The Research Report

The Research Report
Learning Outcomes
• Students should be able to writing research
The research proposal
The report
The written report
Integral part of the report
Oral presentation
The Research Proposal
• Before any research study is undertaken, there should be
an agreement between the person who authorizes the
study and the researcher through the research proposal.
• The research proposal drawn up by the investigator is the
result of a planned, organized and careful effort, and
contains the following:
The broad goals of the study
The specific problem to be investigated
Details of the procedures to be followed
Details of the research design, with the emphasize on the
sampling design, data collection method and data analysis
– Time frame of the study
The Report
• Writing the report concisely, convincingly, and
with clarity is as important than conducting a
perfect research study.
• The contents and organization of written
report and oral presentation depend on the
purpose of the research study and the
audience to which it is targeted
The Written Report
• The written report enables the manager to weigh the
facts and argument presented therein and implement
the acceptable recommendations, with a view to
closing the gap between existing state and desired
• The written report depend on its purpose:
– To offer details on some specific areas of interest
– To sell an idea, so it has to be more detailed and
– Giving alternatives to solve a problem in a given situation
– To identify the problem and provide the final solutions
– To announce the findings of basic study
Characteristics of a Well-Written
• Well-written report has:
– Clarity
– Conciseness
– Coherence
– The right emphasis on important aspects
– Meaningful organization of paragraphs
– Smooth transition from one topic to the next
– Apt choice of words
– Specific
Content of the Research Report
A title
The beginning:
Introductory section detailing
the purpose of the study,
background to the study,
problem identification,
the use of the research
The body of report contains:
A table of content
The research proposal
Letter of authorization
Executive summary or synopsis
the framework of the study,
hypotheses (if any),
sampling design,
data collection method,
analysis of data and the results obtained
The final part of the report presents
– the findings and conclusions
– recommendation
Students’ Guidelines for Writing
Daftar Pustaka
Lampiran :
Kuesioner penelitian (jika menggunakan kuesioner)
Format penulisan :
- font : Untuk judul Bab dab Sub Bab  Tahoma 11 – Bold
: Untuk isi  Tahoma 10
- spasi : 1,5
- kertas : Kwarto / A4
- nomor halaman
: dimulai dari Bab I,
: pada halaman yg ada judul Bab  nomor halaman di bagian tengah
– bawah
: pada halaman isi yg lain  nomor halaman di bagian kanan atas
- Tabel : diberi nomor ( X.nn  X : nomor bab, nn  nomor urut tabel
dalam bab tsb). Nomor tabel dan judul tabel dituliskan di atas
- Gambar : diberi nomor dng format sama seperti tabel, tetapi nomor
dan judul gambar dituliskan di bagian bawah dari gambar.