Press Release

Division of Administration and Finance
University Services
Press Release
Lindsay Marshall
University Services Communications Coordinator
Houston, February 1, 2011 – The word is out and the campus is buzzing about the light rail
coming to the University of Houston campus. With all the talk comes questions and UH Parking
and Transportation wants to keep its community up to date on the latest news with the South East
Light Rail blog.
The blog provide a portal of information for community concerns and construction updates as
they progress including what crews are working on and how long to expect the work to last. It will
also include briefings from Community Advisory Board meetings and promote local businesses
that may be affected while construction is in progress. Links to fun and interesting news releases
about Metro and the light rail will provide another outlet to answer questions and keep the UH
community in-the-know.
Chris Ramsey, a member of the UH University Services team, will manage the blog and attend
the Community Advisory Board meetings. He said feedback expressed at the meetings so far
has been positive.
“Everyone seems excited about the South East line and wants to get it done,” Ramsey said.
“Once complete, the South East line will further connect UH to the community.’”
Ramsey is also directing videos that will appear on the University Services YouTube account
starting next week. The first video teaches the UH community to be S.A.F.E., an acronym to
teach awareness as construction begins. The UH community will learn to: Stop what you are
doing, be Aware of the situation, Figure out the best way forward, Execute your decision while
staying S.A.F.E. Future videos are planned for monthly postings that will teach about proper
behavior around a construction zone.
Light rail construction is anticipated to be completed in 2014. To view the South East Light Rail
blog and safety videos, visit Click on “contact” for any questions
about the blog or South East Light Rail. Safety videos can also be seen at
About the University of Houston
The University of Houston is a comprehensive national research institution serving the globally
competitive Houston and Gulf Coast Region by providing world-class faculty, experiential learning
and strategic industry partnerships. UH serves more than 38,500 students in the nation’s fourthlargest city, located in the most ethnically and culturally diverse region of the country.