Humans: The Final Frontier source: Adrien Treuille Overview • State of the art. • Body models. • Animation • Vote. • Questions source: Overview • State of the art. • Body models. • Animation • Vote. • Questions source: • State of the Art Steady but slow progress towards digital humans. • State of the Art Steady but slow progress towards digital humans. • (As usual, rendering ahead of animation.) • State of the Art Steady but slow progress towards digital humans. • • (As usual, rendering ahead of animation.) State of the art for animation production. • State of the Art Steady but slow progress towards digital humans. • (As usual, rendering ahead of animation.) • State of the art for animation production. • State of the art for games. • State of the Art Steady but slow progress towards digital humans. • (As usual, rendering ahead of animation.) • State of the art for animation production. • • State of the art for games. Uncanny Valley. • State of the Art Steady but slow progress towards digital humans. • (As usual, rendering ahead of animation.) • State of the art for animation production. • • • State of the art for games. Uncanny Valley. Facial Animation. • State of the Art Steady but slow progress towards digital humans. • (As usual, rendering ahead of animation.) • State of the art for animation production. • • • • State of the art for games. Uncanny Valley. Facial Animation. Most human animation is data driven. (Like saying that graphics is solved by the camera.) Overview • State of the art. • Body models. • Animation • Vote. • Questions source: Overview • State of the art. • Body models. • Animation • Vote. • Questions source: Body Representation source: How to represent a human body on a computer? Body Representation • Kinematic Skeleton source: f_year=2005&f_submit=advgrp&f_advid=10917651 Body Representation • Kinematic Skeleton • Anatomical source: To appear in SIGGRAPH 2005. Body Representation A B C Figure 5: Using M ESH IK to pose a bar: (A) Two example poses superimposed o constrained to stay in place while a single vertex on the right side is manipulated. Note that M ESH IK generalizes beyond the two examples and can create arbitrary b A B C D generalizes poorly. (D) E In this top down view,F moving the constra interpolates and no examples were provided in this direction. (E)–(F) Providing one additional ex generalize to bends that direction as The well left as incap the space between. Figure 5: Using M ESH IK to pose a bar: (A) Two example poses superimposed on top ofineach other. (B) of theinunbent bar is • Kinematic Skeleton • Anatomical • Pure Mesh constrained to stay in place while a single vertex on the right side is manipulated. Three edits using our nonlinear feature space are shown. Note that M ESH IK generalizes beyond the two examples and can create arbitrary bends in the plane. (C) In contrast, the linear feature space interpolates and generalizes poorly. (D) In this top down view, moving the constrained vertex perpendicular to the bend causes a shear since no examples were provided in this direction. (E)–(F) Providing one additional example in the perpendicular direction allows M ESH IK to generalize to bends in that direction as well as in the space in between. A B ç source: A B Figure 6: Top row: Ten lion example poses. Bottom row: A sequence of posing front leg is pulled forward and the lion continuously deforms as the constraint is the front leg can be edited in isolation. (D) A similar operation is performed to adj example. ç C D Figure 6: Top row: Ten lion example poses. Bottom row: A sequence of posing operations. (A) Two handle vertices are chosen. (B) The source:(C) front leg is pulled forward and the lion continuously deforms as the constraint is moved. The red region is selected and frozen so that the front leg can be edited in isolation. (D) A similar operation is performed to adjust the tail. The final pose is different from any individual example. A B C D Figure 7: Posing simulated flag. Top row: Fourteen examples of a flag blowin To appear in SIGGRAPH 2005. Body Representation A B C D Figure 5: Using M ESH IK to pose a bar: (A) Two example poses superimposed on top constrained to stay in place while a single vertex on the right side is manipulated. Thre Note that M ESH IK generalizes beyond the two examples and can create arbitrary bends A B C D generalizes poorly. (D) E In this top down view,F moving the constrained v interpolates and no examples were provided in this direction. (E)–(F) Providing one additional exampl generalizeon to bends that direction as The well left as incap the space between. Figure 5: Using M ESH IK to pose a bar: (A) Two example poses superimposed top ofineach other. (B) of theinunbent bar is • Kinematic Skeleton • Anatomical • Pure Mesh • What are the constrained to stay in place while a single vertex on the right side is manipulated. Three edits using our nonlinear feature space are shown. Note that M ESH IK generalizes beyond the two examples and can create arbitrary bends in the plane. (C) In contrast, the linear feature space interpolates and generalizes poorly. (D) In this top down view, moving the constrained vertex perpendicular to the bend causes a shear since no examples were provided in this direction. (E)–(F) Providing one additional example in the perpendicular direction allows M ESH IK to generalize to bends in that direction as well as in the space in between. advantages and A disadvantages? B ç A B C Figure 6: Top row: Ten lion example poses. Bottom row: A sequence of posing opera front leg is pulled forward and the lion continuously deforms as the constraint is move the front leg can be edited in isolation. (D) A similar operation is performed to adjust th example. ç C D Figure 6: Top row: Ten lion example poses. Bottom row: A sequence of posing operations. (A) Two handle vertices are chosen. (B) The front leg is pulled forward and the lion continuously deforms as the constraint is moved. (C) The red region is selected and frozen so that the front leg can be edited in isolation. (D) A similar operation is performed to adjust the tail. The final pose is different from any individual example. A B C D To appear in SIGGRAPH 2005. Body Representation A B C D Figure 5: Using M ESH IK to pose a bar: (A) Two example poses superimposed on top constrained to stay in place while a single vertex on the right side is manipulated. Thre Note that M ESH IK generalizes beyond the two examples and can create arbitrary bends A B C D generalizes poorly. (D) E In this top down view,F moving the constrained v interpolates and no examples were provided in this direction. (E)–(F) Providing one additional exampl generalizeon to bends that direction as The well left as incap the space between. Figure 5: Using M ESH IK to pose a bar: (A) Two example poses superimposed top ofineach other. (B) of theinunbent bar is • Kinematic Skeleton • Anatomical • Pure Mesh • What are the constrained to stay in place while a single vertex on the right side is manipulated. Three edits using our nonlinear feature space are shown. Note that M ESH IK generalizes beyond the two examples and can create arbitrary bends in the plane. (C) In contrast, the linear feature space interpolates and generalizes poorly. (D) In this top down view, moving the constrained vertex perpendicular to the bend causes a shear since no examples were provided in this direction. (E)–(F) Providing one additional example in the perpendicular direction allows M ESH IK to generalize to bends in that direction as well as in the space in between. advantages and A disadvantages? B ç A B C Figure 6: Top row: Ten lion example poses. Bottom row: A sequence of posing opera front leg is pulled forward and the lion continuously deforms as the constraint is move the front leg can be edited in isolation. (D) A similar operation is performed to adjust th example. ç C D Figure 6: Top row: Ten lion example poses. Bottom row: A sequence of posing operations. (A) Two handle vertices are chosen. (B) The front leg is pulled forward and the lion continuously deforms as the constraint is moved. (C) The red region is selected and frozen so that the front leg can be edited in isolation. (D) A similar operation is performed to adjust the tail. The final pose is different from any individual example. A B C D Skeleton Representation f2 f3 f1 f4 f5 ω5 root: ω0 Ω is the vector of internal joint angles, i.e. shoulders, hips, etc. ω0 = [x0 , θ0 ] ∈ R 6 ωi = fi,Ω (ωi−1 ) Motion Capture • Attach markers to a humans body. • Calibrate a skeleton which makes those markers “make sense.” • Cameras capture 2D markers positions. • Estimate 3D marker positions. • Inverse kinematics: convert marker positions to skeleton... • How? Marker Energy Function ωi = fi,Ω (ωi−1 ) m̂j = τi (ωi )mj E= ! j ! ||m̂j − m̂j || 2 dE dΩ Derivatives derivative calculation goes towards root ωi = fi,Ω (ωi−1 ) ! dE ! T dm̂j =2 (m̂j − m̂j ) dΩ dΩ j vector matrix " ! dm̂j ∂ m̂j ∂ωi ∂ωi ∂ωi−1 ∂ωi ∂ωi−1 ∂ωi−2 = + + + ··· dΩ ∂ωi ∂Ω ∂ωi−1 ∂Ω ∂ωi−1 ∂ωi−2 ∂Ω matrix matrix multiplies Inverse Kinematics Summary • Telescoping composition of functions from root. • Compute derivatives in the opposite direction! To appear in SIGGRAPH 2005. Body Representation A B C D Figure 5: Using M ESH IK to pose a bar: (A) Two example poses superimposed on top constrained to stay in place while a single vertex on the right side is manipulated. Thre Note that M ESH IK generalizes beyond the two examples and can create arbitrary bends A B C D generalizes poorly. (D) E In this top down view,F moving the constrained v interpolates and no examples were provided in this direction. (E)–(F) Providing one additional exampl generalizeon to bends that direction as The well left as incap the space between. Figure 5: Using M ESH IK to pose a bar: (A) Two example poses superimposed top ofineach other. (B) of theinunbent bar is • Kinematic Skeleton • Anatomical • Pure Mesh • What are the constrained to stay in place while a single vertex on the right side is manipulated. Three edits using our nonlinear feature space are shown. Note that M ESH IK generalizes beyond the two examples and can create arbitrary bends in the plane. (C) In contrast, the linear feature space interpolates and generalizes poorly. (D) In this top down view, moving the constrained vertex perpendicular to the bend causes a shear since no examples were provided in this direction. (E)–(F) Providing one additional example in the perpendicular direction allows M ESH IK to generalize to bends in that direction as well as in the space in between. advantages and A disadvantages? B ç A B C Figure 6: Top row: Ten lion example poses. Bottom row: A sequence of posing opera front leg is pulled forward and the lion continuously deforms as the constraint is move the front leg can be edited in isolation. (D) A similar operation is performed to adjust th example. ç C D Figure 6: Top row: Ten lion example poses. Bottom row: A sequence of posing operations. (A) Two handle vertices are chosen. (B) The front leg is pulled forward and the lion continuously deforms as the constraint is moved. (C) The red region is selected and frozen so that the front leg can be edited in isolation. (D) A similar operation is performed to adjust the tail. The final pose is different from any individual example. A B C D To appear in SIGGRAPH 2005. Body Representation A B C D Figure 5: Using M ESH IK to pose a bar: (A) Two example poses superimposed on top constrained to stay in place while a single vertex on the right side is manipulated. Thre Note that M ESH IK generalizes beyond the two examples and can create arbitrary bends A B C D generalizes poorly. (D) E In this top down view,F moving the constrained v interpolates and no examples were provided in this direction. (E)–(F) Providing one additional exampl generalizeon to bends that direction as The well left as incap the space between. Figure 5: Using M ESH IK to pose a bar: (A) Two example poses superimposed top ofineach other. (B) of theinunbent bar is • Kinematic Skeleton • Anatomical • Pure Mesh • What are the constrained to stay in place while a single vertex on the right side is manipulated. Three edits using our nonlinear feature space are shown. Note that M ESH IK generalizes beyond the two examples and can create arbitrary bends in the plane. (C) In contrast, the linear feature space interpolates and generalizes poorly. (D) In this top down view, moving the constrained vertex perpendicular to the bend causes a shear since no examples were provided in this direction. (E)–(F) Providing one additional example in the perpendicular direction allows M ESH IK to generalize to bends in that direction as well as in the space in between. advantages and A disadvantages? B ç A B C Figure 6: Top row: Ten lion example poses. Bottom row: A sequence of posing opera front leg is pulled forward and the lion continuously deforms as the constraint is move the front leg can be edited in isolation. (D) A similar operation is performed to adjust th example. ç C D Figure 6: Top row: Ten lion example poses. Bottom row: A sequence of posing operations. (A) Two handle vertices are chosen. (B) The front leg is pulled forward and the lion continuously deforms as the constraint is moved. (C) The red region is selected and frozen so that the front leg can be edited in isolation. (D) A similar operation is performed to adjust the tail. The final pose is different from any individual example. A B C D xi,4 0 xi,3 0 xi,2 (a) (b) Dense Marker Capture (b) Figure 3: (a) a marker (red dot) and its one-ring neighbors (blue dots); (b) a local reference frame on the marker. n0i p: (a) Twelve cameras surrounding a small meras (shown in red) were aimed up rather downward facing markers; (b) 350 small subject’s body. Motion Systems 2006]. To increase accucameras close to the subject with a small imately 2 m by 2 m by 2.5 m high). Two rather than down to capture markers facing (a) (b) ure 2(a) shows the camera configuration. t 0i x0i 0 bi 0 xi,6 0 xi,1 0 xi,5 left arm 0 xi,3 0 xi,2 (a) (a) 0 xi,4 (b) Figure 3: (a) a marker (red dot) and its one-ring neighbors (blue dots); (b) a local (b)reference frame on the(c)marker. ely 350 reflective markers the subject’s : Capture setup: (a) Twelveoncameras surrounding Figure a small4: The reference pose: (a) markers; (b) marker surface; (c) ubtle of the skin effectively, frame at each marker. egion.movement Two cameras (shown in red) werewe aimed uplocal rather ameter 3.0 mm)downward with a hemispherical shape(b) 350 small wn to capture facing markers; of the markers from the body. Although attached to the subject’s body. ave an even distribution of the markers on a mesh from the marker positions in the reference pose. Neighborpproximate grid on the subject’s body, and ing markers are identified based on the geodesic distance along the hat grid. The average twoincreaseskin. This process was done manually for our experiments. We call econd [Vicon Motion distance Systems between 2006]. To accuas 4-5 cm. the We cameras supplemented thethe grid pat- with the resulting mesh the marker surface (Figure 4(a) and (b)). The positioned close to subject a small rkers in(approximately areas where more indices region 2 mresolution by 2 m bywould 2.5 m high). Two of the vertices on the surface are assigned to the markers as of theaimed elbowupand the point on thetolower partmarkerslabels. is done only once for were rather than down capture facingThe construction(a)of the marker surface (b) (c) or ground. example). Figure shows marker each subject. he Figure 2(a)2(b) shows the the camera configuration. left arm On the markerFigure surface, we denote thepose: marker index(b) i as mi , surface; (c) ed approximately 350 reflective markers on the subject’s 4: The reference (a)with markers; marker positions the markers with of thethe VICON 1 ≤ we i ≤ N, where is the number of markers, and its one-ring oD capture theofsubtle movement skin effectively, local N frame at each marker. Motion Systems 2006].3.0 In mm) conventional moneighbor mall markers (diameter with a hemispherical shape as mi,k , 1 ≤ k ≤ di , where di is the valence of marker i. tion is by of a skeleton modelfrom and the a rigid mize theaided offset the markers body. Although We denote the position of the i-th marker by x0i and the position of ver, becausetoofhave the an significant deformations necessary even distribution of the markers on a mesh from theinmarker positions in the reference pose. Neighborits one-ring neighbors as x0i,k the reference pose. Using a similar notdrew make assumption. assump,ldwe anthis approximate gridThis on the subject’s body, and to that ing of markers areand identified based on[2005], the geodesic distance along the technique Lipman his colleagues we define r motion the The face,average but ourdistance whole between two he markerscapture on thatofgrid. skin. process done manually We call the local frame for This marker i in was the reference pose for withour itsexperiments. origin Laser Range Scanning Filling in Missing Data (c) (d) source: Allen, Curless, Popović. The space of human body shapes: reconstruction and parameterization from range scans. How could this be accomplished? What can you do with a huge set of human meshes in vertex correspondence? source: Allen, Curless, Popović. The space of human body shapes: reconstruction and parameterization from range scans. PCA Shape Analysis Displacements of Example Poses = PCA Basis Coefficient Matrix source: Anguelov, Srinivasan, Koller, Thrun, Rodgers, Davis. SCAPE: Shape Completion and Animation of People. Multilinear Analysis To appear in SIGGRAPH 2005. mode 3 identity d3 d2 d1 mode 2 expression T mode 1 (a) (b) (c) (d) vertices Figure 2: In (a) we show a 3rd -order (3-mode) tensor T whose modes have d1 , d2 , and d3 elements respectively. Depending on Figure 3: Data tensor for a bilinear model that varies with idenhow we look at the data within the tensor, we can identify three tity and expression; the first mode contains vertices, while the secVlasic, Brand, Pfister, Popović. Face Transfer with Multilinear Models. mode spaces. By viewing the data assource: vectors parallel to the first ond and third modes correspond to expression and identity respecmode (b), we define mode-1 space as the span of those vectors. tively. The data is arranged so that each slice along the second mode Similarly, mode-2 space is spanned by vectors parallel to the second contains the same expression (in different identities) and each slice mode (c), and mode-3 space by vectors in the third mode (d). along the third mode contains the same identity (in different expressions). In our trilinear experiments we have added a fourth mode, where scans in each slice share the same viseme. Mode-n Product. The most obvious way of manipulating mode spaces is via linear transformation, officially referred to as the 4.1 Face Data mode-n product. It is defined between a tensor T and a matrix M for a specific mode n, and is written as a multiplication with a We demonstrate our proof-of-concept system on two separate face subscript: T ×n M. This notation indicates a linear transformamodels: a bilinear model, and a trilinear model. Both were estion of vectors in T ’s mode-n space by the matrix M. Concretely, timated from detailed 3D scans (∼ 30K vertices) acquired with T ×2 M would replace each mode-2 vector v (Figure 2c) with a 3dMD/3Q’s structured light scanner ( in transformed vector Mv. a process similar to regular flash photography, although our methods would apply equally to other geometric data sets such as motion Tensor Decomposition. One particularly useful linear transforcapture. As a preprocess, the scans were smoothed using the bilatmation of mode data is the N-mode singular value decomposition eral filter [Jones et al. 2003] to eliminate some of the capture noise. (N-mode SVD). It rotates the mode spaces of a data tensor T proThe subject pool included men, women, Caucasians, and Asians, ducing a core tensor C , whose variance monotonically decreases from the mid-20s to mid-50s. from first to last element in each mode (analogous to matrix SVD). This enables us to truncate the insignificant components and get a Bilinear model. 15 subjects were scanned performing the same reduced model of our data. source: Anguelov, Srinivasan, Koller, Thrun, Rodgers, Davis. SCAPE: Shape expressions. Completion and Animation of People. 10 facial The expressions were picked for their familMathematically, N-mode SVD can be expressed with mode Example source: Anguelov, Srinivasan, Koller, Thrun, Rodgers, Davis. SCAPE: Shape Completion and Animation of People. Overview • State of the art. • Body models. • Animation • Vote. • Questions source: Overview • State of the art. • Body models. • Animation • Vote. • Questions source: Data Driven Human Animation source: Kovar, Gleicher, Pighin. Motion Graphs. To appear in Proceedings of SIGGRAPH ’02 et al. 2001], which (like motion graphs) are enting connections in a database of motion. e created manually — short motion clips are cripted capture sessions and blends are creractive tools. Motion graphs are constructed ove trees are typically geared for rudimen“I want to turn left, so I should follow this d to more complicated objectives. sitions is an important part of our approach. was done by Perlin [1995], who presented a othly interpolating between two clips to credefined orientation filters that allowed these be performed on rotational data in a more se et al. [1996] presented a more complex nsitions that preserved kinematic constraints perties. of motion graphs is to control a character’s blem is important enough to have received attention. Because a character’s path isn’t vance, synthesis is required. Procedural and esis methods have been developed for a few ing [Multon et al. 1999; Sun and Metaxas odgins et al. 1995; Bruderlin and Calvert es such as these can generate flexible motion e of movement styles is limited. Also, these ce the quality of motion attainable by hand apture. While Gleicher [2001] presented a path traversed in a clip of motion capture, need for continuous streams of motion, nor Figure 2: Consider a motion graph built from two initial clips. (top) We can trivially insert a node to divide an initial clip into two smaller clips. (bottom) We can also insert a transition joining either two different initial clips or different parts of the same initial clip. Motion Graph Schematic also allow clips (or, more generally, sets of frames) to be annotated with other information, such as descriptive labels (“walking,” “karate”) and constraint information (left heel must be planted on these frames). A motion graph is a directed graph where all edges correspond to clips of motion. Nodes serve as choice points connecting these clips, i.e., each outgoing edge is potentially the successor to any incoming edge. A trivial motion graph can be created by placing all the initial clips from the database as arcs in the graph. This cre- Finding Candidate Transitions Examples Overview • State of the art. • Body models. • Animation • Vote. • Questions source: Overview • State of the art. • Body models. • Animation • Vote. • Questions source: Vote • We have only two lectures left! • Possible topics: Reduction / Real-time • Model Simulation - 10 human • Physics-based animation. - 10 • Animal Motion / Morphology • Optimization Control - 5 • Anything else? Overview • State of the art. • Body models. • Animation • Vote. • Questions source: Overview • State of the art. • Body models. • Animation • Vote. • Questions source: Questions • How do we fix the foot skate problem? • How can we generalize away from existing motion capture data? • How could we search for motion clips? • How could we motion capture wild animals? • How could we go from “motion capture” to “physics capture?”