St. Dunstan School March 2014 Dear God

St. Dunstan School
March 2014
L. O’Neill
M. Romer
Peter Ferreira
D. Amaral
St. Joseph Church
5440 Durie Road
Mississauga, ON
L5M 2J6
Grades 1-8
8:30-11:25 & 12:253:00
Grades JK-SK
8:30-11:00 or 12:303:00
St. Dunstan School
1525 Cuthbert Ave.
Mississauga, ON
L5M 3R6
Dear God
during this season of Lent,
may you help us,
to thank you for the new life you gave to
our world and to our spirits,
to find your presence around us in the
sparkle of sunshine,
a word given in encouragement,
a smile shared in passing,
to open our hearts to your call,
to serve one another with your loving compassion,
to have the courage to ask for help as we journey,
and to know when we have gone off path,
to remember what Lent is all about
and to turn our lives toward you.
The season of Lent is a highlight in the Catholic calendar. During the month of Lent
we pay special attention to turning away from sin to cleanse our hearts and prepare
for the joyous feast of Easter. It is time for prayer, penance and works of charity for
others. Classroom discussion and activities are designed to enhance an
understanding of the Holy Season of Lent. All of these activities are intended to help
our students understand the wonderful journey towards the Resurrection. During
this month we are each challenged to cleanse our hearts and prepare for the feast of
The staff of St. Dunstan would like to wish everyone a safe and relaxing March Break.
A reminder that Friday, March 7th is a PA Day. We look forward to seeing everyone
back at school on Monday, March 17.
Dolphin Athletics
Emily T., Tessa B., Jasmine R., Tori A., Jessica K.,
and Alyssa R. Thank you to Miss Monardo for
coaching the team. The members of the boy’s
team were Keegan F., Matthew G., Patrick S.,
Dylan C., Jacob M., Owen P., Marcus M., Troy P.,
Gabe C., and Matthew M. Thank you to Mr. Abbas
for coaching the team.
The Junior Boys Basketball Team concluded
their season by advancing to the Mississauga
South Family Tournament. The boys
represented our school with great intensity and
desire. The members of the team are Jacob M.,
Owen P., Ivan M., Dylan C., Keegan F., Malik G.,
Nakul B. and AJ S. Thank you to Mr. Ward and
Mr. Abbas for volunteering their time to coach
the team.
Our Primary intramural soccer league is
contesting their final games this week. The
students were very enthusiastic and
demonstrated great compassion and leadership
skills. Thank you to Mrs. Fifield, Mrs. Inkol,
Our Junior Boys and Girls Indoor Soccer Teams Mrs. Gibson and Mrs. Swanek for giving up their
both competed in a tournament last week. Both lunch hours to organize and supervise the
teams were competitive and displayed great
students. A special thank you as well to the
enthusiasm and respect. The members of the
Intermediate students who helped with
girl’s team were Gracie F., Stella F., Gabriella H., refereeing the games.
The EQAO (Education Quality and Accountability
Office) testing of our Grade 3 and 6 students will take
place from May 26th through to June 6th. Please try to
avoid scheduling any doctor’s appointments or
anything else that will take your child out of school
during the testing dates. Tests and materials cannot be
given out to parents prior to or during the testing.
A letter to Grade 3 and 6 parents with further
information will be sent home closer to the testing
Recognition Assembly
Our second recognition assembly will be held on
Friday, March 28th at 9:15 am. Parents are invited to
Public Speaking
Congratulations to the winners of the St. Dunstan
Public Speaking Contest. Tessa B. was the
winner in Junior and the Intermediate winners
were Sophia Y. and Brandon D. Tessa and Sophia
both advanced to the Mississauga South Family
Speech Contest. Congratulations to all the
students who participated in our speech contest.
If you are planning a move, or have already
moved, please let us know. You are required to
complete new assessment forms even if you
move within our school boundaries. If you are
moving to a new school we will give you a
Transfer Form to take with you to the new
school. We will be preparing classes for
September 2014 and this information will be
helpful in determining class placements.
St. Dunstan Winter Olympics
On Friday, February 7th the students of St. Dunstan held our own version of the Opening
Ceremonies for the Winter Olympics. All the students gathered in the gym and watched the
parade of athletes consisting of students representing the countries of Canada, Russia, South
Korea and Switzerland. Representatives from each country recited the Olympic Creed and an
original Olympic Torch was on display. The games were officially declared open and all the
students were eager to begin the events.
Each class was divided into 4 countries and competed against each other in the following events;
speed skating, curling, luge, alpine scooter skiing and skeleton. All the students enjoyed the
spirit of competition and were very enthusiastic throughout the events.
An integral part of public education
The notion that creating a single education system in Ontario would save money is unfounded.
As amalgamation in the education, municipal and health care sectors has demonstrated, bigger is not
necessarily better or more efficient. Funding in Ontario is based on per-pupil calculations.
Amalgamation would not reduce the number of students – who would still require similar levels of
teaching and support staff, classroom space and administrative support in the schools and board
offices. Economies of scale have already been achieved, with Catholic and public boards cooperating
in areas such as transportation, school financing, purchasing and energy management. In fact, trying
to amalgamate into a single system would cost more money – not to mention time – to sort out the
complex details. It would also unleash a period of great upheaval for students, parents, teachers
and administrators throughout the education system.
Join in the celebration of Catholic education in Ontario – a proven success for almost 170 years.
Spread the good news about Catholic Education!
For more information about Catholic schools in your community, please contact your local Catholic
school board. A directory of Catholic boards is available online at
Join us at 2:30pm on Thursday, March 6, 2014 for the ultimate in apple appreciation.
FoodShare’s annual Great Big Crunch invites all school communities to learn about healthy
eating and local food systems by taking a giant synchronized crunch into a locally grown apple.
All students at St. Dunstan will be participating in this exciting event.