cv = V∗ . `∗ E∗ E E∗ In correspondence to [27] and [5], we perform a coordinate transformation for k according to √ ³ p ´ p 2m∗ kB TL p 2 2 k= w(1 + αK w) µ, 1 − µ cos ϕ, 1 − µ sin ϕ , (2.6) ~ ε where the new independent variables are the dimensionless energy w = , the cosine of kB TL the polar angle µ and the azimuth angle ϕ with αK = kB TL α. The main advantage of the generalized spherical coordinates (2.6) is the easy treatment of the Dirac distribution in the kernel (1.5) of the collision term. In fact, this procedure enables us to transform the integral operator (1.4) with the nonregular kernel S into an integral-difference operator, as shown in the following. We are interested in studying problems that are two-dimensional in real space and threedimensional in k-space. It would be useful to consider the new unknown function Φ related to the electron distribution function via Φ(t, x, y, w, µ, ϕ) = s(w)f (t, x, k) , where s(w) = p w(1 + αK w)(1 + 2αK w), (2.7) is proportional to the Jacobian of the change of variables (2.6) and, apart from a dimensional constant factor, to the density of states. This allows us to write the free streaming operator of the dimensionless Boltzmann equation in a conservative form, which is appropriate for applying standard numerical schemes used for hyperbolic partial differential equations. Due to the symmetry of the problem and of the collision operator, we have Φ(t, x, y, w, µ, 2π − ϕ) = Φ(t, x, y, w, µ, ϕ) . (2.8) Straightforward but cumbersome calculations end in the following transport equation for Φ: ∂Φ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ + (g1 Φ) + (g2 Φ) + (g3 Φ) + (g4 Φ) + (g5 Φ) = C(Φ) . ∂t ∂x ∂y ∂w ∂µ ∂ϕ 6 (2.9) The functions gi (i = 1, 2, .., 5) in the advection terms depend on the independent variables w, µ, ϕ as well as on time and position via the electric field. They are given by p µ w(1 + αK w) g1 (·) = cx , 1 + 2αK w p p 1 − µ2 w(1 + αK w) cos ϕ g2 (·) = cx , 1 + 2αK w p i p w(1 + αK w) h g3 (·) = − 2ck µ Ex (t, x, y) + 1 − µ2 cos ϕ Ey (t, x, y) , 1 + 2αK w p hp i 1 − µ2 2 1 − µ Ex (t, x, y) − µ cos ϕ Ey (t, x, y) , g4 (·) = − ck p w(1 + αK w) sin ϕ p g5 (·) = ck p Ey (t, x, y) w(1 + αK w) 1 − µ2 with t∗ cx = `∗ r t∗ qE∗ 2 kB TL and ck = √ ∗ . ∗ m 2m kB TL The right hand side of (2.9) is the integral-difference operator ½ Z π Z 1 C(Φ)(t, x, y, w, µ, ϕ) = s(w) c0 dϕ0 dµ0 Φ(t, x, y, w, µ0 , ϕ0 ) 0 −1 ¾ Z π Z 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 + dϕ dµ [c+ Φ(t, x, y, w + γ, µ , ϕ ) + c− Φ(t, x, y, w − γ, µ , ϕ )] 0 −1 − 2π[c0 s(w) + c+ s(w − γ) + c− s(w + γ)]Φ(t, x, y, w, µ, ϕ) , where (c0 , c+ , c− ) = 2m∗ t∗ p 2 m∗ kB TL (K0 , (nq + 1)K, nq K) , ~3 γ= ~ωp kB TL are dimensionless parameters. We remark that the δ distributions in the kernel S have been eliminated which leads to the shifted arguments of Φ. The parameter γ represents the jump constant corresponding to the quantum of energy ~ωp . We have also taken into account (2.8) in the integration with respect to ϕ0 . Since the energy variable ω is not negative, we must consider null Φ and the function s, if the argument ω − γ is negative. In terms of the new variables the electron density becomes µ√ Z n(t∗ t, `∗ x, `∗ y) = R3 f (t∗ t, `∗ x, `∗ y, k) dk = 7 2 m∗ kB TL ~ ¶3 ρ(t, x, y) , where Z Z +∞ ρ(t, x, y) = Z 1 dw π dµ 0 dϕ Φ(t, x, y, w, µ, ϕ) . −1 (2.10) 0 Hence, the dimensionless Poisson equation is µ ¶ µ ¶ ∂ ∂Ψ ∂ ∂Ψ ²r + ²r = cp [ρ(t, x, y) − ND (x, y)] ∂x ∂x ∂y ∂y with µ√ ND (x, y) = 2 m∗ kB TL ~ µ√ ¶−3 ND (`∗ x, `∗ y) and cp = 2 m∗ kB TL ~ (2.11) ¶3 `2∗ q . ²0 Choosing the same values of the physical parameters as in [27], we obtain c0 ≈ 0.26531 cx ≈ 0.16857 cp ≈ 1830349. c+ ≈ 0.50705 ck ≈ 0.32606 cv = 10. c− ≈ 0.04432 γ ≈ 2.43723 αK ≈ 0.01292 ²r = 11.7 Moreover, the dimensional x-component of the velocity is given by Z +∞ Z 1 Z π dw dµ dϕ g1 (w, µ) Φ(t, x, y, w, µ, ϕ) 0 −1 0 ρ(t, x, y) , the dimensional density by 1.0115 × 1026 × ρ(t, x, y) , and the energy by Z +∞ Z 0.025849 × −1 π dϕ w Φ(t, x, y, w, µ, ϕ) dµ dw 0 Z 1 0 ρ(t, x, y) . In a simplified model, we consider our device in the x−direction by assuming that the doping profile, the potential and thus the force field are only x−dependent. By cylindrical symmetry, the resulting distribution function does not depend on ϕ. In this case, the Boltzmann transport equation is reduced to ∂Φ ∂ ∂ ∂ + (g1 Φ) + (g3 Φ) + (g4 Φ) = C(Φ) . ∂t ∂x ∂w ∂µ 8 (2.12) with p w(1 + αK w) , 1 + 2αK w p w(1 + αK w) − 2ck µ E(t, x) , 1 + 2αK w 1 − µ2 − ck p E(t, x) w(1 + αK w) g1 (·) = cx g3 (·) = g4 (·) = µ and ½ Z 1 C(Φ)(t, x, w, µ) = s(w) c0 π dµ0 Φ(t, x, w, µ0 ) −1 ¾ Z 1 0 0 0 +π dµ [c+ Φ(t, x, w + γ, µ ) + c− Φ(t, x, w − γ, µ )] −1 − 2π[c0 s(w) + c+ s(w − γ) + c− s(w + γ)]Φ(t, x, w, µ) , In terms of the new variables the electron density becomes µ√ Z n(t∗ t, `∗ x) = R3 f (t∗ t, `∗ x, k) dk = where Z Z +∞ ρ(t, x) = π ¶3 ρ(t, x) , 1 dw 0 2 m∗ kB TL ~ dµ Φ(t, x, w, µ) . (2.13) −1 Hence, the dimensionless Poisson equation writes ∂ ∂x µ ∂Ψ ²r ∂x ¶ = cp [ρ(t, x) − ND (x)] (2.14) and E = −cv 3 3.1 ∂Ψ . ∂x DG-BTE solver for 1D diodes simulation Algorithm description We begin with formulating the DG-BTE solver for 1D diodes. These examples have been thoroughly studied and tested by WENO in [4]. 9 The Boltzmann-Poisson system (2.12) and (2.14) will be solved on the domain x ∈ [0, L], w ∈ [0, wmax ], µ ∈ [−1, 1], where L is the dimensionless length of the device and wmax is the maximum value of the energy, which is adjusted in the numerical experiments such that Φ(t, x, w, µ) ≈ 0 for w ≥ wmax and every t, x, µ. In (2.12), g1 and g3 are completely smooth in the variable w and µ, assuming E is given and smooth. However, g4 is singular for the energy w = 0, although it is compensated by the s(w) factor in the definition of Φ. The initial value of f is a locally Maxwellian distribution at the temperature TL , Φ(0, x, w, µ) = s(w)ND (x)e−w M with the numerical parameter M chosen so that the initial value for the density is equal to the doping ND (x). We choose to perform our calculations on the following rectangular grid, h i h i h i Ωikm = xi− 1 , xi+ 1 × wk− 1 , wk+ 1 × µm− 1 , µm+ 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 (3.15) where i = 1, . . . Nx , k = 1, . . . Nw , m = 1, . . . Nµ , and xi± 1 = xi ± 2 ∆xi , 2 wk± 1 = wk ± 2 ∆wk , 2 µm± 1 = µm ± 2 ∆µm . 2 It is useful that we pick Nµ to be even, so the function g1 will assume a constant sign in each cell Ωikm . The approximation space is thus defined as Vh` = {v : v|Ωikm ∈ P ` (Ωikm )}, (3.16) where P ` (Ωikm ) is the set of all polynomials of degree at most ` on Ωikm . The DG formulation 10 for the Boltzmann equation (2.12) would be: to find Φh ∈ Vh` , such that Z Z Z (Φh )t vh dΩ − g1 Φh (vh )x dΩ − Ωikm Ωikm Z − Ωikm g3 Φh (vh )w dΩ Ωikm g4 Φh (vh )µ dΩ + Fx+ − Fx− + Fw+ − Fw− + Fµ+ − Fµ− (3.17) Z = C(Φh ) vh dΩ. Ωikm for any test function vh ∈ Vh` . In (3.17), Z Fx+ wk+ 1 Z 2 = 2 wk− 1 Z 2 wk+ 1 Z 2 = wk− 1 Z 2 xi+ 1 xi− 1 Z Fw− Z xi+ 1 Z Z = xi− 1 = xi+ 1 2 2 g3 Φ̂ vh+ (x, wk− 1 , µ)dx dµ, 2 2 Z wk+ 1 2 Z g4 Φ̃ vh− (x, w, µm+ 1 )dx dw, 2 wk− 1 2 xi− 1 µm+ 1 µm− 1 2 Z Fµ− xi+ 1 2 2 xi− 1 g3 Φ̂ vh− (x, wk+ 1 , µ)dx dµ, 2 µm− 1 2 2 Fµ+ µm+ 1 2 2 = g1 Φ̌ vh+ (xi− 1 , w, µ)dw dµ, 2 µm− 1 2 = µm+ 1 2 2 Fw+ g1 Φ̌ vh− (xi+ 1 , w, µ)dw dµ, 2 µm− 1 2 Fx− µm+ 1 2 wk+ 1 2 wk− 1 g4 Φ̃ vh+ (x, w, µm− 1 )dx dw, 2 2 where the upwind numerical fluxes Φ̌, Φ̂, Φ̃ are chosen according to the following rules, • The sign of g1 only depends on µ, if µm > 0, Φ̌ = Φ− ; otherwise, Φ̌ = Φ+ . • The sign of g3 only depends on µE(t, x), if µm E(t, xi ) < 0, Φ̂ = Φ− ; otherwise, Φ̂ = Φ+ . • The sign of g4 only depends on E(t, x), if E(t, xi ) < 0, Φ̃ = Φ− ; otherwise, Φ̃ = Φ+ . At the source and drain contacts, we implement the same boundary condition as proposed in [6] to realize neutral charges. In the (w, µ)-space, no boundary condition is necessary, since • at w = 0, g3 = 0. At w = wmax , Φ is machine zero. 11 • At µ = ±1, g4 = 0, Fw+ , Fw− , Fµ+ , Fµ− are always zero. This saves us the effort of constructing ghost elements in comparison with WENO. The Poisson equation (2.14) is solved by the LDG method on a consistent grid of (3.15) in the x−direction. It involves rewriting the equation into the following form, q = ∂Ψ ∂x ∂ (²r q) = R(t, x) ∂x (3.18) where R(t, x) = cp [ρ(t, x) − ND (x)] is a known function that can be computed at each time step once Φ is solved from (3.17), and the coefficient ²r here is a constant. The grid we use i h is Ii = xi− 1 , xi+ 1 , with i = 1, . . . , Nx . The approximation space is 2 2 Wh` = {v : v|Ii ∈ P ` (Ii )}, with P ` (Ii ) denoting the set of all polynomials of degree at most ` on Ii . The LDG scheme for (3.18) is given by: to find qh , Ψh ∈ Vh` , such that Z Z Ψh (vh )x dx − Ψ̂h vh− (xi+ 1 ) + Ψ̂h vh+ (xi− 1 ) = 0, 2 2 Z Z − + − ²r qh (ph )x dx + ²c R(t, x)ph dx r q h ph (xi+ 1 ) − ²c r q h ph (xi− 1 ) = qh vh dx + Ii Ii Ii 2 2 (3.19) Ii hold true for any vh , ph ∈ Wh` . In the above formulation, the flux is chosen as follows, + + − Ψ̂h = Ψ− r q h = ²r qh − [Ψh ], where [Ψh ] = Ψh − Ψh . At x = L we need to flip the flux h , ²c − to Ψ̂h = Ψ+ r q h = ²r qh − [Ψh ] to adapt to the Dirichlet boundary conditions. Solving h , ²c (3.19), we can obtain the numerical approximation of the electric potential Ψh and electric field Eh = −cv qh on each cell Ii . We include some of the technical details of the implementations for a 2D device in the Appendix. 1D diodes simulation carries similar steps and is simpler. We start with an initial value for Φh described in Section A.5. The DG-LDG algorithm advances from tn to tn+1 in the following steps: 12 Step 1 Compute ρh (t, x) = π R +∞ R 1 dw −1 dµ Φh (t, x, w, µ) as described in Section A.6. 0 Step 2 Use ρh (t, x) to solve from (3.19) the electric field, and compute gi , i = 1, 3, 4 on each computational element. Step 3 Solve (3.17) and get a method of line ODE for Φh , see Sections A.2, A.3 and A.4. Step 4 Evolve this ODE by proper time stepping from tn to tn+1 , if partial time step is necessary, then repeat Step 1 to 3 as needed. Finally, the hydrodynamic moments can be computed at any time step by the method in Section A.6. We want to remark that, unlike WENO, the DG formulation above has no restriction on the mesh size. In fact, nonuniform meshes are more desirable in practice. For small semiconductor devices with highly doped, non-smooth regions, strong relative electric fields give high energy to charged particles, so it is expected to create states whose distribution functions f have high densities in some regions but low densities in others. Only a nonuniform grid can guarantee accurate results without using a large number of grid points. In particular the evolving distribution function f (t, x, k) has, at some regions points in the physical domain corresponding to strong force fields, a shape that is very different from a Maxwellian distribution (the expected equilibrium statistical state in the absence of electric field), see for example Figure 3.11. Moreover, taking into account the rapid decay of f for large value of |k|, a nonuniform grid is more computational efficient without sacrificing accuracy of the calculation. In the following simulations, we have implemented, without self-adaptivity, a nonuniform mesh that refines locally near the regions where most of the interesting phenomena happen, that is the junctions of the channel, addressing one of the main difficulties in solving the Boltzmann-Poisson system with the presence of the doping, which creates strong gradients of the solution near its jumps, and the polar angle direction µ = 1, corresponding to the alignment with the force electric field. 13 Consequently, for this first computational implementations of the DG solver, using the ansatz that the doping profile function ND (x) in the Poisson equation does not depend on time, we have the advantage to know where we need a fine grid in space to guarantee a reasonable accuracy. Even in the simplest test problem of the bulk case, the electric field is constant and the solution is spatially homogeneous. If the initial condition is a Maxwellian distribution function, then, for high constant electric field, one observes the overshoot velocity problem which stabilizes in time. This fact implies that the final state distribution tails change with respect to the initial one, and the distribution has also a shift proportional to the potential energy Φ, therefore a simple choice a fixed mesh in (w, µ) works for a given constant electric field that depends on a potential bias at contacts. In general, due to the stabilization nature of the Boltzmann-Poisson system, the choice of a fixed non-uniform mesh works for this preliminary implementation. However, the magnitude of the gradient variation of the solutions depends on the applied bias, ultimately adaptivity will be the most efficient way to calculate the solution, and so self adaptive DG schemes will be studied in our future work. Nevertheless, we anticipate that a self adaptive scheme has the advantage of a smaller number of cells, but the overhead for the adjustment of the solution to a new grid might be CPU time consuming. 3.2 Discussions on benchmark test problems We consider two benchmark test examples: Si n+ − n − n+ diodes of a total length of 1 and 0.25µm, with 400 and 50nm channels located in the middle of the device, respectively. For the 400nm channel device, the dimensional doping is given by ND = 5 × 1017 cm−3 in the n+ region and ND = 2 × 1015 cm−3 in the n− region. For the 50nm channel device, the dimensional doping is given by ND = 5 × 1018 cm−3 in the n+ region and ND = 1 × 1015 cm−3 in the n− region. Both examples were computed by WENO in [5]. In our simulation, we use piecewise linear polynomials, i.e. ` = 1, and second-order 14 Runge-Kutta time discretization. The doping ND is smoothed in the following way near the channel junctions to obtain non-oscillatory solutions. Suppose ND = ND+ in the n+ region, ND = ND− in the n− region and the length of the transition region is 2 cells, then the smoothed function is (ND+ − ND− )(1 − y 3 )3 + ND− , where y = (x − x0 + 4x)/(24x + 10−20 ) is the coordinate transformation that makes the transition region (x0 − 4x, x0 + 4x) varies from 0 to 1 in y. The nonuniform mesh we use for 400nm channels is defined as follows. In the x-direction, if x < 0.2µm or x > 0.4µm, 4x = 0.01µm. In the region 0.2µm < x < 0.4µm, 4x = 0.005µm. Thus, the total number of cells in x direction is 120. In the w-direction, we use 60 uniform cells. In the µ-direction, we use 24 cells, 12 in the region µ < 0.7, 12 in µ > 0.7. Thus, the grid consists of 120 × 60 × 24 cells, compared to the WENO grid of 180 × 60 × 24 uniform cells. We should remark that there are more degrees of freedom per cell for DG than for WENO, hence a more adequate comparison is the CPU cost to obtain the same level of errors, see for example [30] in which such a comparison is made for some simple examples indicating the advantage of DG in certain situations. We plot the evolution of density, mean velocity, energy and momentum in Figure 3.1. Due to the conservation of mass, which the DG scheme satisfies for our boundary condition, one can see that when the momentum becomes constant, the solution is stable. The solution has already stabilized at t = 5.0ps from the momentum plots. The macroscopic quantities at steady state are plotted in Figure 3.2. The results are compared with the WENO calculation. They agree with each other in general, with DG offering more resolution and a higher peak in energy near the junctions. This is crucial to obtain a more agreeable kinetic energy with experiments and DSMC simulations. Figures 3.3 and 3.4 show comparisons for the pdf at transient and steady state. We plot at different positions of the device, namely, the left, center and right of the channel. We notice a larger value of pdf especially at the center of the channel, where the pdf is no longer Maxwellian. Moreover, at t = 0.5ps, x0 = 0.5µm, the pdf shows a double hump structure, which is not captured by the WENO solver. All of 15 these advantages come from the fact that we are refining more near µ = 1. To have a better idea of the shape of the pdf, we plot Φ(t = 5.0ps, x = 0.5µm) in the cartesian coordinates in Figure 3.9. The coordinate V 1 in the plot is the momentum parallel to the force field k1 , V 2 is the modulus of the orthogonal component. The peak is captured very sharply compared to WENO, see Figures 3 and 4 in [5]. 1E+07 density velocity 4E+17 2E+17 5 5 0 4 4 t 0 3 2 1 0 0.2 0.4 x 0.6 0.8 3 2 1 1 0.2 0 0.4 x 0.6 0.8 1 2E+23 energy 0.2 0 momentum t 0.1 5 -2E+23 4 5 t 3 2 1 0 0.2 0.4 x 0.6 0.8 4 1 t 1 3 0.8 0.6 2 0.4 x 1 0.2 0 Figure 3.1: Time evolution of macroscopic quantities using DG method for 400nm channel at Vbias = 1.0V . Top left: density in cm−3 ; top right: mean velocity in cm/s; bottom left: energy in eV ; bottom right: momentum in cm−2 s−1 . 16 4E+17 density velocity 8E+06 4E+06 2E+17 0.2 0.4 x 0.6 0 0.8 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.4 x 0.6 0.8 0.6 0.8 0.6 0.8 20 E energy 0.15 0.1 0 -20 -40 0.05 0.2 0.4 x 0.6 -60 0.8 x momentum 1 potential 0.8 0.6 1E+23 0.4 0.2 0 0.2 0.4 x 0.6 0.8 x Figure 3.2: Comparison of macroscopic quantities using DG (symbols) and WENO (solid line) for 400nm channel at t = 5.0ps, Vbias = 1.0V . Top left: density in cm−3 ; top right: mean velocity in cm/s; middle left: energy in eV ; middle right: electric field in kV /cm; bottom left: potential in V ; bottom right: momentum in cm−2 s−1 . Solution has reached steady state. 17 0.0003 0.0002 0.0002 Φ Φ 0.0003 0.0001 0.0001 0 1 0 1 -1 0 µ µ 0 0 20 10 30 -1 w 8E-07 10 0 10 0 10 20 30 20 30 20 30 w 8E-07 Φ Φ 4E-07 4E-07 0 1 0 1 -1 0 µ 0 µ 0 0 20 10 30 -1 w w 0.0005 0.0004 0.0004 Φ Φ 0.0003 0.0002 0.0002 0.0001 0 1 µ µ 0 1 0 -1 0 20 10 30 0 -1 w w Figure 3.3: Comparison of the snapshot for Φ(x0 , w, µ) using DG (left) and WENO (right) for 400nm channel at t = 0.5ps, Vbias = 1.0V . Top: x0 = 0.3µm; middle: x0 = 0.5µm; bottom: x0 = 0.7µm. Solution has not yet reached steady state. 18 0.0003 0.0003 0.0002 Φ Φ 0.0002 0.0001 0.0001 0 1 0 1 -1 0 µ µ 0 0 20 10 30 -1 w 8E-06 8E-06 6E-06 6E-06 Φ Φ 4E-06 4E-06 2E-06 2E-06 0 1 0 1 -1 0 20 10 30 -1 w 0.00025 0 10 0 10 20 30 20 30 20 30 w w 0.00025 0.0002 0.0002 Φ Φ 0.00015 0.00015 0.0001 0.0001 5E-05 5E-05 0 0 1 1 0 -1 µ µ 10 0 µ µ 0 0 0 20 10 30 0 -1 w w Figure 3.4: Comparison of the snapshot for Φ(x0 , w, µ) using DG (left) and WENO (right) for 400nm channel at t = 5.0ps, Vbias = 1.0V . Top: x0 = 0.3µm; middle: x0 = 0.5µm; bottom: x0 = 0.7µm. Solution has reached steady state. 19 The nonuniform mesh we use for 50nm channels is defined as follows. In the x-direction, near the junctions, in 0.09µm < x < 0.11µm and 0.14µm < x < 0.16µm , 4x = 0.001µm; in center of the channel 0.11µm < x < 0.14µm, 4x = 0.005µm; at everywhere else, 4x = 0.01µm. Thus, the total number of cells in x direction is 64. In the w-direction, we use 60 uniform cells. In the µ-direction, we use 20 cells, 10 in the region µ < 0.7, 10 in µ > 0.7. Thus, the grid consists of 64 × 60 × 20 cells, compared to the WENO calculation of 150 × 120 × 16 uniform cells. The evolution and steady state plots are listed in Figures 3.5 to 3.8. The conclusions are similar with 400nm, that we obtain better resolutions near the channel junctions and the peak for pdf is much higher. Figure 3.10 plots Φ(t = 5.0ps, x = 0.125µm) in the cartesian coordinates. The peak is twice the height of WENO and is very sharp. Figure 3.11 plots the pdf near x = 0.15µm, the drain junction. We obtain distributions far away from statistical equilibrium, that reflects the lack of suitability of the classical hydrodynamical models for the drain region of a small gated device under even moderate voltage bias. 3.3 Comparisons with DSMC simulations We compare the results from DG-BTE solver with those obtained from DSMC simulations (see Figures 3.12, 3.13). Both simulations show good agreement except for the kinetic energy near the boundaries. This mismatch is due to the modeling of the contact boundary conditions in DSMC simulations, which require the knowledge of the distribution function f (or the corresponding energy-band transform Φ) for entering particles. A classical way to solve this problem for DSMC simulations is done by the inclusion of a transport kinetic equation for the dynamic of the electron at the metal junctions. However, this is not realistic due to the complexity of this new kinetic equation, where the importance of electron-electron interaction requires a nonlinear collisional operator, similar to the classical one of the Boltzmann equation for a rarefied perfect gas. 20 Nevertheless, traditionally, boundary conditions associated with these DSMC models for charge electron transport have been implemented by the following two simplistic rules consisting on the assumption that the distribution function f , near the contact but outside the computational domain is, either proportional to a Maxwellian equilibrium distribution function for incoming velocities, or related to f evaluated near the contact and inside the computational domain. (For strong electric fields near the boundaries, these choices are not correct, as they may required a shift Maxwellian or a condition that generates momentum in the direction of the field. ) The first option is well accepted when a high doping concentration near the boundaries yields a very small electric field: so, the electron gas, in these zones, is almost in the thermal equilibrium and has a constant velocity approximately. That is, we could use the ansatz that the distribution function Φ, in the outer side of the boundary is taken to be proportional to a energy-band spherically transformed Maxwellian equilibrium distribution function centered at zero energy, whose average matches the doping profile function ND (x) at the boundary. However this approach will create boundary layers of the mean free path order and so the condition do not secure an absolute charge neutrality. Hence, we rather use the second option which imposes that f = fout , near the contact and outside the computational domain (k · ηxb < 0) where xb is a boundary point and ηxb the outer normal, is related to f = fin evaluated near the contact and inside the computational domain (k · ηxb > 0). This approach allow us to get an exact neutral charge at the source and drain contact boundaries, which imposes that the probability and doping density must coincide, as well as continuity in velocity space. Then the simple formula, Φout (t, xb , w, µ) = ND (xb ) Φin (t, xb , w, µ) ρ(t, xb ) (3.20) is assumed in our simulations, where Φout is the band-energy spherically coordinated transformed fout , in the corresponding transform domain. This very same boundary type condition (3.20) at the gate and drain contacts has been used in the deterministic simulations of Boltzmann Poison systems for semiconductor devices 21 by WENO schemes (see [6]) and are use here for the DG schemes to approximate the same boundary value problem. So the agreement of lower moments is very good, even though at the computational level, (3.20) is approximated in different ways depending on the numerical scheme. For example, in the case of DSMC simulations, particles must be created or destroyed. However in the case of finite difference WENO schemes, we introduced suitable ghost points [4, 6]; and in the case of DG schemes it is enough to give values of Φ at boundaries according to condition (3.20). Hence, we can not have a unique exact boundary conditions in the computational experiments, which makes it clear that these differences in the numerical boundary treatment have an influence for the solutions at the stationary regime, which explains the discrepancies of the numerical comparisons of moments near the boundaries. Nevertheless, we stress that, as the figures 3.5 and 3.6 show in all cases, there is a very good agreement of the comparisons inside the device. 3.4 Summary We have benchmarked the DG algorithm on two test cases: Si n+ − n − n+ diodes with 400 and 50nm channels. The DG scheme has the ability to quickly stabilize to the steady state and accurately resolve transient details. In particular, the pdf along the direction of the electric field is captured sharply due to the nonuniform mesh we use. For the more energetic device with 50nm channel, DG computes a much higher peak and a ”donut” shaped tail in the pdf near the drain junction, thus resulting in an accurate description of higher order moments in those regions. 22 velocity density 4E+18 1E+07 2E+18 3 3 t 2 t 2 1 0 0.05 0.1 x 0.15 0.2 0.25 1 0.05 0 0.1 x 0.15 0.2 0.25 1.2E+25 0.8 9E+24 momentum 0.4 energy 0.6 0.2 3 6E+24 3 2 t 1 0 0.05 0.1 x 0.15 0.2 0 0.25 0.25 2 t 0.2 0.15 1 0.1 x 0.05 0 Figure 3.5: Time evolution of macroscopic quantities using DG method for 50nm channel at Vbias = 1.0V . Top left: density in cm−3 ; top right: mean velocity in cm/s; bottom left: energy in eV ; bottom right: momentum in cm−2 s−1 . 23 velocity density 4E+18 1E+07 2E+18 0.1 x 0.15 0.2 0.4 0 0.3 -100 0.05 0.1 0.05 0.1 0.05 0.1 x 0.15 0.2 0.15 0.2 0.15 0.2 E energy 0.05 -200 0.2 -300 0.1 -400 0.05 0.1 x 0.15 0.2 x 1 8E+24 0.6 momentum potential 0.8 0.4 0.2 0 0.05 0.1 x 0.15 0.2 6E+24 x Figure 3.6: Comparison of macroscopic quantities using DG (symbols) and WENO (solid line) for 50nm channel at t = 3.0ps, Vbias = 1.0V . Top left: density in cm−3 ; top right: mean velocity in cm/s; middle left: energy in eV ; middle right: electric field in kV /cm; bottom left: potential in V ; bottom right: momentum in cm−2 s−1 . Solution has reached steady state. 24 0.005 0.005 0.004 0.004 Φ Φ 0.003 0.003 0.002 0.002 0.001 0.001 0 1 0 1 -1 0 0 µ µ 0 40 20 60 -1 0 w 0.001 40 60 40 60 w Φ Φ 0.0005 0 1 0 1 0 µ 0 -1 0 40 20 60 -1 0 w 0.0005 0.0005 0.0004 0.0004 20 w Φ Φ 0.0003 0.0003 0.0002 0.0002 0.0001 0.0001 0 1 0 1 0 -1 0 µ µ 60 0.001 0.0005 µ 40 20 40 20 60 0 -1 0 w 20 w Figure 3.7: Comparison of the snapshot for Φ(x0 , w, µ) using DG (left) and WENO (right) for 50nm channel at t = 0.5ps, Vbias = 1.0V . Top: x0 = 0.1µm ; middle: x0 = 0.125µm; bottom: x0 = 0.15µm. Solution has not yet reached steady state. 25 0.005 0.005 0.004 0.004 Φ Φ 0.003 0.003 0.002 0.002 0.001 0.001 0 1 0 1 -1 0 0 µ µ 0 40 20 60 -1 0 w 0.0015 0.0015 0.001 0.001 0.0005 0.0005 0 1 0 1 -1 0 40 20 60 -1 0 w 0.0006 0.0006 0.0004 0.0004 20 60 40 60 w Φ Φ 0.0002 0.0002 0 1 0 1 0 -1 0 µ µ 40 w 0 µ 0 µ 60 Φ Φ 40 20 40 20 60 0 -1 0 w 20 w Figure 3.8: Comparison of the snapshot for Φ(x0 , w, µ) using DG (left) and WENO (right) solution for 50nm channel at t = 3.0ps, Vbias = 1.0. Top: x0 = 0.1µm; middle: x0 = 0.125µm; bottom: x0 = 0.15µm. Solution has reached steady state. 26 1E-05 8E-06 pdf 6E-06 4E-06 2E-06 0 5 5 0 1 V V 20 -5 -5 Figure 3.9: PDF for 400nm channel at t = 5.0ps, x = 0.5µm. Center of the channel. pdf 0.0004 0.0002 0 10 10 5 5 V2 0 -5 -5 -10 0 1 V -10 Figure 3.10: PDF for 50nm channel at t = 3.0ps, x = 0.125µm. Center of the channel. 27 0.0001 0.00012 8E-05 6E-05 pdf pdf 8E-05 4E-05 4E-05 2E-05 0 0 10 10 10 5 5 5 V2 0 10 -5 5 V2 0 0 V1 -5 -10 0 -5 -5 -10 -10 V1 -10 0.009 0.0004 pdf pdf 0.006 0.0002 0.003 0 0 10 10 10 5 5 5 V2 0 0 -5 -5 -10 10 5 V2 0 V1 0 -5 -5 -10 -10 V1 -10 Figure 3.11: Non equilibrium PDF states near the drain junction for 50nm channel at t = 3.0ps. They exhibit the large deviation from classical statistical states even at places corresponding to highly doped region. This is a signature of hot electron transport. Top left: x = 0.149µm. Top right: x = 0.15µm. Bottom left: x = 0.152µm. Bottom right: x = 0.16µm. 28 4E+17 density velocity 8E+06 2E+17 4E+06 0 0.2 0.4 x 0.6 0 0.8 0 0.2 0.4 0 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.4 x 0.6 0.8 1 0.6 0.8 1 0.6 0.8 1 20 E energy 0.15 0.1 0 -20 -40 0.05 0.2 0.4 x 0.6 0.8 1 x momentum 0 potential 0.8 1E+23 0.4 0 0 0.2 0.4 x 0.6 0.8 1 x Figure 3.12: Comparison of macroscopic quantities using DG (dashed line) and DSMC (solid line) for 400nm channel at t = 5.0ps, Vbias = 1.0V . Top left: density in cm−3 ; top right: mean velocity in cm/s; middle left: energy in eV ; middle right: electric field in kV /cm; bottom left: potential in V ; bottom right: momentum in cm−2 s−1 . Solution has reached steady state. 29 5E+18 1.8E+07 density 4E+18 1.2E+07 velocity 3E+18 2E+18 6E+06 1E+18 0 0.05 0.1 x 0.15 0.2 0.25 0 0.05 0.1 0 0.05 0.1 0 0.05 0.1 x 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.15 0.2 0.25 100 0 E energy 0.4 0.3 -100 0.2 -200 -300 0.1 0 0.05 0.1 x 0.15 0.2 -400 0.25 x 9E+24 momentum 1 potential 0.8 0.6 7.5E+24 0.4 0.2 6E+24 0 0 0.05 0.1 x 0.15 0.2 0.25 x Figure 3.13: Comparison of macroscopic quantities using DG (dashed line) and DSMC (solid line) for 50nm channel at t = 3.0ps, Vbias = 1.0V . Top left: density in cm−3 ; top right: mean velocity in cm/s; middle left: energy in eV ; middle right: electric field in kV /cm; bottom left: potential in V ; bottom right: momentum in cm−2 s−1 . Solution has reached steady state. 30 4 DG-BTE solver for 2D double gate MOSFET simulation In this section, we turn to a 2D double gate MOSFET device. The algorithm is similar to those described in the previous section. For the benefit of the reader, we repeat some of the procedures in Section 3. We will use a simple rectangular grid and let i h i h i h i h i h Ωijkmn = xi− 1 , xi+ 1 × yj− 1 , yj+ 1 × wk− 1 , wk+ 1 × µm− 1 , µm+ 1 × ϕn− 1 , ϕn+ 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 where i = 1, . . . Nx , j = 1, . . . Ny , k = 1, . . . Nw , m = 1, . . . Nµ , n = 1, . . . Nϕ , and ∆xi , 2 xi± 1 = xi ± 2 yj± 1 = yj ± 2 µm± 1 = µm ± 2 ∆µm , 2 ∆yj , 2 wk± 1 = wk ± 2 ϕn± 1 = ϕn ± 2 ∆wk 2 ∆ϕn . 2 The approximation space is defined as Vh` = {v : v|Ωijkmn ∈ P ` (Ωijkmn )}. (4.21) Here, P ` (Ωijkmn ) is the set of all polynomials of degree at most ` on Ωijkmn . The DG formulation for the Boltzmann equation (2.9) would be: to find Φh ∈ Vh` , such that Z Z Z (Φh )t vh dΩ − g2 Φh (vh )y dΩ Z Z Z g3 Φh (vh )w dΩ − g4 Φh (vh )µ dΩ − g5 Φh (vh )ϕ dΩ − (4.22) Ωijkmn Ωijkmn Ωijkmn Z + − + − + − + − + − C(Φh ) vh dΩ. + Fx − Fx + Fy − Fy + Fw − Fw + Fµ − Fµ + Fϕ − Fϕ = Ωijkmn g1 Φh (vh )x dΩ − Ωijkmn Ωijkmn Ωijkmn for any test function vh ∈ Vh` . In (4.22), Z Fx± yj+ 1 Z 2 = yj− 1 Z = 2 Z 2 2 Z 2 2 2 g1 Φ̌ vh∓ (xi± 1 , y, w, µ, ϕ)dy dw dµ dϕ, 2 ϕn− 1 µm+ 1 µm− 1 ϕn+ 1 2 2 wk+ 1 wk− 1 Z µm− 1 2 2 µm+ 1 2 wk− 1 xi+ 1 xi− 1 Z 2 2 Fy± wk+ 1 Z ϕn+ 1 2 ϕn− 1 g2 Φ̄ vh∓ (x, yj± 1 , w, µ, ϕ)dx dw dµ dϕ, 2 2 31 Z Fw± xi+ 1 Z 2 = xi− 1 Z xi− 1 Z = yj+ 1 2 xi− 1 2 wk+ 1 Z 2 yj− 1 2 2 Z ϕn+ 1 2 2 Z ∓ gg 4 Φ vh (x, y, w, µm± 1 , ϕ)dx dy dw dϕ, 2 ϕn− 1 2 yj+ 1 ∓ gd 3 Φ vh (x, y, wk± 1 , µ, ϕ)dx dy dµ dϕ, 2 ϕn− 1 wk− 1 2 xi+ 1 Z 2 ϕn+ 1 2 2 yj− 1 2 Fϕ± Z Z µm− 1 2 2 µm+ 1 2 yj− 1 xi+ 1 = Z 2 2 Fµ± yj+ 1 2 wk+ 1 Z 2 wk− 1 2 µm+ 1 2 µm− 1 g5 Φ̇ vh∓ (x, y, w, µ, ϕn± 1 )dx dy dw dµ, 2 2 g where the upwind numerical fluxes Φ̌, Φ̄, gd 3 Φ, g4 Φ, Φ̇ are defined in the following way, • The sign of g1 only depends on µ, if µm > 0, then Φ̌ = Φ− ; otherwise, Φ̌ = Φ+ . • The sign of g2 only depends on cos ϕ, if cos ϕn > 0, then Φ̄ = Φ− ; otherwise, Φ̄ = Φ+ . Note that in our simulation, Nϕ is always even. • For gd 3 Φ, we let p i p w(1 + αK w) h 2 cos ϕ E (t, x, y)Φ̃ , gd Φ = −2c µ E (t, x, y) Φ̂ + 1 − µ 3 k x y 1 + 2αK w If µm Ex (t, xi , yj ) < 0, then Φ̂ = Φ− ; otherwise, Φ̂ = Φ+ . If (cos ϕn )Ey (t, xi , yj ) < 0, then Φ̃ = Φ− ; otherwise, Φ̃ = Φ+ . • For gg 4 Φ, we let gg 4 Φ = −ck p p 1 − µ2 w(1 + αK w) hp i 1 − µ2 Ex (t, x, y)Φ̂ − µ cos ϕ Ey (t, x, y)Φ̃ , If Ex (t, xi , yj ) < 0, then Φ̂ = Φ− ; otherwise, Φ̂ = Φ+ . If µm cos(ϕn )Ey (t, xi , yj ) > 0, then Φ̃ = Φ− ; otherwise, Φ̃ = Φ+ . • The sign of g5 only depends on Ey (t, x, y), if Ey (t, xi , yj ) > 0, then Φ̇ = Φ− ; otherwise, Φ̇ = Φ+ . 32 The schematic plot of the double gate MOSFET device is given in Figure 4.14. The shadowed region denotes the oxide-silicon region, whereas the rest is the silicon region. Since the problem is symmetric about the x-axis, we will only need to compute for y > 0. At the source and drain contacts, we implement the same boundary condition as proposed in [6] to realize neutral charges. A buffer layer of ghost points of i = 0 and i = Nx + 1 is used to make Φ(i = 0) = Φ(i = 1) ND (i = 1) , ρ(i = 1) and Φ(i = Nx + 1) = Φ(i = Nx ) ND (i = Nx ) . ρ(i = Nx ) At the top and bottom of the computational domain (the silicon region), we impose the classical elastic specular boundary reflection. In the (w, µ, ϕ)-space, no boundary condition is necessary because of similar reason as in the 1D case, • at w = 0, g3 = 0. At w = wmax , Φ is machine zero; • at µ = ±1, g4 = 0; • at ϕ = 0, π, g5 = 0, so at those boundaries, the numerical flux always vanishes, hence no ghost point is necessary. For the boundary condition of the Poisson equation, Ψ = 0.52354 at source, Ψ = 1.5235 at drain and Ψ = 1.06 at gate. For the rest of boundaries, we impose homogeneous Neumann boundary condition, i.e., ∂Ψ ∂n = 0. The relative dielectric constant in the oxide-silicon region is ²r = 3.9, in the silicon region is ²r = 11.7. The Poisson equation (2.11) is solved by the LDG method. It involves rewriting the equation into the following form, ∂Ψ ∂Ψ q= , s= ∂x ∂y ∂ ∂ (²r q) + (²r s) = R(t, x, y) ∂x ∂y 33 (4.23) y 50nm 50nm 1nm top gate drain source 12nm 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 x 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 bottom gate 150nm Figure 4.14: Schematic representation of a 2D double gate MOSFET device where R(t, x, y) = cp [ρ(t, x, y) − ND (x, y)] is a known function that can be computed at each time step once Φ is solved from (4.22), and the coefficient ²r depends on x, y. The Poisson i h i h system is only on the (x, y) domain. Hence, we use the grid Iij = xi− 1 , xi+ 1 × yj− 1 , yj+ 1 , 2 2 2 2 with i = 1, . . . , Nx , j = 1, . . . , Ny + My , where j = Ny + 1, . . . , Ny + My denotes the oxidesilicon region, and the grid in j = 1, . . . , Ny is consistent with the five-dimensional rectangular grid for the Boltzmann equation in the silicon region. The approximation space is defined as Wh` = {v : v|Iij ∈ P ` (Iij )}. (4.24) Here P ` (Iij ) denotes the set of all polynomials of degree at most ` on Iij . The LDG scheme 34 for (4.23) is: to find qh , sh , Ψh ∈ Vh` , such that Z Z Z y 1 Z j+ 2 − qh vh dxdy + Ψh (vh )x dxdy − Ψ̂h vh (xi+ 1 , y)dy + Ii,j Ii,j Z yj− 1 Z sh wh dxdy + Ii,j Z Ψh (wh )y dxdy − Ii,j Z − yj+ 1 2 Z Z ²r sh (ph )y dxdy + Z = Z Ψ̃h wh− (x, yj+ 1 )dx 2 Z 2 − ²c r q h ph (xi+ 1 , y)dy − xi+ 1 2 − ²f r sh ph (x, yj+ 1 )dx 2 2 − + yj+ 1 2 Ψ̂h vh+ (xi− 1 , y)dy = 0, 2 2 xi+ 1 2 xi− 1 Ψ̃h wh+ (x, yj− 1 )dx = 0, 2 2 + ²c r q h ph (xi− 1 , y)dy 2 yj− 1 Z 2 xi− 1 Ii,j 2 2 yj− 1 Ii,j xi+ 1 2 yj− 1 2 xi− 1 Z ²r qh (ph )x dxdy + − 2 yj+ 1 2 xi+ 1 2 xi− 1 + ²f r sh ph (x, yj− 1 )dx 2 2 R(t, x, y)ph dxdy (4.25) Ii,j hold true for any vh , wh , ph ∈ Wh` . In the above formulation, we choose the flux as follows, + − in the x-direction, we use Ψ̂h = Ψ− r q h = ²r qh − [Ψh ]. In the y-direction, we use Ψ̃h = Ψh , h , ²c + ²f r sh = ²r sh − [Ψh ]. On some part of the domain boundary, the above flux needs to be changed to accommodate various boundary conditions [12]. Near the drain, we are given Dirichlet boundary condition, so we need to flip the flux in x−direction: let Ψ̂h (xi+ 1 , y) = 2 Ψ+ h (xi+ 12 , y) and ²c r q h (xi+ 1 , y) = 2 ²r qh− (xi+ 1 , y) 2 − [Ψh ](xi+ 1 , y), if the point (xi+ 1 , y) is at the 2 2 drain. For the gate, we need to flip the flux in y−direction: let Ψ̃h (x, yj+ 1 ) = Ψ+ h (x, yj+ 1 ) 2 and ²f r sh (x, yj+ 1 ) = 2 ² r s− h (x, yj+ 21 ) 2 − [Ψh ](x, yj+ 1 ), if the point (x, yj+ 1 ) is at the gate. For 2 2 the bottom, we need to use the Neumann condition, and flip the flux in y-direction, i.e., − Ψ̃h = Ψ+ r sh = ²r sh . This scheme described above will enforce the continuity of Ψ and h , ²f ²r ∂Ψ across the interface of silicon and oxide-silicon interface. The solution of (4.25) gives us ∂n approximations to both the potential Ψh and the electric field (Ex )h = −cv qh , (Ey )h = −cv sh . To summarize, start with an initial condition for Φh (Section A.5), the DG-LDG algorithm for the 2D double gate MOSFET advances from tn to tn+1 in the following steps similar to the 1D diodes simulation: Step 1 Compute ρh (t, x, y) = R +∞ R 1 Rπ dw dµ dϕ Φh (t, x, y, w, µ, ϕ) as described in Section 0 −1 0 A.6. Step 2 Use ρh (t, x, y) to solve from (4.25) the electric field (Ex )h and (Ey )h , and compute 35 gi , i = 1, . . . , 5. Step 3 Solve (4.22) and get a method of line ODE for Φh , see Sections A.2, A.3 and A.4. Step 4 Evolve this ODE by proper time stepping from tn to tn+1 , if partial time step is necessary, then repeat Step 1 to 3 as needed. Finally, the hydrodynamic moments can be computed at any time step by the method in Section A.6. All numerical results are obtained with a piecewise linear approximation space and first order Euler time stepping. The dissipative nature of the the collision term makes the Euler forward time stepping stable. We use a 24 × 14 grid in space, 120 points in w, 8 points in µ and 6 points in ϕ. In Figures 4.15 and 4.16, we show the results of the macroscopic quantities. We also show the pdf at six different locations in the device in Figure 4.17. These pdf ’s have been computed by averaging the values of Φh over ϕ. In Figure 4.18, we present the cartesian plot for pdf at (x, y) = (0.125µm, 0.012µm), where a very non-equilibrium pdf is observed. 36 1.2e+25 1e+25 8e+24 6e+24 4e+24 2e+24 0 0.00 0.03 0.06 0.09 x 0.12 0.15 1.8e+07 1.6e+07 1.4e+07 1.2e+07 1e+07 8e+06 6e+06 4e+06 2e+06 0 0.00 0.03 0.06 0.09 x 0.12 0.15 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.00 0.03 0.06 0.09 x 0.12 0.15 0.012 0.009 0.006 y 0.003 1.5e+06 1e+06 500000 0 -500000 0.012 -1e+06 0.009 0.006 0.00 0.03 y 0.003 0.06 0.09 x 0.12 0.15 0.012 0.009 0.006 y 0.003 0.012 0.009 0.006 y 0.003 Figure 4.15: Macroscopic quantities of double gate MOSFET device at t = 0.5ps. Top left: density in cm−3 ; top right: energy in eV ; bottom left: x-component of velocity in cm/s; bottom right: y-component of velocity in cm/s. Solution reached steady state. 37 0 0 -200 -400 -600 -800 -50 -100 -150 0.00 0.03 0.06 0.09 x 0.12 0.15 0.012 0.009 0.006 y 0.003 0.00 0.03 0.06 0.09 x 0.12 0.15 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0.00 0.03 0.06 0.09 x 0.12 0.15 0.012 0.009 0.006 y 0.003 0.012 0.009 0.006 y 0.003 Figure 4.16: Macroscopic quantities of double gate MOSFET device at t = 0.5ps. Top left: x-component of electric field in kV /cm; top right: y-component of electric field in kV /cm; bottom: electric potential in V . Solution has reached steady state. 38 0.0016 0.002 0.0014 0.0012 0.0015 0.001 0.0008 0.001 0.0006 0.0004 0.0005 0.0002 0 0 0 0 0.5 20 w 60 0.5 20 0 µ 40 0 µ 40 w -0.5 60 -0.5 0.002 0.001 0.0015 0.0008 0.0006 0.001 0.0004 0.0005 0.0002 0 0 0 0 0.5 20 40 w 60 0.5 20 0 µ 0 µ 40 w -0.5 60 -0.5 0.001 0.0015 0.0008 0.001 0.0006 0.0004 0.0005 0.0002 0 0 0 0 0.5 20 40 w 60 0.5 20 0 µ 0 µ 40 w -0.5 60 -0.5 Figure 4.17: PDF of double gate MOSFET device at t = 0.5ps. Top left: at (0.025µm, 0.012µm); top right: at (0.075µm, 0.012µm); middle left: at (0.125µm, 0.012µm) ; middle right: at (0.1375µm, 0.006µm); bottom left: at (0.09375µm, 0.010µm) ; bottom right: at (0.09375µm, 0µm.) . Solution reached steady state. 39 0.0003 pdf 0.0002 0.0001 0 10 10 5 5 V2 0 0 -5 V1 -5 -10 -10 Figure 4.18: PDF for 2D double gate MOSFET at t = 0.5ps, (x, y) = (0.9375µm, 0.10µm). 40 5 Conclusions and final remarks We have developed a DG scheme for BTEs of type (1.1), which takes into account opticalphonon interactions that become dominant under strong energetic conditions. We used the coordinate transformation proposed in [27, 4] and changed the collision into an integraldifference operator by using energy band as one of the variables. The Poisson equation is treated by LDG on a mesh that is consistent with the mesh of the DG-BTE scheme. The results are compared to those obtained from a high order WENO scheme simulation. By a local refinement in mesh, we were able to capture the subtle kinetic effects including very non-equilibrium distributions without a great increase of memory allocation and CPU time. 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In every cell Ωijkmn , we use piecewise linear polynomials and assume 2(x − xi ) 2(y − yj ) + Yijkmn (t) ∆xi ∆yj 2(w − wk ) 2(µ − µm ) 2(ϕ − ϕn ) + Mijkmn (t) + Pijkmn (t) . + Wijkmn (t) ∆wk ∆µm ∆ϕn Φh (t, x, y, w, µ, ϕ) = Tijkmn (t) + Xijkmn (t) (A.1) It will be useful to note that Nw · X 2(x − xi ) 2(y − yj ) Φh (t, x, y, w, µ, ϕ) = Tijkmn (t) + Xijkmn (t) + Yijkmn (t) ∆xi ∆yj k=1 ¸ 2(µ − µm ) 2(ϕ − ϕn ) 2(w − wk ) χk (w) , + Mijkmn (t) + Pijkmn (t) + Wijkmn (t) ∆wk ∆µm ∆ϕn Nw [ Ωijkmn . Here, χk (w) is the characteristic function in the interval for every (x, y, w, µ, ϕ) ∈ k=1 h i wk− 1 , wk+ 1 . 2 A.2 2 Treatment of the collision operator The gain term of the collisional operator is ½ Z π Z 1 G(Φh )(t, x, y, w) = s(w) c0 dϕ0 dµ0 Φh (t, x, y, w, µ0 , ϕ0 ) 0 −1 ¾ Z π Z 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 dµ [c+ Φh (t, x, y, w + γ, µ , ϕ ) + c− Φh (t, x, y, w − γ, µ , ϕ )] . (A.2) + dϕ 0 −1 Now, we define Z (vh )mn (x, y, w) := ϕn+ 1 2 Z dϕ ϕn− 1 µm+ 1 2 µm− 1 2 2 46 dµ vh (x, y, w, µ, ϕ) , and, for σ = −γ, 0, γ, we have · ¸ Z Z π Z 1 0 0 0 0 vh (x, y, w, µ, ϕ) s(w) dϕ dµ Φ(t, x, y, w + σ, µ , ϕ ) dx dy dw dµ dϕ Ωijkmn Z 0 Z π = dϕ 0 0 dµ −1 0 = Z 1 xi+ 1 2 yj+ 1 2 dx xi− 1 Z wk+ 1 2 dy yj− 1 2 Nµ Nϕ Z X X m0 =1 n0 =1 Z −1 dw s(w) Φ(t, x, y, w + σ, µ0 , ϕ0 ) (vh )mn (x, y, w) wk− 1 2 2 s(w) Φh (t, x, y, w + σ, µ0 , ϕ0 ) (vh )mn (x, y, w) dx dy dw dµ0 dϕ0 . Ωijkm0 n0 Now we discuss the following integral for different test function vh , · ¸ Z Z π Z 1 0 0 0 0 I= vh (x, y, w, µ, ϕ) s(w) dϕ dµ Φh (t, x, y, w + σ, µ , ϕ ) dx dy dw dµ dϕ . Ωijkmn 0 −1 • For vh (x, y, w, µ, ϕ) = 1, I= Nµ N ϕ Nw X XX ∆µ m0 Z ∆ϕ Tijk0 m0 n0 (t) + Wijk0 m0 n0 (t) 2 wk− 1 m0 =1 n0 =1 k0 =1 Z wk+ 1 n0 2 wk+ 1 2 s(w) wk− 1 s(w) χk0 (w + σ) dw 2(w + σ − wk0 ) χk0 (w + σ) dw ∆xi ∆yj ∆µm ∆ϕn . ∆wk0 2 • For vh (x, y, w, µ, ϕ) = 2(x−xi ) , ∆xi Nµ Nϕ Nw X XX 1 I = ∆xi ∆yj ∆µm ∆ϕn ∆µm0 ∆ϕn0 Xijk0 m0 n0 (t) 3 0 0 0 m =1 n =1 k =1 Z w 1 k+ 2 s(w) χk0 (w + σ) dw . × wk− 1 2 • For vh (x, y, w, µ, ϕ) = 2(y−yj ) , ∆yj Nµ Nϕ Nw X XX 1 ∆µm0 ∆ϕn0 Yijk0 m0 n0 (t) I = ∆xi ∆yj ∆µm ∆ϕn 3 m0 =1 n0 =1 k0 =1 Z w 1 k+ 2 × s(w) χk0 (w + σ) dw . wk− 1 2 47 • For vh (x, y, w, µ, ϕ) = I= Nµ Nϕ Nw X XX 2(w−wk ) , ∆wk Z ∆µm0 ∆ϕn0 Tijk0 m0 n0 (t) + Wijk0 m0 n0 (t) 2 s(w) wk− 1 m0 =1 n0 =1 k0 =1 Z wk+ 1 2 wk+ 1 2 s(w) wk− 1 2(w − wk ) χk0 (w + σ) dw ∆wk 4(w + σ − wk0 )(w − wk ) χk0 (w + σ) dw ∆xi ∆yj ∆µm ∆ϕn . ∆wk0 ∆wk 2 • For vh (x, y, w, µ, ϕ) = 2(µ−µm ) , ∆µm I = 0. • For vh (x, y, w, µ, ϕ) = 2(ϕ−ϕn ) , ∆ϕn I = 0. The lost term in the collision operator is 2π[c0 s(w) + c+ s(w − γ) + c− s(w + γ)]Φ(t, x, y, w, µ, ϕ) . (A.3) Let ν(w) = 2π[c0 s(w) + c+ s(w − γ) + c− s(w + γ)] , then we need to evaluate numerically, Z 0 ν(w) Φh (t, x, y, w, µ, ϕ) vh (x, y, w, µ, ϕ) dx dy dw dµ dϕ . I = Ωijkmn • For vh (x, y, w, µ, ϕ) = 1, I 0 = ∆xi ∆yj ∆µm ∆ϕn Z Z w 1 k+ 2 × Tijkmn (t) ν(w) dw + Wijkmn (t) wk− 1 2 ν(w) wk− 1 2 • For vh (x, y, w, µ, ϕ) = wk+ 1 2(w − wk ) dw . ∆wk 2 2(x−xi ) , ∆xi 1 I = ∆xi ∆yj ∆µm ∆ϕn Xijkmn (t) 3 0 Z wk+ 1 2 wk− 1 2 48 ν(w) dw . • For vh (x, y, w, µ, ϕ) = 2(y−yj ) , ∆yj 1 I = ∆xi ∆yj ∆µm ∆ϕn Yijkmn (t) 3 Z wk+ 1 2 0 ν(w) dw . wk− 1 2 • For vh (x, y, w, µ, ϕ) = 2(w−wk ) , ∆wk Z I = ∆xi ∆yj ∆µm ∆ϕn Tijkmn (t) 0 wk+ 1 2 ν(w) wk− 1 2 Z + Wijkmn (t) wk+ 1 2 2 ν(w) wk− 1 2 • For vh (x, y, w, µ, ϕ) = 2(w − wk ) dw ∆wk 4(w − wk ) dw . (∆wk )2 2(µ−µm ) , ∆µm 1 I = ∆xi ∆yj ∆µm ∆ϕn Mijkmn (t) 3 Z wk+ 1 2 0 ν(w) dw . wk− 1 2 • For vh (x, y, w, µ, ϕ) = 2(ϕ−ϕn ) , ∆ϕn 1 I = ∆xi ∆yj ∆µm ∆ϕn Pijkmn (t) 3 0 Z wk+ 1 2 wk− 1 2 49 ν(w) dw . A.3 Integrals related to the collisional operator We need to evaluate (some numerically) the following integrals Z wk+ 1 2 s(w) χk0 (w + σ) dw wk− 1 Z 2 wk+ 1 2 s(w) 2(w + σ − wk0 ) χk0 (w + σ) dw ∆wk0 s(w) 2(w − wk ) χk0 (w + σ) dw ∆wk s(w) 4(w + σ − wk0 )(w − wk ) χk0 (w + σ) dw ∆wk0 ∆wk wk− 1 Z 2 wk+ 1 2 wk− 1 Z 2 wk+ 1 2 wk− 1 Z 2 wk+ 1 2 ν(w) dw wk− 1 Z 2 wk+ 1 2(w − wk ) dw ∆wk · ¸2 2(w − wk ) ν(w) dw . ∆wk 2 ν(w) wk− 1 Z 2 wk+ 1 2 wk− 1 2 If we evaluate these integrals by means of numerical quadrature formulas, then it is appropriate to eliminate the singularity of the function s(w) at w = 0 by change of variables. Z b s(w) dw = w(1 + αK w)(1 + 2αK w) dw a a Z = Z Z bp b p Z s(ŵ) dŵ a−γ Z √b−γ = (w = r2 + γ) s(w̄) dw̄ a+γ Z √b+γ = 1 + αK r2 (1 + 2αK r2 ) 2 r2 dr , a−γ b+γ s(w + γ) dw = a p √ Z b (w = r2 ) a b−γ s(w − γ) dw = a 1 + αK r2 (1 + 2αK r2 ) 2 r2 dr , √ Z b √ √ p 1 + αK r2 (1 + 2αK r2 ) 2 r2 dr . a+γ 50 (w = r2 − γ) A.4 Integrals related to the free streaming operator We recall that g2 (·) = g3 (·) = g4 (·) = g5 (·) = p w(1 + αK w) , 1 + 2αK w p p 1 − µ2 w(1 + αK w) cos ϕ , cx 1 + 2αK w p i p w(1 + αK w) h − 2ck µ Ex (t, x, y) + 1 − µ2 cos ϕ Ey (t, x, y) , 1 + 2αK w p hp i 1 − µ2 2 − ck p 1 − µ Ex (t, x, y) − µ cos ϕ Ey (t, x, y) , w(1 + αK w) sin ϕ p Ey (t, x, y) . ck p w(1 + αK w) 1 − µ2 g1 (·) = cx µ Now, we define: p s1 (w) = w(1 + αK w) , 1 + 2αK w w(1 + αK w) We need to evaluate the integrals. Z b Z bp w(1 + αK w) dw = 1 + 2αK w s1 (w) dw = a Z a Z b a Z b a 1 p s2 (w) dw = a b = Z b s2 (w) a dw = w(1 + αK w) 2(w − wk ) s1 (w) dw = ∆wk 2(w − wk ) dw = ∆wk Z = b a Z √ b a b √ √ √ b √ Z a √ √ √ 1 + αK r2 2 2 r dr , 1 + 2αK r2 b √ a 2 dr , 1 + αK r2 w(1 + αK w) 2(w − wk ) dw 1 + 2αK w ∆wk √ 1 + αK r2 2(r2 − wk ) 2 2 r dr , 1 + 2αK r2 ∆wk p a Z . p √ Z Z 1 s2 (w) = p 2(w − wk ) dw ∆wk w(1 + αK w) b √ a 51 1 2 2(r2 − wk ) dr ∆wk 1 + αK r2 Z b a · 2(w − wk ) s1 (w) ∆wk ¸2 dw = = Z b a · 2(w − wk ) s2 (w) ∆wk ¸2 dw = = A.5 p · ¸ w(1 + αK w) 2(w − wk ) 2 dw 1 + 2αK w ∆wk a · ¸2 Z √b √ 1 + αK r2 2(r2 − wk ) 2 r2 dr , 2 √ ∆wk a 1 + 2αK r · ¸2 Z b 1 2(w − wk ) p dw ∆wk w(1 + αK w) a ¸2 · 2 Z √b 2 2(r − wk ) √ dr . √ ∆wk 1 + αK r2 a Z b Initial condition Since measure(Ωijkmn ) = ∆xi ∆yj ∆wk ∆µm ∆ϕn , we have Z Φh (0, x, y, w, µ, ϕ) dx dy dw dµ dϕ = measure(Ωijkmn ) Tijkmn (0) , Ωijkmn Z Φh (0, x, y, w, µ, ϕ) 2(x − xi ) 1 dx dy dw dµ dϕ = measure(Ωijkmn ) Xijkmn (0) , ∆xi 3 Φh (0, x, y, w, µ, ϕ) 2(y − yj ) 1 dx dy dw dµ dϕ = measure(Ωijkmn ) Yijkmn (0) , ∆yj 3 Φh (0, x, y, w, µ, ϕ) 2(w − wk ) 1 dx dy dw dµ dϕ = measure(Ωijkmn ) Wijkmn (0) , ∆wk 3 Φh (0, x, y, w, µ, ϕ) 2(µ − µm ) 1 dx dy dw dµ dϕ = measure(Ωijkmn ) Mijkmn (0) , ∆µm 3 Φh (0, x, y, w, µ, ϕ) 2(ϕ − ϕn ) 1 dx dy dw dµ dϕ = measure(Ωijkmn ) Pijkmn (0) . ∆ϕn 3 Ωijkmn Z Ωijkmn Z Ωijkmn Z Ωijkmn Z Ωijkmn If, for each (x, y) and (µ, ϕ), ( Φh (0, x, y, w, µ, ϕ) = and F (x, y) = Fij (constant) F (x, y) s(w) e−w for w < wNw + 1 2 0 otherwise h i h i ∀(x, y) ∈ xi− 1 , xi+ 1 × yj− 1 , yj+ 1 , 2 52 2 2 2 then it is reasonable to assume Fij Tijkmn (0) = ∆wk Z wk+ 1 2 s(w) e−w dw , (A.4) wk− 1 2 Xijkmn (0) = Yijkmn (0) = 0 , Fij Wijkmn (0) = 3 ∆wk Z wk+ 1 2 (A.5) s(w) e−w wk− 1 2(w − wk ) dw , ∆wk (A.6) 2 Mijkmn (0) = Pijkmn (0) = 0 . (A.7) Recalling the definition (2.10) of the dimensionless charge density, we have ρ(0, x, y) = 2 π F (x, y) Nw Z X k=1 wk+ 1 2 s(w) e−w dw , wk− 1 2 which gives a relationship between F (x, y) and the initial charge density ρ. A.6 Hydrodynamical variables h i h i If (x, y) ∈ xi− 1 , xi+ 1 × yj− 1 , yj+ 1 , then 2 2 2 2 Nµ N ϕ · Nw X X X 2(x − xi ) ρh (t, x, y) = Tijkmn (t) + Xijkmn (t) ∆xi k=1 m=1 n=1 ¸ 2(y − yj ) + Yijkmn (t) ∆wk ∆µm ∆ϕn . ∆yj (A.8) We define T̂ij (t) = Nµ N ϕ Nw X X X Tijkmn (t) ∆wk ∆µm ∆ϕn k=1 m=1 n=1 Nw Nµ N ϕ X̂ij (t) = XXX Xijkmn (t) ∆wk ∆µm ∆ϕn k=1 m=1 n=1 Nw Nµ N ϕ Ŷij (t) = XXX Yijkmn (t) ∆wk ∆µm ∆ϕn . k=1 m=1 n=1 i h i Therefore, for every (x, y) ∈ xi− 1 , xi+ 1 × yj− 1 , yj+ 1 , h 2 2 ρh (t, x, y) = T̂ij (t) + X̂ij (t) 2 2 2(x − xi ) 2(y − yj ) + Ŷij (t) . ∆xi ∆yj 53 (A.9) h i h i For every (x, y) ∈ xi− 1 , xi+ 1 × yj− 1 , yj+ 1 , the approximate momentum in x-direction is 2 2 N µ Nϕ Nw X X X 2 2 ∆ϕn [g1,km Tijkmn (t) + g1w,km Wijkmn (t) + g1µ,km Mijkmn (t)] k=1 m=1 n=1 " N Nµ w + Nϕ XXX # ∆ϕn g1,km Xijkmn (t) k=1 m=1 n=1 + " N N µ Nϕ w X X X # ∆ϕn g1,km Yijkmn (t) k=1 m=1 n=1 2(x − xi ) ∆xi 2(y − yj ) , ∆yj (A.10) and the approximate momentum in y-direction is N µ Nϕ Nw X X X [g2,kmn Tijkmn (t) + g2w,kmn Wijkmn (t) + g2µ,kmn Mijkmn (t) + g2ϕ,kmn Pijkmn (t)] k=1 m=1 n=1 " N Nµ w + Nϕ XXX # k=1 m=1 n=1 + " N N µ Nϕ w X X X 2(x − xi ) ∆xi g2,kmn Xijkmn (t) # g2,kmn Yijkmn (t) k=1 m=1 n=1 2(y − yj ) , ∆yj (A.11) where Z wk+ 1 Z µm+ 1 2 g1,km = 2 wk− 1 Z Z 2 wk+ 1 2 µm+ 1 2 g1w,km = wk− 1 Z 2 wk+ 1 wk− 1 Z wk+ 1 2 Z 2 wk+ 1 2 wk+ 1 Z wk− 1 Z 2 2 2 2 µm+ 1 µm− 1 Z 2 µm+ 1 Z 2 2 g2 (w, µ, ϕ) 2(w − wk ) dw dµ dϕ ∆wk g2 (w, µ, ϕ) 2(µ − µm ) dw dµ dϕ ∆µm g2 (w, µ, ϕ) 2(ϕ − ϕn ) dw dµ dϕ . ∆ϕn ϕn− 1 Z 2 ϕn+ 1 2 ϕn− 1 2 µm+ 1 µm− 1 2 ϕn+ 1 2 2 Z g2 (w, µ, ϕ) dw dµ dϕ ϕn− 1 µm− 1 2 wk+ 1 wk− 1 ϕn+ 1 2 2 g2µ,kmn = Z µm− 1 wk− 1 Z g2ϕ,kmn = 2 µm+ 1 2 g2w,kmn = 2(µ − µm ) dw dµ ∆µm 2 wk− 1 Z g1 (w, µ) 2 µm+ 1 2 g2,kmn = 2(w − wk ) dw dµ ∆wk µm− 1 Z µm− 1 2 g1 (w, µ) 2 2 g1µ,km = g1 (w, µ) dw dµ µm− 1 Z 2 ϕn+ 1 2 ϕn− 1 2 54 Analogously, the energy multiplied by the charge density ρh (t, x, y) is · ¸ (∆wk )2 Wijkmn (t) ∆ϕn ∆µm wk ∆wk Tijkmn (t) + 6 k=1 m=1 n=1 # " N N µ Nϕ w X X X 2(x − xi ) + ∆ϕn ∆µm wk ∆wk Xijkmn (t) ∆xi k=1 m=1 n=1 # " N N µ Nϕ w X X X 2(y − yj ) ∆ϕn ∆µm wk ∆wk Yijkmn (t) + , ∆y j k=1 m=1 n=1 Nµ Nϕ Nw X X X h i h i for every (x, y) ∈ xi− 1 , xi+ 1 × yj− 1 , yj+ 1 . 2 2 2 2 55 (A.12)