Ellen W. Bonaguro @wku.edu
Ph.D., Interpersonal Communication, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio; secondary
emphasis in Health Services Administration
M.S., Health Education, Comprehensive Health Education (School and Community),
University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon; secondary emphasis in Gerontology
B.A. in Biological Sciences, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Illinois
Outstanding Advising Administrator Award, National Academic Advising Association
Lifetime Achievement Award, Kentucky Academic Advising Association
Women of the Year, Warren County Human Rights Commission
Outstanding Advising Award, Western Kentucky University-Potter College of Arts and
Letters (nominated)
Outstanding Teaching Award, Western Kentucky University-Potter College of Arts and
Letters (nominated)
Management Institute For Women in Higher Education Administration (HERS Program),
Wellesley College
Ithaca College Excellence in Service Award
Lambda Pi Eta Outstanding Faculty Award, Ithaca College
Ithaca College Excellence in Teaching Award (nominated)
Northern Illinois University Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching
Northern Illinois University Panhellenic Council Faculty of the Year Award
Young Outstanding Teacher Award, Central States Speech Association
Cheris Kramarae Dissertation Award
Kantner Fellowship, Ohio University - One of four competitive university-wide academic
Outstanding Doctoral Student - Interpersonal Communication, Ohio University
Model Health Education - Risk Reduction Program, Centers for Disease Control
Outstanding Health Educator, American Heart Association, Central Ohio Affiliate
Gerontology Trainee, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon
Associate Professor (Tenured), Department of Communication, Western Kentucky
University, August 2011 to present.
Member of the search committee for new department head
Oversee senior capstone projects
Active mentor for junior faculty
Completely revised the undergraduate required course in interpersonal
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Taught graduate course in Survey Research Methods which includes directing
individual quantitative research projects in communication studies. Established
“Research Days’ an event that provides students with a forum to present papers to
the faculty and other students. Several papers were competitively selected for
presentation at communication conferences. Taught a graduate course in
interpersonal communication through interactive television. Students developed
innovative materials to use in training workshops on various interpersonal
communication topics. Strong online component in the television course.
Blackboard used as a supplement for all classroom activities for both courses.
Advise communication majors and minors regarding course selection and career
Active member of the department’s workload committee. Wrote an important
proposal to increase departmental effectiveness in academic advising. The
department now has the highest advising ratings on the Western Kentucky
University Student Engagement Survey. Wrote another proposal on new
initiatives to address faculty workload.
Established Lambda Pi Eta, the National Honor Society of the National
Communication Association
Member of the University Faculty Senate and Faculty Welfare Committee
Assisted in the planning and implementation of numerous events for student and
faculty recruitment.
Publishing research and consulting in the area of health communication
Associate Dean, Student Academic Services and Enrollment, Academic Affairs,
July 2009 to present
Provide vision, creative leadership and oversight for the Academic Advising and
Retention Center, Student Athlete Success Center, Student Disability Services,
Upward Bound, Veterans Upward Bound, Student Support Services, Educational
Opportunity Center, and Talent Search.
Lead the development of innovative strategies utilizing new technologies to
ensure that these departments provide the highest level of student service and
contribute to the college’s goals of recruitment, retention and student success.
Manage data analysis for student success projects and provide appropriate
reports and to confirm the planning, implementation, and evaluation of
innovative strategies to improve student success.
Develop and manage departmental budgets, allocate personnel and fiscal
resources, review and propose policies and policy changes for consistency with
institutional needs and professional guidelines, and for compliance with federal
and state statutes (for Academic Advising and Retention Center, Student
Disability Services, and five TRiO Programs).
Develop and implement strategic initiatives to improve student centeredness
and incorporate quality management in student services.
Participate in institutional planning and policy development related to
enrollment, retention and student academic service.
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Work closely and collaboratively with internal and external constituencies using
strong interpersonal and communication skills.
Oversee all operations with Directors for Academic Advising and Retention
Center, Student Disability Services, and five TRiO Program Directors).
Director, Academic Advising and Retention Center (AARC), Student Success
Center, Western Kentucky University, August 2005 to September, 2010
Member of the Enrollment Management Team (includes the Registrar, Directors
of Admissions, Director of Financial Aid, Director of Student Disability Services
and TRiO) reporting to the Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs.
Responsible for all budgeting, planning, implementing and evaluation for the
AARC and Student Athlete Success Center
Supervise and coordinate advising, supplemental education, and retention services
university-wide with six full-time professional staff, seventy undergraduate
student employees, and two graduate assistants in AARC
Supervise and coordinate the Student Athlete Success Center with five
professional staff.
Foster a creative team environment that supports the AARC vision and mission
Oversee all advising activities (including new student orientation) with faculty
and professional advisors within five colleges, three regional campuses and the
Bowling Green Community College
Assist in the design, implementation, and evaluation of ongoing training programs
and print materials for advisors
Provide data on program effectiveness for all services provided by AARC( use the
Western Kentucky University Student Engagement Survey, National Student
Survey on Engagement, retention rates, and six-year graduation rates as baseline
Responsible for Annual Program Enrollment Report
Use technology to enhance advising, supplemental education, and retention (i.e.
TutorTrac and AdvisorTrac software, designing a Change of Major form online,
and a new Advisee Eligible to Register List)
Responsible for the Fifth Week Freshmen Assessment and new online follow-up
Coordinate the AARC Exploratory Program with approximately 800 students
each year
Oversee a Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies degree in AARC that grew to 600
Conduct Academic Status Review each semester for all WKU students
Design and implement an improved Academic Probation process
Established a retention program (Best Expectation Programs) targeting several
different student groups (new first years that require developmental coursework,
first years on academic probation, sophomores, students back on appeal, and
African America students)
Initiated an ongoing retention program that begins every semester after priority
registration ends to increase registration for the coming semester
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Oversee The Learning Center-the largest tutoring and supplemental education
program at WKU offering tutoring in over 100 courses.
Assist in the design of supplemental education programs used campus-wide
Serve on the Enrollment Management Task Force, Developmental Education
Task Force, Banner Steering Committee, and the iCAP Committee (Interactive
Curriculum Academic Progress-an online degree audit)
Involved nationally, regionally, and statewide in promoting advising and retention
efforts through the National Academic Advising Association (NACADA),
NACADA-Region 3, and the Kentucky Academic Advising Associaiton
(founding member with the Council on Post-Secondary Education and first
Associate Professor (Tenured), Department of Communication, Western Kentucky
University, August 2004 to present.
Currently member of the search committee for new department head
Oversee senior capstone projects
Active mentor for junior faculty
Completely revised the undergraduate required course in interpersonal
Taught graduate course in Survey Research Methods which includes directing
individual quantitative research projects in communication studies. Established
“Research Days’ an event that provides students with a forum to present papers to
the faculty and other students. Several papers were competitively selected for
presentation at communication conferences. Taught a graduate course in
interpersonal communication through interactive television. Students developed
innovative materials to use in training workshops on various interpersonal
communication topics. Strong online component in the television course.
Blackboard used as a supplement for all classroom activities for both courses.
Advise communication majors and minors regarding course selection and career
Active member of the department’s workload committee. Wrote an important
proposal to increase departmental effectiveness in academic advising. The
department now has the highest advising ratings on the Western Kentucky
University Student Engagement Survey. Wrote another proposal on new
initiatives to address faculty worload.
Established Lambda Pi Eta, the National Honor Society of the National
Communication Association
Member of the University Faculty Senate and Faculty Welfare Committee
Assisted in the planning and implementation of numerous events for student and
faculty recruitment.
Publishing research and consulting in the area of health communication.
Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Communication, Western Kentucky
University, August 2003-May 2004.
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On leave from Ithaca College
Taught undergraduate required course in organizational communication, and
sections of business and professional speaking. Complement classroom learning
with Blackboard activities.
Taught graduate course in survey research methods which includes directing
individual quantitative research projects in communication studies. Established
“Research Days’ an event that provides students with a forum to present papers to
the faculty and other students. Several papers were competitively selected for
presentation at communication conferences. Taught a graduate course in
interpersonal communication through interactive television (reaching twenty-one
students in four different locations). Strong online component in the television
course. Blackboard used as a supplement for all classroom activities for both
Advised communication majors and minors regarding course selection and career
Served on the general education committee (conducted data analysis and assisted
in writing of the report on the basic courses), academic program committee, and
the careers fair committee for the department.
Served on search committee for the academic advisor position for the Academic
Advising and Retention Center
Organized campus-wide book groups in Educating Citizens with the Faculty
Center for Teaching and Learning
Associate Dean, School of Humanities and Sciences ( June 2001-July 2003) and
Tenured Associate Professor in Department of Speech Communication at Ithaca
Implemented academic policies and procedures for the Dean’s Office for eighteen
academic departments and work with the Committee on Academic Policies and
Served as the chair of the Academic Status Committee. Evaluate requests for
exceptions to academic regulations and make recommendations on academic
warnings, suspensions, dismissals, and readmission.
Approved transfer credit evaluations, senior credit waivers, study abroad
applications and other registration issues.
Served as mediator to resolve disputes between faculty and students to include
resolving grade disputes and changes.
Managed the selection process for academic honors to include the Dean’s Awards
and nominations for all Phi Kappa Phi awards. Prepare and deliver speeches for
individual presidential awards. Prepare the Deans’ recommendations for all H&S
student applications to law school
Coordinated summer and January orientation to include programming, recruiting,
and training faculty advisers. Serve as a member of the summer orientation
steering committee and coordinate placement testing in writing, foreign
languages, and mathematics.
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Assisted H&S Exploratory Program academic advisor in all areas of academic
advising and registration. Worked with faculty regarding advising and graduation
issues. Responsible for advising and registration for high-risk students.
Managed program and budget for the Handwerker Art Gallery.
Chair of the H&S Technology Advisory Committee, overseeing all planning,
acquisition, and implementation of computer-related technology for the school.
Coordinate the computer inventory and replacement program for the school with
computing services.
Assisted the Dean in the evaluation of budgets. Provide data, reports, and
analyses in support of planning activities. Serve as a member of the H&S
Planning and Priorities Committee.
Coordinated all H&S admission activities and ensure faculty and staff support for
all events. Prepare and deliver speeches for selected admission events.
Organized Family Weekend activities and maintain communication with parents
including resolution of parental problems and concerns. Organize Homecoming
Weekend and Reunion Weekend activities in conjunction with Alumni Affairs.
Wrote quarterly articles for alumni magazine, two E-Newsletters each semester;
serve as managing editor of the annual Dean’s Newsletter. Assist departments in
preparation of admissions brochures.
Met with Administrative Assembly and other Associate Deans to coordinate
cross-school academic policies, procedures, and issues.
Assumed the responsibilities of the Dean in his absence; supervise the academic
personnel, and budgetary operations of the school.
Appointed by President to serve on the New Initiatives Committee and the
Revenue Generating Committee
Member of the advisory committee for the new Division for Interdisciplinary
Studies and the new Academic Advisement and Achievement Committee
Chair of the search committee for the Office of Multicultural Affairs
Interim Assistant Dean, School of Humanities and Sciences ( August, 2000 to June
2001) and Tenured Associate Professor in the Department of Speech
Communication at Ithaca College.
Responsibilities include student affairs, faculty-student mediation, and assist with
new student orientation.
Worked with admissions in establishing H&S events. Member of the
Administrative Assembly, Assistant/Associate Deans Group,
Faculty representative on the All-College Planning and Priority Committee
Faculty representative on All-College Budget Committee
Coordinator for the Health Communication Advisory Committee
Assistant Professor, Department of Speech Communication, School of Humanities
and Sciences, Ithaca College. August 1994-August-2000
Taught undergraduate courses in business and professional communication, health
communication, communication and aging, language and social interaction,
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public communication, small group communication, and communication research
methods. (four courses each semester-twenty students per class)
Taught graduate communication courses for the Park School of Communications
in Organizational Communication, Learning, and Design Department for the
summer program.
Advise speech communication majors and minors as well as exploratory students.
Serve on college, school, and department committees. One of seven faculty
members elected to an all-college planning committee (served as chair for the
subcommittee on the Ithaca College mission and vision statements, co-chair for
the all-college technology task group). First faculty member appointed by the
President to serve on an all-college budget committee.
Involved in research on provider/client communication, aging, and
interdisciplinary team communication. Received two grants from Ithaca College
Gerontology Institute to participate in health communication and aging projects.
Active in projects sponsored by the Gerontology Institute as a Gerontology
Affiliate. Received certificate from the Finger Lakes Geriatric Education Center.
Part of a team that received a grant from the Association of New American
Colleges to explore interdisciplinary teaching with the School of Business.
Worked for two years with Business faculty and students to design and deliver a
first year experience for all Business majors.
Designed and planned an interdisciplinary minor in health communication which
combines course work in three different schools.
Founder and faculty advisor for Lambda Pi Eta, the National Communication
Association Honor Society at Ithaca College, and received the Outstanding
Faculty Award from the chapter in 1999.
Assistant Professor, one-year position, Department of Speech Communication,
School of Humanities and Sciences, Ithaca College, August 1993-August 1994.
Taught undergraduate courses in small group communication, business and
professional communication, public communication, and health communication.
Advised speech communication majors and minors as well as exploratory
Involved in research on communication and community partnerships.
Assistant Professor, full-time tenure track position in Department of
Communication Studies, Northern Illinois University, August 1989 to June 1993.
Taught courses in organizational communication, business and professional
communication, small group, quantitative research, and health communication at
undergraduate and graduate levels. (three courses fall semester at the senior level,
and two courses spring semester at the senior level with one graduate course.
(forty seniors in undergraduate courses and eighteen in graduate course)
Advised undergraduate and graduate students.
Served on university and department committees. Served as adviser to
Communication Student Advisory Council (undergraduate group that organizes
Ellen W. Bonaguro, Ph.D.
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activities for communication majors). Created and implemented career (FOCUS)
day and job bank for majors for four years.
Received a grant from NIU to establish a department capstone experience.
Received the Northern Illinois University Award for Excellence in Undergraduate
Teaching from the department and the college (in the first year of eligibility)
Assistant Professor, full-time tenure track position (joint appointment), School of
Interpersonal Communication and School of Health and Sport Sciences, Ohio
University, September 1986 to June1989.
Taught courses in interpersonal communication, family communication, health
communication, women and health, and school and community health education
(four courses fall, four courses winter, and three courses spring quarter. Twentyfive at undergraduate level and ten at the graduate)
Developed the health communication program at the undergraduate and graduate
Advised undergraduate and graduate students (Masters and Ph.D.)
Served on several university and departmental committees.
Involved in research projects on provider/client communication and employee
wellness programs
Teaching Associate, Ph.D. Graduate Student/Teaching Assistant, School of
Interpersonal Communication, Ohio University, September 1984 to June 1986.
Taught public communication to approximately forty-five undergraduates
Enrolled in graduate communication courses in interpersonal, organizational, and
health administration
Dissertation topic focused communication and adolescent stress
Served as graduate student representative on the school’s faculty committee
Awarded the Kantner Fellowship, one of four university-wide academic
Awarded Outstanding Doctoral Student
Director, Community Health Education Center, Hocking College, November 1981 to
September 1984.
Supervised full-time and part-time staff;
Wrote grants to fund health promotion programs and the Center
Interviewed hired, and trained new staff;
Involved in all program design, implementation and evaluation
Maintained quarterly progress records and budgets for programs.
Taught health promotion courses to meet the needs of the community
Worked with area health agencies in planning health promotion programs.
Received an award from the Centers for Disease Control for a model health
education-risk reduction program.
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Director of Review, Health Promotion and Information, Area Six Health Systems
Agency, June 1979 to October 1981.
Primary responsibilities included supervision of Community Affairs Associate as
well as coordinating and overseeing all health promotion/education functions
Acted as liaison between the public and the agency on health planning
information, records, and data
Developed and implemented agency strategies for promoting health education
programs and activities for area residents in an eighteen county area
Designed programs to increase public knowledge and awareness regarding
positive health lifestyles and the effective use of available health services.
Provided board and committee training on responsibilities of Health Systems
Developed agency's monthly newsletter and health promotion newsletter.
Primary responsibilities included assisting in the design of procedures, criteria,
and manuals for A-95, Certificate of Need, and Proposed Uses of Federal Funds
(PUFF) Reviews for an eighteen county area.
Coordinated activities of the Review Committee (28 members) as well as other
Substitute High School Teacher, September 1978 to June 1979.
Taught health education classes in Meigs High School, Trimble High School, and Federal
Hocking High School,
Research Assistant in Gerontology and Health Education, University of Oregon,
September 1976 to June 1977.
Coordinated and supervised in-service training programs for nursing home staff and
New Sales Representative/Trainer, Metropolitan Life Insurance, Eugene, Oregon, 9/76
to 6/77.
Student Nurse, Wesley-Passavant Hospitals, Chicago, Illinois, 9/75 to 6/76.
Formulation Chemist , Helene Curtis Industries, Chicago, Illinois, 10/73 to 6/75.
Chapters in Books
Kreps, G., & Bonaguro, E. (2009). Health communication as applied communication
inquiry. In Frey, L., Cissna, K. (Eds.) Handbook of applied communication research.
New York: Routledge
Ellen W. Bonaguro, Ph.D.
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Query, J., Bonaguro, E., Siriko, T., Maslowski, B. (2006). A review of the Handbook of
Health Communication. (Thompson, TL, Dorsey, AM, Miller, KI, & Parrott, R.(Eds.,
2003). Journal of Health Communication.
Kreps, G., Bonaguro, E., & Query, J. (1998). The history and development of the field of
health communication. In L. Jackson & B. Duffy (Eds.), Health communication research:
A guide to development and directions. Westport, CT:Greenwood Press
Kreps, G., Bonaguro, E. & Query, J. (1997). Listening: A crucial competency for
effective health care delivery. In D. Borisoff & M. Purdy (Eds.), Listening in everyday
life: A personal and professional approach. (2nd Ed.) Lanham, MD: University Press of
Bonaguro, J., Bonaguro, E. & Cowen, J. (1994). A systems approach for building
community coalitions. In M. Mingus (Ed.), Part of the solution: Useful information from
the front lines of community partnerships. Providence, RI: Behavioral Health Resource
Maibach, E., Kreps, G., and Bonaguro, E. (1992) Developing
strategic HIV/AIDS health communication campaigns. In S. Ratzan (Ed.). AIDS:
Effective health communication for the 90s. London, UK: Hemisphere Press.
Bonaguro, E., & Bonaguro, J. (1989). Tobacco use among adolescents: Directions for
research. American Journal of Health Promotion, 4 (1): 37-41.
Bonaguro, E., & Pearson, J. (1989). Communication in the family: Seeking satisfaction
in changing times. (Instructor's Manual). New York: Harper Collins.
Bonaguro, J., Bonaguro, E., & Rhonehouse, M. (1988). Effectiveness of four school
health promotion projects upon substance use, self-esteem, and adolescent stress. Health
Education Quarterly, 15 (1), 81-92.
Bonaguro, E., & Bonaguro, J. (1987). When stress is hard to handle. In G. Stanford
(Ed.), Self-esteem. New York: Globe Book Company, 100-112.
Bonaguro, J., and Bonaguro, E. (1987). Self-concept, stress symptomatology and
tobacco usage: An exploratory study. Journal of School Health, 57 (2), 56-58.
Bonaguro J., and Bonaguro, E. (1986). Measurement dilemmas in school health
education. Health Education, 17, 43-46.
Bonaguro, J., Pugh, M., & Bonaguro, E. (1986). A multivariate analysis of adolescent
smokeless tobacco usage. Health Education, 17, 4-7.
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Bonaguro, J., & Bonaguro, E. (1985). Use of benefit segmentation in designing family
health programs. Family and Community Health, 1 (4), 5-12.
Book Review
Query, J., & Bonaguro, E. et al, (in press). Handbook of health communication. Journal
of Health Communication, 11(1.
Bonaguro, E. (2001). Health communication in the medical curriculum. Journal of Health
Bonaguro, E.(1997). Communicating with your doctor. Journal of Health
Communication, 2(4), p.325-326.
Bonaguro, E.(1998) (Ed.). Summary of the national forum for skin cancer prevention in
health, physical education, recreation, and youth sports. U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Division of Cancer Control
and Prevention, and American Association for Health Education.
Bonaguro, E. (1995). Models for teaching health communication Panel: Undergraduate
teaching for health communication. Communication and health. SCA Summer
Conference Proceedings and Prepared Remarks, Annandale, VA: The Speech
Communication Association.
GRANTS FUNDED (PI-Principal Investigator) (C-Contributor)
Western Kentucky University-TRiO Program Grants
Student Support Services
Educational Opportunity Center
Educational Talent Search
Upward Bound
Veterans Upward Bound
All Programs Funded: (Total Amount: ) C, Reviewer
ITHACA-Interdisciplinary Training for Health and Aging through Clinical Assessment
Location: Ithaca College
Not Funded: Health Resources and Service Administration, 1997, 1998
Requested Funding: $423,799 C
Association of New American Colleges-Hewlett Foundation Grant
Location: Ithaca College
Funded: 1998 (Total Amount: $18,650) C
Finger Lakes Geriatric Education Center Project
Location: Ithaca College as part of a consortium
Ellen W. Bonaguro, Ph.D.
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Funded: 1998 (Total Amount: $120, 000) C
Health Care Team Communication for Geriatric Rehabilitation: An Analysis of
Communication Outcomes.
Location: Ithaca College-Gerontology Institute
Funded: 1996 (Total Amount: $3,000) (PI)
Communication Strategies Used by Nursing Home Providers
Location: Ithaca College-Gerontology Institute
Funded: 1995 (Total Amount: $481.00) (PI)
Communication and Health
Location: Ithaca College-Instructional Development Grant
Funded: 1995 (Total Amount:$924.00) (PI)
Pilot Study for the Implementation of a Capstone Experience
Location: Northern Illinois University - Faculty Undergraduate Assessment Grant
Funded: 1992 (Total Amount: $4,500) (PI)
The Southeastern Ohio Health Promotion Grant
Location: Health Promotion and Research Division - Ohio University
Funded: 1987, 1988 (Total Amount: $20,000) (PI)
The Southeastern Ohio DES Resource Center
Location: Health Promotion and Research Division - Ohio University
Funded: 1987, 1988 (Total Amount: $5,000) (PI)
The Family and School Health Program
Location: The Community Health Education Center
Funded: 1981, 1982, 1983 (Total Amount: $340,000) (PI)
Location: The Community Health Education Center
Funded: 1983, 1984 (Total Amount: $45,000) (PI)
Movin' Up to Wellness
Location: Zanesville-Muskingum Health Department
Funded: 1981 (Total Amount: $85,000) C
Adler, R. (1993). Communication at work. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Scheer, J. (1992). HIV prevention education for teachers of elementary and middle
school grades. Reston, VA: Association for the Advancement of Health Education.
Ellen W. Bonaguro, Ph.D.
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Hubbard, B. (1990). A disease called AIDS (Student Guide). Reston, VA: Association
for the Advancement of Health Education.
Hubbard, B. (1990). A disease called AIDS (Instructor's Guide). Reston, VA:
Association for the Advancement of Health Education.
Sabbath, D. (1988). Nutritional assessment in the home care
setting. (A videotape for home health agencies). Columbus, OH: Ross Laboratories.
Finger Lakes Geriatric Education Center and Ithaca College, workshop on provider/client
communication, Auburn Hospital, Auburn, October, 1999.
Emerson Power, workshop on professional communication skills, July, 1999
Cayuga County Community Health Network, workshop on developing health messages
for targeted groups, June, 1999, Auburn, NY
New York State Health Department Annual Meeting, workshop on health communication
campaigns, May, 1999, Cooperstown, NY.
New York Physical Therapy Association Annual meeting, keynote presentation on
Professional Advocacy for Physical Therapist, October, 1998, Rochester, NY.
Primary Prevention Skin Cancer Strategies for Children, Parents, and Caregivers Project,
American Association for Health Education, January, 1998 to present, Reston, VA.
National Forum for Skin Cancer Prevention in Health, Physical Education, Recreation,
and Youth Sports, May, 1998, Reston, VA.
HIV/AIDS prevention education project: Multidisciplinary and multicultural approaches
for students and teachers. American Association for Health Education, August, 1988 to
December 1993, Reston, VA.
Served as a national trainer for the American Association for Health Education. Travel
throughout the U.S. training college faculty in areas related to HIV/AIDS health
communication. September 1988 to June 1993.
Bonaguro, E., & Hunter, S. (2011, April). The role of advising in helping students meet
College Readiness Standards. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Kentucky
Academic Advising Association, Bowling Green, KY.
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Bonaguro, E. (2011, March). The role of health communication in health literacy. Paper
presented at the Annual Kentucky Health Literacy Summit, Bowling Green, KY.
Bonaguro, E., Thomas, K., Staten, J. (2008, October ). A retention initiative designed to
help academically underprepared students succeed in college. A paper presented at the
Annual Meeting of the National Academic Advising Association, Chicago.
Bonaguro, E. (1999, November). Enhancing the college experience for students with
learning disabilities through communication. A paper presented at the Annual Meeting of
the National Communication Association, Chicago, IL.
Bonaguro, E. (1999, January)). Bridging the liberal arts with professional studies. A
paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of New American Colleges,
San Francisco.
Kreps, G., Bonaguro, E., Query, J. (1998, November) The history and development of the
field of health communication. A paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the National
Communication Association, New York.
Bonaguro, J., Bonaguro, E., & Monroe, J. ( 1998, February). A logic model for
interdisciplinary education: Application for health professions. A paper presented to the
Annual Winter Meeting of the Association of Schools of Allied Health Professions,
Bonaguro, E. (1996, November). Building coalitions for healthy communities. A paper
presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Public Health Education, New York
Bonaguro, E. (1996, October). Creating more effective communication campaigns for
alcohol and other drugs: A community perspective. A paper presented at the Annual
Meeting of the New York State Speech Communication Association, Monticello.
Bonaguro, E. (1995, November). Communication strategies used by nursing home
providers to gain compliance from residents with Alzheimer’s disease. A paper presented
at the Annual Meeting of the Speech Communication Association, San Antonio.
Bonaguro, E. (1995, November). Realizing the ideal family in the family communication
course. A panel presented at the Annual Meeting of the Speech Communication
Association, San Antonio.
Bonaguro, E. (1995, July). Undergraduate teaching of health communication. A paper
presented at the Speech Communication Summer Conference on Communication and
Health, Washington DC.
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Bonaguro, E. (1993, October). Perspectives on Communication, Gender, and Intimacy. A
response presented at the Annual Meeting of the New York Speech Communication
Association, Albany, NY.
Bonaguro, E. (1992, August). The importance of high level communication skills for
health care professionals. A keynote presentation for the Association for the
Advancement of Health Education Summer Institute, Reston, VA.
Bonaguro, E. (1992, August). Creating a community environment that is accepting of
people with HIV/AIDS. A workshop presented at the Association for the Advancement
of Health Education Summer Institute, Reston, VA.
Bonaguro, E. (1992, June). Developing relationships with the elderly. A presentation at
the Annual Meeting of the Northwestern Illinois Area Agency on Aging, Aurora, IL.
Bonaguro, E. (1992, January). Communicating with caregivers of the elderly within the
health care context. Keynote presentation for the Annual Meeting of the Illinois Area
Agency on Aging. Rockford, IL.
Bonaguro, E., & Anderson, M. (1991, May). Stressors experienced by women in
management as they acquire and manifest power. Paper presented for the Organizational
Communication Division at the International Communication Association Annual
Meeting, Chicago.
Bonaguro, E., & Anderson, M. (1991, May). Women as the "Odd' Man" Out: Women
and power in the organization. A paper presented for the Feminist Scholarship Division
of the International Communication Association Meeting, Chicago.
Bonaguro, E. (1990, November). Organizing families: The application of organizational
communication theory to the teaching of family communication. A paper presented for
the First Preconvention Conference on Family Communication at the 76th Annual
Meeting of the Speech Communication Association, Chicago.
Bonaguro, E. (1990, November). Meet the authors: Communication in the family seeking satisfaction in changing times. A paper presented for the First Preconvention
Conference on Family Communication at the 76th Annual Meeting of the Speech
Communication Association, Chicago.
Bonaguro, E. (1990, November). The symbolic dimensions of workaday health
promotion: Promise or peril. A paper presented to the Organizational Division and the
Commission on Health Communication at the 76th Annual Meeting of the Speech
Communication Association.
Bonaguro, E. (1990, November). Course content and methods used in the teaching of
health communication. A paper presented for the Commission on Health Communication
at the 76th Annual Meeting of the Speech Communication Association, Chicago.
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Bonaguro, E. (1990, November). Consolatory discourse. A response presented to the
Commission on Health Communication at the 76th Annual Meeting of the Speech
Communication Association, Chicago.
Bonaguro, E. (1990, March). HIV education: Interdisciplinary, multicultural approaches
for students and teachers. A workshop presented at the Annual Meeting of the American
Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, New Orleans.
Bonaguro, E. (1990, February). HIV education: Interdisciplinary, multicultural
approaches for students and teachers. A workshop presented at the Annual Meeting of
the Association for Teacher Education, Las Vegas.
Query, J., Flint, L., & Bonaguro, E. (1990, April). The impact of Alzheimer's disease
upon family interaction: A preliminary review. A paper presented at the Annual
Meeting of the Central States Communication Association, Detroit.
Bonaguro, E., & Query, J. (1989, November). The social dilemmas facing persons with
cancer. A paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Speech Communication
Association, San Francisco.
Bonaguro, E. (1989, October). HIV education: Interdisciplinary, multicultural
approaches for students and teachers. A paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the
American School Health Association, Chicago.
Query, J., & Bonaguro, E. (1988, November). Therapeutic communication during
catastrophic illness: A symbolic bridge spanning the areas of health communication,
health education and health promotion. A paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the
Speech Communication Association, New Orleans.
Bonaguro, J., & Bonaguro, E. (1988, November). HEALTHBEAT II: A school workday
health promotion program. A paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American
Public Health Association, Boston.
Bonaguro, E. (1988, November). The influence of provider/client relationship on
compliance-gaining for improving nutritional status. A paper presented to the Ohio
Dietetic Educators of Practitioners, Reynoldsburg, OH.
Bonaguro, E. (1988, October). Health communication career paths. A paper presented at
the Annual Meeting of the Speech Communication Association of Ohio, Columbus.
Bonaguro, E. (1988, October). Caregiving amidst elderly social networks: Implications
for health communication and health promotion research. A paper presented at the
Annual Meeting of the Speech Communication Association of Ohio, Columbus.
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Bonaguro, J., Bonaguro, E., Smith, B., Bernal, T., West, S., & Jacobs, G. (1988,
September). Focus group research on adolescent use of smokeless tobacco. A paper
presented to the Annual Meeting of the American School Health Association, Orlando
Bonaguro, J., & Bonaguro, E. (1988, June). HEALTHBEAT I: A school workday health
promotion program. A paper presented to the Annual Meeting of the Oregon Association
for AAHE, Seaside, Oregon.
Bonaguro, E., & Bonaguro, J. (1988, June). Increasing successful programming through
marketing applications. A paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Oregon
Association for the Advancement of Health Education, Seaside, Oregon.
Bonaguro, J., & Bonaguro, E. (1988, April). Examples of how health risk appraisals are
used in organizations. A panel presented at the Ohio Department of Health Conference,
Promoting Health in Ohio: Healthier Employees...New Trends, Columbus.
Bonaguro, E. (1988, April). AIDS update: The role of parents and educators in school
policy development. A paper presented to the Kappa Sigma Organization of the Ohio
Child Conservation Association, Lancaster, Ohio.
Bonaguro, E., & Bonaguro, J. (1988, April). "Free To Be You And Me" Substance
Abuse Prevention Program. A paper presented at Association for the Advancement of
Health Education, National Convention, Kansas City.
Bonaguro, E. (1988, March). Psychological effects of infertility on married DES
daughters. A paper presented for the Ohio Department of Health State DES Meeting,
Bonaguro, E. (1987, November). Fifty years of marriage: The influence of health status
on couple communication. Paper presented for the Health Communication Section at the
Annual Meeting of the Speech Communication Association, Boston
Bonaguro, E., & Turner, R. (1987, October). Planning and implementing strategies for
assessing information from elderly dyads. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the
Speech Communication Association of Ohio, Columbus.
Bonaguro, J., Bonaguro, E., & Rhonehouse, M. (1987, October). Effectiveness of four
health education projects upon substance use, self-concept, and adolescent stress. Paper
presented at the Annual meeting of the American Public Health Association, New
Bonaguro, E., & Pearson, J. (1987, May). Adolescent stress: The role of perceived
mother/father communicator style and adolescent gender. Paper presented for the Health
Communication Division, at the Annual Meeting of the International Communication
Association, Montreal, Canada.
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Bonaguro, J., & Bonaguro, E. (1986, December). Attitudes of college athletes toward
smokeless tobacco usage. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Midwest
American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, Akron, Ohio.
Bonaguro, E., & Pearson, J. (1986, November). The relationship between communicator
style, argumentativeness and gender. Paper presented for the Interpersonal and Small
Group Interaction Division at the Annual Meeting of the Speech Communication
Association, Chicago.
Bonaguro, J., & Bonaguro, E. (1986, April). Measurement dilemmas in school health
education. Paper presented at the Annual meeting of the Association for Advancement of
Health Education, American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and
Dance, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Bonaguro, J., & Bonaguro, E. (1986, April). Adolescent stress, self-esteem, and smoking
usage. Paper presented for the Research Consortium, at the Annual meeting of the
American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, Cincinnati,
Bonaguro, J., & Bonaguro, E. (1985, November). Relationship between adolescent
stress, gender, and grade level. Paper presented for the School Health Education and
Services Section, at the Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association,
Washington, DC.
Bonaguro, J., Pugh, M., and Bonaguro, E. (1985, November). A multivariate analysis of
adolescent smokeless tobacco usage. Paper presented for the Epidemiological Section, at
the Annual meeting of the American Public Health Association, Washington, DC.
Bonaguro, E. (1985, October). The influence of psychological gender and biological sex
in general trait argumentativeness. Paper presented for the Interpersonal Communication
Section at the Annual Meeting of the Ohio Speech Communication Association,
Bonaguro, J., & Bonaguro, E. (1984, October). Parental approval in adolescent
smokeless tobacco usage. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American
School Health Association, Pittsburgh.
Bonaguro, E. (1984, October). Chronic illness: Impact on family communication. Paper
presented at the Annual Meeting of the Ohio Speech Communication Association,
Bonaguro, E. (1984, September). Marketing health promotion programs for health
departments. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Ohio Public Health
Association, Athens, Ohio.
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Bonaguro, E. (1983, December). Sharing health promotion information. Paper presented
at the Annual Meeting of the Region V, Health and Human Services Primary Care Group,
Bonaguro, J., & Bonaguro, E. (1983, November). Predictors of smokeless tobacco usage.
Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association,
Bonaguro, J., & Bonaguro, E. (1983, October). Multivariate analysis of adolescent
smoking. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American School Health
Association, Louisville.
Bonaguro, E. (1983, June). Employee Health improvement programs. Paper presented at
the Annual Meeting of the Ohio Public Health Association, Akron, Ohio.
Bonaguro, E. (1983, April). Health planning as a tool for health education. Paper
presented for the Annual Southern Ohio Health Network Regional Meeting, Cincinnati.
Bonaguro, J., & Bonaguro, E. (1982, November). Use of benefit segmentation in
designing family health programs. Paper presented at the Annual meeting of the
American Public Health Association, Montreal, Canada.
Western Kentucky University
COMM 148
Interpersonal Communication (Required) (3)
COMM 161
Business and Professional Speaking (3 Hours)
COMM 440
Health Communication (3), fall 2011
COMM 461
Organizational Communication (Required) (3)
COMM 502
Survey Research Methods (Graduate Required) (3)
COMM 570
Special Topics-Health Communication (3), fall 2011
COMM 578
Seminar in Interpersonal Communication (Graduate Required) (3)
Ithaca College
Public Communication (3)
Business and Professional Communication (3)
Small Group Communication (3)
Introduction to Health Communication(3)
Communication Research Methods (Required) (3)
Language and Social Interaction (Required) (3)
Communication and Aging (3)
Communicating in the Health Care Context (3)
Contemporary Issues: Health Communication(Graduate) (3)
Contemporary Issues: Professional Communication (Graduate) (3)
Designing Health Communication Campaigns (Graduate) (1)
Ellen W. Bonaguro, Ph.D.
Page 20
Northern Illinois University
COMS 361
Business and Professional Communication (3)
COMS 402
Small Group Communication (3)
COMS 407
Practicum (1-3)
COMS 461
Organizational Communication (3)
COMS 475
Health Communication (3)
COMS 492
Quantitative Research in Communication (Required) (3)
COMS 561
Organizational Communication (Required Graduate) (3)
Ohio University
HLTH 101
HLTH 202
HLTH 427/527
HLTH 495/595
HLTH 590
INCO 103
INCO 206
INCO 407
INCO 408
INCO 750
Intro to Health and Human Services (2)
Personal and Community Health (4)
Health of Women (Undergraduate and Graduate) (4)
School Health Problems (Undergraduate and Graduate (5))
Community Health Programs (Graduate) (4)
Public Communication (4)
Interpersonal Communication (4)
Communication in the Family (5)
Intro to Health Communication (4)
Research in Health Communication (Graduate) (5)
Graduate Directorships and Committees
Western Kentucky University-Member of two Capstone Experience Committees and
currently chairing a Capstone Experience
Northern Illinois University-Directed seven scholarly papers.
Member on fifteen graduate committees
Ohio University-Directed one thesis. Member on ten committees.
Kentucky Academic Advising Association, 2008 to present
National Academic Advising Association, 2005 to present
Kentucky Communication Association 2003-2005
National Communication Association, 1984 – 2005, 2011
American Council on Education Southern Tier Network for Women Leaders in Higher
Education, 2003-2004
American Council on Education/New York State Network for Women Leaders in Higher
Education, 2003 to 2004
Association of American Colleges and Universities, 2001-2004
International Communication Association, 1987 - 1997
New York State Communication Association (NYSCA), 1993 - 2001
Central States Communication Association, 1987 - 1993
American Association for Health Education, 1980-1992
Ellen W. Bonaguro, Ph.D.
Page 21
Kentucky Academic Advising Association, Founding member and first President, 2008 to
2009 (worked with the Council on Postsecondary Education to create a statewide
advising association and was elected President)
Editorial Board, New Directions in Health
Communication, Marketing, and Media. Social Marketing Quarterly, 2008.
Founding member of the American Council on Education Southern Tier Network for
Women Leaders in Higher Education, 2003
Elected Reader for National Communication Association
Health Communication - 1987, 1988, 1992, 1995, 1996, 1997
Applied Communication - 1991, 1992
Family Communication - 1991, 1992
New York State Communication Association
Member of Executive Board, 1994 to 1999
Member at Large, 1994
Public Relations, 1995 to 1999
Contributing Editor and Reviewer, American Journal of Health Promotion, 1987 – 2001
Reviewer, Speech Communication Journal, (NYSCA), 1993-2001
Editorial Board: Communication Studies, 2004-to present, Applied Communication
Research, 1991, 1992, 2000; Journal of Health Psychology, 1999
Board Member, Public Theatre of Kentucky, 2005-2007
Fundraising Committee Member, Suzanne Vitale Clinical Education Complex, 20062007
Workshop presenter for Alpha Gamma Delta, Western Kentucky University, on
“Communication in Sororities,” March, 2005
Working with the Barren River Health Department on seat belt campaign activities,
January 2005 to present.
Workshop presenter for the first Ithaca College Young Women Leaders conference,
March, 2003
Ellen W. Bonaguro, Ph.D.
Page 22
Board of Trustee, Longview at Ithacare, a residential facility for older adults, 1998 to
present; Serve on the Program Committee and Development Committees
Cascadilla Boat Club Parent Boosters Club, Executive Board Member, fundraising 20002002;
IC Resident Hall Association, keynote speaker, October, 1998
Vice President, DeWitt Middle School Parent Teacher Association, 1996, 1997, 1998
Graduation Committee, DeWitt Middle School, 1999
Created a Senior Partner Program at Northeast Senior Center, 1997
Planned a career night for IC Speech Communication majors, 1995-1997
Workshop for IC Gerontology Institute on Communication and Aging, October, 1994
Assisted HOSPICARE of Ithaca with grant writing for the construction of a hospice
facility, 1993 (Awarded $75,000)
Northeast Elementary School (Ithaca, NY) planning board for school activities 19931996
Workshop for NIU College of Continuing Education on Communication skills for
health care professionals working with the elderly, Mercy Center for Health Care
Services, Aurora, IL., March, 1993
Advisor, NIU Communication Students Advisory Council, 1991-1993
NIU Future Opportunities for Communication Undergraduate Students(FOCUS) Coordinator, 1989-1993
Information Survey-Spring Creek Elementary School (Rockford, IL.), 1992
Athens (Athens, Ohio) Middle School Health Fair -Coordinator,1987, 1988
American Heart Association - Athens Affiliate - Coordinated fund
American Lung Association - Smoking and Health Committee, 1986.
Health Yourself to Feelin' Good - a conference for elementary teachers, 1982, 1983, 1984
Decisions about Alcohol - a conference for elementary and secondary teachers, 1983
Educational Techniques in Health - for secondary teachers, 1982
Ellen W. Bonaguro, Ph.D.
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The Health Investment - a statewide conference for area industry, 1982
Toward a Healthy Community - a conference for opinion leaders in the community,
Marketing Health Promotion - a national conference for area health educators and health
administrators, 1982.
Health Educator's Institute - a statewide conference for health professionals, 1981.