Cisco CVP VoiceXML 3.0 Say It Smart Specifications CISCO CVP VOICEXML 3.0 Say It Smart Specifications Publication date: 14 January 2005 Copyright (C) 2000-2005 Audium Corporation. All rights reserved. Distributed by Cisco Systems, Inc. under license from Audium Corporation. Customer Voice Portal is a trademark of Cisco Systems, Inc. Contact Information For more information, contact Cisco Systems, Inc. at the following location: Corporate Headquarters Cisco Systems, Inc. 170 West Tasman Drive San Jose, CA 95134-1706 Tel: 408 526-4000 800 553-NETS (6387) Fax: 408 526-4100 General product information, visit Support inquiries, visit Customer forum, visit Copyright 2000 - 2005 Audium Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 1/14/05 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS CISCO CVP VOICEXML 3.0 Say it Smart Specifications ABOUT THIS DOCUMENT......................................................................................................................................6 AUDIENCE .................................................................................................................................................................6 RELATED DOCUMENTATION ......................................................................................................................................6 OBTAINING TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE.............................................................................................................7 CISCO.COM ................................................................................................................................................................7 NETWORK PROFESSIONAL CONNECTION ...................................................................................................................7 TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE CENTER .............................................................................................................................7 Cisco TAC Website...............................................................................................................................................8 Cisco TAC Escalation Center ..............................................................................................................................8 OBTAINING ADDITIONAL PUBLICATIONS AND INFORMATION..............................................................9 INTRODUCTION .....................................................................................................................................................10 CREDIT CARD .........................................................................................................................................................13 DESCRIPTION ...........................................................................................................................................................13 INPUT FORMATS ......................................................................................................................................................13 OUTPUT FORMATS ...................................................................................................................................................13 FILESETS ..................................................................................................................................................................14 AUDIO FILES ............................................................................................................................................................14 EXAMPLES ...............................................................................................................................................................14 CURRENCY ..............................................................................................................................................................15 DESCRIPTION ...........................................................................................................................................................15 INPUT FORMATS ......................................................................................................................................................15 OUTPUT FORMATS ...................................................................................................................................................15 FILESETS ..................................................................................................................................................................15 AUDIO FILES ............................................................................................................................................................16 Standard Fileset .................................................................................................................................................16 Enhanced Fileset................................................................................................................................................16 EXAMPLES ...............................................................................................................................................................16 CUSTOM CONTENT...............................................................................................................................................18 DESCRIPTION ...........................................................................................................................................................18 INPUT FORMATS ......................................................................................................................................................18 OUTPUT FORMATS ...................................................................................................................................................19 FILESETS ..................................................................................................................................................................20 AUDIO FILES ............................................................................................................................................................20 EXAMPLES ...............................................................................................................................................................20 DATE..........................................................................................................................................................................21 DESCRIPTION ...........................................................................................................................................................21 INPUT FORMATS ......................................................................................................................................................21 OUTPUT FORMATS ...................................................................................................................................................22 FILESETS ..................................................................................................................................................................22 AUDIO FILES ............................................................................................................................................................23 Standard Full Date.............................................................................................................................................23 Enhanced Full Date ...........................................................................................................................................24 Month/Standard Year.........................................................................................................................................24 Month/Enhanced Year........................................................................................................................................24 Month/Day .........................................................................................................................................................25 Copyright 2000 - 2005 Audium Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 1/14/05 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS CISCO CVP VOICEXML 3.0 Say it Smart Specifications Month Only ........................................................................................................................................................25 Standard Year ....................................................................................................................................................25 Enhanced Year ...................................................................................................................................................25 EXAMPLES ...............................................................................................................................................................25 DIGITS .......................................................................................................................................................................28 DESCRIPTION ...........................................................................................................................................................28 INPUT FORMATS ......................................................................................................................................................28 OUTPUT FORMATS ...................................................................................................................................................28 FILESETS ..................................................................................................................................................................28 AUDIO FILES ............................................................................................................................................................28 EXAMPLES ...............................................................................................................................................................28 FILENAME................................................................................................................................................................29 DESCRIPTION ...........................................................................................................................................................29 INPUT FORMATS ......................................................................................................................................................29 OUTPUT FORMATS ...................................................................................................................................................29 FILESETS ..................................................................................................................................................................29 AUDIO FILES ............................................................................................................................................................30 EXAMPLES ...............................................................................................................................................................30 NUMBER ...................................................................................................................................................................31 DESCRIPTION ...........................................................................................................................................................31 INPUT FORMATS ......................................................................................................................................................31 OUTPUT FORMATS ...................................................................................................................................................31 FILESETS ..................................................................................................................................................................31 AUDIO FILES ............................................................................................................................................................32 Standard Fileset .................................................................................................................................................32 Enhanced Fileset................................................................................................................................................32 EXAMPLES ...............................................................................................................................................................32 PHONE.......................................................................................................................................................................33 DESCRIPTION ...........................................................................................................................................................33 INPUT FORMATS ......................................................................................................................................................33 OUTPUT FORMATS ...................................................................................................................................................33 FILESETS ..................................................................................................................................................................33 AUDIO FILES ............................................................................................................................................................34 EXAMPLES ...............................................................................................................................................................34 SOCIAL SECURITY ................................................................................................................................................35 DESCRIPTION ...........................................................................................................................................................35 OUTPUT FORMATS ...................................................................................................................................................35 FILESETS ..................................................................................................................................................................35 AUDIO FILES ............................................................................................................................................................35 EXAMPLES ...............................................................................................................................................................36 STRING......................................................................................................................................................................37 DESCRIPTION ...........................................................................................................................................................37 INPUT FORMATS ......................................................................................................................................................37 OUTPUT FORMATS ...................................................................................................................................................37 FILESETS ..................................................................................................................................................................37 AUDIO FILES ............................................................................................................................................................38 Copyright 2000 - 2005 Audium Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 1/14/05 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS CISCO CVP VOICEXML 3.0 Say it Smart Specifications EXAMPLES ...............................................................................................................................................................38 STATE........................................................................................................................................................................39 DESCRIPTION ...........................................................................................................................................................39 INPUT FORMATS ......................................................................................................................................................39 OUTPUT FORMATS ...................................................................................................................................................39 FILESETS ..................................................................................................................................................................39 AUDIO FILES ............................................................................................................................................................39 U.S. Territories ..................................................................................................................................................39 U.S States ...........................................................................................................................................................40 Canadian Provinces / Territories.......................................................................................................................40 EXAMPLES ...............................................................................................................................................................40 TIME ..........................................................................................................................................................................41 DESCRIPTION ...........................................................................................................................................................41 INPUT FORMATS ......................................................................................................................................................41 OUTPUT FORMATS ...................................................................................................................................................42 FILESETS ..................................................................................................................................................................42 AUDIO FILES ............................................................................................................................................................43 standard_time ....................................................................................................................................................43 enhanced_time ...................................................................................................................................................43 standard_special_12 ..........................................................................................................................................43 enhanced_special_12 .........................................................................................................................................43 standard_period .................................................................................................................................................43 enhanced_period................................................................................................................................................44 EXAMPLES ...............................................................................................................................................................44 Copyright 2000 - 2005 Audium Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 1/14/05 5 ABOUT THIS DOCUMENT CISCO CVP VOICEXML 3.0 Say it Smart Specifications About This Document Thank you for choosing Cisco CVP VoiceXML 3.0. This document describes how use and configure Say It Smart plugins in your voice application. Audience This document is intended for voice application and component developers using Cisco CVP VoiceXML. Related Documentation • Cisco CVP VoiceXML Studio. The Cisco CVP VoiceXML Studio documentation describes the functionality of Studio including creating projects, using the Studio environment and deploying applications to CVP VoiceXML Server. This documentation is available through CVP VoiceXML Studio only. • Error! Unknown document property name.. This document provides instructions on installing Cisco CVP VoiceXML and its components. • User Guide. This document provides an introduction to Cisco CVP VoiceXML software though it focuses on describing all aspects of CVP VoiceXML Server. • Programmar Guide. This document provides information on how to build components that run on Cisco CVP VoiceXML. • Element Specifications. This document describes in detail the functionality and configuration options for all CVP VoiceXML Elements included with the software. • Javadocs. Javadocs are a group of HTML pages fully describing the entire Java application programming interfaces (APIs) to Cisco CVP VoiceXML. Developers use Javadocs in conjunction with the Programmar Guide to understand how to build custom components that run on Cisco CVP VoiceXML. Copyright 2000 - 2005 Audium Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 1/14/05 6 OBTAINING TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE CISCO CVP VOICEXML 3.0 Say it Smart Specifications Obtaining Technical Assistance Cisco provides, which includes the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) Website, as a starting point for all technical assistance. Customers and partners can obtain online documentation, troubleshooting tips, and sample configurations from the Cisco TAC website. registered users have complete access to the technical support resources on the Cisco TAC website, including TAC tools and utilities. offers a suite of interactive, networked services that let you access Cisco information, networking solutions, services, programs, and resources at any time, from anywhere in the world. provides a broad range of features and services to help you with these tasks: Streamline business processes and improve productivity Resolve technical issues with online support Download and test software packages Order Cisco learning materials and merchandise Register for online skill assessment, training, and certification programs To obtain customized information and service, you can self-register on at this URL: Network Professional Connection Cisco provides a forum where you can discuss and exchange information regarding call center issues. To access the the forum, go to the following Web site: Technical Assistance Center The Cisco TAC is available to all customers who need technical assistance with a Cisco product, technology, or solution. Two levels of support are available: the Cisco TAC website and the Cisco TAC Escalation Center. The avenue of support that you choose depends on the priority of the problem and the conditions stated in service contracts, when applicable. We categorize Cisco TAC inquiries according to urgency: Priority level 4 (P4)—You need information or assistance concerning Cisco product capabilities, product installation, or basic product configuration. Priority level 3 (P3)—Your network performance is degraded. Network functionality is noticeably impaired, but most business operations continue. Copyright 2000 - 2005 Audium Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 1/14/05 7 OBTAINING TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE CISCO CVP VOICEXML 3.0 Say it Smart Specifications Priority level 2 (P2)—Your production network is severely degraded, affecting significant aspects of business operations. No workaround is available. Priority level 1 (P1)—Your production network is down, and a critical impact to business operations will occur if service is not restored quickly. No workaround is available. Cisco TAC Website You can use the Cisco TAC website to resolve P3 and P4 issues yourself, saving both cost and time. The site provides around-the-clock access to online tools, knowledge bases, and software. To access the Cisco TAC website, go to this URL: All customers, partners, and resellers who have a valid Cisco service contract have complete access to the technical support resources on the Cisco TAC website. Some services on the Cisco TAC website require a login ID and password. If you have a valid service contract but do not have a login ID or password, go to this URL to register: If you are a registered user, and you cannot resolve your technical issues by using the Cisco TAC website, you can open a case online at this URL: If you have Internet access, we recommend that you open P3 and P4 cases through the Cisco TAC website so that you can describe the situation in your own words and attach any necessary files. Cisco TAC Escalation Center The Cisco TAC Escalation Center addresses priority level 1 or priority level 2 issues. These classifications are assigned when severe network degradation significantly impacts business operations. When you contact the TAC Escalation Center with a P1 or P2 problem, a Cisco TAC engineer automatically opens a case. To obtain a directory of toll-free Cisco TAC telephone numbers for your country, go to this URL: Before calling, please check with your network operations center to determine the level of Cisco support services to which your company is entitled: for example, SMARTnet, SMARTnet Onsite, or Network Supported Accounts (NSA). When you call the center, please have available your service agreement number and your product serial number. Copyright 2000 - 2005 Audium Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 1/14/05 8 OBTAINING TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE CISCO CVP VOICEXML 3.0 Say it Smart Specifications Obtaining Additional Publications and Information Information about Cisco products, technologies, and network solutions is available from various online and printed sources. The Cisco Product Catalog describes the networking products offered by Cisco Systems as well as ordering and customer support services. Access the Cisco Product Catalog at this URL: Cisco Press publishes a wide range of networking publications. Cisco suggests these titles for new and experienced users: Internetworking Terms and Acronyms Dictionary, Internetworking Technology Handbook, Internetworking Troubleshooting Guide, and the Internetworking Design Guide. For current Cisco Press titles and other information, go to Cisco Press online at this URL: Packet magazine is the Cisco monthly periodical that provides industry professionals with the latest information about the field of networking. You can access Packet magazine at this URL: iQ Magazine is the Cisco monthly periodical that provides business leaders and decision makers with the latest information about the networking industry. You can access iQ Magazine at this URL: Internet Protocol Journal is a quarterly journal published by Cisco Systems for engineering professionals involved in the design, development, and operation of public and private internets and intranets. You can access the Internet Protocol Journal at this URL: html Training—Cisco offers world-class networking training, with current offerings in network training listed at this URL: Copyright 2000 - 2005 Audium Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 1/14/05 9 INTRODUCTION CISCO CVP VOICEXML 3.0 Say it Smart Specifications Introduction Say It Smart is a Cisco CVP VoiceXML technology that handles the breakdown of formatted data into an array of audio files played one after the other to render the data in a manner understandable by a caller. While many Text To Speech (TTS) engines can perform a similar function, the power of Say It Smart is that it can handle the playback using pre-recorded audio. Each Say It Smart type lists the audio files required to fully render all the formatted data it can handle. The user need only record these files according to the guidelines specified below and Say It Smart does the rest. Each Say It Smart type is handled by a separate plugin deployed on Cisco CVP VoiceXML Studio and Server. Cisco CVP VoiceXML includes many common types such as dates and times. Developers can produce their own plugins to either extend Cisco CVP VoiceXML Say it Smart plugin functionality, or introduce new types. The following defines the characteristics a Say It Smart plugin requires: • Type. A Say It Smart plugin is associated with a single type that defines on a high level what kind of data can be handled by the plugin. Numbers, dates, or currency values are examples of types. • Input Format. A Say It Smart plugin can have from one to many input formats that define how the data appears when it is sent to the plugin. These formats may reflect different ways that type can be represented. For example, a date may appear in MMDDYYYY format or YYYYMMDD. • Output Format. A Say It Smart plugin can have from one to many output formats that define how to express the data passed to the plugin. Output formats are dependent on input formats, once an input format is changed, the output formats available also change. Output formats can encapsulate differences in expression, such as reading back a value with pauses. They can also reflect language differences or even preferences in how to tailor the output. For example, a time may have an output format that reads 12:00 as “noon” or another that reads back the time in Spanish. • Fileset. A Say It Smart plugin can have from one to many filesets that list all the audio files required to render a particular output format. Filesets are dependent on output format, once an output format changes, the filesets available also change. Different filesets represent different combinations of files that will render the same data in the specified output format. The most common use of filesets is to use different groups of files to render the data so it sounds better by using more files, or using fewer files but with a more robotic sound. Another use for filesets would be to provide a different gender or playback speed. For example, a fileset may be introduced that reads back a number slowly for those applications where the audience requires it. • Audio Files. Each Say It Smart plugin returns a list of audio files needed to render the data in the manner specified by the above criteria. The application designer is required to record all Copyright 2000 - 2005 Audium Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 1/14/05 10 INTRODUCTION CISCO CVP VOICEXML 3.0 Say it Smart Specifications the audio files specified by the fileset(s) they intend on using, name the audio files appropriately, and place them in a centrally servable location. Some criteria on audio files are: o All audio files must be given names listed in the specification (with the appropriate audio type extension). All Cisco CVP VoiceXML Say It Smart plugins use filenames in lowercase and are named such that they can exist on any computing platform without naming issues (the names do not include spaces or unusual punctuation). Any naming inconsistencies will cause Cisco CVP VoiceXML Say It Smart plugins to use TTS for those files. o All audio files for a Say It Smart format must be of a single audio type. Mixing WAV and VOX files, for example, is not possible. o Not all files listed need to be recorded. If the user is fairly sure some files will never be encountered, they can be left off. Cisco CVP VoiceXML Say It Smart plugins use TTS as a backup so if a missing audio file is requested, it will simply be read as TTS. This may be a bit disconcerting to the caller but does not cause any issues for the application. For example, the Cisco CVP VoiceXML Number Say It Smart plugin can handle numbers up to 999 trillion and the user may know that their application will not handle numbers larger than ten thousand so may choose not to record “million”, “billion”, or “trillion”. o Many of the Cisco CVP VoiceXML Say It Smart plugins use filesets whose contents include those audio files specified by the Cisco CVP VoiceXML Number Say It Smart plugin. Recording the audio files to support Number will greatly reduce the number of files needed for other types. o All audio files for a particular plugin must be stored within the same root directory. Cisco CVP VoiceXML Say It Smart plugins require the audio files used by the plugin to reside in a single directory, though custom plugins can require subdirectories of this root directory. o Audio files must be placed in a location made accessible via an HTTP request from the voice browser. Unlike the Cisco CVP VoiceXML software itself, serving audio files does not require an application server, they can be served by any web server such as IIS or Apache. Note that for types, input formats, output formats, and filesets, a plugin defines a name for each as well as a display name. The display name is used for readability purposes and is what Cisco CVP VoiceXML Studio shows when a new Say It Smart audio item is configured. The actual name is used by Cisco CVP VoiceXML Server and the developer when they build dynamic voice element configurations. The Say It Smart plugins requiring the use of a pause produce VoiceXML using the <break> tag. Some voice browsers do not support this tag so Say It Smart playback normally including pauses on these browsers would hear no pauses. Copyright 2000 - 2005 Audium Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 1/14/05 11 INTRODUCTION CISCO CVP VOICEXML 3.0 Say it Smart Specifications This document presents full specifications for all Cisco CVP VoiceXML Say It Smart plugin types, including all input formats, output formats, filesets, and audio files required. The display names of these are also provided. Copyright 2000 - 2005 Audium Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 1/14/05 12 CREDIT CARD CISCO CVP VOICEXML 3.0 Say it Smart Specifications Credit Card Name: Display Name: Class Name: creditCard Credit Card com.audium.sayitsmart.plugins.AudiumSayItSmartCreditCard Description This Say It Smart type handles the reading of a credit card number. Any 13, 14, 15, or 16 digit number will be handled. Many times, a credit card number may appear with dashes at certain places in the number. To avoid having to process the data before it is sent to the plugin, it will understand the credit card number with these optional dashes, though no punctuation other than dashes is allowed. The plugin reads the credit card number back digit-by-digit, inserting 150 millisecond pauses at certain places where the credit card number is normally divided. The plugin Java class can easily be extended to create, in just a few lines of code, a new plugin performing the same function with a different pause length or additional formatting options. Input Formats Name (Display Name) cc_number Description (13/14/15/16 Digit Number) The data can be handled in any of the following formats: 16-digit cards (Visa, Mastercard, etc.): ################, ####-####-####-#### 15-digit cards (American Express): ###############, ####-######-##### 14-digit cards (Diner's Club): ##############, ####-#######-#### 13-digit cards (Visa): #############, ####-###-###-### Output Formats Name (Display Name) digits_with_pauses (As digits w/ pauses) Input Format Depends On cc_number Description The credit card number is played back digit-by-digit with 150 millisecond pauses where the number is normally divided. Copyright 2000 - 2005 Audium Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 1/14/05 13 CREDIT CARD CISCO CVP VOICEXML 3.0 Say it Smart Specifications Filesets Name (Display Name) standard Output Format Depends On digits_with_pauses (Standard (0-9)) Description This fileset contains ten files: 0 through 9. It is the only fileset required. Audio Files All audio files must be named as appears below. The names do not have an extension, the developer can choose whatever file type supported by their voice browser. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Examples Data: Input Format: Output Format: Fileset: Playback: 1234-5678-9012-3456 cc_number digits_with_pauses standard “1” “2” “3” “4” <150ms pause> “5” “6” “7” “8” <150ms pause> “9” “0” “1” “2” <150ms pause> “3” “4” “5” “6” Data: Input Format: Output Format: Fileset: Playback: 111122222233333 cc_number digits_with_pauses standard “1” “1” “1” “1” <150ms pause> “2” “2” “2” “2” “2” “2” <150ms pause> “3” “3” “3” “3” “3” Copyright 2000 - 2005 Audium Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 1/14/05 14 CURRENCY CISCO CVP VOICEXML 3.0 Say it Smart Specifications Currency Name: Display Name: Class Name: currency Currency ($) com.audium.sayitsmart.plugins.AudiumSayItSmartCurrency Description This Say It Smart type handles the reading of a currency value in dollars and cents. It only handles dollars and cents, so will work with U.S., Canadian, and other currencies using dollars and cents. The input data can optionally include a dollar sign ($) and does not need to include a decimal point. The amount can be positive or negative, and can even contain an exponent. The amount can be up to $999 trillion. The value is read normally, though if one component is zero, it will not be read. If the decimal contains more than two significant digits it will be rounded to the nearest cent. This plugin uses the Cisco CVP VoiceXML Number Say it Smart plugin to render the dollar and cent amounts. It uses the same audio files so if recording was done to support Number, those files can be leveraged to support Currency. Input Formats Name (Display Name) standard Description (Standard Currency) The data can appear as a standard number with or without a minus sign, decimal point, $ sign, and even an exponent. No commas are allowed. Output Formats Name (Display Name) dollars_cents Input Format Depends On standard (X dollars and Y cents) Description The dollar and cent amounts are read separately. Filesets Name (Display Name) standard (Standard) enhanced (Enhanced) Output Format Depends On dollars_cents Description This fileset involves fewer audio files to render the currency amount but at the cost of sounding a bit robotic. This directly correlates to the Cisco CVP VoiceXML Number Say it Smart plugin’s standard fileset. dollars_cents This fileset involves more audio files to render a better sounding currency amount. This directly correlates to the Cisco CVP VoiceXML Number Say It Smart plugin’s Copyright 2000 - 2005 Audium Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 1/14/05 15 CURRENCY CISCO CVP VOICEXML 3.0 Say it Smart Specifications enhanced fileset. Audio Files All audio files must be named as appears below. The names do not have an extension, the developer can choose whatever file type supported by their voice browser. Standard Fileset 0 1 10 11 20 30 hundred Thousand 2 12 40 million 3 13 50 billion 4 14 60 trillion 5 15 70 dollars 6 16 80 dollar 7 17 90 and 2 12 22 32 42 52 62 72 82 92 300 3000 million 3 13 23 33 43 53 63 73 83 93 400 4000 billion 4 14 24 34 44 54 64 74 84 94 500 5000 trillion 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 600 6000 dollars 6 16 26 36 46 56 66 76 86 96 700 7000 dollar 7 17 27 37 47 57 67 77 87 97 800 8000 and 8 9 18 19 negative cents cent Enhanced Fileset 0 1 10 11 20 21 30 31 40 41 50 51 60 61 70 71 80 81 90 91 100 200 1000 2000 negative Thousand 8 18 28 38 48 58 68 78 88 98 900 9000 cents 9 19 29 39 49 59 69 79 89 99 cent Examples Data: Input Format: Output Format: Fileset: Playback: $25052.085 Data: Input Format: Output Format: Fileset: 0.01 standard dollars_cents enhanced “25” “thousand” “52” “dollars” “and” “9” “cents” standard dollars_cents standard Data: Input Format: Output Format: Fileset: Playback: Data: Input Format: Output Format: Fileset: 6.99E4 standard dollars_cents standard “60” “9” “thousand” “9” “hundred” “dollars” -$69900 standard dollars_cents enhanced Copyright 2000 - 2005 Audium Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 1/14/05 16 CURRENCY Playback: CISCO CVP VOICEXML 3.0 Say it Smart Specifications “1” “cent” Playback: “negative” “69” “thousand” “900” “dollars” Copyright 2000 - 2005 Audium Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 1/14/05 17 CUSTOM CONTENT CISCO CVP VOICEXML 3.0 Say it Smart Specifications Custom Content Name: Display Name: Class Name: literal Custom Content com.audium.sayitsmart.plugins.AudiumSayItSmartLiteral Description This Say It Smart type was introduced to provide several helpful and time saving features to the application designer and developer: • Provide a way to allow a list of audio files (with TTS transcripts) of variable length to be played one after the other in one audio item. • Provide a more direct link to internal Java classes that may contain dynamic audio content as an alternative to creating dynamic voice element configurations. • Provide at least the same functionality as the now “deprecated” File and String Cisco CVP VoiceXML Say It Smart types. Input Formats Name (Display Name) simple (String (No Delimiters)) complex (FILE:::TTS|||… |||FILE:TTS) resultset (ResultSetList Object) Description A text string that can represent a single filename or a single TTS string. A text string that follows a specific format with delimiters in order to represent any number of audio files and TTS transcripts. An audio file is separated from its TTS transcript by three colons. Each audio file/TTS combination is separated from others by three pipes. Note that each component of the combination can be blank if no audio file or TTS content is necessary. The audio will be played in the order in which it appears in the string from left to right. A Java ResultSetList object that has been created by the Cisco CVP VoiceXML Database element as a result of a database query that is expected to contain audio information. The result must return two columns, the first being the audio file (or null if no audio file is needed) and the second column being the TTS transcript for the audio file (or null if there is no TTS transcript). There can be any number of rows. The audio will be played in the order in which it appears in the result set. Copyright 2000 - 2005 Audium Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 1/14/05 18 CUSTOM CONTENT Name (Display Name) siscontent CISCO CVP VOICEXML 3.0 Say it Smart Specifications Description Each Say It Smart plugin’s Java code creates a SayItSmartContent (SayItSmartContent object to represent audio content that is then passed to Cisco CVP Object) VoiceXML Server to render into VoiceXML. This input format accepts a developer-created object of this type and the plugin will pass this to Server without making any modifications. This object can contain any number of audio files, TTS transcripts, and pauses the developer desires. array A String array that can contain either a list of audio filenames or TTS (String[] Object) transcripts (it cannot contain a mixture of audio filenames and TTS transcripts). The audio will be played in the order it appears in the array. Output Formats Name (Display Name) standard Input Format Depends On complex resultset siscontent Description This output format will produce output containing both audio files (if defined) and TTS transcripts (if defined), assuming that the TTS content may contain Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML). This adds some additional overhead so use the standard_no_ssml output format if it is known that the TTS transcripts do not contain SSML. standard_no_ssml complex This output format will produce output containing both resultset (Filename w/ TTS siscontent audio files (if defined) and TTS transcripts (if defined), Backup (no assuming that the TTS content does not contain SSML. SSML)) Assuming no SSML makes the process more efficient than keeping open the possibility that the TTS content may have SSML (as in the standard fileset). simple tts This output format will produce output containing only complex (TTS Only) the TTS content of the data, even if it contains audio file resultset siscontent content. For the simple and array input formats, this array output format indicates that the data contains only TTS content. This output format assumes the TTS content may contains SSML. This adds some additional overhead so use the tts_no_ssml output format if it is known that the TTS content does not contain SSML. tts_no_ssml simple This output format will produce output containing only complex (TTS Only the TTS content of the data, even if it contains audio file resultset (no SSML)) siscontent content. For the simple and array input formats, this array output format indicates that the data contains only TTS content. Assuming no SSML makes the process more efficient than keeping open the possibility that the TTS content may have SSML (as in the tts fileset). (Filename w/ TTS Backup) Copyright 2000 - 2005 Audium Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 1/14/05 19 CUSTOM CONTENT CISCO CVP VOICEXML 3.0 Say it Smart Specifications Name (Display Name) files (Filename(s) Only) Input Format Depends On simple complex resultset siscontent array Description This output format will produce output containing only the audio file content of the data, even if it contains TTS content. For the simple and array input formats, this output format indicates that the data contains audio files only. Filesets Name (Display Name) none (No Fileset) Output Format Depends On standard standard_no_ssml tts tts_no_ssml files Description This plugin allows the developer to specify any amount of audio files, the names of which are determined at runtime. As a result, there is no need for a fileset. Every Say It Smart plugin, though, requires at least one fileset, so this one is simply named “none”. Audio Files None. The audio files will be determined by the application designer and developer. Examples Data: Input Format: Output Format: Fileset: Playback: myGreeting.wav simple files none myGreeting.wav (with no TTS backup) Data: Input Format: Output Format: Fileset: Playback: This is some text to speech simple tts_no_ssml none “This is some text to speech” (this is read as TTS) Data: a.wav:::backup for a|||b.wav:::backup for b Data: a.wav:::|||:::some <break size=”large”> tts Input Format: Output Format: Fileset: Playback: complex standard_no_ssml none Input Format: Output Format: Fileset: Playback: complex standard none a.wav (with TTS backup “backup for a”) b.wav (with TTS backup “backup for b”) a.wav (with no TTS backup) “some “ <large pause> “ tts” (no audio file played, SSML tags included in VoiceXML) There are no examples of input formats that take Java objects as the data must be created by a developer in custom Java code. Copyright 2000 - 2005 Audium Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 1/14/05 20 DATE CISCO CVP VOICEXML 3.0 Say it Smart Specifications Date Name: Display Name: Class Name: date Date com.audium.sayitsmart.plugins.AudiumSayItSmartDate Description This Say It Smart type handles the reading of a date or portions of a date. It handles many input formats for the date, some of which provide only a partial date. The plugin also supports the components of the date separated by forward slashes (/). The date is read back in standard English fashion; the month name (rather than the number), the day, and the year. If only partial information is available, only that data will be read. The plugin will only read legitimate dates according to the standard Gregorian calendar and will throw an error if an incorrect date is given. This plugin uses the Microsoft Word 10.0 Number Say it Smart plugin to render the year. It uses the same audio files so recordings done to support Number can be leveraged to support Date. Input Formats All input formats with more than one date component can appear delimited with forward slashes. Name (Display Name) mmddyyyy (MMDDYYYY) mmddyy (MMDDYY) ddmmyyyy (DDMMYYYY) ddmmyy (DDMMYY) yyyymmdd (YYYYMMDD) mmyyyy (MMYYYY) mmyy (MMYY) mmdd (MMDD) yyyy (YYYY) ddmm (DDMM) mm (MM) Description The full date with the month, day, and four digit year. The full date with the month, day, and two digit year. The full date with the day, month, and four digit year. The full date with the day, month, and two digit year. The full date with the four digit year, month, and day. The month and four digit year. The month and two digit year. The month and day. The four digit year alone. The day and month. The month alone. Copyright 2000 - 2005 Audium Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 1/14/05 21 DATE CISCO CVP VOICEXML 3.0 Say it Smart Specifications Output Formats Name (Display Name) date (The Date) date_19 (The Date w/ YY=19) Input Format Depends On mmddyyyy ddmmyyyy yyyymmdd mmddyy ddmmyy (The Date w/ YY=20) mmddyy ddmmyy month_year mmyyyy date_20 (Month/Year) month_year_19 mmyy (Month/Year w/ YY=19) month_year_20 mmyy (Month/Year w/ YY=20) month_day (Month/Day) month mmdd ddmm mm (Month) year yyyy (Year) Description For all input formats containing the full date, this output format plays the month name, day, and full four digit year. For all input formats containing the full date and a two digit year, this plays the month name, day, and year assuming it is in the 1900s. For all input formats containing the full date and a two digit year, this plays the month name, day, and year assuming it is in the 2000s. Plays the month name and full four digit year. Plays the month name and year assuming it is in the 1900s. Plays the month name and year assuming it is in the 2000s. Plays the month name and the day. Plays the month name only. Plays the full four digit year only. Filesets Name (Display Name) standard_date (Standard Full Date) enhanced_date (Enhanced Full Date) Output Format Depends On date date_19 date_20 date date_19 date_20 Description This fileset contains all files needed to render the full date. It involves fewer audio files to render the year but at the cost of sounding a bit robotic. This directly correlates to the Cisco CVP VoiceXML Number Say it Smart plugin’s standard fileset. This fileset contains all files needed to render the full date. This fileset involves more audio files to render a better sounding year. This directly correlates to the Cisco CVP VoiceXML Number Say It Smart plugin’s enhanced fileset. Copyright 2000 - 2005 Audium Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 1/14/05 22 DATE CISCO CVP VOICEXML 3.0 Say it Smart Specifications month_standard_year (Month/Standard Year) Name (Display Name) month_enhanced_year (Month/Enhanced Year) month_year month_year_19 month_year_20 Output Format Depends On month_year month_year_19 month_year_20 month_day month_day (Month/Day) month month (Month Only) standard_year year (Standard Year) enhanced_year year (Enhanced Year) This fileset contains all files needed to render the a month and a year. It involves fewer audio files to render the year but at the cost of sounding a bit robotic. This directly correlates to the Cisco CVP VoiceXML Number Say it Smart plugin’s standard fileset. Description This fileset contains all files needed to render the a month and a year. This fileset involves more audio files to render a better sounding year. This directly correlates to the Cisco CVP VoiceXML Number Say It Smart plugin’s enhanced fileset. This fileset contains all files needed to render the a month and the day. This fileset contains all files needed to render the month alone. This fileset contains all files needed to render the year alone. It involves fewer audio files but at the cost of sounding a bit robotic. This directly correlates to the Cisco CVP VoiceXML Number Say it Smart plugin’s standard fileset. This fileset contains all files needed to render the year alone. This fileset involves more audio files to render a better sounding year. This directly correlates to the Cisco CVP VoiceXML Number Say It Smart plugin’s enhanced fileset. Audio Files All filesets including the month have a separate file for each month. All filesets with the day of the month will have a separate file for each day (“1st”, “2nd”, etc). Only those filesets containing the year have standard and enhanced versions that render the year with less files or more files respectively. The files required to render the year are almost the same as the Cisco CVP VoiceXML Number Say it Smart plugin with the exception that numbers greater than 9999 are not necessary and zero is replaced with “oh”. Standard Full Date january november 1st 11th 21st february december 2nd 12th 22nd march 3rd 13th 23rd april may june july 4th 5th 6th 7th 14th 15th 16th 17th 24th 25th 26th 27th august september october 8th 18th 28th 9th 19th 29th 10th 20th 30th Copyright 2000 - 2005 Audium Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 1/14/05 23 DATE CISCO CVP VOICEXML 3.0 Say it Smart Specifications 31st oh 10 20 1 11 30 2 12 40 3 13 50 4 14 60 5 15 70 6 16 80 7 17 90 8 18 hundred 9 19 thousand Enhanced Full Date january november 1st 11th 21st 31st oh 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 1000 february december 2nd 12th 22nd march april may june july august september october 3rd 13th 23rd 4th 5th 6th 14th 15th 16th 24th 25th 26th 7th 17th 27th 8th 18th 28th 9th 19th 29th 10th 20th 30th 1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 200 2000 2 12 22 32 42 52 62 72 82 92 300 3000 3 4 5 6 13 14 15 16 23 24 25 26 33 34 35 36 43 44 45 46 53 54 55 56 63 64 65 66 73 74 75 76 83 84 85 86 93 94 95 96 400 500 600 700 4000 5000 6000 7000 7 17 27 37 47 57 67 77 87 97 800 8000 8 18 28 38 48 58 68 78 88 98 900 9000 9 19 29 39 49 59 69 79 89 99 april may hundred Month/Standard Year january november oh 10 20 february december 1 11 30 march 2 12 40 june july august september october 5 15 70 6 16 80 7 17 90 8 18 hundred 9 19 thousand april may june july 3 13 50 4 14 60 Month/Enhanced Year january november oh 10 20 30 40 50 60 february december 1 11 21 31 41 51 61 march 2 12 22 32 42 52 62 3 13 23 33 43 53 63 4 14 24 34 44 54 64 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 6 16 26 36 46 56 66 august september 7 17 27 37 47 57 67 8 18 28 38 48 58 68 Copyright 2000 - 2005 Audium Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 1/14/05 october 9 19 29 39 49 59 69 24 DATE CISCO CVP VOICEXML 3.0 Say it Smart Specifications 70 80 90 100 1000 71 81 91 200 2000 72 82 92 300 3000 73 74 75 76 83 84 85 86 93 94 95 96 400 500 600 700 4000 5000 6000 7000 february december 2nd 12th 22nd march april may june july 3rd 13th 23rd 4th 5th 6th 14th 15th 16th 24th 25th 26th 7th 17th 27th february december march april may june july 77 87 97 800 8000 78 88 98 900 9000 79 89 99 hundred Month/Day january november 1st 11th 21st 31st august september 8th 18th 28th 9th 19th 29th october 10th 20th 30th Month Only january november august september october Standard Year oh 10 20 1 11 30 2 12 40 1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 200 2000 2 12 22 32 42 52 62 72 82 92 300 3000 3 13 50 4 14 60 5 15 70 6 16 80 7 17 90 8 18 hundred 9 19 thousand 7 17 27 37 47 57 67 77 87 97 800 8000 8 18 28 38 48 58 68 78 88 98 900 9000 9 19 29 39 49 59 69 79 89 99 Enhanced Year oh 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 1000 3 4 5 6 13 14 15 16 23 24 25 26 33 34 35 36 43 44 45 46 53 54 55 56 63 64 65 66 73 74 75 76 83 84 85 86 93 94 95 96 400 500 600 700 4000 5000 6000 7000 hundred Examples Data: Input Format: 02171971 mmddyyyy Data: Input Format: 02/09/05 ddmmyy Copyright 2000 - 2005 Audium Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 1/14/05 25 DATE Output Format: Fileset: Playback: CISCO CVP VOICEXML 3.0 Say it Smart Specifications date standard_date “february” “17th” “19” “70” “1” Output Format: date_19 enhanced_date Fileset: Playback: “september” “2nd” “19” “oh” “5” Copyright 2000 - 2005 Audium Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 1/14/05 26 DATE Data: Input Format: Output Format: Fileset: Playback: Data: Input Format: Output Format: Fileset: Playback: CISCO CVP VOICEXML 3.0 Say it Smart Specifications 072003 mmyyyy month_year month_standard_year “july” “2” “thousand” “3” 12 mm month month “december” Data: Input Format: Output Format: Fileset: Playback: 2387 Data: Input Format: Output Format: Fileset: Playback: 10/10 yyyy year enhanced_year “23” “87” mmdd month_day month_day “october” “10th” Copyright 2000 - 2005 Audium Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 1/14/05 27 DIGITS CISCO CVP VOICEXML 3.0 Say it Smart Specifications Digits Name: Display Name: Class Name: digits Digit-By-Digit com.audium.sayitsmart.plugins.AudiumSayItSmartDigit Description This Say It Smart type handles the reading of any number digit by digit. The number can be negative or positive and can also contain a decimal (though, unlike Number, exponents are not supported). Every character is read individually. Input Formats Name (Display Name) number Description This number can appear as any length whole or decimal number. If the number is negative, the minus sign must be the first character. (Any Length Number) Output Formats Name (Display Name) digits Input Format Depends On number Description Output Format Depends On digits Description (Digit-By-Digit) The number can be played back in only one manner: digit by digit. Filesets Name (Display Name) standard (Standard) This single fileset contains all numbers from 0 to 9 as well as “point” and “negative”. Audio Files 0 negative 1 point 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Examples Data: Input Format: Output Format: Fileset: Playback: 96.89 number digits standard ”9” ”6” ”point” ”8” ”9” Data: Input Format: Output Format: Fileset: Playback: -10 number digits standard “negative“ “1” “0” Copyright 2000 - 2005 Audium Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 1/14/05 28 FILENAME CISCO CVP VOICEXML 3.0 Say it Smart Specifications Filename Name: Display Name: Class Name: file Filename com.audium.sayitsmart.plugins.AudiumSayItSmart Description This Say It Smart type handles the playback of an audio file whose name is passed as input to the plugin. In Cisco CVP VoiceXML Studio, one can specify a file type to apply to all audio files listed by the Say It Smart type. Filename is no different, the file type extension specified in Studio will be appended to the filename passed to the plugin. If the data sent as input already has an extension, Studio file type should be blank. For a TTS backup, the plugin returns the name of the audio file since the transcript cannot be known in advance. When trying to use this type in TTS only mode, it returns a null. Important Note: In Cisco CVP VoiceXML Studio and Server substitution can now be used within audio file names and TTS content, so one can now do with substitution what this plugin does. Additionally, a new Say It Smart plugin type was introduced: Custom Content, that does what this plugin does and more (such as allowing for a TTS backup). As a result, this plugin should be considered “deprecated”. It is still included for backwards compatibility however eventually this plugin will no longer be included in Cisco CVP VoiceXML updates and it is recommended to use one of the above solutions instead of using this plugin. Input Formats Name (Display Name) string (A Filename) Description Any string (the plugin does no filename validation). Output Formats Name (Display Name) audio Input Format Depends On string Description Output Format Depends On audio Description (Audio File) A single audio file whose name is passed to the plugin. Filesets Name (Display Name) none (No Fileset) The fileset contains only one file: to one to play. Copyright 2000 - 2005 Audium Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 1/14/05 29 FILENAME CISCO CVP VOICEXML 3.0 Say it Smart Specifications Audio Files The only audio file needed is the audio file to play, which is determined dynamically. Examples Data: Input Format: Output Format: Fileset: Playback: my file string audio none [Assuming an extension of “ulaw” was given in Studio] “my file.ulaw” Data: Input Format: Output Format: Fileset: Playback: audio_logo.wav string audio none [Assuming an extension of ”wav” was given in Studio] “audio_logo.wav.wav” Copyright 2000 - 2005 Audium Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 1/14/05 30 NUMBER CISCO CVP VOICEXML 3.0 Say it Smart Specifications Number Name: Display Name: Class Name: number Number com.audium.sayitsmart.plugins.AudiumSayItSmartNumber Description This Say It Smart type handles the reading of any number. The number can be negative or positive, contain a decimal, and can even contain an exponent. The whole part of the number is read normally and the decimal part of the number is read digit-by-digit. This plugin can handle numbers up to 999 trillion. The number can be read back in a way that sounds somewhat robotic, though it uses a minimum number of audio files. The number can also be read back in a manner that sounds better to the caller but will require more files to do so. These differences are encapsulated in the Number type’s two filesets: standard and enhanced. All Cisco CVP VoiceXML Say It Smart plugins that have numerical components use the Number plugin to convert their numbers so those plugins will list these two filesets as well. Input Formats Name (Display Name) standard (Standard) Description This represents any number, negative or positive, with or without a decimal, and optionally containing an exponent. No commas are allowed. Output Formats Name (Display Name) standard Input Format Depends On standard (Standard Number) no_trailing_0s standard (Read w/ no Trailing 0s) Description The whole part of the number is read normally and the decimal is read digit-by-digit. The whole part of the number is read normally, the decimal is read digit-by-digit, omitting trailing zeros. Filesets Name (Display Name) standard (Standard) enhanced (Enhanced) Output Format Depends On standard no_trailing_0s standard no_trailing_0s Description This fileset involves fewer audio files to render the number but at the cost of sounding a bit robotic. This fileset involves more audio files to render a better sounding number. Copyright 2000 - 2005 Audium Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 1/14/05 31 NUMBER CISCO CVP VOICEXML 3.0 Say it Smart Specifications Audio Files Standard Fileset 0 10 20 negative 1 11 30 point 2 12 40 hundred 3 4 13 14 50 60 thousand million 5 15 70 billion 6 16 80 trillion 2 12 22 32 42 52 62 72 82 92 300 3000 thousand 3 13 23 33 43 53 63 73 83 93 400 4000 million 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 600 6000 trillion 6 16 26 36 46 56 66 76 86 96 700 7000 7 17 90 8 18 9 19 7 17 27 37 47 57 67 77 87 97 800 8000 8 18 28 38 48 58 68 78 88 98 900 9000 9 19 29 39 49 59 69 79 89 99 Enhanced Fileset 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 1000 negative 1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 200 2000 point 4 14 24 34 44 54 64 74 84 94 500 5000 billion Examples Data: Input Format: Output Format: Fileset: Playback: 4836945.160 Data: Input Format: Output Format: Fileset: Playback: 36.1234E2 standard standard enhanced “4” “million” “800” “36” “thousand” “900” “45” “point” “1” “6” “0” standard standard standard “3” “thousand” “6” “hundred” “12” “point” “3” “4” Data: Input Format: Output Format: Fileset: Playback: 3.10 Data: Input Format: Output Format: Fileset: Playback: -3E-2 standard no_trailing_0s standard “3” “point” “1” standard standard standard “negative” “0” “point” “0” “0” “3” Copyright 2000 - 2005 Audium Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 1/14/05 32 PHONE CISCO CVP VOICEXML 3.0 Say it Smart Specifications Phone Name: Display Name: Class Name: phone Phone Number com.audium.sayitsmart.plugins.AudiumSayItSmartPhone Description This Say It Smart type handles the reading of a 10 digit phone number. The number must have an area code and cannot be an 11-digit number starting with 1. Many times, a phone number may appear with various formatting. To avoid having to process the data before it is sent to the plugin, the plugin will understand the standard phone number formats. The phone number is read digit-by-digit, inserting 150 millisecond pauses after the area code and exchange. The plugin Java class can easily be extended to create, in just a few lines of code, a new plugin performing the same function with a different pause length or additional formatting options. Input Formats Name (Display Name) 10_digit_whole_number (10 Digit Number) Description The data can be handled in any of the following formats: ##########, (###) ###-####, (###)###-####, ###-###-####, ###.###.####, (###)#######. Note the second format contains a space after the area code. Output Formats Name (Display Name) digits_with_pauses Input Format Depends On 10_digit_whole_number (As Digits w/ Pauses) Description The credit card number is played back digit-by-digit with 150 millisecond pauses where the number is normally divided. Filesets Name (Display Name) standard (Standard (0-9)) Output Format Depends On digits_with_pauses Description This fileset contains ten files: 0 through 9. It is the only fileset required. Copyright 2000 - 2005 Audium Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 1/14/05 33 PHONE CISCO CVP VOICEXML 3.0 Say it Smart Specifications Audio Files All audio files must be named as appears below. The names do not have an extension, the developer can choose whatever file type supported by their voice browser. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Examples Data: Input Format: Output Format: Fileset: Playback: (800) 555-1212 10_digit_whole_number digits_with_pauses standard “8” “0” “0” <150ms pause> “5” “5” “5” <150ms pause> “1” “2” “1” “2” Data: Input Format: Output Format: Fileset: Playback: 1112223333 10_digit_whole_number digits_with_pauses standard “1” “1” “1” <150ms pause> “2” “2” “2” <150ms pause> “3” “3” “3” “3” Copyright 2000 - 2005 Audium Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 1/14/05 34 SOCIAL SECURITY CISCO CVP VOICEXML 3.0 Say it Smart Specifications Social Security Name: Display Name: Class Name: ssn Social Security Number com.audium.sayitsmart.plugins.AudiumSayItSmartSocialSecurity Description This Say It Smart type handles the reading of a 9-digit social security number. Many times, a social security number may appear with dashes after the third and fifth digits. To avoid having to process the data before it is sent to the plugin, it will understand the social security number with these optional dashes, though no punctuation other than dashes is allowed. It reads it back digitby-digit, inserting 150 millisecond pauses after the third and fifth digits. The plugin Java class can easily be extended to create, in just a few lines of code, a new plugin performing the same function with a different pause length or additional formatting options. Name (Display Name) 9_digit_whole_number (9 Digit Number) Description The data can be handled in any of the following formats: #########, ###-##-#### Output Formats Name (Display Name) digits_with_pauses Input Format Depends On 9_digit_whole_number (As Digits w/ Pauses) Description The social security number is played back digit-by-digit with 150 millisecond pauses after the third and fifth digits. Filesets Name (Display Name) standard Output Format Depends On digits_with_pauses (Standard (0-9)) Description This fileset contains ten files: 0 through 9. It is the only fileset required. Audio Files 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Copyright 2000 - 2005 Audium Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 1/14/05 8 9 35 SOCIAL SECURITY CISCO CVP VOICEXML 3.0 Say it Smart Specifications Examples Data: Input Format: Output Format: Fileset: Playback: 123-45-6789 9_digit_whole_number digits_with_pauses standard “1” ”2” ”3” <150ms pause> ”4” ”5” <150ms pause> ”6” ”7” ”8” ”9” Data: Input Format: Output Format: Fileset: Playback: 111223333 9_digit_whole_number digits_with_pauses standard “1” ”1” ”1” <150ms pause> ”2” ”2” <150ms pause> ”3” ”3” ”3” ”3” Copyright 2000 - 2005 Audium Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 1/14/05 36 STRING CISCO CVP VOICEXML 3.0 Say it Smart Specifications String Name: Display Name: Class Name: string TTS String com.audium.sayitsmart.plugins.AudiumSayItSmartString Description This Say It Smart type plays back the data sent as input in Text To Speech (TTS). Even when the “Use Recorded Audio” checkbox is checked in Cisco CVP VoiceXML Studio, the output will be a TTS string containing the passed data. The input data is unmodified unless it contains characters not allowed in XML and the TTS content is not contained within CDATA (this occurs only on some supported voice browsers). These characters will then be converted to their escaped equivalents (for example “<” is converted to “&lt;”). Important Note: In Cisco CVP VoiceXML Studio and Server substitution can now be used within audio file names and TTS content, so one can now do with substitution what this plugin does. Additionally, a new Say It Smart plugin type was introduced: Custom Content, that does what this plugin does and more. As a result, this plugin should be considered “deprecated”. It is still included for backwards compatibility however eventually this plugin will no longer be included in Cisco CVP VoiceXML updates and it is recommended to use one of the above solutions instead of using this plugin. Input Formats Name (Display Name) string (A String) Description Any string. The string is modified only when the string contains characters illegal to XML and the TTS content is not placed inside CDATA. Output Formats Name (Display Name) tts Input Format Depends On string (The String in TTS) Description The data will be read by the TTS engine. Filesets Name (Display Name) none (No Fileset) Output Format Depends On audio Description There is no fileset because this type will never involve the playing of pre-recorded audio files. Every Say It Smart plugin, though, requires at least one fileset, so this one is simply named “none”. Copyright 2000 - 2005 Audium Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 1/14/05 37 STRING CISCO CVP VOICEXML 3.0 Say it Smart Specifications Audio Files None. The data will always be rendered in TTS. Examples Data: Today’s bingo number is 28. Data: myfile.wav Input Format: Output Format: Fileset: Playback: string tts none Input Format: Output Format: Fileset: Playback: string tts none Today’s bingo number is 28 (as TTS). myfile.wav (as TTS). Copyright 2000 - 2005 Audium Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 1/14/05 38 STATE CISCO CVP VOICEXML 3.0 Say it Smart Specifications State Name: Display Name: Class Name: state U.S./Canada State com.audium.sayitsmart.plugins.AudiumSayItSmartState Description This Say It Smart type handles the reading of a U.S. or Canadian state, territory, or province. The data is passed as the two-letter abbreviation of the state and the plugin plays back the full name. Please see the Audio Files section to see a list of U.S and Canadian states, territories, and provinces. Note that when the VoiceXML is produced, the TTS transcript will be exactly the same as the audio filename except without any underscores. Input Formats Name (Display Name) state_abbreviation Description (2-Character Abbreviation) A two letter abbreviation of the state (case insensitive). Output Formats Name (Display Name) state_name Input Format Depends On state_abbreviation (Full State Name) Description An audio file playing the full state, territory, or province name. Filesets Name (Display Name) standard Output Format Depends On state_name (Standard) Description There is only one fileset: a separate audio file for each U.S. or Canadian state, territory or province. Audio Files The filenames are as shown (no spaces in the names). The two-letter abbreviation for each state, territory, or province is listed in parentheses. U.S. Territories american_samoa (AS) marshall_islands (MH) us_virgin_islands (VI) federated_states_of_micronesia (FM) northern_mariana_islands (MP) palau (PW) guam (GU) puerto_rico (PR) Copyright 2000 - 2005 Audium Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 1/14/05 39 STATE CISCO CVP VOICEXML 3.0 Say it Smart Specifications U.S States alabama (AL) california (CA) district_of_columbia (DC) idaho (ID) kansas (KS) maryland (MD) mississippi (MS) nevada (NV) new_york (NY) oklahoma (OK) south_carolina (SC) utah (UT) west_virginia (WV) alaska (AK) colorado (CO) florida (FL) illinois (IL) kentucky (KY) massachusetts (MA) missouri (MO) new_hampshire (NH) north_carolina (NC) oregon (OR) south_dakota (SD) vermont (VT) wisconsin (WI) arizona (AZ) connecticut (CT) georgia (GA) indiana (IN) louisiana (LA) michigan (MI) montana (MT) new_jersey (NJ) north_dakota (ND) pennsylvania (PA) tennessee (TN) virginia (VA) wyoming (WY) arkansas (AR) delaware (DE) hawaii (HI iowa (IA) maine (ME) minnesota (MN) nebraska (NE) new_mexico (NM) ohio (OH) rhode_island (RI) texas (TX) washington (WA) Canadian Provinces / Territories alberta (AB) british_columbia (BC) manitoba (MB) new_brunswick (NB) newfoundland (NL) nova_scotia (NS) northwest_territories (NT) nunavut (NU) ontario (ON) prince_edward (PE) quebec (QC) sasketchewan (SK) yukon (YT) Examples Data: Input Format: Output Format: Fileset: Playback: NY state_abbreviation state_name standard “new_york” Data: Input Format: Output Format: Fileset: Playback: SK state_abbreviation state_name standard “sasketchewan” Copyright 2000 - 2005 Audium Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 1/14/05 40 TIME CISCO CVP VOICEXML 3.0 Say it Smart Specifications Time Name: Display Name: Class Name: time Time/Time Period com.audium.sayitsmart.plugins.AudiumSayItSmartTime Description This Say It Smart type handles the playback of the time or a time period. Whether to play back the time or a time period is specified by an input format. The plugin also supports the different components of the time separated by colons (:). The time arrives in 24-hour military format and time periods arrive in combinations of hours, minutes, and seconds. The time is read back in standard English fashion; the hour, the minute, and either “A.M.” or “P.M.”. Time periods are read back with each component followed by a qualifier (“hours”, “minutes”, or “seconds”). The plugin will only read the time or time period if it is legitimate (the components are within the appropriate range). This plugin uses the Cisco CVP VoiceXML Number Say it Smart plugin to render each component of the time or time period. It uses the same audio files so recordings done to support Number can be leveraged to support Time. Input Formats Name (Display Name) time_hhmm (24Hr Time (HHMM)) period_hhmmss (Time Period (HHMMSS)) period_hhmm (Time Period (HHMM)) period_mmss (Time Period (MMSS)) Description This input format is used to specify the time. It must arrive in 24hour format with the hours from 00 to 23 and the minute from 00 to 59. The data can be handled in any of the following formats: #### or ##:##. This input format is used to specify a time period including hours (from 00 to 99), minutes (from 00 to 59), and seconds (from 00 to 59). The data can be handled in any of the following formats: ###### or ##:##:##. This input format is used to specify a time period including hours (from 00 to 99) and minutes (from 00 to 59). The data can be handled in any of the following formats: #### or ##:##. This input format is used to specify a time period including minutes (from 00 to 99) and seconds (from 00 to 59). The data can be handled in any of the following formats: #### or ##:##. Copyright 2000 - 2005 Audium Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 1/14/05 41 TIME CISCO CVP VOICEXML 3.0 Say it Smart Specifications Output Formats Name (Display Name) time Input Format Depends On time_hhmm (The Time) time_special_12 (The Time 12=Midnight/Noon) period (Time Period) Description The time is read back with the hour (from 1 to 12) followed by the minute (from 0 to 59) followed by “A.M.” or “P.M.”. If the minute is zero, it will be omitted. time_hhmm The time is read back exactly as above except that 00:00 is read as “midnight” and 12:00 is read as “noon”. period_hhmmss The time period is read back with each period_hhmm component followed by the qualifier period_mmss “hours”, “minutes”, or “seconds”. If one component is zero, it is omitted. Filesets Name (Display Name) standard_time Output Format Depends On time (Standard Time) enhanced_time time (Enhanced Time) standard_special_12 time_special_12 (Standard Time + Noon/Midnight) enhanced_special_12 time_special_12 (Enhanced Time + Noon/Midnight) standard_period period (Standard Time Period) enhanced_period (Enhanced Time Period) period Description This fileset involves fewer audio files to render the time but at the cost of sounding a bit robotic. This directly correlates to the Cisco CVP VoiceXML Number Say it Smart plugin’s standard fileset. This fileset involves more audio files to render a better sounding time. This directly correlates to the Cisco CVP VoiceXML Number Say It Smart plugin’s enhanced fileset. This fileset is exactly the same as standard_time except with two extra files; “noon” and “midnight”. This fileset is exactly the same as enhanced_time except with two extra files; “noon” and “midnight”. This fileset involves fewer audio files to render the time period but at the cost of sounding a bit robotic. This directly correlates to the Cisco CVP VoiceXML Number Say it Smart plugin’s standard fileset. This fileset involves more audio files to render a better sounding time period. This directly correlates to the Cisco CVP Copyright 2000 - 2005 Audium Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 1/14/05 42 TIME CISCO CVP VOICEXML 3.0 Say it Smart Specifications VoiceXML Number Say It Smart plugin’s enhanced fileset. Audio Files Note that when reading back a time, zeros are replaced by “oh”. for example, 13:05 is read back as “one oh five P.M.”. This is not the case for time periods. standard_time oh 10 20 1 11 30 2 12 40 3 13 50 4 14 am 5 15 pm 6 16 7 17 1 11 21 31 41 51 pm 2 12 22 32 42 52 3 13 23 33 43 53 4 14 24 34 44 54 5 15 25 35 45 55 6 16 26 36 46 56 7 17 27 37 47 57 3 13 50 4 14 am 5 15 pm 8 18 9 19 enhanced_time oh 10 20 30 40 50 am 8 18 28 38 48 58 9 19 29 39 49 59 standard_special_12 oh 10 20 1 11 30 2 12 40 6 7 16 17 noon midnight 8 18 9 19 8 18 28 38 48 58 9 19 29 39 49 59 enhanced_special_12 oh 10 20 30 40 50 am 1 11 21 31 41 51 pm 2 12 22 32 42 52 noon 3 13 23 33 43 53 midnight 4 14 24 34 44 54 5 15 25 35 45 55 6 16 26 36 46 56 7 17 27 37 47 57 standard_period 0 10 20 1 11 30 2 12 40 3 13 50 4 14 60 5 15 70 6 16 80 7 17 90 Copyright 2000 - 2005 Audium Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 1/14/05 8 18 9 19 43 TIME CISCO CVP VOICEXML 3.0 Say it Smart Specifications hour hours minute minutes second seconds 2 12 22 32 42 52 62 72 82 92 minute 3 4 5 13 14 15 23 24 25 33 34 35 43 44 45 53 54 55 63 64 65 73 74 75 83 84 85 93 94 95 minutes second seconds enhanced_period 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 hour 1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 hours 6 16 26 36 46 56 66 76 86 96 7 17 27 37 47 57 67 77 87 97 8 18 28 38 48 58 68 78 88 98 9 19 29 39 49 59 69 79 89 99 Examples Data: Input Format: Output Format: Fileset: Playback: Data: Input Format: Output Format: Fileset: Playback: Data: Input Format: Output Format: Fileset: Playback: Data: Input Format: Output Format: Fileset: Playback: 20:43 time_hhmm time standard_time “8” “40” “3” “pm” 0000 time_hhmm time_special_12 standard_special_12 “midnight” 12:09 time_hhmm time standard_time “12” “oh” “9” “pm” 0001 period_hhmm period standard_period “1” “minute” Data: Input Format: Output Format: Fileset: Playback: 20:43 Data: Input Format: Output Format: Fileset: Playback: 02:00 Data: Input Format: Output Format: Fileset: Playback: 810001 Data: Input Format: Output Format: Fileset: Playback: 99:59 time_hhmm time enhanced_time “8” “43” “pm” time_hhmm time_special_12 enhanced_special_12 “2” “am” period_hhmmss period standard_period “80” “1” “hours” “1” “second” period_mmss period enhanced_period “99” “minutes” “59” Copyright 2000 - 2005 Audium Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 1/14/05 44 TIME CISCO CVP VOICEXML 3.0 Say it Smart Specifications “seconds” Copyright 2000 - 2005 Audium Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 1/14/05 45