Development of swimming micro-robots autonomously powered by synthetic flagella and cilia Brandeis MRSEC (DMR-0820492) and National Research Foundation of Korea (2012-0001255) Stephen DeCamp, Timothy Sanchez, Zvonimir Dogic, Seth Fraden, and Dongshin Kim Synthetic cilia composed of microtubule bundles Conceptual diagram of micro-robots propelled by synthetic cilia and flagella The goal of this project is to build swimming micro-robots composed of a microrobot body and synthetic filamentous bundles powered by molecular motors that exhibit periodic beating patterns similar to those of biological cilia. We are exploring methods to attach the synthetic cilia to a micron sized robot body which will behave as a molecular swimmer that mimics the behavior of biological spermatozoa. An autonomously powered micro-robot with tunable and controllable beating patterns would provide an ideal system to deliver a therapeutic drug to a cancerous tissue.