April 2015 Edition Principal A Springtime Act of Faith. School Council Mtg God, Creator of the seasons, Wed. May 13 @ 6:30 PM We thank you that Spring has come at last. Held in the library. Please join us! All parents are welcome. We thank you for the warm air that will awaken sleeping buds and fill our world, once again, with colour. WELCOME TO KINDERGARTEN NIGHT Mr. M. Cassar Vice Principal Mrs. M. Thompson Head Secretary Ms. S. McGee Assistant Secretary Mrs. M. Kelly School Council Chair We ask you to be with us as we celebrate this season. Mrs. J. Estevao GuardianAngelsCSC@ Gmail.com or on Twitter @GASchoolCouncil Superintendent Mrs. S. Steer Ward 6 Trustee Mr. D. D’Souza We believe in Spring, the season of seeds and flowers, of buds that burst into leaves, Of bulbs that burst into tulips, Of caterpillars that burst into butterflies, And of Jesus who burst from His Grave and put death to death! 905-890-1211 Parish Team Father Jan Gogolewski Guardian Angels Parish (905) 970 – 9175 We at Guardian Angels School, dedicate ourselves to creating and fostering a spiritually rich learning environment that empowers the individual to take responsibility for their personal and interpersonal growth and development. FOLLOW US: We believe that life is worth living, That we were born to sing with the birds, to dance in Spring rain, to laugh when we are happy, to weep when we are sad, to live as much and as well as we can and to love always. We believe in Spring, in seeds that die and are reborn. We believe in growth. We believe in life, in ourselves, in hope and in joy. We believe in God. Our Welcome to Kindergarten Evening will be held on Wednesday, April 15 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. LOOKING FORWARD Year-end BBQ AND Talent Show Wednesday, June 17, 2015 @ 4:30 PM Join us as we celebrate a successful year at Guardian Angels at our BBQ. Preorder your burgers, hot dogs and other treats! Our ice cream truck will be here, along with our friends from Peel Police and Fire Services. Face painting and balloons for the kids all served with music and a chance to socialize with friends. The talent show will take place right after the BBQ, starting at 6:30 PM. SHARELIFE WEEK Later in April, we will host our annual Sharelife week in support of the Catholic charities that do so much good for those less fortunate. The week will consist of fun activities for kids including “roll out the quarters”, Peel Police “arresting” the teachers, Staffstudent ice hockey game and a Zumba day. Contact the school for dates and times if you would like to join us for any of these events. Amen Twitter: @GAngelsschool Website: WWW.DPCDSB.ORG/GANGL minutes to write or call your MPP and let them know that you appreciate their continued support, in this regard. School Hours Grades 1 – 8: 9:00 AM ......................... MORNING BEGINS 10:28 AM ....................... RECESS BREAK 12:00 to 12:20 PM ......... Kindergarten Lunch 12:06 to 12:46 PM ......... GRADES 1-8 RECESS 12:46 to 1:06 PM ........... GRADES 1-8 LUNCH 1:06 PM ......................... AFTERNOON BEGINS 2:29 PM ......................... RECESS BREAK 3:30 PM ......................... SCHOOL ENDS Please note that supervision in the playground begins at 8:45 AM. Please do not leave your children unattended in the school grounds before the staff supervision begins. Principals’ Message Supporting and Advocating for Catholic Education As parents/guardians of children in our publicly funded Catholic school system, you have a powerful voice, both as a taxpayer and a constituent. Increasingly, we are seeing co-ordinated attacks on Catholic education, with calls for the discontinuation of funding of the Catholic school system in Ontario, and the establishment of a single secular school system. We see evidence of this through radio call-in shows, newspaper articles and opinion pieces, letters to the editor and through various social media channels. Your willingness to lend your voice in support of good news stories about Catholic education and/or to help counter negative commentary, or attacks on Catholic education through media, or other means, is an important part of our community’s effort to promote and maintain our strong, viable and relevant Catholic education system in Ontario. From time to time, we may bring items to your attention, such as news articles, that may be in support of, or against Catholic education. Be aware of opportunities to write a letter to the editor, call in to a radio talk show, or simply vote in an online survey or other action that will indicate to the public and the government that there is a strong presence of Catholic parents/guardians and supporters. Demonstrate that you are passionate about Catholic education and that we can provide a balancing point of view to those who would attack, discredit and/or seek to end publically funded Catholic education in Ontario. Mainstream political parties in Ontario have stated their support for Catholic education. However, that does not mean that we should not continue to impress upon our locally elected MPPs our desire to maintain the current system of publically funded Catholic schools. Take a few FOLLOW US: Twitter: @GAngelsschool There are 3.9 million Catholics in Ontario; more than 600,000 students attend Ontario Catholic schools. We are strong. However, we cannot be silent. During the Easter season, our most holy time of the year, we rejoice in the fact that Jesus is the reason for the season…we hope you had a Happy Easter. Mark Cassar, Principal Michelle Thompson, Vice Principal School Council Chair Update April is National Volunteer Month. We are blessed with our volunteers who give of themselves to Guardian Angels. Time is a precious commodity that no price or label can be assigned to it; whether you helped on a school trip, weekly Pizza Days, or in the classroom, it shows our children you care and you are there for them. We thank you for supporting the children of Guardian Angels. We will host our 2nd Annual Volunteer Appreciation Dinner on Tuesday, April 14th. If you were unable to attend but would like your certificate, please contact us via email GuardianAngelsCSC@gmail.com and we will happily get it to you. “It is not enough to do. It must be done well.” – St Vincent de Paul, Patron Saint of Charity Mark it down: Friday, April 24th – Dance-A-Thon (prizes will be drawn the following week) Monday, April 27th –Pita Day – please note this is the last day for the school year Wednesday, May 13th at 6:30 pm –Council meeting, last meeting for the school year, school library Your 2014/2015 Catholic School Council team: Chairperson: .....................Jen Estevao Treasurer: ..........................Nunzia Rositano Secretary: ..........................Lori Saroli Parish Representative: ....Josie Wilson OAPCE Representative: ..Susan Dal Dosso Members at Large:…Nadia Arghittu, Suzette Psaila, Arlene Saunders-Georges Teacher Representative:.Mrs. Parris Non-Teaching Representative: Mrs. Sivasankaran Website: WWW.DPCDSB.ORG/GANGL School Council – Parish Update The school celebrated Easter Mass on April 8th with Father Jan where Parent Council presented a cheque for $1,000 to him. This amount was raised from a collection of money we received for Shrove Tuesday. Sunday, April 19th, 2015 will mark our third SHARE LIFE SUNDAY. The second collection benefits Share Life; Share Life is a Catholic organization, which assists many Catholic agencies in so many different ways. The Faith Formation Team is once again initiating two life changing programs for our parish Youth and Young families so listen up parents, youth and teens! Have you ever wanted to read the Bible, but felt intimidated by its size, the names or wondered whether the Bible even relates to your life at all? Please join Guardian Angels Parish every Friday at 7:00 p.m. for a Bible study by Mark Hart and learn how to read the Bible, how to listen to God and how to see His loving hand in your daily life. Encounter is a Bible Study Program for Grades 6, 7 and 8 students including anybody who is interested, but must be in Grade 5. T3 is a Bible Study Program specifically for all secondary school students, youth, younger adults and families. WHEN: Friday, April 10th to June 5th, 2015 (8 weeks) WHERE: St. Edmund Campion’s Secondary School 275 Brisdale Drive, Brampton, ON TIME: 7:00 to 9:00 P.M. (Sharp) For further information please contact: Email: Theresa.nazareth@gmail.com Cell: (416) 270-7777 The Second Guardian Angels Parish Talent Show will take place on Saturday, April 25th, 2015 from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. at St. Edmund Campion’s Secondary School cafeteria. All parishioners, children and friends of Guardian Angels Parish are invited to participate. You can sing, dance, do comedy or play a musical instrument alone or as a group. Proceeds from this event will go towards the Guardian Angels Parish Building Fund. If you are interested in joining the committee or as a performer at this event, please sign up after the weekend Masses. If there are any further questions, please feel free to contact: Ricky at guardianangelschoirs FOLLOW US: Twitter: @GAngelsschool @gmail.com. Tickets are being sold at $10.00 per adult, $5.00 per child (5 to 12 years of age) and $25.00 per family (2 adults and 2 children). First Holy Communion will be held at Our Lady of Fatima Church located at 101 Malta Avenue in Brampton. Guardian Angels’ students in Grade 2 will be receiving their First Holy Communion on Sunday, June 14, 2015 at 3:00 p.m. and Guardian Angels’ students in Grade 8 will be receiving their Confirmation on Saturday, May 30, 2015 at 5:00 p.m. at St. Edmund Campion Secondary School located at 275 Brisdale Drive in Brampton. A letter from our school went home recently with our Grade 2 students updating parents on the sacrament of First Holy Communion. OUR LADY OF FATIMA PORTUGUESE PARISH in Brampton is inviting all parishioners to join them on their 5 Annual Pilgrimage to the Divine Mercy Shrine in Stockbridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A., June 13 - 14, 2015. The bus leaves at 5:00 a.m. from our Lady of Fatima Parish or from Santissimo Salvador at 5:30 a.m. with scheduled arrival in Springfield, MA around 3:00 p.m. Dinner will be served at Tony & Penny’s restaurant. On June 14 we will be departing from the hotel at 8:00 a.m. to participate in the day’s celebrations which includes an outdoor Mass. Please ensure that you have all of the required documents to enter into the United States. For further information, please contact Jose or Gouvela at (905) 453-2174. Inspiring Minds With Crafts The Spring Craft Club at Guardian Angels is open to all Grade 3 students enthusiastic about creativity and handmade projects. Our meetings are held on Mondays at lunchtime until May. More than 30 students have started to attend and share their creativity and imagination. This year, our activities include quilting Easter cards, Easter egg decoration, origami baskets, clay pots, basic stitches, and Mother’s Day bookmarks. During each session, the students are inspired to think, create and try out new techniques. We have fun doing projects together. You can help us by donating materials such as cardstock, ribbons, buttons, yarn, beads, fabric, and acrylic paint for our awesome ideas. Crafty Mrs. Sepe, Mrs. Ward-Cooper, Ms. Collins and Mrs. Kotarska supervise the club. Website: WWW.DPCDSB.ORG/GANGL looking out for the good of the other. That is what Jesus did – He forgot about Himself on purpose. He chose to give up His life for the good of others – us! Living Our Faith & Catholic Virtues Becoming a truly loving person is challenging - making little sacrifices on purpose so that others will have a bit of food, a bit of shelter, a bit of peace, a bit of quiet, a bit of fun, a bit of friendship. Through prayer and concentration, we can get better at showing love to everyone we meet. A Loving Person: March: .......... Kindness May: .............. Acceptance Wants the best for others Is willing to make sacrifices for the good of others Learns from the heroic lives of saints and holy Thank you to all the talented craft members for being enthusiastic about making fantastic projects. Stay creative! April: ............ Love June: ............ Fairness A key aspect of the Board’s strategic direction is the continued development of safe, caring, inclusive Catholic school community. As a Catholic Community, we are called to learn, grow and become more like Jesus. Catholic education provides us the opportunity to integrate the virtues into our students’ daily activity. The virtues will be covered every month during morning announcements, in class during discussions, and at our school Living Our Faith Awards. Our next Living Our Faith Awards will take place on: Tuesday, April 28, 2015 Grades K-4 @ 9:30 AM Grades 5-8 @ 11:00 AM Our Catholic Virtues A key aspect of the Board’s strategic direction is the continued development of safe, caring, inclusive Catholic school communities. As a Catholic Community, we are called to learn, grow and become more like Jesus. Catholic education provides us the opportunity to integrate the virtues into our students’ daily activity. The virtues will be covered every month during morning announcements, in class during discussions, and at our Living Our Faith Awards assemblies. This month we celebrate the Virtue of Love: people Knows that we are all lovable Prays for others Says ‘Excuse me‛, ‘Please‛, and ‘Pardon me‛ Avoids gossip weather online or in person Chess Champions!! Under the tutelage of Mr. Buzdon, this years’ chess team has had a wonderful campaign and has experienced wonderful successes in our Brampton West Family tournament, hosted on Friday, March 27, 2015 here at Guardian Angels. Our Teams in both the Intermediate and Junior division took the gold medals, while the Primary team had to play overtime speed chess, resulting in a Silver medal for the Guardian Angels Squad. Many, many thanks go to the tournament participants, guests and dedicated parents who made it out to support us. We also like to thank Mr. Resendes and Mr. Monardo for their organization and management of the day, as well as Mr. Alves, school Admin., and ALL the teachers who helped make this possible by donating both time and resources. It was a huge day and our student volunteers were diligent making this day a success, and we look forward to more success at the Board tournament on Wednesday, April 15, 2015. The players as follow: Intermediate: Kushal M., Samantha D., Brian D., Gabriel P., Chelsea A., Johnny V. Junior: Ayeesha M., John D., Sean D., Christopher V., John Walter V., Cilian A. Primary: Jared J., Avery B., Julia P., Julia K., Kaliya E., Jacyntha L. Jesus made one lesson clear above all other lessons – the lesson to love. Love is not about us – it is about forgetting ourselves and FOLLOW US: Twitter: @GAngelsschool Website: WWW.DPCDSB.ORG/GANGL Bicycles With the change in weather, many students are beginning to ride their bicycles to school. Please take the time to discuss proper bicycle safety with your children to ensure their safety. Students riding their bikes to and from school are expected to follow these directions: 1. 2. 3. 4. Bikes are to be walked across the school property Bikes are to be left in the bike rack area Bikes are to be locked Students are expected to wear helmets Warmer Weather Is Almost Here! With the warm weather soon approaching, we would like to take this opportunity to review our dress code expectations. Students are to observe the guidelines. Summer clothing at home is not always appropriate at school in a Catholic Learning environment. These guidelines may vary somewhat for Primary students, as appropriate. If students have any questions, they may seek guidance from their teacher, Mrs. Thompson or Mr. Cassar at an appropriate time. Students should come to school wearing sunscreen/hat Wear shorts of an appropriate length (bottom of shorts should not go above the child’s fingertips when arms are at their sides) No revealing tops. Shoulders straps should be three adult fingers wide at a minimum. No midriff showing Water bottles (recyclable preferred) can be kept in the classroom for students to refill and drink during the day From The Library Forest of Reading The results are nearly in!! The winners of this year’s Forest of Reading are being determined by our young readers. Voting will begin in the next week to determine this years’ Blue Spruce, Silver Birch, Silver Birch Express and Red Maple award winners. Students remember to post on the wikis in order to remain eligible to vote, and see Mr. Monardo once you have completed the reading list in order to receive your ballot. This year we are excited to host Mr. Phillip Roy, a local Canadian author whose books including: “Me and Mr. Bell” have been winning literary acclaim and have been featured in this years’ Silver Birch Fiction series. He will be visiting the school on April 28, 2015, and will be selling books on his visit. Please see his website PhillipRoy.ca for more details and see Mr. Monardo for order forms if needed The Library is taking inventory of our collection the week of April 13-17, and as such, we ask ALL STUDENTS with overdue books to return them to the library so we can arrange for next year’s purchasing as well as collection management. If you have old books, please return them!! There will be letters sent home the subsequent week indicating the value and checkout date of the lost books. Friendly reminder to return overdue library books so that other students may enjoy them. Thank you! Marco Monardo, Teacher Librarian Safe School Mission Statement Guardian Angels is a Catholic community that respects and promotes the uniqueness of all its members. By following the teachings of Jesus, we pledge to provide everyone with a safe, caring and peaceful environment, which ensures the respect and acceptance of all. Because of these beliefs, bullying will not be tolerated. Your child deserves a safe environment to work, learn and play in. If you have any concerns, please contact us. Thank you for supporting us as we support your child. Shorts/pants need to be at the waist and underwear should not be seen FOLLOW US: Twitter: @GAngelsschool Website: WWW.DPCDSB.ORG/GANGL Welcome New Students! When new students register at Guardian Angels, one of the initiatives that we put into place is a welcome tour by our Student Council Prime Ministers who will take the new student on a tour of the school, showing them key locations like washrooms, change rooms and the gym. The Prime Ministers will also introduce the new student to Office staff, the Principal and Vice Principal and other key staff. The new student is also given a Welcome to Guardian Angels” pencil. This is just one aspect of our efforts to make Guardian Angels a family that welcomes all newcomers. Our school community will celebrate Catholic Education Week 2015 in ways that are appropriate to our students’ age. We invite you to participate in one or other of these activities as your personal time and work schedule may permit. There are five sub-themes for each day of Catholic Education Week: Masses Celebration Date and Time Location Crowning of Mary Liturgy Tuesday, May 14 @ 9:30 AM Year End Mass/ Guardian Angels Feast Day Friday, June 19 @ 9:30 AM All events are held in the gym Special Masses Date and Time Location First Reconciliation Grade 2 and Grade 8 Friday, May 15 @ 9:30 AM School Confirmation Saturday, May 30 @ 5:00 PM St. Edmund Campion First Communion Sunday, June 14 @ 3:00 PM Our Lady of Fatima Parish Monday – Walking Together and Sharing Our Stories Tuesday – Opening the Scriptures Wednesday – Welcoming Others to the Table Thursday – Recognizing Jesus in the Breaking of the Bread Friday – Proclaiming the Good News Every year, the Ontario Catholic School Trustees’ Association (OCSTA) provides our Catholic schools with a resource kit to help schools prepare for Catholic Education Week. Using these resources as well as our own developed activities, we will continue to explore how to ‘Explore Paths of Joy’. Guardian Angels Website Catholic Education Week May 3-8, 2015 Every few days, Mrs. Gallant updates the website with letters, information and other pertinent items. Looking for a document or information? Need to contact our School Council Chair?… check out our website: http://www.dpcdsb.org/GANGL Thanks to Mrs. Gallant for up-keeping the website. “Were not our hearts burning within us while He was Follow Us On Twitter and the Web talking to us on the road?” – Luke 24:32 The sub-themes for Catholic Education Week 2015 are as follows: Catholic schools are Catholic communities. Catholic schools are faith communities. We – parents, students, teachers, administrative and support staff – walk and grow together in the faith, which we received at our Baptism. Moreover, it is the ‘together’ that we grow. Our growth is primarily a relationship with God, who at our Baptism, called us by name. However, the response of each of us to that growth is both personal and communal. We grow in our faith in the nurturing atmosphere of our Catholic community be that of our local parish, our home, or our Catholic school community. FOLLOW US: Twitter: @GAngelsschool Guardian Angels S @GAngelsschool Mrs. Gibson Power @MrsGP_GA Mrs. Commisso @GAngelsScience Mrs. D’Armi Fetz /Ms. Medeiros @GAFDK103 Mr. Bell @MrBellGAngels Ms. Choong/ Mrs. Smith @GAFDKRM104 Mrs. Parris @MrsParris_GA https://twitter.com/GAFDKRM104 Website: WWW.DPCDSB.ORG/GANGL Mrs. Sousa @MrsSousaGA doorbell, so dropping off lunches after 12:30 PM may delay your entry. https://edmo.do/j/spz6d9 Mrs. Sepe @GAFDKRm101 Mrs. Insanic/ Mrs.Sivasankaran @GAFDKRm102 Mrs. Bedford @Bedford_Mrs Ms. Galos @MsGalos Mr. Resendes @MrResendes Mrs. Gallant @MrsGallantAtGA Mr. Labuda @MrLabudaGA Ms. Schmalz https://missschmalzsclass.wordpress. com Madame Gunia http://frenchwithmadame.weebly. com Guardian Angels School Council @GASchoolCouncil Mrs. Galifi @lgalifi Ms. Pileggi @MsPileggi Mrs. Stoker @StokerArlene GA Eco School Team @GAecoteam Mademoiselle Yarra @MlleYarra Mrs. Thompson @Mrstga Dropping off Lunches Kiss and Ride Lanes Please do NOT leave your car in the Kiss and Ride Lane. If you need to come into the school, you must park in a parking spot. These rules are enforced and you could be fined if not abiding by Brampton’s By-laws. If walking your child to school in the morning or picking them up at the end of the day, parents are asked to remain either behind the black fence by the parking lot, on the path closest to the school, or on the perimeter of the school pavement. This is for your child’s safety, as teachers on duty cannot distinguish parents from “strangers” in the yard with such a large school. NOTE: parents are responsible for arranging to pick up their child on time at the end of the day. Students from grade 2 to 8 are released at their exit door. Kindergarten and Gr 1 students ONLY are released from the Kindergarten fenced yard. Those parents must pull up to the Kiss and Ride curb and either their child will come to them or you can quickly get your child from the fenced yard. A teacher will be on duty to assist. Only bus students exit at the end of the day through the front doors. Students walking with siblings are asked to have a meeting spot at the back of the school. Class Lists for September 2015 Staff will soon be meeting to organize class lists for September 2015. If there are any special learning needs your child has that you feel we should know when making up classes, please do so in writing to the Principal by April 30th. Placements are completed by the middle of May. Submissions after this date cannot be addressed. Please limit comments to your child’s specific learning styles and needs. Requests for specifics that are not generally considered include: Lunches should be dropped off between 12:00 PM and 12:30 PM. Parents will label the lunch with the student and teacher’s name. Parents can simply place their child’s lunch in the appropriate class basket. A class runner will deliver the lunches to the classrooms. Student helpers can earn volunteer hours delivering the lunches. Note that priority will be given to dealing with office and student needs not answering the new front FOLLOW US: Twitter: @GAngelsschool Placement with a “friend” Avoiding a combined grade class or Request for a specific teacher. Why? Placements with a friend are not necessarily positive. Combined grades are a reality and most students will experience it in their schooling career. Our teachers are trained to combine Ministry expectations and thus program appropriately. Website: WWW.DPCDSB.ORG/GANGL Yearly teacher assignments may change. Placements for September are tentative and depend on enrollment and school needs. All staff will work hard to balance class lists by abilities, gender and learning style. requirements are met. Please check your mail to see if you have received notification and ensure that your immunization records are up to date. Please contact Peel Health with any questions at: 905-799-7700 on Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Planning Ahead Basketball We are in the process of planning staffing and organizing classes for the 2015-2016 school year. If you are planning on moving out of the Guardian Angels area, or simply changing your address within our boundaries, please let the office know as soon as possible. Families with students who live outside of the school area are reminded that they must apply through the Flex Boundary policy to the Principal for permission to attend the school in September 2015. In the world of sports, the Intermediate basketball teams are up and running. Both the Girls and Boys basketball teams competed in the Notre Dame Invitational Basketball Tournament earlier this month. Practices continue as both teams are gearing up for their upcoming school tournaments, which take place Wednesday, April 22 for the girls and Thursday, April 23 for the boys. EQAO ASSESSMENT EQAO for all grade three and grade six students will take place for this year during the period starting Monday, May 25 to Friday, June 5. We kindly ask that parents refrain from booking appointments or holidays during this time. Parents may visit the EQAO website at www.eqao.com for many resources and useful information regarding EQAO, including sample tests from last year. After School EQAO Tutoring We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the EQAO after school tutoring students in grades 3 and 6 who have shown great commitment and a love of learning! Students will have had several opportunities each week to ask questions and model their learning through three-part math and interactive language lessons using the SMART board! The first week was a success and with several more sessions to go, students are beginning to feel more confident and ready for the EQAO assessment! Good luck to all! Immunization Peel Health has now distributed letters to those families that require updated immunizations. Peel Health works through school boards. If you do not respond to Peel Health, they may instruct the school to suspend students until the immunization FOLLOW US: Twitter: @GAngelsschool The Junior Basketball teams have finished their seasons. Both the Boys and Girl's teams represented Guardian Angels proudly. The boys recently placed 3rd in the Morning Star Public School Invitational Tournament. The coaches of both teams could not be more proud of the efforts shown by their players this season. Junior Boys - Coaches Mr. Morris and Mr. Valerio, Damola A., Caleb A., Tavion B., Nathan C., Geromin C., Benjamin E., Kalim G., Jydon L., Marquis P., Andy P., Jonas Q., John D. Intermediate Boys - Coach Mr. Morris, Matthew V., Lucas F., Christian R., Gabriel L., Michael K., Teshawn S., Jordan N., Christopher A., Bryan D., Daunte K., Chubby A., Christopher B. Jr. Girls Basketball Names: Coaches: Mr. Bell & Mrs. Commisso: Mayode O, Catherine J, Jessica G, Deanna C, Hailey D, Megan M, Phylicia M, Jean-Andrei H, Ayesha M, Fiona B, Emily M Technology We just received a lab of 30 iPad Air tablets. It will have a series of educational apps on them designed to facilitate learning and innovation. Teachers will take students through a series of discussion to determine proper, respectful use of the tablets. They are quite expensive at $8000 so our goal is to get the most possible, proper use from them. We also ordered 6 Smartboards… 5 from the school’s chocolate fundraising efforts and 1 from the School Council’s fundraising efforts. We have 3 more to go before we outfit every classroom in every grade with a Website: WWW.DPCDSB.ORG/GANGL consistent level of technology, from JK to grade 8. Fundraising works! Guardian Angels Dance Team Guardian Angels is very excited for our dance team. On Tuesday, April 21, they will be competing with 25 other schools from the Dufferin- Peel Board at the Rose Theatre. This year, we are dancing to Wanna Be Startin' Something by Michael Jackson. The dancers and coaches have been working very hard to prepare for this event. If you are interested in attending, tickets go on sale at the Rose Theatre box office on April 7, 2015. The cost is $15.00. Hope to see you all there! tablets to work on educational websites in order to improve the JK/SK students’ math and literacy skills. The students look forward to working with their “buddy” every Monday! Follow on us Twitter @GAFDKRm101 for updates on what is going on in Room 101. Tentative Upcoming Dates Parents are welcome to join us for any events below. Please contact the school ahead of time to confirm times and dates. Mon., April 20 Tues., April 21 Dance team competition at the Rose Theatre Thurs., April 23 Fire drill today Fri., April 24 Dance a thon Mon., April 27 Tues., April 28 Grade 8s on Mt. Alverno retreat Author Philip Roy presentation LOF awards: JK-4 @ 9:30 AM; 5-8 @ 11 AM Wed., May 6 Ms. Wajzer’s class visiting the Scott Mission Thurs. May 7 Mrs. Gibson Power’s class @ the Scott Mission Fri., May 8 French Café all day in the gym Mon., May 11 PA Day – no school for students Wed., May 13 School Council @ 6:30 PM Thurs., May 14 Crowning of Mary Liturgy @ 9:30 Am Fri., May 15 Fire Drill; Reconciliation Mon., May 18 Victoria Day – School closed Tues., May 19 Fri., May 29 Sat., May 30 Peel Police RAID program for grade 6 students Grade 7 and 8 students leave for New York Living Our Faith Awards K-4 @ 9:30 AM; 5-8 @ 11:00 AM Grade 8 Confirmation @ 5 PM Mon, June 8 PA Day – no school for students Wed., June 10 Family Track and Field event Sun., June 14 Communion @ 3 PM Mon., June 15 Primary Play Day Wed., June 17 End of Year BBQ and Talent Show Fri., June 19 Mon., June 22 End of Year Mass @ 9:30 AM Board track and field event Grade 8 Grad lunch at Mandarin Tues., June 23 Wed., June 24 Living Our Faith Awards K-4 @ 9:30 AM; 5-8 @ 11:00 AM Grade 8 Grad Ceremonies @ 7 PM Report cards go home Thurs., June 25 End of Year assembly and video @ 9:30 Am Fri., June 26 Last day of school with our Grade Eight Walk of Fame at the end of the day Tues., April 14 Wed., April 15 Coaches: C. Sousa, N. Francescutto, L. Sepe Thurs., April 16 Guardian Angels Eco Team Our ECO Team continues to make strides towards our school goals. Our Waste Minimization and Energy Conservation Teams continue to monitor our classrooms. Students at Guardian Angels are putting in great efforts to reach monthly goals for classroom challenges. Congratulations to Mrs. Di Muzio, Ms. Pileggi, Mrs. Alimurung and Mrs. Parris’ class who were challenge winners for the month of March and April. Students have enjoyed workshops from The Brampton City Clean program and Guardian Angels was proud to take part in Earth Hour on March 27. Mrs. Sepe’s FDK Class Welcome back and Happy Easter to everyone! The students in Room 101 have been very busy learning letters and letter sounds, sight words and improving their reading and writing skills. In Math, we have been learning about measurement. The students have been using items in our classroom to compare the length, mass and capacity of various objects. We are now beginning our new Science inquiry on Magnets. The students have enjoyed working in our classroom movie theatre and now we are turning our drama/house centre into a doctor’s office. As technology continues to be an integral part of education, our class has paired up with Mrs. Sousa’s grade 7/8 class to become “tablet buddies.” Every Monday morning the classes join together to use the FOLLOW US: Twitter: @GAngelsschool Njacko Backo Black History productions in for the next two weeks Sharelife week begins Grade 8s visiting St. Roch for the day Volunteer Appreciation Dinner Roll Out the Quarters event for Sharelife Sharelife Zumba event in the PM Welcome to Kindergarten Night @ 6:30 PM Board Chess Tournament @ Loyola S.School Hall of Fame Collage picture taking Spring Pictures for the whole school Teams and clubs picture taking “lock up the teachers” Sharelife event @ 1 PM Choir Competition Sharelife hockey game in the PM Lock down drill today Mon., April 13 Fri., April 17 Website: WWW.DPCDSB.ORG/GANGL PICTURE THE MOMENT Left: Kushal Mavadia, here with VP Thompson and Superintendent Steer, celebrates winning first place at the Brampton West Speech Competition. Below: Students in Ms. Francescutto’s class love working with tablets and integrating technology into their learning. Amazing artists – Amazing art! More than 250 students from around Brampton West converge on Guardian Angels for the chess Championships. Guardian Angels won two golds and a Silver to emerge the overall champions! Read our newsletter! Answer the question and your can child win a free pizza slice, from Mr. Cassar and Mrs. Thompson. What date is the dance a thon? Answer: ___________________________ _____ Child’s Name: ___________________________ Left: Njacko Backo celebrates Black history with the kids as the play tradittional African songs! Right: Students work on our new, 21st Century Leaning mural that will be displayed in the front hallway soon! Teacher: ________________________________ Date: FOLLOW US: Twitter: @GAngelsschool _________Please return to Ms. McGee ASAP. Website: WWW.DPCDSB.ORG/GANGL