6/1/2012 Learning Objectives The Origin and Evolutionary History of Life 1. What conditions do geologists think existed on early Earth? 2. The prebiotic soup hypothesis and iron–sulfur world hypothesis 3. Hypotheses for the origin of cells? 4. Evolution of photosynthetic autotrophs and their affect? Chapter 21 Early Earth The Origin of Life • Biologists generally agree: 1. life originated from nonliving matter 2. by chemical evolution •How did life begin? •Earth is ~ 4.6 billion years old!! •CO2, H2O, CO, H2, N2, (& ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, methane) •No O2 Things to consider • There is no direct fossil evidence of the origin of life • But - • Experiments have demonstrated molecules found in all living organisms, may have formed abiotically. • Origin of life can not be tested experimentally • But - • hypotheses about chemical evolution can be tested 4 Requirements needed for Chemical Evolution of life 1. Absence of oxygen!!! • oxygen would oxidize organic molecules - Atoms make molecules - Organic molecules have Carbon atoms - So! O2 would have broken down organic molecules - O2 would not have been available (bonded to other molecules) 1 6/1/2012 4 Requirements for needed for Chemical Evolution of life 2. Energy - to form organic molecules - Earth was violent! - Sun - Lightning - Volcanos 4 Requirements for Chemical Evolution 3. Chemical building blocks to build organic molecules • water, minerals, gases in atmosphere • to form organic molecules 4. Lots of time - for molecules to accumulate and react - Earth ~4.6 bya; Life ~ 3.5 bya Electrodes Miller and Urey’s How did Organic Molecules occur? Experiment NH3 CH4 2 Hypothesis: 1. Prebiotic soup hypothesis • organic molecules formed near Earth’s surface “sea of organic soup” or on rock or clay surfaces • - smaller organic molecules bonded to make bigger molecules Spark chamber Condenser Boiling chamber Heat source How did Organic Molecules occur? 2. Iron–sulfur world hypothesis • organic molecules formed at hydrothermal vents in deep ocean floor • Diverse communities exist here • Produce precursers of biological molecules • Ammonia! Precurser of Proteins & Nucleic Acids • Also: in Lab Iron & Nickel cause reax with CO and hydrogen sulphide to make acetic acid/other simple organic molecules H2 H2O To vacuum Organic molecules collect in the trap The Origin of Cells • Scientists have made Protobionts: • macromolecule assemblages made abiotically (not from living things) • macromolecules formed spontaneously! • We have found Protobionts: • Can divide • Organized • Internal environment differs from external environment • Metabolism (chemical/energy changes) Did Cells arise from protobionts?????? 2 6/1/2012 Protobionts: e.g.,Microspheres •Made from Water + abioticically produced protein! • Can divide!!!! •Excitable – electrical charge across their surface •Can absorb materials from environment – acting like they have a membrane •“Precells??” Molecular reproduction was important step in origin of cells DNA → RNA → protein • DNA and RNA can replicate if right molecules are present • Important with respect to cell division • Was RNA here first. Many think so. Scientists (1980) working with single-celled organism observed RNA (not enzymes) – catalyzing chemical reactions!!!!!!!! - They called these Rybozymes - Many other found - Some catalyze replication of RNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Molecular reproduction was important step in origin of cells DNA → RNA → protein • DNA and RNA can replicate if right molecules are present • Important with respect to cell division MANY hypothesize RNA occurred 1st. - what if by chance an RNA strand was/became a Rybosyme? - what if RNA strand replicated - - DNA? - what if membranes formed spontaneously? - exps. H2O+lipids+proteins shaken = vescicles The First Cells • 2 types of cells Prokaryotes (no nucleus, no organelles) Eukaryotes (nucleus & organelles) • When did first cells appear on Earth? • Who was first Prokaryotes or Eukaryotes? Microfossils ~3.5 MYA or rock squiggles? Evidence suggests 1st cells were Prokaryotes Did this happen? Time & molecules were there????? Stromatolites • Prokaryotic heterotrophs • “consumed” organic molecules from environment • probably anaerobic bacteria (No O2 then!) • Autotrophs - evolved later • produced organic molecules by photosynthesis - Put O2 in atmosphere!!!! - Created Ozone layer - changed early life - permitted evolution of efficient aerobes 3 6/1/2012 Ozone ORIGINAL PROKARYOTIC HOST CELL DNA Endosymbiont Hypothesis Aerobic bacteria • Provided UV protection • UV from sun breaks double bonds of Oxygen Molecules and forms O3 •i.e., O2 from photosynthesis resulted in Ozone – protection for life Multiple invaginations of the plasma membrane Aerobic bacteria become mitochondria Photosynthetic bacteria... ... become chloroplasts EUKARYOTIC CELLS: PLANTS, SOME PROTISTS EUKARYOTIC CELLS: ANIMALS, FUNGI, SOME PROTISTS Fig. 21-7, p. 454 Evidence for endosymbiotic hypothesis • Biochemistry of eurkaryotic cells and bacteria • Centrioles, mitochondria, and chlorplasts have DNA • Remnants of the DNA that occurred in engulfed bacteria??? • Intermediates?? e.g., ameoba has no mitochondria but does have bacteria that performs same role • Animals that photosynthesize: coral, clam, snail, paramecium (photosynthetic algae in their cells_ 4