MK314 Media & Marketing Communications MK314 Media & Marketing Communications Objective Lecturer Times Overall Learning Outcomes Format Programmes Course Material Core Text Organisations seek innovative ways of communicating effectively and efficiently with their target audience or public. Marketing communicators are challenged to use communication methods that break through the clutter, reach audiences with interesting and persuasive messages, enhance brand equity, drive sales and achieve strategic objectives. This course provides a contemporary view of the role and importance of marketing communications by examining the various tools within marketing communications such as, advertising, public relations, sponsorship, and online media. Name Office Ext E-mail Dr. Ann M. Torres Room 303 Cairnes Building 2710 (091) 492710 Day Time Venue Tuesday 4 to 6 p.m. AC215 Lectures: Upon completion of this course you will be able to: Examine critically methods and opportunities companies may use to promote themselves and their product. Understand how marketing communications facilitates in creating new markets and in selling existing products or services. Demonstrate the application of marketing communication concepts through individual and group exercises. Formulate a marketing communications plan for a particular firm or organisation. Classes combine lectures with interactive discussion and written work. Students are expected to read and prepare the required material before class to facilitate this discussion. 3rd and 4th Year Bachelor of Commerce; MA in Literature and Publishing A course web site is available at N.B. This course outline is available on blackboard in pdf format. Should you have a visual disability and require the document in another format, please contact me and I will oblige. Shimp, T. (2009) Integrated Marketing Communications in Advertising and Promotion, International Edition, 8th International Edition, UK: South Western/Cengage Learning. ISBN-13: 978-0-324-66531-4 The required textbook is available in the University Bookshop and from the library’s reserve desk. Previous editions may also be acceptable, however, ensure the topics are compatible. Dr. Ann M. Torres | Media & Marketing Communications | MK314 15 September 2009 Page 1 of 4 MK314 Media & Marketing Communications Supplementary Texts Pears, R. and Shields, G. (2008) Cite Them Right: The Essential Referencing Guide, 7th Edition, Durham, England, UK: Pear Tree Books. ISBN-13: 978-0-9551216-1-6 Assessment The overall mark given for this course is based on weekly quizzes, wiki assignments, group projects, and a final exam. The allocation of marks is as follows: Weekly Quizzes (9) 10% Wiki Assignments (5) 10% Project 20% Presentation 10% Final Examination 50% 100% Quizzes A short quiz is given at the beginning of every class on the chapters assigned for that day. Typically, the quiz consists of 1 to 4 short answer questions, multiple-choice, and/or true-false questions. Visiting students whose first language is not English may use dictionaries during the quizzes. There are no make-up quizzes, however, the final quiz mark will be averaged by 7. Group Assignments and Projects The wiki assignments, project, and the plan for the Google online challenge are conducted in groups of 3 to 4 members. It may be desirable to form groups with people with whom you have not worked before and to have mixed groups (i.e., in terms of gender or programme). For Bachelor of Commerce students, the 4th member of each group is to be a visiting student. The Wiki Assignments will typically be assigned in class on Tuesday and will be due by noon on Friday of the same week. The group assignment is meant to demonstrate a clear understanding of the major issues involved in the areas of marketing communications through reading the textbook, as well as additional research. Written submissions are to be presented in a professional manner. Additional guidelines will be given throughout the term. The project and presentation deadlines are specified in the schedule. N.B. A minimum of 35% is required in the final written examination before marks for continuous assessment can be included in the determination of the overall mark for the subject. Workload hours Please note, this subject will require time outside of lecture hours to complete the assignments and engage in independent study. A suggested outline of this time commitment is as follows: Credit weighting: 5 ECT Lecture hours: 24 hours (i.e. average of 2 hours/week) Group assignment work: 48 hours (i.e. average of 4 hours/week) Independent study: 36 hours (i.e. average of 3 hours/week) Revision for examination: 15 hours Examination: 2 hours Total Student Effort: 125 hours over 12 weeks Dr. Ann M. Torres | Media & Marketing Communications | MK314 15 September 2009 Page 2 of 4 MK314 Media & Marketing Communications Date and Topic Readings Week 1: 8th September Course Introduction Week 2: 15th September Overview of Integrated Marketing Communications Week 3: 21st September Branding -- Quiz 1 Chapter 1: Overview of IMC (Shimp, 2010) Quiz 2 Chapter 2: Marcom’s Challenges: Enhancing Brand Equity, Influencing Behavior, and Being Accountable Chapter 3: Facilitating the Success of Brands Week 4: 28th September Fundamental Marcom Decisions Quiz 3 Chapter 4: Targeting Chapter 5: Positioning Chapter 6: Objective Setting and Budgeting Wiki Assignment 1 Due 12 noon, Friday, 2nd October Week 5: 5th October Advertising Management Quiz 4 Chapter 7: Overview of Advertising Management Chapter 8: Effective and Creative Advertising Messages Chapter 9: Message Appeals and Endorsers Wiki Assignment 2 Due 12 noon, Friday, 9th October Week 6: 12th October Advertising Management Quiz 5 Chapter 10: Measuring Advertising Message Effectiveness Chapter 11: Advertising Media: Planning and Analysis Wiki Assignment 3 Due 12 noon, Friday, 16th October Week 7: 19 October Advertising Management Quiz 6 Chapter 12: Traditional Advertising Media Chapter 13: Internet Advertising Chapter 14: Other Advertising Media Wiki Assignment 4 Due 12 noon, Friday, 23rd October Week 8: 26th October Sales Promotion Management Quiz 7 Chapter 15: Sales Promotion and the Role of Trade Promotions Chapter 16: Sampling and Couponing Chapter 17: Premiums and Other Promotions Wiki Assignment 5 Friday, 30th October Week 9: 2nd November Other MarCom Tools Quiz 8 Chapter 18: Marketing Oriented Public Relations and Word-of-Mouth Management Chapter 19: Event and Cause Sponsorship th Week 10: 9th November MarCom Constraints Quiz 9 Chapter 20: Ethical, Regulatory and Environmental Issues Dr. Ann M. Torres | Media & Marketing Communications | MK314 15 September 2009 Page 3 of 4 MK314 Media & Marketing Communications Week 11: 16th November Week 12: 23rd November Review Marketing Communications Plan (i.e., 2 copies) Due Monday, 16th November by 12 noon. Submit to Dr. Torres’ office. No class on Tuesday, however, it is recommended that groups use the class time to practice their presentations. Presentation schedule to be announced. Catch-up/Review Dr. Ann M. Torres | Media & Marketing Communications | MK314 15 September 2009 Page 4 of 4