Large Steps in Cloth Simulation David Baraff Andrew Witkin Robotics Institute

SIGGRAPH 98, Orlando, July 19–24
C OMPUTER G RAPHICS Proceedings, Annual Conference Series, 1998
Large Steps in Cloth Simulation
David Baraff
Andrew Witkin
Robotics Institute
Carnegie Mellon University
tion of x—yields the cloth’s internal energy, and F (a function of x
and ẋ) describes other forces (air-drag, contact and constraint forces,
internal damping, etc.) acting on the cloth.
In this paper, we describe a cloth simulation system that is much
faster than previously reported simulation systems. Our system’s
faster performance begins with the choice of an implicit numerical
integration method to solve equation (1). The reader should note
that the use of implicit integration methods in cloth simulation is far
from novel: initial work by Terzopoulos et al. [15, 16, 17] applied
such methods to the problem.1 Since this time though, research on
cloth simulation has generally relied on explicit numerical integration (such as Euler’s method or Runge-Kutta methods) to advance
the simulation, or, in the case of of energy minimization, analogous
methods such as steepest-descent [3, 10].
This is unfortunate. Cloth strongly resists stretching motions
while being comparatively permissive in allowing bending or shearing motions. This results in a “stiff” underlying differential equation of motion [12]. Explicit methods are ill-suited to solving stiff
equations because they require many small steps to stably advance
the simulation forward in time.2 In practice, the computational cost
of an explicit method greatly limits the realizable resolution of the
cloth. For some applications, the required spatial resolution—that
is, the dimension n of the state vector x—can be quite low: a resolution of only a few hundred particles (or nodal points, depending
on your formulation/terminology) can be sufficient when it comes
to modeling flags or tablecloths. To animate clothing, which is
our main concern, requires much higher spatial resolution to adequately represent realistic (or even semi-realistic) wrinkling and
folding configurations.
In this paper, we demonstrate that implicit methods for cloth
overcome the performance limits inherent in explicit simulation
methods. We describe a simulation system that uses a triangular
mesh for cloth surfaces, eliminating topological restrictions of rectangular meshes, and a simple but versatile formulation of the internal cloth energy forces. (Unlike previous metric-tensor-based formulations [15, 16, 17, 4] which model some deformation energies as
quartic functions of positions, we model deformation energies only
as quadratic functions with suitably large scaling. Quadratic energy
models mesh well with implicit integration’s numerical properties.)
We also introduce a simple, unified treatment of damping forces, a
subject which has been largely ignored thus far. A key step in our
simulation process is the solution of an O(n) × O(n) sparse linear system, which arises from the implicit integration method. In
this respect, our implementation differs greatly from the implementation by Terzopoulos et al. [15, 17], which for large simulations
The bottle-neck in most cloth simulation systems is that time steps
must be small to avoid numerical instability. This paper describes
a cloth simulation system that can stably take large time steps. The
simulation system couples a new technique for enforcing constraints
on individual cloth particles with an implicit integration method.
The simulator models cloth as a triangular mesh, with internal cloth
forces derived using a simple continuum formulation that supports
modeling operations such as local anisotropic stretch or compression; a unified treatment of damping forces is included as well. The
implicit integration method generates a large, unbanded sparse linear system at each time step which is solved using a modified conjugate gradient method that simultaneously enforces particles’ constraints. The constraints are always maintained exactly, independent
of the number of conjugate gradient iterations, which is typically
small. The resulting simulation system is significantly faster than
previous accounts of cloth simulation systems in the literature.
Keywords—Cloth, simulation, constraints, implicit integration,
physically-based modeling.
1 Introduction
Physically-based cloth animation has been a problem of interest to
the graphics community for more than a decade. Early work by Terzopoulos et al. [17] and Terzopoulos and Fleischer [15, 16] on deformable models correctly characterized cloth simulation as a problem in deformable surfaces, and applied techniques from the mechanical engineering and finite element communities to the problem. Since then, other research groups (notably Carignan et al. [4]
and Volino et al. [20, 21]; Breen et al. [3]; and Eberhardt et al. [5])
have taken up the challenge of cloth.
Although specific details vary (underlying representations, numerical solution methods, collision detection and constraint methods, etc.), there is a deep commonality amongst all the approaches:
physically-based cloth simulation is formulated as a time-varying
partial differential equation which, after discretization, is numerically solved as an ordinary differential equation
+F .
ẍ = M−1 −
In this equation the vector x and diagonal matrix M represent the
geometric state and mass distribution of the cloth, E—a scalar func-
1 Additional use of implicit methods in animation and dynamics work includes Kass and Miller [8], Terzopoulos and Qin [18], and Tu [19].
2 Even worse, the number of time steps per frame tends to increase along
with the problem size, for an explicit method. Cloth simulations of size n—
meaning x ∈ IR O(n) —generally require O(n) explicit steps per unit simulated time. Because the cost of an explicit step is also O(n) (setting aside
complications such as collision detection for now) explicit methods for cloth
require time O(n2 )—or worse.
Author affiliation (September 1998): David Baraff, Andrew Witkin,
Pixar Animation Studios, 1001 West Cutting Blvd., Richmond, CA 94804.
This is an electronic reprint. Permission is granted to copy part or all of this
paper for noncommercial use provided that the title and this copyright notice appear. This electronic reprint is 1998 by CMU. The original printed
paper is 1998 by the ACM.
SIGGRAPH 98, Orlando, July 19–24
C OMPUTER G RAPHICS Proceedings, Annual Conference Series, 1998
used an “alternating-direction” implicit (ADI) method [12]. An
ADI method generates a series of tightly banded (and thus quickly
solved) linear systems rather than one large sparse system. (The
price, however, is that some of the forces in the system—notably
between diagonally-adjacent and non-adjacent nodes involved in
self-collisions—are treated explicitly, not implicitly.) The speed
(and ease) with which our sparse linear systems can be robustly
solved—even for systems involving 25,000 variables or more—has
convinced us that there is no benefit to be gained from using an ADI
method instead (even if ADI methods could be applied to irregular
triangular meshes). Thus, regardless of simulation size, we treat all
forces as part of the implicit formulation. Even for extremely stiff
systems, numerical stability has not been an issue for our simulator.
ing from the use of implicit integration techniques were solved, for
small systems, by direct methods such as Choleski factorization, or
using iterative techniques such as Gauss-Seidel relaxation or conjugate gradients. (For a square
system of n nodes, the resulting linear
system has bandwidth n. In this case, banded Choleski factorization [6] requires time O(n2 ).) As previously discussed, Terzopoulos
et al. made use of an ADI method for larger cloth simulations.
Following Terzopoulos et al.’s treatment of deformable surfaces,
work by Carignan et al. [4] described a cloth simulation system
using rectangular discretization and the same formulation as Terzopoulos et al. Explicit integration was used. Carignan et al. recognized the need for damping functions which do not penalize rigidbody motions of the cloth (as simple viscous damping does) and
they added a force which damps cloth stretch and shear (but not
bend). Later work by the same group includes Volino et al. [20],
which focuses mainly on collision detection/response and uses a triangular mesh; no mention is made of damping forces. The system
uses the midpoint method (an explicit method) to advance the simulation. Thus far, the accumulated work by this group (see Volino et
al. [21] for an overview) gives the only published results we know of
for simulated garments on moving characters. Reported resolutions
of the garments are approximately two thousand triangles per garment (roughly 1,000 nodal points) [21] with running times of several minutes per frame for each garment on an SGI R4400 150 Mhz
Breen et al. [3] depart completely from continuum formulations
of the energy function, and describe what they call a “particlebased” approach to the problem. By making use of real-world cloth
material properties (the Kawabata measuring system) they produced
highly realistic static images of draped rectangular cloth meshes
with reported resolutions of up to 51 × 51 nodes. The focus of this
work is on static poses for cloth, as opposed to animation: thus,
their simulation process is best described as energy minimization,
although methods analogous to explicit methods are used. Speed
was of secondary concern in this work. Refinements by Eberhardt
et al. [5]—notably, the use of higher-order explicit integration methods and Maple-optimized code, as well as a dynamic, not static treatment of the problem—obtain similarly realistic results, while dropping the computational cost to approximately 20–30 minutes per
frame on an SGI R8000 processor. No mention is made of damping terms. Provot [13] focuses on improving the performance of explicit methods by a post-step modification of nodal positions. He iteratively adjusts nodal positions to eliminate unwanted stretch; the
convergence properties of this method are unclear. A more comprehensive discussion on cloth research can be found in the survey paper by Ng and Grimsdale [9].
1.1 Specific Contributions
Much of the performance of our system stems from the development
of an implicit integration formulation that handles contact and geometric constraints in a direct fashion. Specifically, our simulator
enforces constraints without introducing additional penalty terms in
the energy function E or adding Lagrange-multiplier forces into the
force F. (This sort of direct constraint treatment is trivial if equation (1) is integrated using explicit techniques, but is problematic
for implicit methods.) Our formulation for directly imposing and
maintaining constraints is harmonious with the use of an extremely
fast iterative solution algorithm—a modified version of the conjugate gradient (CG) method—to solve the O(n) × O(n) linear system generated by the implicit integrator. Iterative methods do not
in general solve linear systems exactly—they are run until the solution error drops below some tolerance threshold. A property of our
approach, however, is that the constraints are maintained exactly, regardless of the number of iterations taken by the linear solver. Additionally, we introduce a simple method, tailored to cloth simulation,
for dynamically adapting the size of time steps over the course of a
The combination of implicit integration and direct constraint satisfaction is very powerful, because this approach almost always allows us to take large steps forward. In general, most of our simulations require on average from two to three time steps per frame
of 30 Hz animation, even for (relatively) fast moving cloth. The
large step sizes complement the fact that the CG solver requires relatively few iterations to converge. For example, in simulating a
6, 000 node system, the solver takes only 50–100 iterations to solve
the 18, 000 × 18, 000 linear system formed at each step. Additionally, the running time of our simulator is remarkably insensitive to
the cloth’s material properties (quite the opposite behavior of explicit methods). All of the above advantages translate directly into
a fast running time. For example, we demonstrate results similar to
those in Breen et al. [3] and Eberhardt et al. [5] (draping of a 2,600
node cloth) with a running time just over 2 seconds per frame on an
SGI Octane R10000 195 Mhz processor. Similarly, we show garments (shirts, pants, skirts) exhibiting complex wrinkling and folding behavior on both key-framed and motion-captured characters.
Representative running times include a long skirt with 4,530 nodes
(8,844 triangles) on a dancing character at a cost of 10 seconds per
frame, and a shirt with 6,450 nodes (12,654 triangles) with a cost
varying between 8 to 14 seconds per frame, depending on the underlying character’s motion.
2 Simulation Overview
In this section, we give a brief overview of our simulator’s architecture and introduce some notation. The next section derives the linear
system used to step the simulator forward implicitly while section 4
describes the specifics of the internal forces and their derivatives
that form the linear system. Section 5 describes how constraints are
maintained (once established), with a discussion in section 6 on collision detection and constraint initialization. Section 7 describes our
adaptive step-size control, and we conclude in section 8 with some
simulation results.
1.2 Previous Work
2.1 Notation and Geometry
Terzopoulos et al. [15, 17] discretized cloth as a rectangular mesh.
Energy functions were derived using a continuum formulation. This
work recognized the need for damping forces; however, only a simple viscous drag force −kẋ was used. The linear systems result-
Our simulator models cloth as a triangular mesh of particles. Given
a mesh of n particles, the position in world-space of the ith particle
is xi ∈ IR3 . The geometric state of all the particles is simply x ∈ IR3n .
SIGGRAPH 98, Orlando, July 19–24
C OMPUTER G RAPHICS Proceedings, Annual Conference Series, 1998
The same component notation applies to forces: a force f ∈ IR3n acting on the cloth exerts a force fi on the ith particle. Real-world cloth
is cut from flat sheets of material and tends to resist deformations
away from this initial flat state (creases and pleats not withstanding).
We capture the rest state of cloth by assigning each particle an unchanging coordinate (ui , vi ) in the plane.3 Section 4 makes use of
these planar coordinates.
Collisions between cloth and solid objects are handled by preventing cloth particles from interpenetrating solid objects. Our current implementation models solid objects as triangularly faced polyhedra. Each face has an associated thickness and an orientation; particles found to be sufficiently near a face, and on the wrong side, are
deemed to have collided with that face, and become subject to a contact constraint. (If relative velocities are extremely high, this simple
test may miss some collisions. In this case, analytically checking for
intersection between previous and current positions can guarantee
that no collisions are missed.) For cloth/cloth collisions, we detect
both face-vertex collisions between cloth particles and triangles, as
well as edge/edge collisions between portions of the cloth. As in the
case of solids, close proximity or actual intersection of cloth with itself initiates contact handling.
of all triangles containing the ith particle. (A triangle’s mass is the
product of the cloth’s density and the triangle’s fixed area in the uv
coordinate system.) Defining the diagonal mass matrix M ∈ IR3n×3n
by diag(M) = (m1 , m1 , m1 , m2 , m2 , m2 , . . . , mn , mn , mn ), we can
write simply that
ẍ = M−1 f(x, ẋ).
2.3 Sparse Matrices
The use of an implicit integration method, described in the next
section, generates large unbanded sparse linear systems. We solve
these systems through a modified conjugate gradient (CG) iterative method, described in section 5. CG methods exploit sparsity
quite easily, since they are based solely on matrix-vector multiplies,
and require only rudimentary sparse storage techniques. The sparsity of the matrix generated by the implicit integrator is best represented in block-fashion: for a system with n particles, we deal with
an n × n matrix, whose non-zero entries are represented as dense
3 × 3 matrices of scalars. The matrix is represented as an array of n
rows; each row is a linked list of the non-zero elements of that row,
to accommodate possible run-time changes in the sparsity pattern,
due to cloth/cloth contact. The (dense) vectors that are multiplied
against this matrix are stored simply as n element arrays of threecomponent vectors. The overall implementation of sparsity is completely straightforward.
2.2 Energy and Forces
The most critical forces in the system are the internal cloth forces
which impart much of the cloth’s characteristic behavior. Breen et
al. [3] describes the use of the Kawabata system of measurement
for realistic determination of the in-plane shearing and out-of-plane
bending forces in cloth. We call these two forces the shear and bend
forces. We formulate the shear force on a per triangle basis, while
the bend force is formulated on a per edge basis—between pairs of
adjacent triangles.
The strongest internal force—which we call the stretch force—
resists in-plane stretching or compression, and is also formulated per
triangle. Under normal conditions, cloth does not stretch appreciably under its own weight. This requires the stretch force to have a
high coefficient of stiffness, and in fact, it is the stretch force that is
most responsible for the stiffness of equation (1). A common practice in explicitly integrated cloth systems is to improve running time
by decreasing the strength of the stretch force; however, this leads
to “rubbery” or “bouncy” cloth. Our system uses a very stiff stretch
force to combat this problem, without any detrimental effects on the
run-time performance. While the shear and bend force stiffness coefficients depend on the material being simulated, the stretch coefficient is essentially the same (large) value for all simulations. (Of
course, if stretchy cloth is specifically called for, the stretch coefficient can be made smaller.)
Complementing the above three internal forces are three damping forces. In section 5, we formulate damping forces that subdue
any oscillations having to do with, respectively, stretching, shearing, and bending motions of the cloth. The damping forces do not
dissipate energy due to other modes of motion. Additional forces include air-drag, gravity, and user-generated generated mouse-forces
(for interactive simulations). Cloth/cloth contacts generate strong
repulsive linear-spring forces between cloth particles.
Combining all forces into a net force vector f, the acceleration ẍi
of the ith particle is simply ẍi = fi /mi , where mi is the ith particle’s
mass. The mass mi is determined by summing one third the mass
2.4 Constraints
An individual particle’s position and velocity can be completely
controlled in either one, two, or three dimensions. Particles can thus
be attached to a fixed or moving point in space, or constrained to a
fixed or moving surface or curve. Constraints are either user-defined
(the time period that a constraint is active is user-controlled) or automatically generated, in the case of contact constraints between cloth
and solids. During cloth/solid contacts, the particle may be attached
to the surface, depending on the magnitudes of the frictional forces
required; otherwise, the particle is constrained to remain on the surface, with sliding allowed. The mechanism for releasing a contact
constraint, or switching between sliding or not sliding, is described
in section 5.
The constraint techniques we use on individual particles work
just as well for collections of particles; thus, we could handle
cloth/cloth intersections using the technique described in section 5,
but the cost is potentially large. For that reason, we have chosen to
deal with cloth/cloth contacts using penalty forces: whenever a particle is near a cloth triangle or is detected to have passed through a
cloth triangle, we add a stiff spring with damping to pull the particle back to the correct side of the triangle. The implicit solver easily
tolerates these stiff forces.
3 Implicit Integration
Given the known position x(t0 ) and velocity ẋ(t0 ) of the system at
time t0 , our goal is to determine a new position x(t0 + h) and velocity ẋ(t0 + h) at time t0 + h. To compute the new state and velocity using an implicit technique, we must first transform equation (2)
into a first-order differential equation. This is accomplished simply
by defining the system’s velocity v as v = ẋ and then writing
M−1 f(x, v)
3 In general, each particle has a unique (u, v) coordinate; however, to
accommodate pieces of cloth that have been topologically seamed together
(such as a sleeve), particles lying on the seam must have multiple (u, v) coordinates. For these particles, we let the (u, v) coordinate depend on which
triangle we are currently examining. The (u, v) coordinates are useful for
To simplify notation, we will define x0 = x(t0 ) and v0 = v(t0 ). We
also define 1x = x(t0 + h) − x(t0 ) and 1v = v(t0 + h) − v(t0 ).
SIGGRAPH 98, Orlando, July 19–24
C OMPUTER G RAPHICS Proceedings, Annual Conference Series, 1998
4 Forces
The explicit forward Euler method applied to equation (3) approximates 1x and 1v as
M−1 f0
Cloth’s material behavior is customarily described in terms of a
scalar potential energy function E(x); the force f arising from this
energy is f = −∂E/∂x. Equation (6) requires both the vector f
and the matrix ∂f/∂x. Expressing the energy E as a single monolithic function—encompassing all aspects of the cloth’s internal
behavior—and then taking derivatives is impractical, from a bookkeeping point of view. A better approach is decompose
P E into a sum
of sparse energy functions; that is, to write E(x) = α Eα (x) where
each Eα depends on as few elements of x—as few particles—as possible.
However, even decomposing E into sparse energy functions is
not enough. Energy functions are an undesirable starting point because sensible damping functions cannot be derived from energy
functions. Instead, we define internal behavior by formulating a
vector condition C(x) which we want to be zero, and then defining
the associated energy as 2k C(x)T C(x) where k is a stiffness constant.
In section 4.5, we show how sensible damping functions can be constructed based on this formulation. An added bonus is that starting
from this vector-based energy description tends to result in a simpler, more compact, and more easily coded formulation for ∂f/∂x
than proceeding from an energy function in which the structure of
C has been lost.
where the force f0 is defined by f0 = f(x0 , v0 ). As previously discussed, the step size h must be quite small to ensure stability when
using this method. The implicit backward Euler method appears
similar at first: 1x and 1v are approximated by
v0 + 1v
M f(x0 + 1x, v0 + 1v)
The difference in the two methods is that the forward method’s step
is based solely on conditions at time t0 while the backward method’s
step is written in terms of conditions at the terminus of the step
The forward method requires only an evaluation of the function
f but the backward method requires that we solve for values of 1x
and 1v that satisfy equation (4). Equation (4) is a nonlinear equation: rather than solve this equation exactly (which would require
iteration) we apply a Taylor series expansion to f and make the firstorder approximation
f(x0 + 1x, v0 + 1v) = f0 +
1x + 1v.
4.1 Forces and Force Derivatives
Given a condition C(x) which we want to be zero, we associate an
energy function EC with C by writing EC (x) = k2 C(x)T C(x) where
k is a stiffness constant of our choice. Assuming that C depends
on only a few particle, C gives rise to a sparse force vector f. Recall from section 2.1 that we view the vector f in block form; each
element fi is a vector in IR3 . For each particle i that C depends
In this equation, the derivative ∂f/∂x is evaluated for the state
(x0 , v0 ) and similarly for ∂f/∂v. Substituting this approximation
into equation (4) yields the linear system
v0 + 1v
M (f0 + 1x + 1v)
fi = −
Taking the bottom row of equation (5) and substituting 1x =
h(v0 + 1v) yields
1v = hM−1 f0 + h(v0 + 1v) + 1v .
= −k
all the other elements of f are zero.
Similarly, the derivative of f is also sparse. Defining the derivative matrix K = ∂f/∂x, the nonzero entries of K are Kij for all pairs
of particles i and j that C depends on. Again, we treat K in block
fashion: K ∈ IR3n×3n , so an element Kij is a 3 × 3 matrix. From
equation (7), we have
∂C(x) ∂C(x) T ∂2 C(x)
= −k
C(x) .
Kij =
∂x j
∂x j
∂xi ∂x j
Letting I denote the identity matrix, and regrouping, we obtain
1v = hM−1 f0 + h v0
I − hM−1 − h2 M−1
Additionally, since Kij is a second derivative—that is, Kij =
∂fi /∂x j = ∂2 E/∂xi ∂x j —we have Kij = KTji so K is symmetric. Note
that since C does not depend on v, the matrix ∂f/∂v is zero.
We can now easily describe the internal forces acting on the cloth,
by just writing condition functions. Forces and their derivatives are
easily derived using equations (7) and (8).
which we then solve for 1v. Given 1v, we trivially compute 1x =
h(v0 + 1v).
Thus, the backward Euler step consists of evaluating f0 , ∂f/∂x
and ∂f/∂v; forming the system in equation (6); solving the system
for 1v; and then updating x and v. We use the sparse data structures
described in section 2.3 to store the linear system. The sparsity pattern of equation (6) is described in the next section, while solution
techniques are deferred to section 5.
4.2 Stretch Forces
Recall that every cloth particle has a changing position xi in world
space, and a fixed plane coordinate (ui , vi ). Even though our cloth is
modeled as a discrete set of points, grouped into triangles, it will be
convenient to pretend momentarily that we have a single continuous
function w(u, v) that maps from plane coordinates to world space.
Stretch can be measured at any point in the cloth surface by examining the derivatives wu = ∂w/∂u and wv = ∂w/∂v at that point. The
magnitude of wu describes the stretch or compression in the u direction; the material is unstretched wherever kwu k = 1. Stretch in the
4 The method is called “backward”
Euler because starting from the output
state (x0 + 1x, v0 + 1v) and using a forward Euler step to run the system
backward in time (i.e. taking the step −h(v(t0 + h), f(x(t0 + h), v(t0 + h)))
brings you back to (x0 , v0 ). What is the value in this? Forward Euler takes
no notice of wildly changing derivatives, and proceeds forward quite blindly.
Backward Euler, however, forces one to find an output state whose derivative at least points back to where you came from, imparting, essentially, an
additional layer of consistency (or sanity-checking, if you will).
SIGGRAPH 98, Orlando, July 19–24
C OMPUTER G RAPHICS Proceedings, Annual Conference Series, 1998
v direction is measured by kwv k. (Some previous continuum formulations have modeled stretch energy along an axis as essentially
(wuT wu − 1)2 , which is a quartic function of position [15, 16, 17, 4].
We find this to be needlessly stiff; worse, near the rest state, the force
gradient—a quadratic function of position—is quite small, which
partially negates the advantage implicit integration has in exploiting knowledge of the force gradient. A quadratic model for energy
is, numerically, a better choice.)
We apply this stretch/compression measure to a triangle as follows. Let us consider a triangle whose vertices are particles i, j and
k. Define 1x1 = x j − xi and 1x2 = xk − xi . Also, let 1u1 = u j − ui ,
while 1u2 = uk − ui and similarly for 1v1 and 1v2 . We approximate w(u, v) as a linear function over each triangle; this is equivalent to saying that wu and wv are constant over each triangle. This
lets us write 1x1 = wu 1u1 + wv 1v1 and 1x2 = wu 1u2 + wv 1v2 .
Solving for wu and wv yields
1u1 1u2
(wu wv ) = (1x1 1x2 )
1v1 1v2
n2 and e as having a constant length at each step of the simulation.
This makes differentiating θ with respect to x a manageable task.
Rectangular meshes make it simple to treat bending anisotropically. The uv coordinates associated with particles make this possible for triangular meshes as well. Given material for which bending
in the u and v directions are weighted by stiffnesses ku and kv , we
can emulate this anisotropy as follows. Let the edge between the
triangles be between particles i and j, and define 1u = ui − u j and
1v = vi − v j . The stiffness weighting for this edge should simply
ku (1u)2 + kv (1v)2
(1u)2 + (1v)2
4.4 Additional Forces
To the above forces we also add easily implemented forces such as
gravity and air-drag (which is formulated on a per-triangle basis, and
opposes velocities along the triangle’s normal direction). When the
simulation is fast enough to interact with, we add user-controlled
“mouse” forces. These forces and their gradients are easily derived.
Note that x1 and x2 vary during the simulation but the matrix in the
above equation does not.
We can treat wu and wv as functions of x, realizing that they depend only on xi , x j and xk and using equation (9) to obtain derivatives. The condition we use for the stretch energy is
kwu (x)k − bu
C(x) = a
kwv (x)k − bv
4.5 Damping
The energies we have just described are functions of position only.
Robust dynamic cloth simulation, however, is critically dependent
on well-chosen damping forces that are a function of both position
and velocity. For example, the strong stretch force must be accompanied by a suitably strong damping force if we are to prevent
anomalous in-plane oscillations from arising between connected
particles. However, this strong damping force must confine itself
solely to damping in-plane stretching/compressing motions: stretch
damping should not arise due to motions that are not causing stretch
or compression. Terzopoulos et al.’s [16, 17] treatment of cloth
used a simple viscous damping function which dissipated kinetic
energy, independent of the type of motion. Carignan et al. [4] improved upon this somewhat, borrowing a formulation due to Platt
and Barr [11]; however, their damping function—a linear function
of velocity—does not match the quartic energy functions of their
continuum formulation. In this section we describe a general treatment for damping that is independent of the specific energy function
being damped.
It is tempting to formulate a damping function for an energy function E(x) by measuring the velocity of the energy, Ė = dtd E(x).
This is an easy trap to fall into, but it gives nonsensical results.
At an equilibrium point of E, the gradient ∂E/∂x vanishes. Since
Ė = (∂E/∂x)T ẋ, we find that Ė is zero when E is at its minimum,
regardless of the system’s velocity ẋ = v. In general, Ė is always
too small near the system’s rest state. Clearly, basing the damping
force on Ė is not what we want to do.
We believe that the damping function should be defined not in
terms of the energy E, but in terms of the condition C(x) we have
been using to define energies. The force f arising from the energy
acts only in the direction ∂C(x)/∂x, and so should the damping
force. Additionally, the damping force should depend on the component of the system’s velocity in the ∂C(x)/∂x direction; in other
words, the damping strength should depend on (∂C(x)/∂x)T ẋ =
Ċ(x). Putting this together, we propose that the damping force d
associated with a condition C have the form
where a is the triangle’s area in uv coordinates. Usually, we set
bu = bv = 1, though we need not always do so. In particular, if we
want to slightly lengthen a garment (for example, a sleeve) in the u
direction, we can increase bu , which causes wu to seek a larger value,
and tends to induce wrinkles across the u direction. Likewise, we
might decrease bv near the end of a sleeve, inducing a tight cuff, as
on a sweatshirt. We have found the ability to control shrink/stretch
anisotropically to be an indispensable modeling tool.
4.3 Shear and Bend Forces
Cloth likewise resists shearing in the plane. We can measure the extent to which cloth has sheared in a triangle by considering the inner
product wuT wv . In its rest state, this product is zero. Since the stretch
term prevents the magnitudes of wu and wv from changing overly
much, we need not normalize. By the small angle approximation,
the product wuT wv is a reasonable approximation to the shear angle.
The condition for shearing is simply
C(x) = awu (x)T wv (x)
with a the triangle’s area in the uv plane.
We measure bend between pairs of adjacent triangles. The condition we write for the bend energy depends upon the four particles
defining the two adjoining triangles. If we let n1 and n2 denote the
unit normals of the two triangles and let e be a unit vector parallel to
the common edge, the angle θ between the two faces is defined by
the relations sin θ = (n1 × n2 ) e and cos θ = n1 n2 . We define a
condition for bending by writing simply C(x) = θ which results in
a force that counters bending.5 The assumption that the stretch energy will keep the cloth from stretching much allows us to treat n1 ,
5 For reasonably equilateral triangles, as edge lengths decrease, the curvature represented by a particular angle θ between triangles increases. Since
the square of the curvature—a a good measure of the bend energy in cloth—
increases at the same rate that the triangle’s area decreases, the condition C
should not be scaled by the triangles’ areas. See Breen et al. [3] for a further
discussion of relating curvature to bend angle.
d = −kd
This neatly parallels the fact that f = −ks
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C OMPUTER G RAPHICS Proceedings, Annual Conference Series, 1998
Given the condition functions C we have defined in this section for stretch, bend and shear forces, we can now add accompanying damping forces by applying equation (11). As before, di is
nonzero only for those particles that C depends on, and ∂d/∂x has
the same sparsity pattern as ∂f/∂x. Differentiating equation (11), we
∂2 C(x)
∂C(x) ∂Ċ(x)
= −kd
Ċ(x) .
∂x j
∂x j
∂xi ∂x j
no coordinates, while a particle with one dimension of constraint
would have two coordinates. This is possible—but it complicates
the system immensely. If we change the number of coordinates
per particle, we alter the size of the derivative matrices in equation (6), as well as the sparsity pattern (this happens when a particle
changes from having no coordinates to some coordinates, or vice
versa). Given the transient nature of contact constraints between
cloth and solids, this is most unappealing. The computation of the
derivative matrices’ entries is also greatly complicated, because we
must now introduce extra Jacobian matrices that relate a particle’s
reduced coordinates to its motion in world-space. Finally, correct
constraint-release behavior between cloth and solid objects is difficult to achieve using a reduced coordinate formulation. Considering
all of this, we immediately rejected this method of constraints.
Note that ∂d/∂x is not a second derivative of some function as was
the case in equation (8) so we cannot expect ∂d/∂x to be symmetrical. In equation (12), it is the term (∂C(x)/∂xi )(∂Ċ(x)/∂x j )T which
breaks the symmetry. Anticipating section 5.2, we find it expedient simply to leave this term out, thereby restoring symmetry. This
simplification is clearly not physically justifiable, but we have not
observed any ill effects from this omission. (Omitting all of equation (12), however, causes serious problems.)
Finally, equation (6) requires the derivative ∂d/∂v. Since Ċ(x) =
(∂C(x)/∂x)T v, we have
∂ ∂C(x) T
v =
Penalty Methods
We could constrain particles through the use of strong energy
functions—essentially, stiff springs that attempt to prevent illegal
particle motions. Since our entire formulation is geared to handle stiffness, the usual objections to enforcing constraints with
springs—very stiff equations—do not carry as much weight. We
tried this for a time, and found it to be a not unreasonable constraint enforcement mechanism. However, penalty methods do not
enforce constraints exactly, and they do add some additional stiffness to the system. Since the mechanism we describe enforces constraints exactly, and adds no extra stiffness, we turned away from
penalty methods except in the case of cloth/cloth interactions.
Using this fact, we can write
∂C(x) ∂Ċ(x)
∂C(x) ∂C(x) T
= −kd
= −kd
∂v j
∂v j
∂x j
In this case, the result is symmetrical without dropping any terms.
Lagrange Multipliers
5 Constraints
We could introduce additional constraint forces—that is, Lagrange
multipliers—into our system to satisfy the constraints. This involves augmenting the linear system of equation (6) with extra variables (the multipliers) and extra equations (the constraint conditions). Unfortunately, this turns a positive definite system into an
indefinite system, which means that iterative methods such as CG
will need to square the system first, thereby doubling the running
time and degrading the numerical conditionining of the linear system. Additionally, an iterative method will generally not enforce the
constraints exactly without a large number of iterations. (A direct
method for solving the augmented system would, however, avoid
this problem.) Again, the constraint method we describe steps past
these difficulties, so we turned away from using Lagrange multipliers.
In this section, we describe how constraints are imposed on individual cloth particles. The constraints we discuss in this section are
either automatically determined by the user (such as geometric attachment constraints on a particle) or are contact constraints (generated by the system) between a solid object and a particle. The techniques we describe in this section could be used for multi-particle
constraints; however, constraints that share particle would need to
be merged. Thus, a set of four-particle constraints (such as vertex/triangle or edge/edge contacts in the cloth) might merge to form
a single constraint on arbitrarily many particles, which would be expensive to maintain. Because of this, we handle cloth/cloth contacts
with strong springs (easily dealt with, given the simulator’s underlying implicit integration base) and “position alteration,” a technique
described in section 6.
At any given step of the simulation, a cloth particle is either completely unconstrained (though subject to forces), or the particle may
be constrained in either one, two or three dimensions. Given the
differential nature of our formulation, it is the particle’s acceleration, or equivalently, the change in the particle’s velocity, that is constrained. If the particle is constrained in all three dimensions, then
we are explicitly setting the particle’s velocity (at the next step). If
the constraint is in two or one dimensions, we are constraining the
particle’s velocity along either two or one mutually orthogonal axes.
Before describing our constraint method, we discuss several other
possible enforcement mechanisms and explain why we chose not to
use them.
5.1 Mass Modification
The idea behind our constraint enforcement mechanism is described
quite simply, although the actual implementation is somewhat more
complicated, to maximize performance. A dynamic simulation usually requires knowledge of the inverse mass of objects; for example,
note the appearance of M−1 , and not M in equation (6). In the case
of a single particle, we write ẍi = m1i fi to describe a particle’s acceleration. When inverse mass is used, it becomes trivial to enforce
constraints by altering the mass.
Suppose for example that we want to keep particle i’s velocity
from changing. If we take 1/mi to be zero, we give the particle an
infinite mass, making it ignore all forces exerted on it. Complete
control over a particle’s acceleration is thus taken care of by storing
a value of zero for the particle’s inverse mass. What if we wish to
constrain the particle’s acceleration in only one or two dimensions?
Although we normally think of a particle’s mass
we need
as a scalar,
Reduced Coordinates
An obvious and quite exact method for constraining a particle is
to reduce the number of coordinates describing the particle’s position and velocity. A completely constrained particle would have
not always do so. Suppose we write ẍi =
1/mi 0 0
0 1/mi 0
0 0
fi . Now ẍi
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C OMPUTER G RAPHICS Proceedings, Annual Conference Series, 1998
must lie in the xy plane; no acceleration in the z direction is possible.
Note than an unconstrained particle can be considered to have the
3 × 3 inverse mass matrix m1i I, with I the identity matrix.
Of course, we are not restricted to coordinate-aligned constraints.
More generally, given a unit vector p ∈ IR3 , a particle is prevented
from accelerating along p by using an inverse mass matrix m1i (I −
ppT ); this follows from the fact that (I − ppT )p = 0. Similarly,
given two mutually orthogonal unit vectors p and q, we prevent a
particle from accelerating in either the p or q direction by using the
inverse mass matrix m1i (I − ppT − qqT ).
By allowing constrained particles to have these sorts of inverse
masses, we can build constraints directly into equation (6). We will
create a modified version W of M−1 ; W will be a block-diagonal
matrix, with off-diagonal blocks being zero, and diagonal blocks
defined as follows: let ndof(i) indicate the number of degrees of
freedom particle i has, and let particle i’s prohibited directions be
pi (if ndof(i) = 2) or pi and qi (if ndof(i) = 1) with pi and qi mutually orthogonal unit vectors. W’s diagonal blocks are Wii = m1i Si
if ndof(i) = 3
 (I − p pT )
if ndof(i) = 2
i i
Si =
(I − pi piT − qi qiT ) if ndof(i) = 1
if ndof(i) = 0.
a symmetric (and positive definite) system by left-multiplying the
entire equation by M: the system
1v = h f0 + h v0
M − h − h2
is symmetric and has the same solution 1v as equation (6). Unfortunately, we cannot apply the same transformation to equation (14),
because W is singular—the filtering blocks in equation (13) are rank
deficient—so we cannot multiply through by W−1 .
The solution to the problem of asymmetry is to modify the CG
method so that it can operate on equation (15), while procedurally
applying the constraints inherent in the matrix W at each iteration.
The modified method will need to know about the particles’ constraints and the vector z. Let us define the symmetric positive definite matrix A by
2 ∂f
A = M−h −h
and the vector b and residual vector r as
b = h f0 + h v0
r = A1v − b.
Given A, b, constraints on the particles, and z, our modified CG
method will try to find 1v that satisfies two conditions:
We are not limited to constraining particles to have zero accelerations in certain directions; rather, we control exactly what the
change in velocity is along the constrained directions. For every
particle i, let zi be the change in velocity we wish to enforce in the
particle’s constrained direction(s). (This implies we can choose any
value of zi for a completely constrained particle, since all directions
are constrained; an unconstrained particle must have zi = 0 since
it has no constrained directions.) Using W and z, we rewrite equation (6) to directly enforce constraints. If we solve
I − hW − h2 W
1v = hW f0 + h v0 + z (14)
• For each particle i, the component of ri in the particle’s unconstrained direction(s) will be made equal to zero (assuming the
method is run for sufficiently many iterations).
• For each particle i, the component of 1vi in the particle’s constrained direction(s) will be exactly zi (no matter how many
iterations are taken).
Note that these two conditions imply that unconstrained particles
have ri close to zero, while completely constrained particles have
1vi = zi . Thus in the case when no particles are constrained, our
modified CG method should produce the same result as the regular
CG method.
for 1v, we will obtain a 1v which is consistent with our constraints.
Completely constrained particles will have 1vi = zi , while partially
constrained particles will have a 1vi whose component in the constrained direction(s) is equal to zi .
5.3 The Modified Conjugate Gradient Method
The CG method (technically, the preconditioned CG method) takes
a symmetric positive semi-definite matrix A, a symmetric positive
definite preconditioning matrix P of the same dimension as A, a
vector b and iteratively solves A1v = b. The iteration stops when
kb − A1vk is less than kbk where is a user-defined tolerance
value. The preconditioning matrix P, which must be easily invertible, speeds convergence to the extent that P−1 approximates A. We
wholeheartedly refer the reader to Shewchuk [14] for information
on the CG method.
We derive our modified conjugate gradient method by observing
that the effect of the matrix W in equation (14) is to filter out velocity changes in the constrained directions. Our idea then is to define
an invariant— for all i, the component of 1vi in the constrained direction(s) of particle i is equal to zi —and then establish and maintain the invariant at each iteration, by defining a filtering procedure
filter. The role of filter is to take a vector a and perform the same
filtering operation (see equation (13)) as multiplying by W, but leaving out the scaling by 1/mi :
5.2 Implementation
We initially implemented constraints using equation (14) and found
that it worked exactly as advertised. For very small test systems,
we solved equation (14) using a direct method (Gaussian elimination) without any problems. For larger systems, we planned to use
the iterative, sparsity-exploiting CG method, which immediately
presents us with a problem: equation (14) is not a symmetric linear system. (For that matter, neither is equation (6) unless all particles have the same mass.) CG methods, however, require symmetric matrices.6 We could apply a CG method to the unsymmetric
matrix of equation (14) by use of the “normal equations”; but this
involves multiplying the matrix of equation (14) with its transpose
which doubles the cost of each iteration while squaring the condition
number of the system [14]—a less than desirable plan. We decided
that using a CG method to solve the unsymmetric problem was not
Note that without constraints, applying a CG method to equation (6) is not difficult, because we can transform this equation to
procedure filter(a)
for i = 1 to n
âi = Si ai
return â
6 In fact, they work best on positive definite symmetric matrices. The matrices we ultimately hand to our CG method are positive definite.
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C OMPUTER G RAPHICS Proceedings, Annual Conference Series, 1998
Using filter, we define the modified CG method modified-pcg as
The particles’ accelerations are inherently dependent on one another through the matrix A of equation (16). This means that the correct approach to determing constraint release is combinatoric, as in
Baraff [2]. We reject this approach as impractical given the dimension of A. Instead, we allow contacts to release when the constraint
force between a particle and a solid switches from a repulsive force
to an attractive one. In practice, this has proven to work well.
Friction presents a similar problem. When cloth contacts a solid,
we lock the particle onto the surface, if the relative tangential velocity is low. We monitor the constraint force, and if the tangential
force exceeds some fraction of the normal force, we allow the particle to slide on the surface. For high sliding velocities, we apply a
dissipative tangential force, opposite the relative sliding direction,
proportional to the normal force.
procedure modified-pcg
1v = z
δ0 = filter(b)T P filter(b)
r = filter(b − A1v)
c = filter(P−1 r)
δnew = rT c
while δnew > 2 δ0
q = filter(Ac)
α = δnew /(cT q)
1v = 1v + αc
r = r − αq
s = P−1 r
δold = δnew
δnew = rT s
c = filter(s +
6 Collisions
Much has been written about collision detection for cloth; we have
nothing substantial to add to the subject of collision detection per
se. Cloth/cloth collisions are detected by checking pairs ( p, t) and
(e1 , e2 ) for intersections, where p and t are a cloth particle and a
cloth triangle respectively, and e1 and e2 are edges of cloth triangles. Given a previous known legal state of the cloth, we postulate a
linear motion for the cloth particles to the current (possibly illegal)
state and check for either particle/triangle or edge/edge crossings.
To avoid O(n2 ) comparisons, we use a coherency-based boundingbox approach [1] to cull out the majority of pairs.
When collisions between a cloth vertex and triangle, or two cloth
edges are detected, we insert a strong damped spring force to push
the cloth apart. A dissipative force tangent to the contact is also
applied, countering any sliding motion. The force is not, strictly
speaking, a frictional force: rather it is proportional to the slip velocity, so it is in actuality a damping force, although it reasonably
emulates dynamic friction. Applying static friction forces to cloth
contacts is far more difficult, and is a problem we have not solved
yet. The forces, and their derivatives with respect to position and
velocity, are of course included in equation (15).
Our system detects collisions between cloth particles and solid
objects by testing each individual cloth particle against the faces of
each solid object. A solid object’s faces are grouped in a hierarchical
bounding box tree, with the leaves of the tree being individual faces
of the solid. The tree is created by a simple recursive splitting along
coordinate axes. The maintenance of contacts and the application of
friction forces was described in the previous section.
Line 2 of the procedure establishes our invariant. Lines 5 and 15
maintain the invariant by filtering c before adding it to 1v. The unmodified conjugate gradient method establishes a stopping criterion
based on bT Pb. Since our constrained formulation ignores certain
components of b, our stopping criterion should as well, so we add
filtering to line 3. The vector r measures the solution error b − A1v,
and should not include error due to the constraints; hence we add
filtering at lines 4 and 8. (Note that removing the calls to filter and
changing line 2 to 1v = 0 yields the standard preconditioned conjugate gradient method.)
We use a simple preconditioner P by making P be a diagonal matrix with Pii = 1/Aii so products involving P−1 are trivially computed. More elaborate preconditioners could be used, though we
doubt there is a large speedup to be gained. Matrix-vector products
with A are of course implemented in sparse matrix-vector fashion,
using the data structures defined in section 2.3.
Given modified-pcg, obvious questions are “does it work?” followed by “how does it compare with the unmodified CG method?”
Proofs about CG methods are difficult in general; in practice, our
method always converges, which answers the first question. Prior to
implementing modified-pcg, we used a penalty method and applied
the standard CG method to equation (15). When we began using
procedure modified-pcg, we did not notice any substantial change
in the number of iterations required by the method. Empirically, we
conclude that the two methods have similar convergence behavior.
Result in section 8 indicate that the running time is close to O(n1.5 ),
which is what unmodified CG would be expected to deliver on this
sort of problem [14].
6.1 Constraint Initiation
Both cloth/cloth and cloth/solid collisions give rise to the same
problem whenever two contacts form. For both types of collisions,
our detection algorithm reports an intersection, and then takes action
to remedy the situation: either by enforcing a constraint (cloth/solid
collisions) or by adding a penalty force (cloth/cloth) collisions.
However, since our simulator proceeds in discrete steps, collisions
resulting in a reasonably substantial interpenetration depth can occur between one step and the next. Clearly, this situation needs to
be remedied.
For cloth/cloth collisions, this would not appear to be a problem:
the spring forces that are added work to counter the colliding velocities and then push the cloth apart. For cloth/solid collisions, however, the situation is more complicated. If we simply enforce a constraint which causes the colliding cloth particle to have a velocity
consistent with the solid object’s velocity, and continue to enforce
that constraint, the cloth particle will continue to remain embedded
somewhere below the solid object’s surface. This is unacceptable.
5.4 Determining the Constraint Forces
For contact constraints (between cloth and solid objects) we need
to know what the actual force of constraint is, in order to determine when to terminate a constraint. Additionally, we need to
know the constraint force actually exerted in order to model frictional forces properly. Fortunately, it is easy to add one more
step to modified-pcg to determine the constraint force. When
modified-pcg terminates, the residual error e = A1v − b has the
property that ei need not be close to zero if particle i is constrained.
In fact, ei is exactly the extra constraint force that must have been
supplied to enforce the constraint. Thus, we can compute constraint
forces at the end of modified-pcg by performing one last matrixvector product to compute A1v − b. (The vector r in modified-pcg
is equal to filter(A1v − b), so the extra matrix-vector product to
compute e really is necessary.)
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C OMPUTER G RAPHICS Proceedings, Annual Conference Series, 1998
7 Adaptive Time Stepping
One solution is to use Baumgarte stabilization [18], which schedules the particle’s acceleration so that the position and velocity error of the particle with respect to the surface decay asymptotically to
zero. We experimented with this technique, but found it lacking. In
particular, a fast rise to the surface was prone to noise and “jumpiness”; this could be eliminated, but at the cost of decreasing the step
size. A slower rise to the surface caused visual artifacts.
We tried a simpler solution: when intersections occurred, rather
than wait for a scheduled constraint or a penalty force to eliminate
the intersection, we simply altered the positions of the cloth particles, effecting an instantaneous (and discontinuous) change in position. While this would be problematic when using a multi-step differential equation solver which expects continuity (such as a RungeKutta method), it should not interfere with a one-step solver such as
the backward Euler method. Unfortunately, simply changing particle positions produced disastrous results. The stretch energy term in
a cloth system is extremely strong, and altering particle positions arbitrarily introduced excessively large deformation energies in an altered particle’s neighborhood. This resulted in visibly “jumpy” behavior of the cloth in localized regions.
The methods introduced in all of the previous sections usually allow
us to take sizeable steps forward, without loss of stability. Even so,
there are still times when the step size must be reduced to avoid divergence. There are a large number of methods for altering the size
of a time step, for both explicit and implicit integrators, but these
methods tend to concentrate on the accuracy of the simulation, and
not the stability. Our goal is animation, not engineering; thus visually pleasing results, meaning a numerically stable solution, rather
than overall accuracy, is the deciding voice. The trick is to recognize
instability before you see it on your screen—by then it’s too late.
Stiffness, and thus any potential instability, arises almost completely from the strong stretch forces in the cloth. After each implicit step, we treat the resulting 1x as a proposed change in the
cloth’s state, and examine the stretch terms (section 4.2) for each triangle in the newly proposed state. If any triangle undergoes a drastic
change in its stretch (in either the u or v direction) we discard the
proposed state, reduce the step size, and try again. Subtlety is not
required: we find that an unstable step invariably results in stretch
changes that are quite large, and are thus easily detected.
Our simulation is run with a parameter that indicates the maximum allowable step size: this parameter is set by the user, and is
always less than or equal to one frame. (Most of our simulations involving human motions use a step size of 0.02 seconds.) Whenever
the simulator reduces the step size, after two successes with the reduced step size the simulator tries to increase the step size. If the
simulator fails at the larger step size, it reduces the size again, and
waits for a longer period of time before retrying to increase the step
size. At its limit, the simulator will try increasing the step size every 40 steps; thus, if the user chooses too large a step, the simulator
settles down to wasting only one out of every 40 steps in attempting
too large a step. This method, though simple, has served us well.
6.2 Position Alteration
Despite its initial failure, the ability to make arbitrary small changes
in a particle’s position continued to attract our attention. The entire process of implicit integration can be considered to be a filtering
process [7], and we postulated that a mechanism for filtering energy
changes caused by displacing particles might make position alteration a viable technique. We considered that perhaps some sort of
extra implicit step could be used as a filter, but forming and solving an additional linear system at each step seemed too expensive.
Happily, we can make use of the filtering effect of implicit integration without any extra work.
Consider a particle that has collided with a solid object. The particle’s change in velocity at each step is under our control, using the
constraint techniques described in section 5. Meanwhile, the particle’s position at the next step follows from equation (4):
8 Results
1xi = h(v0i + 1vi )
(recall that v0i is the particle’s current velocity). The reason that
changing positions after a step has been taken doesn’t work is because the particle’s neighbors receive no advance notification of the
change in position: they are confronted with the alteration at the beginning of the next step. This presents an obvious solution: we simply modify the top row of equation (4) to
1xi = h(v0i + 1vi ) + yi
Table 1 gives a performance summary of assorted animations,
shown in figures 1–6. Unaccounted overhead of the simulation (typically about 5%) includes tasks such as geometry transformations,
memory allocation, etc. The clothes in figures 3–6 were modeled as
discrete planar panels, and then topologically seamed. The simulator was used to relax the clothing from an initial deformed state, that
got the clothes around the characters, to a well-fitting state on the
characters. The bu and bv parameters (see equation (10)) were then
made smaller in certain regions to produce cuffs and waistbands,
or strategically increased to induce wrinkling behavior in other regions.
We also ran the simulation in figure 1 with a range of stiffnesses
for the bend term. Using the stiffness parameters in figure 1 as a reference, we ran the simulation with those bend stiffnesses multiplied
by 0.1, 1.0, 10, 100 and 1,000 (for a total range of 10,000 in the stiffness). The variance in the running times was under 5%. We doubt
that simulators based on explicit integration methods could make a
similar claim.
Finally, we tried to estimate our simulator’s performance as a
function of n, the number of cloth particles. We ran the simulation in
figure 1 with cloth resolutions of 500, 899, 2,602 (shown in figure 1)
and 7,359 particles. The running times were, respectively, 0.23
seconds/frame, 0.46 seconds/frame, 2.23 seconds/frame, and 10.3
seconds/frame. This is slightly better than O(n1.5 ) performance,
which is in line with the convergence rates of the conjugate gradient
method [14] for systems such as equation (18).
where yi is an arbitrary correction term of our choice, introduced
solely to move a particle to a desired location during the backward
Euler step. Having modified the top row of equation (4), we must
follow this change through: using equation (17) and repeating the
derivation of section 3 and the symmetric transform from section 5
yields the modified symmetric system
1v = h f0 + h v0 + y .
M − h − h2
This modification gives us complete control over both the position and velocity of a constrained particle in just one step, without
any extra computational cost. We use this technique to bring particles quickly and stably to the surface of solid objects without creating visual artifacts or limiting the allowable step size. We can also
add correction terms to particles involved in cloth/cloth collisions.
Without a constraint on those particles’ velocities there is no guarantee that they will go exactly where we want in one step, but the
ability to induce sizeable jumps in position without excessively stiff
spring forces adds greatly to the stability of the simulation.
SIGGRAPH 98, Orlando, July 19–24
no. vertices/no. triangles
6,450/12,654 9,941/18,110
6,450/12,654 9,941/18,110
8,757/17,352 9,941/18,110
2,153/4,020 7,630/14,008
5,108/10,016 7,630/14,008
4,530/8,844 7,630/14,008
5,188/10,194 7,630/14,008
C OMPUTER G RAPHICS Proceedings, Annual Conference Series, 1998
(CPU sec.)
step size
min/max (ms)
total frames/
total steps
task breakdown percentage
50.4 18.3 1.4
63.6 15.3 0.2
37.9 30.9 2.6
29.9 46.1 2.2
35.7 42.5 1.7
30.0 44.5 1.5
26.0 57.7 1.3
36.8 29.7 2.6
30.9 50.2 1.4
Table 1: System performance for simulations in figures 1–6. Minimum and maximum time steps are in milliseconds of simulation time.
Time/frame indicates actual CPU time for each frame, averaged over the simulation. Percentages of total running time are given for
four tasks: EVAL— forming the linear system of equation (18); CG—solving equation (18); C/C—cloth/cloth collision detection; and
C/S—cloth/solid collision detection.
9 Acknowledgments
[11] J.C. Platt and A.H. Barr. Constraint methods for flexible models. In Computer Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH), volume 22,
pages 279–288. ACM, July 1988.
This research was supported in part by an ONR Young Investigator award, an NSF CAREER award, and grants from the Intel Corporation. We thank Alias|Wavefront for supplying the models and
motion capture data used in figures 5 and 6.
[12] W.H. Press, B.P. Flannery, S.A. Teukolsky, and W.T. Vetterling. Numerical Recipes. Cambridge University Press, 1986.
[13] X. Provot. Deformation constraints in a mass-spring model
to describe rigid cloth behavior. In Graphics Interface, pages
147–155, 1995.
[1] D. Baraff. Dynamic Simulation of Non-penetrating Rigid Bodies. PhD thesis, Cornell University, May 1992.
[14] J. Shewchuk. An introduction to the conjugate gradient
method without the agonizing pain. Technical Report CMUCS-TR-94-125, Carnegie Mellon University, 1994. (See also
[2] D. Baraff. Fast contact force computation for nonpenetrating
rigid bodies. Computer Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH), 28:23–
34, 1994.
[15] D. Terzopoulos and K. Fleischer. Deformable models. Visual
Computer, 4:306–331, 1988.
[3] D.E. Breen, D.H. House, and M.J. Wozny. Predicting the
drape of woven cloth using interacting particles. Computer
Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH), pages 365–372, 1994.
[16] D. Terzopoulos and K. Fleischer. Modeling inelastic deformation: Viscoelasticity, plasticity, fracture. In Computer Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH), volume 22, pages 269–278. ACM,
August 1988.
[4] M. Carignan, Y. Yang, N. Magenenat-Thalmann, and D. Thalmann. Dressing animated synthetic actors with complex deformable clothes. Computer Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH),
pages 99–104, 1992.
[17] D. Terzopoulos, J.C. Platt, and A.H. Barr. Elastically deformable models. Computer Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH),
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SIGGRAPH 98, Orlando, July 19–24
C OMPUTER G RAPHICS Proceedings, Annual Conference Series, 1998
Figure 1 (top row): Cloth draping on cylinder; frames 8, 13 and 35. Figure 2 (second row): Sheet with two fixed particles;
frames 10, 29 and 67. Figure 3 (third row): Shirt on twisting figure; frames 1, 24 and 46. Figure 4 (bottom row): Walking man;
frames 30, 45 and 58.
SIGGRAPH 98, Orlando, July 19–24
C OMPUTER G RAPHICS Proceedings, Annual Conference Series, 1998
Figure 5 (top row): Dancer with short skirt; frames 110, 136 and 155. Figure 6 (middle row): Dancer with long skirt;
frames 185, 215 and 236. Figure 7 (bottom row): Closeups from figures 4 and 6.