January 2014 Edition Principal Mr. M. Cassar FULL DAY KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION Vice Principal Ms. T. Owens Registration for the 2014-15 school year will be held at Guardian Angels Elementary School on: Head Secretary Ms. S. McGee Assistant Secretary Mrs. M. Kelly School Council Chair Mrs. K. Pacheco Mrs. C. Cabello GAschoolcouncil@gmail Superintendent Mrs. S. Steer Ward 6 Trustee Mrs. L. Zanella 905-890-1211 Parish Team Father Jan Gogolewski Guardian Angels Parish (905) 970 - 9175 We at Guardian Angels School, dedicate ourselves to creating and fostering a spiritually rich learning environment that empowers the individual to take responsibility for their personal and interpersonal growth and development. Welcome back to all of our staff and students. We hope that your Christmas holidays brought peace and tranquility to you and that you were able to enjoy some time with family and friends. Another year has come upon us…the month of January is named after the Roman god Janus. This Roman god had two faces so that he could look ahead toward the future and back at the past at the same time. As we get rid of an old year and look forward to a new one, we try to be a little like Janus. We know what we did wrong and what we did right, and hope to do better this year. Some people make ambitious New Year’s resolutions; others just take it day by day. Let us look to Jesus as an example of how to take on the challenges of a new year. Jesus set the example by teaching right from wrong and by teaching that love for each other is paramount. Let us love one another more than we did last year. Let us work harder to improve ourselves; Let us bring Jesus’ spirit into the lives of others; Let the New Year spark renewal for the love of learning & achieving to the best of one’s ability. Let January’s renewal allow us to focus on the virtue – the virtue of self-control. Monday, January 27, 2014 - 7:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m. January 29, 30, 31, 2014 … 9:00 a.m. 12:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. JK - Children must be 4 years old by December 31, 2014 SK - Children must be 5 years old by December 31, 2014 Parents/Guardians should following documents: bring the Proof of age Original Catholic Baptismal Certificate of the Roman, Greek or Ukrainian Rite for the child or parent updated immunization records proof of Canadian citizenship/Landed Immigrant status proof of address (utility bill, bank statement, etc.) Monday January 20, 2014 Is a Professional Activity Day. There is no school for students. Leave everyone who comes into contact with you, better than when they first came. To everyone in the Guardian Angels community, it is our wish that the New Year brings you and your family peace, happiness and good health to all. Sincerely, Mark Cassar, Principal Theresa Owens, Vice Principal Next School Council Mtg Wed., January 22 @ 6:30 PM Held in the library. Please join us! All parents are welcome. Visit our website: WWW.DPCDSB.ORG/GANGL 1 PRINCIPAL /VICE PRINCIPAL MESSAGE On behalf of the staff at Guardian Angels, I wish everyone in our community a very healthy and prosperous 2014. We hope that you had a blessed and enjoyable Christmas holiday with family and friends. Deep gratitude is extended to all for your generous donations to our Toy Drive. Your generosity has made a difference in the lives of others. The month of January will focus on the virtue of “self-control”. Each time we exercise self-control, we grow stronger in the Lord and invite peace to settle over us and we avoid any guilt we may feel from having made a poor decision. We will continue to recognize students who consistently make good decisions through our Virtues initiatives. Our upcoming event in February is an Open Auction. More detailed information will follow within the next few weeks. We would like to remind everyone of our next meeting which will be held on Wednesday January 22nd @ 6:30pm in the school Library. Sheri Cabello & Kelly Pacheco Co-Chairs, Guardian Angels School Council THE VIRTUES INITIATIVE Communication is important between school and home to ensure that all are informed of student progress and therefore we encourage you to continue to communicate with your child’s teacher. As we begin 2014, Thank you also for supporting our efforts to build community, work collaboratively, promote respect, and put academics first. Together, let us move from ‘Me to We’. A key aspect of the Board’s strategic direction is the continued development of safe, caring, inclusive Catholic school communities. As a Catholic Community, we are called to learn, grow and become more like Jesus. Catholic education provides us the opportunity to integrate the virtues into our students’ daily activity. The virtues will be covered every month during announcements, in class during discussions, and at school Living Our Faith Awards assemblies. We would like to wish each one of you a Happy New Year filled with good health, love and God’s continued blessings. In the month of January, we will celebrate the virtue of SELF CONTROL: . God has given us the ability to make proper choices and exercise full control of our actions. This freedom helps us realize our full potential as children of God. God has given us the ability to know the right and decent way to act and then to act that way. We trust that the common Spirit we share inspires us and guides us to make good decisions if we allow our conscience to be well formed. Mr. Mark Cassar, Principal Ms. Theresa Owens, Vice Principal SCHOOL HOURS Grades 1 - 8 9:00 AM – MORNING BEGINS 10:28 AM – RECESS BREAK 12:06 PM – 12:46 PM – RECESS 12:46 PM – 1:06 PM - LUNCH 1:06 PM – AFTERNOON BEGINS 2:29 PM– RECESS BREAK 3:30 PM – SCHOOL ENDS January: Self-control March: Kindness May: Acceptance February: Respect April: Love June: Fairness SNOW STAYS ON THE GROUND Please note that supervision in the playground begins at 8:45 AM. Please do not leave your children unattended in the school grounds before the teacher supervision begins. SCHOOL COUNCIL We hope everyone had a great Christmas and we are looking forward to a wonderful New year!! We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the parents, grandparents, friends and family members for your support with our cookie dough fundraiser, Santa photos, Pointsettia's Plants and for purchasing a cookie and coffee during the evening Christmas concerts. In total with, everyone’s support, we have raised $1570.00 for the school. The winter weather has begun and the wonderful pleasures that come with winter such as snow. Students are reminded that “Snow Stays on the Ground”. Frequent reminders are made on the morning announcements. Students are encouraged to constructively use the snow that winter brings to build snowmen, forts, or snow sculptures. Please assist us by reviewing with your child the dangers of throwing snowballs and the importance of preventing injury to other children. Together, we will create a schoolyard, which is safe for all during winter. Another important element of constructive play is respecting the efforts of others. At Guardian Angels students are reminded to respect Visit our website: WWW.DPCDSB.ORG/GANGL 2 the efforts of others and to leave snow forts or snowmen standing for all to enjoy. EPIPHANY OF THE LORD Christmas is over… and the Epiphany has arrived. “We saw His star as it rose and have come to do Him homage. Going into the house, they saw the child with his Mother Mary, and falling to their knees, they did him homage. Then, opening their treasure, they offered him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.” (Mt. 2:2, 10-11) • Epiphany is a feast rich in traditions: Wise Men: were kings, astrologers, religious, wise and learned men, according to Biblical scholars. From the East: Persia (today, Iran) How many: because of the three gifts mentioned in the Gospel, tradition always thought of there being three, as we see in any nativity scene. Their colour and nationalities represent the universality of the Church. Are they saints? In some countries of Northern Europe, they are venerated as Saints. The word Epiphany comes from the Greek language and it means ‘manifestation, revelation’ of Jesus to the Gentiles because He is for everyone. “The Kings opening their store of treasures offered him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.” “The most precious gifts:” they offer only the best for God. They offer him gold, a symbol of royalty. They offer him incense, the perfume that was burned each evening on the altar as a symbol of the hope placed in the Messiah. They offer him myrrh, because God Incarnate will take upon Himself our weaknesses and be burdened with our sorrows. SCHOOL FUNDRAISER Our fall fundraiser has ended and it was a huge success. We were able to raise approximately $20 000.00. This fundraiser generated funds that support initiatives within the school. Monies raised through fundraising helped provide items like new gym equipment, math and literacy resources for the classroom, guest artists, speakers and classroom presentations. Fundraising also supports and subsidizes the costs of trips. Most recently, these funds will help to offset the costs for Smartboards. In terms of determining the allocation of funds, all staff were given an opportunity to provide input through a needs assessment and gap analysis survey. From their feedback, funds were allocated for the following items (so far): Four Smartboards were ordered. They are scheduled to be installed in March. The Smartboards will be installed in the following classrooms: Mrs. Valentini, Mrs. Parris, Mr. Bell and Mrs. Lorusso. This will complement the existing Smartboards ordered last year. We will continue to equip classrooms with technology on a yearly basis until every classroom is outfitted. Science equipment Literacy resources Black history and diversity presentations Physical education, Musical and Drama presentations and workshops basketball and volleyball team uniforms for boys and girls Thank you to our parent community for your hard work and support of this initiative!!! Together, we made a huge difference. SPORTS In the world of sports, it is a brand new year and that means it is time for brand new teams. 2013 was a busy and successful year for sports at Guardian Angels and 2014 promises to be the same. BASKETBALL The Junior boys and girls have been working hard at practice in preparation for the upcoming season. The Brampton West Family Tournaments have been scheduled for late February. Please stay tuned for exact tournament dates as they become available. HOCKEY Guardian Angels will once again be competing in the Brampton Northwest Annual Hockey Tournament! Coaches Morris and Bell were extremely proud of their team last year as they were one goal away from advancing to the finals! We have a lot of returning players this year and hope for an even better result. The tournament will be held at Cassie Cambell CC on February 6th and 7th. We are greatly looking forward to it! Go Angels! INDOOR SHOES Once again, for the purpose of student health and safety, we are requesting that all students, FDK through to Grade 8 have indoor running shoes with non-marking soles. These shoes are to be kept at the school every day. Inexpensive running shoes with white soles are the best choice. Students require indoor shoes in the case of a Fire Drill or Emergency Evacuation, as there is not sufficient time to put on shoes or boots. The Fire Drill can go off in the wintertime, and therefore, we must evacuate the building immediately. Visit our website: WWW.DPCDSB.ORG/GANGL 3 KINDERGARTEN PLANNING FOR SEPTEMBER 2014 For Parent(s) of Students with Special Needs There will be an information session for parent(s)/guardian(s) of children with special needs including vision, hearing, autism, and physical/medical and/or developmental delays who are transitioning to Full Day Kindergarten in September 2014. The information session will be held at the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board -- Catholic Education Centre, Room 301 on January 22, 2014, from 7:00 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Snow date Thursday, February 6, 2014. Parent(s)/Guardian(s) are also reminded to register their child at our school office. Official registration dates are January 27th from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., January 29th, 30th, and 31st, 2014, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The Snow Date for evening registration is January 28th, 2014, from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. FIRST TERM REPORT CARDS On Tuesday, February 4, 2014, students will bring home their first term report cards. The Report Card emphasizes and gives examples of the learning skills and work habits required to be successful in school and for the future. Teachers will add meaningful, clear and personalized comments so you can understand how your child is performing. The Parent Interview Conference will be held the evening of Thurs. Feb. 6th. This is an important opportunity for teachers, parents and students to discuss their child(ren)’s progress and next steps SCHOOL SECURITY PROTOCOL We have taken proactive measures to secure the safety of staff and students by locking the front door. Visitors may gain entrance by pressing a buzzer mounted on the wall, beside the door. The buzzer activates a 2-way speaker and camera system. The Office will then be able to tell who is at the door through a TV monitor and thus, regulate visitor access to the school. Other protocols include: o o o o o o All outside doors are locked and entry can be gained only through the front door. All visitors are to sign into the office and wear a visitor’s badge All supply teachers sign into the office and wear a Supply Teacher badge All Dufferin Peel staff wear an ID badge Regularly scheduled fire drills occur throughout the year Regularly lock-down drills occur throughout the year o o o o Intruder alert protocols for students and staff to follow An evacuation plan is in place Student attendance is taken and calls to parents are made to verify absences. Criminal Reference Checks are conducted on all employees and student teachers. ME TO WE – PROMOTING RESPECT The students at Guardian Angels School really are angels. They are very eager to reach out and make a difference in the world. The “Me to We” club and Christian Leadership in conjunction with the Student Council are coordinating various initiatives that will help our local community as well as other communities around the world. Please consider supporting our students as they strive to make a difference in the world. Thank you for supporting our students as they strive to make the world a better place for everyone. They really are angels! RECONCILIATION and FIRST COMMUNION Grade 2 Parent Information Meeting Already occurred December 1st , 2013 after 12:00 (noon) Mass @St. Edmund Campion Secondary School Celebration of the Sacrament: RECONCILIATION March 19th, 2013, 9:15 a.m. @ Guardian Angels FIRST COMMUNION May 25th, 3:00 p.m. @ Our Lady of Fatima CONFIRMATION Grade 8 Parent Information Meeting December 8th, 2013 after 12:00 (noon) Mass @ St. Edmund Campion Secondary School Celebration of Sacrament: May 31st, 2013 5:00 p.m. @ St. Edmund Campion Secondary School STUDENT COUNCIL It has been an exciting year so far here at Guardian Angels and the Student Council has been busy with fun and exciting events for all students. In December, we had a Christmas Dance where students from JK to grade 8 had fun moving and grooving to popular music in Visit our website: WWW.DPCDSB.ORG/GANGL 4 our gym full of lights and Christmas décor. We continued to celebrate the Christmas season the following week with the distribution of our very successful Christmas Cookie Grams. Students received messages of Christmas greetings and joy with a delicious Terra Cotta cookies attached. Finally, on the last day of school, students participated in a spirit day and dressed as their favorite Christmas character. The morning of the last day the whole school assembled in the gym where we sang Christmas carols, led by student council and the school choir. The spirit of Christmas was felt by all as the students merrily sang the joy of Christmas. The morning concluded with a presentation by the Student Council based on the children’s book “The Legend of the Candy Cane.” Student Council is now busy again planning the next few months with more exciting spirit days, Valentine activities, and Olympic events. Check the Student Council section and Calendar on our school website regularly for updates on student council event dates at Guardian Angels. FROM THE LIBRARY Guardian Angels School is pleased to celebrate Family Literacy Day 2014 by hosting award-winning Canadian author Helaine Becker on Friday, January 24, 2014. This author visit has been made possible through the raising of funds from the chocolate fundraiser. Students will be able to pre-order the author's books to own for themselves. The pre-ordered books will be autographed by the author and handed out on the day of the presentation. Information letters and order forms are going home with the students on Friday, January 10 and are due back to the school library on Friday, January 17. Books are not able to be sold on the day of the presentation as it will be too chaotic however some of the author's books will be available at the school library. For more information about the author Helaine Becker visit her website at www.helainebecker.com. For more information on Family Literacy Day go to http://abclifeliteracy.ca/familyliteracy-day-2014. Feel free to join us on Friday, January 24 as we celebrate literacy at Guardian Angels School. The schedule for Helaine Becker's visit on Friday, January 24 is as follows: (Parents are welcome to attend) 9:10 to 9:50 am- Grades 2/3, 3 and 3/4 10:00 to 10:30 am- FDK classes 11:00 to 12:00- Grades 7 and 8 1:15 to 2:15- Grades 4 to 6 2:50 to 3:20- Grades 1 and 2 TELEPHONE CALLS TO THE SCHOOL Each day our office receives numerous phone calls from parents with messages for their children. With the lines tied up, these calls are often left as messages on our machine. In an effort to ensure that we do not miss one of these messages and not get it to your child on time, we ask that you please ensure that arrangements are made the night before and children know what they are to do after school. In addition, we encourage parents to send lunches, notes and messages in the morning with their child(ren) in an effort to avoid interruptions at the classroom level. We understand that emergencies do happen and we will do our best to assist in these situations. Thank you for your cooperation. CHOIR The choir has been singing their way into the hearts of many this year. We have the amazing opportunity to sing the National Anthems at a Raptors’ game on February 27, 2014. Although we are only able to take 25 choir members to sing at the Raptors’ game, the entire choir spread Christmas joy and sang at Fortinos on December 11 at 10:30. The choir also sang at the Christmas Mass on December 18th. PRIMARY CHRISTMAS CONCERT Guardian Angels Primary Division proudly presented our “Christmas Angels” Christmas Concert. The concert took place over two nights, December 17th and December 18th. The children were excited to perform Christmas songs to ring in this joyous Christmas season. We were blessed with a full house on both nights. Thank you to all of the families who came out to support the Christmas concert. FOREST OF READING The Forest of Reading titles have been announced. The students are very excited about the various reading programs, which are run through the school library: Blue Spruce (grades 1, 2 and 3); Silver Birch Express (grades 3 and 4); Silver Birch- Fiction and Non Fiction (grades 5 and 6); and the Red Maple (grades 7 and 8). All students in Grades 1, 2 and 3 will be participating in the Visit our website: WWW.DPCDSB.ORG/GANGL 5 Blue Spruce program through visits to the school library. The Silver Birch and Red Maple programs are run as a reading program starting in January. For more information about Forest of Reading visit www.accessola.com and search for the Forest of Reading section to view this year’s nominated titles. McCannel, the Teacher Librarian, has been introducing the concept of wikis to the teachers and the students. We started exploring wikis with the Forest of Reading wikis that students used to post comments and respond to other student’s comments about the books that they were reading. GRADE 7 AND 8 SKI TRIP Some class wikis have been developed to support Inquiry units for the Social Studies curriculum. The wikis are monitored by the Teacher Librarian and/or the classroom teacher and are password protected. Only individuals invited into the wiki are allowed to participate and the students have been taught how to be responsible wiki users. The students have really excelled in their use of wikis and it has been exciting to see this online technology excite our learners. What a wonderful way to merge technology with learning. The intermediate students have the exciting opportunity of attending a ski trip to Mansfield Ski Resort on Thursday, January 30, 2014. Mansfield Outdoor Education Centre runs a very successful ski program where students have the opportunity to learn a new winter sport, or to further refine their skills. We hope with this experience many students will develop a love for either skiing or snowboarding. THE GUARDIAN ANGELS ENVIRONMENT TEAM Litter-less Lunch Fridays We would like to take this opportunity to ask students and parents to help with minimizing waste at Guardian Angels. Every Friday will be known as Litter-less Lunch Fridays. We are asking students to bring in reusable containers and/or Tupperware to reduce waste as much as possible. EXCURSIONS AND FIELD TRIPS Educational trips that extend learning opportunities are encouraged. Teachers must follow appropriate Board procedures and by law, the school must have on file permission forms which must be signed by parents. VERBAL PERMISSION cannot be accepted. LE CARNAVAL DE QUEBEC! Parents, please help us reduce air pollution by not idling your vehicle. Did you know that idling your car for more than 10 seconds uses more fuel than restarting your engine! Even during cold weather, the best way to warm up your car is to drive it gently. You need no more than 30 seconds of idling before driving your car. This will keep your engine in better condition, help you save gas, and above all else keep our air clean! Thank you for your help! The largest winter Carnival in the world! Le Carnaval de Québec!” Experience one of Quebec's most famous cultural events celebrated annually for 59 years! Guardian Angels will be hosting our very own schoolwide winter Carnival in the month of February 2014. You will get an opportunity to meet the ambassador and very famous personality of this celebration, Bonhomme Carnaval! He is the living incarnation of the snowmen that have enchanted children of Québec City for generations. Bonhomme is the ambassador of this celebration as well as the symbol of the festivities during this joyous period of the year! For more information about the history of Carnaval visit http://carnaval.qc.ca/en/about/history/. This initiative is made possible in part by our fundraising efforts. Thank you to Mr. Caputo, Ms. Gunia and Mrs. Scornianchi for taking the lead on this initiative. WIKIS FOR EDUCATION MASSES During our initial review of our environmental practices at our school, we have noticed a substantial amount of food waste is going into our garbage. Students, please remember to consume as much food as possible, and whatever you cannot finish, to bring back home. Let's not waste food! Idle-Free Zone Many of the students will be talking about their Class wiki and/or Forest of Reading wiki. You ask… what is a wiki? A wiki is: “A Web site developed collaboratively by a community of users, allowing any user to add and edit content.” Mrs. Celebration Date and Time Location Virtue Mass Wednesday, February 5 @ 9:30 AM Wednesday, March 5 School Ash Wednesday Liturgy Lenten Mass Visit our website: WWW.DPCDSB.ORG/GANGL Thursday, April 3 @ 9:15 AM In Class School 6 Resurrection/Easter Mass Wednesday, April 23 @ 9:15 AM School Year End Mass/ Guardian Angels Feast Day Wednesday, June 18 @ 9:15 AM School Special Masses Date and Time Location First Reconciliation Wednesday, March 19 @ 9:15 AM School Confessions for Grade 8 Students First Communion Wednesday, March 19 @ 10:30 AM School Sunday, May 25 @ 3:00 PM Our Lady of Fatima Parish Confirmation Saturday, May 31 @ 5:00 PM St. Edmund Campion School YOUTH FAITH AMBASSADORS Mrs Petrusa and Mrs Parris would like to thank the Youth Faith Ambassadors for their wonderful help and support during the Christmas season. At the concert, they assisted with several classes to get ready and keep students entertained, they greeted parents and visitors with a friendly smile and escorted them to their seats. They displayed Catholic virtues by their dedication and commitment by organizing the beautiful "Giving Tree" in the foyer and attending the concert both nights. Thanks to all!!! PALS (Playground Activity Leaders in schools) LIVING OUR FAITH AWARDS We celebrate student success by holding once-a-month assemblies. There are three awards per class given out: Living Our Faith Award, Most Improved Award and an Academic Award. The assemblies start with a brief liturgical reflection. This process provides an intimate and special opportunity for students and parents to celebrate success. Our next assemblies will be: Motto: There is always room for one more. Students will undergo training week of January 13-17 in Mrs Di Muzio grade 5 class. PALS will be in the Primary yard leading games and teaching social skills of fair play and cooperation under the guidance of our Child Youth Worker, Mrs. Williams. The three main reasons our school is running this program are: Monday, January 27 for Grades K to 4 @ 9:30 AM and; Tuesday, January 28 for Grades 5-8 @ 9:30 AM. All parents are welcome to join us. Parents of children receiving awards will receive personal invitations. to encourage students to be physically active by playing games at recess to prevent bullying from happening at the school to give students the opportunity to become a leader on the playground Guardian Angels works hard to empower students to build community and eradicate bullying. THE DANCE TEAMS A very special thank you to all the Primary and Junior students that tried out for the dance team this year. We had an overwhelming response, over 100 students tried out and everyone did an outstanding job! We would like to congratulate the 10 students that will represent the 2013/2014 Guardian Angels Primary/Junior dance team at the Rose Theatre in April. Kalyce G. (gr.2), Phylicia M. (gr.3), Olivia S. (gr.5), Alexandra L. (gr.5), Cleo P. (gr.5), Gabriel P. (gr.6), Justine A. (gr.6), Samantha P. (gr.6), Serena Z. (gr.6), and Leah (gr.6)... Congratulations again!!!! MS. PERESTRELO’S GRADE 7 CLASS This term Ms. Perestrelo’s grade sevens have been having so much fun with many school projects and activities. This year we have been polishing our skills in three-part math. The three-part math is taught in groups and allows us to present our ideas to the class. This type of teaching helps us understand the questions easier and enables us to learn new math strategies in creative ways. Another fun activity we have been working on is our “twisted fairy tales” in drama class. We had to create a modern day version of a classic fairy tale while acting it out and choreographing identical moves. We had a blast modernizing traditional tales like Snow white and Little Red Riding Hood! In art, we worked on illuminations and metal art. We used a letter decorated on a sheet of paper that represented our personality. We also learned about our Visit our website: WWW.DPCDSB.ORG/GANGL 7 zodiac signs and engraved them on a sheet of aluminum and polished them with steel wool. the snake on their lap! This month we will begin our inquiry on measurement and the 5 senses. This term has been a lot of fun and we have learned so many new things. We are excited about what’s to come! MS. WAJZER’S GRADE 8 CLASS By: Eric and Danielle. Over the past few months, we in Ms. Wajzer’s grade 8 class have accomplished many things, from working our hardest in academics to helping our school with various activities. W e have assisted Student Council by contributing our time and effort to create decorations for our school’s Christmas concerts and dance. WELCOME TO MRS. GALIFI’S GR. 3 CLASS Mrs. Galifi’s grade 3 class has been working extremely hard this term! In math, we are just finishing our unit on 2D and 3D geometry. The students are really motivated and eager to work with their partners and solve various 3-part math problems. In language, students have been focusing on writing short narrative stories in their journals. They are also enjoying reading and retelling different fiction and non-fiction texts. To complement our social studies program, we are very excited about our upcoming class trip to Crawford Lake. Here the students will get to investigate and explore different aspects of pioneer life. Lastly, we are having tons of fun acting out various drama skits and singing all kinds of music pieces with the help of our co-op student, Mr. T.. The students absolutely love when Mr. T. brings in his guitar/keyboard and sings for us during music class. We will be very sad to see him go at the end of January. Thank you so much Mr. T. from all of us in room 109! We will miss you! MRS. SMITH AND MRS. VILLAMAGNA’s CLASS We have also helped our principal, Mr. Cassar, run our school’s logo contest for our new school sports jerseys. Our class is willing to contribute our hard work to anything the school needs. In class, we have been trying out different methods when studying different subjects. We have also been encouraged to read more. Our class had also been thinking about different ways to organize our classroom and how to make it a more comfortable and suitable place to work and study. In Language, we have begun Future Worlds Book Club Unit that involves reading Hunger Games book and working in reading groups. We have a balance of athletes, actors/actresses, artists and dancers in our class. This makes us appreciates each other’s talents. We are encouraged to work hard in class and we have shown great potential that will lead us to success in the future. We are looking forward to Confirmation in the next few months because we are a faithful bunch and take our faith very seriously. All in all, so far our year has been great therefore, we are excited to experience future events. Written by Ms. Wajzer’s Gr. 8 students MRS. SCHIAVONE’S GRADE 2 CLASS Before the Christmas holidays, the students wrote a letter to Santa Claus. We learned about how the mail works and then each student addressed their letter to Santa. We took a walk to the mailbox to mail our letters. The students were very excited to receive a response from Santa soon after. We also talked about Jesus and The Christmas Story as we put together the manger scene in our classroom. The students worked very hard during the month of December practicing for our Christmas Concert, and we are very proud of the wonderful job they did! We began the new-year with a Reptile Presentation. Students had the opportunity to learn about and touch a variety of different animals; such as a cockatoo, frog, turtle, tarantula, hedgehog, bearded dragon, crab and snake. The students were very excited to see the snake and were able to hold We are all very excited about the amazing changes that are happening in our classroom. The students have helped make this exciting change and they all have already shown huge improvements. We are transitioning to a 21st century Classroom, where we have turned our desk into learning centres. These centres allow the students to be offered a variety of activities that are completed by the students in teams. The centres have been helping the students gain independence, become more responsible and will allow the students to learn through self-discovery. The centres will offer a multitude of benefits. It steers away from the traditional "teach and listen" Visit our website: WWW.DPCDSB.ORG/GANGL 8 approach into more hands-on-learning style. Students who are actively engaged learn the best, and incorporating center fundamentals into the classroom can help. It will give the teacher the ability to work with students one-on-one or in small groups to target specific skills, and better meet the specific needs of the individual students. Our classroom learning centers focus on selected activities that allow the students to figure things out through hands-on activities, and open-ended instruction. It has been improving the student's thinking processes, core-thinking skills necessary for learning, and the students are having so much fun learning. Next month is Black History Month and in our classroom, we will be incorporating this into our learning centres, where we will be learning about many influential individuals who helped change our world. Please stay tuned for the next month's newsletter where I will post pictures along with the student's work to show their accomplishments in our new classroom environment. Thank you to all the students for putting forth a great effort to make this change possible. MRS. SIVASANKARAN and MRS. GRAESSER’S CLASS During the month of December, Mrs.Graesser and Mrs. Sivasankaran’s class worked very hard to prepare their songs for the Primary Christmas Concert. It was a great success! One of our highlights at the beginning of January was our visit from Party Safari; when the students were provided an opportunity to observe up close a variety of birds and reptiles including a hedgehog, turtle, tarantula and even a boa constrictor! We are continuing our Around the World theme working on a class inquiry into countries around the world. The children have explored Ireland, India and the USA, and look forward to exploring other countries. During this inquiry we are mapping distances, exploring the countries music, heritages, money, animals, and languages. We are continuing with individual inquiries including student’s interest in planets, The Earth and Community Helpers. . SAFE SCHOOL MISSION STATEMENT Guardian Angels is a Catholic community that respects and promotes the uniqueness of all its members. By following the teachings of Jesus, we pledge to provide everyone with a safe, caring and peaceful environment, which ensures the respect and acceptance of all. Because of these beliefs, bullying will not be tolerated. Your child deserves a safe environment to work, learn and play in. If you have any concerns, please contact us. VOLUNTEERS Volunteers play an important role in the life of our school community. They help to enhance the learning opportunities available to students and make a difference in the academic life of our students. If you can spare some time to read with students, help teachers in the classroom (other than your own child’s) assist in the literacy room, photocopy, count money for special events etc., we need you! If you are interested in volunteering within the school, please contact Mrs. Moniz-Amaral, our volunteer coordinator. Please note that anyone working or volunteering in our school must have a criminal reference check completed by the local police service before volunteering can begin. VALUABLES A reminder that AS PER BOARD POLICY, students are not allowed to bring PERSONAL ELECTRONIC DEVICES like cell phones, pagers, iPods, MP3 players, cameras, etc. to school. These items, especially cell phones, will be confiscated and parents will be required to pick them up from the office. Please keep your child’s valuables at home. Staff cannot be responsible for any valuables that your child brings to school. Money, jewelry, Pokemon cards, electronics, toys, etc., should be kept at home. “Wheelie shoes” and “Bay Blades” are not allowed at school. PERSONAL ELECTRONIC DEVICES Just a reminder to students and visitors to the school that PED’s such as cell phones, cameras, iPod, electronic games etc are NOT to be used on school property or during school related activities, such as field trips or sporting events. If students have a cell phone for use on the way home after school, it must be turned off and stored away out of site in their knapsacks during school hours. Devices may be confiscated, and parents will be required to pick it up from the Principal/Vice Principal. GUARDIAN ANGELS WEBSITE Every few days, Mrs. Gallant updates the website with letters, information and other pertinent items. Looking for a document or information? Need to contact our School Council Chair? …check out our website: www.dpcdsb.org/guardg Thanks to Mrs. Gallant for up keeping the website CHILD ILLNESSES Please keep your child at home if he/she is sick. We discourage children who have a fever, are coughing, vomiting, or have a Visit our website: WWW.DPCDSB.ORG/GANGL 9 runny nose, from coming to school. They will recover from their illness much quicker if they are resting at home. SCHOOL BUS SAFETY RULES The conduct of individual students on the bus directly affects the safety of all the students on the bus. The driver’s attention needs to be on the road. We are requesting that all parents/guardians reinforce the School Bus Rules with their child(ren). All Students Should: Be at the bus stop 5 minutes prior to their stop time. Never play close to the road. Be ready to board the bus by waiting in an orderly line. Board the bus in single file, use the handrail and sit down in their seat as quickly as possible. Listen to the bus driver. Always remain seated while the bus is moving. Do not throw anything out of the window. Keep the aisles clear of objects (backpacks, lunches, etc.). Do not shout or cause any other unnecessary noises. Never put any part of your body out an open window. Be sure to look all ways before crossing the road. Do not damage the bus in any way. Do not throw garbage on the floor. Do not consume any food or drink on the bus. Bus privileges will be revoked if need be. Thank you for your support in ensuring that our students journey safely to and from school. ATTENDANCE Please call to register an absence (905) 595-0909, press 1 for the attendance. You can call 24hrs. An answering machine is available to take information. Please provide your child’s name, grade and teacher’s name. If an absence is not reported, our policy is to call home to verify student absenteeism. A parent or guardian must sign out students who leave early. A reminder to parents and students that an expectation set out from the beginning of the year clearly indicated that all students must arrive to school on time. Being consistently and continuously late interrupts the classroom during lessons, creates delays in the office and sets a poor example for those who do arrive on time. Please note that issues with lates and absenteeism will be dealt with strictly, and may involve the school’s Administration, Child Youth Worker and Social Worker. Please help us teach your children the value of promptness. ADMINISTRATION OF MEDICATION If your child requires medication, please have all pertinent forms (Available in the Office) must be completed and returned with the medication to the office as soon as possible. A reminder that children are not allowed to keep ANY medication on their persons, in their desk, backpack or anywhere in their classroom, unless ordered by their doctor. In such case, documentation is necessary. All dispensing and storage of ANY medication must occur from the Office. CUSTODY OF CHILDREN On occasion, we are faced with difficult situations in where noncustodial parents arrive at school asking to visit or remove their child. We are best able to serve and protect students when we are made aware of legal custody arrangements, visitation rights and other special instructions. If legal custody matters affect your family, please ensure that our office and classroom teachers are aware of any custodial arrangements that may affect your child during school hours. HEAD INJURY POLICY When a student receives an injury/bump to the head (however minor), it is a Board Policy that we inform parents. A phone message will be left at one of your contact numbers. This is precautionary only and we ask that you check your child when they get home for any signs of a concussion or illness. STUDENT BIRTHDAYS When a student has a birthday, we give them a birthday card and a WHAT WOULD JESUS DO BRACELET. Students with birthdays have their names called during the morning announcements as well. NUT ALLERGY AWARENESS POLICY Please be reminded that no nut products are allowed in school. We have a number of staff and students who have potentially fatal anaphylactic sensitivities to nut products. Please do not send peanuts, other nuts, Nutella or any other nut products. Thank you. HEALTHY SNACKS In the past, we noticed a number of students coming to school with soda pop and caffeine “energy drinks”. We are thrilled that this concern has greatly decreased over the course of the school year. Visit our website: WWW.DPCDSB.ORG/GANGL 10 Through education and awareness programs, students are articulating a need to drink more water, and less “junk food” drinks. Many caffeine drinks are banned in several countries because of its adverse health effects. One can contains of 80 mg of caffeine and 8 oz. of sugar. One pop can contains enough sugar to have a negative affect the pancreas and increase weight and energy levels. Guardian Angels is working hard to promote healthy eating. These drinks defeat the purpose. Please provide water, juice, or milk in your child’s snacks and lunches!! DUFFERIN PEEL CATHOLIC INSTITUTE FOR INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION contractors to remove ice and snow, broken tree branches and other debris from our site; however, it is difficult work that will take time to clean up. For everyone’s safety, please note the following: Please walk carefully when on school/board property; do not run. Please ensure students dress appropriately for the conditions. We ask all visitors to wear proper footwear for the conditions, including boots/shoes with non-slip soles. Although efforts have been undertaken to clear sidewalks, paths, patches, parking lots and paved play areas, in some cases, ongoing freezing temperatures combined with the base of ice resulting from the ice storm will continue to make areas slippery. Our parking lots do have ice buildup. Please exercise caution when leaving your vehicles. As always, please drive safely. Every effort is being made to remove all downed trees/limbs and hanging branches at our sites. To this end, there might still be some branches at our sites awaiting removal next week. Please be aware of this when on our property. Now Accepting Applications The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board is now accepting applications from international students who wish to study in our outstanding elementary and secondary schools. Education means the world to us. The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board (DPCDSB) is Ontario’s second largest Catholic school board operating 149 school facilities (including 123 elementary and 26 secondary schools) throughout Mississauga, Brampton, Caledon and Orangeville. Schools are connected to and supported by Catholic parishes and our faith. Internationally recognized for excellence in education. One of the truly defining characteristics of a Dufferin-Peel education is the diversity that comes with having a student body from over 150 countries. We celebrate both our internationalism and the uniqueness of each member of our community - students, staff, parents, and parish. As a school community we are greatly enriched by this diversity. Opening minds to a better world. Located just west of the City of Toronto, on the north shore of Lake Ontario, and less than a 90 minute drive to Niagara Falls and the U.S. border, Dufferin-Peel is home to the Toronto Pearson International Airport, Canada’s largest airport with nonstop service to 180 destinations in 60 countries around the world. Plus, the region boasts an extensive network of local and regional train and bus services with direct connections to 16 universities and colleges within a 60 kilometre radius. Students wishing to apply to our International Education programs are encouraged to visit our website at www.dpcdsb.org/CEC/Programs/International+Students/ or to contact: Rita Borg, Principal of the International Student Program rita.borg@dpcdsb.org (905) 412-3341 Ext. 31460 GUARDIAN ANGELS - PRECAUTIONS As you know, our school communities experienced a significant ice storm over the Christmas break. Our custodial and maintenance staff continue to work with plant services Please let us know if you see any concerns while on our school/board properties. Thank our custodial and maintenance staff for their hard work in preparing our site for next week under some very challenging conditions. CATHOLIC EDUCATION IS OUR RIGHT! Each month our school newsletter will contain some information regarding the Historical Understanding of Key Issues Related to Catholic Education. 1. How long have Catholic separate schools been educating Catholic children and contributing to the public good in Ontario? For about 170 years. In the early 1800s there were separate schools in many cities, towns and townships. In Peel, three separate schools opened before Confederation (1867): St. James in Malton in the 1830s, St. John’s Agricultural College (1861) and St. Patrick’s (1861), both in Wildfield. 2. Has the Ontario government always supported separate schools? Yes, as did its predecessor, the United Legislature of Canada East (now Quebec) and Canada West (now Ontario) during its total life from 1841 to 1867. One of the first pieces of Visit our website: WWW.DPCDSB.ORG/GANGL 11 legislation it passed in 1841 was the Common School Act, with a separate school clause. 3. Why did the United Legislature of Canada East and Canada West keep improving separate school legislation? It responded to Catholic parents, trustees, bishops and priests, editors of the four Catholic newspapers, members of the business and professional world, all of whom argued for legal and financial rights for separate schools. 4. Was there opposition to separate schools before Confederation? Yes, as now, there were advocates of one school system. Protestant spokespersons believed in the adequacy of the common (now public) school’s basic nondenominational Christianity, which constituted an important element of the common school’s religion lessons and their readers. They held that beliefs specific to certain religions should be taught in the churches and homes. . GUARDIAN ANGELS DATES Monday, January 6 School starts again Friday, January 10 Choir taping for Raptors audition Friday, January 17 Aboriginal Canadian Lacrosse workshop for grade 8 students Monday, January 20 PA DAY – no school for students Wednesday, Jan. 22 Grade 8 Graduation pictures School, Council mtg at 6:30 PM Friday, January 24 Author Helaine Becker visits Monday, January 27 Living Our Faith Awards Gr. K-4 Kindergarten registration for Sept. 2014 begins today at 7 PM-9PM We want you to read our newsletter! Answer the question below and you can help your child win a free slice of pizza courtesy of Mr. Cassar and Ms. Owens. Answer:_____________________________ Child’s name: _________________________ Teacher:____________________________ Date: ______________________________ Please return to Ms. McGee ASAP. Monday Feb. 10 to Wednesday Feb 10 Jim Arnold African workshops for students Friday, Feb. 14 Valentine’s Dance Music Tuesday, January 28 Living Our Faith Awards Grades 5-8 Monday, Feb. 17 Family Day. School is closed. Wednesday, Jan. 29 Kindergarten Registration 9-3 PM Friday, Feb. 21 French Carnivale Thursday, Jan. 30 Grade 8 ski trip Kindergarten Registration 9-3 PM Monday, Feb. 24 Fire Drill Wednesday, Feb. 26 Living Our Faith Awards Gr. K-4 Friday, Jan. 31 Kindergarten Registration 9-3 PM Thursday, Feb. 27 Raptor’s Game at 7 PM Tuesday, Feb. 4 Reports Cards go home Friday, Feb 28 Wednesday, Feb. 5 Virtue Mass at 9:30 AM French Café Living Our Faith Awards Gr. 5-8 Thursday, Feb. 6 Interview evening SEE/HEAR clinics for students Friday, Feb. 7 Shannon Thunderbirds presentations to students on Aboriginal culture Visit our website: WWW.DPCDSB.ORG/GANGL 12 The ‘me to WE’ Group Celebrating The Joy of Christmas Visit our website: WWW.DPCDSB.ORG/GANGL 13