St. Dunstan School November 2015

St. Dunstan School
November 2015
L. O’Neill
J. Kalynowsky
Luz del Rosario
David Amaral
St. Joseph Church
5440 Durie Road
Mississauga, ON
L5M 2J6
School Hours
Grades FDK-8
8:30-11:25 &
12:25 -3:00
St. Dunstan School
1525 Cuthbert Ave.
Mississauga, ON
L5M 3R6
God our Father,
your Son Jesus gave up His life to free us
from the power of sin and death. He showed us that the
greatest love is in giving up one’s life for others. We
remember those who fought and died for our freedom.
We ask you to bless and console them together with
their families. Help us to understand the sacrifices they
made in leaving their loved ones to face the horrors of
war. May we never forget their generosity. May you
Holy Spirit give us the courage to resist evil in all its forms
and show us how to be peacemakers through prayer and
action, lest we forget who fought, suffered and died that
we might have the freedom and peace we enjoy today.
We ask this through Christ, our Lord.
November is an important month as we celebrate All Saints Day, All Souls Day and
Remembrance Day. All Saints Day reminds us of those who lived faithful lives in the
church and on All Souls Day we remember those who have died. There are a number
of students in our community who have recently suffered a loss of a loved one and we
continue to support them during these difficult times. On Remembrance Day we
remember those who gave their lives for freedom through various missions in pursuit
of peace. It is appropriate that Conscience is the virtue this month. We are called to
do the right thing, and pray for God‘s guidance to make informed decisions. Our
children are reminded to have the courage to stand up for the values that they are
being taught at home and at school. It is a time when we need to reflect and share the
light in our hearts and continue to be peacemakers in our own community. Thank
you to the parents in our community who tirelessly devote countless hours to make
St. Dunstan a great place to learn and achieve together.
Winter Weather
During the winter season, the school receives calls from concerned parents as to how we
determine when children will or will not be allowed outside for recess. Dufferin-Peel
C.D.S.B. Policy uses a Wind Chill factor of -25 C as the determining temperature. Students will not be
sent outside for recess if it is colder than this. Students should also come dressed appropriately for
weather (hats, mitts, etc.) For health and safety reasons we must insist on indoor shoes. Students
cannot walk through the school with wet boots or shoes. For their safety and comfort they
need to have indoor shoes. Please note that in the event of an emergency evacuation,
students will not have the opportunity to put boots on. Where possible, please put
identification on your child’s belongings. Throughout the winter the lost and found box
fills up with unidentified clothing.
In the colder weather we receive numerous request to allow children to remain indoors when
students have a cold, flu, etc. Please note that we cannot comply, as we neither have the facilities nor
the staff to supervise these students. If your child is not feeling well we encourage you to keep them
home to avoid the spread of illness. The expectation at St. Dunstan is that all children will go outdoors
for recess and the lunch break.
Dolphin Athletics
On October 20th, 47 students participated in the Mississauga South Cross Country Meet at
Erindale Park. Congratulations to the following members of the team; Daniel A., Nathan A.,
Cassandra B., Aliana B., Dante B., Alyssa B., Nathaniel B., Gabriel C., Reese C., Kevin D., Gracie F.,
Stella F., Keegan F., Brian I., Mackenzie L., Joseph M., Marcus M., Mina M., Charles M., Ryan M.,
Jacob M., Jenna M., Elvis M., Trevor M., Colin N., Thomas N., Jordan O., Shayleen O., Owen P.,
Joshua Q., Alyssa R., Emma R., Mylah R., Andrew R., Daniel R., Akshay S., Thomas S., Mary S.,
Nicole S., Patrick S., Andrea S., Andrew S., Porscha S., Emily T., Justin T., Owen W. and Benny Z.
Special recognition is given to Daniel R., Jordan O., Andrea S., Joseph M., Benny Z., Gracie F.,
Casandra B. and Elvis M. who all advanced to the Board meet on October 26th. Congratulations
to Daniel R. who finished first in the Board and Joseph M. who finished 4th. Thank you to
Mrs. Swanek, Mme. Graham and Mrs. Mangaroff for coaching the cross country team.
St. Dunstan School
Congratulations as well to the Junior Boys and Girls Volleyball Teams who completed their
seasons. The girl’s team won the Mississauga South Family Tournament and advanced to the
Board Championships where they lost in the 3rd set of the final . The members of the girl’s team
were Stella F., Gracie F., Reese C., Alyssa R., Monica S., Cassandra B., Porscha S. and Mackenzie L.
Thank you to Miss Monardo and Miss Risavy for coaching the team. The boy’s also experienced a
successful season. The members of the boy’s team were Dante B., Victor E., Elvis M., Thomas N.,
Matthew P., Adam P., Andrew R., and Nathaniel B. Thank you to Mr. Ward and Jacob M for
coaching the team.
Important Items
respect, civility
and academic
excellence in a
safe learning and
School Council News
Thank you to the School Council
and all the parent volunteers
that made the Halloween Dance
A Thon on October 30th a great
success. The St. Dunstan
community raised over $3500.
Please join us for our next
council meeting on November
12th at 6:30 pm in the library.
Iona Information Night
An information evening
session for all parents of Grade 8
students who wish to learn more
about the Specialist High Skills
Major in Arts and Culture will be
held on November 4th at 6:30
p.m. at Iona.
St. Martin’s Information Night
An information session will be
held on Wednesday, November
18 at 6:30 in the school
cafeteria. St. Martin’s is a
regional sports school.
2016-17 Kindergarten
Registration for Kindergarten
for the 2016-17 school year,
will take place on:
Mon, Jan 26, 2016 7-9 pm
Wed, Jan 28, 2016 9 - 3 pm
Thurs, Jan 29, 2016 9 - 3 pm
Fri, Jan 30, 2016 9 - 3 pm
*Snow Date
Tues, Jan 27, 2016 7 - 9 pm
St. Dunstan Goes To The
As part of our Christmas
celebrations our school will be
going to the movies on
Thursday, December 18th. All
students from Grades 1– 8 will
be going to the Coliseum
Theater to see a movie. More
details will be sent home in the
coming weeks.
Inclement Weather
When weather conditions are bad, parents are asked to listen to the local radio stations for announcements of transportation services being withdrawn and/or possible school closures. Announcements can be heard on CFRB, CHUM,
The message usually takes the following form:
1. The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board buses serving St. Andrew, St. Benedict and St. Peter
Elementary Schools and R.F. Hall Secondary School are cancelled today. This message does not affect us at St. Dunstan.
2. The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board buses and The Peel District School Board buses in the Town of
Caledon and the County of Dufferin are cancelled. This means that all runs listed under #1 above plus all schools in the
Town of Caledon and all school runs that begin in the Town of Caledon. This message does not affect us at St. Dunstan.
3. The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board and The Peel District School Board buses are cancelled. This means
that ALL transportation services provided, including buses, vans and taxis have been cancelled for the entire day.
Students dropped off by parents, when transportation is cancelled, must be picked up by parents or have other
arrangements in place for their return trip home. The school cannot give permission for children to be driven home by
someone other than the parent/guardian.
4. The schools and offices of both The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board and The Peel District School Board
are closed. This means that ALL Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board and Peel District School Board schools
and offices are closed to all students and staff.
The Dufferin-Peel web-site home page will also have this updated information. You may also go to for
daily cancellations or delays.
School Bus Delays and Cancellations
Please note that parents can now sign up to receive email notifications of delays and cancellations for their children’s
bus run. Parents should go to and click onto the “Delays and Cancellations” link and then click
“Subscriptions” to sign up for this service.
Food Allergies
Once again we would like to remind parents that we
have a number of students who have life threatening
food allergies. Recently a number of students have
come to school with snacks or lunches that contain
peanuts and/or tree nuts. All food items that come to
our school must be peanut free. A reminder as well
that students cannot bring baked goods to school for
any type of celebration. Thank you for your
cooperation in making our school a safe and inclusive
school for all students.
St. Dunstan Eco News
Last year our Eco Team earned a Silver Eco School
Certification Status. Once again, our eco team will
continue to implement our Eco initiatives such as our
Waste Free Lunches and our Lights Out campaign. Our
Eco Team will be led by Mrs. Swanek and Mrs. Bungay.
St. Dunstan is now on Twitter! For the
Latest school and board news and
information, follow us
Parents In The Yard
For your child’s safety we request that he/she not
be on school property until supervision begins at
8:15 a.m. Please do not drop your child off at the
school prior to 8:15 a.m.
We would also like to remind you that parents
should drop off/pick up their children outside the
school gates. Parents are not permitted to be in the
school yard or in the Kindergarten yard at any
time. Although you may be known to your own
child you are a stranger to the other students in the