STAFFING UPDATES June 2015 Edition - Updated

June 2015 Edition - Updated
Mr. M. Cassar
Vice Principal
Mrs. M. Thompson
Head Secretary
Ms. S. McGee
Assistant Secretary
Mrs. M. Kelly
September will bring some change to Guardian Angels. Mrs. Stoker
and Mrs. Fournier will retire by the end of June. After more than 30
years of dedicated service, they have decided that the time is right
to move to the next stage of life. Mrs. Stoker and Mrs. Fournier are
incredibly loving, caring and dedicated professionals. Students, staff
and parents alike love our grade 1 teachers! Although we celebrate
their decision, we will all miss them both immensely.
Mr. Labuda and Mr. Bell will be moving to Jean Marie Vianney.
Mrs. Bedford will be heading for Bishop Francis Allen school. All
three teachers are leaders in using technology and 3-part math in the
classroom to motivate student achievement. Ms. Schmalz and Mrs.
Lyons are on general leaves next year as they pursue other interests.
We wish them the very best of luck and thank them for all they
brought to Guardian Angels.
School Council Chair Mrs. Lorusso, Mrs. Villamagna and Mrs. Moniz-Amaral will be
Mrs. J. Estevao
GuardianAngelsCSC@ or on Twitter
Mrs. S. Steer
Ward 6 Trustee
Mr. D. D’Souza
Parish Team
Father Jan Gogolewski
Guardian Angels Parish
(905) 970 – 9175
We at Guardian Angels
School, dedicate
ourselves to creating and
fostering a spiritually rich
learning environment
that empowers the
individual to take
responsibility for their
personal and
interpersonal growth and
returning from their maternity leaves and we welcome them back!
We welcome Mr. Greg DaCosta to our staff. He comes to us to take
over the grade 5/6 class in September. Mr. DaCosta is an
accomplished educator with experience in 21st Century Learning
and 3-Part math. Welcome Mr. DaCosta. We also welcome Mrs.
Commisso and Ms. Yarra to our staff as full time classroom
teachers. We welcome Ms. Corman who will join us an Education
Resource Worker.
Ms. Choong, Mr. Zambrano, Ms. Francescutto, Ms. Pileggi, Ms.
Shortreed Britney, Mr. Monardo, Mr. Resendes and Ms. DoveCollin’s Long Term Occasional positions will end. We know their
students will miss each of them and we hope to have them back in
the future. Their contributions to our school community included
many extracurricular activities! We wish all of them good luck!
To our Catholic School Council, thank you to our members for all
of the great work you accomplished over the course of the year. The
amazing efforts with events like Pita Day, The Dance a Thon and
the Fortino’s BBQ made a huge impact on our school community.
Thank you!
We are hosting a major parent
engagement event... our End of
Year BBQ Celebration of Learning
- and Talent Show.
On Monday, June 15 @ 4:30 PM,
we will have our caterers BBQing, our clowns face painting and
making balloons. In attendance
will be an ice cream truck,
Mississauga Fire Department and
members of our School Council.
Prepaid BBQ order sheets are
required. (No food will be sold
that night) Join us for some fun.
You will see many students
performing in the talent show or
To our parent community… Thank you to all of you for your support
of our Catholic school. You are appreciated for all that you have
done. Thank you for allowing us the privilege of working and
learning with your children.
To our students, thank you for being so incredible! It is because of
you that we have such an amazing school. Your spirit and energy
energize this community.
To our staff, thank you for your incredible dedication and hard work
… you have seen the gains of all your efforts…and we appreciate
your commitment to our community.
God bless you all and thank you.
Monday June 8th
is a PD day for staff.
There will be no school for
Mark Cassar, Principal
Michelle Thompson, Vice Principal
Twitter: @GAngelsschool
for supporting our drive to make Guardian Angels an
awesome school!
Mark Cassar, Principal
Michelle Thompson, Vice Principal
School Hours
School Council Chair Update
Grades 1 – 8:
9:00 AM ....................... MORNING BEGINS
10:28 AM ..................... RECESS BREAK
12:00 to 12:20 PM ....... Kindergarten Lunch
12:06 to 12:46 PM ....... GRADES 1-8 RECESS
12:46 to 1:06 PM ......... GRADES 1-8 LUNCH
1:06 PM ....................... AFTERNOON BEGINS
2:29 PM ....................... RECESS BREAK
3:30 PM ....................... SCHOOL ENDS
Please note that supervision in the playground begins
at 8:45 AM.
Please do not leave your children
unattended in the school grounds before the staff
supervision begins.
Principals’ Message
The school year has zoomed by and we reflect on all that
we have done and accomplished collaboratively. We
have promoted parent-school engagement through our
Catholic School Council, volunteer activities and
appreciation dinner, Catholic School Council meetings,
BBQ’s, Living our Faith Awards (LOF) and good phone
calls home. Our parent engagement night was a huge
success and our students’ success is promoted through
our Living Our Faith process, good visits to the Office,
our Twitter feeds and so much more! We have focused
on improving instruction for students in math through the
three-part math process and in other subject areas
through the inquiry process.
This has been punctuated by the use of technology in our
teaching and learning across the grades. Smartboards
and tablets are used regularly. Bring Your Own Device
will be integrated into inquiry-based activities. Our cocurricular activities are the best! We offer students
opportunities to participate in teams, clubs, and trips. Of
course, our flagship trip was the Intermediate journey to
New York City… an amazing experience!!
We have also made huge strides in changing the culture
of our school to promote RESPECT in all that we
do…namely to do as Jesus would do. Recognizing our
inherent flaws, we continue to move forward as a
Catholic community to ensure that we conduct ourselves
with respect in mind. We respect school, each other, God
and ourselves. In a short time, we have worked together
to promote behavioural expectations that have vastly
reduced fights, bullying and other disrespectful behavior.
Thank you to our students, staff, parents and community
Twitter: @GAngelsschool
Lots of great work has been done over the past few
weeks – the Dance-a-Thon raised $4,500 and our Fuel
for Kids BBQ raised $2600. Thank you for supporting
our school and helping raise enough money to purchase
another Smart Board! We are very close to meeting the
goal of every Smart Board in a classroom. Thank you as
well to all of our volunteers for making this event a
From all of us on Council, have a fun, happy, and safe
summer. It was a pleasure serving you as council
representatives this year and we hope we served you
well. See you again in September.
It’s not farewell, only ‘see you soon’…Our email account
is monitored at all times, so do not hesitate to drop us a
line, comment, or question over the summer.
Your 2014/2015 Catholic School Council
Chairperson: .....................Jen Estevao
Treasurer: ..........................Nunzia Rositano
Secretary: ..........................Lori Saroli
Parish Representative: ....Josie Wilson
OAPCE Representative: ..Susan Dal Dosso
Members at Large:…Nadia Arghittu, Suzette Psaila,
Arlene Saunders-Georges
Teacher Representative:.Mrs. Parris
Non-Teaching Representative: Mrs. Sivasankaran
School Council Parish Update
The Rosary Apostolate in the school program is looking
for Volunteers to teach children attending three Catholic
schools in our parish how to pray the Rosary Ministry.
They would like to send a team to all of their schools, but
to accomplish this men and women must dedicate some
time to this very important ministry. Please call Ruth
D’Souza at (905) 495-3377 and volunteer some of your
The next Building Fund Committee Meeting will be held
on Wednesday, June 3rd 2015 at 7:00 p.m., upstairs at
Fortinos on Brisdale. Please come out and help plan
future fundraising events for the Church.
The Parish’s 9:00 a.m. Choir is needs more voices and
is open to all parishioners who love to sing and join their
friendly group. If interested, please contact Ricky at
(905) 495-1617 or send him an email at He is waiting to hear
from YOU!
Guardian Angels Parish would like to thank everyone
who was in anyway involved in their Second Guardian
Angels Parish Talent Show and made this event the
success it was. Thank you to all of the performers, all of
you who purchased tickets and all of the volunteers who
gave the great gift of time and shared their talents. The
event was a great success and a total amount of $
1,911.00 was raised for their Building Fund.
First Holy Communion will be held at Our Lady of Fatima
Church located at 101 Malta Avenue in Brampton.
Guardian Angels students in Grade 2 will be receiving
their First Holy Communion on Sunday, June 14, 2015 at
3:00 p.m. and Guardian Angels students in Grade 8
received their Confirmation on Saturday, May 30th,
2015. Congratulations to our Confirmendi for this
glorious event!
education provides us the
opportunity to integrate
the virtues into our
students’ daily activity.
The virtues will be
covered every month
announcements, in class
during discussions, and at our school Living Our Faith
Our next Living Our Faith Awards will take place on:
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
Grades K-4 @ 9:30 AM
Grades 5-8 @ 11:00 AM
Our Catholic Virtues
Brampton is inviting all parishioners to join them on their
5th Annual Pilgrimage to the Divine Mercy Shrine in
Stockbridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A. The bus leaves at
5:00 a.m. from our Lady of Fatima Parish or from
Santissimo Salvador at 5:30 a.m. with scheduled arrival
in Springfield, MA around 3:00 p.m. Dinner will be served
at Tony & Penny’s restaurant. On June 14th we will be
departing from the hotel at 8:00 a.m. to participate in the
day’s celebrations which includes an outdoor Mass.
Please ensure that you have all of the required
documents to enter into the United States. For further
information, please contact Jose or Gouvela at (905)
This month we celebrate
the Virtue of Fairness:
The Parish will be eight years old on Friday, June 27,
2015. Let us pray for special blessings for our parish as
they move into their new Parish Hall. The social
committee wants to acknowledge this joyful occasion by
inviting you to celebrate:
On Sunday, June 28th, after each Mass
Living Our Faith & Catholic Virtues
A key aspect of the Board’s strategic direction is the
continued development of safe, caring, inclusive Catholic
A Person of Fairness…
Listens to all sides
before forming
Shows good
sportsmanship at all
Refuses to twist rules
to avoid consequences
Works to bring about
peaceful solutions to
Cheers on the
successes of others
Can balance their own
rights and
responsibilities with
those of others
We are made by God to live
together, to share and to
help each other. You
cannot be a Christian
alone. Christianity is all about living together in
community. Fairness, the belief that everyone deserves
an opportunity to succeed, is not always about making
things exactly equal. Some people need a bit more time,
space, money, and support to have an equal chance to
succeed. And they deserve that chance.
Jesus spent a major part of his time on earth showing us
about the preferential option for the poor and weak. He
spent an extraordinary amount of time showing how to
follow God’s rules, the rules of the kingdom. We must
learn to follow His example.
school community. As a Catholic Community, we are called
to learn, grow and become more like Jesus. Catholic
Twitter: @GAngelsschool
A Message From Trustee D’Souza
Warmer Weather
Is Here!
Dear Parents and Guardians:
It seems that, all of a sudden, summer
weather is upon us and so, incredibly,
is the end of the 2014-15 school year.
As we reflect back over the year, we
can see that it was, in fact, a very
successful year for Dufferin-Peel
students in terms of achievement,
success and well-being.
With steadily rising EQAO scores, matching or
surpassing the provincial standard and averages in most
assessment areas, and graduation rates that are among
the highest in the province, this board continues to be
defined, in part, by our high levels of success and
achievement. Yet, we are much more than that. Our
commitment to helping each student fulfil their potential,
through the Ontario Catholic School Graduate
Expectations, means that our students graduate with the
tools to become good, solid contributing members of the
communities in which they will live.
As trustees, we see the contribution of dedicated
teaching and support staff, administrators and senior
management working together with trustees facilitate
conditions that we can to facilitate success. We also see,
firsthand, the important role of our parents/guardians,
working in concert with the school and the parish in
fostering conditions for success and well-being.
So, as we complete the final leg of the journey that is the
2014-15 school year, we thank parents/guardians for
choosing a Dufferin-Peel Catholic education for your
child(ren) and for entrusting them into our care. It is a
responsibility for which we are grateful and one that we
cherish very much. To our students, thank you for all you
have done to contribute to the life of your school. For
those who are graduating and moving on to postsecondary education or the world of work, may God
continue to go with you and bless you on your journey.
To our returning students and families, we look forward
to seeing you in September.
Blessings and best wishes for a peaceful and restful
Darryl D’Souza
New Confirmation Protocol
The Archdiocese has announced that moving forward;
the sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated in grade
7. Next year’s cohort will include a one time, grade 8 and
7 group. Details about next year’s Confirmation process
will be forthcoming in the new school year.
With the warm weather
soon approaching, we
would like to take this
opportunity to review our
expectations. Students
are to observe the
clothing at home is not
always appropriate at
school in a Catholic
Learning environment.
These guidelines may
Primary students, as appropriate. If students have any
questions, they may seek guidance from their teacher,
Mrs. Thompson or Mr. Cassar at an appropriate time.
Students should come to school wearing
Wear shorts of an appropriate length (bottom of
shorts should not go above the child’s fingertips
when arms are at their sides)
No revealing tops. Shoulders straps should be three
adult fingers wide at a minimum.
No midriff showing
Shorts/pants need to be at the waist and underwear
should not be seen
From The Library
The Book Fair is Coming !
This year is fast ending, and with that comes the end of
the year procedures to get ready for summer, and the
2015-16 School Year.
We have had an unbelievable year in the library, with
speakers, presentations and many fun and educational
events. As we conclude the year, we are collecting all
resources and ask that all students and staff return their
titles by June 12, when circulation will be stopped for the
end of the year. Students with outstanding over dues
have been sent letters, in order to remind them, and
enclosed are replacement costs of the titles. Parents and
students are encouraged to return the titles so that we
may begin to co-ordinate the next year’s book buying
process. Once again, thanks for the great year, and we
are ecstatic to announce our lowest number of lost or
missing books in 4 years!! Way to go GA!!
Starting June 12-19, it is THE ANNUAL SCHOLASTIC
BOOKFAIR!! This year is sure to be a great success, with
tons of titles, giveaways and new for 2015. Do not forget
these proceeds from book sales go directly to funding the
Twitter: @GAngelsschool
expansion and improvement of not only our physical, but
online collections at Guardian Angels. Wish lists will be
going home and the BOOK FAIR will be open for the
Evening of June 15, when we host our annual Talent
show and BBQ celebration. WE hope to see you there
to pick up some of the hottest titles available in children’s
literature today!
Mrs. Insanic/
Mrs. Bedford
Ms. Galos
Mr. Resendes
Mrs. Gallant
Mr. Labuda
Ms. Schmalz
https://missschmalzsclass.wordpress. com
Madame Gunia
http://frenchwithmadame.weebly. com
Guardian Angels
School Council
Mrs. Galifi
Class Lists for September 2015
Ms. Pileggi
Tentative class lists for September 2015 have been made.
Thank you to those parents who followed the protocols of
submitting requests in writing to the Principal back in May.
There is always a possibility of reorganizing classes in
September, due to enrollment and staffing changes. We will
determine the need to reorganize once actual enrollment is
Mrs. Stoker
GA Eco School Team
Mademoiselle Yarra
Mrs. Thompson
Mr. Monardo, Teacher Librarian
Date and Time
Year End Mass/
Guardian Angels
Feast Day
Friday, June 19
@ 9:30 AM
Held in the
Special Masses
Date and Time
First Communion
Sunday, June 14
@ 3:00 PM
Our Lady of
Fatima Parish
Follow Us On Twitter and the Web
Guardian Angels
School – Mr. Cassar
Mrs. Gibson Power
Mrs. Commisso
Mrs. D’Armi Fetz /Ms.
Mr. Bell
Ms. Choong/ Mrs.
Mrs. Parris
Mrs. Sousa
Mrs. Sepe
Twitter: @GAngelsschool
Grade 8 Graduation
Our Graduation Mass and Ceremony will be held on Monday
June 22 at 7:00 pm in the school gym. A mass will take place
first followed by the graduation ceremony. All are welcome to
join our Grade 8’s as they celebrate their Graduation, an
important milestone. A letter will go home to parents in the
next few days with details.
Grade 8 Walk of Fame
On the last day of school, we will
celebrate our Grade 8s by having
them do the Walk of Fame. The
entire school will form a long
corridor from the gym doors to the parking lot and the grade
8s will walk out of Guardian Angels for the last time, to the
cheers of the entire school body. It will definitely a tearjerker.
All students will be outside at 3:15 PM and will be dismissed
from the yard. Students will not be allowed back into the
school so they will need to make sure they have everything
they need. Parents are welcome to join us that day. Your best
vantage point will be at the end of the Walk of Fame corridor,
near the parking lot. You can snap a picture of your child as
they exit the procession.
Planning Ahead
We are in the process of planning
staffing and organizing classes for
the 2015-2016 school year. If you
are planning on moving out of the
Guardian Angels area, or simply
changing your address within our boundaries, please let
the office know as soon as possible. Families with
students who live outside of the school area are
reminded that they must apply through the Flex
Boundary policy to the Principal for permission to attend
the school in September 2015.
EQAO for all grade three and grade
six students is taking place during
the period starting Monday, May 25
to Friday, June 5. We kindly ask that
parents refrain from booking appointments or holidays
during this time. Parents may visit the EQAO website at for many resources and useful
information regarding EQAO, including sample tests
from last year.
Ray Ban Sunglasses – Joshua T.
Guess Watch – Natahan A.
Mini Piano – Alexander H., Ayesha M., Adraina C.
McDonald’s Gift Cards – Evan S., Daniel M.
Denny’s Gift Card – Emma A.
Best Guy Gift Card – Kiera S.
Plus over 50 more $10 gift prizes
TOP CLASSES – Won pizza lunch
Primary – Mrs. Galifi’s class
Junior – Ms. Francescutto’s class
Intermediate – Mrs. Sousa’s class
Congratulations to all of our winners!
Tentative Upcoming Dates
Parents are welcome to join us for any events below. Please
contact the school ahead of time to confirm times and dates.
Mon., June 8
PA Day – no school for students
Wed., June 10
Family Track and Field event
Sun., June 14
Communion @ 3 PM
Mon., June 15
Primary Play Day
End of Year BBQ and Talent Show
SK Celebration of Learning @ 9:30 AM
Mon., June 22
End of Year Mass @ 9:30 AM
Board track and field event
Grade 8 Grad lunch at Mandarin
Tues., June 23
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the
EQAO after school tutoring students in grades 3 and 6
who showed great commitment and a love of learning!
Students had several opportunities each week to ask
questions and model their learning through three-part
math and interactive language lessons using the SMART
Wed., June 24
Final Living Our Faith Awards K-4 @ 9:30 AM; 58 @ 11:00 AM
Grade 8 Grad Ceremonies @ 7 PM
Report cards go home
Thurs., June 25
End of Year assembly and video @ 9:30 AM
Fri., June 26
Last day of school with our Grade Eight Walk of
Fame at the end of the day
Dance-A-Thon Fundraiser
Information regarding an allegation of sexual abuse of a
minor related to the late Fr. James (Jim) Roth, OSFS, is
posted on the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School
Board’s main webpage at Additional
information, including where to report abuse or
suspected abuse, is also posted on the website of Father
Roth’s religious order, the Oblates of St. Francis de
Sales, at and the Archdiocese of
Toronto at . Please consult these
sources as appropriate.
After School EQAO Tutoring
A big THANK YOU to our
sponsoring our dance-a-thon
fund raiser. We raised a total
of $4300 in support of
Smartboard for one of our classes. Thank you to
members of our School Council who worked very hard to
organize and run this event!
Wed., June 17
Fri., June 19
Allegation of Sexual Abuse Regarding the
Late Fr. James (Jim) Roth, OSFS
Apple Ipad – Massimo R.
Apple Ipad Mini – Ethan D.
CCM Mountain Bike –Kristen S.
Samsung Galaxy Tablet – Breanna A.
Twitter: @GAngelsschool
Our Basketball Champs!
Mr. Labud’as Class enjoying French Café!
Left: Njacko Backo takes students in Ms. Francescutto’s
class, and Mrs. Valentini through the beats of traditional
African music. Right: Guardian Angels – We are the
reigning chess champs !
Our grade 8 stsudents serving thos less fortunate at the
Scott Mission in Toronto.
Grade 8 students in NY visiting the Aircraft Carrier - Intrepid
Celebrating the LivingOur Faith Awards !
Fortino’s BBQ Fundrasier was a huge success!
Twitter: @GAngelsschool
It is no secret that Guardian Angels is on the move - academically,
spiritually and socially. We have placed a renewed effort to bring
curriculum up to speed and focus on student achievement. Our goal in
this regard is to bring Guardian Angels’ EQAO scores up and to promote
students as learners in a global community. We have fundraised to
support technology in the classrooms and to support extracurricular
activities. Look at the mind maps below for a summary of what we have
accomplished as a staff, as a student body, and as a Catholic
Community. In September, we will move to stage two of our fundraising
drive with our chocolate sales drive. Please support us in our efforts to
move Guardian Angels into the 21st Century
Twitter: @GAngelsschool