Guardian Angels Catholic Elementary School 62 Heatherdale Dr., Brampton, Ontario L7A 2H4 Tel.: 905-595-0909 Fax.: 905-846-6932 Newsletter #7 April 2013 Principal: T. Waters Vice Principal: T. Owens Secretary: B. Waud Asst. Secretary: G. Odoardi School Website: Parish: Guardian Angels (905) 970-9175 Pastor: Father J. Gogolewski Trustee: L. Zanella School Council Chair: K. Italiano Superintendent: C. Pitoscia Superintendent: A. Tucciarone (905) 890-1221 GUARDIAN ANGELS PARISH Rev. Fr. Jan Gogolewski Rectory: 46 Elsinore Street, Brampton, ON L7A 1Z7 Phone: 905-970-9175 Fax: 905-970-1054 E mail: Masses are held at St. Edmund Campion Secondary School, 275 Brisdale Drive, Brampton, ON L7A 3C7. Masses will be held on: Saturday: 5:00 pm Sunday: 9:00 am, 10:30 am and 12:00 pm Weekdays: 7:30 am Attendance A friendly reminder that if your child is going to be away from school, that you need to call the office to let us know. Please call 905-595-0909 and then select the line for attendance which is line 1. Your co-operation helps us ensure our safe arrival program works in a timely manner. Congratulations: MRS. WAUD The staff and students would like to congratulate Mrs. Waud for accepting the position of Head Secretary at St. Jean Marie Vianney School. th Mrs.Waud’s last day will be April 12 but she will continue to work out of Guardian Angles School until the end of June. We would like to welcome Mrs. S. McGee who will take over the Head Secretary duties at Guardian Angels on th April 15 . To Light, To Guard, To Rule and Guide – Guardian Angels Welcome to Kindergarten th Catholic Education Week is May 5th—May 12th. Each year the Catholic community of Ontario engages in a week-long celebration of the unique identity and distinctive contributions of Catholic education during Catholic Education Week. This year’s celebration entitles, ―Catholic Education: Growing Together in Faith‖ is scheduled for the week of May 5—May 12, 2013. We are celebrating the Year of Faith along with the rest of the church. We remember that we are called to ―grow in faith‖, to bloom where we are planted and that we are rooted in Christ. The scriptural passage that guides our theme is: “That Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith, as you are being rooted and grounded in love.” - Ephesians 3:17 Stay tuned for upcoming news on our schedule during Catholic Education Week! BICYCLES With the change in weather, many students are beginning to ride their bicycles to school. Please take the time to discuss proper bicycle safety with your child/ren to ensure their safety. Of note students riding their bikes to and from school are expected to follow these directions: 1. Bikes are to be walked across the school property; 2. Bikes are to be left in the bike rack area. Students are not to play in this area; 3. Bikes are to be locked Are you moving? We are in the process of planning classes and staffing for the 2013/2014 school year. If you are planning to move anytime between now and September 2013, please inform the school so that we can prepare the necessary transfer forms. Please remember that if you change your address please notify the office so that we can update our records. ww.dpcds Stay Please note that Wednesday, May 15 from 6:30p.m. until 8:00p.m. We will have our Welcome to Kindergarten session. This session has been designed for the new JK child and a parent. We ask that you do not bring siblings to this session. ARRIVAL AND DISMISSAL OF STUDENTS—PARKING LOT For the safety of all children and to avoid congestion, please drop your child/ren in the ―Kiss and Ride‖ area at the front of the building. We ask that parents do not park and/or leave their cars in the front driveway at any time. If you need to park, please find an open spot in the general parking lot or else-where in the neighbourhood. All students will be dismissed by their teachers and exit according to their assigned door. Please wait for your child/ren at the sidewalks or outskirts of the school board property. A supervised dismissal will ensure student safety, and please note, our school visitor policies remain in effect until all students have been fully dismissed. Please do not direct your child/ren to meet you at the front door unless they are being dismissed early for an appointment. If your child/ren must leave for an appointment during the school day, please come to the office to ―sign out‖ and ―sign in‖, we ask that you please ensure that you have notified the appropriate teachers of the same through the agenda or a note. Thank you for your cooperation. LUNCH: STUDENTS LEAVING SCHOOL PROPERTY In order for students to leave school property at lunch, they require a written letter or permission from their parents. Due to the nature of the number of students in our school, we will not be able to accommodate phone calls home on a regular basis. Thank you for your cooperation. Guardian Angels Harlem Shake Video Debut The Guardian Angels Harlem Shake video has finally been posted to the D.P.C.D.S.B. Youtube channel. You can find it by going to and searching “DPCDSBVideos” to find the board youtube channel or you can type the following address directly into your address bar: http://youtube/iClaqNDFP9Y -Peel Catholic District School Board .dpcd Light, To Guard, To Rule and Guide – Guardian Angels A Tradition of ExcellenceTo in Catholic Stay Education Peel Catholic District School Board The Chess Tournament P. Buzdon L. Di Muzio R. Merino Love In April –we celebrate the virtue of Love God wants us to serve and to see goodness in everyone we meet. A loving person… wants the best for others is willing to make sacrifices for the good of others knows that we are all lovable prays for others God has given us many people in our lives to show us examples of LOVE. Our families, teachers, and friends show us their love everyday. Love can be seen in the simplest acts of kindness, such as sharing a pencil, playing a game, or even by saying ―thank you‖. We should always show our love for others because love is about seeing the good in people even when they make us angry. Sometimes the great-est acts of love happen when we are angry, such as not hitting our sibling back or not screaming at our friends. Jesus is always with us and we should always try to remember His most important lesson, the lesson of love, because love is not about us – it is about looking out for the good of others. Athletics The last three months of the school year will be very busy at Guardian Angels. Currently, the girls' and boys' Junior Basketball Teams are hard at work preparing for their tournaments at the end of April. Other Athletic Activities remaining this year include: Lunch Intramurals Intermediate Co-ed Flag Football Junior Soccer Tournaments Intermediate Boys/Girls Baseball Tournaments Junior/ Intermediate Track and Field Meet Primary Play Day Junior Boys Basketball T. Bell and M. Labuda The junior boys have been working extremely hard in preparation for the upcoming basketball season. The boys will be participating in the First Annual Cardinal Ambrozic Tournament on Thursday, April 11. This is an after school tournament scheduled to begin at 2:30pm, and ending approximately at 8:30pm. Guardian Angels will be hosting the Brampton West Family Mini Tournament on Wednesday, April 24, 2013. Should the boys win this tournament, they would move th on to the family finals to be held the week of April 29 , date to be confirmed. On Friday March 22, Guardian Angels hosted the annual BW chess tournament. There were 20 teams competing in three divisions (Primary, Junior, and Intermediate.) Over 100 students were playing chess. The teams competing were St. J Bakhita, St .A Merici, Guardian Angels, Bishop Francis Allen, St. Rita, St. Aiden, and Our Lady of Fatima. There were also volunteers throughout the school that did a great job helping out. Some volunteers were timekeepers, judges, referees, and lunch supervisors. Our school worked really hard and all the hard work payed off. We won all 3 divisions. Well done Guardian Angels!!! Our school qualified for the Dufferin Peel Catholic School Board chess finals in all 3 divisions. We will be playing against the best teams in Mississauga, Brampton, and Orangeville for the chess championship. The school board finals will be held at St. MarcelIinus on th April 26 . Go Angels!!! Guardian Angels Dance Team Our Guardian Angels Dance Team will compete at the st Rose Theatre on Tuesday May 1 . If you are interested in watching, tickets are available for $15.00 person. You can purchase them online at, by phone (905) 874-2800 or in person at the theatre. Thank you to Mrs. Sousa, Mrs. Daniel’s, Mrs. Alimurung and Mrs. Stoker for coaching our team. This is the second year we have entered a team into this competition. Good luck to all involved. Lates-School Start at 9:00 AM Please ensure your child is on time for school. When a child is late, she/he misses valuable learning time and causes disruptions to the lessons being started in the class. Developing excellent work habits and time management skills can maximize a child’s learning potential. Also note that students who show up after 9:10 a.m. usually get stuck in the office and have to wait until the morning announcements are completed and are not often getting into class until 9:30 a.m. Math and language are usually taught first thing in the morning and students who are chronically late are missing critical instructional time. The Duty of a Parent states that parents/guardians are expected to get their children to school on time with the necessary tools required to learn. This also means a healthy lunch and snack. If these basic needs are not being provided it is considered Parental Neglect and must be addressed by the Principal and the School Social Worker. It is also considered neglect when parents do not pick up their children on time at the end of the day. The 2013 Junior Boys Basketball team consist of: Jordan, Teshawn, Christopher,To Autrey, Matthew, Light,Chubby, To Guard, To Rule and Guide – Guardian Angels Bryan, Lucas, Kalim, Tavion, Nathan, and Gabriel. EQAO After School Tutoring Catholic School Council Our Grade 3 and 6 after school program is in full swing until the middle of May. We have 75 students participating every Monday and Wednesday from 3:30 to 4:45 p.m. The purpose of the tutoring is to provide students with extra support in the areas of Math and Language. EQAO testing this year begins on May 27 th and continues to June 6 . The next Catholic School Council Meeting will be held th on Tuesday, May14 , 2013 at 7:00 p.m. in the Staff Room. As always, ALL parents are welcome to attend the meeting. From the library th EARTH DAY April 22nd is when the world celebrates Earth Day and people get involved in helping the environment. Earth Day began when people realized that it was time to start taking better care of the planet. It is a special day when everyone can help to make the planet a cleaner and better place to live. The first Earth Day was celebrated on April 22nd in 1970. In 1990 Canada joined the rest of the world to celebrate our special Earth that God has given to us to take care of. What will you do for the planet this Earth Day? Bullying Prevention and Wellness Symposium 2013 for Parents and Guardians The Dufferin-Peel CDSB is pleased to announce we will be hosting a system-wide Bullying Prevention and Wellness symposium on June 1st, 2013 for parents and guardians. This event will be open to parents and guardians in the system and will enable our parents to hear from experts in the field on ways to assist their children with these difficult challenges. ―Let it begin with me......Empowering Community, Raising Awareness and Building Partnerships‖ will be the focus for the day. More details will be coming soon!! Stay tuned…. April is an exciting month at Guardian Angels School Library with lots going on! There will be displays at the library celebrating Earth Day (April 22), April is Poetry month and many other exciting topics. Forest of Reading voting will take place this month. All students in grades 1, 2 and 3 will vote for their favourite Blue Spruce book in April. The students participating in the Forest of Reading clubs: Silver Birch Express (grades 3 & 4), Silver Birch Fiction & Non Fiction (grades 4 to 6), and Red Maple (grades 7 & 8) are looking forward to casting their votes for their favourite books. Stay tuned for the results. This is an Ontario wide reading program with thousands of Ontario students participating. Ontario results will be announced in May. Kindergarten students are encouraged to sign out two library books now. One of the books will be a "levelled" book to help with their own reading and a second book of free choice. Kindergarten library day is Monday. Please ensure that both library books are returned on Mondays in order for two new books to be signed out. Students are reminded on a regular basis if they have an Overdue library book. Please return library books on time so that other students may enjoy them. It is expected that lost books are to be paid for. Many students are working on Wikis either through the Forest of Reading clubs or in Inquiry/Research. The students have been very excited about working in this safe, online format. They are able to post online to their classmates making this an excellent collaborative opportunity. Looking forward...June will bring both a Book Fair and a Book Swap to Guardian Angels School Library. Stay tuned and keep on reading. Mrs. McCannel, Teacher-Librarian To Light, To Guard, To Rule and Guide – Guardian Angels Dates to Remember April 10 Guardian Angels Skills Canada Team Competition at St. Augustine S.S. April 16 Pizza Day April 17 Grade 3 Country Heritage Park April 18 1st Reconciliation (9:30 a.m.) April 18 Confessions Grade 8 (10:30 a.m.) April 19 Resurrection Mass (9:15 a.m.) April 22 Earth Day Assembly (2:30 p.m. April 23 Grade 5 ROM Trip April 23 BW Junior Girls Basketball at St. F.X. Elementary April 23 Grade 8 Retreat at St. Roch S.S. April 24 BW Junior Boys Basketball at GA April 26 Board Chess Finals at St. Marcellinus S.S. April 28 1st Communion @ OLF Parish April 29 Grade 6 Trip to Crawford Lake April 30 Pizza Day April 30 BW Junior Boys Basketball Finals @ St. Mary’s Elementary April 30 Grade 8 retreat at St Roch S.S. May 01 Junior/Intermediate Dance Team Competition at the Rose Theatre May 02 FDK Scientist in the School May 2 BW Junior Girls Bball finals May 3 Jump Rope Kick Off in gym (1:15 p.m.) May 6 Home Alone Program (June 3) May 10 Crowning of Mary 9:15 (a.m.) May 11 Confirmation @ St. Edmund Campion S.S. (5:00 Mass) May 12 Mothers Day May 13 PA DAY May 14 Pizza Day May 14 Parent Council (Final for year) May15 Engineering workshop at George Brown (20 students) May 15 Jigga Jump ( FDK-2 1:15 p.m.) May 16 Resource Trip to Wonderland May 17 Jump Rope for Heart at Guardian Angels May 19 Pentecost May 20 Victoria Day To Light, To Guard, To Rule and Guide – Guardian Angels