February 2014 Edition Principal Mr. M. Cassar CELEBRATING DIVERSITY Vice Principal Ms. T. Owens Head Secretary Ms. S. McGee Assistant Secretary Mrs. M. Kelly School Council Chair TBA Superintendent Mrs. S. Steer Ward 6 Trustee Mrs. L. Zanella 905-890-1211 Parish Team Father Jan Gogolewski Guardian Angels Parish (905) 970 - 9175 We at Guardian Angels School, dedicate ourselves to creating and fostering a spiritually rich learning environment that empowers the individual to take responsibility for their personal and interpersonal growth and development. . Guardian Angels is placing emphasis on celebrating and promoting God’s gift of diversity amongst his peoples. Black History Month will serve as the platform for this celebration. A number of events will take place to promote, celebrate and honour Black History and diversity in general. Jim Arnold Music Workshop will visit Guardian Angels to deliver a power-packed presentation to students on musical instruments from around the world – with a focus on the African culture. The library has a host of books on display related to Black History as well as a bulletin board dedicated to the topic. Daily announcements will also include quotes and historical facts relating to Black History. Our front foyer is decorated with elements of Black History to make this event a prominent part of our school. I invite you to take a few minutes to peruse it. Shannon Thunderbird’s Aboriginal Music Workshops presented to students on Native culture and music. Our Virtues Assembly will focus on the virtue of RESPECT and that ties in well with respecting our differences, while recognizing that we are all one with God. We hope that your Family Day was a great opportunity to connect with your loved ones! Next School Council Mtg Wed., March 5 @ 6:30 PM Held in the library. Please join us! All parents are welcome. Visit our website: WWW.DPCDSB.ORG/GANGL 1 Students are encouraged to constructively use the snow that winter brings to build snowmen, forts, or snow sculptures. SCHOOL HOURS Grades 1 - 8 9:00 AM – MORNING BEGINS 10:28 AM – RECESS BREAK 12:06 PM – 12:46 PM – RECESS 12:46 PM – 1:06 PM - LUNCH 1:06 PM – AFTERNOON BEGINS 2:29 PM– RECESS BREAK 3:30 PM – SCHOOL ENDS Please note that supervision in the playground begins at 8:45 AM. Please do not leave your children unattended in the school grounds before the teacher supervision begins. SCHOOL COUNCIL There are three vacant positions on the Council: Chairperson: This position requires assisting School Administration with conducting Catholic Council meetings, meeting with School Administration on a regular basis, organizing subcommittee work and maintaining communication with Council Executive members. Most importantly, is requires a strong commitment to Catholic education. OAPCE Representative: This representative will attend bi- monthly meetings of the Ontario Association for Parents in Catholic Education and report back on information of interest. Parish Representative: This person is responsible for bringing pertinent information from Guardian Angels Parish back to our School Council.) If you would like to run for any of these positions, please fill out the application attached to this newsletter and submit it to Mr. Cassar by Friday, February 28th. If there is more than one applicant for a position, then each candidate will be asked to speak for a few minutes on why they are an appropriate consideration for a position. A vote will then take place. If there is only one applicant, the position is acclaimed. If there are no applicants, the position remains open. The election will take place at the Council meeting on March 5th The purpose of the Catholic School Council is to support the school in promotion of our Catholic faith and to support the school in the promotion of student achievement, in a respectful, collaborative manner that is Christ centered. SNOW STAYS ON THE GROUND The winter weather has begun and the wonderful pleasures that come with winter such as snow. Students are reminded that “Snow Stays on the Ground”. Frequent reminders are made on the morning announcements. Please assist us by reviewing with your child the dangers of throwing snowballs and the importance of preventing injury to other children. Together, we will create a schoolyard, which is safe for all during winter. Another important element of constructive play is respecting the efforts of others. At Guardian Angels, students are reminded to respect the efforts of others and to leave snow forts or snowmen standing for all to enjoy. OUR CATHOLIC VIRTUES A key aspect of the Board’s strategic direction is the continued development of safe, caring, inclusive Catholic school communities. As a Catholic Community, we are called to learn, grow and become more like Jesus. Catholic education provides us the opportunity to integrate the virtues into our students’ daily activity. The virtues will be covered every month during morning announcements, in class during discussions, and at school Living Our Faith Awards assemblies. This month, our Virtues focus is RESPECT. We all deserve to be shown courtesy, consideration, sensitivity and thoughtfulness, which are different ways of saying respect. That respect should come first from us. We have to respect ourselves and then we will be able to respect others. Through prayer and concentration, we can become better at respecting ourselves as well as respecting those around us. A respectful person… Treats him/herself and everyone else with equal consideration and courtesy Uses a positive tone of voice and body language Avoids swearing, name-calling, put-downs, and inappropriate gestures Visit our website: WWW.DPCDSB.ORG/GANGL 2 Says ‘Excuse me‛, ‘Please‛, and ‘Pardon me‛ Avoids gossip weather online or in person February: Respect March: Kindness May: Acceptance April: Love June: Fairness interest in classic literature, no doubt led to the "paganizing" of this martyr's feast, so that the Roman god, Cupid (the counterpart of Eros in Greek mythology), supplanted the saint in the celebration of the feast. In Roman mythology, Cupid, the son of Venus, was a winged immortal who had the mischievous habit of shooting invisible arrows into the hearts of mortals, which inflamed them with blind and helpless passion -- for the next person they might see. A PRAYER FOR ST. VALENTINE Cupids. Candy. Flowers. Lacy hearts. Strange, isn't it, that the best known Christian saint on the secular calendar -- a holiday devoted to romantic love -- is a martyr for the Christian faith? Saint Valentine did "die of love", to be sure -- but not of the romantic sort! Strange, also, considering its enormous popularity, that this saint's feast no longer appears on the Church's calendar. (Officially, February 14 marks the feast of Sts. Cyril and Methodias, 9th century missionaries to the Slavs.) How did the "Saint" disappear from Valentine's Day? Can we "re-Christianize" the celebration of this popular holiday? Who is Saint Valentine, anyway? There are three different Saint Valentines, all of them martyrs, mentioned in the early martyrologies for the date of February 14th. One is described as a priest, another a bishop. Both apparently were martyred in the second half of the third century and buried at different places on the Flaminian Way outside of Rome. The third St. Valentine was martyred in Africa with a number of companions. Almost nothing is known about any of these early Christian men -- except that they died for the love of Christ! The popular customs connected with Saint Valentine's Days probably originated in medieval Europe. At that time, when "courtly love" was in flower, there was a common belief in England and France that on February 14th, precisely half way through the second month of the year, the birds began to pair. Thus, we read in the 14th century English poet, Geoffrey Chaucer's "Parliament of Foules": This belief about "love-birds" is probably the reason Saint Valentine's feast day came to be seen as specially consecrated to lovers, and as a proper occasion for writing love letters and sending lover's tokens. The literature of the fourteenth and fifteenth-century in both France and England contain allusions to this practice. According to legend, while awaiting execution, he wrote notes of instruction, affection and encouragement to the Christian community in Rome, which were secretly delivered by a boy who visited him in prison. It is ironic that a Roman Christian who died defending the faith is now chiefly associated with a pagan god, Cupid! Most Gracious Heavenly Father You gave Saint Valentine the courage to witness to the gospel of Christ, even to the point of giving his life for it. Help us to endure all suffering for love of you, and to seek you with all our hearts; for you alone are the source of life and love. Grant that we may have the courage and love to be strong witnesses of your truth to our friends and family and to the whole world. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen. SHROVE TUESDAY Thank you to our wonderful School Council who have offered to organize a Shrove Tuesday event for students. Shrove Tuesday marks the day before the beginning of Lent, a time for reflection, sacrifice and penance. Donations are welcome in support of raising funds to build our own Guardian Angels Church…what greater honour is there than to instill a Catholic presence in a community. If you would like to volunteer to help with Shrove Tuesday, please contact the office. SPORTS In the world of sports, it is a brand new year and that means it is time for brand new teams. 2013 was a busy and successful year for sports at Guardian Angels and 2014 promises to be the same. This association with romantic love, along with the medieval revival of Visit our website: WWW.DPCDSB.ORG/GANGL 3 GUARDIAN ANGELS SPORTS LOGO The rebranding of our school office and sports logos are now complete. Students undertook to redesign the logos to represent a new era and look for Guardian Angels. After 10 years, it was time for a new direction that represented all that is good about our students, our school and our community. The new logo represents the motto “To Light, To Guard, To Rule, To Guide”. Thank you to all of the students and staff for their input. Further to the development of the logo, we have purchased new athletic uniforms for students. The old uniforms had their day after 10 years of use. Our new uniforms were partially funded with a generous donation from Sue and Peter Lopes. Thank you to the Lopes Fmaily for their support of our school and student athletics! BASKETBALL The Intermediate Basketball season has commenced at Guardian Angels. Tryouts for both girls' and boys' teams have already begun. On Thursday, February 20, 2014, both teams will participate in an event held at the Air Canada Centre (ACC). The teams will have the opportunity to play a short game on the actual Raptors’ match court! The tournaments for Brampton-West will be held the week of April 7. Good luck to all those students trying out. We hope to have a successful season! The Fire Drill can go off in the wintertime, and therefore, we must evacuate the building immediately. MRS. SCHIAVONE’S GRADE 2 CLASS The past month has been an exciting one in Mrs. Schiavone’s grade 2 class. From transitions to learning centres to learning about how Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks and Harriet Tubman changed our world. The students are doing an exceptional job at exploring terms such as, liberate, equality, freedom and rights. They have been researching “The Underground Railroad” and Martin Luther King Jr.’s Dream for the world. We have also been exploring our musical side and we have started playing instruments. We are making connections on how music has played an important role in history and how many people are impacted by music. We learned that many slaves sang songs of freedom, which gave those hopes and dreams. Guardian Angels competed in the Brampton Northwest Annual Hockey Tournament! Coaches Morris and Bell were extremely proud of their team as they were one goal away from advancing to the finals! We have a lot of returning players this year and worked hard to finish third overall. The tournament was held at Cassie Cambell CC on February 6th and 7th which culminated in a game against the Brampton Fire Fighters’ team. The grade 2’s have been working on their reading strategies and I am proud to announce every student has gone up in their PM Benchmark levels. There are some students who have jumped up 8 levels!!!! Ms. Schiavone would like to congratulate all of you on your progress. Learning how to make inferences is an important reading tool we have been practicing. By using clues from the text and our schema to predict what is not written on the page has been great fun and now we are using this tool without even knowing it. In math, we have started our Measurement unit. We have been learning how to measure objects using non-standard tools and communicate our understanding by using our math vocabulary. INDOOR SHOES MS. PERESTERLO’S GRADE 7 CLASS Once again, for the purpose of student health and safety, we are requesting that all students, FDK through to Grade 8 have indoor running shoes with nonmarking soles. These shoes are to be kept at the school every day. Inexpensive running shoes with white soles are the best choice. Students require indoor shoes in the case of a Fire Drill or Emergency Evacuation, as there isn’t sufficient time to put on shoes or boots. Ms. Perestrelo’s class has been very busy this month. We have been having a lot of fun! We took part in the virtues mass and celebrated respect. We were able to read passages in front of the school as well as create artwork for the mass. Some of us even brought up the gifts. We have been learning a lot about Black History this month and are sharing all our findings on Marcus Garvey with the school. We decorated the school trying to help create awareness of the significance of many influential black people. HOCKEY Visit our website: WWW.DPCDSB.ORG/GANGL 4 This month we are reading a wonderful book called “No Turning Back” which is teaching us all about apartheid and the struggles of racism and segregation in South Africa through the eyes of a twelve-year-old boy named Sipho. With everything that is happening this month, it is also Ms. Perestrelo’s last month here. We are sad to see Ms. Perestrelo leave. She has been an amazing teacher and she has done so many fun activities with our class. We will really miss her. Briana and Kushal PALS AND MRS Di MUZIO’S CLASS tend to pursue physical activities beyond the gym. My goal as your child’s Physical Education teacher is to promote life-long learning, and a life-long love of physical activity. The minimum requirement to participate in physical education is clean running shoes (with Velcro in case they have not mastered the skill of tying their laces…except for gymnastics, when bare feet are allowed). It is highly recommended that your child comes to class prepared for our daily activities, and therefore it is advised that on the days your child will have Physical Education that they come in comfortable clothing (i.e. not jeans, tight clothes, or dresses) and have jewelry removed and long hair tied back. I recommend that you send a water bottle along during the days your child has gym class to maximize their activity time. Healthy eating is the new unit for the grades 1-3. The Health Committee will be encouraging healthy snacks. The class with the majority of healthy items for the week will be proudly hosting the award in their class. Guess what everybody? The P.A.L.S. leaders are back! This month, Mrs. Di Muzio's grade 5 students will be out on the playground for fun filled sessions of ball games, tag and skipping. The P.A.L.S. leaders will be out every day during recess time teaching students new games. Just look for the bright red P.A.L.S. pinnies and come out and join the fun! THE GRADE 3 CLASSES The Grade 3 Trip to Crawford Lake Conservation Area: On January 16th our grade three students went for their field trip to Crawford Lake Conservation Area. While we were there, we explored the reconstructed 15th century Iroquoian village. Our journey back in time started in the Turtle Clan longhouse where we learned deeper about the history, religion, culture and daily life of Ontario’s First Nations (Wendat People). Inside the longhouse, the students were fascinated by lots of hands-on artefacts, samples of hunting and farming, tools, furs and crops. Our tour guide, Adam, showed us how to produce fire with friction. It was amazing! The students also had the opportunity to experience the magic of snowshoeing and engaged in playing Aboriginal children’s games. It was an exceptional history lesson beyond the classroom where history was brought to life. The Jr. Girls basketball team recently finished first at the Annual Notre Dame tournament and we are excited for the next tournament. If we win the first tournament, we could be going to the finals, which will determine the best team of our Board. Coaches Valezi and Lorusso are very excited to represent our school and hopefully add another banner for Guardian Angels. MRS. GALLANT’S GRADE 7 CLASS Mrs. Gallant’s grade 7 class has been doing many exciting things so far this year. In Religion class evry month, we learn a new virtue that helps us become better children of God. These virtues, including self-control, respect, and faith, can help us become better stewards of God by exploring the characteristics, examples, and non-examples of each virtue. Language has also been fun and exciting. We created exciting book trailers for the books we read in our book clubs, wrote sequels to our books, and wrote our own versions of the Nativity story from fun and different perspectives. Science class has taught us about reducing our Ecological Footprints on the world and we made PowerPoint presentations to encourage others to do the same. This has been a great learning experience. We have also learned something that no class has ever done! Since Mrs. Gallant was a previous high school teacher in Japan, she taught us a daily morning exercise routine that she learned from her students in Japan. We are happy we learned this fun exercise routine for DPA that also shows us the different ways of Japanese culture. Julia, Mariella, and Kristyn LIFE AS A GRADE 5/6 "PARRISIAN." MR. VALEZI AND PHYS. ED. Physical Education is a favourite subject for many students. Success in the gym often translates to a sense of wellbeing in the classroom. As confidence develops, children Life in grade 6 is super busy with EQAO just around the corner. Life in grade 5 is also super busy trying to live up to grade expectations ... yet there's so much more to grade 5/6. We get to experience 10 months in Mrs. Parris' class. We are Visit our website: WWW.DPCDSB.ORG/GANGL 5 learning new fun ways to do math with the awesome three-part math lessons. Here, the grade sixes got the opportunity to help the grade fives with geometry. We mentored them in constructing triangles and measuring angles with a protractor. We are creating media projects on Harriet Tubman to celebrate Black History month, and the grade fives are going to explore life in ancient civilizations soon. This month we are going on a skating and Library trip. A big thank you to Mr. Cassar as well for ordering us a smartboard ... we cannot wait for it to arrive. Well, that is all the news for now. The Grade six "Parrisians", Abigail, Ashley, and Melita STUDENT COUNCIL UPDATE The new year started well with an amazing visit by author Helaine Becker, so the student council decided that there is no better way to listen to an author read her stories than in your pajamas!! Thus, we had pajama day on January 24. Students walked around in onsies and fun pajama pant prints with cool slippers and even some teddy bears joined the festivities. The 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics has begun. Our student council will keep the students updated on daily events, medal standings, winter Olympic sports, and, of course, the Canadian athletes. There will be fun activities as the games progress. Peel Public Health at 905-799-7700, or visit www.ImmunizePeel.ca. Translation services are available. LATES Our day begins promptly at 9:00 a.m. Students who arrive late for class often miss vital instructional time, interrupt classroom routines and disrupt the learning of others. Attendance and punctuality are essential components of the elementary school program. The Education Act dictates, “A pupil shall attend classes punctually and regularly.” The Ministry of Education indicates that poor attendance and frequent lates are often one indication that a pupil is a ‘Student at Risk’ for successful completion of a Secondary School diploma. Letters have been sent to parents of students who show a pattern of lates. SCHOOL SECURITY PROTOCOL We have taken proactive measures to secure the safety of staff and students by locking the front door. Visitors may gain entrance by pressing a buzzer mounted on the wall, beside the door. The buzzer activates a 2-way speaker and camera system. The Office will then be able to tell who is at the door through a TV monitor and thus, regulate visitor access to the school. Other protocols include: Finally, we will be celebrating St. Valentine’s Day in fine style with another great school dance. All grades will have a time to celebrate and dance in the gym. o BRAMPTON NORTHWEST OLYMPIC EVENT o Ten students from Guardian Angels school were invited to Cassie Campbell Arena on Friday, February 7th to participate in an Olympic Opening Ceremonies. The students did a torch relay around the building, participated in an on-ice banner event, and had a fun skate. Olympic athletes Lori Dupuis and Vicky Sunohara were in attendance and the students had their picture taken with the athletes. Our school also had a special privilege on that day as our school hockey team were invited to play the Brampton Fire Department at lunch. It was great to cheer on our team to a 4 – 3 win over the firefighters. Now it is time to cheer on our Canadian athletes as they go for gold in Sochi. Go Canada o o o o o o PEEL HEALTH IMMUNIZATION Peel Public Health will be reviewing immunization records of all students at our school from February 1, 2013. Peel Public Health must have proof that your child has been fully vaccinated (immunized) according to the Ontario immunization schedule. If you receive a letter, please ensure that your child has received the required vaccine(s), then give the date(s) your child received these vaccine dose(s) to Peel Public Health immediately to update your child’s record. For more information, please call o o All outside doors are locked and entry can be gained only through the front door. All visitors are to sign into the office and wear a visitor’s badge. All supply teachers sign into the office and wear a Supply Teacher badge. All Dufferin Peel staff wear an ID badge. Regularly scheduled fire drills occur throughout the year. Regularly lock-down drills occur throughout the year. Intruder alert protocols for students and staff are in place. An evacuation plan is in place. Student attendance is taken and calls to parents are made to verify absences. Criminal Reference Checks are conducted on all employees, student teachers and volunteers. ME TO WE – PROMOTING RESPECT Spread the love, Spread the warmth. Our Me To We team is encouraging the school community to donate winter accessories such as gloves, scarves, hats, mittens and blankets to be given to people in need. We are collecting these items at our school Valentine's Day Dance on Friday February 14. There is also a student/staff charity basketball game on Friday, February 21 at lunch. Admission to the game is a donation of a winter accessory to promote "Spread the love, Spread the warmth". Next, The Me to We team is working on Visit our website: WWW.DPCDSB.ORG/GANGL 6 an Aboriginal Awareness Campaign, Stay tuned for more from this social justice group which is always looking to help those in need. Written by Sarah Penacho- Grade 8 student User name: guardianas Password: books Please return all overdue library books. MRS. ENG’S GRADE 1 CLASS RECONCILIATION and FIRST COMMUNION Grade 2 Parent Information Meeting Already occurred December 1st , 2013 after 12:00 (noon) Mass @St. Edmund Campion Secondary School Celebration of the Sacrament: RECONCILIATION March 19th, 2013, 9:15 a.m. @ Guardian Angels FIRST COMMUNION May 25th, 3:00 p.m. @ Our Lady of Fatima CONFIRMATION Grade 8 Parent Information Meeting Already occurred on December 8th, 2013 after 12:00 (noon) Mass @St. Edmund Campion Secondary School Celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation: May 31st, 2013 5:00 p.m. @ St. Edmund Campion Secondary School FROM THE LIBRARY Helaine Becker, Canadian author and illustrator visited Guardian Angels School on Friday, January 24 to help celebrate Family Literacy Day. The students enjoyed Helaine's enthusiasm and humour as she talked about her many books as well as the writing process. Many of the author's books are available at the school library for the students to sign out. Forest of Reading The Forest of Reading titles have been announced and the students are busy reading the nominated books. The students are very excited about the various reading programs, which are run through the school library: Blue Spruce (grades 1, 2 and 3); Silver Birch Express (grades 3 and 4); Silver Birch- Fiction and Non Fiction (grades 5 and 6); and the Red Maple (grades 7 and 8). The students in Silver Birch and Red Maple have an online component to the Reading club in the form of a wiki. The students are able to post comments about the books that they are reading as well as read comments from other students. Having a voice via the wiki is a very good way for the students to interact about what they are reading. For more information about Forest of Reading visit www.accessola.com and search for the Forest of Reading section to view this year’s nominated titles. Mrs. Eng's Grade 1's are excited the weather has warmed up and they are able to play in the snow at recess. They are learning the skills of letter writing and look forward to receiving responses to their letters. They are also enjoying exploring Measurement in Math. They are discovering many items that can be used for nonstandard measure. MRS. SIVASANKARAN and MRS. GRAESSER’S KINDERGARTEN CLASS During the month of January, the children enjoyed exploring and learning about different countries with our “Countries Around the World” theme. We were able to enjoy the various countries’ cultures, music, learn about languages spoken in each country, money, animals that live there, food and traditions. In February, we will conclude our Countries Around the World theme. We will focus on the Winter Olympics, and will support all the countries being represented. We will also focus on Valentine’s Day and friendship, as well as winter animals. In math, we will be focusing on mass. The children will be involved in several different inquiries that will focus on mass. We would like to welcome Mrs. C. to our class as our new E.C.E. student teacher. We kindly ask that you ensure that your child has appropriate clothing for outdoor play daily including, a warm coat, snow pants, winter boots, hat, waterproof mittens and scarf. We are outside for two 30-minute play blocks. TELEPHONE CALLS TO THE SCHOOL Each day our office receives numerous phone calls from parents with messages for their children. With the lines tied up, these calls are often left as messages on our machine. In an effort to ensure that we do not miss one of these messages and not get it to your child on time, we ask that you please ensure that arrangements are made the night before and children know what they are to do after school. In addition, we encourage parents to send lunches, notes and messages in the morning with their child(ren) in an effort to avoid interruptions at the classroom level. We understand that emergencies do happen and we will do our best to assist in these situations. Thank you for your cooperation. ADULT FAITH FORMATION Tumble Books is an online database for reading books as well as quizzes and activities to complete. The school has purchased a license for this site. Please visit tumble books at: www.tumblebooklibrary.com On the first Thursday of every month (8:30 am), the staff of Guardian Angels meet in our front foyer to celebrate our faith Visit our website: WWW.DPCDSB.ORG/GANGL 7 through a liturgy. To enrich the prayer life of our Catholic School, we begin with ourselves. When we join together in prayer we nourish our faith development and establish a renewed sense of inspiration for our students. Parents are welcome to join us on our spiritual journey. CHOIR The choir has been singing their way into the hearts of many this year. We have the amazing opportunity to sing the National Anthems at a Raptors’ game on February 27, 2014. Although we are only able to take 28 choir members to sing at the Raptors’ game, the entire choir spread Christmas joy and sang at Fortinos on December 11 at 10:30. The choir also sang at the Christmas Mass on December 18th and our Virtues mass last week GRADE 7 AND 8 SKI TRIP The Intermediate students had the exciting opportunity of attending a ski trip to Mansfield Ski Resort on Thursday, January 30, 2014. It was cut short due to inclement weather and road conditions. Fortunately, we will be able to make up for it and return on March 6th. Mansfield Outdoor Education Centre runs a very successful ski program where students have the opportunity to learn a new winter sport, or to further refine their skills. We hope with this experience many students will develop a love for either skiing or snowboarding. GUARDIAN ANGELS ENVIRONMENT TEAM help you save gas, and above all else keep our air clean! Thank you for your help! WIKIS FOR EDUCATION Many of the students will be talking about their Class wiki and/or Forest of Reading wiki. You ask… what is a wiki? A wiki is: “A Web site developed collaboratively by a community of users, allowing any user to add and edit content.” Mrs. McCannel, the Teacher Librarian, has been introducing the concept of wikis to the teachers and the students. We started exploring wikis with the Forest of Reading wikis that students used to post comments and respond to other student’s comments about the books that they were reading. Some class wikis have been developed to support Inquiry units for the Social Studies curriculum. The wikis are monitored by the Teacher Librarian and/or the classroom teacher and are password protected. Only individuals invited into the wiki are allowed to participate and the students have been taught how to be responsible wiki users. The students have really excelled in their use of wikis and it has been exciting to see this online technology excite our learners. What a wonderful way to merge technology with learning. EXCURSIONS AND FIELD TRIPS Trips that extend learning opportunities are encouraged. Teachers must follow appropriate Board procedures. The school must have on file permission forms, which must be signed by parents. VERBAL PERMISSION cannot be accepted. Litter-less Lunch Fridays We would like to take this opportunity to ask students and parents to help with minimizing waste at Guardian Angels. Every Friday will be known as Litter-less Lunch Fridays. We are asking students to bring in reusable containers and/or Tupperware to reduce waste as much as possible. During our initial review of our environmental practices at our school, we have noticed a substantial amount of food waste is going into our garbage. Students, please remember to consume as much food as possible, and whatever you cannot finish, to bring back home. Let's not waste food! Idle-Free Zone Parents, please help us reduce air pollution by not idling your vehicle. Did you know that idling your car for more than 10 seconds uses more fuel than restarting your engine! Even during cold weather, the best way to warm up your car is to drive it gently. You need no more than 30 seconds of idling before driving your car. This will keep your engine in better condition, LE CARNAVAL DE QUEBEC! The largest winter Carnival in the world! Le Carnaval de Québec!” Experience one of Quebec's most famous cultural events celebrated annually for 59 years! Guardian Angels will be hosting our very own schoolwide winter Carnival in the month of February 2014. You will get an opportunity to meet the ambassador and a very famous personality of this celebration, Bonhomme Carnaval! He is the living incarnation of the snowmen that have enchanted children of Québec City for generations. Bonhomme is the ambassador of this celebration as well as the symbol of the festivities during this joyous period of the year! For more information about the history of Carnaval visit http://carnaval.qc.ca/en/about/history/. This initiative is made possible in part by our fundraising efforts. Thank you to Mr. Caputo, Ms. Gunia and Mrs. Scornianchi for taking the lead on this initiative. Visit our website: WWW.DPCDSB.ORG/GANGL 8 MASSES Celebration Date and Time Location Ash Wednesday Liturgy Wednesday, March 5 In Class Lenten Mass Thursday, April 3 @ 9:15 AM School Resurrection/Easter Mass Wednesday, April 23 @ 9:15 AM School Year End Mass/ Guardian Angels Feast Day Wednesday, June 18 @ 9:15 AM School Special Masses Date and Time Location First Reconciliation Wednesday, March 19 @ 9:15 AM School Confessions for Grade 8 Students First Communion Wednesday, March 19 @ 10:30 AM School Sunday, May 25 @ 3:00 PM Our Lady of Fatima Parish Confirmation Saturday, May 31 @ 5:00 PM St. Edmund Campion School YOUTH FAITH AMBASSADORS Mrs Petrusa and Mrs Parris would like to thank the Youth Faith Ambassadors for their wonderful help and support during the Christmas season. At the concert, they assisted with several classes to get ready and keep students entertained, they greeted parents and visitors with a friendly smile and escorted them to their seats. They displayed Catholic virtues by their dedication and commitment by organizing the beautiful "Giving Tree" in the foyer and attending the concert both nights. Thanks to all!! SAFE SCHOOL MISSION STATEMENT LIVING OUR FAITH AWARDS We celebrate student success by holding once-a-month assemblies. There are three awards per class given out: Living Our Faith Award, Most Improved Award and an Academic Award. The assemblies start with a brief liturgical reflection. This process provides an intimate and special opportunity for students and parents to celebrate success. Our next assemblies will be: Kalyce G. (gr.2), Phylicia M. (gr.3), Olivia S. (gr.5), Alexandra L. (gr.5), Cleo P. (gr.5), Gabriel P. (gr.6), Justine A. (gr.6), Samantha P. (gr.6), Serena Z. (gr.6), and Leah (gr.6)... Congratulations again! Tuesday, February 26 for Gr’s K to 4 @ 9:30 AM and; Thursday, February 27 for Gr’s 5-8 @ 9:30 AM. All parents are welcome to join us. Parents of children receiving awards will receive personal invitations. THE DANCE TEAMS A very special thank you to all the Primary and Junior students who tried out for the dance team this year. We had an overwhelming response, over 100 students tried out and everyone did an outstanding job! We would like to congratulate the 10 students that will represent the 2013/2014 Guardian Angels Primary/Junior dance team at the Rose Theatre in April. Guardian Angels is a Catholic community that respects and promotes the uniqueness of all its members. By following the teachings of Jesus, we pledge to provide everyone with a safe, caring and peaceful environment, which ensures the respect and acceptance of all. Because of these beliefs, bullying will not be tolerated. Your child deserves a safe environment to work, learn and play in. If you have any concerns, please contact us. VOLUNTEERS Volunteers play an important role in the life of our school community. They help to enhance the learning opportunities available to students and make a difference in the academic life of our students. If you can spare some time to read with students, help teachers in the classroom (other than your own child’s) assist in the literacy room, photocopy, count money for special events etc., we need you! If you are interested in volunteering within the school, please contact Ms. Persad, our volunteer coordinator. Please note that anyone working or volunteering in our school must have a criminal reference check completed by the local police service before volunteering can begin. The CRC is free and the form can be picked up at the office. VALUABLES A reminder that AS PER BOARD POLICY, students are not allowed to bring PERSONAL ELECTRONIC DEVICES like cell phones, pagers, iPods, MP3 players, cameras, etc. to school. Visit our website: WWW.DPCDSB.ORG/GANGL 9 These items, especially cell phones, will be confiscated and parents will be required to pick them up from the office. Please keep your child’s valuables at home. Staff cannot be responsible for any valuables that your child brings to school. Money, jewelry, Pokemon cards, electronics, toys, etc., should be kept at home. “Wheelie shoes” and “Bay Blades” are not allowed at school. PERSONAL ELECTRONIC DEVICES Just a reminder to students and visitors to the school that PED’s such as cell phones, cameras, iPod, electronic games etc are NOT to be used on school property or during school related activities, such as field trips or sporting events. If students have a cell phone for use on the way home after school, it must be turned off and stored away out of site in their knapsacks during school hours. Devices may be confiscated, and parents will be required to pick it up from the Principal/Vice Principal. GUARDIAN ANGELS WEBSITE Every few days, Mrs. Gallant updates the website with letters, information and other pertinent items. Looking for a document or information? Need to contact our School Council Chair? …check out our website: www.dpcdsb.org/guardg Thanks to Mrs. Gallant for up keeping the website CHILD ILLNESSES Please keep your child at home if he/she is sick. We discourage children who have a fever, are coughing, vomiting, or have a runny nose, from coming to school. They will recover from their illness much quicker if they are resting at home. SCHOOL BUS SAFETY RULES The conduct of individual students on the bus directly affects the safety of all the students on the bus. The driver’s attention needs to be on the road. We are requesting that all parents/guardians reinforce the School Bus Rules with their child(ren). All Students Should: Be at the bus stop 5 minutes prior to their stop time. Never play close to the road. Be ready to board the bus by waiting in an orderly line. Board the bus in single file, use the handrail and sit down in their seat as quickly as possible. Listen to the bus driver. Always remain seated while the bus is moving. Do not throw anything out of the window. Keep the aisles clear of objects (backpacks, lunches, etc.). Do not shout or cause any other unnecessary noises. Never put any part of your body out an open window. Be sure to look all ways before crossing the road. Do not damage the bus in any way. Do not throw garbage on the floor. Do not consume any food or drink on the bus. Bus privileges will be revoked if need be. Thank you for your support in ensuring that our students journey safely to and from school. ATTENDANCE Please call to register an absence (905) 595-0909, press 1 for the attendance. You can call 24hrs. An answering machine is available to take information. Please provide your child’s name, grade and teacher’s name. If an absence is not reported, our policy is to call home to verify student absenteeism. A parent or guardian must sign out students who leave early. A reminder to parents and students that an expectation set out from the beginning of the year clearly indicated that all students must arrive to school on time. Being consistently and continuously late interrupts the classroom during lessons, creates delays in the office and sets a poor example for those who do arrive on time. Please note that issues with lates and absenteeism will be dealt with strictly, and may involve the school’s Administration, Child Youth Worker and Social Worker. Please help us teach your children the value of promptness. ADMINISTRATION OF MEDICATION If your child requires medication, please have all pertinent forms (Available in the Office) completed and returned with the medication to the office as soon as possible. A reminder that children are not allowed to keep ANY medication on their persons, in their desk, backpack or anywhere in their classroom, unless ordered by their doctor. In such case, documentation is necessary. All dispensing and storage of ANY medication must occur from the Office. CUSTODY OF CHILDREN On occasion, we are faced with difficult situations in where noncustodial parents arrive at school asking to visit or remove their child. We are best able to serve and protect students when we are made aware of legal custody arrangements, visitation rights and other special instructions. If legal custody matters affect your family, please ensure that our office and classroom teachers are Visit our website: WWW.DPCDSB.ORG/GANGL 10 aware of any custodial arrangements that may affect your child during school hours. work that will take time to clean up. For everyone’s safety, please note the following: HEAD INJURY POLICY Please walk carefully when on school/board property; do not run. Please ensure students dress appropriately for the conditions. We ask all visitors to wear proper footwear for the conditions, including boots/shoes with non-slip soles. When a student has a birthday, we give them a WALK WITH JESUS or a WHAT WOULD JESUS DO BRACELET. Students with birthdays have their names called during the morning announcements as well. Although efforts have been undertaken to clear sidewalks, paths, patches, parking lots and paved play areas, in some cases, ongoing freezing temperatures combined with the base of ice resulting from the ice storm will continue to make areas slippery. Our parking lots do have ice buildup. Please exercise caution when leaving your vehicles. As always, please drive safely. NUT ALLERGY AWARENESS POLICY Every effort is being made to remove all downed trees/limbs and hanging branches at our sites. To this end, there might still be some branches at our sites awaiting removal next week. Please be aware of this when on our property. When a student receives an injury/bump to the head (however minor), it is a Board Policy that we inform parents. A phone message will be left at one of your contact numbers. This is precautionary only and we ask that you check your child when they get home for any signs of a concussion or illness. STUDENT BIRTHDAYS Please be reminded that no nut products are allowed in school. We have a number of staff and students who have potentially fatal anaphylactic sensitivities to nut products. Please do not send peanuts, other nuts, Nutella or any other nut products. Thank you. HEALTHY SNACKS Please let us know if you see any concerns while on our school/board properties. Thank our custodial and maintenance staff for their hard work in preparing our site for next week under some very challenging conditions. In the past, we noticed a number of students coming to school with soda pop and caffeine “energy drinks”. We are thrilled that this concern has greatly decreased over the course of the school year. Through education and awareness programs, students are articulating a need to drink more water, and less “junk food” drinks. Many caffeine drinks are banned in several countries because of its adverse health effects. One can contains of 80 mg of caffeine and 8 oz. of sugar. One pop can contains enough sugar to have a negative affect the pancreas and increase weight and energy levels. LIFE IN GRADE 6 Guardian Angels is working hard to promote healthy eating. These drinks defeat the purpose. Please provide water, juice, or milk in your child’s snacks and lunches!! By: Valerie S., Samantha P., Brandon F., Leah D. GUARDIAN ANGELS - PRECAUTIONS As you know, our school communities experienced a significant ice storm over the Christmas break. Our custodial and maintenance staff continue to work with plant services contractors to remove ice and snow, broken tree branches and other debris from our site; however, it is difficult This year, grade 6 has been so much fun. We have been doing so many great activities. For example, on February 19, 2014 we have a skating trip at Mount Pleasant and we know it’s going to be awesome! We have also been doing our 3-part math lessons every day. It is really helping us understand the problems and it is always taught in a simple way. Ms. Valentini always makes everything fun and every day we walk out of our classroom with a smile on our face. Ms. Valentini is also a very good listener for when we have trouble with our work. Our class is filled with a variety of talents. Athletes, artists, dancers, and singers are just a few of these special talents. TENTATIVE DATES Monday Feb. 10 to Wednesday Feb 12 Jim Arnold African Music workshops for students Thursday, Feb. 13 Friday, Feb. 14 Junior Boys Basketball Tournament at Guardian Angels Valentine’s Dance Monday, Feb. 17 Family Day. School is closed. Monday, Feb. 24 Fire Drill Visit our website: WWW.DPCDSB.ORG/GANGL 11 Wednesday, Feb. 26 Living Our Faith Awards Gr. K-4 Thursday, Feb. 27 Living Our Faith Awards Gr. 5-8 Raptors’ Game – buses leave at 5 PM Friday, Feb 28 Carnivale We want you to read our newsletter! Answer the question below and you can help your child win a free slice of pizza courtesy of Mr. Cassar and Ms. Owens. Answer:_____________________________ Child’s name: _________________________ Teacher:____________________________ Date: ______________________________ Please return to Ms. McGee ASAP. Visit our website: WWW.DPCDSB.ORG/GANGL 12