In Flanders Fields

5820 Glen Erin Drive, Mississauga, Ontario L5M 5J9
Fax: (905) 814-9217
Telephone: (905) 814-9216
In Flanders Fields
T. Cruz
In Flanders Fields the poppies blow
Vice Principal
M. MacDonald
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
D. Nolan
J. Harvey
Mississauga North
M. Prospero
Merciful Redeemer Parish
Phone: 905-812-0030
Fr. Vid Vlassic
Associate Pastor
Fr. Ivan Camilleri
Fr. Mariush Runevich
School Council Chair
Gail Bellissimo
School Council Vice-chair
Megan Scott
Esther O’Toole
Ward 9
Phone: 905-812-5163
Attendence Verification
Phone: 905-814-9216
Web Site
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
Principal’s Message
Another busy month has passed with many
memorable events behind us. The election of
a new School Council, the celebration by
Father Vid of our first school mass, a successful Thanksgiving food drive, our first
few pizza and milk days as well as excellent
results in the Cross Country meets were all
activities that have made the beginning of the
term very successful.
As we begin November and we approach
November 11 we pause to thank and reflect
on the many women and men who died for
the freedoms that we enjoy. We attempt to
keep their memories alive by wearing a
poppy, and through liturgies that commemorate the bravery of these veterans. Our
school will also be celebrating this day with
numerous class activities. Please talk to your
child about the importance of such a day and
assist them to appreciate the sacrifices of so
many people. War is still a part of many
families and we pray that peace will one day
govern all communities.
T. Cruz
October Highlights
The Grade 4 students enjoyed “Scientist in
the School” who presented Light and Sound.
The Intermediates participated in a
cyberbulling presentation on October 18th.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders Fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe;
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders Fields.
Lt. John McCrae
Boardwide Faith P.A Day
November 7th, 2007
(No School for Students)
Our procedure for school communication is for parents to contact the classroom teacher or appropriate staff member first.
Staff are directly involved with your child’s program or a supervised activity and in most cases will have the information to discuss and address your questions and concerns. If you wish to meet with a staff member, we ask that you call to book an appointment as staff are often involved in after school activities, meetings and professional development.
Please ensure that your child arrives at school between 8:30 and 8:45 am so they are able to line up with their class to enter
the school in the morning.
Inclement Weather and School Closure
During the winter months inclement weather may cause disruption of bus transportation and regular school operations. A decision to cancel school transportation and/or to close schools is usually made by 6:00 a.m. and will be announced on the following radio stations:
CKFM 99.9
CHUM 1050
CFTR 680
CFNY 102.1
CJCL 590
CHFI 98.1
CFRB 1010
CJBC (FR) 860
CHIN 100.7
FM/1540 CJEZ
FOXY 88.5
The Weather Network
City Pulse
The message usually takes the following form:
“All buses for the Peel District School Board and the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board have been canceled.”
Or to indicate school closures:
“The schools and offices for the Peel District School Board and the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board have been
In colder weather, we receive requests to allow children to remain indoors when students have a cold, or the flu. Please note
that we cannot comply, as we have neither the facilities nor the staff to supervise these students. Please use discretion in
keeping your child at home to recover if they are ill. A child who is coughing, wheezing, etc. is not in a state to learn and will
only infect others. If your child is well enough to attend school, he/she should be well enough to go outside at recess.
Soon we will be experiencing cold weather and with winter on its way, we need to prepare. It is important for students to come
prepared to participate in all activities, including outdoor recess. Please ensure that your child is dressed appropriately for the
forthcoming colder weather, including having hats, boots and mittens/gloves as winter approaches.
In order to keep our students warm and comfortable and to help keep their workplace clean, please ensure that your child has
a pair of “indoor shoes”. It will reduce the amount of dirt and mud brought indoors. It will also assist our custodial staff in
keeping our school clean.
Students are reminded not to bring valuables such as electronic games, toys, or personal items of importance. The school
does not accept responsibility for the above.
Dropping off and picking up children before and after school is still a safety concern. Parents are reminded NOT TO PARK in
the Kiss’ N’ Ride Lane or to leave their cars unattended at anytime. This becomes problematic as many other vehicles are
entering from Glen Erin Drive. We suggest that parents park on the street if they need to walk onto school grounds to pick up
children or enter the school.
Your cooperation and
assistance are appreciated!
Professional Development Day –
PD Day Monday Nov. 19th
Teachers will be working on assessment & evaluation and writing of report cards so there will be no school for students on Monday, November
Report Cards sent home: Tues. December 4th
Parent Interview Night: Thurs. December 6th
PD Day – Interviews continue: Fri. December 7th
English As A Second Language (ESL)/
English Literacy Development (ELD)
Students whose first language is not English (ESL) and students who may use a variety of English and may require assistance
in developing age-appropriate literacy skills in standard English (ELD) are entitled to support from our resource teachers.
All ESL/ELD students as indicated on the school’s registration form are monitored and are provided with the necessary accommodations and/or modifications as required. This support or monitoring will be reflected on their report card. We are committed to developing each child’s English literacy skills as a foundation for improved student achievement. Although some students require no apparent assistance, we will continue to monitor them as a preventative measure. If you have any questions
or comments, kindly contact the school.
Head lice are parasites which have been common among humans and are not connected with dirt or neglect. Anyone can be
infested with them. We ask your cooperation in following our school procedures for controlling these pests. If cases are found
in the school, we will inform parents. We shall check friends and classmates of the affected students. However, we request
that you also check your own children. If you find them to be infested, we would ask that you let us know. Information on the
proper treatment can be obtained from a pharmacist or the Peel Regional Health Dept. If your children have head lice, we will
ask you to keep them out of school until they have been treated with the correct shampoo and they are entirely clear of lice
and nits (eggs).
It is hard to imagine that there is hunger right here in our own backyards. Did you know that the average yearly income for a
family using the food bank in Peel region is $13,920? This is much lower than the poverty line of $19,948. 73% of their income is spent on paying their rent.
Eden Community Food Bank serves an average of 800 people per month, 45% are children who attend schools in the L5N and
L5M postal code areas. We have distributed over 61,000 kg’s (134,200 pounds) of food in the first 8 months of 2007.
As an independent non-profit organization, we receive no Government Funding. We rely heavily on the community we operate
in for monetary donations to cover our operational expenses. Once again, both school boards have agreed to join forces to
help raise funds and support this local endeavor.
“Toonie Tuesday” will be held November 20, 2007. We are hoping that everyone who is able will show their support by donating a Toonie to help the hungry families in our neighbourhood. If you have any questions about this program, please contact
the school, or visit the website of Eden Community Food Bank at
Together we do make a difference.
We thank you for your support and look forward to a successful campaign.
Central Erin Mills (ARC)
Accommodation Review Committee
The first public meeting for the Central Erin Mills ARC will be held at St. Aloysius Gonzaga at 7pm on Thursday, February 7,
2008. The alternate weather date will be Thursday, February 19, 2008
Volleyball Teams
The Junior Girls & Boys Volleyball teams have just been picked and are practicing for their upcoming seasons. We wish them a
great season. Thank you to Mrs. Murphy for coaching the girls’ team and Mrs. Fitzgerald for coaching the boys’ team.
Board-wide Faith Day
Wednesday, November 7th, 2007
Theme of the day is Celebrating the Human Face of God
On Wednesday, November 7, the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board’s 88,000 students get the day off school. Likewise, it will not be an ordinary day for an estimated 7,000 board faculty and staff, who will gather together at the International
Centre with Archbishop Thomas Collins, Bishop Stephen Chmilar, Auxiliary Bishop John Boissonneau, Father Terry Lozynsky,
and 30 priests from parishes across the board, for a day-long celebration of the Catholic faith, as part of the board’s Faith Day.
The theme of the day is, Celebrating the Human Face of God.
The day begins with a Eucharistic Celebration at 9:00 am and will be followed by a keynote address by Sister Miriam Martin.
During the afternoon, staff will return to their schools and offices, where additional discussion and presentations, and other
activities will take place focusing on Celebrating the Human Face of God through Virtues Education, prayer and reflective
“Catholic education has a long and glorious history in Ontario and graduates of the Catholic system have contributed richly to
the fabric of our society for over 160 years,” noted Kostoff. “Catholic education is as relevant today as it ever was and we want
to take a little time on November 7 to reflect, understand, appreciate and celebrate this truly wonderful gift.”
On November 7, there are no classes scheduled in Dufferin-Peel schools and board facilities will be operating with minimal
staff. Adult and Continuing Education programs scheduled for November 7 will operate as usual. Programs operated by nonDufferin-Peel agencies such as PLASP, YMCA Day Care and Sheridan College, are not affected, nor are permits for after-hours
use of schools and other board facilities.
On Friday, November 9, our school community will hold a special celebration in memory of those who sacrificed their lives so
that we may enjoy the freedoms we have today. We welcome you to join us at our liturgy which will begin at 11am.
The goal of the Virtues Program is to foster positive Catholic values in our schools and create a Safe, Caring and Inclusive
School Community. Each month, all schools in the board focus on a new Virtue.
A virtue is a habit or established capability to perform good actions according to a moral standard. In other words, a virtue is a habit th
people and God that I AM A GOOD PERSON.
Virtues by Month
The Virtue for November is “Conscience”
“A person of conscience:
Chooses to do the ‘right thing’ and feels good about it
Can see how his/her actions may hurt others
Admits his/her wrong-doing and feels badly
Says ‘sorry’ and tries to make up for mistakes
Keeps promises”
***The Grade 2 students are completing a bulletin board display for “Conscience”.
All parents are welcome and encouraged to attend our School Council Meetings! It is a good place to hear about some of
the initiatives that are happening at Our Lady of Mercy as well as an opportunity to connect and meet with other parents in
the community. Input is welcome so come and join us. General meetings begin at 7:00pm. The following are members of
this year’s school council:
Gail Bellissimo
Megan Scott
Vice Chair
Kushi Perera
Lisa McFaul
Michelle Landry
Fundraising Coordinator
Terence Noronha
Parish Representative
Donna Wolczyk
Volunteer Coordinator
Cathy Wheeler
Community Rep.
Patrick Mendes
OAPCE Representative
Lori Sell
Parent Rep
Maureen Myers
Parent Rep
Penny Valentini
Parent Rep
Angela Martino
Parent Rep
Shelley Urlando
Parent Rep
Ada Racioppa
Parent Rep
Eva Paul-Mendes Parent Rep
Andrew Bury
Parent Rep
Mary Bury
Parent Rep
Tilia Cruz
Mike MacDonald Vice Principal
Ruben Furtado
Teacher Rep
Angela Aquino
Teacher Rep
Emily Armstrong Non-Teaching Rep
The Next School Council Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 20th at 7p
Everyone is invited to attend the Family Advent Mass on Tuesday, December 11th at 7:00pm at Merciful Redeemer Parish.
Come and join in our Advent liturgical celebration.
Dates to Remember
All Saints Day
All Souls Day
PD Day - Board Wide Faith Day
Remembrance Day Memorial Service
at 11:00 for all
Remembrance Day
Picture Retake Day
PD Day – No School - Evaluation of Pupil
Progress & Report Card Preparation
Eden Food Bank “Toonie Tuesday”
Grade 1’s are having “Scientists in the School”
School Council Meeting at 7pm
Rosary Apostolate returns to school
Chapters Bookstore Fundraiser
ARC Committee Meeting
- 7pm at Gonzaga
Reports go home
Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences
– after school and evening
Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences
– P.D. Day (No school for students)
Advent Mass
– Merciful Redeemer Parish at 7pm
Rosary Apostolate returns to school
Last day of school before Christmas Break
Mark your calendars and start your Christmas shopping! On Wednesday, November 28th, Our Lady of Mercy School
Council and the intermediate students will be hosting a fundraising event at the Chapters Book Store, located at
3050 Vega Blvd. near Dundas St./403. The event will run from 6:30pm to 9:00pm. Ten percent of the sale from
any books to customers who indicate that they are there to support Our Lady of Mercy School will be donated by
Chapters to our school (if you are in the store earlier during the day, you can also indicate that you are supporting
our school).