ST. DAVID OF WALES September 2012 Principal B. Gillis Secretary D. Gibson Trustee Peter Ferreira (416) 805-7110 Peter Superintendent C. Saytar 905.890.1221 PARISH St. Martin of Tours 1290 McBride Lane Mississauga, ON L5C 1M8 905.279-5742 SCHOOL HOURS Grades 1-8 8:45 -11:45 12:45-3:15 Grades JK-SK 8:45-11:15 or 12:45-3:15 St. David of Wales 4200 Beacon Lane Mississauga, ON L5M 2N6 905.848-4200 Father of all mercies We ask that you would bless the youngest and littlest of learners, the most helpless and powerless of persons, with Your infinite and loving mercy, granting them the strength to learn, concentrate, and act appropriately towards their teachers and fellow students. We also ask that You would watch over them, at home and at school and grant them proper direction so that they may learn of Your wonderful virtues. We ask this in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen Principal’s Message Welcome back. I would like to take this opportunity to welcome everyone back and hope that you had a wonderful, restful summer. I would also like to extend a very special and warm welcome to all of our new members! I look forward to the journey as we embark together in continuing to build the St. David of Wales community! Staff has been working very hard over the past few weeks in preparation of our school opening. Thank you to the teachers who have been preparing their classrooms and a special thank you to our custodial team for all of their hard work over the summer! In order to keep you informed of events at the school, you will be receiving a monthly newsletter which will be distributed during the first week of the month. Please make sure that you get the opportunity to read it for pertinent information regarding your child’s education. We are fortunate at St. David of Wales School to be strong in a variety of areas—academics, discipline, arts and athletics. We have students who are willing to be involved and a dedicated staff willing to provide the opportunities for their growth and development. We anticipate another rewarding and challenging year as we serve the students in our care. Let us continue to learn from the past, live in the present and plan for the future. B. Gillis, Principal HOME AND SCHOOL COMMUNICATION Your participation in your child’s school life is fundamental to his or her educational success. Effective and on-going communication between home and school takes a variety of forms and operates on a variety of levels. Please consider the following avenues for becoming informed and knowledgeable about your child’s progress and education. Parent /Guardian–Teacher Conferences Interviews are scheduled by the school for all parents/guardians after Term 1 report cards and these provide an opportunity to dialogue about your child’s progress. It is important to realize that additional conferences may be held at any other time as deemed necessary or appropriate by either the parent /guardian or the teacher. Please keep in mind that an appointment is necessary as the classroom teacher’s first priority during regular school hours is, of course, teaching the class. Parent-Principal Conferences The doors of St. David of Wales School are always open to interested and concerned parents/guardians. Calling ahead for an appointment although not necessary, is usually a good idea. Student Planner All students from the grade 1 to 8 have received an agenda. The agenda is a wonderful tool for time management, organizational skills and home-school communication. All children benefit from using this agenda on a daily basis. Many thanks to our School Council for providing funds to pay for these agendas. STAFFING The beginning of each school year is always marked by unexpected changes which require all of us to be understanding, accommodating and flexible. The September school organization is based on projected enrolment prepared by the Board’s Planning Department. Such enrolment projections determine the number of teachers assigned to the school and consequently the grade and class configurations. In the event that student enrolment falls below or above projections, an adjustment to the number of teachers assigned to the school follows, which in essence may affect the placement of your child. Therefore, as we start the year, staffing is still tentative and until actual numbers are realized and assessed, reorganization of classes is a strong possibility. NEW STAFF A warm St. David of Wales welcome is extended to Ms. Suraci. She will be replacing Mrs. Cicak for this year. We congratulate Mrs. Cicak on the birth of her daughter. We wish her family all of God’s blessings. We look forward to the new experiences and talents that Ms. Suraci brings to our school. The tentative school organization for September 2012 is as follows: Grade Teacher Room JK/SKAM & PM Ms. L. Horbatiuk 100 1 Ms. C. Sinclair 111. 2 Mrs. H. Suraci 110 3 Mrs. C. Comella 112 4 Ms. S. Smutnicki 209 5 Ms. K. Barry 210 6 Mr. B. Lagac 211 7 Mr. A. Howard 202 8 Ms. D. Vivilecchia 201 Sp.Nds. Moderate Mrs.P. Danko 105 Sp. Nds. Severe Mrs. P. Gallant 103 SERC/Librarian Mrs. C. Zoffranieri 203 SERT/ELL Mrs. M. Mete 114 Planning Time Mrs. S. Borges FSL/ Planning Time ERW ERW ERW ERW ERW ERW Mr. P. Ladouceur Secretary Custodian Custodian Custodian Mrs. D. Gibson Mr. B. Diolanda Mr. J. DiFilippo Mr. F. Pascali Principal Mrs. B. Gillis 205 Mrs. A. Camara Ms. D. Da Silva Ms. P. Galea Mrs. S. Metlin Mrs. N. Strazzeri Mrs. N. Wassef Medication We cannot dispense medication of any kind without written authorization by the parent/guardian and physician. Medication must be stored in a properly labeled container and will be kept in the office. Forms must be completed prior to the administration of any medication by school personnel. Also, if your child has a medical condition or a life threatening allergy, please contact the office as soon as possible if you have not previously done so. (Evenings) (Evenings) STUDENT ACCIDENT INSURANCE As required by the Education Act and the Ministry of Education, the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board annually provides parents with information about cost-effective student accident insurance coverage via student courier. Although enrolment is voluntary, the board strongly encourages parents to take advantage of the inexpensive insurance coverage, especially if their child/children participate in sports, excursions/field trips, or, if parents do not have dental insurance coverage. Enrolment is required in writing – there are two options for enrolment: 1. Complete the traditional form and mail it in 2. Photocopy the form and fax it to Reliable Life at 1-905-522-7211 or 1-800-463-KIDS (5437). Parents alone have the right to insure their children. Important Items St. David of Wales promotes responsibility, respect, civility and academic excellence in a safe learning and teaching environment. IMPORTANT DATES Friday, Sept. 14—P.A. Day Wednesday, Sept. 19—Open House/(more info to follow) Tuesday, Sept. 25 - Picture Day Thursday, Oct. 4— 10:30 a.m. Beginning of year Mass att school (Blessing of Back Packs) Monday, Oct. 15—Hep B Gr. 7 & Gr. 8 Vaccine (girls only) CELL PHONES, PERSONAL ELECTRONIC DEVICES It is the policy of the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board to provide a safe and productive workplace and learning environment by regulating the use of Personal Electronic Devices (PED) on school premises. The policy for use of Personal Electronic Devices on school premises shall be in accorLUNCH TIME AND END OF dance with the Education Act and DAY the Safe Schools Act 2000. It is the DISMISSAL policy of the Board that PED’s be Walkers will be dismissed through kept out of sight, turned off and not the doors that they use to enter the used on school premises or during PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY school in the morning. Those stuschool-sanctioned events. The DAY dents who are being picked up by Friday, September 14, 2012 has school Principal, in conjunction with car will be dismissed through the been designated as a Professional the support of his/her school staff, doors that they use to enter the Activity Day for School Reorganiza- is responsible to ensure the school in the morning and then walk tion and Faith Development. implementation and management of to the front of the school to use the this policy at school level. Kiss N’ Ride. There will be no school for students In consideration for the privacy of on this day. others, cameras and other elecLUNCH POLICY tronic recording devices are not to Students who stay at school for be used on school premises. If you SCHOOL PHOTOGRAPHS lunch are not permitted to leave The school photographer will be Life need to contact your child during the the school property. If ever there is Touch. Photographs of students will school day please do so by contacta need for your child/children to ing the office @ (905) 848-4200 leave school property a note signed take place on Tuesday, September Ext. 0 and we will make sure the 25th, 2012. and dated by a parent/guardian is message is passed along. required. Do take the time to inform your child’s teacher of the lunch routine that your child is to follow. PARENT VOLUNTEERS St. David of Wales has a very active school council and parent volunteers contribute greatly to making our school a vibrant community. Parent volunteers are once again needed for this year and a reminder that if you wish to volunteer you need to complete a Vulnerable Sector Police records Search. If you have previously volunteered you will need to complete an annual Criminal Declaration. Forms can be picked up at the main office. TRAFFIC SAFETY/KISS N’ RIDE The Kiss n’ Ride program which has been utilized yearly here at St. David of Wales will continue again this year. It has been established in order to provide the convenience and safety for our students and parents driving to our school. Please take a moment to review the following procedures to ensure safety for all students and parents using the Kiss N’ Ride. Please follow these procedures when driving into the school parking lot: 1. The entry, exit and bus zone, on school property, must never be blocked by cars. 2. Please drop your children off at the front of the school when you stop at Kiss N’ Ride Cone. DO NOT leave your vehicle yourself, and for safety reasons, have the children exit the car from the school /passenger side of the vehicle only. 3.DO NOT drop your child(ren) off in the bus loading zone or in the bus lane. 4.Dropping off students should NOT occur in the outer Drive-Thru Lane. Cars are regularly using this lane 5. All grade 1-8 students being driven to school may be dropped off at the front of the school and then they can walk along the sidewalk by the driveway to the school yard. Please feel free to direct any questions or concerns to Mrs. Gillis. COURTESY (EMPTY SEAT) POLICY Bussing for St. David of Wales will be provided in accordance to the guidelines set forth by the Dufferin -Peel Catholic District School Board. In keeping with the Board’s policy, younger students will be given priority. Parents/guardians are asked to apply in writing and indicate the reason for the request and the bus stop, which will be used. Please direct the letter to Mrs. Gillis. A letter granting permission will be sent home in October with your son/daughter if he/she receives permission to ride the bus, along with safety rules that need to be adhered to. PICK-UP AND DROP OFF POLICY Student safety is of utmost importance. Therefore, we ask that parents/guardians wait outside of the designated exit for their children. Teachers will escort students to and from their appropriate doors. We also ask parents/ guardians and visitors to refrain from entering the schoolyard, as there are teachers supervising the students fifteen minutes prior to the beginning of the school day and during all recesses. Parents/guardians who need to pick their children up early from school for an appointment are asked to report to the office and sign their child out. These procedures help to ensure the safety of all the students. STUDENT SAFETY Students can not be dropped off at school before 8:30 a.m. At this time Staff will be outside to supervise. Students are to be picked up by 3:15 p.m. which is dismissal time. STUDENT ATTENDANCE & PUNCTUALITY It is important for students to be at school on time and ready to work. When students are late they miss important information and routines. We realize that throughout the year there will be times when a child is sick and will have to miss school. In the event that your child is late or absent, please call the school at (905) 848-4200 press ―1‖ for the attendance line and leave a message. When leaving a message, please state your child’s name, teacher’s name, grade and the reason for absence or lateness. Students who arrive late to school must proceed to the office to get a late slip. PHONE SYSTEM DIVISION ASSEMBLIES Every child has a right to come to school and feel safe. Students need to be made aware of, and to have a clear understanding of our school rules and expectations so that they treat each other, along with staff and visitors to our school with respect. To assist students with this and to help them have a positive school year they will be coming together as a division; Primary, grades JK-3, Junior, grades 4-6 and Intermediate, grades 7, 8 during the first month of school where these expectations will be discussed. You have 3 options when calling the school (905) 848-4200 Press # 1 If you are calling to report your child’s absence or if your child will be arriving late Press # 2 to leave a message for a specific teacher Press #0 to reach the main office St. DAVID OF WALES September 2012 SCHOOL NEWSLETTER In an effort to be environmentally conscientious, St. David of Wales School does not send home a hard copy of the school newsletter or school council newsletter. Beginning in October school newsletters will be posted on the St. David of Wales website: If you do not have access to the internet or computer, please complete the bottom portion if you would like a hard copy of the school newsletter/school council newsletter sent home. We will continue to send home reminders of special occasions. Newsletters will be posted on our school website at the beginning of each month. DPCDSB is now on Twitter! For the latest board news and information, follow us @DPCDSBSchools —————————————————————————————————— I prefer to have a hard copy of the monthly newsletter sent home. Student Name: ___________________________ Teacher Name: ____________________________ MESSAGE FROM OUR TRUSTEE ST. DAVID OF WALES WEBSITE ―As your Trustee, it gives me much pleasure to welcome back all students, staff and parents to another year at St. David of Wales School. A special welcome to those who are new to our school community, may it be all that you expect from a Catholic school. The Dufferin-Peel Catholic School Board is a vibrant part of this community and of our parishes, and the preferred choice for parents and supporters of Catholic education in our region. St. David of Wales has a website that is accessible to the parent community and public. This website is an on-going project which will be maintained and updated throughout the year. Our website is aimed at providing pertinent board and school information such as school events, general information, newsletters, school council and parish information. It is our way of connecting to our community. You can view our website through the following process: We continue to be a Board that our community can be proud Click on: Elementary Schools (locate our school name) of, as our successes mount and our leadership in provincial Click the ―go‖ button. initiatives continues to be well-recognized and emulated. Each of us contributes to the betterment of our system and The school newsletter will be posted under the ―newsletter‖ consequently, to the improvement and quality of experience heading on a monthly basis. for our students‖. We are fortunate to welcome our returning staff members. They have worked diligently over the summer months setting up their classrooms and programming for the new school year. As we anticipate the success of the year ahead, we are reminded that each success will be the result of the mutual support and respect we as parents and educators show one another. It is very important that the positive relationships of the past continue throughout the upcoming year. As our students mature, we are reminded that their beliefs ideals and sense of responsibility, friendship and family are constantly challenged. The common language and support we share as role models in their lives will influence their values. Our school community is strengthened through our partnerships, none being more important than our parish team and our School Council. Our students respond respectfully and eagerly to each faith and school initiative; this can only be attributed to the values modeled by their parents. The Staff of St. David of Wales School is committed to working with its partners to continue to support each child in their quest fr knowledge, happiness and spiritual development. Together we are the sculptors. ANAPHYLACTIC SHOCK As we begin a new school year we would like to inform you that St. David of Wales is an allergen aware school. There are pupils in attendance who suffer from severe and life threatening allergies to certain foods, such as peanut and nut products. Exposure to the smallest quantities can cause severe life threatening reactions. Anaphylaxis is a severe and life threatening allergic reaction. The most common allergen triggers are food, insect stings, medications, exercise and latex. An anaphylactic reaction involves symptoms from two or more body systems. We, at St. David of Wales, would appreciate the cooperation of the entire school community by NOT sending any lunches or snacks that contain nuts or nut products, which could potentially harm a pupil. Please make sure that all of your children’s caregivers are aware of the food restrictions. Please DO NOT send in food for birthday or special occasions.. If you have any questions please talk to your child’s teacher or the school staff. I wish you all a successful 2012—2013 school year God Bless We look forward to your co-operation in making this a safe year for all our pupils. Peter Ferreira CURRICULUM/MEET THE TEACHER NIGHT VISITORS TO ST. DAVID OF WALES This year our Curriculum/Meet the Teacher night will be held on Wednesday, September 19 at 6:30 p.m.-8:00 p.m. This will give you an opportunity to meet and greet your child's teacher as well as look around our beautiful school. Teachers will be involved in Curriculum presentations from p.m. in their classrooms. Parents/guardians and visitors are welcome and are required to report to the front office and sign a Visitor’s Log. You will be asked to wear a visitor’s badge prior to accessing other areas of the school. If you wish to speak to a teacher please arrange for an appointment. BOOK FAIR St. David of Wales Book Fair will be held on Wednesday, September 19, 2012. Students will be able to purchase books at specified times during the school day on Tuesday, September 18. The Book Fair will also open for book buying on Tuesday, September 18, at 3:15 to 4:30 p.m. Books will also be available for sale the evening of our Curriculum/Meet the Teacher night. More information to follow. VOLUNTEERS Volunteers help make the difference in our school community. The All Star Reading Program is a program for primary students who need some extra help to develop good reading skills. No prior experience is needed and training will be provided. Each week the focus is on a specific skill, which you and the classroom teacher will be reinforcing with your student. If you can give 30 minutes to a student three times a week, at any time during the school day convenient for both you and the classroom teacher, we would love to have you join us! Please see Mrs. Mete in the front foyer at our Curriculum/Meet the Teacher night for more information or to place your name on our list of 2012/2013 volunteer Reading Coaches. All volunteers new to the school must have a Criminal Reference Check. You may pick up an application at the office. SCHOOL COUNCIL INFORMATION St David of Wales School Council meets monthly. All parents are encouraged and invited to attend these meetings. The date of the first meeting is Wednesday, September 26 @ 6:30 p.m. ELECTIONS AND TERM OF OFFICE The regulations also address the term of office of school council members and the need for elections to be held annually within the first thirty days of the start of the school year. These changes ensure that any parent who is interested in the school council election process or in participating as a member on the school council has the opportunity to do so. Elections in September ensure that even parents who are new to the school community, such as those with students starting in Junior or Senior Kindergarten, or those whose students are entering secondary school for the first time, will be able to participate in the election of their representatives on the school council. This provision also gives them the opportunity to be considered for election as parent members of their school councils. The term of office continue to be a one-year term. This enable members to consider, on an ongoing basis, their involvement on their school councils. Should they find a change in their personal situations or circumstances, they may find that they are no longer able to continue with the commitment they made. The one-year term also allows parents to make decisions on a regular basis about how their interests and priorities are represented at the school. It is important to note, however, that the regulation does not restrict the number of times that a member can be re-elected. School Council nomination forms will be available at the office between the hours of 8:00 a.m.—4:00 p.m. from September 10-13. Completed nomination forms must be received in the school office by 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 13, 2012 St. David of Wales is currently looking for: Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Parish Representative, OAPCE, Community Rep, Parent Members VOLUNTEER, GET INVOLVED. HELP MAKE A DIFFERENCE. For more information, contact the school office. 905-848-4200 Are you interested in working at our school beginning in September? We have openings for: Student Monitor Part-time: 1.2 hours per day The rate of pay is $11.45 per hour plus 4% vacation pay Position Summary DUTIES OF THE STUDENT MONITOR Under the supervision of the Principal or designate, the Student Monitor will: Carry out supervision duties assigned by the Principal; Ensure that all reasonable safety procedures are carried out in activities for which the Student Monitor is responsible Co-operate with the Principal and teachers to maintain consistent disciplinary practices in the school. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE STUDENT MONITOR Be aware of the school rules; Be prompt in reporting for supervision assignments; Become informed of specific medical/behavioural situations pertaining to students supervised Be aware of the school emergency plans; Notify the teacher on duty when a problem arises. To be considered for these positions please contact the school Principal at the school location that you wish work at for more information. ALL new employees will be required to submit a current original criminal record check (CRC) including a "Vulnerable Sector Screening" (VSS) issued within 6 months prior to commencing employment with the Board. We thank all applicants, but advise that only those under consideration will be contacted. If you require a disability related accommodation in order to participate in the recruitment process, please contact us at (905) 890-0708 extension 24616 to provide your contact information. Support Services staff will contact you within 2 business days. The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board is an equal opportunity employer. We will accommodate your needs under the Ontario Human Rights Code. OPENING SCHOOL MASS AND BLESSING OF BACK PACKS Our opening school mass will take place on Thursday, October 4th at 10:30 a.m. HOMEWORK POLICY Homework, which plays an important role in the relationship between the school and the family, is typically defined as ―a learning experience assigned by a teacher, for completion outside of class time, that supports and enriches the learning and development of each student.‖ There is no requirement that homework be assigned daily, but when it is assigned, homework must be directly related to what the student is leaning in class and has the following characteristics: is meaningful and relevant Is purposefully planning to avoid student overload Is clearly articulated by the teacher and understood by the students Is differentiated, as appropriate, to meet student learning Is reviewed in a timely manner Homework may also include tasks such as practicing, observing, rehearsing, interviewing, researching and studying. It is important, therefore, that time spent on homework be balanced with the importance of personal and family wellness and the wide range of family obligations experienced in our society today. SCHOOL ORGANIZATION CHANGES Each school year start-up often brings some unexpected changes in terms of enrollment and staffing. Our staff work collaboratively to organize your children and the classes effectively. Please be assured that during reorganization the interest of your children are foremost in our minds. All school organizational plans are subject to review in early September, based on actual enrolment. Where we need to adjust class plans due to unanticipated enrolment fluctuations, you will be notified of these changes prior to September 14th. CRIMINAL REFERENCE CHECK…. Is required if you wish to volunteer your services in the school, transport students and assist on trips. 7750 Hurontario Street, Brampton. Copies of the Criminal Reference forms are available in the office. The search results will be mailed to you approximately 4 weeks later. This is for residents of Peel only. IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARGIND FIELDTRIPS Please be advised that for the 2012-13 school year, there will be an additional 10% added to the cost of all fieldtrips in order to help subsidize students. Thank you for assisting all of our children in allowing them to participate in all school events. STUDENT TRANSPORTASTION OF PEEL REGION STOPR INFORMATION FOR SCHOOLS REGARDING SCHOOL START UP TRANSPORTATION PROCEDURES FOR SEPTEMBER 2012 Schools will be able to access their runs from GeoQuery effective Friday, August 24th, 2012. Parents can access student transportation information on Monday, August 27th, 2012. Schools and parents can access this information at or Please be aware that during September and early October, STOPR priorities are eligible students requiring transportation service, bus overloads, and route timing adjustments. Requests for additional or adjusted bus stop locations, route adjustments, and challenges to eligibility status will not be addressed until late October. Courtesy transportation (with the exception of special education vehicles), which is assignment of ineligible students to available empty seats on buses, will not be initiated prior to October 3 rd. No exceptions. Schools are encouraged to collect the request forms from parents throughout September. All transported primary protocol students are required to be met by a parent/caregiver when disembarking from their bus on their return trip from school. If a child is no longer taking the bus, please make sure you fill out TFL005 in the STOPR School Forms and submit to Transportation. If you have a special education student that has left the school, please email as we do not download special education student data from Trillium or SIS. If you are a receiving school for CAP students, please make sure you notify Transportation that these students are attending your school if they require transportation. Contacting STOPR Internet: This website provides up to date delay and inclement weather cancellation information in addition to policy, procedures and frequently asked questions This website allows parents to access information specific to “what school do I attend” and “am I eligible for transportation”. This site also provides parents access to specific bus stop location and pick up and drop off times for their children if eligible for transportation. Please remind them they must have their child’s OEN in order to obtain transportation information. Telephone: Transportation East (areas generally east of Highway 10) 905 890-6000 Transportation West (areas generally west of Highway 10) Special Education Transportation Toll free 1-800 668-1140 STOPR Administration 905 890-0614 905 890-6362 905 890-0708 ext. 23220 INFORMATION FOR SCHOOLS REGARDING SCHOOL START UP TRANSPORTATION PROCEDURES FOR SEPTEMBER 2012 Schools will be able to access their runs from GeoQuery effective Friday, August 24th, 2012. Parents can access student transportation information on Monday, August 27th, 2012. Schools and parents can access this information at or Please be aware that during September and early October, STOPR priorities are eligible students requiring transportation service, bus overloads, and route timing adjustments. Requests for additional or adjusted bus stop locations, route adjustments, and challenges to eligibility status will not be addressed until late October. Courtesy transportation (with the exception of special education vehicles), which is assignment of ineligible students to available empty seats on buses, will not be initiated prior to October 3 rd. No exceptions. Schools are encouraged to collect the request forms from parents throughout September. All transported primary protocol students are required to be met by a parent/caregiver when disembarking from their bus on their return trip from school. If a child is no longer taking the bus, please make sure you fill out TFL005 in the STOPR School Forms and submit to Transportation. If you have a special education student that has left the school, please email as we do not download special education student data from Trillium or SIS. If you are a receiving school for CAP students, please make sure you notify Transportation that these students are attending your school if they require transportation. Contacting STOPR Internet: This website provides up to date delay and inclement weather cancellation information in addition to policy, procedures and frequently asked questions This website allows parents to access information specific to “what school do I attend” and “am I eligible for transportation”. This site also provides parents access to specific bus stop location and pick up and drop off times for their children if eligible for transportation. Please remind them they must have their child’s OEN in order to obtain transportation information. Telephone: Transportation East (areas generally east of Highway 10) 905 890-6000 Transportation West (areas generally west of Highway 10) Special Education Transportation Toll free 1-800 668-1140 STOPR Administration 905 890-0614 905 890-6362 905 890-0708 ext. 23220