Celebrating 10 years 2003-2013 Guardian Angels Catholic Elementary School

Guardian Angels Catholic Elementary School
62 Heatherdale Dr., Brampton, Ontario L7A 2H4
Tel.: 905-595-0909 Fax.: 905-846-6932
Celebrating 10 years 2003-2013
Newsletter #6
March 2013
Principal: T. Waters
Vice Principal: T. Owens
Secretary: B. Waud
Asst. Secretary: G. Odoardi
School Website: http://w3.dpcdsb.org/GANGL
Parish: Guardian Angels (905) 970-9175
Pastor: Father J. Gogolewski
Trustee: L. Zanella
School Council Chair: K. Italiano
Superintendent: C. Pitoscia (905) 890-1221
Rev. Fr. Jan Gogolewski
Rectory: 46 Elsinore Street, Brampton, ON L7A 1Z7
Phone: 905-970-9175
E mail: guardianangels@rogers.com
Parish Website: http://guardianangelsparish.wordpress.com
The Parish Newsletter is available at the above website.
Masses are held at St. Edmund Campion Secondary School,
275 Brisdale Drive, Brampton, ON L7A 3C7.
Masses will be held on:
5:00 pm
9:00 am, 10:30 am and 12:00 pm
7:30 am
March Break
This year the March Break will be the week of Monday,
March 11th to Friday, March 15 . Students will return
to school Monday, March 18 .
The Statutory holidays for this term are:
Good Friday
Friday March 29
Easter Monday
Monday, April 1
Victoria Day
Monday, May 20
Last Day of School
Friday, June 28
March ShareLife Events
Mrs. Di Muzio, Ms. Persad, Ms. Wajzer
Thank you to all the teachers and students for
helping make our ShareLife campaign a wonderful
success. We are happy to report that the school has
raised $1,940 to donate to the various charities
sponsored by ShareLife.
To Light, To Guard, To Rule and Guide – Guardian Angels
Guardian Angels Public Speaking
EQAO exams consist of six one hour tests that are given over
three days. Students in grades 3 and 6 will write these tests o
between May 27 and June 6 . Please make sure that your
grade 3 or 6 child is in attendance on those days.
Our Welcome to Kindergarten evening will be on Wednesday,
May 15 , 2013 at 6:30 pm in the library. All students who have
registered for JK in September are invited with a parent.
SCHOOLYARD / Driveway / SAFETY Spring 2013
Parents, in order that we may maintain safety in the schoolyard
we ask that all parents/guardians drop off their children at the
Kindergarten/general playground or Kiss „n Ride no earlier
than 8:45 a.m. We kindly request parents in the playground to
say goodbye to their children as soon as they see staff on duty
wearing an orange vest. Because our playground area is so
open, it is often difficult to distinguish strangers from parents
and therefore we request that parents only use the walkways
around the yard and refrain from walking across the
March 3 – Mr. Sub
playground when students are outside. Parents should
these procedures even in the morning, as
March 5 -follow
it will make it easier for staff on duty to spot unwelcome guests
March 6 – 1:30 assembly to celebrate what
and strangers. It is important that parents / guardians do not
Students learned in Black History Month
engage in conversation with students who are not their
March 12 – 1:30 Lenten Mass
Please remember to remind your older High School students
March 16-20 – March Break
that they are not to be on school property during school hours.
Should they be picking up a sibling, they should come alone,
meet the brother or sister and leave the yard promptly.
There is NO PARKING in the Kiss and Ride, on the sidewalk or
in the marked Handicapped spot unless with an authorized
sticker. Parents/guardians please note that the driveway is
a designated fire route and therefore cars cannot be
parked or left unattended in the Kiss 'n Ride lanes at any
time. This rule applies 24 hours a day. Parking control has
advised that they will be issuing tickets to those who come
prior to school dismissal and park in the driveway while waiting
for school dismissal.
We continue to encourage all parents/guardians to follow these
procedures and we thank those parents already doing so.
Guardian Angels held our fifth annual Public
Speaking competition on Wed. Feb 20 , 2013. Our
esteemed judges were Mrs. McCannel, Mrs. Favaro
and Mrs. Avey. The judges were very impressed by
the speeches given and had a tough job choosing the
winners. The Winner in the Junior Division was Kushal.
The runner up was Faith B. The winner in the
Intermediate Division was Scott C. with Brianna D. as
his runner up.
News from the School Library
The Forest of Reading is well underway. The students in
Grades 1 to 3 are enjoying reading the Blue Spruce
nominated books during their library classes. Silver Birch
Express (grades 3 and 4), Silver Birch Fiction and Non
Fiction (grades 5 and 6) and Red Maple Fiction and Non
Fiction (grades 7 and 8) clubs are extremely busy.
Student from the Forest of reading clubs are welcome to
read at the library during lunch recess on Tuesdays and
Thursdays. These students have also been very busy
posting to the Forest wikis and sharing their thoughts
about the books they have been reading. Voting Day
takes place in April. For more information about the
Forest of Reading program visit www.accessola.com
Many students have been introduced to a wiki and you
may be asking yourself what a wiki is. A wiki is an online
virtual space that has been created using a free
education resource, PB Works. The wiki is a password
protected site that the students have access to and
where they may learn and collaborate together. Students
may access their assignment and post comments to each
other about their work. Mrs. McCannel, the Teacher
Librarian, has been very busy creating and customizing
wikis for both the Forest of Reading programs as well as
Guided Inquiry research for many classes. If your child
comes home excitedly talking about wikis get them to
show you what it's all about!
Students have been asking when the Book Fair will be
held. Book Fair will be running from Friday, May 31
through Wednesday, June 5. Stay tuned! If you haven't
had the opportunity check out the Mount Pleasant Public
Library located beside the Mount Pleasant Go Station.
Many Students have been sharing their visits to the
library and are quite impressed.
Please return overdue books asap. Students are
reminded on a regular basis if they have an overdue
And don't forget to...Keep on Reading!
To Light, To Guard, To Rule and Guide – Guardian Angels
Missed Registration for FDK in 2013-2014
Registration for kindergarten students was held in
January. If you have missed that date, you can still
register for next year. If you know of neighbours who
have school age children, it would be beneficial if you
could have them call the school if they are planning on
attending Guardian Angels in the fall.
Flex Boundary Admissions
Please inform the office as soon as possible if you are
planning to move between now and September of 2013.
Current Flex admissions are not guaranteed. If you
move out of the school catchment area it is in the best
interest of your child that he or she attends their local
school. Flex boundary admissions must be requested in
writing to the school Principal each year.
There are no Flex Boundary admissions accepted for
FDK until August 31 , 2013.
Are you Moving?
We are beginning the process of planning classes and
staffing for the 2013-2014 school year. If you are
planning to move anytime between now and September
2013, please inform the school at your earliest
Class Placements
The staff will soon begin the process of appropriate
placement for each student in September 2013. When
determining placement some of the criteria includes
academic ability, individual work habits and student
skills, maturity, date of birth, social factors and placement
Please note that we aim for classes that have a balance
of gender, ability and behavioural needs. As you know
your child best, we appreciate your input concerning
special needs for your son or daughter. With this in
mind, if you have concerns regarding your child‟s class
placement for September, please submit in writing to the
principal by April 30th, indicating the type of learning
environment in which your child has experienced the
most success. Please do not make a specific request for
teachers as staffing is always tentative and changes can
take place between the tentative class placement and
the first day of school. We will consider your input as
well as input from the classroom teachers and, if we can
accommodate your wishes, we will do so. However, this
is not always possible and we ask for your indulgence
and flexibility. Rest assured our decisions are made only
after careful consideration of all the information and are
based on the individual good of each child balanced with
the common good of the entire school community.
Our next council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April
2 in the school staff room. We will begin at 7:00 p.m. All
parents are welcome.
Behaviour in the Playground
We regularly remind students that rough play in the school
yard can lead to injuries. We ask for their cooperation and
self-discipline to make wise and safe choices so as to
encourage a safe and injury free environment for all.
Pushing, shoving, snow jobs, snowballs, play fighting and
wrestling moves are all forms of unacceptable play that
compromise student safety. At Guardian Angels students
know we have the rules “Keep your hands to yourself” and
“If it‟s on the ground, leave it on the ground.” We
appreciate your support reinforcing these rules with your
children. Regardless however, of these reminders and
precautions, from time to time accidents occur and students
are hurt. Please remind your child to let their teacher or the
office know in the event they are hurt. Sometimes student
do not communicate this information to an adult and as a
result they do not get the required care and attention
Punctuality is Important
Unfortunately a number of students are arriving at school
late. This results in considerable interruptions to our
learning community. Arriving at school on time, and being
prepared to learn helps students with the formation of good
word habits and provides a positive beginning to the day.
Research has proven that increased time on task and fewer
disruptions to the learning environment help to support
improved academic outcomes. Please review the
importance of arriving to school on time with your child(ren).
Your cooperation in support of your child‟s learning
experiences is much appreciated.
Personal Electronic Devices (PED)
Existing and emerging mobile and smart technologies are
presenting new challenges for Catholic educators in
providing all members of our school communities with a
safe Christ centered learning and working environments.
PEDs are wireless and/or portable electronic handheld
equipment (i.e. cell phones, blackberries, palm pilots, MP3
Players, iPods). To promote respect for the dignity of all
members of our school community and to enhance student
achievement and safety, the use of a PED is strictly
prohibited in the school or during school related activities. It
is the policy of the DPCDSB that PEDs are to be kept outof-sight, turned off and not used within the school premises
or during school sanctioned events.
To Light, To Guard, To Rule and Guide – Guardian Angels
Dates to Remember…
Reading at Home
March 20
Grade 7 Skating
As a parent you are a powerful influence on your child‟s
success in reading. Reading with your child conveys‟ a
critical message that reading is both important and
enjoyable. It is essential to plan reading times when there
will be minimal distractions and interruptions. Your child
can learn that reading together at home is a priority.
Reading with your child can open the door to a lifelong
interest in stories and books.
March 22
Babysitting Course Begins
March 26
Graduation Pictures
March 22
BW Chess Tournament
Mach 27
3rd Immunization Clinic
March 29
Good Friday
April 2
Pizza Day
April 9
Grade 8 Mount Alverno Retreat
April 10
DP Skills Competition
April 16
Pizza Day
April 18
1st Reconciliation (9:30)
April 18
Confessions Grade 8 (10:30)
April 19
Resurrection Mass
April 22
Earth Day
April 23
Grade 5 ROM Trip
April 24
BW Junior Boys Basketball at GA
April 28
1st Communion @ OLF
April 30
Pizza Day
April 30
Grade 8 Retreat Day at St.Roch
May 1
Dance Competition at Rose Theatre
May 3
Jump Rope Kick Off Assembly
May 4
Parent Council Earth Day at GA
(yard clean up)
May 15
Welcome to Kindergarten
May 23
10th Anniversary Open House
(6-8 p.m.)
Buses cancelled? School open? This decision rests with
the Director of Education in consultation with the
Transportation Department. During the winter months
inclement weather may cause disruption to bus
transportation and regular school operation. A decision to
cancel school transportation and/or close schools is
usually made by 7:00 a.m. and will be announced on local
radio stations and television stations.
Guardian Angels “Socks” it to the Homeless
During their weekly classroom community meetings with
Child and Youth Worker, Mr. Bloom, Mrs. Parris‟ Grade
6 class at Guardian Angels School came up with a
unique way to help the homeless by collecting new,
adult-sized socks. They surpassed their goal of 1,000
pairs and earned a school-wide “Sock Hop” for their
efforts. The socks were donated to Sanctuary-Toronto, a
charitable organization that reaches out to a downtown
neighborhood plagued with homelessness, drugs,
prostitution and unemployment and seeks to establish
and develop a holistic, inclusive and healthy community.
Bullying Awareness Video:
Watch DPCDSB‟s student produced AntiBullying Video. The video is also posted to the
Dufferin-Peel YouTube Channel. A number
of Guardian Angels students participated in the
Figure 1
To Light, To Guard, To Rule and Guide – Guardian Angels
celebration of Catholic Education Week 2013 in
our schools.
Intermediate Boys Basketball
Ms. Wajzer and Mr. Morris
Each year, the Catholic community of Ontario
engages in a week-long celebration of the unique
identity and distinctive contributions of Catholic
education during Catholic Education Week.
This year’s celebration entitled, “Catholic
Education: Growing Together in Faith” is
scheduled for the week of May 5 – May 12, 2013.
We are celebrating the Year of Faith along with
the rest of the church. We remember that we are
called to ‘grow in faith’, to bloom where we are
planted and that we are rooted in Christ. The
scriptural passage that guides our theme is: ‘That
Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith, as
you are being rooted and grounded in love.’
Ephesians 3:17
The Intermediate Boys Basketball team had an amazing
2012-2013 season. The season started off with
capturing the G-Zilla Invitational championship. They
capped off the year with a 4th place finish at the Board
championships where they competed against the top
teams in all of Dufferin-Peel, marking one of the best
finishes for a basketball team in Guardian Angels 10 year
The whole school and especially their coaches, Mr.
Morris and Ms. Wajzer, are extremely proud of these
fine athletes:
Joshua, Donte, Jaden, Kaosi, Alex, Andrew, Justin, Jacob,
Michael, Matthew, Taejon, and Jason.
Intermediate Girls Basketball
This year’s five sub-themes, one for each of the
five days of Catholic Education Week, help
students to understand the rich meaning of this
year’s theme:
Faith that is … Rooted
Faith that is … Nurtured
Faith that is … Discerned
Faith that is … Witnessed
Faith that is … Celebrated
Coach Valezi would like to congratulate all the Guardian
Angels Intermediate Girls Basketball players. They have
accomplished a very difficult task which was finishing in
third place out of 16 team from our family of schools.
Their names are: Adebola, Jasmine, Danielle, Rachel,
Vanessa, Jessica, Sophia, Juliana, Princess and Rebekah.
We are now getting ready to start our Jr. Girls
Basketball team. GO Angels GO!!!!
Guardian Angels Hockey Team
Mr. Morris, Mr. Bell and Mr. Waters
Catholic Education Week begins on a Sunday to
highlight the partnership that remains the
foundation of Catholic education between our
Catholic schools and local Catholic parishes.
Throughout Catholic Education Week, we ask you
to reflect on the significance of Catholic
education’s presence and contribution in our
Church, and in our society. We invite all members
of our community, to participate in the
celebrations and activities that will mark the
Congratulations to our School Hockey Team who
competed in the Brampton North West Connects
invitational hockey tournament in February. The
players did extremely well and missed out making it to
the finals by one point. The team will be playing a
number of exhibition games during the month of
March and a game against the staff on March 8th.
To Light, To Guard, To Rule and Guide – Guardian Angels