Shared Priorities: Outcomes: Creating Catholic Conditions for Well-Being, Learning and Leading

Catholic School Learning Plan for Guardian Angels Elementary School
Annual Progress Report
Shared Priorities:
Creating Catholic Conditions for Well-Being, Learning and Leading
1. By June 2016, there will be an increase in successful practices that support student wellbeing.
Outcome Progress Comments
6/9/2015: 6/24/2105: Teachers discovered that open-ended questions helped students feel successful in their
learning. Open-ended questions allowed different learners to provide strategies that worked best for them.
Students were also able to develop their own formulas as well as tips and tricks through their own investigation. As
a result teachers observed that students were successful and had better understanding of the concepts. Teachers
also observed that students were more engaged and motivated to learn. Teachers also observed that it was worth
while evaluating the type of questions that we give our students.
Shared Priorities:
Building Collaborative Practices Through Inquiry
An increase in the proportion of students who have demonstrated improvement on the
learning skill and work habit of collaboration.
Outcome Progress Comments
6/4/2015: 6/4/2015
Collaboration is a key component of inquiry-based learning and both teachers and students at Guardian Angels
continue to develop this skill throughout all subjects. Teachers Theory of Action statements gave students the
opportunity to work in collaborative structures to increase achievement in math. When students worked
collaboratively, teachers observed students taking more risks, being more engaged and persevering through
challenges and learning from their mistakes. In a Grade 6 survey, students expressed collaboration as a preference
because they were able to share ideas and learn from their peers. They also learned that there was more than one
way to achieve an answer. In FDK students worked well using different problem solving strategies. Teachers
observed changes in students earlier in the year. Students became more self-reliant and were able to selfadvocate for their own learning needs. Teachers agree that the skill of collaboration is an ongoing process that
they will continue throughout the next school year.
Shared Priorities:
Enhancing Transitional Practices
By the end of June 2016, there will be an increase in successful practices that support the
transition of all students especially "at risk" students in our school as evidenced by and
increase in the proportion of students who demonstrate improvement in the learning skill
and work habit of self-regulation.
Outcome Progress Comments
6/9/2015: The administrative and special education team work collaboratively with teachers to support all students
in their transitions. Monthly TEAM meeting, IPR's, IPRC's, case conferences, class lists meetings, school visits, home
visits, and social stories are all part of the transition plan here at Guardian Angels. We communicate regularly with
parents, schools and outside agencies to provide the best care and support for all students.
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SkoVision™ Report
Catholic School Learning Plan for Guardian Angels Elementary School
Annual Progress Report
Shared Priorities:
Knowing the Learner through Assessment
1.0 An increase in the proportion of educators who increased their understanding of
assessment for and as learning, as a result of professional learning opportuniities.
Outcome Progress Comments
5/26/2015: 6/4/2015: Through professional development opportunities, teachers were able to moderate and
collaborate to discuss student evidence and assessment in their Theory of Action groups, in teaching PODS, in coteaching days, and with their teaching partners during common planning time. With the support of the SAT and
administrators, teachers were able "unpack" curriculum using Ministry documents, Marian Small and other
resources to better understand assessment for and as learning. As teachers become more comfortable with the 3part model and inquiry-based learning, we will continue to focus on content, powerful questions.
Shared Priorities:
Responding through Effective Instruction
2.0 An increase in the proportion of educators who intend to apply knowledge gained
through professional learning opportunities.
Outcome Progress Comments
6/3/2015: 6/4/2015: By developing a Growth Mind Set through professional development opportunities, teachers
were able to engage and collaborate about inquiry in many different ways. This school year teachers and staff used
monthly staff meetings to establish and build capacity in their Theory of Action groups. Supported by the SAT,
administrators led teachers and staff through Theory of Action Inquiry using a 3-part model and templates as a
guide. Teachers and staff worked to establish their Theory of Action statements, success criteria, learning goals.
They were then able to discuss and share student evidence using discussion and descriptive feedback. This process
empowered teachers and gave them the license to take risks and to be better collaborators with their colleagues
and students.
Shared Priorities:
Responding through Effective Instruction
An increase in the proportion of students improving their EQAO achievement level between
assessment years.
Outcome Progress Comments
6/3/2015: 6/4/2015: There has been a significant culture shift here at Guardian Angels over the last two years.
Teachers have embraced 21st. century learning that in turn has transcended into the classroom. With the support
of technology, the new responsive classroom, inquiry-based and 3-part models, teachers and students have
developed a new understanding of the way they teach and learn. Student voice has been instrumental in creating
this new culture. With a focus on the curriculum and the absence of math textbooks, teachers and students are
able to explore expectations with enthusiasm and a critical perspective. The increase in EQAO scores is testament
to this shift in teaching at Guardian Angels. Gr.6 math scores increased by 29%, and classroom behavior has
improved because students are more engaged.
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SkoVision™ Report