An Advent Reflecti A SPRING TIME ACT OF

May - June 2016 Edition
Mr. M. Cassar
Vice Principal
Mrs. M. Thompson
We thank you that Spring has come at
We thank you for the warm air that
will awaken sleeping buds and fill our
world, once again, with colour.
Ms. Eriminia Frisoli
School Council Chair
We ask you to be with us as we
celebrate this season.
Mrs. A. Saunders-Georges
GuardianAngelsCSC@ or on Twitter
Mrs. S. Steer
Ward 6 Trustee
Mr. D. D’Souza
We believe in Spring, the season of
seeds and flowers, of buds that burst
into leaves,
Of bulbs that burst into tulips,
Of caterpillars that burst into
butterflies, And of Jesus who burst
from His Grave and put death to
Parish Team
Father Jan Gogolewski
Guardian Angels Parish
10630 Creditview Rd.
(905) 970 – 9175
We at Guardian Angels
School, dedicate ourselves
to creating and fostering a
spiritually rich learning
environment that
empowers the individual to
take responsibility for their
personal and interpersonal
growth and development.
Mon., May 30 @ 6:30 PM
God, Creator of the seasons,
Head Secretary
Mrs. M. Kelly
School Council Meeting
We believe that life is worth living,
That we were born to sing with the
birds, to dance in Spring rain,
to laugh when we are happy,
to weep when we are sad, to live as
much and as well as we can and to
love always.
We believe in Spring,
in seeds that die and are reborn.
We believe in growth.
We believe in life,
in ourselves,
in hope and in joy.
We believe in God.
Twitter: @GAngelsschool
Wednesday, June 22, 2016 @ 5:30 PM
Join us as we celebrate a successful year.
Preorder your burgers, hot dogs and other
treats! Our ice cream truck will be here.
There is no cost for the BBQ. Face
painting and balloons for the kids all
served with music and a chance to
socialize with friends. The talent show
will take place starting at 6:30 PM.
1. 21St Century Learning on
Tuesday, May 17 @ 6:30 PM
staring in the school gym
2. Star Wars Movie Night is
Friday June 3rd @ 6:30 PM
3. End Year BBQ and Student
Talent Show on Wednesday,
June 22nd @ 5:30 PM
4. Grade 8 Walk of Fame on the
last day of school.@ 3:30 PM
Friday, May 13, 2016
The next PD DAYS will take place
on May 13th. And June 13th. There
is no school for students.
Congratulations To…
Mr. Nimer, Mrs. Insanic, Mr. Stern, Mr.
DaCosta, Ms. Carvalheiro and Mrs.
Commisso on the recent births of their
respective children!
students show me each and every day. It’s a real testament
to the community we have built over the last three years.
School Hours
Grades 1 – 8:
9:00 AM ......................... MORNING BEGINS
10:28 AM ....................... RECESS BREAK
12:00 to 12:20 PM ......... FDK LUNCH
12:06 to 12:46 PM ......... GRADES 1-8 RECESS
12:46 to 1:06 PM ........... GRADES 1-8 LUNCH
1:06 PM ......................... AFTERNOON BEGINS
2:29 PM ......................... RECESS BREAK
3:30 PM ......................... SCHOOL ENDS
Please note that supervision in the playground begins at
8:45 AM. Please do not leave your children unattended in
the school grounds before the staff supervision begins.
Principal’s Message
Greetings Guardian Angels Community,
Towards the end of every school year, staffing changes
begin to emerge as the tide and flow of school needs
change. This year will prove to be no different. There will be
a number of changes to personnel come September. The
changes include one for me as well.
I have been given the great honour of opening a new school,
St. Alphonsa, in a neighbouring community. The opportunity
to open a new school comes once in a career and is not
easily passed up. I look forward to the challenges and
experience building a new Catholic educational community,
where one did not exist before.
Of course, saying goodbye is always difficult. I’ve made
many friends at Guardian Angels. I will miss the students
immensely. We have built a unique bond that is not often
replicated. Nothing compares to the hug of our amazing
Kindergarten and grade 1 students who saw the Principal
not as a disciplinarian, but as someone who truly cared
about their wellbeing. We know that as children grow older,
their way of showing affirmation changes… a simple ‘fist
pump’, ‘high five’ or ‘prop’
was their way of saying
things are good. It’s their
way of showing love. We
always tried to keep our
office door open for kids to
come and visit and show us
“cool things”. They were
always so proud of their
math and science work. The
office was demystified as a
scary place and grew to be a safe place…. huge in the eyes
of a child. I will miss all of the cards, pictures, art work and
math questions kids would bring to me… my office door is
covered with symbols of the incredible love and respect
Twitter: @GAngelsschool
Of course, none of this would be possible without the
dedication, support, and hard work of the best teaching
staff any school community could
ask for their children. With over 50
staff at Guardian Angels, a deep
pool of talent has emerged that
offered our kids the best of what
Catholic Education has to offer.
Whether it be all of the clubs, teams
and events staff run; or the
Sacramental events or the charity work that serves others,
like Sharelife or Terry Fox, none of it can be accomplished
without the miracle work that occurs every day in our school.
We are in the business of developing, promoting and
fostering student growth…it’s never perfect, but the staff
never gave up on the mission. There were many times I
asked them to push outside of their comfort zones and
reach for new heights, to raise the bar and deliver learning
experiences that are challenging, memorable and ‘out of the
box’. They always delivered. It shows in the pride and
achievements of our students and for that, I am eternally
grateful. It was pleasure of working with each and every one
of them. Thank you!
Our school is blessed to have an amazing support staff!
Our office staff, flanked by Ms. McGee and Mrs. Kelly go
above and beyond the call of duty every day in an incredibly
busy school. They manage the calls, the parent visits,
school trips, pizza days, the emergencies, the head bumps,
bleeding noses and a host of other ailments. Within it all,
they helped me manage the operations of a very large
school that always had something on the go. I thank them
for all they gave to our community and the love they have
shown our kids! To Mr. Alves and the rest of the custodial
crew, it is memorizing to see how clean and well maintained
the school is every day. Whether there is snow on the
ground, muddy fields or rain that won’t go away, you keep
almost 700 people safe and happy. Thank you.
Our good fortune is complimented by the amazing support
our parent community has offered us. When we asked you
to support our fundraising efforts, you were there for us.
When we asked you to attend Living Our Faith Awards,
Christmas concerts, talent shows, Report Card interviews,
Case Conferences and Parent Engagement Evenings, you
were there for us. When we called you to celebrate your
child’s successes or relay a concern, you were there for us.
Nothing can be accomplished without a strong sense of
community where parents and the school work in
partnership and to that end, we were hugely successful.
Like any relationship, there were bumpy times, but when the
mission is kept in focus, doing what’s best for kids always
The Catholic School Council is a perfect example of that
successful partnership. We worked together to raise funds
to support our students. We celebrate their long volunteer
hours to support the many successful initiatives including
helping to purchase Smartboards for every class and a cart
of iPad tablets. Think of all the events Council supported for
us… what a great team! It wasn’t about just raising funds, it
was about raising us as a community. Thank you to all of
our Council members for your dedication and hard work.
Within that scope, thank you to all of our volunteers for
supporting school trips, pizza days and all of the other
events in the school. Your support is very much
A special thank you to Father Jan and his entire parish
team. It is through your spiritual guidance and love for us all
that we can thrive as a Catholic Community. Our focus on
building a solid relationship between Home, School and
Parish thrives because of your constanat attention to
nourishing our soul.
I owe a great deal of gratitude to our Vice Principal, Mrs.
Thompson. Our partnership was built on the premise of
colaboration and mutual respect. Her hard work and tireless
dedication to the students, staff and community helped
move the school in a positive direction. Her many long
nights paid off with a school we can be proud to call our own.
We were blessed to be able to share in her talents and thank
her for all she has done for Guardian Angels. Mrs.
Thompson was responsible for many portfolios and she
managed them with tact, efficiency and professional
Last and never least, thank you to our Superintendent, Sue
Steer, and Trustee, Darryl D’Souza for their steadfast
support of Guardian Angels and Catholic Education.
I reflect back on our goals for the school:
1. Improve student academic
Numeracy and Literacy.
2. Improve parent and community engagement.
3. Help build a positive, engaged Catholic School
Council that worked collaboratively with the school.
4. Promote 21st Century teaching and learning skills,
technology and the Responsive Classroom.
5. Promote student voice and growth mindset
6. Promote the faith life of our community.
I am thrilled to say that we
accomplished all of our goals. Our
EQAO scores have improved
engagement opportunities are
hugely successful. Our Catholic
School Council is vibrant. 21st
Century teaching and learning is
alive and well. Technology is used
seamlessly in everyday learning
and students have a strong voice
in what and how they learn. And
our Faith life is enriched by our
Twitter: @GAngelsschool
focus on the Catholic Virtues and modelling respect.
We welcome Anne-Marie Reilly as your Principal come
September, 2016. Ms. Reilly comes from Father Daniel
Zanon School in Mississauga. We will begin the transition
process in June to ensure a seamless flow into the summer.
I will be at your service until the end of August.
All in all, a very busy and successful three years. While I
expected five, I am blessed and thank you with the
opportunities given. I wish all of you good health, God’s
protection and happiness.
Mark Cassar, Principal
School Council Chair Update
Mrs. Arlene Saunders-Georges
Thank You Parents and Guardians!
We are two months away from
the end of the school year.
And what a successful, funfilled year it has been year it
has been at Guardian Angels
GA School Council
continues to be grateful to
you-the parents and guardians who have solidly
supported our events, and who have given generously of
your feedback, time, talents and treasure to help us
achieve our goals for the academic year. As we venture
into the next two months, we look forward to your
ongoing support and participation in more fun- filled
activities that serve the needs of our students! Stay
Receiving the Sacraments
But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid
them not, to come unto me: for of such is the
kingdom of heaven. Mathew 19:14
Congratulations to our Grade 2s
who received the Sacrament of
First Holy Communion on April 24th
and to our Grade 7s and 8s who
Confirmation on April 28th, 2016.
We thank their families and the teachers who prepared
them; and Father Jan and the Guardian Angels Parish
Team for a wonderful celebration of faith. Special thanks
to our School Council member Bradley Georges and the
team- Nunzia Rositano, Lori Saroli and Daniela CordiNardi, for organising and coordinating the presentation of
religious gifts to the children.
School Council Supports the Building of Our
Guardian Angels Church
At our Annual Easter Mass at GA School, our School
Council gave a donation of $1000 from funds raised, to
Father Jan to aid in the building of the Church. We thank
School Council members who were on hand to make this
presentation-Nunzia Rositano, Daniela Cordi-Nardi and
Bradley Georges.
to Purchase a Cart of Laptops for
Students Use!
In 2015, you came out in your numbers
and fully supported our school’s “Fuel for
Kids” fundraiser with Dave Connelly Race Car driver that was held at the
carpark of Fortino’s, Brisdale. Your
support made it possible for us to
purchase a smartboard for our students!
This year we are pleased to announce that our “Fuel for
Kids” fundraiser is back again and takes place on Friday
May 13th, 2016 from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm! All funds raised,
go towards the purchase of a cart of laptops for our
students’ use!
Come out and bring the entire
family! Enjoy face painting, B-BQ hotdogs, snacks and other
activities! Take pictures of Race
Car Driver Dave Connelly in his
amazing race car! Check us out
You Matter! ….Would you like to be part of our parent
volunteer team that assists with events at the school? Do
you have comments, questions or ideas that you would like
to share with us? Then send us an email at We want to hear from
Warm regards,
Arlene Saunders-Georges, School Council Chair
2015/2016 Catholic School Council Team:
Chairperson: .....................Arlene Saunders-Georges
Treasurer: ..........................Nunzia Rositano
Secretary: ..........................Lori Saroli
Parish Representative: ....Bradley Georges
OAPCE Representative: ..Daniella Cordi
Members at Large:……….Nadia Arghittu
Sub Lunch Days ….Our Sub Day was held on April 26 .
Our Sub Lunch Days continues to
successful! Thank you parents for
supporting this fundraiser for the
school, while ensuring your child
enjoys a delicious lunch treat. Our
next Sub days will be on May 17th
and June 7th. Special thanks to
our GA School Council Member Lori Saroli who coordinates
the team-Bradley Georges, Nunzia Rositano and Daniela
Cordi-Nardi, together with members of the AdministrationMrs. Kelly and Mrs. McGee, to ensure that everything works
perfectly on Sub days! Well done Team!
The Central Committee for Catholic School Councils
Making A Difference!
The CCCSC Marketplace event of April 9th was well
attended! Participants benefitted from advice given by
Psychologist Dr. Susan Williams who held our attention
with her excellent presentation and valuable advice on
“Reducing Stress and Increasing Resilience in ChildrenManaging our Children’s’ Mental Health”. Thanks to all
GA parents and guardians who attended. We enjoyed
refreshments and door prizes too!
Many relationships were built and we
applaud the CCCSC’s work in building
a strong parent community. Be part of
this movement! Get involved now! For
Twitter: @GAngelsschool
Teacher Representative:..Mrs. Parris
Non-Teaching Representative: Mrs. Sivasankaran
School Council – Parish Update – Mr.
Bradley Georges
Happy Easter to All! …Easter is one of the most
important feasts in the Catholic Church. This is when
Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice for us on the cross at
We have just passed the fourth Sunday of Easter, also
known as Good Sheppard Sunday. In the gospel Jesus
the Good Sheppard says to us “I know my sheep. They
listen to my voice and follow me.”
World Day of Prayer for Vocations …Good Sheppard
day is also the day of prayer for vocations. As Jesus first
called the first Disciples to make them the fishers of men,
with the invitation: Come follow me -so we pray on this
day that young men and women will have the grace to
respond to this invitation and become part of this holy
Parish News …Let us take the time to remember the
many of our young who have taken the sacraments of
First Communion and Confirmation during this Easter
season, many in our parish celebrated the sacrament of
First Holy Communion and Confirmation. To them we
congratulate them on the steps taken to
deepen their faith.
Fundraising for the Church …On
Saturday April 23rd the Parish held a
Talent show with all proceeds going to
the building fund. By all accounts it was well attended
and a good time was had by all. Also, Council presented
Father Jan with $1000 to represent our contribution to his
building fund. Mr. Cassar matched the donation with their
own $1000 donation from the school.
Second Share Life Sunday …During the Easter
season, all second collections were in aid of Share Life.
These donations all go to support the development
program of all parishes across Ontario, including
renovations and seminary support.
Message from Father Jan
Dear Parishioners
We have just celebrated our 9th Easter together! What a
wonderful feeling to do so in our very own Parish Hall.
First of all, I would like to thank all who so generously
support the Guardian Angels Parish. May it be through
family of faith, or our Building Fund directly. May it be
cash, credit card or Pre Authorised Giving (PAG), it is all
very much appreciated and needed.
Those of you, who attended our Easter Celebrations
must have realized that our Parish Hall is too small. Even
at the 10.30 and 12 noon Sunday Masses parishioners
have to stand in the foyer and corridors, which is a sure
sign that we need a larger place of worship. Namely a
church. We need all parishioners and we need to make
each one welcome and wanted. To build our church we
all have to encourage those parishioners who have not
increased their donation towards our building fund yet, to
do so. We need everybody’s support. We just relived
them, during the Passion Ceremonies, the sacrifices that
Jesus made for us, let us sacrifice a little to build him the
church that we were asked to build.
Let’s reflect on the significance of Pentecost, and the
Meaning in our Own Spiritual Life.
Pentecost Sunday, which
celebrates the descent of
the Holy Spirit upon the
Apostles and the Virgin
Mary, is on May 15th, 2016.
Pentecost marks the actual
founding of the Church. On
the first Pentecost the
Church began to expand. Today she stands before us,
vigorous and youthful, ready to continue her earthly
pilgrimage that will terminate only with the end of time.
Pentecost also marks the beginning of the work and
activity of the Holy Spirit. Before His departure Jesus
promised that He would not leave us orphans. Instead
He would send the Paraclete, the Comforter, who would
Twitter: @GAngelsschool
teach us all things, remind us of all things. Give more
attention to the Holy Spirit, He dwells in your soul; and
since baptism He has made your body and soul His
temple, a house of God. "Do you not know that you are
the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in
you? Glorify God and bear Him in your body." What
saintly lives we would lead if we would but remember that
the Holy Spirit is within us! Source: Church's Year of
Grace, Volumes 1-5 by Dr. Pius Parsch, The Liturgical
Press, Collegeville, Minnesota.
Welcome to Kindergarten Night
Angels and
are excited
to host Welcome to Kindergarten Night on Wednesday May
11, 2016 at Guardian Angels at 6:30. Students and their
families will have the opportunity to meet administration and
the Kindergarten team and inquire about the program and
the schools. The evening will consist of a presentation as
well as inquiry centres where the children will be able to
explore and engage in hands-on activities. We look forward
to meeting and welcoming our new families.
During the months of March and
April, our Eco Team has been
working very hard to raise our
school community’s awareness
of environmental issues. The
Eco-Team wants to thank
families, teachers and students
for participating in the Guardian
Angels Battery Drive, our boardwide Earth Hour on March 30th,
the ECO Assembly on April 13th,
and “The Great Gulp” on March 28th (rescheduled from
our snow day on March 24th).
“The Great Gulp” is an event that raises awareness about
the importance of drinking our tap water in the Region of
Peel. On this day, all students in the school took a
synchronized gulp of our school tap water to show our
support for Peel Region tap water. We would also like to
thank the families, students and teachers in supporting
our “Waste-Free Wednesdays,” “Thirsty Thursdays,”
“Lights Out Lunches,” and our Eco Team for conducting
our Energy Audits throughout the school year.
A special congratulations to Ms. Pileggi’s and Mrs.
Lorusso’s classes for their environmental efforts in the
school. Miss. Pileggi’s class won our school’s Super
Recycling Award for using the garbage and recycling
bins appropriately and reducing the amount of waste in
their classroom. Mrs. Lorusso’s class won our schools
Golden Water Bottle Award for using reusable water
bottles on a consistent basis. Please remember to use
your Guardian Angels Water Bottle every day.
April was Earth Month and our Guardian Angels Eco
Team, the Earth Angels, will remain focused with
activities. We will continue with our Battery Drive, we will
host our first annual Book Swap, start Walk/ Wheel to
School Wednesdays, hold a bottled water vs. tap water
taste test, and will participate in a school and park clean
up with the City of Brampton’s Park’s Clean Up Program
on April 22nd and May 2nd. Additionally, on April 22,
Earth Day, we encourage students to wear green to show
their love and support for the environment. Happy Earth
Finally, a special thanks goes out to the entire Eco-Team
for their continuous help with various eco-initiatives and
for being stewards of our earth. We hope that with our
Eco-Team’s continuous hard work our school that we will
certify as “Gold” with Ontario Eco-Schools.
Staffing Changes for September 2016
Many of you may have heard that a new Catholic school
is opening in September at Mississauga Road and
Steeles. The school is called St. Alphonsa. A number of
Guardian Angels staff have been hired to make the move
and open a new school. It’s a once in a career
opportunity for most and a real honour to build a new
Catholic presence in our community. Other staff will be
leaving as their Occasional contract has ended. We wish
to say goodbye to the following staff:
Mr. Cassar
Ms. McGee
Ms. Yarra
Mrs. Commisso
Ms. Gunia
Mrs. Parris
Mrs. Gibson Power
Mrs. Sousa
Ms. Wajzer
Mr. Monardo
Ms. Pileggi
Mr. Nimer
Ms. Francescutto
Mrs. Baker
Ms. Easson
Mrs. Carvalheiro
Mr. Silvieira
"If you are brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward
you with a new hello". It is with a heavy heart that I will
be saying goodbye to the Guardian Angels School
Community not only on April 29, 2016
as I venture on my maternity leave, but
also at the end of the 2016 school year.
It has been a pleasure working as a
primary science teacher and a grade 3
teacher here at the school. I am
extremely happy and excited to
announce that I will be moving to St. Alphonsa CES next
I feel very lucky to have had the experience working with
the staff, students and community at Guardian Angels. It
has truly been a new learning experience for me and I
can't wait to begin my learning journey at the new school.
Each student has impacted my heart, each staff member
has taught me many lessons and each parent has made
me understand the true meaning of community. I thank
you for your support and wish all students, staff and the
GA community the best of luck in their future endeavors.
It is with mixed emotions that I say “Good-bye” to the
Although I am
looking forward to moving on to
St. Alphonsa, and all the
opportunities opening a new
school brings, I’m sad that I will no longer see the familiar
faces that have been part of my life for the last 13 years.
Being a teacher at Guardian Angels since we opened in
2003, meant that I had the privilege of being involved in
the education of many students. Over the years, I have
welcomed students into the school, prepared and taught
them as best I could, and sent them off to continue their
education elsewhere; I have shared in their struggles,
and rejoiced in their successes. In the end, my students
have taught me just as much as I have taught them, and
they have changed my life in immeasurable ways.
I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to all
the students, parents, and staff of Guardian Angels for
making the last 13 years memorable ones that I will
cherish always. I wish all of you bright futures, and hope
you will keep me in your prayers, as you are in mine.
I have enjoyed a wonderful 3 years at
Guardian Angels, but the time has
come for my next challenge. As many
of you probably already know, I have
been reassigned to assisting in the
opening of a new school.
Twitter: @GAngelsschool
Although my role here came with many challenges, I was
also able to enjoy an equal amount of successes. To the
students, parents and co-workers, I will miss you all very
dearly! I wish to express my heartfelt thanks to the
Guardian Angels community for your trust and endless
À bientôt toute le monde! The time has
come to say, “see you soon!” with a very
warm farewell to the staff, the students,
and the parents of the Guardian Angels
community. From French class to my
Grade 5 Classroom to pushing a cart with
my two baguettes, to seeing you at Kiss and Ride or on
the field or on the court – you will truly be missed.
Guardian Angels is a special place where I shared many
first experiences as a teacher and as follower of Christ.
We have laughed, played, studied, and learned together.
I have seen so many of you grow a few inches taller and
many months wiser.
Guardian Angels will always hold a special place in my
heart and I hope you will continue to work hard and strive
for your goals. Continue to be strong and stand up for
what you believe in. Although my time here has finished,
your smiles and your laughter will never fade. Remember
that I will always have great interest in your destinies,
wherever you may go and whoever you become. Every
journey begins with a single step and I am so blessed
that I took this one with you! This is not “good-bye” but a
farewell and an “à bientôt toute le monde!” Always
remember to dream, believe, and discover!
It’s never easy to say goodbye. The
last four years at Guardian Angels
have been a blessing. The friendships
I have made and the wonderful
experiences I have had, I will treasure
To my amazing French team, I am very proud of what we
have been able to accomplish together. I know the spirit
and excitement surrounding this program will continue to
flourish. Thank you for your support and the warmth you
have shown me throughout my time here. To my
students, please always stay true to yourselves and work
hard for what you want to achieve. You have touched my
life in a way that I cannot put into words and will miss you
dearly. Never forget that teachers are also students as I
have learned from you more than I can begin to explain.
The time has come to begin a new chapter, although
change is not always easy it is something we must all
embrace. I know that our paths will cross again one day,
Twitter: @GAngelsschool
so for now this is not goodbye but until next time “à la
I would like to take a moment to let
everyone know that I will be leaving
Guardian Angels at the end of this
school year as I have taken a new
position at St. Alphonsa school
starting this coming September. This
is a bittersweet moment for me. It is with great sadness
that I have to say goodbye to Guardian Angels, my home
for 11 years. Yet, this is an exciting time for me as I
venture into teaching at a new school. I am excited to
meet new challenges, new students and a new
community. As many of you know I have been teaching
at Guardian Angels for 11 years. These years have been
the best years for me!
I would like to sincerely thank my colleagues for being
the best colleagues I have worked with and coached
with, as well as for your support and many friendships. I
am so fortunate to have worked with all of you.
I would like to extend my thanks and appreciation to all
of the administration throughout the years including Mr.
Tagliaferri, Mr. Waters, Ms. Burtnick, Mrs. Thompson,
and Mr. Cassar. Thank you for your guidance, support
and encouragement during my time at Guardian Angels.
I would also like to thank the students and the parents
here at Guardian Angels for many amazing years. It has
truly been my pleasure to teach, guide and coach the
students throughout these years. I want to thank you for
teaching me so much - every day, every moment. I have
learned from each and every one of you. You have
inspired me and helped me become a better teacher.
Thank you for the laughs, the memories, and your smiles.
Thank you to the parents and the community for your
continuous support. It has been an honour to get to know
you and to be able to have such close relationships with
you and your families. There are not enough words to
express my gratitude and appreciation.
Even though I will miss the students, the community, my
colleagues and the administration, I am looking forward
to this new challenge and to starting a new phase of my
career. It has been a true honour to be able to teach and
coach here at Guardian Angels. Guardian Angels will
always have a special place in my heart.
Petals!! It is never an easy thing to
do...saying goodbye... and this goodbye
is particularly difficult. It is with a heavy
heart that I bid cheerio to the Guardian
Angels community. You have been a vital
part of my life for thirteen wonderful years.
I have taught, encouraged, laughed, and
cried with so many of your children, and it has been my
honour and privilege to do so. My dear “Parrisians”, you
have reached into my soul and truly blessed me. I thank
you all for that; you will always have pride of place in my
heart. Parents and families... be proud of OUR kids: they
have a bright future ahead of them!
And now for you GA Staff!! Couldn’t say Fare-thee-well
without enormous love and thanks to you all. We’ve
been together through thick and thin, haven’t we?
Coming to school every morning was a pleasure
because I got to work with my friends. I’ll never forget
our tea and croissants, Ms. Valentini, and the continuous
complaints of “...why do I never seem to catch Caputo for
French?? Do I have to wait another ten years??” We’ll
not be that far away my Friends. Pop over some time for
some ‘choccies’ and tea, Ok?
Thank you to all the GA community for all the love and
support over the years. I will never forget you. God bless.
It is with some reticence and sorrow that
I address the Guardian Angels school
community with my final communication
with a farewell.
I came to this community in 2013/14, as
a daily Occasional teacher. As my
assignments got larger and more responsibility was given to
me, I began to form connections to the students, staff and
community at GA. Eventually I was offered the opportunity
to act as the Librarian in December 2014, a task that this
young teacher was eager and honoured to undertake. I had
to maintain the high standards up-keeping the collection and
honour the mantle of ‘The Teacher-Librarian’ I worked hard
to do things always in a way that was genuinely mine, but
always with the students’ needs and engagement as the
number one priority.
I hope that my time will be
remembered as one where students always came first, and
that the door was always open to reading and learning.
My time here has ended, and I wish to express my most
heartfelt thanks to the beautiful children, loving and
generous parents, and staff of Guardian Angels for allowing
me to create and sustain my vision for a school library that
is full of wonder, support, and high personal and academic
standards. I have been blessed to know all of you, and wish
to leave with the following words from Robert Frost:
I shall be telling this with a sigh. Somewhere
ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a
wood, and I—I took the one less traveled by, And
that has made all the difference
I sincerely hope that everyone in the Guardian Angels
community finds a road that they must travel by, and get to
wherever it is they are supposed to go.
Twitter: @GAngelsschool
As the curtain closes on my final days at
Guardian Angels, I'd like to thank staff,
students and the community for all their
support and applause over these past 5
years. Although I am leaving to star in a
new role, I will never forget the memories
made at GA.
I have taught some
amazing students at all grade levels, and I've been
fortunate to have recurring guest stars in some of my
I spent a lot of time with all the talented dancers at
Guardian Angels, I will miss telling them to "smile", and I
look forward to seeing them on stages around the world
in the future. I have worked with dedicated teachers and
support staff. I starred in my role, only because of the
people I shared the stage with, and those behind the
scenes. The memories made will live etched in my heart,
like the handprints on the Walk of Fame. So as I take my
final bow at Guardian Angels, before I moonwalk out the
door, I want all staff, students and the community to know
that my last act here will not be an easy one to get
through. So thank you for the memories. This isn't
goodbye, as I believe that life gives us encores.
Remember to keep smiling!
It has been an absolute blessing to
have been able to work at Guardian
Angels for the second year in a row! I
have had the opportunity to work with
the Grade 4 students last year and the
Grade 1 students this year. Through
the various activities and clubs within
our engaging school I have met and interacted with all of
our phenomenal students. Guardian Angels has some
of the most motivated and kind hearted students. I enjoy
and admire the spirit of Guardian Angels and will miss it
I consider myself fortunate to have met and worked with
such amazing and talented teachers and Administrators.
I have learned so much from you all. I sincerely
appreciate it everything you have done for me. Thank
you for being so kind, helpful and supportive.
I wish all the students and staff at Guardian Angels all
the best and may our paths cross again in the near
future, God bless.
Neymar, Neymar, Neymar!!! This is Mr.
Neymar! Wow, how time flies when you
are having fun! This school year at
Guardian Angels has been a very
exciting one. It was not too long ago
that I began the school year as the Physical Education
and Health teacher for all students from grades one to
eight. This gave me the opportunity to work with the
majority of the students in the school. In the final two
months, I am teaching Ms. Commisso’s grade three
class where we are getting ready for EQAO and
wrapping up the school year.
It has been three years since I started teaching at
Guardian Angels. During my time here, I have been
fortunate to work with many great and inspiring
teachers. They have contributed to my growth as an
educator and as a person, thank you. To the Guardian
Angels community, it has been a pleasure working within
this great community. I have gotten to know quite a few
of you and I will miss speaking with you. Thank you for
all of your support throughout the year.
To the graduating class of 2016, have a great summer,
good luck and enjoy high school. Life is about balance,
have fun and focus! And last but not least, to all my
Neymar Juniors who chanted the name consistently
throughout the year, have a fun, safe and active
summer. I hope to see you all next year as you continue
to grow as individuals and we can resume the Neymar
chants (sorry staff).
I would like to take this opportunity to say
goodbye to the Guardian Angels school
community. On Friday, June 3, 2016, Mrs.
Alimurung, who took a maternity leave
last year, will be returning to the
classroom. I have truly enjoyed working
with the students, families and staff of
Guardian Angels. Words cannot express how rewarding
it has been to work within the school, facilitating student’s
learning journeys. I am going to miss my students and
the school dearly. I wish everyone a great end of the
school year, and a safe and happy summer.
I feel very blessed and fortunate to be back
at Guardian Angels this year. I have been
lucky enough to teach here for 2 years, last
year in a Grade 4/5 class and this year in
Grade ½ class. Each one of my students
have brought such joy and happiness to
our classroom and school community. I
would like to thank the Grade 2’s for allowing me to be a
part of their special day, celebrating the Sacrament of
Reconciliation and Eucharist with them at Guardian
Angels Parish in April.
As an educator, I have had the opportunity to grow in my
professional development of 3 part math and the 21st
century classroom, and look forward to continuing in this
learning. I have been involved in many events, clubs, and
activities and have had the opportunity to engage,
interact and learn with all of our amazing students.
Guardian Angels has the most incredible students who
Twitter: @GAngelsschool
are kind hearted, and motivated and I will miss the
Guardian Angels spirit and community deeply.
I would like to thank the incredible staff and teachers at
Guardian Angels for everything they have done for me. I
sincerely appreciate all of their support, co-learning, and
kindness. I have learned so much from all of them, and I
appreciate and recognize the commitment they have to
their students and the school community. I would like to
wish the students, parents and staff at Guardian Angels
all the best and I hope that I will have the opportunity to
work with them in the near future. I hope the Guardian
Angels community has a happy and blessed summer.
Thank you so much for a wonderful year!
Thank you to everyone for welcoming me
into the school with open arms, you made
me feel like family. I've had so much fun
working with my students and I am very
proud of both the mass choir and the
Raptor's choir. I have so many great memories to take
with me as I move on with my teaching journey. Best of
luck to everyone in the future, I will miss each and every
one of you!
Living Our Faith & Catholic Virtues
A key aspect of the Board’s
strategic direction is the
continued development of a
safe, caring, inclusive Catholic
school community. As a
Catholic Community, we are
called to learn, grow and
become more like Jesus.
Catholic education provides
us the opportunity to integrate
the virtues into our students’
daily activity.
The virtues will be covered
every month during morning
announcements, in class
during discussions, and at our
school Living Our Faith
Our next Living Our Faith
Awards will take place on:
Friday, May 27, 2016
Tuesday, June 28
Grades K-4 @ 9:30 AM
Grades 5-8 @ 11:00 AM
Jesus spent a major part of his time on earth modelling us
about the preferential option for the poor and the weak. He
spent an extraordinary amount of time showing how to
follow God’s rules, the rules of the kingdom. We must learn
to follow His example.
In the months of May, we will celebrate the virtue of
Acceptance In June, it’s Fairness. We all deserve to be
thoughtfulness, which are different ways of saying respect.
That respect should come first from us. We have to respect
ourselves and then we will be able to respect others.
Through prayer and concentration, we can become better
at respecting ourselves as well as respecting those around
With the students we will reinforce that ACCEPTANCE
We learn from the heroic lives of saints.
We follow the example of holy people
We knows we are all loveable.
We prays for others.
Music Workshop for Grades 3, 4 and 5
Mimi O’Bonsawin is
a singer- songwriter.
From as early as
she can remember,
music has been a
way for her to
world, to explore
new ideas, listen to
stories, and learn
about other people
and to raise a voice about things that matter to me.
She believes that we all have powerful stories to tell and
meaningful songs to sing. Her First Nations and French
Canadian roots run deep and have nourished an
appreciation and respect for the importance of both music
and story!
Through her program, Rhythm & Rhyme, Mimi helps
students explore how the art of song writing can become a
way for students to tell their own stories and connect with
the stories of others.
Mimi’s workshops with the grade 3 to 6 students explored
the sources of inspiration that surround us every day. Songs
come from being attuned to the life that we live and
Twitter: @GAngelsschool
experience every day. We’ll also think about where songs
go after they are written. How do we bring them to the world
so that others can appreciate and enjoy them?
French Cafe
Monsieurs…Bienvenue au Café
Français!! On Friday May 6thth,
the French Department will
celebrate Catholic Education
Week by hosting its third annual
gymnasium into an ideal French “atmosphère”. This
year’s theme will be “Café Tropique”, recognizing French
Culture throughout the Caribbean. All classes from
Kindergarten to Grade 8 will be invited to attend the event
and experience the culture through music and
As an added treat, Guardian Angels School will provide
a complimentary croissant (plain, chocolate or
strawberry) and milk (white/chocolate) or juice (apple) for
every student who returned their permission forms. In
order to accommodate students with allergies, an
ingredients list has been provided and the orders will be
placed accordingly. Students who do not return their
forms by Wednesday April 27th will be directed to the
front of the gym where they will sit and watch the
performances. And that’s not all!! A section of the gym
will also be set up to allow students the opportunity to
dress up “Tropical Style” and take pictures with their
classmates. It will be a day that students will not want to
miss! Madame Gunia, Madame Motalleb, Monsieur
Caputo and Madame Yarra would like to thank in
advance all staff and students for their participation
through decorations and attendance, Mr. Cassar and
Mrs. Thompson for their support and setting up the sound
system, and all Café Helpers for their enthusiasm and
Reconciliation for Grades 3-8 Students
Reconciliation occurred Friday,
April 22 @ 10:00 AM. The
students prepare for the sacrament
by reviewing what the children
should say when they enter the
confessional, by helping reflect on
the weaknesses, and challenges we all face. Please note
that only students who were baptized Catholic and
received the sacrament of Reconciliation participated in
this celebration.
Chess Champions
Under the tutelage of Mr.
Buzdon, Mrs. Petrusa and
Mr. Monardo, this years’
chess team has had a
wonderful campaign and
has experienced wonderful
successes in our Board
tournament, hosted here at
Guardian Angels. Our Junior Team won the gold medal,
while the Primary and Intermediate teams made it to the
quarter finals. Many, many thanks go to the tournament
participants, guests and dedicated parents who made it
out to support us.
We also like to thank as well as Mr. Alves, the School
Admin., and ALL the teachers who helped make this
possible by donating both time and resources. It was a
huge day and our student volunteers were diligent
making this day a success. The players as follow:
dumpsters and found new homes, and we were able to
allow students of all ages to give a book a new home,
and go on more reading adventures!
We have finally completed our mural on the wall outside
the Library wall, and our art club’s designs and ideas
along with the skill of professional artists have created an
underwater oasis for generations of Guardian Angels
students to enjoy! Special thanks to the administration
and parent council for their support as well as the tireless
efforts by our very own art club to turn this idea into a
vibrant wall!
The book fair is coming to GA! From May 12-20 2016,
we are hosting another scholastic book fair in the Library!
We are hoping to follow last year’s efforts into the biggest
fair the school has ever had!
Please feel free to check out the Scholastic Book Fair
website for titles and availability, in order to get a sneak
Some titles can be seen
There will be tons of giveaways and prizes to be won!!
Primary: Dominic K., Rebecca O., Milushka Z., Juan J.,
Joanna M., Olivia P.
Junior: Sean D., John D., John Walter V., Chris V.,
Albijohn T., Cillian A.
Intermediate: Samatha D., Chelsie A.., Ayesha M.,
Gabriel P., Johnny V., Joshua J.
Bicycles, Scooter and Skateboards
With the change in weather,
many students are beginning
to ride their bicycles, scooters
and skateboards to school.
Please take the time to
discuss proper safety with
your children to ensure their
safety. Students riding to and from school are expected
to follow these directions:
1. Bikes, scooters and skateboards are to be walked
across the school property and then stored in class.
2. Bikes are to be locked and left in the bike rack area.
3. Scooters and skateboards are to be stored in class.
4. Students are expected to wear helmets.
From Mr. Monardo’s Library
On Monday, May 2 we had our
school book swap between the eco
club as well as the Library.
Students from all divisions were
able to give a book a new life by
swapping an old favourite for a new
one! Over 300 books stayed out of
Twitter: @GAngelsschool
Finally we wish to express thanks to all our Forest of
reading participants who the will be voting this week on
their choices for the winners of the Silver Birch Fiction
/Non-Fiction, and Express awards, as well as the Red
Maple award! With over 60 participants this year, we
were overjoyed to have the library filled everyday with
passionate readers. Special thanks to our CYW Mrs.
Gagnon for time and effort with our readers!!
Finally, a note about lost/overdue books. If your child has
lost or severely damaged a book this year, please
replace the book with an exact or similar title and keep
our collection the best around!
Warmer Weather Is Almost Here!
With the warm
would like to take
this opportunity to
review our dress
code expectations.
Students are to
Summer clothing at
home is not always
school in a Catholic
These guidelines
somewhat for Primary students, as appropriate. If
students have any questions, they may seek guidance
from their teacher, Mrs. Thompson or Mr. Cassar at an
appropriate time.
Students should come to school wearing
Wear shorts of an appropriate length (bottom of
shorts should not go above the child’s fingertips
when arms are at their sides)
No revealing tops. Shoulders straps should be three
adult fingers wide at a minimum.
No midriff showing
Shorts/pants need to be at the waist and underwear
should not be seen
Water bottles (recyclable preferred) can be kept in
the classroom for students to refill and drink during
the day
up classes, please do so in writing to the Principal by
May 6th. Placements are
completed by the end of
May. Submissions after
this date cannot be
addressed. Please limit
comments to your child’s
specific learning styles
and needs.
Requests for specifics that are not generally considered
Catholic Education Week May 1-6, 2016
“Catholic Education: Exploring
Paths of Joy”
Each year, the Catholic community of Ontario engages
in a week-long celebration of the unique identity and
distinctive contributions of Catholic education during
Catholic Education Week.
This year’s celebration entitled, “Catholic Education:
Opening Doors of Mercy” is scheduled for the week of
May 1 – May 6, 2016. The scriptural passage that
guides our theme will be “Blessed are the merciful, for
they will receive mercy.” (Matthew 5:7)
This year’s five sub-themes, one for each of the five days
of Catholic Education Week at school, help students to
understand the rich meaning of this year’s themes:
Mercy that Welcomes
Mercy that Loves
Mercy that Forgives
Mercy that Lives the Gospel
Mercy that Rejoices
Catholic Education Week begins on a Sunday to
highlight the partnership that remains the foundation of
Catholic education between our Catholic schools and
local Catholic parishes. Throughout Catholic Education
Week, we ask you to reflect on the significance of
Catholic education’s presence and contribution in our
Church, and in our society.
Class Lists for September 2016
Staff will soon be meeting to organize class lists for
September 2016. If there are any special learning needs
your child has that you feel we should know when making
Twitter: @GAngelsschool
Placement with a “friend”
Avoiding a combined grade class or
Request for a specific teacher.
Placements with a friend are not necessarily positive.
Combined grades are a reality and most students will
experience it in their schooling career. Our teachers
are trained to combine Ministry expectations and
thus program appropriately.
Yearly teacher assignments may change.
Placements for September are tentative and depend
on enrollment and school needs.
There are quite a few staff leaving for other
assignments come September. New staff have been
hired to fill vacant positions.
All staff will work hard to balance class lists by abilities,
gender and learning style.
Planning Ahead
We are in the process of
organizing classes for the
2016-2017 school year. If
you are planning on moving
out of the Guardian Angels
area, or simply changing
your address within our boundaries, please let the office
know as soon as possible. Families with students who
live outside of the school area are reminded that they
must apply through the Flex Boundary policy to the
Principal for permission to attend the school in
September 2015.
Each year, grade three and
grade six students in Ontario
are assessed in reading,
writing and mathematics for a
period of five days.
This year the dates for this assessment are: May 25,
2016 to June 8, 2016. Please make every effort to ensure
your child’s regular attendance during this time. We
kindly ask that parents refrain from booking
appointments or holidays during this time. Parents may
visit the EQAO website at for many
resources and useful information regarding EQAO,
including sample tests from last year.
After School EQAO Tutoring
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the
EQAO after school tutoring students in grades 3 and 6
who have shown great commitment and a love of
learning! Students will have had several opportunities
each week to ask questions and model their learning
through three-part math and interactive language
lessons using the SMARTBOARD! With several more
sessions to go, students are beginning to feel more
confident and ready for the EQAO assessment! Good
luck to all!
Summer Literacy and Math Camps
Dufferin Peel CDSB will be offering summer programs
for elementary students.
Literacy Camp for students in Year 2
Kindergarten to Grade 6
Summer School for Grades 7 & 8 students
Transition program “Get Ready” for all
students entering Grade 9.
More information about these programs will be shared
by the school to families of students whom the school
is recommending. If you would like further information
at this time, please refer to the DPCDSB Adult and
Region of Peel Active Transportation
Guardian Angels has been selected
to take part in Peel Health and
Dufferin-Peel CDSB’s travel traffic
count data collection. The Region of
Peel will be conducting school travel
traffic counts to determine how Peel
Region elementary school students
travel to and from school in 2016 (April-June or
September-early November 2016). This will help to
reduce school congestion and promote overall school
safety by encouraging our students to walk/bike/roll to
Twitter: @GAngelsschool
Criminal Reference Checks/Declaration
In keeping with the Safe
Schools Act, all volunteers
including those going on one
day school trips MUST have a
current Criminal Reference
Check on file at the office. If you
have the time or inclination to be a volunteer, assist with
school trips, drive for sports events, assist with our
fundraiser(s), be an active member of school councildealing with children in any capacity, please contact the
office for a criminal reference check form.
The Criminal Reference Check is free for volunteers, and
it will assure the safety of all. If you already have a
Criminal Reference Check on file at the school, please
complete the Annual Offence Declaration form. Please
have your check or declaration completed so you can
continue to be an important and valued member at our
Mrs. Sepe’s Grade 1 Class
Wow! It’s
are in the
month of April. The children have been very busy
learning new and exciting things every day. This month
the students have been busy learning how to solve
problems involving the addition and subtraction of singledigit numbers using a variety of strategies, such as a
number line, ten frame, hundred chart etc. We will now
be learning about Canadian coins and how to represent
money amounts to 20¢ using coin manipulatives. Please
review the names of the Canadian coins and their values
at home with your child. In Language Arts we have been
working on Visualization and now we are learning about
Inferencing. We continue to do guided reading and write
narratives regularly. Please continue to read Snuggle Up
Books every evening with your child and return them the
following day in order to exchange the book for another
Ms. Pileggi’s Grade 1 Class
In Math we have been learning
how to create addition and
subtraction word problems. We
have been learning various
strategies and how to use various
manipulatives to solve addition
and subtraction problems. We are
looking forward to learning about
Canadian coins next! We will be exploring amounts up to 20
This month we have been focusing and exploring the virtue
of love. With Earth Day fast approaching we will be focusing
on how we can show our planet love and respect.
In Art, we have been practicing our dance moves. We have
learned how to do the Mexican hat dance and look forward
to learning some more new moves.
Through our shared reading and read aloud we have been
learning about inferring. We are learning to use our previous
knowledge, pictures clues and word clues in the story and
make inferences based on the information gathered. In
writing, we will begin information writing by exploring text
features in non-fiction books and create an “All About Book”
on an animal of interest.
Mrs. Francescutto’s Grade 1-2 Class
highlights of the learning in Ms.
Francescutto’s class:
Math: We have been working on our unit in Numeration:
Adding, Subtracting and Money. Grade 1’s have been
solving problems involving the addition and subtraction
of single-digit whole numbers, using a variety of mental
strategies, whereas the Grade 2’s have been solving
problems involving the addition and subtraction of twodigit numbers, with and without regrouping, using many
manipulatives and strategies. We will soon be exploring
money amounts up to 20 cents (Grade 1) and 100 cents
(Grade 2) using a number of different manipulatives and
identifying and describing various Canadian coins.
Language: The Grade 1’s and 2’s are learning about
inferring through many different stories and shared
reading poems that we are exploring as a class. Students
are doing an amazing job using their background
knowledge and gathering clues through pictures and
words cues in the story, and making inferences based on
their gathered evidence. In writing, we will begin
information writing by exploring text features in nonfiction books and will complete an “All About Book” on a
topic of interest.
Social Studies: The Grade 1’s have been looking at the
difference between natural and built features within their
community and will now be looking at mapping from both
a birds-eye and side-view, and create their own maps
using the different features included in a map. Grade 2’s
have been looking at the different features of our world,
and will begin identifying and locating various physical
features and selected communities around the world,
and describing some aspects of people’s ways of life in
those communities.
Twitter: @GAngelsschool
In Art, our class learned about pointillism and created
beautiful spring flower and butterfly pointillism art. We will
be looking at how we can protect our Earth, especially
with Earth Day approaching us shortly.
I would like to extend my congratulations to the Grade
2’s students on their First Communion. They received the
Sacrament of Reconciliation and Eucharist at Guardian
Angels Parish. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of
this special time in your lives.
Ms. Yarra’s Grade 5 Class
In Ms Yarra’s Grade 5 Class, we are
continuing to work hard and dedicate
our learning in all subject areas. In
Science and Health, we learned
about the functions and the
importance of our Human Body
Systems. The students loved working
on their “DIY” Human Body projects –
we hope you had the chance to drop
by our class to check them out! We also tuned into our
creativity and demonstrated our learning of different organs
and systems onto Power Point Presentations. The
animations were pretty awesome! We will be moving onto
Matter and Energy and Earth and Space systems in the next
few weeks.
We are excited to share that Miss Yarra’s class along with
Mrs. Lorusso’s Class will also be going on a Science Trip in
June! Details will follow. In Language Arts, we engaged in
procedural writing through “Making Lemonade.” We
enjoyed learning how to make lemonade – it was delicious
and fun to write about! We also wrote a letter to a kind friend
to celebrate the virtue of kindness and love. In Social
Studies, we are learning about the importance of community
in our environment as well as First nations. In Math, we
learned how to measure the area, perimeter, and volume of
2-D and 3-D objects.
Through inquiry, our students
also created the formula for
determining the relationship
between the height and the area
of a base. It was quite
impressive. As the final stretch
approaches, we will continue to
make learning fun and be active
learners in and outside of the
classroom. Miss Yarra is very
proud and excited of how much
growth her students have shown! Keep up the amazing
energy, grade 5s! You are all awesome!
Mrs. Galifi’s and Mrs. Commisso’s Grade 3
Follow Us On Twitter and the Web
Mr. Cassar
Mrs. Gibson Power
Mrs. Commisso
Mrs. D’Armi Fetz
/Ms. Medeiros
Mrs. Parris
Mrs. Sousa
Ms. Galos
Mrs. Gallant
Ms. Wajzer
In science, students are learning about plants and soil with
Mrs. Sanna. Both classes are excited about conducting an
experiment on a green bean plant and watching how it
grows with and without sunlight. Going forward, our primary
focus will be on preparing for EQAO and making sure
students understand and feel confident when answering the
questions. EQAO tutoring after school is going very well
and will continue twice a week until May 11th. The last
couple of months of the school year are going to be busy
ones for sure, but we always try to making learning fun and
relevant for our students. We are so excited to see how
much our students have grown and matured over the last
year. We can’t believe that they are almost ready to enter
the JUNIOR grades! Here’s to an amazing last couple of
months in grade 3!!!
School Council
Mrs. Galifi
GA Eco Team
Ms. Yarra
Mrs. Thompson
Mrs. Petrusa
Mr. Da Costa
Ms. El Choli
Mrs. Baker and Mrs.
Mrs. Valentini
Ms. Pileggi
Mrs. Sepe
Mrs. Villamagna and
Mrs. Smith
Mrs. Sanna
Mrs. Galifi’s and Mrs.
Commisso’s grade 3 classes
continue to work hard this
term in all subject areas. In
math, we are just finishing up
our unit on adding and
subtracting 3 digit numbers.
The students love working together solving various word
problems using different addition and subtraction strategies.
We will be moving on to algebraic equations, multiplication,
and division in the next few weeks. In language, students
are having fun writing persuasive letters and creative short
stories. We are also completing many EQAO practice
questions to help students prepare for the upcoming test in
May. In social studies, we are learning how Canadian
Pioneers lived in the early 1800’s and comparing their lives
to ours today. Students will be completing a Pioneer project
and creating a BITSTRIP to demonstrate their learning at
the end of the unit.
Date and Time
Crowning of Mary
May 12
@ 9:30 AM
School Gym
Brampton West
Grade 8 Mass
Friday, June 10
Guardian Angels
Year End Mass
Friday, June 17
@ 9:30 AM
School Gym
Twitter: @GAngelsschool
Upgraded Kindergarten Yard
Guardian Angels school will soon enjoy a newly
enhanced outdoor learning environments. The new
outdoor learning areas are part of a multi-year initiative
that adheres to the principles of early learning pedagogy
being implemented in Dufferin-Peel Catholic elementary
schools. An example of what it may look like is above.
The newly enhanced playground will include several
different areas and elements that stimulate creative and
active learning, including: a large sand area, classroom
area with blackboard and tree trunk seating, wooden
gazebo with seating and flower boxes, paved areas with
bike paths and other markings, and storage. These areas
have a mix of hard and soft surfaces and shade. Trees
are planted on the outer perimeter where possible.
A centerpiece to each outdoor learning environment is
an animal indigenous to Ontario that has been carved
from reclaimed wood. This concept was designed to
support respectful and sustainable environmental
practices and to nurture children’s sacred trust of the
environment and the creatures with which they share the
world. The project will begin this May and is scheduled to
be completed in October, 2016.
2016 National Public Works Week
Brampton celebrates National
Public Works Week (May 16 to
May 20, 2016) by raising public
awareness of their services and
maintenance and operations of
roads and public parks.
Each year, Public Works hosts a
poster contest for children in
Grades 1 to 3 who live in
Brampton. This year the theme is “Public Works Always
There” and artwork had to reflect the theme and services
provided by Public Works. Out of 500 submissions, our
very own Guardian Angels student, Jasmine Estevao in
Mrs Kotarska's class won. Her artwork will be used on
promotional items such as T-shirts, posters, and a Public
Works truck which can be seen at events held during
Public Works week (schedule available online.
Twitter: @GAngelsschool
Twitter: @GAngelsschool
Read our newsletter!
Win a free pizza slice from Mr. Cassar and Mrs.
What’s the date of the Star Wars
Movie Night?
Answer: ____________________ _____
Child’s Name: ____________________
Teacher: _________________________
Please return to Ms. Kelly ASAP
Twitter: @GAngelsschool
 Father’s Day
Sunday, June 19
Wednesday, June 22
Friday, June 24
Monday, June 27
Tuesday, June 28
Wednesday, June 29
Thursday, June 30
 End of Year BBQ and Talent Show
@ 5:30 PM
 FDK Celebration of Learning in the
gym @ 9:30 AM
 Board track and field event
 Grade 8 Grad lunch @11 AM
 Grade 8 Grad ceremony in the gym
@ 7 PM
 Report Cards go home
 Mr. Cassar’s End of Year Video @
11 AM in the gym…parents join us.
 Last Day of School
Upcoming Tentative Dates
Monday, May 2
Tuesday, May 3
Wednesday, May 4
9:30 AM to 10:30 AM – FDK
10:30 AM to 11:30 AM – Grades 1,2,3
11:30 AM to 12:00 PM – Grades 4,5,6
1:15 PM to 1:55 PM – Grades 4,5,6
1:55 PM to 3:25 PM – Grades 7,8
Thursday, May 5
 Ice Dog sales for Sharelife
Friday, May 6
Sunday, May 8
 French Café all day
 Mother’s Day
Monday, May 9
 Mrs. Sousa’s class to the Scott Mission
Tuesday, May 10
 True Colours Day – students will be
engaged in collaborate workshops
Wednesday, May 11
 Welcome to Kindergarten Night
Thursday, May 12
Monday, May 16
Crowning of Mary celebration
Book Fair begins in the library
PD Day. No school for students
Fuel For Kids BBQ fundraiser at Fortino’s
hosted by the Catholic School Council
 Ms. Wajzer’s class to the Scott Mission
Thursday, May 19
 Sub Day
 21st Century Parent Engagement Night
 Brampton West Choir competition
Monday, May 23
 Victoria Day holiday. School is closed.
Tuesday, May 24
 Mrs. Gibson Power’s class to Scott Mission
Wednesday, May 25
 EQAO assessment starts for grades 3 and
6 students. Please don’t be absent!!
Thursday, May 26
 Intermediate Co-Ed softball tournament
Friday, May 27
 Living Our Faith Awards. Grade K-3 @ 9:30
Am and Grades 4-8 @ 11 AM
Monday, May 30
 Final School Council meeting
Friday, June 3
 FDK trip to Africa Lion Safari
 Mrs. Baker’s last day, Mrs. Alimurung
 The NED show on respect for students @ 2
 Family Movie Night featuring Star Wars!
 Volunteer Appreciation Dinner @ 7 PM.
 Sub day
 EQAO assessment ends
Tuesday, May 17
Tuesday, June 7
Wednesday, June 8
Friday, June 10
 Grade 8 Graduation Mass @ the Parish
Hall @ 10 AM
Monday, June 13
 PD Day for teachers.
Thursday, June 16
 Rosary Apostolate in all day
 Family Track and Field event
 End of Year mass @ 9:30 AM in the gym
Friday, June 18
Twitter: @GAngelsschool
 Sharelife dance for students. Parents
please join us.
Friday, May 13
 Catholic Education Week begins
 Sharelife events: Lock up the teacher and
Pie in the Face
 Choir on Music Monday trip
 Welcome Mr. Nimer to grade 3
 Roll Out the Quarters event
No school for
Twitter: @GAngelsschool