Brandeis University Maurice and Marilyn Cohen Center for Modern Jewish Studies Millennial Children of Intermarriage: Touchpoints and Trajectories of Jewish Engagement Technical Appendices Theodore Sasson Leonard Saxe Fern Chertok Michelle Shain Shahar Hecht Graham Wright October 2015 Table of Contents Appendix A: Methodology ............................................................................................................................ 1 Appendix B: Identifying Children of Intermarriage and Children of Inmarriage .......................................... 8 Appendix C: Analysis Paradigm ................................................................................................................... 11 Appendix D: Tables ..................................................................................................................................... 14 Appendix E: Survey Instrument .................................................................................................................. 31 Appendix F: Interview Protocol................................................................................................................... 92 1 Appendix A: Methodology This appendix describes the methodology and data collection procedures underlying the results of Children of Intermarriage: Touchpoints and Trajectories. Sampling The sample frame for this study is comprised of eligible applicants to Birthright Israel between summer 2009 and winter 2013-14, including both those who went on the trip (hereafter, “participants”) and those who applied but did not go (hereafter, “nonparticipants”). For individuals who applied to Birthright Israel multiple times during this period, only the most recent eligible application was considered. During this period, 189,129 individuals applied to Birthright Israel: 131,959 were participants and 57,170 were nonparticipants. The frame was stratified by Birthright Israel participation status and (estimated) parental marriage type (children of intermarriage vs. children of inmarriage). Parental marriage type was computed using data collected during Birthright Israel registration. Eight thousand nine hundred and twenty-one individuals were missing one or more of the variables required to compute parental marriage type and 1,554 individuals had a parental marriage type which could not be classified into either intermarriage or inmarriage. These two groups were both excluded from the sampling frame, leaving a frame of 178,654, which was divided into four strata. The classification of individuals as either children of inmarriage or children of intermarriage on the basis of data collected during Birthright Israel registration was done purely for sampling purposes. This classification was necessary in order to facilitate an oversample of individuals who were more likely to be children of intermarriage. All analyses in the published report that divide respondents into children of intermarriage or children of inmarriage do so on the basis of data collected in the survey itself (the manner by which this was done is discussed in Appendix B). It is likely that the 5.5 percent of Birthright Israel applicants (N=10,475) who were excluded from the sample frame because their parental marriage type could not be determined from registration data would have been disproportionately categorized as children of intermarriage had they completed the survey. Three separate and mutually exclusive stratified random samples were drawn from this frame. The first sample of 240 individuals was used for a pilot study to test the instrument and contact procedures and provide estimates of potential response rates. Responses to the pilot study were not used in any reported analyses. The second sample of 12,200 was contacted only by email. The third sample of 606 individuals was contacted by both email and telephone, but only completed the survey online (see below for details of survey administration). Respondents to both of these samples were considered together in reported analyses. The higher response rate for the calling sample allowed for an in-depth analysis of potential nonresponse bias in the larger email-only sample (see below). 2 All three samples were stratified to oversample children of intermarriage and nonparticipants, to ensure that sufficient numbers of both groups would respond to the survey. The precise number of individuals sampled from each strata was determined by a series of calculations that considered the target achieved sample size in each strata, estimated response rate for that strata and CMJS’ calling capacity. Table 1 below shows the number of individuals sampled in each strata and the total number of individuals in each strata. Table 1. Sample by Strata Strata Participants- Children of Intermarriage Participants- Children of Inmarriage Nonparticipants - Children of Intermarriage Nonparticipants -Children of Inmarriage Total Pilot Study 50 50 70 70 240 Main Study Population Email-only Calling Sample Sample 2,000 132 31,987 2,500 128 93,161 3,500 174 17,251 4,200 172 36,255 12,200 606 178,684 Survey Administration Both surveys were conducted online, using web instruments created in LimeSurvey. The initial email invitations and phone numbers used to contact respondents were collected as part of the Birthright Israel registration process. Although members of the calling sample were contacted over the phone, callers did not actually administer the survey to respondents. In all cases respondents completed the survey independently, online. The median time for survey completion was around 13 minutes. All respondents were informed that upon completion of the full survey they would receive a $20 gift certificate. Upon completion of the survey respondents were asked to provide an email address to which the gift code could be sent. Respondents were given the opportunity to opt-out of receiving a gift card; 10 respondents did so. Contact procedures - Email-only Sample The initial email invitation was sent to all 12,200 members of the email only sample on January 21, 2015. Follow-up email reminders were sent on January 29, February 5, and February 12. Contact procedures - Calling Sample The initial email invitation was sent to all 606 members of the calling sample on January 21, 2015. Follow-up email reminders were sent on January 28 and February 2. On February 4, callers began to contact sample members who had not yet completed the survey. Calling was conducted by experienced callers, primarily Brandeis University students. Callers received special training on interacting with respondents and using CMJS’ survey management system. All individuals in this sample were called once and were encouraged by callers to complete the survey. Callers left voice messages if they could not 3 reach individuals directly. All individuals were sent an email with a link to the survey following the phone call. Calling operations concluded on February 8. After calling operations were completed, a final email reminder was sent to all population members who had not yet completed the survey on February 12. The survey was closed for both samples on February 17, 2015. Dispositions and Response Rates During the course of the study 14 individuals who completed the survey were found to be ineligible for the study by virtue of their responses: 13 of these individuals were from the email-only sample and one was from the calling sample. These 14 individuals were omitted from all analyses and their respective samples, leaving only 12,187 eligible individuals in the email-only sample and 605 individuals in the calling sample. The tables below report final dispositions and response rates by strata, separately for each sample. Individuals who had at least completed the family background section of the survey were considered “partials” if they did not complete the remainder of the survey. Individuals who dropped out of the survey prior to the family background section were considered “break-offs.” Table 2. Email-only sample Participants Children of Intermarriage Complete Partial Break-off Refusal Not Complete Total Eligible Sample AAPOR Response Rate 2 Participants Children of Inmarriage Nonparticipants Children of Intermarriage Nonparticipants Children of Inmarriage Total 519 9 30 82 1,359 1,999 602 16 32 86 1,764 2,500 693 18 64 120 2,599 3,494 759 38 64 161 3,172 4,194 2,573 81 190 449 8,894 12,187 26.4% 24.7% 20.3% 19.0% 21.8% 4 Table 3. Calling sample Participants Children of Intermarriage Complete Partial Break-off Refusal Not Complete Total Eligible Sample AAPOR Response Rate 2 Participants Children of Inmarriage Nonparticipants Children of Intermarriage Nonparticipants Children of Inmarriage Total 48 1 6 5 72 132 53 0 1 6 68 128 44 2 2 7 119 174 47 1 3 8 112 171 192 4 12 26 371 605 37.1% 41.4% 26.4% 28.1% 32% Nonresponse Analysis Because substantial demographic data from the Birthright Israel registration system exists for all sample members (including nonrespondents), the level of nonresponse bias with respect to these variables can be determined exactly. Because the stratification schemes for the email and calling samples were slightly different the two samples cannot be directly compared to one another. However, by comparing respondents to nonrespondents in each sample separately, it can be determined whether the lower response rate for the larger sample contributed to a significant increase in nonresponse bias on these demographic items. A lower level of nonresponse bias on these demographic items would suggest a lower likelihood of significant nonresponse bias with respect to the survey variables discussed in this report. Within each sample, respondents were compared to nonrespondents with respect to gender, age, current Jewish denomination, and the Birthright Israel round the individual had applied to. Although data on age, gender, and current Jewish denomination were collected in the survey instrument, the values given in the Birthright Israel registration system (which might differ from those provided in the survey for some respondents) were used for nonresponse analysis, since they existed for both respondents and nonrespondents. Because the variables discussed are drawn from administrative data available for the entire sample, reported values have no confidence intervals or sampling error, and it is not appropriate to employ statistical tests to determine whether respondents and nonrespondents are “significantly” different. The question is rather whether any differences that do exist are large enough to substantively affect analyses. 5 Table 4: Non-Response Analysis: Calling Sample Results NonRespondents Respondents Total Sample % Female 55% 55% 55% % Reform % Conservative % Orthodox % Reconstructionist % Just Jewish % Other % Sephardic 39% 12% 4% 1% 38% 4% 2% 37% 15% 4% 2% 33% 6% 4% 38% 13% 4% 1% 37% 4% 3% % Round 20 % Round 21 % Round 22 % Round 23 % Round 24 % Round 25 % Round 26 % Round 27 % Round 28 % Round 29 12% 6% 14% 6% 11% 6% 15% 8% 14% 8% 4% 6% 5% 11% 14% 9% 17% 12% 12% 11% 9% 6% 11% 8% 12% 7% 16% 9% 13% 9% 26.05 25.67 25.92 Mean Age As shown in Table 4, there are no substantive differences between respondents and nonrespondents to the calling sample with respect to gender, age, and Jewish denomination. However, there is noticeable bias with respect to round of application, with applicants to more recent rounds more likely to respond. These results echo previous CMJS findings with respect to nonresponse bias in surveys of Birthright Israel applicants. 6 Table 5: Non-Response Analysis: Email-Only Sample Results NonRespondents Respondents Sample % Female 54% 58% 55% % Reform % Conservative % Orthodox % Reconstructionist % Just Jewish % Other % Sephardic 37% 14% 4% 1% 36% 5% 2% 36% 13% 3% 2% 38% 7% 2% 37% 14% 4% 1% 37% 6% 2% % Round 20 % Round 21 % Round 22 % Round 23 % Round 24 % Round 25 % Round 26 % Round 27 % Round 28 % Round 29 11% 5% 12% 7% 13% 6% 15% 8% 14% 8% 6% 5% 10% 7% 11% 7% 15% 11% 18% 11% 10% 5% 11% 7% 12% 7% 15% 9% 15% 9% 25.99 25.99 25.99 Mean Age Despite its lower response rate, the email-only sample exhibits a similar level of nonresponse bias to the calling sample with respect to the variables discussed. As is often the case in survey research, females were relatively more likely to respond to the email-only sample than males, but the absolute level of bias with respect to gender is small. Nonresponse bias with respect to age and Jewish denomination is low or negligible. As with the calling sample, respondents to earlier rounds were less likely to respond. Weighting It is common for surveys that use disproportionate stratified sampling, like this one, to apply sampling weights to correct for biases in probabilities of selection due to over- or undersampling of respondents in different strata. However, the data reported here are not weighted. Consequently, the analyses reported here do not make use of Stata’s svy suite of commands for dealing with weighted survey data. This is because the respondents to this survey are not being used to “represent” the population from which they were drawn (namely, eligible applicants to Birthright Israel between summer 2009 and winter 2013-14). Rather, they are being used to help explore the relationships between various religious 7 and ethnic measures among young adult American Jews more generally. Because applicants to Birthright Israel are not themselves a random sample of young adults American Jews, correcting for sampling bias alone would not make point estimates estimated by this dataset any more accurate with respect to the overall population of young adult American Jews. For this reason, this report focuses not on point estimates, but on relationships between variables, which are more robust in the face of sample bias. Although weights were not applied, care has been taken to ensure that none of the results reported here were affected by the oversampling of Birthright Israel nonparticipants and children of intermarriage. The regression models that produce the probabilities reported in Figures 16-27 include both parental intermarriage and Birthright Israel participation as independent variables, and thus control for the disproportionate sampling of those two groups. Consequently, frequencies or cross tabulations are only reported for variables that occur prior to Birthright Israel participation, such as childhood engagement, since in these cases the oversampling of Birthright Israel nonparticipants does not significantly impact results, and are reported separately for children of inmarriage and children of intermarriage. 8 Appendix B – Identifying Children of Intermarriage and Children of Inmarriage Throughout this report respondents are categorized as either children of intermarriage or children of inmarriage. This categorization was the result of an analysis of the religious identity and upbringing of respondents’ parents. The analysis had four distinct stages: 1. 2. 3. 4. Identifying parents Determining Jewish status of parents Classifying respondents as children of intermarriage or children of inmarriage Manual coding of complex or ambiguous cases The first stage of analysis involved identifying the parents of each respondent. In 99% of cases the respondent lived with a mother and a father during childhood, although in 21% of cases the parents separated at some point before the respondent left home. The other 1% of cases included single parents (N=23) and other situations such as guardianship (N=9). The second stage of analysis involved determining the Jewish status of each parent. First, a variable was created measuring the Jewish upbringing of each parent, with the following categories: Unambiguously Jewish = 2 Jewish parents, raised Jewish or atheist/agnostic/nothing Child of intermarriage raised Jewish = 1 Jewish parent, raised Jewish Child of intermarriage raised atheist/agnostic/nothing = 1 Jewish parent, raised atheist/agnostic/nothing Child of intermarriage raised other religion = 1 Jewish parent, raised other religion (usually Christian) Unambiguously not Jewish = 2 non-Jewish parents, raised atheist/agnostic/nothing or other religion (usually Christian) UNKNOWN = response to question about parents was “It’s complicated,” or raised Jewish and another religion, or raised Jewish by 2 non-Jews, or raised other religion by 2 Jews Second, a variable was created measuring the current Jewish status of each parent, with the following categories: JBR (Jewish by religion) = religion is Jewish JNR (Jew of no religion) = religion is atheist/agnostic/nothing, but Jewish or partially Jewish aside from religion Atheist/agnostic/nothing = religion is atheist/agnostic/nothing, not Jewish or partially Jewish aside from religion Other religion = religion is other religion (usually Christian), not Jewish or partially Jewish aside from religion UNKNOWN = religion is other religion (usually Christian) and Jewish or partially Jewish aside from religion, or religion is Jewish and another religion 9 Third, a new variable was created for each parent by the intersection of these two variables, with the following categories Not Jewish Jewish Jewish AFTER respondent age 13 UNKNOWN Raised This was done in the following manner: JBR JNR Unambiguously Jewish Child of intermarriage raised Jewish Child of intermarriage raised atheist/ agnostic/ nothing Child of intermarriage raised other religion Unambiguously not Jewish Jewish Jewish Current Atheist/ agnostic/ nothing Jewish Jewish Jewish Jewish UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Other religion UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Jewish UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Jewish UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN IF formal conversion by resp. age 13, then Jewish; IF formal conversion AFTER resp. age 13, then Jewish AFTER resp. age 13; else UNKNOWN IF formal conversion by resp. age 13, then Jewish; IF formal conversion AFTER resp. age 13, then Jewish AFTER resp. age 13; else UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Not Jewish Not Jewish UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN The third stage of analysis involved classifying respondents as children of intermarriage or children of inmarriage. For the 99% of cases where the respondent lived with two parents during childhood, this classification was done using the following schema: 10 Not Jewish Not Jewish Father Jewish Jewish AFTER resp. age 13 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN (N=0) Intermarried (N=524) UNKNOWN (N=1) UNKNOWN (N=51) Mother Jewish Jewish AFTER resp. age 13 Intermarried UNKNOWN (N=448) (N=0) Inmarried Intermarried (N=1,341) (N=4) Intermarried UNKNOWN (N=7) (N=0) UNKNOWN UNKNOWN (N=144) (N=1) UNKNOWN UNKNOWN (N=33) UNKNOWN (N=121) UNKNOWN (N=0) UNKNOWN (N=13) Cases of single parents were classified as “inmarried” if the parent was Jewish, “UNKNOWN” otherwise, and cases of guardianship and other situations were also classified as “UNKNOWN.” In addition: There were 158 respondents where either (1) one parent was Jewish and the other parent was raised unambiguously not Jewish and currently identifies as atheist/agnostic/nothing or other religion (usually Christian) and hadn’t formally converted to Judaism, but considered him/herself Jewish or partially Jewish aside from religion OR (2) one parent was Jewish and the other parent was raised unambiguously not Jewish and currently identified as Jewish by religion but hadn’t formally converted to Judaism. These respondents were classified as “intermarried.” There were 3 respondents where one parent was Jewish and the other parent was a child of intermarriage raised atheist/agnostic/nothing and currently atheist/agnostic/nothing. These respondents were classified as “inmarried.” The fourth stage of analysis involved manual coding of complex or ambiguous cases. There were 223 respondents who had been classified as “unknown” in the analysis above. Three different CMJS researchers independently examined each of the 223 cases, classifying them as either “Inmarried,” “Intermarried” or “Neither” based on an examination of all available data, including open-ended responses. For 100 of these cases 2 or 3 coders were in agreement, and the case was assigned accordingly. All other cases were deemed “Neither.” One coder then examined 76 cases where data was missing for one or more relevant questions and was able to assign 65 of them to one of the three categories. Finally, all 28 cases where one parent died during the respondent’s childhood were reassessed for consistency of coding, and 3 of those cases were moved. After all of these analyses were completed, the resulting variable describing respondents’ parents was distributed as follows: N Inmarried 1,434 Intermarried 1,229 Neither 139 Missing 36 Total 2,838 This is the variable used in all reported analyses. Percent 50.5% 43.3% 4.9% 1.3% 100% 11 Appendix C: Analysis Paradigm The findings discussed in Part Two and Part Three of the report are based on a series of regression models, which are presented in Appendix D. Regression models estimate the statistical relationship between a given outcome measure and multiple predictors. These models are then used to calculate predictions—that is, the probability of a given outcome is calculated based on different sets of predictors. Regression models Background / Upbringing The table below describes the independent variables included in these models. Note that the two interaction terms are only included in models where they were found to be significant. 1 Variable name intmarpar Type Nominal, entered in model as two dummy variables chjewritual_new Interval scale intjewed Nominal, entered in model as two dummy variables jsocial Interval scale chbackground Interval scale Description Parental marriage type: 0=Inmarried 1=Intermarried (omitted category) 10=Neither1 Mokken scale of childhood Jewish ritual practice. Six rituals—celebrating Hanukkah, attending a Passover seder, attending religious service monthly, lighting Shabbat candles, having a special meal on Shabbat and keeping kosher—were ordered in terms of prevalence and combined into a single Mokken scale with values ranging from 0 to 6 (α=0.78). Most intense form of Jewish education 1=None 2=Part-time only (omitted category) 3=Full-time Index of childhood Jewish social opportunities. Four items—years of day camp, years of overnight camp, high school youth group membership and most/all close friends Jewish in high school—were combined into a single scale with values ranging from -2 to 10 by adding the standard scores (z-scores) of each item (Loevinger’s H = 0.60). Index of childhood Christian experiences. Six items—celebrating Christmas, attending Christian religious services, having a special Easter meal or giving up an activity or food See Appendix B for details on how these categorizations were established. College 12 for Lent, receiving formal Christian religious education, celebrating a Christine milestone event (e.g., first communion) and being raised primarily Christian—were combined into a single additive scale with values ranging from 0 to 6 (Loevinger’s H = 0.68). taglit Nominal, entered in Birthright Israel participation model as two dummy 1=Nonparticipant variables 2=Participant < age 22 (omitted category) 3=Participant age 22+ ugradactjew2 Binary At all active in Jewish Groups on campus during college (e.g., Hillel, Chabad) anyjcourse Binary Took a course on Israel, Jewish studies or Hebrew during college intmarpar#taglit* Interaction between intmarpar and taglit intmarpar#ugrada Interaction between intmarpar and ugradactjew2 ctjew2** * Included only in models for celebrating Purim, Jewish peoplehood, connection to Israel, importance of raising children Jewish, and Jewish status of partner. ** Included only in models for Shabbat meals. Linear (ordinary least squares) regression models were used to analyze the Israel favorability and Jewish peoplehood indices. Binary logistic regression models were used to analyze celebration of Rosh Hashanah, Passover, and Purim. Ordered logistic regression models were used to analyze connection to Israel, importance of marrying a Jew and importance of raising Jewish children. Multinomial logistic regression models were used to analyze religious service attendance, proportion of close friends who are Jewish, Hebrew comprehension, having a special meal on Shabbat, religion of partner, and current Jewish identity. Predictions The regression models used in this report estimate the independent effect of a one-unit increase in each predictor on the outcome, holding all other predictors in the model constant. However, the resulting coefficients can be difficult to interpret and may over or underestimate the impact of a given variable “in practice” when other predictors are generally not constant. To better understand the association between college Jewish experiences and Jewish outcomes later in life for Jewish young adults from different backgrounds, we use these models to generate predictions called “predictive margins.” Predictive margins are calculated by holding each of the predictors in a model at a specific value and then using the model to estimate the probability that an individual with these characteristics would have a specific outcome. By calculating several such predictive margins, we can estimate how the probability of a certain outcome (such as celebrating Rosh Hashanah) might change if some predictors (such as Jewish background) were held constant, but others (such as Jewish college experience) were changed. 13 Childhood Predictors The predictive margins in this report generally hold the childhood predictors at one of two possible set of values, to reflect the upbringing of a “typical” child of intermarriage (denoted “Taylor” in the report), and a “typical” child of inmarriage (denoted “Jordan”). Taylor and Jordan do not represent any specific respondents in the dataset, but rather are statistical constructions of hypothetical individuals with specific background characteristics. Estimates for “Taylor” hold the background variables at their mean level for children of intermarriage in this dataset, and estimates for “Jordan” hold the background variables at the mean level for children of inmarriage in this dataset. The table below summarizes what values background variables are held at for Taylor and Jordan. Background variable Parental marriage type Mokken scale of childhood Jewish ritual practice Most intense form of Jewish education Index of childhood Jewish social opportunities Index of childhood Christian experiences Value for Taylor 1=Intermarried Average for children of intermarriage 1=None Value for Jordan 0=Inmarried Average for children of inmarriage 2=Part-time only Average for children of intermarriage Average for children of intermarriage Average for children of inmarriage Average for children of inmarriage College Predictors The three college predictors—Birthright Israel participation, being active in Jewish groups on campus, and taking a Jewish studies or Israel-themed undergraduate course—are held at different values to estimate outcomes for “Taylor” or “Jordan” if either participated in zero, one or all three of those activities. Because there is substantial correlation between participation in different college Jewish experiences, analyses that estimate the impact of an individual who participated in only one activity likely underestimate the full impact of that activity. For example, those who participate in Birthright Israel during college are more likely to be involved with Jewish groups on campus and to take courses in Jewish subjects than those who did not participate in Birthright Israel during college. A predictive margin estimating the experience of going on Birthright Israel but subsequently not engaging in campus Jewish activities is likely an underestimate, as a significant portion of Birthright Israel’s impact may manifest itself as an increased desire to participate in campus Jewish groups, which then produces additional impacts. 14 Appendix D: Tables The regression models and analyses that support the results discussed in the report are presented below. The variables appearing in these models are described in the first table in Technical Appendix C. Table 1: Logistic regression morel of participation in Birthright Israel on parental intermarriage and childhood Jewish experiences Logistic regression Log likelihood = -1773.3259 Number of obs LR chi2(7) Prob > chi2 Pseudo R2 = = = = 2,616 54.01 0.0000 0.0150 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------participant_update | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] ---------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------intmarpar | 'Intermarried' | .1465316 .1082759 1.35 0.176 -.0656852 .3587484 Neither 'inmarried' nor.. | -.6203155 .2454071 -2.53 0.011 -1.101305 -.1393264 | chjewritual_new | .0133263 .0251314 0.53 0.596 -.0359304 .0625829 | intjewed | None | -.1549412 .1075814 -1.44 0.150 -.3657968 .0559144 Full-time | -.4523379 .1196329 -3.78 0.000 -.6868141 -.2178616 | jsocial | -.0211252 .018321 -1.15 0.249 -.0570336 .0147833 chbackground | -.1140412 .0356948 -3.19 0.001 -.1840017 -.0440807 _cons | .001588 .1127698 0.01 0.989 -.2194368 .2226128 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table 2: Logistic regression model of participation in college Jewish groups on parental intermarriage, childhood Jewish experiences and Birthright Israel participation during college Logistic regression Log likelihood = -1505.1616 Number of obs LR chi2(8) Prob > chi2 Pseudo R2 = = = = 2,423 347.83 0.0000 0.1036 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ugradactjew2 | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] ------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------intmarpar | 'Intermarried' | -.1940805 .1167804 -1.66 0.097 -.4229658 .0348048 Neither 'inmarried' .. | -.7042285 .2674657 -2.63 0.008 -1.228452 -.1800053 | chjewritual_new | .1408868 .0271819 5.18 0.000 .0876113 .1941622 | intjewed | None | -.4099952 .1164103 -3.52 0.000 -.6381552 -.1818352 Full-time | -.1472102 .1310407 -1.12 0.261 -.4040453 .1096249 | jsocial | .134845 .0209417 6.44 0.000 .0938001 .17589 chbackground | -.0132318 .0390423 -0.34 0.735 -.0897533 .0632896 taglitcol | .782043 .1102152 7.10 0.000 .5660251 .9980609 _cons | -.3147714 .1233004 -2.55 0.011 -.5564359 -.073107 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 Table 3: Logistic regression model of taking an undergraduate course on Israel, Jewish studies or Hebrew on parental intermarriage, childhood Jewish experiences and Birthright Israel participation during college. Logistic regression Log likelihood = -1510.8884 Number of obs LR chi2(8) Prob > chi2 Pseudo R2 = = = = 2,517 107.04 0.0000 0.0342 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------anyjcourse | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] ------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------intmarpar | 'Intermarried' | -.0664875 .1207313 -0.55 0.582 -.3031165 .1701415 Neither 'inmarried' .. | -.1486265 .2624465 -0.57 0.571 -.6630122 .3657593 | chjewritual_new | .0826228 .0274165 3.01 0.003 .0288874 .1363581 | intjewed | None | -.2312192 .1230191 -1.88 0.060 -.4723322 .0098937 Full-time | .1473651 .1242198 1.19 0.235 -.0961011 .3908314 | jsocial | .0885844 .0193512 4.58 0.000 .0506568 .126512 chbackground | .0654282 .0400725 1.63 0.103 -.0131126 .1439689 taglitcol | .3298842 .1055103 3.13 0.002 .1230877 .5366806 _cons | -1.134679 .1287954 -8.81 0.000 -1.387113 -.8822444 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table 4: Logistic regression models of Passover celebration on parental intermarriage, childhood Jewish experiences and college Jewish experiences Logistic regression Log likelihood = -1045.5193 Number of obs LR chi2(11) Prob > chi2 Pseudo R2 = = = = 2,351 302.31 0.0000 0.1263 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------holpass | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] ---------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------intmarpar | 'Intermarried' | -.0749531 .1466277 -0.51 0.609 -.362338 .2124319 Neither 'inmarried' nor.. | -.4790504 .2659298 -1.80 0.072 -1.000263 .0421625 | chjewritual_new | .298579 .0381547 7.83 0.000 .2237972 .3733607 | intjewed | None | -.3187662 .1453043 -2.19 0.028 -.6035574 -.033975 Full-time | -.328866 .1838056 -1.79 0.074 -.6891184 .0313864 | jsocial | .0416186 .0299561 1.39 0.165 -.0170943 .1003316 chbackground | -.0128916 .0437692 -0.29 0.768 -.0986777 .0728944 | taglit | NP | -.3944409 .1621848 -2.43 0.015 -.7123172 -.0765646 P 22+ | -.2941046 .1800715 -1.63 0.102 -.6470383 .0588291 | ugradactjew2 | .7817091 .1244303 6.28 0.000 .5378303 1.025588 anyjcourse | .1115285 .1283513 0.87 0.385 -.1400354 .3630925 _cons | .8071539 .2115604 3.82 0.000 .3925032 1.221805 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 Table 5: Logistic regression models of Rosh Hashanah celebration on parental intermarriage, childhood Jewish experiences and college Jewish experiences Logistic regression Log likelihood = -1143.4349 Number of obs LR chi2(11) Prob > chi2 Pseudo R2 = = = = 2,328 472.33 0.0000 0.1712 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------holrh | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] ---------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------intmarpar | 'Intermarried' | -.3084179 .135723 -2.27 0.023 -.5744301 -.0424058 Neither 'inmarried' nor.. | -.7327384 .2644129 -2.77 0.006 -1.250978 -.2144987 | chjewritual_new | .2154905 .0336734 6.40 0.000 .1494919 .2814892 | intjewed | None | -.4825164 .1326943 -3.64 0.000 -.7425924 -.2224405 Full-time | -.1881701 .1750222 -1.08 0.282 -.5312073 .154867 | jsocial | .0941727 .0284295 3.31 0.001 .0384519 .1498935 chbackground | -.0299848 .0421008 -0.71 0.476 -.1125009 .0525313 | taglit | NP | -.6525175 .1514479 -4.31 0.000 -.9493499 -.3556851 P 22+ | -.3318046 .1692444 -1.96 0.050 -.6635175 -.0000916 | ugradactjew2 | .8118788 .1127231 7.20 0.000 .5909456 1.032812 anyjcourse | .3737099 .1209167 3.09 0.002 .1367175 .6107023 _cons | .8666344 .197337 4.39 0.000 .4798609 1.253408 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17 Table 6: Logistic regression models of Purim celebration on parental intermarriage, childhood Jewish experiences and college Jewish experiences Logistic regression Log likelihood = -1075.4705 Number of obs LR chi2(15) Prob > chi2 Pseudo R2 = = = = 2,266 376.48 0.0000 0.1490 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------holpur | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] ---------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------intmarpar | 'Intermarried' | .0626757 .2415101 0.26 0.795 -.4106755 .5360268 Neither 'inmarried' nor.. | .6944912 .7652479 0.91 0.364 -.8053672 2.19435 | taglit | NP | -.0427529 .1583262 -0.27 0.787 -.3530666 .2675608 P 22+ | -.1701759 .1975279 -0.86 0.389 -.5573234 .2169717 | intmarpar#taglit | 'Intermarried'#NP | -.5676157 .2833712 -2.00 0.045 -1.123013 -.0122184 'Intermarried'#P 22+ | -.1337158 .3234031 -0.41 0.679 -.7675741 .5001426 Neither 'inmarried' nor.. #| NP | -.5317249 .8222702 -0.65 0.518 -2.143345 1.079895 Neither 'inmarried' nor.. #| P 22+ | .0509309 1.029627 0.05 0.961 -1.967101 2.068963 | chjewritual_new | .2691427 .0327423 8.22 0.000 .204969 .3333164 | intjewed | None | -.0117084 .1576794 -0.07 0.941 -.3207543 .2973375 Full-time | .6480631 .1399767 4.63 0.000 .3737139 .9224123 | jsocial | .0694268 .0225515 3.08 0.002 .0252266 .1136269 chbackground | -.0370807 .0537533 -0.69 0.490 -.1424352 .0682738 ugradactjew2 | .608387 .1167352 5.21 0.000 .3795901 .8371838 anyjcourse | .2169785 .1139384 1.90 0.057 -.0063366 .4402936 _cons | -2.430224 .2074885 -11.71 0.000 -2.836894 -2.023554 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18 Table 7: Multinomial logistic regression model of attendance at Jewish religious services on parental intermarriage, childhood Jewish experiences and college Jewish experiences Multinomial logistic regression Log likelihood = -1708.0236 Number of obs LR chi2(22) Prob > chi2 Pseudo R2 = = = = 2,361 764.13 0.0000 0.1828 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------relservjew3 | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] ---------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------Never | intmarpar | 'Intermarried' | .2137714 .13631 1.57 0.117 -.0533913 .480934 Neither 'inmarried' nor.. | .3284324 .2654439 1.24 0.216 -.1918281 .8486928 | chjewritual_new | -.2090574 .0338438 -6.18 0.000 -.2753901 -.1427246 | intjewed | None | .672024 .1337256 5.03 0.000 .4099267 .9341213 Full-time | .3146593 .1750856 1.80 0.072 -.0285022 .6578208 | jsocial | -.0767929 .0283676 -2.71 0.007 -.1323924 -.0211933 chbackground | -.0115324 .0422035 -0.27 0.785 -.0942497 .071185 | taglit | NP | .8401454 .1547092 5.43 0.000 .5369209 1.14337 P 22+ | .4076279 .1721702 2.37 0.018 .0701805 .7450752 | ugradactjew2 | -.992363 .1130656 -8.78 0.000 -1.213967 -.7707585 anyjcourse | -.3784469 .1212337 -3.12 0.002 -.6160606 -.1408332 _cons | -.7238621 .1987446 -3.64 0.000 -1.113394 -.33433 ---------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------A_few_times_a_year | (base outcome) ---------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------Once_a_month_or_more | intmarpar | 'Intermarried' | -.0185338 .2343382 -0.08 0.937 -.4778282 .4407606 Neither 'inmarried' nor.. | -.0225938 .657815 -0.03 0.973 -1.311888 1.2667 | chjewritual_new | .2970644 .0510921 5.81 0.000 .1969257 .3972032 | intjewed | None | .6060019 .2499744 2.42 0.015 .116061 1.095943 Full-time | .8403386 .1845034 4.55 0.000 .4787186 1.201959 | jsocial | .0897414 .0298139 3.01 0.003 .0313072 .1481756 chbackground | -.1477774 .0912028 -1.62 0.105 -.3265316 .0309768 | taglit | NP | -.2461439 .1761795 -1.40 0.162 -.5914495 .0991616 P 22+ | -.549958 .2340689 -2.35 0.019 -1.008725 -.0911913 | ugradactjew2 | .7567346 .1846826 4.10 0.000 .3947633 1.118706 anyjcourse | .0656761 .1609701 0.41 0.683 -.2498195 .3811717 _cons | -3.678439 .3157267 -11.65 0.000 -4.297251 -3.059626 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19 Table 8: Multinomial logistic regression model of having a special meal on Shabbat on parental intermarriage, childhood Jewish experiences and college Jewish experiences Multinomial logistic regression Log likelihood = -1879.2968 Number of obs LR chi2(26) Prob > chi2 Pseudo R2 = = = = 2,366 765.18 0.0000 0.1691 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------shabmeal3 | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] ---------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------Never | (base outcome) ---------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------Sometimes | intmarpar | 'Intermarried' | -.178872 .1566932 -1.14 0.254 -.4859851 .128241 Neither 'inmarried' nor.. | -.0158185 .3099728 -0.05 0.959 -.623354 .591717 | ugradactjew2 | 1. Yes | .5608451 .1382429 4.06 0.000 .289894 .8317962 | intmarpar#ugradactjew2 | 'Intermarried'#1. Yes | .4701862 .1965668 2.39 0.017 .0849223 .8554501 Neither 'inmarried' nor.. #| 1. Yes | 2.104703 .6935408 3.03 0.002 .745388 3.464018 | chjewritual_new | .328162 .0309065 10.62 0.000 .2675864 .3887376 | intjewed | None | .2822937 .1285477 2.20 0.028 .0303449 .5342426 Full-time | -.0290159 .1554113 -0.19 0.852 -.3336164 .2755847 | jsocial | .0544881 .0235323 2.32 0.021 .0083656 .1006106 chbackground | -.0561679 .0418714 -1.34 0.180 -.1382344 .0258987 | taglit | NP | -.654954 .1271418 -5.15 0.000 -.9041473 -.4057607 P 22+ | -.256657 .1431809 -1.79 0.073 -.5372864 .0239723 | anyjcourse | .0996185 .1065883 0.93 0.350 -.1092907 .3085278 _cons | -.84179 .1795702 -4.69 0.000 -1.193741 -.489839 ---------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------Usually_always | intmarpar | 'Intermarried' | -.5723699 .3685947 -1.55 0.120 -1.294802 .1500624 Neither 'inmarried' nor.. | .6650604 .6051987 1.10 0.272 -.5211073 1.851228 | ugradactjew2 | 1. Yes | .7917889 .2185995 3.62 0.000 .3633417 1.220236 | intmarpar#ugradactjew2 | 'Intermarried'#1. Yes | .534538 .4126372 1.30 0.195 -.2742161 1.343292 Neither 'inmarried' nor.. #| 1. Yes | .9544815 1.086354 0.88 0.380 -1.174733 3.083696 | chjewritual_new | .5878738 .0539621 10.89 0.000 .4821101 .6936376 | intjewed | None | 1.230086 .253297 4.86 0.000 .7336328 1.726539 Full-time | 1.235299 .2099097 5.88 0.000 .8238831 1.646714 | jsocial | .1401943 .0339726 4.13 0.000 .0736093 .2067794 chbackground | -.2138068 .0920896 -2.32 0.020 -.3942992 -.0333144 | taglit | 20 NP P 22+ | -.6960808 .1994491 -3.49 0.000 -1.086994 -.3051677 | -.6868172 .2535488 -2.71 0.007 -1.183764 -.1898707 | anyjcourse | .6667758 .1731166 3.85 0.000 .3274735 1.006078 _cons | -4.112137 .3406356 -12.07 0.000 -4.779771 -3.444504 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table 9: Ordered logistic regression model of connection to Israel on parental intermarriage, childhood Jewish experiences and college Jewish experiences Ordered logistic regression Log likelihood = -2861.104 Number of obs LR chi2(15) Prob > chi2 Pseudo R2 = = = = 2,350 660.77 0.0000 0.1035 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------conisrn | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] ---------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------intmarpar | 'Intermarried' | .2097912 .1828998 1.15 0.251 -.1486859 .5682683 Neither 'inmarried' nor.. | .7852813 .6381798 1.23 0.219 -.4655281 2.036091 | taglit | NP | -.9823618 .1296341 -7.58 0.000 -1.23644 -.7282837 P 22+ | -.0327914 .154755 -0.21 0.832 -.3361057 .2705228 | intmarpar#taglit | 'Intermarried'#NP | -.8680934 .2066991 -4.20 0.000 -1.273216 -.4629706 'Intermarried'#P 22+ | -.1703574 .2341587 -0.73 0.467 -.6292999 .2885851 Neither 'inmarried' nor.. #| NP | -.8955145 .6692859 -1.34 0.181 -2.207291 .4162617 Neither 'inmarried' nor.. #| P 22+ | -.2782047 .7868679 -0.35 0.724 -1.820437 1.264028 | chjewritual_new | .1441329 .024469 5.89 0.000 .0961746 .1920913 | intjewed | None | .2932153 .1048651 2.80 0.005 .0876834 .4987472 Full-time | .7840569 .118494 6.62 0.000 .551813 1.016301 | jsocial | .1049297 .0182967 5.73 0.000 .0690688 .1407905 chbackground | .0077526 .0345082 0.22 0.822 -.0598821 .0753874 ugradactjew2 | .4182131 .0834531 5.01 0.000 .254648 .5817783 anyjcourse | .4056423 .0852281 4.76 0.000 .2385982 .5726864 ---------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------/cut1 | -1.568486 .1556273 -1.87351 -1.263462 /cut2 | .3733251 .1510247 .0773221 .6693281 /cut3 | 1.809453 .155575 1.504532 2.114375 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21 Table 10: Linear regression model of the Israel favorability index on parental intermarriage, childhood Jewish experiences and college Jewish experiences Source | SS df MS -------------+---------------------------------Model | 374.192218 11 34.0174744 Residual | 1988.92618 2,293 .867390395 -------------+---------------------------------Total | 2363.11839 2,304 1.02565902 Number of obs F(11, 2293) Prob > F R-squared Adj R-squared Root MSE = = = = = = 2,305 39.22 0.0000 0.1583 0.1543 .93134 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------isrindex | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] ---------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------intmarpar | 'Intermarried' | -.2399625 .0527266 -4.55 0.000 -.3433593 -.1365657 Neither 'inmarried' nor.. | -.0862103 .1098654 -0.78 0.433 -.3016563 .1292356 | chjewritual_new | .0479752 .0123321 3.89 0.000 .0237918 .0721585 | intjewed | None | .141383 .053197 2.66 0.008 .0370638 .2457022 Full-time | .3683759 .0580125 6.35 0.000 .2546135 .4821383 | jsocial | .0593417 .0091221 6.51 0.000 .0414532 .0772302 chbackground | .0123235 .0172313 0.72 0.475 -.021467 .046114 | taglit | NP | -.2745647 .0507674 -5.41 0.000 -.3741194 -.17501 P 22+ | -.049443 .0586239 -0.84 0.399 -.1644044 .0655184 | ugradactjew2 | .2749034 .0422835 6.50 0.000 .1919856 .3578213 anyjcourse | .0310509 .0430885 0.72 0.471 -.0534455 .1155474 _cons | 2.883394 .0715681 40.29 0.000 2.743049 3.023739 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table 11: Multinomial logistic regression model of Hebrew comprehension on parental intermarriage, childhood Jewish experiences and college Jewish experiences Multinomial logistic regression Log likelihood = -1545.4007 Number of obs LR chi2(22) Prob > chi2 Pseudo R2 = = = = 2,367 1760.72 0.0000 0.3629 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------hebrew3 | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] ---------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------Don_t_know_letters | intmarpar | 'Intermarried' | -.1662351 .1712221 -0.97 0.332 -.5018243 .1693541 Neither 'inmarried' nor.. | -.5381411 .3649484 -1.47 0.140 -1.253427 .1771447 | chjewritual_new | -.3116117 .0399386 -7.80 0.000 -.3898899 -.2333336 | intjewed | None | 3.259085 .1639672 19.88 0.000 2.937715 3.580455 Full-time | .9803076 .1978693 4.95 0.000 .5924909 1.368124 | jsocial | -.0447735 .032843 -1.36 0.173 -.1091446 .0195976 chbackground | .0978491 .0569496 1.72 0.086 -.01377 .2094682 | taglit | NP | .4425817 .1764446 2.51 0.012 .0967567 .7884068 22 P 22+ | .3562053 .1983612 1.80 0.073 -.0325755 .744986 | ugradactjew2 | -.4705069 .1366955 -3.44 0.001 -.7384252 -.2025887 anyjcourse | -.2187772 .1465478 -1.49 0.135 -.5060055 .0684512 _cons | -.9023692 .2270825 -3.97 0.000 -1.347443 -.4572956 ---------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------Letters_only | (base outcome) ---------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------Some_comprehension | intmarpar | 'Intermarried' | -.0799164 .1885638 -0.42 0.672 -.4494948 .2896619 Neither 'inmarried' nor.. | .0355929 .4921029 0.07 0.942 -.928911 1.000097 | chjewritual_new | .1970456 .0407171 4.84 0.000 .1172415 .2768497 | intjewed | None | 1.341154 .2291803 5.85 0.000 .8919692 1.790339 Full-time | 1.665267 .1525428 10.92 0.000 1.366288 1.964245 | jsocial | .0876931 .0263733 3.33 0.001 .0360024 .1393839 chbackground | -.1565887 .0754451 -2.08 0.038 -.3044584 -.0087189 | taglit | NP | .0628966 .1596881 0.39 0.694 -.2500864 .3758795 P 22+ | .1104556 .1920329 0.58 0.565 -.265922 .4868333 | ugradactjew2 | .1840982 .1436207 1.28 0.200 -.0973932 .4655896 anyjcourse | .5478183 .1368593 4.00 0.000 .279579 .8160576 _cons | -2.750686 .2480308 -11.09 0.000 -3.236818 -2.264555 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23 Table 12: Linear regression model of the Jewish peoplehood index on parental intermarriage, childhood Jewish experiences and college Jewish experiences Source | SS df MS -------------+---------------------------------Model | 816.467153 15 54.4311435 Residual | 2701.70914 2,341 1.15408336 -------------+---------------------------------Total | 3518.17629 2,356 1.49328366 Number of obs F(15, 2341) Prob > F R-squared Adj R-squared Root MSE = = = = = = 2,357 47.16 0.0000 0.2321 0.2272 1.0743 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------peoplehood | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] ---------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------intmarpar | 'Intermarried' | .0682882 .10676 0.64 0.522 -.1410659 .2776422 Neither 'inmarried' nor.. | .140848 .3512062 0.40 0.688 -.5478595 .8295555 | taglit | NP | -.198185 .074775 -2.65 0.008 -.3448171 -.0515529 P 22+ | -.0634986 .0907069 -0.70 0.484 -.2413728 .1143755 | intmarpar#taglit | 'Intermarried'#NP | -.3961939 .1193764 -3.32 0.001 -.6302884 -.1620995 'Intermarried'#P 22+ | .0062805 .1363464 0.05 0.963 -.2610916 .2736527 Neither 'inmarried' nor.. #| NP | -.495231 .3679643 -1.35 0.178 -1.216801 .2263389 Neither 'inmarried' nor.. #| P 22+ | .4811054 .4377619 1.10 0.272 -.3773359 1.339547 | chjewritual_new | .0925 .0140888 6.57 0.000 .0648722 .1201278 | intjewed | None | -.0508605 .0607975 -0.84 0.403 -.170083 .068362 Full-time | .0978982 .0666688 1.47 0.142 -.0328379 .2286343 | jsocial | .0638088 .0104365 6.11 0.000 .0433431 .0842745 chbackground | -.0172877 .0196874 -0.88 0.380 -.0558942 .0213189 ugradactjew2 | .4737312 .0483946 9.79 0.000 .3788305 .5686318 anyjcourse | .1960881 .0493683 3.97 0.000 .0992779 .2928984 _cons | 2.735585 .0879459 31.11 0.000 2.563125 2.908045 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24 Table 13: Multinomial logistic regression model of proportion of close friends Jewish on parental intermarriage, childhood Jewish experiences and college Jewish experiences Multinomial logistic regression Log likelihood = -1918.5901 Number of obs LR chi2(22) Prob > chi2 Pseudo R2 = = = = 2,368 577.93 0.0000 0.1309 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------friendsjew3b | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] ---------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------None_a_few | (base outcome) ---------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------About_half | intmarpar | 'Intermarried' | -.4467394 .1363515 -3.28 0.001 -.7139834 -.1794953 Neither 'inmarried' nor.. | -.2079552 .2781521 -0.75 0.455 -.7531232 .3372128 | chjewritual_new | -.070245 .0323145 -2.17 0.030 -.1335801 -.0069098 | intjewed | None | -.053185 .1409149 -0.38 0.706 -.3293733 .2230032 Full-time | .4529243 .1544906 2.93 0.003 .1501282 .7557203 | jsocial | .1698481 .0251167 6.76 0.000 .1206203 .2190759 chbackground | .0767972 .0444434 1.73 0.084 -.0103102 .1639046 | taglit | NP | -.1127709 .1319009 -0.85 0.393 -.3712919 .1457502 P 22+ | -.1105832 .1514644 -0.73 0.465 -.4074479 .1862815 | ugradactjew2 | .4102586 .1092423 3.76 0.000 .1961477 .6243696 anyjcourse | .1053135 .1121536 0.94 0.348 -.1145035 .3251305 _cons | -.7288895 .1835944 -3.97 0.000 -1.088728 -.3690511 ---------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------Most_all | intmarpar | 'Intermarried' | -.7696284 .2037904 -3.78 0.000 -1.16905 -.3702066 Neither 'inmarried' nor.. | -.4211698 .4909678 -0.86 0.391 -1.383449 .5411094 | chjewritual_new | -.0514369 .0426565 -1.21 0.228 -.1350421 .0321682 | intjewed | None | .6484423 .2069257 3.13 0.002 .2428754 1.054009 Full-time | 1.125226 .1741355 6.46 0.000 .7839269 1.466525 | jsocial | .3490426 .0296153 11.79 0.000 .2909977 .4070875 chbackground | -.2354883 .0802424 -2.93 0.003 -.3927606 -.078216 | taglit | NP | -.1191236 .1669938 -0.71 0.476 -.4464254 .2081782 P 22+ | -.2110723 .2035106 -1.04 0.300 -.6099457 .1878011 | ugradactjew2 | .6268296 .1502745 4.17 0.000 .3322971 .9213622 anyjcourse | .4194669 .1442432 2.91 0.004 .1367554 .7021784 _cons | -1.74598 .2456373 -7.11 0.000 -2.227421 -1.26454 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25 Table 14: Multinomial logistic regression model of Jewish partner on parental intermarriage, childhood Jewish experiences and college Jewish experiences Multinomial logistic regression Log likelihood = -2345.4545 Number of obs LR chi2(30) Prob > chi2 Pseudo R2 = = = = 2,344 191.10 0.0000 0.0391 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------partner3 | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] ---------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------No_partner | (base outcome) ---------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------Jewish_partner | intmarpar | 'Intermarried' | .1385388 .2918813 0.47 0.635 -.4335381 .7106157 Neither 'inmarried' nor.. | -.5093558 1.112147 -0.46 0.647 -2.689124 1.670413 | taglit | NP | .8074347 .1873986 4.31 0.000 .4401402 1.174729 P 22+ | .6367416 .229338 2.78 0.005 .1872474 1.086236 | intmarpar#taglit | 'Intermarried'#NP | -.6555599 .3264807 -2.01 0.045 -1.29545 -.0156696 'Intermarried'#P 22+ | .0728723 .3663042 0.20 0.842 -.6450708 .7908153 Neither 'inmarried' nor.. #| NP | -.5981978 1.178308 -0.51 0.612 -2.90764 1.711244 Neither 'inmarried' nor.. #| P 22+ | 1.129259 1.349719 0.84 0.403 -1.516142 3.77466 | chjewritual_new | -.0597281 .0371658 -1.61 0.108 -.1325717 .0131155 | intjewed | None | .0440485 .1648715 0.27 0.789 -.2790936 .3671907 Full-time | .045209 .1642539 0.28 0.783 -.2767228 .3671408 | jsocial | .0599855 .0254403 2.36 0.018 .0101233 .1098476 chbackground | -.009172 .0567255 -0.16 0.872 -.1203521 .102008 ugradactjew2 | .1768401 .1275214 1.39 0.166 -.0730973 .4267775 anyjcourse | .4509256 .1248544 3.61 0.000 .2062154 .6956357 _cons | -1.457499 .2308238 -6.31 0.000 -1.909906 -1.005093 ---------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------Non_Jewish_partner | intmarpar | 'Intermarried' | .4862258 .2269317 2.14 0.032 .0414479 .9310038 Neither 'inmarried' nor.. | -.1241378 .7400905 -0.17 0.867 -1.574689 1.326413 | taglit | NP | .7099286 .1694761 4.19 0.000 .3777616 1.042096 P 22+ | .6604503 .2005288 3.29 0.001 .2674211 1.05348 | intmarpar#taglit | 'Intermarried'#NP | -.4438571 .253144 -1.75 0.080 -.9400103 .0522961 'Intermarried'#P 22+ | -.0879134 .2901349 -0.30 0.762 -.6565674 .4807406 Neither 'inmarried' nor.. #| NP | -.2090861 .7695384 -0.27 0.786 -1.717354 1.299182 Neither 'inmarried' nor.. #| P 22+ | .7851578 .9557218 0.82 0.411 -1.088023 2.658338 | chjewritual_new | -.0339245 .0297272 -1.14 0.254 -.0921887 .0243397 | intjewed | None | -.2175942 .1272686 -1.71 0.087 -.467036 .0318476 Full-time | -.1990081 .1470902 -1.35 0.176 -.4872997 .0892834 | 26 jsocial | -.0569592 .0231671 -2.46 0.014 -.1023658 -.0115526 chbackground | .078794 .0406353 1.94 0.052 -.0008497 .1584377 ugradactjew2 | -.220674 .1019633 -2.16 0.030 -.4205183 -.0208297 anyjcourse | -.0701849 .1066621 -0.66 0.511 -.2792388 .138869 _cons | -.5533766 .1923931 -2.88 0.004 -.9304602 -.176293 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27 Table 15: Multinomial logistic regression model of Jewish identity on parental intermarriage, childhood Jewish experiences and college Jewish experiences Multinomial logistic regression Log likelihood = -1725.3483 Number of obs LR chi2(44) Prob > chi2 Pseudo R2 = = = = 2,348 1309.85 0.0000 0.2751 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------jidnow2b | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] ---------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------JBR | (base outcome) ---------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------JNR | intmarpar | 'Intermarried' | .8877168 .1608577 5.52 0.000 .5724415 1.202992 Neither 'inmarried' nor.. | .9178348 .3595477 2.55 0.011 .2131342 1.622535 | chjewritual_new | -.1857704 .0414388 -4.48 0.000 -.2669891 -.1045518 | intjewed | None | 1.158632 .1535105 7.55 0.000 .8577571 1.459507 Full-time | .4873417 .2157546 2.26 0.024 .0644705 .910213 | jsocial | -.1252949 .0364961 -3.43 0.001 -.1968259 -.0537638 chbackground | .2582282 .0545734 4.73 0.000 .1512662 .3651902 | taglit | NP | .7393104 .1834003 4.03 0.000 .3798524 1.098768 P 22+ | .1931638 .2050713 0.94 0.346 -.2087686 .5950962 | ugradactjew2 | -1.045212 .1378954 -7.58 0.000 -1.315482 -.7749418 anyjcourse | -.2800168 .1459824 -1.92 0.055 -.566137 .0061033 _cons | -1.997282 .2470398 -8.08 0.000 -2.481471 -1.513093 ---------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------Jewish_and_other_religio~e | intmarpar | 'Intermarried' | .4661017 .2685408 1.74 0.083 -.0602286 .992432 Neither 'inmarried' nor.. | .1433442 .6007675 0.24 0.811 -1.034138 1.320827 | chjewritual_new | .031023 .0608301 0.51 0.610 -.0882019 .1502479 | intjewed | None | .5370559 .2414113 2.22 0.026 .0638984 1.010213 Full-time | .2629265 .3184164 0.83 0.409 -.3611581 .8870111 | jsocial | -.0833211 .0517299 -1.61 0.107 -.1847098 .0180677 chbackground | .5662532 .0784427 7.22 0.000 .4125083 .7199981 | taglit | NP | .0855233 .2629614 0.33 0.745 -.4298715 .6009181 P 22+ | .300104 .2818862 1.06 0.287 -.2523828 .8525908 | ugradactjew2 | -.0394137 .2061281 -0.19 0.848 -.4434174 .36459 anyjcourse | .2135051 .2055097 1.04 0.299 -.1892864 .6162966 _cons | -4.01505 .3820998 -10.51 0.000 -4.763952 -3.266148 ---------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------_eq_4 | intmarpar | 'Intermarried' | .7555163 .39976 1.89 0.059 -.0279988 1.539031 Neither 'inmarried' nor.. | 1.478098 .5345883 2.76 0.006 .4303245 2.525872 | chjewritual_new | .0053848 .0675144 0.08 0.936 -.1269409 .1377106 | intjewed | 28 None Full-time | 2.569969 .4079861 6.30 0.000 1.770331 3.369607 | 1.252456 .5522472 2.27 0.023 .1700711 2.33484 | jsocial | -.0179802 .0706394 -0.25 0.799 -.1564308 .1204704 chbackground | .8112723 .0794528 10.21 0.000 .6555477 .966997 | taglit | NP | .8157206 .3402873 2.40 0.017 .1487698 1.482671 P 22+ | .0113305 .3912174 0.03 0.977 -.7554416 .7781025 | ugradactjew2 | -.576921 .243186 -2.37 0.018 -1.053557 -.1002852 anyjcourse | -.2060207 .2555221 -0.81 0.420 -.7068348 .2947934 _cons | -6.443955 .6102195 -10.56 0.000 -7.639964 -5.247947 ---------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------Not_Jewish | intmarpar | 'Intermarried' | 1.935423 .5925048 3.27 0.001 .774135 3.096711 Neither 'inmarried' nor.. | 3.648612 .7122651 5.12 0.000 2.252598 5.044626 | chjewritual_new | -.2174661 .1120909 -1.94 0.052 -.4371603 .0022281 | intjewed | None | 1.262939 .4661734 2.71 0.007 .349256 2.176622 Full-time | 1.131985 .6014751 1.88 0.060 -.0468844 2.310855 | jsocial | .0518279 .090351 0.57 0.566 -.1252568 .2289127 chbackground | .2349772 .1135996 2.07 0.039 .012326 .4576283 | taglit | NP | 2.406987 1.026979 2.34 0.019 .3941445 4.41983 P 22+ | 1.441396 1.072762 1.34 0.179 -.6611792 3.543971 | ugradactjew2 | -1.599114 .463169 -3.45 0.001 -2.506909 -.6913193 anyjcourse | -.8286193 .4637209 -1.79 0.074 -1.737496 .0802569 _cons | -6.645671 1.215911 -5.47 0.000 -9.028814 -4.262529 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29 Table 16: Ordered logistic regression model of importance of marrying someone Jewish on parental intermarriage, childhood Jewish experiences and college Jewish experiences. Ordered logistic regression Log likelihood = -2158.7765 Number of obs LR chi2(11) Prob > chi2 Pseudo R2 = = = = 2,062 855.73 0.0000 0.1654 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------impmarryjew2 | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] ---------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------intmarpar | 'Intermarried' | -.9119288 .119009 -7.66 0.000 -1.145182 -.6786755 Neither 'inmarried' nor.. | -.2858522 .2691563 -1.06 0.288 -.8133888 .2416845 | chjewritual_new | .1583189 .0275098 5.76 0.000 .1044008 .2122371 | intjewed | None | .0034903 .1231215 0.03 0.977 -.2378233 .244804 Full-time | .5109067 .1273937 4.01 0.000 .2612196 .7605938 | jsocial | .1192502 .0199567 5.98 0.000 .0801358 .1583646 chbackground | -.2358673 .045172 -5.22 0.000 -.3244027 -.1473319 | taglit | NP | -.3859675 .1093448 -3.53 0.000 -.6002793 -.1716556 P 22+ | -.0895517 .1287948 -0.70 0.487 -.3419849 .1628815 | ugradactjew2 | .9199501 .0963362 9.55 0.000 .7311346 1.108766 anyjcourse | .3892121 .0966841 4.03 0.000 .1997147 .5787095 ---------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------/cut1 | .0744162 .155964 -.2312676 .3801 /cut2 | 1.137982 .1578191 .828662 1.447301 /cut3 | 2.254393 .1652289 1.930551 2.578236 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30 Table 17: Ordered logistic regression model of importance of raising children Jewish on parental intermarriage, childhood Jewish experiences and college Jewish experiences Ordered logistic regression Log likelihood = -2649.2071 Number of obs LR chi2(15) Prob > chi2 Pseudo R2 = = = = 2,298 927.46 0.0000 0.1490 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------impkidsjew2 | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] ---------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------intmarpar | 'Intermarried' | -.134441 .1946896 -0.69 0.490 -.5160256 .2471436 Neither 'inmarried' nor.. | -1.215331 .6570216 -1.85 0.064 -2.50307 .0724077 | taglit | NP | -.198393 .1422491 -1.39 0.163 -.4771961 .0804101 P 22+ | -.0649326 .1694535 -0.38 0.702 -.3970553 .2671901 | intmarpar#taglit | 'Intermarried'#NP | -.6407767 .2170253 -2.95 0.003 -1.066138 -.2154149 'Intermarried'#P 22+ | .082132 .2463399 0.33 0.739 -.4006854 .5649494 Neither 'inmarried' nor.. #| NP | .3227366 .6931765 0.47 0.642 -1.035864 1.681337 Neither 'inmarried' nor.. #| P 22+ | 1.966919 .7988744 2.46 0.014 .4011545 3.532684 | chjewritual_new | .208427 .0257371 8.10 0.000 .1579833 .2588707 | intjewed | None | -.3750211 .106758 -3.51 0.000 -.584263 -.1657793 Full-time | .1018831 .125717 0.81 0.418 -.1445176 .3482838 | jsocial | .1134999 .0199092 5.70 0.000 .0744786 .1525212 chbackground | -.1332697 .0351709 -3.79 0.000 -.2022034 -.0643361 ugradactjew2 | .8603571 .0864847 9.95 0.000 .6908502 1.029864 anyjcourse | .4493474 .0902217 4.98 0.000 .2725161 .6261786 ---------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------/cut1 | -1.24213 .1656814 -1.566859 -.9174005 /cut2 | .0812351 .1627979 -.2378429 .4003131 /cut3 | 1.314817 .1647915 .9918315 1.637802 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31 Appendix E: Survey Instrument LimeSurvey - SLIFKA (2015) 1 of 60 32 SLIFKA (2015) Thank you for participating in Brandeis University's study of the ways young adults think about their religious and cultural identity. The survey will take about 15 minutes to complete and when you are done you will receive a $20 gift card in appreciation of your time. Your input is very important. This survey is conducted by the Cohen Center for Modern Jewish Studies at Brandeis University. Your responses will remain strictly confidential and only aggregate responses will be reported. Participation in this study is completely voluntary. We hope that you will participate fully and honestly but you are also free to skip any questions that you choose not to answer. To start the survey click on the "Next" button below. There are 158 questions in this survey About You We'll start by asking you a few questions about yourself. Do you currently live in...? Please choose only one of the following: United States Another country (please specify): What is the ZIP code where you currently live? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: Answer was 'United States' at question '2 [country]' (Do you currently live in...?) Only numbers may be entered in this field. Please write your answer here: In what month and year were you born? Answer must be between 01/1978 and 12/1994 Please enter a date: 1/21/2015 10:42 AM LimeSurvey - SLIFKA (2015) 2 of 60 33 Are you...? Please choose only one of the following: Male Female Other Are you currently a student in a degree-granting program at a college or university? Please choose only one of the following: No Yes What level of schooling are you currently enrolled in? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: Answer was 'Yes' at question '6 [student]' (Are you currently a student in a degree-granting program at a college or university?) Please choose only one of the following: Associate's degree (AA, ADN, etc.) Bachelor's degree (BA, BS, etc.) Master's degree (MA, MBA, MSW, etc.) Professional degree (JD, MD, etc.) Doctoral degree (PhD, etc.) Other: What is the last level of schooling you have completed? Please choose only one of the following: High school or less Associate's degree (AA, ADN, etc.) Bachelor's degree (BA, BS, etc.) Master's degree (MA, MBA, MSW, etc.) Professional degree (JD, MD, etc.) Doctoral degree (PhD, etc.) Other. Please explain: 1/21/2015 10:42 AM LimeSurvey - SLIFKA (2015) 3 of 60 34 Do you consider yourself...? Please choose all that apply: Heterosexual/Straight Gay or lesbian Transgender Bisexual Queer Other. Please specify:: In terms of political views, people often classify themselves as "liberal" or "conservative." Where would you place yourself on this scale? Please choose only one of the following: Extremely liberal Liberal Slightly liberal Moderate Slightly conservative Conservative Extremely conservative 1/21/2015 10:42 AM LimeSurvey - SLIFKA (2015) 4 of 60 More About You 35 We'll ask you a few more questions about yourself. What is your religion, if any? Please choose only one of the following: Protestant Roman Catholic Unitarian Jewish Muslim Buddhist Hindu Atheist Agnostic Nothing in particular Something else. Please specify: Do you also identify with any other religion(s)? Please choose only one of the following: No Yes 1/21/2015 10:42 AM LimeSurvey - SLIFKA (2015) 5 of 60 36 What other religion(s) do you identify with? (check all that apply) Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: Answer was 'Yes' at question '13 [relothidentify]' (Do you also identify with any other religion(s)?) Please choose all that apply: Protestant Roman Catholic Unitarian Jewish Muslim Buddhist Hindu Atheist Agnostic Something else. Please specify:: ASIDE from religion, do you consider yourself Jewish or partially Jewish? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: -------- Scenario 1 -------Answer was 'Protestant' or 'Roman Catholic' or 'Unitarian' or 'Muslim' or 'Buddhist' or 'Hindu' or 'Atheist' or 'Agnostic' or 'Nothing in particular' or 'Other' at question '12 [relnow]' (What is your religion, if any?) and Answer was 'No' at question '13 [relothidentify]' (Do you also identify with any other religion(s)?) -------- or Scenario 2 -------Answer was 'Protestant' or 'Roman Catholic' or 'Unitarian' or 'Muslim' or 'Buddhist' or 'Hindu' or 'Atheist' or 'Agnostic' or 'Nothing in particular' or 'Other' at question '12 [relnow]' (What is your religion, if any?) and Answer was 'Agnostic' or 'Atheist' or 'Hindu' or 'Buddhist' or 'Muslim ' or 'Unitarian' or 'Roman Catholic' or 'Protestant' at question '14 [relother]' (What other religion(s) do you identify with? (check all that apply)) and Answer was 'Agnostic' or 'Atheist' or 'Hindu' or 'Buddhist' or 'Muslim ' or 'Unitarian' or 'Roman Catholic' or 'Protestant' at question '14 [relother]' (What other religion(s) do you identify with? (check all that apply)) Please choose only one of the following: Yes Yes, partially Jewish No 1/21/2015 10:42 AM LimeSurvey - SLIFKA (2015) 6 of 60 37 Have you ever formally converted to Judaism? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: -------- Scenario 1 -------Answer was 'Jewish' at question '12 [relnow]' (What is your religion, if any?) -------- or Scenario 2 -------Answer was 'Yes' or 'Yes, partially Jewish' at question '15 [norelnow]' (ASIDE from religion, do you consider yourself Jewish or partially Jewish?) -------- or Scenario 3 -------Answer was at question '14 [relother]' (What other religion(s) do you identify with? (check all that apply)) Please choose only one of the following: No Yes In the process of converting 1/21/2015 10:42 AM LimeSurvey - SLIFKA (2015) 7 of 60 38 What year did that conversion take place? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: ((convert == "1")) Please choose only one of the following: 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 1/21/2015 10:42 AM LimeSurvey - SLIFKA (2015) 8 of 60 39 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Do you consider yourself to be...? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: ((relnow.NAOK == "4") OR (norelnow.NAOK == "1" or norelnow.NAOK == "2") OR (relother_4.NAOK == "Y")) Please choose only one of the following: Secular/Culturally Jewish Just Jewish Reform Reconstructionist Conservative Orthodox Other. Please specify: 1/21/2015 10:42 AM LimeSurvey - SLIFKA (2015) 9 of 60 40 Your Activities As an UNDERGRADUATE, how active were you in...? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: -------- Scenario 1 -------- Answer was 'No' at question '6 [student]' (Are you currently a student in a degree-granting program at a college or university?) and Answer was 'Associate's degree (AA, ADN, etc.)' or 'Bachelor's degree (BA, BS, etc.)' or 'Master's degree (MA, MBA, MSW, etc.)' or 'Professional degree (JD, MD, etc.)' or 'Doctoral degree (PhD, etc.)' at question '8 [degree]' (What is the last level of schooling you have completed?) -------- or Scenario 2 -------Answer was 'Yes' at question '6 [student]' (Are you currently a student in a degree-granting program at a college or university?) and Answer was 'Master's degree (MA, MBA, MSW, etc.)' or 'Professional degree (JD, MD, etc.)' or 'Doctoral degree (PhD, etc.)' at question '7 [schooltype]' (What level of schooling are you currently enrolled in?) Please choose the appropriate response for each item: Not at all A little Somewhat Very much Don't remember Campus Jewish groups (e.g., Hillel, Chabad) Campus Christian groups (e.g., Campus Crusade for Christ, Newman House) Other religious groups Multicultural student groups How active are you in...? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: Answer was 'Associate's degree (AA, ADN, etc.)' or 'Bachelor's degree (BA, BS, etc.)' at question '7 [schooltype]' (What level of schooling are you currently enrolled in?) Please choose the appropriate response for each item: Not at all A little Somewhat Very much Don't remember Campus Jewish groups (e.g., Hillel, Chabad) Campus Christian groups (e.g., Campus Crusade for Christ, Newman House) Other religious groups Multicultural student groups 1/21/2015 10:42 AM LimeSurvey - SLIFKA (2015) 10 of 60 41 What was that other religious group? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: -------- Scenario 1 -------Answer was 'A little' or 'Somewhat' or 'Very much' at question '19 [undrgradjewact]' (As an UNDERGRADUATE, how active were you in...? (Other religious groups )) -------- or Scenario 2 -------Answer was 'A little' or 'Somewhat' or 'Very much' at question '20 [undrgradjewact2]' (How active are you in...? (Other religious groups )) Please write your answer here: As an UNDERGRADUATE, did you take courses specifically focusing on... Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: -------- Scenario 1 -------Answer was 'Associate's degree (AA, ADN, etc.)' or 'Bachelor's degree (BA, BS, etc.)' or 'Master's degree (MA, MBA, MSW, etc.)' or 'Professional degree (JD, MD, etc.)' or 'Doctoral degree (PhD, etc.)' at question '8 [degree]' (What is the last level of schooling you have completed?) -------- or Scenario 2 -------Answer was 'Associate's degree (AA, ADN, etc.)' or 'Bachelor's degree (BA, BS, etc.)' or 'Master's degree (MA, MBA, MSW, etc.)' or 'Professional degree (JD, MD, etc.)' or 'Doctoral degree (PhD, etc.)' at question '7 [schooltype]' (What level of schooling are you currently enrolled in?) Please choose the appropriate response for each item: No Yes Israel Jewish studies Hebrew language In the PAST YEAR, how often, if at all, have you attended any of the following types of religious services? Please choose the appropriate response for each item: Never Rarely A few times a year 1-2 times a month Once a week More than once a week Jewish Christian Interfaith Other 1/21/2015 10:42 AM LimeSurvey - SLIFKA (2015) 11 of 60 42 What was the religion of the other services you attended? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: Answer was 'Rarely' or 'A few times a year' or '1-2 times a month' or 'Once a week' or 'More than once a week' at question '23 [services]' (In the PAST YEAR, how often, if at all, have you attended any of the following types of religious services? (Other)) Please write your answer here: Do you believe in God or a universal spirit? Please choose only one of the following: No Yes How certain are you about this belief? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: -------- Scenario 1 -------Answer was 'Yes' at question '25 [pewgod]' (Do you believe in God or a universal spirit?) -------- or Scenario 2 -------Answer was 'No' at question '25 [pewgod]' (Do you believe in God or a universal spirit?) Please choose only one of the following: Absolutely certain Fairly certain Not too certain Not at all certain In the PAST YEAR, did you do anything to celebrate...? Please choose the appropriate response for each item: No Yes Rosh Hashanah Passover Purim Christmas Easter Ramadan 1/21/2015 10:42 AM LimeSurvey - SLIFKA (2015) 12 of 60 43 In the PAST YEAR, how often have you had or attended a special meal on Shabbat? Please choose only one of the following: Never Sometimes Usually Always How important is it to you to keep kosher? Please choose only one of the following: Not important Somewhat important Very important Essential If you were asked to read a text in Hebrew, how much would you understand? Please choose only one of the following: Don't know Hebrew alphabet at all Can read the letters, but not understand the words Some of what I read Most of what I read Everything I read To what extent are the following Jewish-related activities meaningful to you personally? Please choose the appropriate response for each item: Not at all A little Somewhat Very much Parties or social gatherings Lectures, speakers, or classes Cultural events (e.g., concerts, film screenings) Social justice/activism events or activities Shabbat meals Religious services 1/21/2015 10:42 AM LimeSurvey - SLIFKA (2015) 13 of 60 44 Currently, how many of your close friends are... Please choose the appropriate response for each item: None A few About half Most All Jewish Christian No religion Another religion 1/21/2015 10:42 AM LimeSurvey - SLIFKA (2015) 14 of 60 Adults lived with 45 We'll now ask some questions about your household while you were growing up. Which of the following best desribes whom you lived with from the time you were born until age 18 or until you left home (whichever came first)? Please choose only one of the following: Lived with both mother and father in the same household Lived with both mother and father in the same household until they separated; then lived exclusively with one parent Lived with both mother and father in the same household until they separated; then lived primarily with one parent Lived with both mother and father in the same household until they separated; then lived equally with both parents Something else. Please explain: 1/21/2015 10:42 AM LimeSurvey - SLIFKA (2015) 15 of 60 46 How old were you when your mother and father separated? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: ((adultslw.NAOK == "2" or adultslw.NAOK == "3" or adultslw.NAOK == "4")) Please choose only one of the following: Less than 1 year old 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 After your mother and father separated, did you {if((adultslw==2), 'exclusively', 'primarily')} live with...? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: adultslw.NAOK == 2 or adultslw.NAOK == 3 Please choose only one of the following: Mother Father 1/21/2015 10:42 AM LimeSurvey - SLIFKA (2015) 16 of 60 47 Did your MOTHER remarry before you were 18 or left home (whichever came first)? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: adultslw.NAOK == 2 or adultslw.NAOK == 3 or adultslw.NAOK == 4 Please choose only one of the following: No Yes How old were you when your MOTHER remarried? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: mthrremar == 1 Please choose only one of the following: Before I was 1 year old 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1/21/2015 10:42 AM LimeSurvey - SLIFKA (2015) 17 of 60 48 Did your FATHER remarry before you were 18 or left home (whichever came first)? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: adultslw.NAOK == 2 or adultslw.NAOK == 3 or adultslw.NAOK == 4 Please choose only one of the following: No Yes How old were you when your FATHER remarried? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: fthrremar == 1 Please choose only one of the following: Before I was 1 year old 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1/21/2015 10:42 AM LimeSurvey - SLIFKA (2015) 18 of 60 49 With whom did you live from the time you were born until age 18 or until you left home (whichever came first)? Please include ALL those you lived with full-time AND those you lived with part-time. Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: ((adultslw.NAOK == "-oth-")) Please choose all that apply: Mother Father Stepmother Stepfather Other adult 1. Please specify below. Other adult 2. Please specify below. Who was that {if(((adults_5.NAOK == "Y") and (adults_6.NAOK=="Y")), 'FIRST other', 'other')} adult? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: adults_5.NAOK == "Y" Please write your answer here: Who was that SECOND other adult? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: adults_6.NAOK == "Y" Please write your answer here: Is your MOTHER still living? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: ((adults_1.NAOK == "Y") OR (adultslw.NAOK == "1" or adultslw.NAOK == "2" or adultslw.NAOK == "3" or adultslw.NAOK == "4")) Please choose only one of the following: No Yes 1/21/2015 10:42 AM LimeSurvey - SLIFKA (2015) 19 of 60 50 Is your FATHER still living? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: ((adults_2.NAOK == "Y") OR (adultslw.NAOK == "1" or adultslw.NAOK == "2" or adultslw.NAOK == "3" or adultslw.NAOK == "4")) Please choose only one of the following: No Yes Is your STEPMOTHER still living? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: (fthrremar.NAOK == 1) or (adults_3.NAOK == "Y") Please choose only one of the following: No Yes Is your STEPFATHER still living? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: (mthrremar.NAOK == 1) or (adults_4.NAOK == "Y") Please choose only one of the following: No Yes Is that other adult still living? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: ((adults_5.NAOK == "Y") and (is_empty(adults_6.NAOK))) Please choose only one of the following: No Yes 1/21/2015 10:42 AM LimeSurvey - SLIFKA (2015) 20 of 60 51 Is that FIRST adult still living? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: (adults_5.NAOK == "Y") and (adults_6.NAOK == "Y") Please choose only one of the following: No Yes Is that SECOND adult still living? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: (adults_6.NAOK == "Y") Please choose only one of the following: No Yes 1/21/2015 10:42 AM LimeSurvey - SLIFKA (2015) 21 of 60 Adults 2 52 We'll now ask you a few questions about the adults you lived with. Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: ! is_empty(adultslw) {if(livemom == 0, 'Before she passed away, what' , 'What')} {if(livemom == 0, 'was' , 'is')} your MOTHER'S {if(livemom == 0, '' , 'present')} religion, if any? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: ((adults_1.NAOK == "Y") OR (adultslw.NAOK == "1" or adultslw.NAOK == "2" or adultslw.NAOK == "3" or adultslw.NAOK == "4")) Please choose only one of the following: Jewish Christian Atheist or agnostic Nothing in particular Something else. Please describe: ASIDE from religion, {if(livemom == 0, 'did' , 'does')} your MOTHER consider herself Jewish or partially Jewish? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: Answer was 'Christian' or 'Atheist or agnostic' or 'Nothing in particular ' or 'Other' at question '52 [jewmom]' ({if(livemom == 0, 'Before she passed away, what' , 'What')} {if(livemom == 0, 'was' , 'is')} your MOTHER'S {if(livemom == 0, '' , 'present')} religion, if any?) Please choose only one of the following: Yes Yes, partially Jewish No 1/21/2015 10:42 AM LimeSurvey - SLIFKA (2015) 22 of 60 53 Ha{if(livemom == 0, 'd' , 's')} your MOTHER ever formally converted to Judaism? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: -------- Scenario 1 -------Answer was 'Jewish' at question '52 [jewmom]' ({if(livemom == 0, 'Before she passed away, what' , 'What')} {if(livemom == 0, 'was' , 'is')} your MOTHER'S {if(livemom == 0, '' , 'present')} religion, if any?) -------- or Scenario 2 -------Answer was 'Yes' or 'Yes, partially Jewish' at question '53 [noreligmom]' (ASIDE from religion, {if(livemom == 0, 'did' , 'does')} your MOTHER consider herself Jewish or partially Jewish?) Please choose only one of the following: No Yes In the process of converting How old were YOU when your mother formally converted to Judaism? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: Answer was 'Yes' at question '54 [convmom]' (Ha{if(livemom == 0, 'd' , 's')} your MOTHER ever formally converted to Judaism?) Please choose only one of the following: Before I was born 0 to 6 years old 7 to 13 14 to 18 19 or older Thinking about your MOTHER'S parents, were either of them Jewish? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: ((adults_1.NAOK == "Y") OR (adultslw.NAOK == "1" or adultslw.NAOK == "2" or adultslw.NAOK == "3" or adultslw.NAOK == "4")) Please choose only one of the following: Mother only Father only Both mother and father Neither mother nor father It's complicated. Please explain: 1/21/2015 10:42 AM LimeSurvey - SLIFKA (2015) 23 of 60 54 In what religion was your MOTHER raised? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: ((adults_1.NAOK == "Y") OR (adultslw.NAOK == "1" or adultslw.NAOK == "2" or adultslw.NAOK == "3" or adultslw.NAOK == "4")) Please choose only one of the following: Jewish Christian Atheist or agnostic Nothing in particular Something else. Please specify: Was your MOTHER's upbringing... Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: ((adults_1.NAOK == "Y") OR (adultslw.NAOK == "1" or adultslw.NAOK == "2" or adultslw.NAOK == "3" or adultslw.NAOK == "4")) Please choose only one of the following: Very religiously observant Somewhat religiously observant A little religiously observant Not at all religiously observant {if(livedad == 0, 'Before he passed away, what' , 'What')} {if(livedad == 0, 'was' , 'is')} your FATHER'S {if(livedad == 0, '' , 'present')} religion, if any? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: ((adults_2.NAOK == "Y") OR (adultslw.NAOK == "1" or adultslw.NAOK == "2" or adultslw.NAOK == "3" or adultslw.NAOK == "4")) Please choose only one of the following: Jewish Christian Atheist or agnostic Nothing in particular Something else. Please describe: 1/21/2015 10:42 AM LimeSurvey - SLIFKA (2015) 24 of 60 55 ASIDE from religion, {if(livedad == 0, 'did' , 'does')} your FATHER consider himself Jewish or partially Jewish? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: Answer was 'Christian' or 'Atheist or agnostic' or 'Nothing in particular ' or 'Other' at question '59 [jewdad]' ({if(livedad == 0, 'Before he passed away, what' , 'What')} {if(livedad == 0, 'was' , 'is')} your FATHER'S {if(livedad == 0, '' , 'present')} religion, if any?) Please choose only one of the following: Yes Yes, partially Jewish No Ha{if(livedad == 0, 'd' , 's')} your FATHER ever formally converted to Judaism? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: -------- Scenario 1 -------Answer was 'Jewish' at question '59 [jewdad]' ({if(livedad == 0, 'Before he passed away, what' , 'What')} {if(livedad == 0, 'was' , 'is')} your FATHER'S {if(livedad == 0, '' , 'present')} religion, if any?) -------- or Scenario 2 -------Answer was 'Yes' or 'Yes, partially Jewish' at question '60 [noreligdad]' (ASIDE from religion, {if(livedad == 0, 'did' , 'does')} your FATHER consider himself Jewish or partially Jewish?) Please choose only one of the following: No Yes In the process of converting How old were YOU when your father formally converted to Judaism? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: Answer was 'Yes' at question '61 [convdad]' (Ha{if(livedad == 0, 'd' , 's')} your FATHER ever formally converted to Judaism?) Please choose only one of the following: Before I was born 0 to 6 years old 7 to 13 14 to 18 19 or older 1/21/2015 10:42 AM LimeSurvey - SLIFKA (2015) 25 of 60 56 Thinking about your FATHER'S parents, were either of them Jewish? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: ((adults_2.NAOK == "Y") OR (adultslw.NAOK == "1" or adultslw.NAOK == "2" or adultslw.NAOK == "3" or adultslw.NAOK == "4")) Please choose only one of the following: Mother only Father only Both mother and father Neither mother nor father It's complicated. Please explain: In what religion was your FATHER raised? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: ((adults_2.NAOK == "Y") OR (adultslw.NAOK == "1" or adultslw.NAOK == "2" or adultslw.NAOK == "3" or adultslw.NAOK == "4")) Please choose only one of the following: Jewish Christian Atheist or agnostic Nothing in particular Something else. Please specify: Was your FATHER's upbringing... Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: ((adults_2.NAOK == "Y") OR (adultslw.NAOK == "1" or adultslw.NAOK == "2" or adultslw.NAOK == "3" or adultslw.NAOK == "4")) Please choose only one of the following: Very religiously observant Somewhat religiously observant A little religiously observant Not at all religiously observant 1/21/2015 10:42 AM LimeSurvey - SLIFKA (2015) 26 of 60 57 {if(livestepmom == 0, 'Before she passed away, what' , 'What')} {if(livestepmom== 0, 'was' , 'is')} your STEPMOTHER'S {if(livestepmom== 0, '' , 'present')} religion, if any? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: (fthrremar.NAOK == 1) or (adults_3.NAOK == "Y") Please choose only one of the following: Jewish Christian Atheist or agnostic Nothing in particular Something else. Please describe: ASIDE from religion, {if(livestepmom== 0, 'did' , 'does')} your STEPMOTHER consider herself Jewish or partially Jewish? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: Answer was 'Christian' or 'Atheist or agnostic' or 'Nothing in particular ' or 'Other' at question '66 [jewstepmom]' ({if(livestepmom == 0, 'Before she passed away, what' , 'What')} {if(livestepmom== 0, 'was' , 'is')} your STEPMOTHER'S {if(livestepmom== 0, '' , 'present')} religion, if any?) Please choose only one of the following: Yes Yes, partially Jewish No Ha{if(livestepmom == 0, 'd' , 's')} your STEPMOTHER ever formally converted to Judaism? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: -------- Scenario 2 -------Answer was 'Yes' or 'Yes, partially Jewish' at question '67 [noreligstepmom]' (ASIDE from religion, {if(livestepmom== 0, 'did' , 'does')} your STEPMOTHER consider herself Jewish or partially Jewish?) -------- or Scenario 3 -------Answer was 'Jewish' at question '66 [jewstepmom]' ({if(livestepmom == 0, 'Before she passed away, what' , 'What')} {if(livestepmom== 0, 'was' , 'is')} your STEPMOTHER'S {if(livestepmom== 0, '' , 'present')} religion, if any?) Please choose only one of the following: No Yes In the process of converting 1/21/2015 10:42 AM LimeSurvey - SLIFKA (2015) 27 of 60 58 How old were YOU when your stepmother formally converted to Judaism? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: Answer was 'Yes' at question '68 [convstepmom]' (Ha{if(livestepmom == 0, 'd' , 's')} your STEPMOTHER ever formally converted to Judaism?) Please choose only one of the following: Before I was born 0 to 6 years old 7 to 13 14 to 18 19 or older Don't know Thinking about your STEPMOTHER'S parents, were either of them Jewish? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: (fthrremar.NAOK == 1) or (adults_3.NAOK == "Y") Please choose only one of the following: Mother only Father only Both mother and father Neither mother nor father It's complicated. Please explain: In what religion was your STEPMOTHER raised? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: (fthrremar.NAOK == 1) or (adults_3.NAOK == "Y") Please choose only one of the following: Jewish Christian Atheist or agnostic Nothing in particular Something else. Please specify: 1/21/2015 10:42 AM LimeSurvey - SLIFKA (2015) 28 of 60 59 Was your STEPMOTHER's upbringing... Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: (fthrremar.NAOK == 1) or (adults_3.NAOK == "Y") Please choose only one of the following: Very religiously observant Somewhat religiously observant A little religiously observant Not at all religiously observant {if(livestepdad == 0, 'Before he passed away, what' , 'What')} {if(livestepdad== 0, 'was' , 'is')} your STEPFATHER'S {if(livestepdad == 0, '' , 'present')} religion, if any? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: (mthrremar.NAOK == 1) or (adults_4.NAOK == "Y") Please choose only one of the following: Jewish Christian Atheist or agnostic Nothing in particular Something else. Please describe: ASIDE from religion, {if(livestepdad == 0, 'did' , 'does')} your STEPFATHER consider himself Jewish or partially Jewish? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: Answer was 'Christian' or 'Atheist or agnostic' or 'Nothing in particular ' or 'Other' at question '73 [jewstepdad]' ({if(livestepdad == 0, 'Before he passed away, what' , 'What')} {if(livestepdad== 0, 'was' , 'is')} your STEPFATHER'S {if(livestepdad == 0, '' , 'present')} religion, if any?) Please choose only one of the following: Yes Yes, partially Jewish No 1/21/2015 10:42 AM LimeSurvey - SLIFKA (2015) 29 of 60 60 Ha{if(livestepdad == 0, 'd' , 's')} your STEPFATHER ever formally converted to Judaism? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: -------- Scenario 1 -------Answer was 'Jewish' at question '73 [jewstepdad]' ({if(livestepdad == 0, 'Before he passed away, what' , 'What')} {if(livestepdad== 0, 'was' , 'is')} your STEPFATHER'S {if(livestepdad == 0, '' , 'present')} religion, if any?) -------- or Scenario 2 -------Answer was 'Yes' or 'Yes, partially Jewish' at question '74 [noreligstepdad]' (ASIDE from religion, {if(livestepdad == 0, 'did' , 'does')} your STEPFATHER consider himself Jewish or partially Jewish?) Please choose only one of the following: No Yes In the process of converting How old were YOU when your stepfather formally converted to Judaism? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: Answer was 'Yes' at question '75 [convstepdad]' (Ha{if(livestepdad == 0, 'd' , 's')} your STEPFATHER ever formally converted to Judaism?) Please choose only one of the following: Before I was born 0 to 6 years old 7 to 13 14 to 18 19 or older Don't know Thinking about your STEPFATHER'S parents, were either of them Jewish? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: (mthrremar.NAOK == 1) or (adults_4.NAOK == "Y") Please choose only one of the following: Mother only Father only Both mother and father Neither mother nor father It's complicated. Please explain: 1/21/2015 10:42 AM LimeSurvey - SLIFKA (2015) 30 of 60 61 In what religion was your STEPFATHER raised? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: (mthrremar.NAOK == 1) or (adults_4.NAOK == "Y") Please choose only one of the following: Jewish Christian Atheist or agnostic Nothing in particular Something else. Please specify: Was your STEPFATHER's upbringing... Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: (mthrremar.NAOK == 1) or (adults_4.NAOK == "Y") Please choose only one of the following: Very religiously observant Somewhat religiously observant A little religiously observant Not at all religiously observant {if(liveothadult1a == 0, 'Before s/he passed away, what' , 'What')} {if(liveothadult1a== 0, 'was' , 'is')} that OTHER ADULT'S {if(liveothadult1a== 0, '' , 'present')} religion, if any? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: Answer was at question '41 [adults]' (With whom did you live from the time you were born until age 18 or until you left home (whichever came first)? Please include ALL those you lived with full-time AND those you lived with part-time.) and Answer was at question '41 [adults]' (With whom did you live from the time you were born until age 18 or until you left home (whichever came first)? Please include ALL those you lived with full-time AND those you lived with part-time.) Please choose only one of the following: Jewish Christian Atheist or agnostic Nothing in particular Something else. Please describe: 1/21/2015 10:42 AM LimeSurvey - SLIFKA (2015) 31 of 60 62 ASIDE from religion, {if(liveothadult1a== 0, 'did' , 'does')} that OTHER ADULT consider him/herself Jewish or partially Jewish? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: Answer was 'Christian' or 'Atheist or agnostic' or 'Nothing in particular ' or 'Other' at question '80 [jewothadult1a]' ({if(liveothadult1a == 0, 'Before s/he passed away, what' , 'What')} {if(liveothadult1a== 0, 'was' , 'is')} that OTHER ADULT'S {if(liveothadult1a== 0, '' , 'present')} religion, if any?) Please choose only one of the following: Yes Yes, partially Jewish No Ha{if(liveothadult1a == 0, 'd' , 's')} that OTHER ADULT ever formally converted to Judaism? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: -------- Scenario 1 -------Answer was 'Jewish' at question '80 [jewothadult1a]' ({if(liveothadult1a == 0, 'Before s/he passed away, what' , 'What')} {if(liveothadult1a== 0, 'was' , 'is')} that OTHER ADULT'S {if(liveothadult1a== 0, '' , 'present')} religion, if any?) -------- or Scenario 2 -------Answer was 'Yes' or 'Yes, partially Jewish' at question '81 [noreligothadult1a]' (ASIDE from religion, {if(liveothadult1a== 0, 'did' , 'does')} that OTHER ADULT consider him/herself Jewish or partially Jewish?) Please choose only one of the following: No Yes In the process of converting How old were YOU when that other adult formally converted to Judaism? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: Answer was 'Yes' at question '82 [convothadult1a]' (Ha{if(liveothadult1a == 0, 'd' , 's')} that OTHER ADULT ever formally converted to Judaism?) Please choose only one of the following: Before I was born 0 to 6 years old 7 to 13 14 to 18 19 or older Don't know 1/21/2015 10:42 AM LimeSurvey - SLIFKA (2015) 32 of 60 63 Thinking about that OTHER ADULT'S parents, were either of them Jewish? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: Answer was at question '41 [adults]' (With whom did you live from the time you were born until age 18 or until you left home (whichever came first)? Please include ALL those you lived with full-time AND those you lived with part-time.) and Answer was at question '41 [adults]' (With whom did you live from the time you were born until age 18 or until you left home (whichever came first)? Please include ALL those you lived with full-time AND those you lived with part-time.) Please choose only one of the following: Mother only Father only Both mother and father Neither mother nor father It's complicated. Please explain: In what religion was that OTHER ADULT raised? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: Answer was at question '41 [adults]' (With whom did you live from the time you were born until age 18 or until you left home (whichever came first)? Please include ALL those you lived with full-time AND those you lived with part-time.) and Answer was at question '41 [adults]' (With whom did you live from the time you were born until age 18 or until you left home (whichever came first)? Please include ALL those you lived with full-time AND those you lived with part-time.) Please choose only one of the following: Jewish Christian Atheist or agnostic Nothing in particular Something else. Please specify: Was the OTHER ADULT's upbringing... Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: ((adults_5.NAOK == "Y") and (is_empty(adults_6.NAOK))) Please choose only one of the following: Very religiously observant Somewhat religiously observant A little religiously observant Not at all religiously observant 1/21/2015 10:42 AM LimeSurvey - SLIFKA (2015) 33 of 60 64 {if(liveothadult1b == 0, 'Before s/he passed away, what' , 'What')} {if(liveothadult1b == 0, 'was' , 'is')} that FIRST other adult's {if(liveothadult1b == 0, '' , 'present')} religion, if any? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: Answer was at question '41 [adults]' (With whom did you live from the time you were born until age 18 or until you left home (whichever came first)? Please include ALL those you lived with full-time AND those you lived with part-time.) and Answer was at question '41 [adults]' (With whom did you live from the time you were born until age 18 or until you left home (whichever came first)? Please include ALL those you lived with full-time AND those you lived with part-time.) Please choose only one of the following: Jewish Christian Atheist or agnostic Nothing in particular Something else. Please describe: ASIDE from religion, {if(liveothadult1b== 0, 'did' , 'does')} that FIRST other adult consider him/herself Jewish or partially Jewish? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: Answer was 'Christian' or 'Atheist or agnostic' or 'Nothing in particular ' or 'Other' at question '87 [jewothadult1b]' ({if(liveothadult1b == 0, 'Before s/he passed away, what' , 'What')} {if(liveothadult1b == 0, 'was' , 'is')} that FIRST other adult's {if(liveothadult1b == 0, '' , 'present')} religion, if any?) Please choose only one of the following: Yes Yes, partially Jewish No 1/21/2015 10:42 AM LimeSurvey - SLIFKA (2015) 34 of 60 65 Ha{if(liveothadult1b == 0, 'd' , 's')} that FIRST other adult ever formally converted to Judaism? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: -------- Scenario 1 -------Answer was 'Jewish' at question '87 [jewothadult1b]' ({if(liveothadult1b == 0, 'Before s/he passed away, what' , 'What')} {if(liveothadult1b == 0, 'was' , 'is')} that FIRST other adult's {if(liveothadult1b == 0, '' , 'present')} religion, if any?) -------- or Scenario 2 -------Answer was 'Yes' or 'Yes, partially Jewish' at question '88 [noreligothadult1b]' (ASIDE from religion, {if(liveothadult1b== 0, 'did' , 'does')} that FIRST other adult consider him/herself Jewish or partially Jewish?) Please choose only one of the following: No Yes In the process of converting How old were YOU when that first other adult formally converted to Judaism? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: Answer was 'Yes' at question '89 [convothadult1b]' (Ha{if(liveothadult1b == 0, 'd' , 's')} that FIRST other adult ever formally converted to Judaism?) Please choose only one of the following: Before I was born 0 to 6 years old 7 to 13 14 to 18 19 or older Don't know 1/21/2015 10:42 AM LimeSurvey - SLIFKA (2015) 35 of 60 66 Thinking about that FIRST other adult's parents, were either of them Jewish? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: Answer was at question '41 [adults]' (With whom did you live from the time you were born until age 18 or until you left home (whichever came first)? Please include ALL those you lived with full-time AND those you lived with part-time.) and Answer was at question '41 [adults]' (With whom did you live from the time you were born until age 18 or until you left home (whichever came first)? Please include ALL those you lived with full-time AND those you lived with part-time.) Please choose only one of the following: Mother only Father only Both mother and father Neither mother nor father It's complicated. Please explain: In what religion was that FIRST other adult raised? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: Answer was at question '41 [adults]' (With whom did you live from the time you were born until age 18 or until you left home (whichever came first)? Please include ALL those you lived with full-time AND those you lived with part-time.) and Answer was at question '41 [adults]' (With whom did you live from the time you were born until age 18 or until you left home (whichever came first)? Please include ALL those you lived with full-time AND those you lived with part-time.) Please choose only one of the following: Jewish Christian Atheist or agnostic Nothing in particular Something else. Please specify: Was the FIRST other adult's upbringing... Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: ((adults_5.NAOK == "Y") and (adults_6.NAOK == "Y")) Please choose only one of the following: Very religiously observant Somewhat religiously observant A little religiously observant Not at all religiously observant 1/21/2015 10:42 AM LimeSurvey - SLIFKA (2015) 36 of 60 67 {if(liveothadult2 == 0, 'Before s/he passed away, what' , 'What')} {if(liveothadult2 == 0, 'was' , 'is')} that SECOND other adult's {if(liveothadult2 == 0, '' , 'present')} religion, if any? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: Answer was at question '41 [adults]' (With whom did you live from the time you were born until age 18 or until you left home (whichever came first)? Please include ALL those you lived with full-time AND those you lived with part-time.) Please choose only one of the following: Jewish Christian Atheist or agnostic Nothing in particular Something else. Please describe: ASIDE from religion, {if(liveothadult2 == 0, 'did' , 'does')} that SECOND other adult consider him/herself Jewish or partially Jewish? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: Answer was 'Christian' or 'Atheist or agnostic' or 'Nothing in particular ' or 'Other' at question '94 [jewothadult2]' ({if(liveothadult2 == 0, 'Before s/he passed away, what' , 'What')} {if(liveothadult2 == 0, 'was' , 'is')} that SECOND other adult's {if(liveothadult2 == 0, '' , 'present')} religion, if any?) Please choose only one of the following: Yes Yes, partially Jewish No 1/21/2015 10:42 AM LimeSurvey - SLIFKA (2015) 37 of 60 68 Ha{if(liveothadult2 == 0, 'd' , 's')} that SECOND other adult ever formally converted to Judaism? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: -------- Scenario 1 -------Answer was 'Jewish' at question '94 [jewothadult2]' ({if(liveothadult2 == 0, 'Before s/he passed away, what' , 'What')} {if(liveothadult2 == 0, 'was' , 'is')} that SECOND other adult's {if(liveothadult2 == 0, '' , 'present')} religion, if any?) -------- or Scenario 2 -------Answer was 'Yes' or 'Yes, partially Jewish' at question '95 [noreligothadult2]' (ASIDE from religion, {if(liveothadult2 == 0, 'did' , 'does')} that SECOND other adult consider him/herself Jewish or partially Jewish?) Please choose only one of the following: No Yes In the process of converting How old were YOU when that second other adult formally converted to Judaism? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: Answer was 'Yes' at question '96 [convothadult2]' (Ha{if(liveothadult2 == 0, 'd' , 's')} that SECOND other adult ever formally converted to Judaism?) Please choose only one of the following: Before I was born 0 to 6 years old 7 to 13 14 to 18 19 or older Don't know 1/21/2015 10:42 AM LimeSurvey - SLIFKA (2015) 38 of 60 69 Thinking about that SECOND other adult's parents, were either of them Jewish? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: Answer was at question '41 [adults]' (With whom did you live from the time you were born until age 18 or until you left home (whichever came first)? Please include ALL those you lived with full-time AND those you lived with part-time.) Please choose only one of the following: Mother only Father only Both mother and father Neither mother nor father It's complicated. Please explain: In what religion was that SECOND other adult raised? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: Answer was at question '41 [adults]' (With whom did you live from the time you were born until age 18 or until you left home (whichever came first)? Please include ALL those you lived with full-time AND those you lived with part-time.) Please choose only one of the following: Jewish Christian Atheist or agnostic Nothing in particular Something else. Please specify: Was the SECOND other adult's upbringing... Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: ((adults_6.NAOK == "Y")) Please choose only one of the following: Very religiously observant Somewhat religiously observant A little religiously observant Not at all religiously observant 1/21/2015 10:42 AM LimeSurvey - SLIFKA (2015) 39 of 60 Siblings 70 How many siblings do you have, if any? Please choose only one of the following: None 1 2 3 4 or more Thinking about {if(sibnum=='1', 'your siibling', 'the sibling that is CLOSEST to you in age')}, is she/he...? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: ((sibnum.NAOK >= "1")) Please choose only one of the following: Protestant Roman Catholic Unitarian Jewish Muslim Buddhist Hindu Atheist Agnostic Nothing in particular Aside from religion, does this sibling consider her/himself Jewish or patially Jewish? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: Answer was 'Protestant' or 'Roman Catholic' or 'Unitarian' or 'Muslim' or 'Buddhist' or 'Hindu' or 'Atheist' or 'Agnostic' or 'Nothing in particular' at question '102 [sibrel]' (Thinking about {if(sibnum=='1', 'your siibling', 'the sibling that is CLOSEST to you in age')}, is she/he...?) Please choose only one of the following: Yes Yes, parially Jewish No 1/21/2015 10:42 AM LimeSurvey - SLIFKA (2015) 40 of 60 71 1/21/2015 10:42 AM LimeSurvey - SLIFKA (2015) 41 of 60 72 Your Upbringing We'll ask you a few questions about your childhood. When you were growing up, what languages were spoken in your home? (check all that apply) Please choose all that apply: English French Hebrew Russian Spanish Other: When you were growing up, how close were you to your...? Please choose the appropriate response for each item: Not close at all A little close Somewhat close Very close N/A Maternal grandparent(s) Paternal grandparent(s) Thinking about when you were a child, in what religion were you primarily raised, if any? Please choose only one of the following: Protestant Roman Catholic Unitarian Jewish Muslim Buddhist Hindu Atheist Agnostic Nothing in particular Something else. Please specify: 1/21/2015 10:42 AM LimeSurvey - SLIFKA (2015) 42 of 60 73 When you were growing up, did you also identify with any other religion(s)? Please choose only one of the following: No Yes When you were growing up, with which of the following religions were you also raised? (check all that apply) Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: Answer was 'Yes' at question '108 [relraisedothidentify]' (When you were growing up, did you also identify with any other religion(s)?) Please choose all that apply: Protestant Roman Catholic Unitarian Jewish Muslim Buddhist Hindu Atheist Agnostic Nothing in particular Something else. Please specify:: 1/21/2015 10:42 AM LimeSurvey - SLIFKA (2015) 43 of 60 74 ASIDE from religion, were you raised Jewish or partially Jewish? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: -------- Scenario 1 -------Answer was 'Protestant' or 'Roman Catholic' or 'Unitarian' or 'Muslim' or 'Buddhist' or 'Hindu' or 'Atheist' or 'Agnostic' or 'Nothing in particular' or 'Other' at question '107 [relraised]' (Thinking about when you were a child, in what religion were you primarily raised, if any?) and Answer was 'No' at question '108 [relraisedothidentify]' (When you were growing up, did you also identify with any other religion(s)?) -------- or Scenario 2 -------Answer was 'Protestant' or 'Roman Catholic' or 'Unitarian' or 'Muslim' or 'Buddhist' or 'Hindu' or 'Atheist' or 'Agnostic' or 'Nothing in particular' or 'Other' at question '107 [relraised]' (Thinking about when you were a child, in what religion were you primarily raised, if any?) and Answer was 'Nothing in particular' or 'Agnostic' or 'Atheist' or 'Hindu' or 'Buddhist' or 'Muslim' or 'Unitarian' or 'Roman Catholic' or 'Protestant' at question '109 [relraisedother]' (When you were growing up, with which of the following religions were you also raised? (check all that apply)) and Answer was 'Nothing in particular' or 'Agnostic' or 'Atheist' or 'Hindu' or 'Buddhist' or 'Muslim' or 'Unitarian' or 'Roman Catholic' or 'Protestant' at question '109 [relraisedother]' (When you were growing up, with which of the following religions were you also raised? (check all that apply)) Please choose only one of the following: Yes Yes, partially Jewish No Thinking about your Jewish upbringing were you raised... Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: Answer was 'Jewish' at question '107 [relraised]' (Thinking about when you were a child, in what religion were you primarily raised, if any?) Please choose only one of the following: Secular/Culturally Jewish Just Jewish Reform Conservative Reconstructionist Orthodox Other. Please specify: 1/21/2015 10:42 AM LimeSurvey - SLIFKA (2015) 44 of 60 75 When you were growing up, what did your parents tell you about what religion you were? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: ( ! is_empty(jewmom) and jewmom.NAOK != 1) or ( ! is_empty(jewdad) and jewdad.NAOK != 1) or ( ! is_empty(relraised) and relraised.NAOK != 4) or relraisedothidentify.NAOK == 1 Please write your answer here: When you were growing up, did you have/celebrate your... Please choose the appropriate response for each item: No Yes Bar/Bat Mitzvah Jewish confirmation Baptism First communion Christian confirmation When you were growing up, did you or someone you lived with... Please choose the appropriate response for each item: No Yes Regularly light Shabbat candles? Regularly have a special Shabbat meal? Hold or attend a Seder? Celebrate Hannukah? Keep kosher at home? Give up an activity or food for Lent? Have a special Christmas meal? Decorate your home for the Christmas season? Have a special Easter meal? Fast during Ramadan? 1/21/2015 10:42 AM LimeSurvey - SLIFKA (2015) 45 of 60 76 When you were growing up, how often, if at all, did you attend any of the following types of religious services? Please choose the appropriate response for each item: Never Rarely A few times a year 1-2 times a month Once a week More than once a week Jewish Christian Interfaith Other What was the religion of the other services you attended? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: Answer was 'Rarely' or 'A few times a year' or '1-2 times a month' or 'Once a week' or 'More than once a week' at question '115 [childrelserv]' (When you were growing up, how often, if at all, did you attend any of the following types of religious services? (Other)) Please write your answer here: When you were growing up, which person had the greatest influence on your religious identity? Please specify their relationship to you (e.g., my maternal grandfather, etc.). Please write your answer here: In what ways did this person influence how you currently think about your religious identity? Please write your answer here: 1/21/2015 10:42 AM LimeSurvey - SLIFKA (2015) 46 of 60 77 More About Your Upbringing We'll now ask you a few more questions about your childhood. During grades 1-12, for how many years, if at all, did you attend any FULL-TIME parochial school or day school run by a religious group? Please choose the appropriate response for each item: Did not attend Less than 1 year 1 year 2 years 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Jewish Christian Other During grades 1-12, for how many years, if at all, did you attend any of the following types of PART-TIME religious instruction classes or Sunday schools? Please choose the appropriate response for each item: Did not attend Less than 1 year 1 year 2 years 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Jewish Christian Unitarian Other When you were growing up, for how many years, if at all, did you attend...? Please choose the appropriate response for each item: Did not attend 1 year 2 years 3 4 5 6 7 8 or more years Jewish overnight camp that had Shabbat services or a Jewish educational program Jewish day camp Christian overnight camp with religious education or services Christian bible camp (day camp) Camp with other religious content or observance 1/21/2015 10:42 AM LimeSurvey - SLIFKA (2015) 47 of 60 78 During your high school years, were you a member of a... Please choose the appropriate response for each item: No Yes Jewish youth group Christian youth group Other religious youth group Did your grandparents make any financial contribution towards your Jewish education (Day school, part-time Hebrew school, Jewish day camp or overnight summer camp)? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: ((dayschl_jew >= "2")) or ((sundayschl_jew.NAOK >= "2")) or ((camp_jewovr >= "2")) or ((camp_jewday.NAOK >= "2")) Please choose the appropriate response for each item: Yes No Don't know Maternal grandparent(s) Paternal grandparent(s) During your high school years, how many of your close friends were... Please choose the appropriate response for each item: None A few About half Most All Jewish Christian No religion Another religion 1/21/2015 10:42 AM LimeSurvey - SLIFKA (2015) 48 of 60 79 Your Views We'll now ask you a few questions about your opinions. To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements: Please choose the appropriate response for each item: Strongly disagree Disagree Somewhat disagree Somewhat agree Agree Strongly agree Getting to know someone of another religion is generally an uncomfortable experience for me I enjoy attending events where I might get to know people from different religions I think of myself as multicultural I am comfortable entering a Jewish place of worship I am comfortable entering a Christian place of worship I have a strong sense of belonging to the Jewish people It's important for me to have friends with whom I can share the experience of being Jewish I feel a responsibility to take care of Jews wherever they live 1/21/2015 10:42 AM LimeSurvey - SLIFKA (2015) 49 of 60 80 Israel We'll now ask you a few questions about Israel. Have you ever been to Israel? Please choose only one of the following: No Yes Have you been to Israel... Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: Answer was 'Yes' at question '129 [isrwent]' (Have you ever been to Israel?) Please choose the appropriate response for each item: No Yes On a Birthright Israel trip On another organized peer trip during college On an organized peer trip during high school For a semester or year abroad program For an alternative break service program On a trip with your family Other What was your other Israel experience? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: Answer was 'Yes' at question '130 [israelexp]' (Have you been to Israel... (Other)) Please write your answer here: 1/21/2015 10:42 AM LimeSurvey - SLIFKA (2015) 50 of 60 81 Do you have... Please choose the appropriate response for each item: No Yes Family in Israel Friends in Israel To what extent do you feel a connection to Israel? Please choose only one of the following: Not at all A little Somewhat Very much If someone asked you about the current situation in Israel, how confident do you feel in your ability to give a good explanation? Please choose only one of the following: Not at all confident A little confident Somewhat confident Very confident 1/21/2015 10:42 AM LimeSurvey - SLIFKA (2015) 51 of 60 82 How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Please choose the appropriate response for each item: Strongly disagree Disagree Somewhat disagree Somewhat agree Agree Strongly agree Israel is a world center of high tech innovation Israel is part of God's plan for the Jewish people Israel is under constant threat from hostile neighbors who seek its destruction Israel is guilty of violating the human rights of the Palestinian people Israel was established as a refuge for persecuted Jews Israel upholds the social and political equality of all its citizens Orthodox authorities define individuals as Jewish only if they have a Jewish mother or have formally converted to Judaism. Israel uses Orthodox standards to determine Jewish status. Are you personally...? Please choose the appropriate response for each item: Not at all A little Somewhat Very much Familiar with the Orthodox definition of "who is a Jew"? In agreement with the Orthodox definition of "who is a Jew"? Offended by Israel's use of Orthodox standards to determine Jewish status? 1/21/2015 10:42 AM LimeSurvey - SLIFKA (2015) 52 of 60 Your Relationships 83 We'll now ask you just a few more questions about you and your relationships. Are you...? Please choose only one of the following: Never been married Married In a civil union Not married but living together with a partner Separated Divorced Widowed Do you have a significant other? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: Answer was 'Never been married' or 'Separated' or 'Divorced' or 'Widowed' at question '138 [marstat]' (Are you...?) Please choose only one of the following: No Yes Is your partner Jewish? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: Answer was 'Not married but living together with a partner' at question '138 [marstat]' (Are you...?) Please choose only one of the following: No Yes 1/21/2015 10:42 AM LimeSurvey - SLIFKA (2015) 53 of 60 84 Is your significant other Jewish? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: Answer was 'Yes' at question '139 [sigother]' (Do you have a significant other?) Please choose only one of the following: No Yes How important is it to you to date someone Jewish? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: Answer was 'No' at question '139 [sigother]' (Do you have a significant other?) Please choose only one of the following: Not important A little important Somewhat important Very important How important is it to you to marry someone Jewish? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: Answer was 'Never been married' or 'Not married but living together with a partner' at question '138 [marstat]' (Are you...?) Please choose only one of the following: Not important A little important Somewhat important Very important I don't plan on getting married The following questions refer to your marriage and spouse. Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: (marstat == "1") These questions refer to your "marriage" and "spouse." Please answer them with your civil union and partner in mind. Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: (marstat == "2") 1/21/2015 10:42 AM LimeSurvey - SLIFKA (2015) 54 of 60 85 In what month and year did you get married? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: (marstat == "1" or marstat == "2") Answer must be between 01/1990 and 12/2015 Please enter a date: Did any of the following officiate at your wedding ceremony? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: (marstat == "1" or marstat == "2") Please choose the appropriate response for each item: No Yes A rabbi or cantor A non-Jewish clergy member A non-religious officiant, such as a justice of the peace or a friend Another type of officiant What type of officiant was that? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: Answer was 'Yes' at question '147 [wedoff]' (Did any of the following officiate at your wedding ceremony? (Another type of officiant)) Please write your answer here: What is your spouse's present religion, if any? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: (marstat == "1" or marstat == "2") Please choose only one of the following: Jewish Christian Atheist or agnostic Nothing in particular Something else. Please specify: 1/21/2015 10:42 AM LimeSurvey - SLIFKA (2015) 55 of 60 86 ASIDE from religion, does your spouse consider him/herself Jewish or partially Jewish? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: Answer was 'Atheist or agnostic' or 'Nothing in particular ' or 'Other' or 'Christian' at question '149 [spcrelignow]' (What is your spouse's present religion, if any?) Please choose only one of the following: Yes Yes, partially Jewish No Has your spouse ever formally converted to Judaism? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: -------- Scenario 1 -------Answer was 'Jewish' at question '149 [spcrelignow]' (What is your spouse's present religion, if any?) -------- or Scenario 2 -------Answer was 'Yes' or 'Yes, partially Jewish' at question '150 [spcnorelig]' (ASIDE from religion, does your spouse consider him/herself Jewish or partially Jewish?) Please choose only one of the following: No Yes In the process of converting 1/21/2015 10:42 AM LimeSurvey - SLIFKA (2015) 56 of 60 87 In what year did that conversion take place? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: Answer was 'Yes' at question '151 [spcjconv]' (Has your spouse ever formally converted to Judaism?) Please choose only one of the following: 1984 or earlier 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 1/21/2015 10:42 AM LimeSurvey - SLIFKA (2015) 57 of 60 88 Thinking about your spouse's parents, were either of them Jewish? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: (marstat == "1" or marstat == "2") Please choose only one of the following: Mother only Father only Both mother and father Neither mother nor father It's complicated. Please explain: In what religion was your spouse raised? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: (marstat == "1" or marstat == "2") Please choose only one of the following: Jewish Christian Atheist or agnostic Nothing in particular Something else. Please describe: 1/21/2015 10:42 AM LimeSurvey - SLIFKA (2015) 58 of 60 89 So that we understand correctly, could you please explain in what way your spouse considers him/herself to be Jewish? Only answer this question if the following conditions are met: -------- Scenario 1 -------Answer was 'Jewish' at question '149 [spcrelignow]' (What is your spouse's present religion, if any?) and Answer was 'No' at question '151 [spcjconv]' (Has your spouse ever formally converted to Judaism?) and Answer was 'Neither mother nor father' at question '153 [spcjpar]' (Thinking about your spouse's parents, were either of them Jewish?) -------- or Scenario 2 -------Answer was 'Yes' or 'Yes, partially Jewish' at question '150 [spcnorelig]' (ASIDE from religion, does your spouse consider him/herself Jewish or partially Jewish?) and Answer was 'No' at question '151 [spcjconv]' (Has your spouse ever formally converted to Judaism?) and Answer was 'Neither mother nor father' at question '153 [spcjpar]' (Thinking about your spouse's parents, were either of them Jewish?) Please write your answer here: Do you have any children? Please choose only one of the following: No Yes How important is it to you to raise your children Jewish? Please choose only one of the following: Not important A little important Somewhat important Very important I don't plan on raising children 1/21/2015 10:42 AM LimeSurvey - SLIFKA (2015) 59 of 60 Final Thoughts 90 Since completing high school, what person or experience influenced how you think about your Jewish identity? Please write your answer here: 1/21/2015 10:42 AM LimeSurvey - SLIFKA (2015) 60 of 60 91 Submit your survey. Thank you for completing this survey. 1/21/2015 10:42 AM 92 Appendix F: Interview Protocol Preliminary Interviews 1. Where did you grow up? Who was in your household (s) in your childhood years? Were there any changes in your family during your childhood years such as losing or changing a relationship with a parent or gaining parental figures through remarriage? 2. How did your parents describe their own religious identities? 3. How did your parents describe what they intended for your religious identity and upbringing? How clear was this intended identity to you when you were growing up? [If “partly Jewish” or “Jewish and another religion”] What did that look like on the ground? What did your parents do to put that identity into practice? 4. What happened in your home while you were growing up that felt religious? What religious holidays were observed and how? Religious symbols? [If none of the above] Cultural celebrations or symbols? 5. What religious holidays did you celebrate outside or your house with extended family? In religious settings like synagogues or churches? 6. [If mix of religious celebrations] How did you understand how celebrating holidays from different faith traditions fit with your religious identity? How did your parents explain it to you? 7. Growing up did you feel that you and your family were accepted by the Jewish community? By your Jewish extended family? When, if ever, did you feel like an outsider with Jews? 8. Growing up did you feel that you and your family were accepted by the [name of faith group] community? By your [faith group] extended family? When, if ever, did you feel like an outsider with [faith group members]? 9. Outside of your immediate family, when you were growing up what were the Jewish influences on you? Extended family members? Step parents or siblings? Programs/activities? Synagogue/church Friends Camp 10. When asked about your religious/ethnic identity at this point in your life, how do you normally respond? [if nothing] do you consider yourself Jewish aside from religion? 93 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. What are the terms you use to describe yourself What are the terms people use that annoy or offend you? What are the most common ways that you express your religious/ethnic identity in your life today? What do you currently do that reflects the other parts of your or your parents’ religious backgrounds? How do you understand how those customs fit into your current identity? How, if at all, does a connection with Israel fit into your identity? Ever traveled to Israel? What were the most important factors that lead you to your current identity? During your childhood years? During college? After college How have your parents reacted to your current identity? 16. What are your current connections with your… Jewish extended family? [Other faith ] extended family? 17. In what settings or with which people are you less willing to share your religious identity? That you grew up with intermarried parents? Are there any instances where negative reactions have kept you from participation in a faith tradition or community? 18. What do you wish that the Jewish community understood about how you think about your identity? What do they “not get”? 19. When you think about the future, how do you think religion will figure into how you would like to raise any children you have? The Cohen Center for Modern Jewish Studies at Brandeis University is a multi-disciplinary research institute dedicated to the study of American Jewry and issues related to contemporary Jewish life. The Steinhardt Social Research Institute (SSRI), hosted at CMJS, uses innovative research methods to collect and analyze socio-demographic data on the Jewish community. Brandeis University