Cisco Collaboration Server Agent Supervisor Guide Cisco Collaboration Server Version 5.0 Cisco Collaboration Server 5.0 Copyright Copyright © 2003, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. CCIP, the Cisco Powered Network mark, the Cisco Systems Verified logo, Cisco Unity, Follow Me Browsing, FormShare, Internet Quotient, iQ Breakthrough, iQ Expertise, iQ FastTrack, the iQ logo, iQ Net Readiness Scorecard, Networking Academy, ScriptShare, SMARTnet, TransPath, and Voice LAN are trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc.; Changing the Way We Work, Live, Play, and Learn, Discover All That’s Possible, The Fastest Way to Increase Your Internet Quotient, and iQuick Study are service marks of Cisco Systems, Inc.; and Aironet, ASIST, BPX, Catalyst, CCDA, CCDP, CCIE, CCNA, CCNP, Cisco, the Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert logo, Cisco IOS, the Cisco IOS logo, Cisco Press, Cisco Systems, Cisco Systems Capital, the Cisco Systems logo, Empowering the Internet Generation, Enterprise/Solver, EtherChannel, EtherSwitch, Fast Step, GigaStack, IOS, IP/TV, LightStream, MGX, MICA, the Networkers logo, Network Registrar, Packet, PIX, Post-Routing, Pre-Routing, RateMUX, Registrar, SlideCast, StrataView Plus, Stratm, SwitchProbe, TeleRouter, and VCO are registered trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and certain other countries. All other trademarks mentioned in this document or Web site are the property of their respective owners. The use of the word partner does not imply a partnership relationship between Cisco and any other company. (0203R) Table Of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................................................................... I OVERVIEW .................................................................................................... 1 About this Guide ....................................................................................... 1 Audience............................................................................................. 1 Guide Structure ................................................................................... 2 Feature Availability.................................................................................... 3 Viewing this Guide Online ........................................................................... 3 Viewing this Guide as a PDF........................................................................ 4 Related Documents ................................................................................... 4 See Also ............................................................................................. 5 About Collaboration Agents......................................................................... 6 Role of an Agent .................................................................................. 6 Single-session Agents and Desktop Features ............................................ 6 See Also ............................................................................................... 7 Multi-session Agents and Desktop Features................................................... 7 See Also ............................................................................................. 8 eSeminar Agents and Desktop Features........................................................ 8 See Also ............................................................................................. 8 SAMPLE SESSION SCENARIOS ......................................................................... 9 Introduction: Session Scenarios .................................................................. 9 About Session Scenarios ...........................................................................10 Blended Collaboration Session Scenario.......................................................11 Blended Collaboration Session Scenario..................................................11 Multi-session Chat Session Scenario............................................................14 Multi-session Chat Session Scenario.......................................................14 Training Session Scenario..........................................................................16 Training Session Scenario.....................................................................16 eSeminar Session Scenario........................................................................18 eSeminar Session Scenario...................................................................18 i SHARING SCRIPTS ........................................................................................20 Sharing Scripts ........................................................................................20 About Scripts...........................................................................................20 Benefits of Using Scripts ......................................................................21 Uses of Scripts....................................................................................21 Availability and Location.......................................................................22 See Also ..............................................................................................22 ScriptBuilder and User-defined Scripts.........................................................23 ScriptBuilder Scripts ............................................................................23 User-defined Scripts ............................................................................24 Your Role in Script Creation .......................................................................25 What Makes a Script Valuable?..............................................................25 What is Good Script Content?................................................................25 Your Role in Script Creation and Maintenance..........................................26 Using other Features with Scripts ...............................................................27 Preview Option ...................................................................................27 Broadcast Mode ..................................................................................27 Script Share .......................................................................................28 External View .....................................................................................29 Caller Experience with Scripts ....................................................................29 Content Shared by Simple Sharing Functions ..........................................30 Content Shared by Complex Sharing Functions ........................................30 See Also ..............................................................................................30 SHARING APPLICATIONS ...............................................................................31 Sharing Applications .................................................................................31 About Application Share ............................................................................31 Benefits of Using Application Share ........................................................32 Uses of Application Share .....................................................................32 Availability and Location.......................................................................32 See Also ..............................................................................................33 Application Share Modes ...........................................................................33 Demo Mode........................................................................................33 See Also ..............................................................................................34 Static Mode .............................................................................................34 See Also ............................................................................................34 Share Mode.............................................................................................34 ii See Also ............................................................................................35 Using Demo Mode ....................................................................................36 Giving a Sales Product Demonstration ....................................................36 Starting the Demonstration ....................................................................36 Using Static Mode ....................................................................................37 Training Agents...................................................................................37 Starting the Training .............................................................................37 Using Share Mode ....................................................................................38 Working with another Business on a Project ............................................38 Starting the Collaborative Project ............................................................38 Using other Features with Application Share.................................................39 Leadership .........................................................................................39 Using Leadership ..................................................................................40 Caller Remote Control ..........................................................................40 See Also ..............................................................................................41 Caller Experience with Application Share .....................................................41 Agent-led Application Sharing ...............................................................41 See Also ..............................................................................................42 Caller-led Application Sharing ....................................................................42 See Also ............................................................................................43 BROWSING WITH FOLLOW ME ........................................................................44 Browsing with Follow Me ...........................................................................44 About Follow Me ......................................................................................44 Benefits of Using Follow Me ..................................................................45 Uses of Follow Me................................................................................45 Availability and Location.......................................................................45 See Also ..............................................................................................46 Follow Me and SPLIT Issues .......................................................................46 Features that Integrate with Follow Me........................................................47 Leadership .........................................................................................47 Broadcast Mode ..................................................................................48 External View .....................................................................................49 Caller Remote Control ..........................................................................49 See Also ..............................................................................................50 Caller Experience with Follow Me ................................................................50 iii Agent-led Follow Me ............................................................................51 See Also ..............................................................................................51 Caller-led Follow Me .................................................................................51 See Also ............................................................................................52 SHARING WEB PAGES ...................................................................................53 Sharing Web Pages ..................................................................................53 About Page Share ....................................................................................53 Benefits of Using Page Share ................................................................54 Uses of Page Share .............................................................................54 Availability and Location.......................................................................54 See Also ..............................................................................................55 Using other Features with Page Share .........................................................55 Leadership .........................................................................................55 Broadcast Mode ..................................................................................56 External View .....................................................................................57 Caller Remote Control and Page Share ...................................................57 See Also ..............................................................................................58 Address Field...........................................................................................58 Caller Experience with Page Share ..............................................................58 Agent-led Page Share ..........................................................................58 See Also ..............................................................................................59 Caller-led Page Share ...............................................................................59 See Also ............................................................................................60 CHATTING ...................................................................................................61 Chatting .................................................................................................61 About Chat..............................................................................................61 Benefits of Using Chat..........................................................................62 Uses of Chat.......................................................................................62 Availability and Location.......................................................................63 Using other Features with Chat ..................................................................63 Scripts...............................................................................................63 Caller Remote Control ..........................................................................63 See Also ..............................................................................................64 Caller Experience with Chat .......................................................................64 Receiving Chat Messages......................................................................64 iv Sending Chat Messages........................................................................64 SHARING FORMS ..........................................................................................66 Sharing Forms .........................................................................................66 About Form Share ....................................................................................66 Benefits of Using Form Share ................................................................67 Uses of Form Share .............................................................................67 Availability and Location.......................................................................67 See Also ..............................................................................................67 Using other Features with Form Share.........................................................67 Address Field ......................................................................................68 Follow Me...........................................................................................68 See Also ..............................................................................................69 Leadership ..............................................................................................69 Broadcast Mode .......................................................................................70 External View ..........................................................................................70 Caller Remote Control...............................................................................71 See Also ............................................................................................72 Caller Experience with Form Share .............................................................72 Agent-led Form Share..........................................................................72 See Also ..............................................................................................72 Caller-led Form Share ...............................................................................73 See Also ............................................................................................73 DRAWING ON THE WHITE BOARD ...................................................................74 Drawing on the White Board ......................................................................74 About White Board ...................................................................................74 Benefits of Using White Board ...............................................................75 Uses of White Board ............................................................................75 Availability and Location.......................................................................75 See Also ..............................................................................................75 Using other Features with White Board........................................................75 Caller Experience with White Board.............................................................76 Receiving White Board Images ..............................................................76 See Also ..............................................................................................76 v Drawing on the White Board ......................................................................76 REMOTELY CONTROLLING THE CALLER CONTROL PANEL ....................................78 Remotely Controlling the Caller Control Panel...............................................78 About Caller Remote Control......................................................................78 Features that Can Be Remotely Controlled ..............................................79 Benefits of Using Caller Remote Control.......................................................79 Availability and Location............................................................................80 Using Leadership with Caller Remote Control................................................80 Caller Experience with Caller Remote Control ...............................................81 Remotely Activated Form Share ............................................................81 Remotely Activated Page Share .............................................................81 Remotely Activated Chat ......................................................................81 Remotely Enabled or Disabled Follow Me ................................................82 Remotely Enabled or Disabled Application Share ......................................82 See Also ..............................................................................................82 HOLDING ESEMINARS ...................................................................................83 Holding eSeminars ...................................................................................83 About eSeminars......................................................................................83 Benefits of Using eSeminars .................................................................84 Uses of eSeminars...............................................................................84 Availability .........................................................................................84 See Also ..............................................................................................84 Features Available during eSeminars...........................................................85 Seminar Features ................................................................................85 Sharing Features.................................................................................85 See Also ..............................................................................................86 General Features......................................................................................86 Leadership .........................................................................................86 Broadcast Mode ..................................................................................87 See Also ............................................................................................87 QUEUES AND AGENT CONFIGURATIONS...........................................................88 About Queues and Agent Configurations ......................................................88 Single-session Agent Desktop: Queue Tab Appearances............................88 Queue Tab 1 ........................................................................................88 vi Queue Tab 2 ........................................................................................89 Queue Tab 3 ........................................................................................90 Multi-session Agent Desktop: Meetings Area Appearance .........................91 Meetings Area 1....................................................................................91 Meetings Area 2....................................................................................92 See Also ..............................................................................................93 Understanding Requests............................................................................93 Chat Requests ....................................................................................93 See Also ..............................................................................................94 Blended Collaboration Requests .................................................................94 See Also ............................................................................................95 MeetMe Requests .....................................................................................95 See Also ............................................................................................96 Web Callback Requests .............................................................................96 See Also ............................................................................................97 eSeminar Requests ..................................................................................97 See Also ............................................................................................97 Collaboration Server Routing with the Single-session Agent Desktop ...............97 Queue Tab Appearance and Behavior .....................................................97 See Also ..............................................................................................98 Ready Icon Behavior.................................................................................98 See Also ............................................................................................99 Collaboration Server Routing with the Multi-session Agent Desktop .................99 Meetings Area Appearance and Behavior ................................................99 See Also ............................................................................................ 100 Ready Icon Behavior............................................................................... 100 See Also ............................................................................................ 100 ICM Routing with the Single-session Agent Desktop .................................... 100 Queue Tab Appearance and Behavior ................................................... 101 See Also ............................................................................................ 102 Ready Icon Behavior............................................................................... 102 Blended Telephone and Collaboration Server Behavior ................................. 102 See Also .......................................................................................... 103 ICM Routing with the Multi-session Agent Desktop ...................................... 103 Meetings Area Appearance and Behavior .............................................. 103 vii See Also ............................................................................................ 104 Ready Icon Behavior............................................................................... 104 See Also .......................................................................................... 105 ACD Routing with the Single-session Agent Desktop.................................... 105 Queue Tab Appearance and Behavior ................................................... 105 See Also ............................................................................................ 106 Ready Behavior ..................................................................................... 106 Blended Telephone and Collaboration Server Behavior ................................. 106 See Also .......................................................................................... 107 Understanding Push and Pick Agent Types ................................................. 107 Push Agents ..................................................................................... 107 Pick Agents ...................................................................................... 108 WEB REQUEST PROCESS.............................................................................. 109 About the Web Request Process ............................................................... 109 Web Requests: Caller's Point of View ........................................................ 109 Making the Request ........................................................................... 110 See Also ............................................................................................ 111 Accepting Certificates and Downloading the Caller Control Panel ................... 111 See Also ............................................................................................ 111 Using Initial Caller Control Panel Functionality ............................................ 111 Receiving the First Page Push .................................................................. 112 See Also .......................................................................................... 112 Receiving Browser Content of Different Complexity Levels............................ 112 Complexity Levels ............................................................................. 112 See Also .......................................................................................... 113 Sharing with an Agent ............................................................................ 114 Features that the Caller Can Use from the Caller Control Panel ................ 114 See Also .......................................................................................... 114 Ending Collaboration............................................................................... 115 Web Requests: Single-session Agent's Point of View.................................... 115 Receiving and Connecting the Request ................................................. 115 See Also ............................................................................................ 116 Viewing Caller Information ...................................................................... 116 viii Types of Caller Information................................................................. 116 See Also .......................................................................................... 117 Sharing Browser Content......................................................................... 117 See Also .......................................................................................... 117 Helping Callers Share ............................................................................. 117 See Also ............................................................................................ 118 Receiving Content Shared by Callers ......................................................... 118 Ending Collaboration............................................................................... 119 Wrapping Up ......................................................................................... 119 See Also .......................................................................................... 120 Web Requests: Multi-session Agent's Point of View ..................................... 120 Receiving and Connecting the Request ................................................. 120 See Also ............................................................................................ 121 Viewing Caller Information ...................................................................... 121 See Also .......................................................................................... 121 Sharing Browser Content......................................................................... 121 See Also .......................................................................................... 121 Receiving Content Shared by Callers ......................................................... 122 Ending Collaboration............................................................................... 122 Wrapping Up ......................................................................................... 122 See Also ............................................................................................ 123 Web Requests: eSeminar Agent's Point of View .......................................... 123 Initiating the Seminar ........................................................................ 123 Receiving Requests ........................................................................... 124 Selecting Whether to Allow New Callers into the Seminar ........................ 124 Sharing Browser Content.................................................................... 124 See Also ............................................................................................ 125 Ending Collaboration............................................................................... 125 See Also ............................................................................................ 125 MAINTAINING SECURITY.............................................................................. 126 Maintaining Security ............................................................................... 126 Password Change and Protection .............................................................. 126 Temporary MeetMe ID Use ...................................................................... 127 ix Application Share Considerations.............................................................. 127 Agent Security .................................................................................. 127 Caller Security ....................................................................................... 128 SOLVING COMMON ERRORS ......................................................................... 129 Introduction to Solving Common Errors ..................................................... 129 Agent Error Messages ............................................................................. 129 Log in and Log out Errors ................................................................... 129 Extension Errors .................................................................................... 130 Connecting Callers Errors ........................................................................ 130 Joining another Session Errors ................................................................. 131 Sharing Errors ....................................................................................... 131 Password Change Errors.......................................................................... 132 Caller Error Messages ............................................................................. 132 Connecting Errors ............................................................................. 133 Sharing Errors ....................................................................................... 133 Disconnecting Errors............................................................................... 134 REFERENCE................................................................................................ 135 Agent Desktops ..................................................................................... 135 About Agent Desktops ....................................................................... 135 Multi-session Agent Desktop ............................................................... 135 Agent Information Area ....................................................................... 136 Meetings Area .................................................................................... 137 Customer Info Area............................................................................. 138 Script Viewer Area.................................................................................. 139 Chat Area ............................................................................................. 140 Shared Browser Area .............................................................................. 140 Single-session Agent Desktop ............................................................. 141 Script Viewer...................................................................................... 142 Shared Browser .................................................................................. 142 User Tab............................................................................................ 143 Queue Tab ......................................................................................... 143 In Session Tab ................................................................................... 144 x Sharing Tab ....................................................................................... 145 eSeminar Agent Desktop .................................................................... 146 Script Viewer...................................................................................... 147 Shared Browser .................................................................................. 147 User Tab............................................................................................ 148 Seminar Tab ...................................................................................... 148 Sharing Tab ....................................................................................... 149 Java Certificates .................................................................................... 150 About Java Certificates....................................................................... 150 Microsoft Internet Explorer Certificates................................................. 150 Single-session Agent Certificates........................................................... 151 Certificates for basic functionality ....................................................... 151 Certificates for optional functionality .................................................... 152 Multi-session Agent Certificates................................................................ 152 Certificates for basic functionality ........................................................ 152 Certificates for optional functionality .................................................... 152 Caller Certificates................................................................................... 153 Callers that not are Application Share-enabled: Basic functionality ........... 153 Callers that are Application Share- enabled: Basic functionality ................ 153 Caller Certificates for optional functionality ........................................... 154 Netscape Navigator Certificates ........................................................... 154 Single-session Agent Certificates........................................................... 155 Certificates for basic functionality ....................................................... 155 Certificates for optional functionality .................................................... 155 Multi-Session Agent Certificates ............................................................... 156 Certificates for basic functionality ........................................................ 156 Certificates for optional functionality .................................................... 157 Callers.................................................................................................. 157 Callers that are not Application Share-enabled: Certificates for basic functionality ..................................................................................... 157 Callers that are Application Share-enabled: Certificates for basic functionality158 Certificates for optional functionality .................................................... 158 Browser Settings.................................................................................... 159 About Browser Settings...................................................................... 159 Microsoft Internet Explorer Browser Settings ......................................... 159 Security Settings ................................................................................ 159 HTTP Proxy and HTTP Proxy Port........................................................... 160 Netscape Navigator 4.06+ Browser Settings.......................................... 160 Advanced Settings .............................................................................. 160 xi Appearance Settings ........................................................................... 161 HTTP Proxy and HTTP Proxy Port Settings............................................... 161 CISCO SUPPORT ......................................................................................... 162 Web Resources ...................................................................................... 162 Email ................................................................................................... 162 Telephone ............................................................................................. 162 Index ................................................................................................... 163 xii Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Overview About this Guide This guide presents detailed information about how agents use Collaboration Server to assist callers, including: • Session scenarios that depict typical agent-caller interaction and describe how and why to use specific Collaboration features • In depth discussions of major Collaboration features • Detailed information about the Web request process • Descriptions of different enterprise system configurations and each configuration's effect on the Queue tab or Meetings area • Troubleshooting common problems • Security information This guide contains conceptual information to help you understand the Collaboration process and major features, rather than specific instructions for using the desktop. To gain a better understanding this guide, you should be familiar with the following: • Audience • Guide structure • Feature availability • Viewing this guide online • Viewing this guide as a PDF • Related documents Audience The information in this guide is intended for individuals who supervise agents and respond to questions about the agent desktops. Single-session agents, multisession agents, eSeminar agents, and System Administrators may also find the information helpful. 1 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Guide Structure This guide contains the following sections: Topic Description Sample Session Scenarios Presents sample agent-caller interaction during Collaboration sessions. Introduces each major feature of the agent desktops and describes why each feature is helpful during a session. Sharing Scripts Describes how and why agents use scripts during sessions and the caller's experience with scripts. Sharing Applications Describes how and why agents share applications during sessions. Presents each Application Share Mode and the caller's experience with sharing applications. Browsing with Follow Me Describes how and why agents use Follow Me browsing during sessions. Presents issues agents may encounter when using Follow Me and the caller's experience with Follow Me browsing. Sharing Web Pages Describes how and why agents share Web pages during sessions. Presents the caller's experience with sharing Web pages. Chatting Describes how and why agents chat with callers during sessions. Presents the caller's experience with chatting. Sharing Forms Describes how and why agents share and interactively complete forms during session. Presents the caller's experience with sharing forms. Drawing on the White Board Describes how and why agents draw interactively during sessions. Presents the caller's experience with drawing on the White Board. Remotely Controlling the Caller Control Panel Describes how and why agents remotely control the Caller Control Panel. Presents the caller's experience with Caller Remote Control. Holding eSeminars Describes how and why agents engage in eSeminars. Presents the caller's experience during an eSeminar. Queues and Agent Configuration Describes each configuration an agent may have, including: Collaboration Server routing with the single-session agent desktop Collaboration Server routing with the multi-session agent desktop ICM routing with the single-session agent desktop ICM routing with the multi-session agent desktop ACD routing with the single-session agent desktop Also describes the Queue tab and Meetings area behavior in each configuration and the types of requests an agent can receive. Web Request Process Describes the Web request process from a caller submitting a request to the agent Wrapping Up at the end of a session. Presents this process from the following points of view: Caller Single-session agent Multi-session agent eSeminar agent Maintaining Security Offers suggestions for maintaining the security of the Collaboration Server, including password, MeetMe ID, and Application Share information. Solving Common Errors Describes the error messages that agents and callers may encounter, 2 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 including the reason the error occurred and ways to solve the problem. Reference Contains the following helpful information: Descriptions of each agent desktop type Descriptions of the various Java certificates an agent and caller may receive Suggested browser settings for both Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer browsers Cisco Support Describes how to access technical assistance through the Web or over the telephone. Feature Availability This guide describes major Collaboration features. All of the features presented in this guide may not be available on the agent desktops and/or additional features may appear depending on which features your System Administrator chooses to enable. Viewing this Guide Online The online guide is divided into two frames. The Navigation frame, on the left, contains navigation tools. These tools include: • Table of contents, which contains a list of books and topics. Click the title of a book to open the book, and click the title of a topic to view the topic. • Index, which you use to locate keywords. You can enter a keyword or scroll through the list of index entries. Double-click entries to view the topic associated with the entry. • Search, which allows you to find a particular word or words within a topic. To search, type the word(s) that you want to find and click Find. The results of the search appear. Double-click the topic that you want to view. • Glossary, which provides definitions for important terms. Note: If you do not see the Navigation frame, click the Show button at the top of any screen. The Topic frame, on the right, contains the text of guide topics. The online guide is available from the documentation index: http://<CCS server>/doc 3 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Viewing this Guide as a PDF This guide is available in a PDF version to facilitate printing. The PDF version contains a table of contents and index to help you navigate the guide. The PDF version is available from the documentation index: http://<CCS server>/doc. Related Documents In addition to this guide, the Collaboration Server agent documentation set includes: Note: In the following table, <CCS server> stands for your Cisco Collaboration Server name. Supply your CCS server name for the links. Document Description Collaboration Server Context-sensitive online help Single-session Agent Online containing screen descriptions Help and directions How to View View by: clicking Help links in the single-session agent desktop clicking the Cisco Collaboration Server Singlesession Agent Online Help link in the documentation index: http://<CCS server>/doc Collaboration Server Multi- Online help containing screen session Agent Online Help descriptions and directions View by: clicking the Help link in the multi-session agent desktop clicking the Cisco Collaboration Server Multisession Agent Online Help link in the documentation index: http://<CCS server>/doc Quick Start for the Collaboration Server 5.0 Single-session Agent View by: A printed card with a quick introduction to using the singleobtaining a printed version from your System session agent desktop Administrator clicking the Quick Start for the Collaboration Server 5.0 Single-session Agent link in the documentation index: http://<CCS server>/doc Quick Start for the Collaboration Server 5.0 Multi-session Agent A printed card with a quick introduction to using the multisession agent desktop View by: obtaining a printed version from your System Administrator clicking the Quick Start for the Collaboration Server 5.0 Multi-session Agent link in the documentation index: http://<CCS server>/doc Quick Start for the A printed card with a quick View by: 4 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Collaboration Server 5.0 eSeminar Agent introduction to using the eSeminar agent desktop obtaining a printed version from your System Administrator clicking the Quick Start for the Collaboration Server 5.0 eSeminar Agent link in the documentation index: http://<CCS server>/doc Quick Start for the Collaboration Server 5.0 Caller A printed card with a quick introduction to understanding the caller screens View by: obtaining a printed version from your System Administrator clicking the Quick Start for the Collaboration Server 5.0 Caller link in the documentation index: http://<CCS server>/doc Resources card for Collaboration Server 5.0 View by: A printed card with reference material on accessing obtaining a printed version from your System Collaboration Server Administrator documentation and Cisco support for Collaboration Server clicking the Resource Card for Collaboration Server 5.0 link in the documentation index: http://<CCS server>/doc See Also For information on Specific instructions for using the agent desktops See Collaboration Server Single-session Agent Online Help Collaboration Server Multi-session Agent Online Help 5 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 About Collaboration Agents Agents use the Collaboration Server agent desktops to share Web pages, chat messages, and other information with callers during Collaboration sessions. Collaboration Server supports three types of agents: single-session agents, multisession agents, and eSeminar agents. Collaboration Server provides different desktops for each type of agent. As an agent, Agent Supervisor, or System Administrator, you should be familiar the following topics: • Role of an agent • Single-session agents and desktop features • Multi-session agents and desktop features • eSeminar agents and desktop features Role of an Agent The specific role of an agent within a contact center varies between enterprises. Typically, an agent is responsible for the following general tasks: • Guiding the caller through the Collaboration session smoothly and quickly • Answering callers' questions effectively • Understanding how each Collaboration feature works and when to use each feature • Recognizing and avoiding security risks and common errors Single-session Agents and Desktop Features Single-session agents engage in Chat, MeetMe, and/or Blended Collaboration sessions. Single-session agents may be able to communicate with callers using agent desktop features and the telephone simultaneously. 6 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Single-session agents can be configured to use the following features on the singlesession agent desktop: • Scripts • Application Share • Follow Me • Page Share • Chat • Form Share • White Board • Caller Remote Control See Also For more information about See The appearance and uses of the single-session agent desktop Single-session Agent Desktop Using scripts Sharing Scripts Using Application Share Sharing Applications Using Follow Me Browsing with Follow Me Using Page Share Sharing Web Pages Using Chat Chatting Using Form Share Sharing Forms Using White Board Drawing on the White Board Using Caller Remote Control Remotely Controlling the Caller Control Panel Multi-session Agents and Desktop Features Multi-session agents engage in multiple, simultaneous chat sessions. Multi-session agents use agent desktop features to communicate with callers during Collaboration Server sessions, not the telephone. These agents can switch between active sessions to address many caller's questions in a short amount of time. Multi-session agents may be configured to use the following features on the multisession agent desktop: • Scripts • Share Page 7 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 • Chat See Also For information on See The appearance and uses of the multi-session agent desktop Multi-session Agent Desktop Using scripts Sharing Scripts Using Share Page Sharing Web Pages Using Chat Chatting eSeminar Agents and Desktop Features eSeminar agents engage in online seminars in which many callers and agents can participate. eSeminar agents communicate with callers using agent desktop features and the telephone simultaneously. eSeminar agents can be configured to use the following features on the eSeminar agent desktop: • Scripts • Application Share • Follow Me • Page Share By default, eSeminar agents cannot use Chat, Form Share, or White Board See Also For more information about See The appearance and uses of the eSeminar agent desktop eSeminar Agent Desktop Engaging in eSeminars and sharing during eSeminars Holding eSeminars Using scripts Sharing Scripts Using Application Share Sharing Applications Using Follow Me Browsing with Follow Me Using Page Share Sharing Web Pages 8 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Sample Session Scenarios Introduction: Session Scenarios The scenarios describe sample agent/caller interaction during various types of Collaboration Server sessions. The agents use many different agent desktop features to help callers in each scenario. Through these scenarios, you obtain a good understanding of how a Collaboration Server session progresses and the Collaboration Server options available to callers and agents. The scenarios provide information about agent use of Collaboration Server. Agents and Agent Supervisors learn when and why to use specific Collaboration features and System Administrators learn how the Collaboration features help callers in various types of situations and enterprises. These scenarios include: • About Session Scenarios • Blended Collaboration session scenario • Multi-session Chat session scenario • Training session scenario • eSeminar session scenario 9 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 About Session Scenarios The following table provides a brief description of each sample scenario, including the type of session, the type of agent involved, the means of communication between the agent and the caller and the Collaboration features used. The information specific to each scenario also appears at the beginning of each scenario. Session Type Agent Desktop Blended Collaboration Single-session Means of Communication Web Collaboration and Telephone Collaboration Features Used Application Share in Demo Mode Broadcast Mode in Transmitting and Mute Mode Caller Remote Control Follow Me Form Share Leadership Page Share Script Wrap Up in Automatic Mode Multi-session Chat Multi-session Web Collaboration Chat Share Page Script Share Wrap Up in Manual Mode Training with MeetMe Single-session Web Collaboration and Telephone Application Share Broadcast Mode in Transmitting Mode Script White Board Wrap Up in Automatic Mode eSeminar eSeminar Web Collaboration and Telephone Broadcast Mode in Transmitting Mode Script 10 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Blended Collaboration Session Scenario Session Type: Blended Collaboration Agent Desktop: Single-session Means of Communication: Telephone and Web Collaboration Collaboration Features Used: • Application Share in Demo Mode • Broadcast Mode in Transmitting Mode and At Rest Mode • Caller Remote Control • Follow Me • Form Share • Leadership • Page Share • Script • Wrap Up in Automatic Mode Blended Collaboration Session Scenario Joe is browsing an investment company’s Web site looking for information about a specific mutual fund. Although Joe found this information several months ago, the site layout has changed since then and he cannot locate the mutual fund. After searching for several minutes on his own, Joe sees a "Live Help" button on the Web page. He clicks the button, enters his name and phone number on the resulting form, and submits his request. Because Joe was viewing the mutual fund area of the Web site, his request is assigned to Mary, an available agent with expertise in mutual funds. Joe and Mary enter a Collaboration session and a telephone call is placed automatically between Mary's phone and Joe's phone. Both telephones ring, and when Mary and Joe answer, Joe explains his problem to Mary. Mary realizes that not only does Joe want to find this information, but he also wants to be able to find this information the next time he visits the site. 11 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Mary checks the Leadership icon to make sure that she is the leader of the Collaboration session. She also verifies that she has a separate browser window open for viewing shared information because she knows that the company’s Web site contains "frameproofed" pages that cannot be displayed inside the agent desktop. She then turns Follow Me on by clicking the Follow Me icon on the Sharing tab. With Follow Me enabled, any page in her shared browser displays in Joe’s browser. Mary opens the Welcome page of the investment company’s Web site in her shared view browser. She clicks the Page Share icon to share the Web page with Joe. The Web page opens in Mary's and Joe's browsers. Mary cannot control Joe's mouse, so she tells him which links she clicks as she browses to the appropriate page. Each page that she opens appears in both browsers. Now Joe knows how to find the mutual fund information that he needs. After sharing the page containing the mutual fund information, Mary reminds Joe to bookmark this page in case he cannot remember where the page is. She toggles Follow Me off and asks Joe if he has any other questions. Joe asks her if she can show him a chart comparing the performance of aggressive growth funds and growth and income funds for the past year. Mary recognizes this as a common question and knows that she has access to a script with this information. She tells Joe that she can certainly provide him with a chart. Mary scans the contents of the script for mutual funds in the Script Viewer and finds "Performance Chart for 2000" and "Growth Fund Performance Chart for 2000". She is not sure which chart will contain the most useful information, so she instructs Joe to wait just a moment. Then, she checks the Preview option in the Script Viewer and now can preview the script content without sharing the script link with Joe. She clicks "Performance Chart for 2000" and views the Web page, and then clicks "Growth Fund Performance Chart for 2000" and views the Web page. Mary decides that the "Growth Fund Performance Chart for 2000" contains the information Joe wants. She unchecks the Preview option to share pages with Joe and clicks "Growth Fund Performance Chart for 2000" in the Script Viewer. This Web page appears in Mary's and Joe’s browsers. Mary and Joe discuss the chart. When Joe has finished looking at the chart, he asks Mary if she can recommend which fund is better for him. She tells Joe that he can fill out an online form that first analyzes what type of investor he is and then suggests funds in which he should consider investing. Joe replies that he found the form the last time he visited the site and remembers that he did not understand some of the fields. Mary offers to find the form and help him complete it and Joe agrees. Mary navigates to the form in her shared browser. Joe cannot see where Mary is browsing because Follow Me is turned off and she is not using a script to find the form. When she finds the form, she clicks the Form Share icon to send the Web page with the form to Joe. Joe fills in the information that he understands and asks her about fields that he does not understand. Before submitting the completed form, he asks Mary if it is possible for her to review the information he entered in the fields. Mary assigns leadership to All Participants so that Joe can send Web pages to her. 12 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Mary opens the In Session tab and highlights Joe's name. She clicks the Caller Info button to display a version of Joe's control panel. Mary then remotely clicks Joe's Form Share button to send his completed form to her browser. She looks over the information he entered and decides that he entered the information correctly. She tells him that the form looks fine. He clicks Submit on the form Web page and receives a Form Successfully Submitted Page that lists the best funds for his investment type. Mary does not receive the Form Successfully Submitted Page, so she remotely clicks Joe's Form Share button to send the page to her browser in order to review the results. Now that Joe knows which funds he should consider adding to his portfolio, he wonders if there is any way to plan how much money to invest in the fund each month or year. He asks Mary for advice and she tells him that the company has a spreadsheet with calculations that could help him create a financial plan and that he can download this page from the Web site. She offers to show him the sheet, the calculations used, and the type of information to enter in each cell so that he can download the spreadsheet and use it when he has all of the financial records that he needs. Joe agrees. Mary opens the spreadsheet program on her computer and opens the spreadsheet. To share the spreadsheet with Joe, she selects the program from the pull-down menu in the App field on the Sharing tab clicks the Send button. The Send button changes to a Stop button. Joe receives a real-time view of the spreadsheet as Mary uses it, but he cannot enter any information into the spreadsheet. She and Joe discuss the different equations and columns. Then, Mary enters information in each cell to show him how the spreadsheet works. The Application Share feature sends Joe continuous images of the spreadsheet as she enters information. When they have finished discussing the sheet, Mary clicks the Stop button to end Application Sharing. Since the spreadsheet can be downloaded from the Web, Mary locates the Web page with the spreadsheet in her script and shares it with Joe. He saves the spreadsheet to his computer. All of Joe’s questions have been answered. Mary says good-bye and hangs up the phone. The Collaboration session automatically ends and a Thank You for Using Collaboration page displays in Joe's browser. Mary's Wrap Up page opens in her Caller Info area, allowing her to enter information about the session into the company's session report page. Mary enters the necessary information and clicks Wrap Up to close the Wrap Up page. She is now ready to connect another caller. 13 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Multi-session Chat Session Scenario Session Type: Multi-session Chat Agent Desktop: Multi-session Means of Communication: Web Collaboration Collaboration Features Used: • Chat • Share Page • Script Share • Wrap Up in Manual Mode Multi-session Chat Session Scenario Amy is browsing a clothing company’s Web site looking for a birthday gift for her mother. Amy knows her mother's height and weight, but not her size. She finds a red wool sweater that she thinks her mother would like, but cannot locate a sizing chart on the Web site and wonders how soft the wool is. If the wool will irritate her mother's skin, she wants to purchase a matching turtle-neck shirt for her mother to wear under the sweater. Amy sees a "Chat with a Customer Service Agent" button on the Web page. She clicks the button, enters her name on the resulting form, and submits her request. Because Amy was viewing the Women's Winter Clothing area of the Web site, her request is assigned to Roger, an available multi-session agent with expertise in women's winter apparel. Once her request is connected, the Caller Control Panel opens on Amy's browser and her name appears on Roger's Active list. He selects her name from the list and enters a Chat session with Amy. The page she was on when she clicked the "Chat with a Customer Service Agent" button opens in Roger's shared view browser. Roger scans Amy's Customer Information and the Web page from which she made her request. Because the Web page describes winter clothing for women, he makes sure that the Women's Winter Apparel script is open in the Script Viewer. Roger enables Script Share and selects a greeting chat message from the script. The message, "Hi. How can I help you?" appears in the Chat Text area of Amy's Caller Control Panel. 14 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Amy types a chat message telling Roger that she needs help finding a sizing chart for sweaters. Roger replies that he can send her a Web page with the chart. He checks that he has a separate browser window open for viewing shared information because he knows that the company’s Web site contains "frameproofed" pages and therefore cannot be displayed inside the agent desktop. He clicks the title of the chart in his script. The Web page with the chart displays in Roger's and Amy's browsers. Roger answers Amy's questions about the chart, explaining that the chart converts height and weight into a standard size. He also sends a chat message telling Amy that the clothing made by his company is designed to be roomy. Amy then asks about the texture of the wool. Roger does not have any information about this in his script, but he knows that the Web site contains a page describing material texture. He navigates to this page in his shared browser. When he finds the page, he clicks the Share Page icon to send the page to Amy's browser. He also sends a chat message telling her that according to this page, the wool may be slightly scratchy until it is worn in. While Amy reviews this page, Roger sees an alert light next to another caller's name in the Active list, indicating that the caller has sent him a chat message. Roger knows that Amy needs a few moments to read the page, so he quickly switches to this other caller and reads the caller's question. The other caller asks if a certain sweater is available is green. Roger replies that it is, and sends the caller a Web page about the sweater from his script. Roger then switches back to Amy. He asks Amy if she has any other questions, and Amy asks him to point her to the Web page with turtle-necks shirts. Roger finds this page in his script and shares it with Amy. Roger has answered all of her questions and Amy is ready to return to shopping. Roger knows that agents in his contact center receive bonuses when callers that they help during Chat sessions make purchases within five minutes of the end of the session. Therefore, Roger must enter information about this session in a session report page that opens during Wrap Up. Roger is configured to enter Wrap Up only when he activates the icon during a session, so he clicks the icon before sending Amy a good-bye chat message from the script. Roger then clicks Disconnect and the Wrap Up session report page opens in his Caller Info area. Amy receives a Thank You Web page and completes her order. A Wrap Up symbol and the words In Wrap Up appear in the Active list while Roger completes the Wrap Up page. When Roger has completed the Wrap Up page, he clicks the Wrap Up icon to finish. Roger is ready to respond to other callers. 15 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Training Session Scenario Session Type: MeetMe Agent Desktop: Single-session Means of Communication: Telephone and Web Collaboration Collaboration Features Used: • Application Share in Demo and Share Mode • Broadcast Mode in Transmitting Mode • Script • White Board • Wrap Up in Automatic Mode Training Session Scenario Once a month, a health insurance company mails surveys about Collaboration Server to insurance members who have engaged in Collaboration sessions with agents during that month. Brian and Susan are new agents at this company's office in Baltimore and their responsibilities include using Collaboration Server daily and entering member information into the surveys at the end of each month. Brian and Susan learned how to use Collaboration a few days ago and practiced entering member information in the Wrap Up page to generate a list of members who should receive surveys. Today, they are scheduled to learn how to use the wordprocessing template that the company uses when creating these surveys. Linda is an experienced agent who works at the New York City office. She trains new agents across the country to use the template and has scheduled training for Brian and Susan for 2:00 P.M. today. At 2:00, Linda clicks the traffic light icon on her agent desktop to make herself unavailable for requests to her skill groups and initiates a conference call between herself, Brian, and Susan. She instructs Brian and Susan to browse to a specific Web page with a request form and gives them her Temporary MeetMe ID. In this Web page, Brian and Susan enter their names and Linda's temporary extension and submit the form to make MeetMe requests. Linda sees Brian's and Susan's names in her MeetMe queue and opens the Auto Connect door to connect their requests. She is now in session with both Brian and Susan. Linda decides to use the White Board feature to record questions and answers during 16 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 the training. She opens the White Board, which causes a White Board window to open on her screen and Brian's and Susan's screens. She plans to use the tools to record the questions and answers because she knows that Brian and Susan can see information that she adds to the White Board and can print the White Board window to save the information once the training has ended. Linda opens her script for word-processing template training. She tells Brian and Susan that she will be sending them some Web pages with information about the template and then she will practice using the template with them. Linda selects a PowerPoint slide titled "Understanding Word-processing" from the script list. Because her Broadcast Mode is Transmitting, the slide in this presentation appears in all of their browsers. Linda goes through each slide in the presentation, using the speaker notes in the script to discuss major features with Brian and Susan. Linda then shares the "Understanding the Template" PowerPoint slides in the script with Brian and Susan, answering their questions and explaining the specifics of the template. Once Brian and Susan learn the basics of the program and the template, Linda opens the word-processing program on her computer. She wants to show Brian and Susan images of the program as she opens a document with the template. To do so, Linda selects the program from the pull-down menu in the App field on the Sharing tab. She clicks the Send button, leaving the Share option unchecked. The Send button changes to a Stop button. Brian and Susan receive a real-time view of Word and watch as Linda opens a new document with the template. When Brian and Susan understand how to create a document with the template, Linda checks Share on the Sharing tab and clicks Send again. Now, Brian and Susan can use the program with Linda. Linda instructs Brian to enter sample customer information in the document. When he finishes, Linda asks Susan to make changes to the information Brian entered and to create a new document with the template. After helping Susan and Brian use the template for a few more minutes, Linda thinks that they are ready to use the template on their own. She clicks the Stop button to end Application Sharing. She tells Brian and Susan that she enjoyed helping them. Linda then shares a Web page containing her contact information from the script. She tells Brian and Susan to bookmark this Web page in case they need to ask her any questions about the template in the future. Linda then says good-bye. She disconnects Brian and Susan from her In Session tab and hangs up her phone. A Wrap Up page designed to gather information about Collaboration sessions opens automatically on Linda's desktop. Linda enters information about the training in this page. When she has completed the page, Linda clicks Wrap Up to leave the Wrap Up state. She clicks the traffic light to make herself available to connect requests to her skill groups. 17 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 eSeminar Session Scenario Session Type: eSeminar Agent Desktop: eSeminar Means of Communication: Telephone and Web Collaboration Collaboration Features Used: • Broadcast Mode in Transmitting Mode • Script eSeminar Session Scenario Angela, an agent supervisor, works for a software company's contact center in San Francisco. She is planning a presentation about email, telephone and Web Collaboration etiquette for the agents that she supervises. The System Administrator, Ted, has looked over her presentation and believes that it could help agents in the Los Angeles contact center as well. Ted asks Angela to run a Collaboration eSeminar during the meeting to share her presentation with agents in Los Angeles. Angela sends an email to the System Administrator in Los Angeles with the description and time of the presentation. She includes the eSeminar request URL and the keyword that agents can use to join the eSeminar. The System Administrator selects several agents to attend the eSeminar and gives them the URL and keyword. He emails Angela to inform her that ten agents will be attending her eSeminar Before the eSeminar, Angela sends Ted her PowerPoint presentation so that he can create a script for her presentation. Ted creates the script, including the PowerPoint presentation and a Web page containing Angela's email address in case any agents need to contact her. He also arranges for the presentation room to have a phone so that eSeminar participants can call to listen to the presentation as they view the slides on the Web. When it is time for the presentation, Angela and the San Francisco agents gather in the presentation room. Angela sets up a laptop and logs into Collaboration as an eSeminar agent. She enters the eSeminar keyword on the Seminar tab and selects the script for the presentation, making sure that her Broadcast Mode is Transmitting so that she can share script content with callers. Angela sets up the phone so that the agents in Los Angeles can dial into the presentation. 18 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 After five minutes, the ten agents who were supposed to attend the presentation have dialed into the presentation. Angela instructs them to mute their phones so that any noise from their desk or contact center will not distract her. She tells them to go to the request Web page and enter the eSeminar keyword. Angela sees that the number of participants in her session is ten, indicating that everyone on the phone is now also participating in the eSeminar. She unchecks the Allow new callers into seminar box so that no new participants can join the eSeminar. As Angela gives her presentation using PowerPoint slides, she uses the script to share the appropriate slides with the eSeminar participants. Everyone attending the presentation, either in person or remotely, can see the visual materials of the presentation and hear Angela speak. At the conclusion of the eSeminar, Angela thanks everyone for attending and shares the Web page from the script with her contact information. She disconnects all participants and logs out of Collaboration. 19 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Sharing Scripts Sharing Scripts Scripts allow you to share pre-selected Web pages, files, PowerPoint presentations, Web page comparisons, and/or chat messages with callers. Scripts are available on all agent desktops. The information presented about scripts is helpful for agents, Agent Supervisors, and System Administrators. Agents and Agent Supervisors learn when and why to use scripts and System Administrators learn how scripts can help callers in various types of situations and enterprises. Understanding scripts involves the following topics: • About Scripts • ScriptBuilder and User-defined Scripts • Your Role in Script Creation • Using other Features with Scripts • Caller Experience with Scripts About Scripts Your System Administrator creates scripts that help you answer common questions quickly and easily. Script content can include Web pages, Web page comparisons, files, PowerPoint slides, chat messages that you may be able to edit, and notes to assist you while presenting the content. You send the caller script content to respond to callers' questions and chat messages. You should be able to answer the majority of callers' questions by simply selecting the appropriate script content. Scripts can include both simple and complex sharing functions. Simple sharing functions, such as sharing basic Web pages and chat messages, use JavaScript functions. These functions run automatically in a caller's browser. Complex sharing functions, such as sharing framed Web pages, use a Java applet. The caller may have to accept a Java certificate before viewing these types of pages. 20 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 To gain a better understanding of scripts, read the following: • Benefits of using scripts • Uses of scripts • Availability and location Benefits of Using Scripts Using scripts to share information offers you the following benefits: • You can share Web pages, PowerPoint slides, and chat messages in succession, without switching programs or loading a browser • Scripts save you valuable time by consolidating commonly shared information into a single list, helping you find information quickly and decreasing the need to search for the answer to a caller's question • You share script content simply by clicking the title of the script content • If a caller made a Collaboration Server request to a specific skill group, the default script for the skill group displays as soon as you are in session with the caller • If you are using the multi-session agent desktop, you can switch sessions and the script changes to reflect the current session • You can preview script content before sharing it with a caller, using the Preview option or Broadcast Mode in Mute Mode if you are single-session agent and the non-depressed Script Share icon if you are a multi-session agent • You may be able to edit chat messages. If so, you can tailor the message to the session before sharing it with the caller • If you have access to more than one script, you can change scripts during a session to answer any questions that are not related to the caller's original question Uses of Scripts Use scripts to quickly: • Provide training for agents or callers using PowerPoint presentations • Share visual material with remote attendees during a meeting 21 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 • Compare two Web pages to show the differences between two products Availability and Location Your System Administrator determines which scripts you can use and the contents of those scripts. You view and share scripts from the Script Viewer area of your desktop. For single-session and eSeminar agents, your Script Viewer typically appears in the upper left corner of the desktop. For multi-session agents, your Script Viewer typically appears near the center of the agent desktop. The Script Viewer appears as follows: See Also For information on See The differences between ScriptBuilder scripts and user- ScriptBuilder and User-defined Scripts defined scripts Java certificates About Java Certificates 22 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 ScriptBuilder and User-defined Scripts Your Script Administrator can create two types of scripts that differ in the type of content they can include and how they behave in the Script Viewer. These two types of scripts are: • ScriptBuilder scripts • User-defined scripts ScriptBuilder Scripts ScriptBuilder is part of the Collaboration Server Administration desktop. Script Administrators can use ScriptBuilder to create and name scripts, upload content to scripts, and assign default scripts to skill groups. ScriptBuilder scripts can include the following types of content: • Files • PowerPoint slides • Chat messages, which you may be able to edit • Web pages • Web page comparisons, in which two Web pages appear side-by-side in your shared view browser and the caller's browser • Speaker notes, which provide you with information about script content You view your list of scripts and script contents in the Script Viewer. The left side of the Script Viewer lists the scripts that you can use. These scripts can include only ScriptBuilder scripts, only user-defined scripts, or a mixture of both. When you select a ScriptBuilder script, the script's contents appear in the right side of the Script Viewer. You share items from this list of contents by clicking the title of the item that you want to share. You can open a different script by selecting it from the script menu. If you are using the single-session or eSeminar agent desktop, ScriptBuilder scripts contain a Preview option in the left side of the Script Viewer. By checking this option, you can preview script content. If you preview a chat message, the message appears in a popup window. If you preview other script content, the content appears in a new window. You can also use Broadcast Mode in Mute Mode , but the 23 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Preview option is the preferred method because it allows you to preview chat messages. User-defined Scripts Your Script Administrator may decide to create scripts using HTML and the JavaScript functions supported by Collaboration Server instead of using ScriptBuilder. User-defined scripts can include the following types of content: • Web pages • Chat messages • Web page comparisons • Speaker notes, which provide you with information about script content You view your list of scripts and script contents in the Script Viewer. The left side of the Script Viewer lists the scripts that you can use. These scripts can include only user-defined scripts, only ScriptBuilder scripts, or a mixture of both. When you select a user-defined script, the Script Viewer changes to a single window and you can no longer see the script menu. Instead, you view the script's contents in the entire Script Viewer. You share items from this list of contents by clicking the title of the item that you want to share. Your Script Administrator should include a link to the script menu in the script so that you can open a different script. If you are using the single-session or eSeminar agent desktop, your Script Viewer does not contain a Preview option; you must use Broadcast Mode in Mute Mode preview script content. to 24 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Your Role in Script Creation Scripts allow you to share pre-selected information and help callers in a minimal amount of time. Because they increase your response time and productivity, scripts are important to both your enterprise and your callers. If you notice that your scripts are not meeting your callers' needs, you may want to speak to either your Agent Supervisor or the Script Administrator. Before you attempt to influence a script, you should understand: • What makes a script valuable • What is good script content • Your role in script creation and maintenance What Makes a Script Valuable? Scripts that are valuable to your enterprise contain some or all of the following criteria: • Can be used by many agents • Organize contents in a logical way. For example, in the order an agent will use the script or in order of sharing frequency. • Can be used to answer most questions that callers ask and reduce the agent's need to use other Collaboration features What is Good Script Content? Good script content includes some or all of the following criteria: • Addresses questions that an agent answers on a daily basis • Can be used by many agents. If one agent in a skill group wants a script addition but other agents in the skill group would not use this new content, the addition should not be made. • Is located in a logical place in the script. For example, list a greeting chat message at the beginning of a script. 25 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Examples of good script content include: • Standard greeting and good-bye chat messages • Web pages that address typical and/or major questions that callers ask. For example, in the Multi-session Chat session scenario, Roger's script contains a sizing chart. Because he works for a clothing company, many callers ask about sizing. Having the chart in his script allows Roger to quickly share this information without having to navigate through the company's Web site. • PowerPoint presentations for standard training of agents or callers • Chat messages that describe a product or service Your Role in Script Creation and Maintenance As an agent, you constantly share information with callers, and having the majority of that information accessible from a script increases your ability to help callers quickly. Because you share the scripts with callers, you know whether the scripts help you collaborate efficiently and you can provide important feedback to the Script Administrator about the scripts. If you find that a script should be modified to better suit callers' needs, you can suggest that specific information be added to or removed from existing scripts or recommend that new scripts be created. For example, if you find that you use Page Share to share the same Web page with many customers, you may want to ask the Script Administrator to include the Web page in a script, or ask your Agent Supervisor to speak to the Script Administrator for you. If you are an Agent Supervisor, you can talk to your agents about the scripts and watch them use the scripts. The agents should be able to help most callers mainly by using scripts. They may not be using the scripts as often as they should be because the scripts are missing commonly shared information, or because the scripts contain too much information and are confusing. Use the suggested criteria above to determine which content should be added or removed, or whether a new script should be created. You can discuss the matter with your Script Administrator and the Administrator may use this feedback to make the scripts more effective. In some contact centers, agents use only scripts to share information with callers; their desktops do not contain most of the other Collaboration Server features. For these contact centers, the effectiveness of the script is vital. If a caller asks a question that the script does not address, the agent cannot help the caller. If your contact center uses scripts in this manner, your feedback is crucial to ensure customer satisfaction. 26 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Using other Features with Scripts Other Collaboration features interact with scripts. These features include: • Preview option • Broadcast Mode • Script Share • External View Preview Option The Preview option is available in the single-session and eSeminar agent desktops if you are viewing a ScriptBuilder script. Access the Preview option from the left side of the Script Viewer. The Preview option is not available if you are viewing a userdefined script. The Preview option allows you to preview script content. If Preview is enabled, selected chat messages appear in a popup box and other selected script content appears in a new window. This content is not shared with participants. By previewing script content, you can ensure that the information helps the caller before you share the content. Because the Preview option allows you to preview chat messages, it is preferred over Mute Mode. To select the Preview option: Check the Preview checkbox. Broadcast Mode Broadcast Mode is available on the single-session and eSeminar agent desktops. Access Broadcast Mode from all tabs in the desktop. Broadcast Mode allows you to preview or share script content. When you share script content, the content appears in both your shared view browser and the caller's browser. When you preview script content, you view the content in your shared view browser without sending it to the caller. 27 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 The Broadcast Mode icon indicates whether you are previewing or sharing script content. This icon appears on all tabs on the single-session agent desktop. Three Broadcast Modes exist: • Transmitting Mode • At Rest Mode • Mute Mode You share content in either Transmitting Mode or At Rest Mode. The only difference between these two modes involves Follow Me. If Follow Me is enabled, you are in continuous Transmitting Mode. If Follow Me is disabled, you are in At Rest Mode until you share information, and then you briefly enter Transmitting Mode. You preview content in Mute Mode. When you are in Mute Mode, you view script content in your shared view browser without sharing the content. By previewing script content, you can ensure that the information helps the caller before you share the content. To change Broadcast Modes: Click the Broadcast Mode icon: • If you are in either Transmitting Mode or At Rest Mode, you enter Mute Mode when you click the icon • If you are in Mute Mode and Follow Me is enabled, you enter Transmitting Mode when you click the icon • If you are in Mute Mode and Follow Me is disabled, you enter At Rest Mode when you click the icon Script Share Script Share is available only on the multi-session agent desktop. The Script Share icon appears above the Script Viewer on the multi-session agent desktop and indicates whether you are previewing or sharing script content: • When disabled the Script Share icon appears with red arrows. You preview content. • When enabled (depressed), the Script Share icon appears with blue arrows. You share content. 28 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 To change your Script Share state: Click the Script Share icon. External View External View is available on all agent desktops. Access External View from all tabs on the single-session and eSeminar agent desktops and from the multi-session agent desktop. You can view shared script content either within your agent desktop or in a separate browser window. You should view content in a separate browser window in case you have "frameproofed" Web pages in your script. "Frameproofed" Web pages are pages that cannot open within the frame of another window, like the agent desktop. These pages display over your entire desktop if you try to share them. By sharing in a separate browser window, you can view both the "frameproofed" Web page and the agent desktop. You also have access to the full range of browser tools when you use a separate browser window for sharing. The External View icon can appear in two states: • A single window in the icon indicates that you view shared content within the agent desktop • Multiple windows in the icon indicate that you view shared content in a separate browser window To open or close your separate browser window: Click the External View icon. Caller Experience with Scripts To the caller, shared script content appears just like information shared by other Collaboration features. For example, if you share a Web page from a script, the page appears just like the Web page shared with Page Share. The caller experience with scripts involves viewing: • Content shared by simple sharing functions • Content shared by complex sharing functions 29 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Content Shared by Simple Sharing Functions Simple script content includes chat messages, files, PowerPoint presentations and Web pages that do not include frames. These items in a script are shared using JavaScript functions. The caller can view the information automatically. When you share any simple script content other than chat messages, the content appears in the caller's browser. When sharing chat messages, the messages appear in the Chat window on the caller's screen if you are using the single-session agent desktops or in the chat area of the Caller Control Panel if you are using the multi-session agent desktop. Content Shared by Complex Sharing Functions Complex script content, including framed Web pages and Web page comparisons, is shared using a Java applet. When you share complex content, the following events occur on the caller's screen: 1. The caller may have to accept a Java certificate that opens. 2. If the caller is using Microsoft Internet Explorer, a new browser window opens on the caller's screen in which the caller views the shared content. The caller will view all future shared information in this new browser window, regardless of whether the information is shared through a simple or complex sharing function. Note: If the caller is using Netscape Navigator, the caller can view the shared information in the currently open browser window. See Also For information on See Java certificates About Java Certificates 30 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Sharing Applications Sharing Applications You can share images of applications or actual applications with callers using the Application Share feature of Collaboration Server. Application Share is available to agents using the single-session and eSeminar agent desktops. The information presented about Application Share is helpful for agents, Agent Supervisors, and System Administrators. Agents and Agent Supervisors learn when and why to use Application Share and System Administrators learn how Application Share can help callers in various types of situations and enterprises. Understanding Application Share involves the following topics: • About Application Share • Application Share Modes • Using Demo Mode • Using Static Mode • Using Share Mode • Features that Interact with Application Share • Caller Experience with Application Share About Application Share Application Share is a Collaboration feature that allows you to share images of an application or the application itself with session participants. You can share an application residing on your computer or on a caller's computer without installing or downloading software for the application. Applications include any open program on your computer or on the caller's computer. Application Share is a complex sharing function, meaning that it is performed using a Java applet. Callers must download a Java applet plug-in or ActiveX control before they can view shared applications. 31 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 To gain a better understanding of Application Share, read the following: • Benefits of using Application Share • Uses of Application Share • Availability and location Benefits of Using Application Share Using Application Share to share information offers you the following benefits: • You can share an application from a caller's hard drive in order to help the caller with a specific part of an application • You can demonstrate an application that the caller does not have Uses of Application Share Use Application Share to: • Train agents or callers • Give product demonstrations to coworkers or potential consumers • Provide technical support • Engage in business to business collaboration on a project Availability and Location The System Administrator determines whether the Application Share feature is enabled or disabled on your single-session or eSeminar agent desktop. If the feature is enabled, the Application Share controls appear on the Sharing tab as shown here: If the feature is disabled, the Application Share controls do not appear on your desktop and you cannot use the feature. 32 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 See Also For information on See Java certificates, applet, and plug-ins About Java Certificates Application Share Modes Both you and the caller can use Application Share in 3 modes: • Demo Mode • Static Mode • Share Mode Demo Mode In Demo Mode, you share continuous images of the application with the caller. The caller views these images, but cannot use the application. Because you share images of the open application, any part of the application window that is covered by another window appears black in the caller's screen. To ensure that the caller can view the entire application, bring the application window to the foreground on your screen. When you share applications in Demo Mode, your pointer may appear to jerk across the screen instead of moving steadily. You may also notice that the amount of time between pressing a letter key on your keyboard and the letter appearing on your screen changes. These changes occur because the computer is constantly making images of the application and sending them to the caller. When you want to share in Demo Mode, make sure that the Share option is before you click Send. The Send button changes to a Stop button, unchecked which you click to stop sharing the application. Demo Mode is particularly helpful when you want to: • Show a session participant every keystroke and action performed in the application • Teach a session participant to use an application or part of an application while maintaining security • Teach multiple session participants to use an application or part of an application while retaining control of the session 33 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 See Also For information on See A scenario in which Demo Mode is appropriate Using Demo Mode Static Mode In Static Mode, you select when to send an image of the application to the caller. The caller views these images, but cannot use the application. Because you share images of the open application, any part of the application window that is covered by another window appears black in the caller's screen. To ensure that the caller can view the entire application, bring the application window to the foreground on your screen. Unlike sharing in Demo Mode, sharing in Static Mode does not cause changes in keyboard or mouse behavior. When you want to use Static Mode, make sure that the Share option is unchecked and press CTRL+F12 to send a single image. You do not need to click the Send button. Close the application when you finish sharing. Note: If you click the Send button, you enter Demo Mode. Static Mode is particularly helpful when you want to: • Share images of an application only at relevant times, such as after entering a row of text into a spreadsheet, instead of showing the caller every keystroke and action • Teach a session participant to use an application or part of an application while maintaining security • Teach multiple session participants to use an application or part of an application while retaining control of the session See Also For information on See A scenario in which Static Mode is appropriate Using Static Mode Share Mode In Share Mode, you share the application itself with the caller so that the caller can use the application with you. You see any changes that the caller makes in the 34 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 application and the caller sees any changes that you make. Caution: If you share your desktop while in Share Mode, you are providing participants with access to your computer. This means that the participants can damage files on your hard drive either intentionally or unintentionally. Only use Share Mode to share your desktop when you know that you can trust the participants. When you use Share Mode, you see your pointer and the caller's pointer on the screen as well as any typing or actions performed by the caller. Your pointer may appear to jerk across the screen instead of moving steadily. You may also notice that the amount of time between pressing a letter key on your keyboard and the letter appearing on your screen changes. These changes occur because two or more people are using the application at once. When you want to use Share Mode, make sure that the Share option is checked before you click Send. Share Mode is particularly helpful when you want to: • Train other agents or callers that you trust to use an application or part of an application • Work collaboratively with another business that you trust See Also For information on See A scenario in which Share Mode is appropriate Using Share Mode Suggestions for maintaining the security of the agent's and caller's hard drives Application Share Considerations 35 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Using Demo Mode Agents use Demo Mode in many situations. The following scenario describes the steps that an agent performs when using Demo Mode to give a sales product demonstration. Giving a Sales Product Demonstration Sandra is a sales representative for a software company in California that has just completed a new database application. On her list of potential customers is a company located in London. Sandra wants to demonstrate the features of this product without having to travel, so she engages in a MeetMe session with Andrew, a representative for the customer company. Starting the Demonstration Sandra opens the new application on her computer and prepares the application for the demonstration. Then, she tells Andrew that she will be showing him the new database application. She explains that when she starts the demonstration, Andrew will receive a dialog box asking him to download a Java applet plug-in or ActiveX control. Sandra tells him to accept the download so that he can view the demonstration. To give the demonstration: 1. Sandra selects the application from the pull-down menu in the App field and clicks Send. 2. Andrew accepts the Java download and images of the application appear in a new browser window on his screen. 3. Andrew watches as Sandra uses the major features of the application. 4. She discusses each feature with Andrew, answering his questions and explaining how the application will help his company. 5. When Sandra finishes the demonstration, she clicks the Stop button. 36 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Using Static Mode Agents use Static Mode in many situations. The following scenario describes the steps that an agent performs when using Static Mode to train other agents. Training Agents Richard, Sharon, and Dave are new agents for an online travel agency. They need to learn how to use the company's Web site in order to assist customers. Brenda has been an agent for the company for several months, and she has been asked to show them how to use the Web site to make hotel, plane, and automobile reservations. Starting the Training Brenda logs in to Collaboration Server and initiates a conference call between herself and the new agents, who are sitting at their workstations. She tells them to browse to the request Web page and enter their names and her MeetMe extension in the fields. When they are all in session, Brenda opens the company's Web site in her Internet Explorer browser. She decides to use Application Share instead of Page Share to share the Web pages with the new agents in order to show the agents the information that she enters into the pages as well as her pointer on the pages. She selects Internet Explorer from the pull-down menu in the App field. Because the other agents do not need to see every action that she performs, Brenda decides to share in Static Mode. To give the training: 1. She presses CTRL+F12 to send an image of the page to Richard, Sharon, and Dave. 2. They accept the Java applet download and new windows open on their screens with an image of the application. 3. Brenda then enters text into the fields on the page and clicks Ctrl+F12 to send a new image to the agents. The agents can see what a customer should enter. 4. Brenda continues to use the Web site, selecting radio buttons, entering information in text fields, and using a search feature. Each time she feels that the other agents should see what she has done, she presses Ctrl+F12 to share an image of the page. 5. Brenda discusses a specific link. Sharon cannot find the link on the page, and 37 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 asks Brenda to show it to her. Brenda holds her pointer over the link and presses Ctrl+F12 to share an image of the page with the pointer. 6. When Brenda has completed the training, she closes the Internet Explorer window with the company Web site. Using Share Mode Agents use Share Mode in many situations. The following scenario describes the steps that an agent performs when using Share Mode to work collaboratively on a project with another business. Working with another Business on a Project Steve works for the logo design department of a clothing company. His current assignment involves a real estate company that has ordered shirts with embroidered company logos. The logo is very complex, and Steve has been using a graphics application to modify the logo for embroidering. Steve wants to show the real estate company his changes before he sends the logo to the clothing customization department so he emails the design to Katrina, who placed the order for the shirts. Katrina calls Steve after reviewing the design and tells him that she would like some changes but she needs the shirts very soon for a company outing. Steve decides that he and Katrina should use Collaboration Server to share a paint program, allowing them to work collaboratively on the design. He asks her if she has access to a computer with an Internet connection. When she says that she does, Steve logs in to Collaboration. He then instructs Katrina to open a request Web page and enter her name and his MeetMe extension in the fields. Starting the Collaborative Project When they are in session, Steve opens the graphic design application and the file with the real estate company's logo. Then, he selects the application from the pulldown menu in App field and checks the Share option. He explains that when he shares the application, Katrina will receive a dialog box asking her to download a Java applet plug-in or ActiveX control. Steve tells Katrina to accept the download so that she can use the application with him. To work together on the project: 1. Steve clicks Send. 2. Katrina accepts the Java download and the application now appears on her 38 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 screen in a new window. She looks at the logo and highlights part of the logo, suggesting that Steve change the color of this section. 3. Steve makes sure that all of the section is selected. He then opens the color palate and asks Katrina to select the color that she wants. 4. She clicks a color, and they view the change. 5. Katrina reviews the logo again and approves the logo for the shirt. 6. Steve clicks Stop to stop sharing the application. Using other Features with Application Share Other Collaboration features interact with Application Share. These features include: • Leadership • Caller Remote Control Leadership Leadership is available on the single-session and eSeminar agent desktops. Access Leadership from the Sharing tab of the single-session and eSeminar agent desktops. Leadership determines which session participants can use Application Share. The leader in a session can share browser content and applications. Three options for leadership exist and the icon changes depending on the leader: • Agent as leader : Agent's Name. This icon followed by your name indicates that you are the leader of the session and can share application images or applications. Other participants cannot use Application Share. • All participants as leader :All. This icon indicates that all participants are leaders in the session and any participant can use Application Share. • Caller as leader 39 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 : Caller's Name. This icon followed by a caller's name indicates that the caller has leadership of the session. Only the specified caller can share applications. Other participants, including you, cannot use Application Share. Note: During eSeminars, callers cannot be session leaders. Using Leadership You determine which participants can use Application Share by changing leadership: • If you want to use Application Share, assign leadership to either yourself or all participants by clicking the icon. • If you want the caller to be able to use Application Share, assign leadership to either the caller or All Participants. To make a specific caller the leader, you must select the caller from the In Session tab and click Set Leader. Caller Remote Control Caller Remote Control is available only on the single-session agent desktop. Access the Caller Remote Control screen by clicking the Caller Info button on the In Session tab. The caller uses the Caller Control Panel to share information during a session. You can remotely control the Application Share controls on the Caller Control panel using Caller Remote Control. If the Application Share controls appears on the Caller Control Panel, the controls are inactive until you send the caller a Web page using Collaboration Server. Sending information enables the Application Share controls. You cannot remotely control Application Share until the controls are enabled. If the System Administrator has chosen not to display the App Share controls on the Caller Control Panel, you can use Caller Remote Control to display the App Share controls. The App Share controls appear on the Caller Control Panel as follows: To remotely enable or disable the Application Share controls: 1. Access the Caller Remote Control screen by clicking the Caller Info button on the In Session tab. 40 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 2. Determine whether the Application Share controls are enabled on the Caller Control Panel. • If you select App Sharing ON, the App controls are enabled or opened on the Caller Control Panel and the caller can share applications with you. • If you select App Sharing OFF, the App controls become disabled. 3. You can stop sharing an application on a caller's computer by clicking App Sharing OFF. See Also For more information on See Using Caller Remote Control About Caller Remote Control Caller Experience with Application Share The caller experience with Application Share can involve: • Agent-led Application Sharing • Caller-led Application Sharing Agent-led Application Sharing When you first share an application in any mode, the following events occur on the caller's screen: 1. A Java certificate opens. The caller must accept the certificate. 2. A new window opens on the caller's screen. • If you shared an application image using Demo Mode, the caller views the application images in this window. The caller sees your pointer movement and typing. • If you shared an application using Static Mode, the caller views the application images that you send in this window. The caller does not see your pointer movement or typing. 41 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 • If you shared an application using Share Mode, the caller uses the program with you in this window. The caller's typing and mouse movements appear in this window along with your own. 3. When you click Stop, the new window on the caller's screen closes. See Also For information on See Java certificates About Java Certificates Caller-led Application Sharing The caller can use all three Application Share Modes from the Caller Control Panel. Most likely, you will have to guide the caller through the Application Share process. The following is a sample Caller Control Panel with the Application Share controls enabled: From the Caller Control Panel, the caller can share in Demo Mode or Share Mode by unchecking or checking the Share option. If you want the caller to share in Static Mode, you will have to explain the CTRL+F12 command. Application Share from the caller's computer is particularly helpful if the caller wants to: • Get technical assistance. You can view the problems that the caller is encountering with the application or the mistakes that the caller without having to recreate the caller's situation in your own application. Demo Mode or Share Mode work well for this type of situation. • Work collaboratively with you on a project that resides on the caller's computer. Share Mode works well for this type of situation. Before a caller can share applications from the Caller Control Panel, you must click App Sharing ON on the Caller Remote Control Screen and assign leadership to either the caller or all participants. When a caller wants to share an application you must lead the caller through the 42 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 following steps: 1. The caller opens the application. 2. The caller selects the application from the pull-down menu in the App field in the Caller Control Panel. 3. The caller decides what Sharing Mode to use and shares the application image or application. Note: The caller may have to accept a Java certificate when using the App Share controls. • If the caller wants to share continuous images of the application, the caller clicks Send. • If the caller wants to share a single image of the application, the caller presses CTRL+F12 to share an image of the application. • If the caller wants you to use the application, the caller checks the Share option and clicks Send. Note: Follow the suggestions in Application Share Considerations when recommending that a caller use Share Mode. 4. The caller clicks Stop to end sharing and closes the application. If you decide to disable Application Share on the Caller Control Panel after the caller has shared the application, click App Sharing OFF on the Caller Remote Control screen. The Application Share area of the Caller Remote Control screen appears as follows: The Application Share controls become disabled. See Also For information on See Caller Remote Control interacting with Application Share Features that Interact with Application Share: Caller Remote Control Java certificates About Java Certificates 43 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Browsing with Follow Me Browsing with Follow Me Follow Me allows you to browse Web pages with callers in real-time. If you are browsing with Follow Me enabled, any Web page that you view is shared with your caller. Follow Me is available in the single-session and eSeminar agent desktops. The information presented about Follow Me is helpful for agents, Agent Supervisors, and System Administrators. Agents and Agent Supervisors learn when and why to use Follow Me and System Administrators learn how Follow Me can help callers in various types of situations and enterprises. Understanding Follow Me involves the following topics: • About Follow Me • Using other Features with Follow Me • Follow Me and SPLIT Issues • Caller Experience with Follow Me About Follow Me Follow Me is a Collaboration feature that allows you to browse Web sites simultaneously with session participants. When you browse with Follow Me enabled, the address of every Web page that you view in your shared view browser is sent to the browsers of other session participants. Their browsers open the Web page, allowing all session participants to view the same Web page. Follow Me can be both a simple sharing function and a complex sharing function. When you browse to a Web page that does not contain frames, Follow Me shares the Web page using JavaScript functions, which are simple sharing functions. The caller can view the Web page automatically. When you browse to a Web page that contains frames or other complex features, Follow Me shares the Web page using a Java applet, a complex sharing function. The caller may have to accept a Java certificate before viewing these types of pages. 44 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 To gain a better understanding of Follow Me, read the following: • Benefits of using Follow Me • Uses of Follow Me • Availability and location Benefits of Using Follow Me Using Follow Me to share information offers you the following benefits: • You can lead a caller through a complicated Web site • A caller can lead you to a specific page in Web site for help • You can continuously share Web pages with a caller by clicking a single icon once Uses of Follow Me Use Follow Me to: • Guide a caller through a Web site • Provide technical assistance for a Web site • Allow callers to show you the pages that they are viewing Availability and Location The System Administrator determines whether the Follow Me feature is available on your single-session or eSeminar agent desktop. If the feature is available, the Follow Me icon appears on the Sharing tab. The Follow Me icon can appear in two states: • Multiple pairs of shoes in the icon indicate that Follow Me is enabled. • A single pair of shoes in the icon indicates that Follow Me is disabled. If the feature is not available, the Follow Me icon does not appear on your desktop and you cannot use the feature. 45 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 See Also For information on See Java certificates About Java Certificates Follow Me and SPLIT Issues When you browse to a Web page with Follow Me enabled, the Web address of the page is shared with each participant's browser and the participant's browser opens the Web page from the server. Each participant opens the Web page individually, which allows the participant to use the page independently of other participants. While Follow Me is a very helpful tool for sharing most Web pages, you may encounter some difficulties when you share SPLIT Web pages. SPLIT stands for Web pages that are Secure, Personalized, Live, Interactive, and/or Transactional. The following table describes each of these types of Web pages and the issues that you may encounter when trying to share these pages. Type of Web Page Description Issues You May Encounter Secure Secure Web pages contain content that can If you share a secure Web page, any participant who is not authorized to view the Web page be accessed only by a specific person or cannot open the page. group of people. For example, the Web page may require a login password or detect the IP address of the computer trying to access the Web page. Personalized Personalized Web pages tailor the content in If you share a personalized Web page, the content of the page may be different for each the page to the person viewing the page. participant. The Web page may use a cookie to display personalized content, such as advertisements based on the products that the person has ordered from the Web site in the past. Live Live Web pages contain content that changes based on factors such as the time the page was requested or actions that the person viewing the page has performed. For example, an online stock ticker displays different information based on the time the information was requested. If you share a live Web page, the content of the page may be different for each participant, depending on the time that the Web page appears in the participants' browsers. Interactive Interactive Web pages contain content that displays based on a person's interaction with the page. The interactive content is displayed through client-side processes, including JavaScripts. For example, a Web page may contain a JavaScript that causes an informational window to open when a person moves the pointer over a menu item on the page. If you share an interactive Web page, the Web page viewed by each participant may contain different information, depending on client-side processes that occur independently in each participant's browser. Participants cannot view client-side processes that occur in your browser. 46 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Transactional Transactional Web pages contain content that displays based on transactions between the person using the Web page and a backend system, such as a database or application. For example, a person may submit an online order to a database and receive an Order Successful Web page. If you share a transactional Web page, you may create multiple transactions when you submit information. For example, if you place an order, an order may be placed for each participant in the session. The following suggestions help you avoid SPLIT issues while using Follow Me: • When you browse with Follow Me enabled, you should be aware of the types of Web pages that you visit. If these pages contain SPLIT content, understand that the information that you are viewing may not be the same for all participants. Avoid these pages as much as possible. If you accidentally share one of these pages, ask the participants what they are viewing. • Do not perform transactions, such as placing orders, with Follow Me enabled. Instead, disable Follow Me and use Page Share or Form Share to share a transactional Web page. If you accidentally share a transactional Web page with Follow Me enabled, disable Follow Me. The participants can then use the Web page without creating unintentional multiple transactions. • If a caller is leading Follow Me, do not allow the caller to use a transactional Web page with Follow Me enabled. Either remotely disable caller-led Follow Me or instruct the caller to disable Follow Me from the Caller Control Panel. Note: Your enterprise may have integrated the Dynamic Content Adapter (DCA) with Collaboration Server, which solves many problems caused by SPLIT Web pages and allows you to share SPLIT Web pages easily. Features that Integrate with Follow Me Other Collaboration features interact with Follow Me. These features include: • Leadership • Broadcast Mode • External View • Caller Remote Control Leadership Leadership is available on the single-session and eSeminar agent desktops. Access Leadership from the Sharing tab. 47 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Leadership determines which session participants can lead Follow Me. Three options for leadership exist and the icon changes depending on the leader: • Agent as leader : Agent's Name. This icon followed by your name indicates that you are the leader of the session and share the Web pages in your shared view browser when Follow Me is enabled. Other participants cannot use Follow Me. • All participants as leader :All. This icon indicates that all participants are leaders in the session and any participant can use Follow Me. • Caller as leader : Caller's Name. This icon followed by a caller's name indicates that the caller has leadership of the session. Only the specified caller can use Follow Me. Other participants, including you, cannot use Follow Me. Note: During eSeminars, callers cannot be session leaders. To assign leadership: • If you want to use Follow Me, assign leadership to either yourself or all participants. Switch between all participants and yourself as leader by clicking the icon. • If you want the caller to be able to use Follow Me, assign leadership to either the caller or all participants. To assign leadership to a specific caller, select the caller from the In Session tab and click Set Leader. Broadcast Mode Broadcast Mode is available on the single-session and eSeminar agent desktops. Access Broadcast Mode from all tabs. Broadcast Mode indicates whether you are sharing or previewing Web pages in your shared view browser. With Follow Me enabled, two Broadcast Modes exist: • Transmitting Mode • Mute Mode You share content in Transmitting Mode. When you are in Transmitting Mode, any Web page that you view in your shared view browser is shared with the caller. 48 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 You preview content in Mute Mode. When you are in Mute Mode, you view a Web page in your shared view browser without sharing the Web page. By previewing Web pages, you can ensure that the information helps the caller before you share the Web pages. To change Broadcast Modes: Click the Broadcast Mode icon. External View External View is available on all agent desktops. Access External View i from all tabs on the single-session and eSeminar agent desktops and multi-session agent desktop. External View allows to you view shared Web pages either within your agent desktop or in a separate browser window. You should view content in a separate browser window in case you share "frameproofed" Web pages. "Frameproofed" Web pages are pages that cannot open within the frame of another window, like the agent desktop. These pages display over your entire desktop if you try to share them. By sharing in a separate browser window, you can view both the "frameproofed" Web page and the agent desktop. You also have access to the full range of browser tools when you use a separate browser window for sharing. If you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer as your browser, you must open an external view in order to use Follow Me. The External View icon can appear in two states: • A single window in the icon indicates that you view shared content within the agent desktop. • Multiple windows in the icon indicate that you view shared content in a separate browser window. To open or close your separate browser window: Click the External View icon. Caller Remote Control Caller Remote Control is available only on the single-session agent desktop. Access the Caller Remote Control screen by clicking the Caller Info button on the In Session tab. 49 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 The caller uses the Caller Control Panel to share information during a Collaboration session. You can remotely control the Follow Me controls on the Caller Control panel using Caller Remote Control. If the Follow Me control appears on the Caller Control Panel, the control is inactive until you send the caller a Web page or using Collaboration Server. Sending information enables the Follow Me control. Once the control is active, you must assign either the caller or all participants leadership to allow the caller to use Follow Me. Two buttons for Follow Me appear on the Caller Remote Control screen: • Clicking the Follow Me icon with multiple pairs of shoes enables caller-led Follow Me. All Web pages in the caller's browser are shared with session participants. • Clicking the Follow Me icon with a single pair of shoes disables caller-led Follow Me. Web pages opened by the caller in the caller's browser are not shared with session participants. When you remotely enable or disable Follow Me, the Follow Me control on the Caller Control Panel reflects your change. To remotely enable or disable Follow Me: 1. Access the Caller Remote Control screen by clicking the Caller Info button on the In Session tab. 2. Click the appropriate Follow Me icon to enable or disable caller-led Follow Me. See Also For more information on See Using Caller Remote Control About Caller Remote Control Caller Experience with Follow Me The caller experience with Follow Me involves: • Agent-led Follow Me • Caller-led Follow Me 50 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Agent-led Follow Me Using Follow Me, you can share Web pages with simple or complex sharing functions. Web pages that do not contain frames are shared with JavaScript functions, which are simple sharing functions. These pages can be shared automatically. Complex Web pages, including framed Web pages, are shared using a Java applet. When you share a complex Web page, the following events occur on the caller's screen: 1. A Java certificate may open. The caller must accept this certificate. 2. If the caller is using Microsoft Internet Explorer, a new browser window opens on the caller's screen in which the caller views the shared page. The caller will view all future shared information in this new browser window, regardless of whether the information is shared through a simple or complex sharing function. Note: If the caller is using Netscape Navigator, the caller can view the shared information in the currently open browser window. See Also For information on See Java Certificates About Java Certificates Caller-led Follow Me Before a caller can enable Follow Me browsing on the Caller Control Panel, you must assign leadership to either the caller or all participants. Also, the Follow Me control does not become active until you send the caller a Web page or other information using Collaboration. When a caller wants to lead Follow Me browsing, guide the caller through the following steps: 1. The caller clicks the Follow Me control to enable Follow Me. Note: The caller may have to accept a Java certificate that opens when the caller clicks Follow Me. 2. The caller browses through Web pages and each page viewed by the caller appears in all participants' browsers. 51 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 3. The caller clicks the Follow Me control again to stop leading Follow Me browsing. If you do not want the caller to use the Caller Control panel, you can initiate and end caller-led Follow Me browsing using the Caller Remote Control screen. For example, if you were engaged in a Collaboration Chat session and were not talking to the caller on the telephone, you would have to explain through chat messages to the caller how to use the Caller Control Panel. Instead of spending extra time chatting, you could simply remotely enable or disable Follow Me. See Also For information on See Java Certificates About Java Certificates Remotely controlling the Caller Control Panel Features that Interact with Follow Me: Caller Remote Control 52 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Sharing Web Pages Sharing Web Pages Page Share allows you to share Web pages with callers. Page Share is available on all agent desktops. The information presented about Page Share is helpful for agents, Agent Supervisors, and System Administrators. Agents and Agent Supervisors learn when and why to use Page Share and System Administrators learn how Page Share can help callers in various types of situations and enterprises. Understanding Page Share involves the following topics: • About Page Share • Using other Features with Page Share • Caller Experience with Page Share About Page Share Page Share is a Collaboration feature that allows you to share Web pages with session participants. When you use Page Share, the address of the Web page in your shared view browser is sent to the browsers of other session participants. Their browsers open the Web page, allowing all session participants to view the same Web page. Agents using the single-session agent desktop, eSeminar agent desktop, and multisession agent desktop can use Page Share. On the single-session agent desktop, eSeminar agent desktop, and Caller Control Panels, the Page Share feature is . On the multi-session agent desktop, the Page represented by a Page Share icon Share feature is represented by a Share Page icon . Page Share can be both a simple sharing function and a complex sharing function. When you share a Web page that does not contain frames, Page Share shares the Web page using JavaScript, a simple sharing function. The caller can view the Web page automatically. When you share a Web page that contains frames or other complex features, Page Share shares the Web page using a Java applet, a complex sharing function. The caller may have to accept a Java certificate before viewing these types of pages. 53 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 To gain a better understanding of Page Share, read the following: • Benefits of using Page Share • Uses of Page Share • Availability and location Benefits of Using Page Share Using Page Share to share information offers you the following benefits: • You can share Web pages not included in your scripts with callers • You can open Web pages that a caller is viewing Uses of Page Share Use Page Share to: • Show a caller a Web page with helpful information • Provide technical assistance for a Web page • Hide your navigation from your caller as you browse to a Web page that answers the caller's question and then share only the relevant page • See the Web page that a caller is viewing in order to provide information about the Web page or understand the caller's problem with the page Availability and Location The System Administrator determines whether the Page Share feature is available on your agent desktop. If you are a single-session or eSeminar agent and the feature is appears on the Sharing tab. If you are a multiavailable, the Page Share icon appears above the session agent and the feature is available, the Share Page icon Script Viewer. If the feature is not available, the Page Share or Share Page icon does not appear on your desktop and you cannot use the feature. 54 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 See Also For information on See Java certificates About Java Certificates Using other Features with Page Share Other Collaboration features interact with Page Share. These features include: • Leadership • Broadcast Mode • External View • Caller Remote Control • Address Field Leadership Leadership is available only on the single-session and eSeminar agent desktops. Leaderships is accessed from the Sharing tab and determines which session participants can use Page Share. Three options for leadership exist and the icon changes depending on the leader: • Agent as leader : Agent's Name. This icon followed by your name indicates that you are the leader of the session and can use Page Share to share the Web pages in your shared view browser. Other participants cannot use Page Share. • All participants as leader :All. This icon indicates that all participants are leaders in the session and any participant can use Page Share. • Caller as leader : Caller's Name. This icon followed by a caller's name indicates that the caller has leadership of the session. Only the specified caller can use Page Share. Other participants, including you, cannot use Page Share. 55 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Note: In an eSeminar, callers cannot be leaders. To assign leadership: • If you want to use Page Share, assign leadership to either yourself or all participants. Switch between all participants and yourself as leader by clicking the icon. • If you want the caller to be able to use Page Share, assign leadership to either the caller or all participants. To assign leadership to a specific caller, select the caller from the In Session tab and click Set Leader. Broadcast Mode Broadcast Mode is available on the single-session and eSeminar agent desktop. The Broadcast Mode icon appears on all tabs and indicates whether you are sharing or previewing Web pages in your shared view browser. Three Broadcast Modes exist: • Transmitting Mode • At Rest Mode • Mute Mode You share content in either Transmitting Mode or At Rest Mode. The only difference between these two modes involves Follow Me. If Follow Me is enabled, you are in continuous Transmitting Mode. If Follow Me is disabled, you are in At Rest Mode until you share information, and then you briefly enter Transmitting Mode. See Browsing with Follow Me for more information. You preview content in Mute Mode. When you are in Mute Mode, you view a Web page in your shared view browser without sharing the Web page. By previewing Web pages, you ensure that the information helps the caller before you share the Web pages. To change Broadcast Modes: Click the Broadcast Mode icon: • If you are in either Transmitting Mode or At Rest Mode, you enter Mute Mode when you click the icon. • If you are in Mute Mode and Follow Me is enabled, you enter Transmitting Mode when you click the icon. 56 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 • If you are in Mute Mode and Follow Me is disabled, you enter At Rest Mode when you click the icon. External View External View is available on all agent desktops. External View is accessed from all tabs on the single-session and eSeminar agent desktops and from the multi-session agent desktop. You can view shared Web pages either within your agent desktop or in a separate browser window using External View. You should view content in a separate browser window in case you share "frameproofed" Web pages. "Frameproofed" Web pages are pages that cannot open within the frame of another window, like the agent desktop. These pages display over your entire desktop if you try to share them. By sharing in a separate browser window, you can view both the "frameproofed" Web page and the agent desktop. You also have access to the full range of browser tools when you use a separate browser window for sharing. If you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer as your browser, you must open an external view in order to use Page Share. The External View icon can appear in two states: • A single window in the icon indicates that you view shared content within the agent desktop. • Multiple windows in the icon indicate that you view shared content in a separate browser window. To open or close your separate browser window: Click the External View icon. Caller Remote Control and Page Share Caller Remote Control is available only on the single-session agent desktop. The caller uses the Caller Control Panel to share information during a session. You can remotely activate the Page Share control on the Caller Control Panel using Caller Remote Control. When you activate Page Share on the Caller Control Panel, the Web page in the caller's browser is shared with session participants. If the Page Share control appears on the Caller Control Panel, the control is inactive 57 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 until you send the caller a Web page using Collaboration. Sending information enables the Page Share control. You must assign either the caller or all participants leadership to allow the caller to use Page Share. To remotely activate Page Share: 1. Access the Caller Remote Control screen by clicking the Caller Info button on the In Session tab on the single-session agent desktop. 2. Click the Page Share icon . See Also For more information on See Using Caller Remote Control About Caller Remote Control Address Field The Address Field is available on the single-session and eSeminar agent desktops. The Address Field is accessed from the Sharing tab. You can use the Address Field to share a Web page instead of using Page Share. To share a Web page using the Address Field: 1. Enter the Web address (URL) of the page in the Address field. 2. Click Send. The Web page is shared with the caller. Caller Experience with Page Share The caller experience with Page Share involves: • Agent-led Page Share • Caller-led Page Share Agent-led Page Share Using Page Share, you can share simple or complex Web pages. Web pages that do not contain frames are shared with JavaScript functions, which 58 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 are simple sharing functions. These pages can be shared automatically. Complex Web pages, such as framed Web pages, are shared using a Java applet. When you share a complex Web page, the following events occur on the caller's screen: 1. A Java certificate may open. The caller must accept the certificate. 2. If the caller is using Microsoft Internet Explorer, a new browser window opens on the caller's screen in which the caller views the shared page. The caller will view all future shared information in this new browser window, regardless of whether the information is shared through a simple or complex sharing function. Note: If the caller is using Netscape Navigator, the caller can view the shared information in the currently open browser window. See Also For information on See Java certificates About Java Certificates Caller-led Page Share If you are using the single-session agent desktop you must assign leadership to either the caller or all participants before a caller can use Page Share on the Caller Control Panel. If you are using the multi-session agent desktop, the caller can use Page Share at any time. When a caller wants to share a Web page, guide the caller through the following steps: 1. The caller navigates to the Web page. 2. The caller clicks Page Share on the Caller Control Panel. The page viewed by the caller appears in all participants' browsers. Note: A Java certificate may open. The caller must accept the certificate. If you are using the single-session agent desktop and do not want the caller to use the Caller Control panel, you can use the Caller Remote Control screen to activate Page Share from the caller's browser. For example, if you were engaged in a Collaboration Chat session and were not talking to the caller on the telephone, you would have to explain through chat messages to the caller how to use the Caller Control Panel. Instead of spending extra time chatting, you could simply remotely click Page Share. 59 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Remote Control is not available on the eSeminar or multi-session agent desktops. See Also For information on See Java certificates About Java Certificates Remotely controlling the Caller Control Panel Using other Features with Page Share: Caller Remote Control 60 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Chatting Chatting Chat allows you to engage in online, text-based conversations with callers. Chat is available on the single-session and multi-session agent desktops. The information presented about Chat is helpful for agents, Agent Supervisors, and System Administrators. Agents and Agent Supervisors learn when and why to use Chat and System Administrators learn how Chat can help callers in various types of situations and enterprises. Understanding Chat involves the following topics: • About Chat • Using other Features with Chat • Caller Experience with Chat About Chat The Chat feature of Collaboration Server allows agents and callers to hold online, text-based conversations during Chat sessions. In Chat sessions, you use only Collaboration, not the telephone, to discuss and solve the caller's problems. The Chat feature allows you and the caller to "talk" to each other. Chat is a simple sharing function, meaning that messages are shared by JavaScript functions. Chat is available on the single-session and multi-session agent desktops. You can send two types of chat messages to your caller: messages that you send from scripts and messages that you type yourself. You use scripted chat messages to send standard messages, such as greetings, product descriptions, and good-byes to callers. You may be allowed to edit scripted chat messages before sending them in order to tailor the messages to a particular caller. For example, you may be able to insert the caller's name in the message. When typing your own messages, you may be able to check the spelling of your message and format the text of your messages. You may be able to access two 61 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 types of Spell Check. One type of the Spell Check is real time Spell Check. Misspelled words are underlined, and you can right-click on the word to access a list of possible corrections. The other type of Spell Check provides more advanced spell checking features. You access this type of Spell Check by pressing the F7 key. A window opens, allowing you to ignore words, add words to the dictionary, and receive a longer list of suggested corrections. You can also change the dictionary that you are using to spell check through this feature. If you are allowed to format message text, a formatting toolbar appears in the Chat window. You can use the buttons on this toolbar before sending the message to make the text bold, italicized, or underlined, change the font and font size, and change the text color. If you are using Chat on the single-session agent desktop, you and your callers can choose to send chat messages to either all participants or just the session leader. For example, if you were the leader in a session with two callers, and one of the callers has a question, the caller could choose to send the message only to you instead of sharing it with the other caller. To gain a better understanding of Chat, read the following: • Benefits of using Chat • Uses of Chat • Availability and location Benefits of Using Chat Using Chat offers you the following benefits: • You can communicate with a caller without using a phone • If you are using the single-session agent desktop, you and your callers can send chat messages to either the session leader or to all participants Uses of Chat Use Chat to: • Engage in online, text-based conversations when your session does not involve the telephone • Receive messages from participants while you are leading training or a presentation. A participant can send you a message without interrupting you. 62 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Availability and Location Your System Administrator determines whether the Chat feature is available on your desktop. If you are using the single-session agent desktop, you chat in the Chat on the Sharing tab. If you window, which you access by clicking the Chat icon are using the multi-session agent desktop, you chat from the Chat area, usually located in the right side of the desktop. Using other Features with Chat Other Collaboration features interact with Chat. These features include: • Scripts • Caller Remote Control Scripts Scripts are available on all agent desktops and are accessed from the Script Viewer. Your System Administrator creates scripts that help you answer common questions quickly and easily. Script content can include chat messages, which you may be able to edit. If you can edit the message, the text of the message appears within a text field beneath the title of the message in the script. You can share these chat messages by selecting the message from the list of script content in the Script Viewer. Caller Remote Control Caller Remote Control is available only to single-session agents and is accessed by clicking the Caller Info button on the In Session tab. A Chat window opens automatically when you send the caller a chat message. If you want the Chat window to open before you send a message, use Caller Remote Control to remotely activate the Chat control on the Caller Control Panel and open the Chat window. The caller uses this window to view and write chat messages. The caller uses the Caller Control Panel to share information during a session. 63 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 To remotely open a Chat window: 1. Access the Caller Remote Control screen by clicking the Caller Info button on the In Session tab. 2. Click the Chat icon . See Also For more information on See Using Caller Remote Control About Caller Remote Control Caller Experience with Chat The caller experience with Chat involves: • Receiving chat messages • Sending chat messages Receiving Chat Messages Your System Administrator can configure the manner in which the caller receives and views chat messages. In the default configuration: • If you are using the multi-session agent desktop, chat messages that you send to a caller appear within the Caller Control Panel. • If you are using the single-session agent desktop, a Chat window opens on the caller's screen when you or the caller sends the first chat message. This message and your subsequent chat conversation with the caller appear in this window. Sending Chat Messages If you are using the multi-session agent desktop, the caller types a chat message into the Type Message here field of the Caller Control Panel. The caller sends the message by clicking Reply or pressing Enter. If you are using the single-session agent desktop, the caller opens a Chat window by on the Caller Control Panel. The caller then types a chat message in clicking Chat the Chat window. The caller may have to select whether to send the message to all participants or only to the session leader. The caller sends the message by clicking 64 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Reply or pressing Enter. You can use Caller Remote Control on the single-session agent desktop to open a Chat window on the caller's screen if you want the caller to have an open Chat window before you send a message and do not want the caller to have to use the Caller Control Panel. 65 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Sharing Forms Sharing Forms Form Share allows you to interactively complete forms with callers. Form Share is available only on the single-session agent desktop. The information presented about Form Share is helpful for agents, Agent Supervisors, and System Administrators. Agents and Agent Supervisors learn when and why to use Form Share and System Administrators learn how Form Share can help callers in various types of situations and enterprises. Understanding Form Share involves the following topics: • About Form Share • Using other Features with Form Share • Caller Experience with Form Share About Form Share Form Share is a Collaboration feature that allows you to interactively complete Web forms with a caller. You can explain the form while reviewing the data that the caller enters and entering information yourself. Form Share is a complex sharing function, meaning that it is performed using a Java applet. The caller may have to accept a Java certificate before viewing forms. To gain a better understanding of Form Share, read the following: • Benefits of using Form Share • Uses of Form Share • Availability and location 66 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Benefits of Using Form Share Using Form Share to share information with callers offers you the following benefits: • You can quickly help callers complete online forms • You can ensure that the caller enters the correct data into a form Uses of Form Share Use Form Share to: • Interactively complete complicated Web forms with callers, such as mortgage applications • Teach a caller how to complete an online form Availability and Location Your System Administrator determines whether the Form Share feature is available on your single-session agent desktop. If Form Share is available, the Form Share icon appears on the Sharing tab. If Form Share is not available, the icon does not appear and you cannot use the feature. See Also For information on See Java certificates About Java Certificates Using other Features with Form Share Other Collaboration features interact with Form Share. These features include: • Address Field • Follow Me • Leadership 67 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 • Broadcast Mode • External View • Caller Remote Control Address Field The Address Field is available on the single-session agent desktop. Access the Address Field on the Sharing tab. You can use the Address Field to share a blank online form. If you want to share a form with data entered, you must use Form Share. To share a form using the Address Field: 1. Enter the Web address (URL) of the form in the Address field. 2. Click Send. The Web page with the blank form is shared with the caller. Follow Me Follow Me is available on the single-session agent desktop. Access Follow Me from the Sharing tab. Follow Me automatically shares every Web page that you open with your caller. The caller can also use Follow Me to share Web pages. Web pages with forms are transactional Web pages, and if Follow Me is enabled while you are sharing forms, multiple forms may be submitted when one session participant submits the form. For example, if you are in session with two callers and one caller submits a form with Follow Me enabled, three identical forms may be submitted. When sharing forms, both you and the caller should disable Follow Me to avoid multiple form submissions. To disable Follow Me: Click the Follow Me icon on the Sharing tab so that a single pair of shoes appears . To disable Follow Me on the Caller Control Panel, either: • Instruct the caller to click the Follow Me control on the Caller Control Panel so 68 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 that a single pair of shoes appears. • Use Caller Remote Control to remotely disable Follow Me. See Also For information on See Transactional Web pages Follow Me and SPLIT Issues Remotely controlling the Caller Control Panel Using other Features with Form Share: Caller Remote Control Leadership Leadership is available on the single-session agent desktop. Access Leadership from the Sharing tab. Leadership determines which session participants can use Form Share. Three options for leadership exist and the icon changes depending on the leader: • Agent as leader : Agent's Name. This icon followed by your name indicates that you are the leader of the session and can use Form Share to share a form in your shared view browser. Other participants cannot use Form Share. • All participants as leader :All. This icon indicates that all participants are leaders in the session and any participant can use Form Share. • Caller as leader : Caller's Name. This icon followed by a caller's name indicates that the caller has leadership of the session. Only the specified caller can use Form Share. Other participants, including you, cannot use Form Share. To assign leadership: • If you want to use Form Share, assign leadership to either yourself or all participants. Switch between all participants and yourself as leader by clicking the icon. • If you want the caller to be able to use Form Share, assign leadership to either the caller or all participants. To assign leadership to a specific caller, select the caller from the In Session tab and click Set Leader. 69 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Broadcast Mode Broadcast Mode is available on the single-session agent desktop. Access Broadcast Mode on all tabs. Broadcast Mode indicates whether you are sharing or previewing forms in your shared view browser. Three Broadcast Modes exist: • Transmitting Mode • At Rest Mode • Mute Mode You share content in either Transmitting Mode or At Rest Mode. The only difference between these two modes involves Follow Me. If Follow Me is enabled, you are in continuous Transmitting Mode. If Follow Me is disabled, you are in At Rest Mode until you share information, and then you briefly enter Transmitting Mode. See Browsing with Follow Me for more information. Note: You should not share forms with Follow Me enabled. See Follow Me and Form Share for more information. You preview content in Mute Mode. When you are in Mute Mode, you view a Web page in your shared view browser without sharing the Web page. By previewing Web pages, you can ensure that the information helps the caller before you share the Web pages. To change Broadcast Modes: Click the Broadcast Mode icon: • If you are in either Transmitting Mode or At Rest Mode, you enter Mute Mode when you click the icon. • If you are in Mute Mode and Follow Me is enabled you enter Transmitting Mode when you click the icon. • If you are in Mute Mode and Follow Me is disabled, you enter At Rest Mode when you click the icon. External View External View is available on all desktops. Access External View from all tabs on the single-session agent desktop and from the multi-session agent desktop. 70 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 You can view shared forms either within your agent desktop or in a separate browser window using External View. You should view forms in a separate browser window in case you share "frameproofed" Web pages. "Frameproofed" Web pages are pages that cannot open within the frame of another window, like the agent desktop. These pages display over your entire desktop if you try to share them. By sharing in a separate browser window, you can view both the "frameproofed" Web page and the agent desktop. You also have access to the full range of browser tools when you use a separate browser window for sharing. If you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer as your browser, you must open an external shared view in order to use Form Share. The External View icon can appear in two states: • A single window in the icon indicates that you view shared content within the agent desktop. • Multiple windows in the icon indicate that you view shared content in a separate browser window. To open or close your separate browser window: Click the External View icon. Caller Remote Control Caller Remote Control is only available on the single-session agent desktop. Access the Caller Remote Control screen by clicking the Caller Info button on the In Session tab. The caller uses the Caller Control Panel to share information during a session. You can remotely control the Caller Control Panel using the Caller Remote Control screen. The Caller Remote Control screen allows you to share forms that are open in a caller's browser. You see not only the form, but also any data entered into the form by the caller. You can also remotely activate Form Share after the caller submits the form to share the Web page that results from submission. If the Form Share control appears on the Caller Control Panel, the control is inactive until you send the caller a Web page or other type of information using Collaboration. Sending information enables the Form Share control. Once the Form Share control is active, you must assign leadership to the caller in order to share forms from the caller's browser. 71 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 To share a form from a caller's browser: 1. Access the Caller Remote Control screen by clicking the Caller Info button on the In Session tab. 2. Click the Form Share icon . See Also For more information on See Using Caller Remote Control About Caller Remote Control Caller Experience with Form Share The caller experience with Form Share involves: • Agent-led Form Share • Caller-led Form Share Agent-led Form Share Forms are shared using a Java applet. When you use Form Share, the following events occur on the caller's screen: 1. A Java certificate may open. The caller must accept this certificate. 2. If the caller is using Microsoft Internet Explorer, a new browser window opens on the caller's screen in which the caller views the shared form. The caller will view all future shared information in this new browser window, regardless of whether the information is shared through a simple or complex sharing function. Note: If the caller is using Netscape Navigator, the caller can view the shared information in the currently open browser window. See Also For information on See Java certificates About Java Certificates 72 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Caller-led Form Share If you are using the single-session agent desktop, you must assign leadership to either the caller or all participants before a caller can use Form Share on the Caller Control Panel. When a caller wants to share a Web form, guide the caller through the following steps: 1. The caller navigates to the Web form. 2. The caller enters data into the form. 3. The caller clicks Form Share on the Caller Control Panel. The form and entered data in the caller's browser appear in all participants' browsers. Note: The caller may have to accept a Java certificate that opens when the caller clicks Form Share. If you do not want the caller to use the Caller Control panel, you can use the Caller Remote Control screen to activate Form Share from the caller's browser. For example, if you were engaged in a Collaboration Chat session and were not talking to the caller on the telephone, you would have to explain through chat messages to the caller how to use the Caller Control Panel. Instead of spending extra time chatting, you could simply remotely click Form Share. See Also For information on See Java certificates About Java Certificates Remotely controlling the Caller Control Panel Using other Features with Page Share: Caller Remote Control 73 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Drawing on the White Board Drawing on the White Board White Board allows you to draw interactively with callers. White Board is available on only the single-session agent desktop. The information presented about White Board is helpful for agents, Agent Supervisors, and System Administrators. Agents and Agent Supervisors learn when and why to use White Board and System Administrators learn how White Board can help callers in various types of situations and enterprises. Understanding the White Board involves the following topics: • About White Board • Using other Features with White Board • Caller Experience with White Board About White Board White Board is a Collaboration features that allows you to draw interactively with your callers. When you use White Board, a White Board window opens on your desktop and on the caller's screen. You can select various shapes, drawing pen widths, colors, and shading to draw images. You can also use the text tool to write on the White Board. Your caller views your drawings and can draw with you. You and your callers can print the image once it is complete. If you need to refresh or clear the image, use the Refresh or Clear buttons. White Board is a complex sharing function, meaning that it is performed using a Java applet. The caller may have to accept a Java certificate before viewing and using the White Board. To gain a better understanding of White Board, read the following: • Benefits of using White Board • Uses of White Board 74 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 • Availability and location Benefits of Using White Board Using White Board to share information offers you the following benefits: • You can draw images for your callers • Your callers can draw images for you, illustrating their problems or situations Uses of White Board Use White Board to: • Record training or demonstration notes that can be printed by all participants • Record a caller's system configuration when providing technical assistance for hardware or software Availability and Location The System Administrator determines whether the White Board feature is enabled or disabled on your single-session agent desktop. If the feature is enabled, the White Board icon appear on the Sharing tab. If the feature is disabled, the White Board icon does not appear on your desktop and you cannot use the feature. See Also For information on See Java certificates About Java Certificates Using other Features with White Board Unlike most other Collaboration features, the White Board works independently of other features. The state of other Collaboration features does not impact White Board functionality and you cannot remotely control the White Board on the caller's screen. 75 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Caller Experience with White Board The caller experience with White Board involves: • Receiving White Board images • Drawing on the White Board Receiving White Board Images White Board images are shared using a Java applet. When you open and use the White Board, the following events occur on the caller's screen: 1. A Java certificate may open. The caller must accept this certificate. 2. If the caller is using Microsoft Internet Explorer, a new browser window opens on the caller's screen in which the caller views the White Board and any images that you draw. The caller will view all future shared information in this new browser window, regardless of whether the information is shared through a simple or complex sharing function. Note: If the caller is using Netscape Navigator, the caller can view the While Board in the currently open browser window. See Also For information on See Java certificates About Java Certificates Drawing on the White Board The caller cannot open the White Board from the Caller Control Panel. If the caller wants to use the White Board, you must open the White Board using the White Board icon on the Sharing tab. When a caller wants to draw on the White Board, guide the caller through the following steps: 1. The caller selects either a line, shape or text tool. 2. The caller selects the color for the line, shape, or text. 3. The caller selects a pen size. 76 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 4. The caller draws or enters text on the White Board. You see any image drawn by the caller. 5. If the caller wants to print, refresh, or clear the image, the caller uses the Print, Refresh, or Clear buttons. 77 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Remotely Controlling the Caller Control Panel Remotely Controlling the Caller Control Panel Caller Remote Control allows you to remotely enable and activate Collaboration features on the Caller Control Panel. Caller Remote Control is available only in the single-session agent desktop. The information presented about Caller Remote Control is helpful for agents, Agent Supervisors, and System Administrators. Agents and Agent Supervisors learn when and why to use Caller Remote Control and System Administrators learn how Caller Remote Control can help callers in various types of situations and enterprises. Understanding Caller Remote Control involves the following topics: • About Caller Remote Control • Using other Features with Caller Remote Control • Caller Experience with Caller Remote Control About Caller Remote Control When a caller enters a Collaboration Server session, a Caller Control Panel opens on the caller's screen. This Control Panel allows the caller to use certain Collaboration features. Caller Remote Control allows you to remotely enable or remotely activate features on the Caller Control Panel. Only the Chat feature is active on the Caller Control Panel until you send the caller a Web page. Once you send the page, all of the features on the Control Panel become available. The Caller Remote Control screen replicates the features available on the Caller Control Panel and appears as shown here: 78 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 To gain a better understanding of Caller Remote Control, read the following: • Features that can be remotely controlled • Benefits of using Caller Remote Control • Availability and location Features that Can Be Remotely Controlled You can both activate and enable Collaboration features from the Caller Remote Control screen. The following features can be remotely activated from the Caller Remote Control screen: Feature Function when Remotely Selected Chat Opens a Chat window on the caller's screen. the caller uses this window to read and send chat messages. Form Share Shares a Web form and form data in the caller's browser with session participants Page Share Shares a Web page in the caller's browser with session participants The following features can be remotely enabled from the Caller Remote Control screen: Feature Function when Remotely Selected Follow Me Enables or disables caller-led Follow Me. When enabled, every page in the caller's browser is shared with session participants. Application Share App Sharing ON enables the Application Share controls on the Caller Control Panel. App Sharing OFF disables the Application Share controls on the Caller Control Panel. When enabled, the caller can use the Application Share controls to share application images or applications with session participants. Benefits of Using Caller Remote Control Using Caller Remote Control offers you the following benefits: • You can share Web pages and forms from a caller's browser without having to instruct the caller • You can enable or disable Follow Me to watch or hide a caller's browsing • You can allow a caller to use Application Share or disable the controls when 79 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 appropriate • You can open a chat window for the caller • You can make the Collaboration process as easy as possible for the caller Availability and Location Your System Administrator determines whether the Caller Remote Control feature is available on your single-session agent desktop. If Caller Remote Control is available, you access the feature by clicking the Caller Info button on either the Queue or In Session tab. The Caller Remote Control screen opens as part of the Caller Information screen. If Caller Remote Control is not available, you cannot use the feature. Using Leadership with Caller Remote Control The Collaboration leadership feature interacts with Caller Remote Control. Leadership is available from the Sharing tab on the single-session agent desktop. The leader controls the session and can use Collaboration features. Three options for leadership exist and the icon, which appears on the Sharing tab, changes depending on the leader: • Agent as leader : Agent's Name. This icon followed by your name indicates that you are the leader of the session and callers cannot use most features on the Caller Control Panel, including Form Share, Page Share, Follow Me, and Application Share. • All participants as leader :All. This icon indicates that all participants are leaders in the session and callers can use all features on the Caller Control Panel. Caller as leader : Caller's Name. This icon followed by a caller's name indicates that the caller has leadership of the session and can use all features on the Caller Control Panel. If you want to remotely use a Collaboration feature on the Caller Control Panel, the caller or all participants must be assigned leadership. 80 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 To assign a caller leadership either: • Make all participants leaders by clicking the leadership icon on the Sharing tab. • Make the specific caller the leader by selecting the caller from the In Session tab and clicking Set Leader. Caller Experience with Caller Remote Control The caller experience with Caller Remote Control involves: • Remotely activated Form Share • Remotely activated Page Share • Remotely activated Chat • Remotely enabled or disabled Follow Me • Remotely enabled or disabled Application Share Remotely Activated Form Share When you remotely use Form Share, the Web page containing the form in the caller's browser is shared with other session participants. The data entered by the caller is shared along with the form. The Caller Control Panel displays a message indicating to the caller that information is being shared. Remotely Activated Page Share When you remotely use Page Share, the Web page in the caller's browser is shared with other session participants. The Caller Control Panel displays a message indicating to the caller that information is being shared. Remotely Activated Chat When you remotely click the Chat button on the Caller Control Panel, a Chat window 81 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 opens on the caller's screen. The caller uses this Chat window to send and view chat messages. Remotely Enabled or Disabled Follow Me When you remotely enable Follow Me, any Web page visited by the caller is shared with all session participants. You can remotely disable Follow Me to end caller-led Follow Me. The Caller Control Panel displays a message indicating to the caller that Follow Me has been activated or deactivated and the Follow Me control changes to reflect the new Follow Me state. Remotely Enabled or Disabled Application Share When you remotely enable Application Share, the caller must accept a Java certificate. The Application Share controls then appear or activate on the Caller Control Panel. The caller uses these controls to share application images or applications with session participants. When you remotely disable Application Share, the Application Share controls become disabled on the Caller Control Panel. The caller can still view the controls, but cannot use them. See Also For information on See Java certificates About Java Certificates 82 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Holding eSeminars Holding eSeminars You can help many callers at once by holding an eSeminar. eSeminars are available only to agents who can log into the eSeminar agent desktop. The information presented about eSeminars is helpful for agents, Agent Supervisors, and System Administrators. Agents and Agent Supervisors learn when and why to use eSeminars and System Administrators learn how eSeminars can help callers in various types of situations and enterprises. Understanding Seminars involves the following topics: • About eSeminars • Features Available during eSeminars About eSeminars eSeminars allow you to help many callers at the same time using the Collaboration features of the eSeminar desktop. These callers join the eSeminar by entering a seminar password into the Collaboration request form. The callers connect automatically. Instead of viewing the names of the callers, you see the number of participants in the session. When you share information in the session, such as a Web page or PowerPoint presentation, each eSeminar participant receives the information. To gain a better understanding of eSeminars, read the following: • Benefits of Using eSeminars • Uses of eSeminars • Availability 83 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Benefits of Using eSeminars Using eSeminars offers you the following benefits: • You can help many callers at the same time • You can select whether or not to allow new callers into the seminar • You can constantly monitor the number of session participants Uses of eSeminars Use eSeminars to: • Hold a product demonstration for many customers • Lead a remotely attended meeting • Train many participants at once Availability Your System Administrator determines whether you can log into the eSeminar agent desktop. This desktop contains many of the features in the single-session desktop. A Seminar tab appears in addition to the Sharing and User tabs. The Queue and In Session tabs do not appear on the desktop. The eSeminar agent desktop tabs appear as follows: See Also For more information on See The eSeminar process from the agent's point of view Web Requests: eSeminar Agent's Point of View 84 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Features Available during eSeminars Many features are available to you when you hold eSeminars. These features include: • Seminar features • Sharing features • General features that you use with the sharing features Seminar Features To monitor and control the seminar, you can: • Enter the eSeminar password • Allow or not allow new participants to join the eSeminar • Monitor the number of participants • Hang up to end or leave the eSeminar Sharing Features You can use some of the Collaboration sharing features available on the regular single-session agent desktop, including: • Scripts • Application Share • Follow Me • Page Share These features behave in exactly the same manner as they do when used in the regular single-session agent desktop. Because you are helping many callers at the same time, the following Collaboration sharing features are not available on the eSeminar agent desktop: • Chat • Form Share 85 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 • White Board • Caller Remote Control See Also For information on See Scripts Sharing Scripts Application Share Sharing Applications Follow Me Browsing with Follow Me Page Share Sharing Web Pages General Features You can use the following general features to control sharing: • Leadership • Broadcast Mode Leadership The leader controls the session and can share browser content. Two options for leadership exist and the icon, which appears on the Sharing tab, changes depending on the leader: • Agent as leader : Agent's Name. This icon followed by your name indicates that you are the leader of the session and can use Collaboration features. • All agents as leaders :All. This icon indicates that all agents participating in the session are leaders and can use Collaboration features. By default, all agents are assigned leadership when you start an eSeminar. Callers cannot be leaders in eSeminars. To change the leadership assignment: Click the Leadership icon. 86 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Broadcast Mode The Broadcast Mode icon appears on all tabs on the eSeminar agent desktop and indicates whether you are sharing or previewing Web pages in your shared view browser. Three Broadcast Modes exist: • Transmitting Mode • At Rest Mode • Mute Mode You share content in either Transmitting Mode or At Rest Mode. The only difference between these two modes involves Follow Me. If Follow Me is enabled, you are in continuous Transmitting Mode. If Follow Me is disabled, you are in At Rest Mode until you share information, and then you briefly enter Transmitting Mode. You preview content in Mute Mode. When you are in Mute Mode, you view a Web page in your shared view browser without sharing the Web page. By previewing Web pages, you can ensure that the information helps the caller before you share the Web pages. To change Broadcast Mode: Click the Broadcast Mode icon: • If you are in either Transmitting Mode or At Rest Mode, you enter Mute Mode when you click the icon. • If you are in Mute Mode and Follow Me is enabled you enter Transmitting Mode when you click the icon. • If you are in Mute Mode and Follow Me is disabled, you enter At Rest Mode when you click the icon. See Also For information on See Follow Me Browsing with Follow Me 87 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Queues and Agent Configurations About Queues and Agent Configurations Your enterprise's Collaboration Server configuration includes the routing engine for your Collaboration Server. You may receive requests through Collaboration Server routing, ICM routing, or ACD routing. Your routing engine determines how you receive requests and affects the appearance of the Queue tab and Meetings area. If you use the single-session agent desktop, your Queue tab may have one of three appearances. If you use the multi-session agent desktop, your Meetings area may have one of two appearances. Read the description of the different Queue tabs and Meetings areas to determine your configuration. Then, select that configuration to learn more about how you receive requests and use the Queue tab or Meetings area. Agents, Agent Supervisors, and System Administrators should understand these different configurations and their impact on the agent's experience with Collaboration. Note: eSeminar agents are not affected by these configurations. eSeminar agents use the eSeminar agent desktop and receive requests through simple routing based on the Seminar Keyword entered by the caller. Select your desktop type below to view possible Queue tab or Meetings area configurations: • Single-session agent desktop • Multi-session agent desktop Single-session Agent Desktop: Queue Tab Appearances Queue Tab 1 If your Queue tab displays the following characteristics and behavior, you have Collaboration Server routing: 88 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 To learn more about your configuration, see: • Collaboration server routing with the single-session agent desktop • Understanding requests • Understanding push and pick routing Queue Tab 2 If your Queue tab displays the following characteristics and behavior, you have ICM routing: 89 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 To learn more about your configuration, see: • ICM routing with the single-session agent desktop • Understanding requests Queue Tab 3 If your Queue tab displays the following characteristics and behavior, you have ACD routing: 90 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 To learn more about your configuration, see: • ACD routing with the single-session agent desktop • Understanding requests Multi-session Agent Desktop: Meetings Area Appearance Meetings Area 1 If your Meetings area displays the following characteristics and behavior, you have Collaboration Server routing: 91 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 To learn more about your configuration, see: • Collaboration server routing with the multi-session agent desktop • Understanding requests • Understanding push and pick routing Meetings Area 2 If your Meetings area displays the following characteristics and behavior, you have ICM routing: 92 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 To learn more about your configuration, see: • ICM routing with the multi-session agent desktop • Understanding requests See Also For more information on See Technical details about Collaboration Server, ICM, and ACD routing Cisco Collaboration Server Administration Guide Understanding Requests Depending on your configuration, you may receive one or more of the following types of requests: • Chat requests • Blended Collaboration requests • MeetMe requests • Web callback requests • eSeminar requests Chat Requests Chat requests are associated with skill groups and you receive requests that match your skill groups. When making the request, the caller may have to select an area of concern or interest (a skill group) from the Caller Connect page. Otherwise, the skill group is embedded in the Caller Connect page. You receive requests that match your skill groups. Depending on your agent settings, you may connect the caller automatically or manually. You use only Collaboration features to communicate with callers, not the telephone. A caller may make a Chat request for several reasons: • The caller cannot use the telephone and Internet simultaneously, and therefore can request only sessions that do not involve the telephone. • The caller feels more comfortable using Chat than speaking with an agent. 93 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 If you are using the single-session agent desktop, you can be in session with only one Chat caller at a time. If you are using the multi-session agent desktop, you can engage in several simultaneous Chat sessions at once. You can receive Chat requests if you are using one of the following configurations: • Single-session agent desktop with Collaboration Server routing • Single-session agent desktop with ICM routing • Multi-session agent desktop with Collaboration Server routing • Multi-session agent desktop with ICM routing • Single-session desktop with ACD routing Note: If you have ACD routing, Chat requests are referred to as Blended Chat requests. See Also For information on Collaboration Server routing See Collaboration Server Routing with the Singlesession Agent Desktop Collaboration Server Routing with the Multi-session Agent Desktop ICM routing ICM routing with the Single-session Agent Desktop ICM routing with the Multi-session Agent Desktop ACD routing ACD Routing with the Single-session Agent Desktop A scenario in which an agent engages in a Chat session Multi-session Chat Session Scenario Blended Collaboration Requests Blended Collaboration requests are associated with skill groups and you receive requests that match your skill groups. A caller may have to select an area of concern or interest (a skill group) from the Caller Connect page. Otherwise, the skill group is embedded in the Caller Connect page. You receive requests that match your skill groups. A phone call is placed automatically from your phone to the caller's phone and you enter a Collaboration session with the caller. Both your phone and the caller's phone ring when the phone call occurs. As you talk on the phone, you can use Collaboration features to further help the caller. A caller may make a Blended Collaboration request if the caller can use the 94 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 telephone and Internet simultaneously and wants to speak with an agent during the Collaboration session. You can be in session with only one Blended Collaboration caller at a time. You can receive Blended Collaboration requests if you are using one of the following configurations: • Single-session agent desktop with ICM routing • Single-session agent desktop with ACD routing See Also For information on See ACD routing ACD routing with the Single-session Agent Desktop ICM routing ICM routing with the Single-session Agent Desktop ICM routing with the Multi-session Agent Desktop A scenario in which an agent engages in a Blended Collaboration session Blended Collaboration Session Scenario MeetMe Requests MeetMe requests are not routed based on skill groups, but rather on a specific agent's temporary or permanent extension. Typically, you are involved in a voice call with a caller and believe that using Collaboration Server could further help the caller. You provide the caller with either your temporary or permanent extension, which the caller enters on the Caller Connect page when making the request. When the caller submits the request, the request is assigned directly to your MeetMe queue. You can connect more than one MeetMe caller into the same session. For example, if you are involved in a conference call with two people, you can give both of the people your MeetMe extension and connect them from the MeetMe queue. Both callers appear on the In Session tab, and any information that you share over the Internet is sent to both callers. If you have ACD or Collaboration Server routing, you can connect MeetMe callers into the same session as a single Chat, Blended Collaboration, or Blended Chat caller. Note: If an ACD is your routing engine, you must make yourself Not Ready on the telephone if you hang up the phone during a MeetMe session. Note: If the ICM is your routing engine, you must make yourself Not Ready before you can connect a MeetMe request. 95 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 You can receive MeetMe requests if you are using one of the following configurations: • Single-session agent desktop with Collaboration Server routing • Single-session agent desktop with ICM routing • Single-session agent desktop with ACD routing See Also For information on See Collaboration Server routing Collaboration Server Routing with the Single-session Agent Desktop ICM routing ICM routing with the Single-session Agent Desktop ACD routing ACD routing with the Single-session Agent Desktop A scenario in which an agent engages in a MeetMe session with multiple callers Training Session Scenario Web Callback Requests Web callback requests are associated with skill groups and you receive requests that match your skill groups. A caller may have to select an area of concern or interest (a skill group) from the Caller Connect page. Otherwise, the skill group is embedded in the Caller Connect page. A caller may make a Web callback request for several reasons: • The caller cannot use the telephone and Internet simultaneously, and therefore does not want to use Collaboration Server. • The caller is not comfortable engaging in an online session. You receive requests that match your skill groups. In Web callback sessions, an automatic phone call is placed between you and the caller. You do not use Collaboration features to assist the caller and the caller does not appear on your agent desktop (if you are using an agent desktop). You can receive Web callback requests if you are using one of the following configurations: • No Collaboration Server agent desktop, only a telephone • Single-session agent desktop with ICM routing • Single-session agent desktop with ACD routing 96 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 See Also For information on See ICM routing ICM routing with the Single-session Agent Desktop ACD routing ACD routing with the Single-session Agent Desktop eSeminar Requests You receive eSeminar requests if you are using the eSeminar agent desktop. You provide the caller with a seminar keyword, and the caller enters this keyword into the Caller Connect page when making the request. A caller makes an eSeminar request in order to join an online seminar that you are holding. Many callers can join the same seminar. In eSeminar sessions, you use both the telephone and Collaboration features to communicate with and assist callers during the seminar. You do not see individual caller's names listed on your desktop; instead, you see the number of participants in the seminar. See Also For information on See The eSeminar agent desktop eSeminar Agent Desktop Initiating and leading an eSeminar Holding eSeminars Collaboration Server Routing with the Single-session Agent Desktop Understanding your single-session agent desktop involves the following topics: • Queue tab appearance and behavior • Ready icon behavior Queue Tab Appearance and Behavior The following image is an example of a Queue tab with Collaboration Server routing: 97 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 You can receive the following types of requests: • Chat requests • MeetMe requests See Also For more information on See Chat and MeetMe requests Understanding Requests Ready Icon Behavior If you are a push agent, your Ready icon indicates whether you are Ready or Not Ready to connect skill group-based requests. When you are Ready, the caller connects automatically. When you are Not Ready, the caller waits in a skill group queue. Your Ready icon changes depending on your Ready State: • A green light in the Ready icon indicates that you are Ready. • A red light in the Ready icon indicates that you are Not Ready. You click the icon to change your Ready state. 98 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 If you are a pick agent, your desktop does not contain a Ready icon. See Also For more information on See Technical details about Collaboration Server routing Cisco Collaboration Server Administration Guide Push and pick agents Understanding Push and Pick Agent Types Collaboration Server Routing with the Multi-session Agent Desktop Understanding your multi-session agent desktop involves the following topics: • Meetings area appearance and behavior • Ready icon behavior Meetings Area Appearance and Behavior The following image is an example of a Meetings area with Collaboration Server routing: You receive Chat requests in your Meetings area. 99 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 See Also For more information on See Alert lights in the Meetings area Multi-session Agent Desktop Chat requests Understanding Requests Ready Icon Behavior The Ready icon indicates whether push agents are Ready or Not Ready to connect requests. If you are Ready, the caller is sent directly to your Active list. If you are Not Ready, requests wait in your skill group queues. Your Ready icon changes depending on your Ready State: • A green light in the Ready icon indicates that you are Ready. • A red light in the Ready icon indicates that you are Not Ready. You click the icon to change your Ready state. Note: For pick agents, the Ready icon is disabled and callers always enter the queues. See Also For more information on See Technical details about Collaboration Server routing Cisco Collaboration Server Administration Guide Push and pick agents Understanding Push and Pick Agent Types ICM Routing with the Single-session Agent Desktop Understanding your single-session agent desktop involves the following topics: • Queue tab appearance and behavior • Ready icon behavior • Blended telephone and Collaboration Server behavior 100 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Queue Tab Appearance and Behavior The following image is an example of a Queue tab with ICM routing: You can receive the following types of requests: • Chat requests • Blended Collaboration requests • MeetMe requests 101 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 See Also For more information on See Chat, Blended Collaboration, and MeetMe requests Understanding Requests Ready Icon Behavior Your Ready icon indicates whether you are Ready or Not Ready to connect skill group-based requests. If you are Ready, the ICM sends the caller caller directly to your In Session tab. If you are Not Ready, the ICM does not send you skill groupbased requests. While you are in session with a caller, you do not receive a new skill group-based requests until you end the session, regardless of your Ready state. Your Ready icon, located on all tabs, changes depending on your Ready State: • A green light in your Ready icon indicates that you are Ready . • A red light in your Ready icon indicates that you are Not Ready. You click the icon to change your Ready state. When you click the icon to change Ready state, you may notice that the icon turns gray before you state actually changes. If you are trying to change your state from Ready to Not Ready, you can receive skill group-based requests while the icon is gray. You continue to receive these requests until the red light appears. You can connect MeetMe requests only when you are Not Ready be Not Ready in order to log out of the agent desktop. . Also, you must Blended Telephone and Collaboration Server Behavior Depending on the settings selected by your System Administrator, the behavior of your telephone and Collaboration Server agent desktop may be blended. If you have a blended configuration, certain events may be shared between your phone system and your Collaboration Server. These shared events include: • Log in and log out events are blended. When you log into or out of the agent desktop, you log into or out of your phone. • Session disconnect is blended. If you are speaking to a caller on the telephone while you use Collaboration with the caller, session disconnect is blended. You can end the session by either hanging up the phone or disconnecting the caller from the agent desktop. When you hang up the phone, your Collaboration session is terminated. When you end the Collaboration session, your phone call 102 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 is terminated. • The end of Wrap Up is blended. If you are speaking to a caller on the telephone while you use Collaboration with the caller, Wrap Up is blended. You can exit Wrap Up from your phone or the agent desktop. When you exit Wrap Up on your telephone, you exit Wrap Up on your agent desktop. When you exit Wrap Up on your agent desktop, you exit Wrap Up on your telephone. ady state is blended. If you change your Ready state on the phone, your Ready state on the agent desktop reflects this change. If you change your Ready state on the agent desktop, your Ready state on the phone reflects this change. • Session transfer is blended. If you transfer a session to another agent via the phone, the session is transferred from your desktop. Note that the phone call is not automatically transferred when you transfer the session via the agent desktop; you must manually transfer the phone call if you transfer a caller using your desktop. See Also For more information on See Technical details about ICM routing Cisco Collaboration Server Administration Guide Using Wrap up in a single-session agent desktop configuration Web Requests: Single-session Agent's Point of View ICM Routing with the Multi-session Agent Desktop Understanding your multi-session agent desktop involves the following topics: • Meetings area appearance and behavior • Ready icon behavior Meetings Area Appearance and Behavior The following image is an example of a Meetings area with ICM routing: 103 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 You receive Chat requests in your Meetings area. See Also For more information on See Alert lights in the Meetings area Multi-session Agent Desktop Chat requests Understanding Requests Ready Icon Behavior Your Ready icon indicates whether you are Ready or Not Ready to connect Chat requests. If you are Ready, the caller is sent directly to your Active list. You automatically connect more requests until you reach your session limit. If you are Not Ready, you do not receive Chat requests. Your Ready icon changes depending on your Ready State: • A green light in the Ready icon indicates that you are Ready. • A red light in the Ready icon indicates that you are Not Ready. You click the icon to change your Ready state. When you click the icon to change Ready state, you may notice that the icon turns gray while your request is being processed. If you are trying to change your state from Ready to Not Ready, you can receive Chat requests while the icon is gray. You continue to receive these requests until the red light appears. 104 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 See Also For more information on See Technical details on ICM routing Cisco Collaboration Server Administration Guide ACD Routing with the Single-session Agent Desktop Understanding your single-session agent desktop involves the following: • Queue tab appearance and behavior • Ready behavior • Blended telephone and Collaboration server behavior Queue Tab Appearance and Behavior The following image is an example of a Queue tab with ACD routing: You can receive the following types of requests: • Blended Collaboration requests 105 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 • Chat requests • MeetMe requests See Also For more information on See The requests that you can receive Understanding Requests Ready Behavior You control your Ready state on your phone set. Your Ready state indicates whether you are Ready or Not Ready to connect skill group-based requests. If you are Ready, the caller is sent directly to your In Session tab. If you are Not Ready, you do not receive Blended Collaboration or Chat requests. While you are in session with a caller, you do not receive new Blended Collaboration or Chat requests until you end the session, regardless of your Ready state. Blended Telephone and Collaboration Server Behavior Depending on the settings selected by your System Administrator, the behavior of your telephone and Collaboration Server agent desktop may be blended. If you have a blended configuration, certain events may be shared between your phone system and your Collaboration Server. These shared events include: • Log in is blended. When you log into the agent desktop, you log into your phone. • Log out is blended. When you log out of the agent desktop, you log out of your phone. • Session disconnect is blended. If you are engaged in a Blended Collaboration session, session disconnect is blended. You can end the session by either hanging up the phone or disconnecting the caller from the agent desktop. When you hang up the phone, your Collaboration session is terminated. When you end the Collaboration session, your phone call is terminated. • Session transfer is blended. If you transfer a session to another agent via the phone, the session is transferred from your desktop. Note that the phone call is not automatically transferred when you transfer the session via the agent desktop; you must manually transfer the phone call if you transfer a caller using your desktop. 106 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 See Also For more information on See Technical information about ACD routing Cisco Collaboration Server Administration Guide Understanding Push and Pick Agent Types Collaboration Server routing supports two agents types: push agents and pick agents. Pick agents manually connect Chat requests waiting in their skill group queues. Push agents automatically connect Chat requests waiting in their skill group queues. Note: Push agent and pick agent are default agent types. Your System Administrator may also create a custom agent type that combines push agent and pick agent functionality. For example, you may have the ability to open your queues to view waiting callers but not be able to connect these callers manually. To learn more about how you connect requests, select your agent type: • Push agents • Pick agents Push Agents You can be a push agent only if you have Collaboration Server routing. Push agents automatically connect skill group-based Chat requests. If you are a push agent, you see alerts for the size or wait time for your skill group queues, but you cannot open these queues to view the waiting callers. If you are using the single-session agent desktop, you must be Ready and not currently in session in order to connect requests automatically. When the request connects, the caller appears on the In Session tab. If you are Not Ready or currently in session, callers wait in skill group queues until you become available. If you are using the multi-session agent desktop, you must be Ready and under your session limit in order to connect requests automatically. When the request connects, the caller appears in the Active list of the Meetings area. If you are Not Ready or have reached your session limit, callers wait in your skill group queues until you become available. 107 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Pick Agents You can be a pick agent only if you have Collaboration Server routing. Pick agents manually connect Chat requests. A request waits in a skill group queue until you open the queue and select the caller. You must use either the Connect button on the single-session agent desktop or the Connect icon on the multi-session agent desktop to connect the selected caller. Once connected into session, the caller moves to the In Session tab if you are using the single-session agent desktop, or moves to the Active list if you are using the multi-session agent desktop. 108 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Web Request Process About the Web Request Process Callers request Collaboration Server sessions for many reasons. The caller may be browsing a company's Web site and cannot find specific information, or the caller may have a question about the information in a Web site. In some cases, the caller is already speaking with an agent and the agent wants to use Collaboration Server to further assist the caller. Although the motivation behind making a Web request for a Collaboration Server session varies, the Web request process is largely the same for each caller, and while agents receive and connect requests differently and use different types of desktops, the Web request process also is largely the same for each agent. In order to help callers as completely and efficiently as possible, you should understand the general events that occur during the Web request process for both callers and agents. Agents, Agent Supervisors, and System Administrators all benefit by learning about the Web request process. The Web request process can be viewed from: • The caller's point of view • The single-session agent's point of view • The multi-session agent's point of view • The eSeminar agent's point of view Web Requests: Caller's Point of View The caller's experience with the Web request process includes: • Making the request • Accepting certificates and downloading the Caller Control Panel • Using initial Caller Control Panel features • Receiving the first page push 109 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 • Receiving browser content of different complexity levels • Sharing with an agent • Ending Collaboration Making the Request Callers make Collaboration Server requests in order to receive assistance from an agent using the Web and/or telephone. The caller makes a request from the Caller Connect page. The caller may be directed to the Caller Connect page by an agent during a phone conversation, or may open the page by clicking a "live help" button. Callers can make several types of Web requests depending on their needs and on the company's Collaboration Server configuration. By default, Collaboration Server supports six types of requests for Web Collaboration. However, your enterprise's implementation of Collaboration determines which types of requests a caller can make. These types of requests include: • Chat requests • Blended Collaboration requests • Blended Chat requests • MeetMe requests • Web callback requests • eSeminar requests To make a Collaboration Server session request, the caller: 1. Opens the Caller Connect page by either clicking a "live help" button or entering a Web address supplied by an agent. 2. Enters the requested information, usually including any of the following: • Caller's name • Agent's extension • Area of concern or interest • Phone number • Seminar keyword/password if joining an eSeminar 3. Submits the request 110 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 See Also For information on See Each type of request that a caller can make Understanding Requests Accepting Certificates and Downloading the Caller Control Panel Once the caller has submitted the Collaboration Server request, the following events occur: 1. The Caller Control Panel begins to download and the caller may have to accept a Java certificate. Accepting this certificate allows he Collaboration Server to interact with the caller's browser. The exact certificate that displays depends on the caller's browser type and version. Note: If the caller is not required to accept a certificate now, the certificate most likely will display once you or the caller attempts to share complex browser content, such as frame Web pages, forms, or applications. 2. The full-size browser window that the caller used to make the request remains open, and the Caller Control Panel appears in either a new, smaller browser window or within the full-size browser. The features available on the Caller Control Panel depend on whether the caller will be entering a session with an agent using the single-session agent desktop, eSeminar agent desktop, or the multi-session agent desktop. 3. While the caller is waiting to be connected, a Waiting for agent page displays in the full-size browser. Within the Caller Control Panel or full-size browser, the caller may also be shown advertisements or other information, such as the caller's position in the queue. Your System Administrator selects the information that displays. 4. When you connect the caller, a Welcome page displays in the caller's full-size browser. Note: Web callback callers do not use Collaboration Server. Therefore, callers making Web callback requests do not receive a Caller Control Panel. See Also For information on See Java certificates About Java Certificates Using Initial Caller Control Panel Functionality When the Caller Control Panel first downloads, only the Chat feature on the Control 111 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Panel is active. The other features are inactive until you push the caller a page. Pushing a page to the caller involves sending the caller a Web page. Note: The eSeminar Caller Control Panel does not contain sharing features. To use the Chat feature, the caller should: • to open the chat window and send messages to you from Click the Chat icon this window if you are using the single-session agent desktop. • Send you messages from chat area of the Caller Control Panel if you are using the multi-session agent desktop. Receiving the First Page Push When you send the caller the first Web page of the session, the following events occur: 1. A Java certificate may open that the caller must accept. 2. The Web page that you shared appears in the caller's full-size browser. If the Web page contains frames, a new browser window may open in which the Web page appears. 3. The remaining features on the Caller Control Panel activate. Note: The eSeminar Caller Control Panel does not contain sharing features. See Also For information on See Java certificates About Java Certificates Receiving Browser Content of Different Complexity Levels You can share browser content of two different complexity levels: Simple and Complex. The complexity level of currently shared browser content displays in the Complexity (actual) field of caller information. Complexity Levels The following table describes the complexity levels that can be shared: 112 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Complexity Level Description Simple Simple content includes: Simple sharing is accomplished using JavaScript Web pages without frames to send and receive the browser content. The caller Chat messages does not need to accept a Java certificate in order to send or receive simple content. Example Complex Complex sharing uses a small Complex content includes: Java applet to send and Web pages with frames receive browser content. This Java applet may take longer Web page comparisons to download than simple JavaScript and the caller may Shared applications (single-session agent have to accept a Java desktop only) certificate before sending or receiving complex content. Shared forms (single-session agent desktop only) White Board (single-session agent desktop only) Mixed If the complexity level is Mixed, the caller initially receives Simple content. If Complex content is detected, it is then shared. Mixed content includes both Simple and Complex content. When you share Simple browser content, the content displays in the caller's browser or in the Chat window. When you share Complex browser content, the following events occur: 1. A Java certificate may open. The caller must accept the certificate. 2. If the caller is using Microsoft Internet Explorer, a new window opens on the caller's screen in which the shared browser content displays. This window remains open and displays shared content regardless of complexity level for the rest of the session. See Also For information on Viewing a caller's information See Web Requests: Single-session Agent's Point of View Web Requests: Multi-session Agent's Point of View Java certificates About Java Certificates How the caller receives shared Web pages Caller Experience with Page Share How the caller receives Web pages shared by Follow Me Caller Experience with Follow Me How the caller receives shared forms Caller Experience with Form Share How the caller receives shared applications Caller Experience with Application Share How the caller receives chat messages Caller Experience with Chat How the caller receives the White Board Caller Experience with White Board 113 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Sharing with an Agent Not only does the caller receive browser content and chat messages from you, but the caller can also send you information using features on the Caller Control Panel. Note: The eSeminar Caller Control Panel does not contain sharing features. Features that the Caller Can Use from the Caller Control Panel If you are using the single-session agent desktop, the caller may be able to use: • Chat, to send you chat messages • Page Share, to share a Web page • Follow Me, to share each Web page open in the caller's browser • Form Share, to share and complete an online form • Application Share, to share application images or applications You must assign leadership for the caller to be able to use all of the features except Chat. If you are using the multi-session agent desktop, the caller may be able to use: • Chat, to send you chat messages • Page Share, to share a Web page See Also For information on See How the caller uses Page Share Caller Experience with Page Share How the caller uses Follow Me Caller Experience with Follow Me How the caller uses Form Share Caller Experience with Form Share How the caller uses Application Share Caller Experience with Application Share How the caller sends chat messages Caller Experience with Chat 114 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Ending Collaboration When the caller is ready to end the Collaboration Server session, either you or the caller terminates the session. To end the session, the caller should: Click the Hang Up icon . When the session is terminated, the following events occur: 1. The caller's full-size browser displays a Thank You message. 2. The Caller Control Panel closes. Web Requests: Single-session Agent's Point of View The single-session agent's experience with the Web request process involves: • Receiving and connecting the request • Viewing the caller's information • Sharing browser content • Helping callers share • Receiving content shared by the caller • Ending Collaboration • Wrapping Up Receiving and Connecting the Request The manner in which you receive and connect requests depends on your Collaboration Server configuration. Once in session, the caller's name appears on your In Session tab. Note: If necessary, you can transfer a connected session to another agent. 115 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 See Also For information on See Your Collaboration server configuration About Queues and Agent Configurations Transferring connected sessions Single-session online help Viewing Caller Information When you begin a session with a caller, the caller's information appears on your desktop. This information may display in the Script Viewer, the shared view browser, or a new window. You use the caller's information to learn more about the caller. Types of Caller Information Your System Administrator selects the types of information that appear in the Caller Information screen. The following table describes the fields that may appear in your Caller Information screen: Field Description Name Identifies the name that the caller entered in the Caller Connect page Extension/Skill Group Indicates the extension or skill group to which the request was made Phone Indicates the phone number that the caller entered in the Caller Connect page Browser Identifies the browser that the caller is using Complexity Mode Setting Specifies the complexity level of content that the caller is able to send and receive, including simple content, complex content, and mixed content. Simple sharing uses a small program, such as a JavaScript function, that downloads quickly. Simple sharing includes chat messages and non-framed Web pages. Complex sharing using the full Java program and takes longer to download. Complex sharing includes Form Share, Application Share, framed Web pages, and White Board. Mixed sharing means that the caller can receive simple and complex content. The caller initially receives simple content. If complex content is detected, it is sent and shared. Complexity (actual) Identifies the current level of content being sent or received Frame Mode Indicates whether the Caller Control Panel and shared browser occupy separate browser windows or a single browser window. If the Frame Mode is Multi, the Caller Control Panel and shared browser occupy different browser windows. If the Frame Mode is Single, the Caller Control Panel and shared browser occupy the same browser window. Caller Start URL Identifies the URL of the page from which a request originated App String 1 Additional customizable fields on the Caller Connection Panel App String 2 Browser ID Identifies additional browser information, such as browser version and whether the browser is compatible with Collaboration Server 116 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 To view caller information: 1. Select a caller from the Queue tab or In Session tab. 2. Click the Caller Info button. The Caller Information screen appears in the Script Viewer area, shared view browser, or in a new browser window. See Also For information on See The areas of the single-session agent desktop Single-session Agent Desktop Sharing Browser Content You can use Collaboration features to share information with callers. You may be able to use the following features: • Scripts, to share pre-selected Web pages, Web page comparisons, files, chat messages, and PowerPoint presentations • Application Share, to demonstrate or share applications on your hard drive • Follow Me, to share each page that you open in your shared browser • Page Share, to share a Web page • Chat, to send chat messages • Form Share, to share and complete an online form • White Board, to draw interactively with the caller See Also For information on See Using scripts Sharing Scripts Using Application Share Sharing Applications Using Follow Me Browsing with Follow Me Using Page Share Sharing Web Pages Sending chat messages Chatting Using Form Share Sharing Forms Using the White Board Drawing on the White Board Helping Callers Share You can enable and activate features on the Caller Control Panel from the Caller 117 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Remote Control screen. You must assign the caller leadership before you can enable or activate all of these features except Chat. To open the Caller Remote Control screen: Click the Caller Info button on the In Session tab or Queue tab. The Caller Remote Control screen opens with the Caller Information screen in the Script Viewer, shared browser view, or a new browser window. See Also For information on See Enabling and activating Collaboration features on the Caller Control Panel Remotely Controlling the Caller Control Panel The areas of the single-session agent desktop Single-session Agent Desktop Receiving Content Shared by Callers Content shared by callers includes: • Web pages • Forms • Applications • Chat messages This content can be shared directly by the caller or by using Caller Remote Control to share content for the caller. When the caller sends a chat message, the following events occur: 1. If you do not already have a chat window open, a chat window opens on your screen. 2. The caller's chat message appears in the chat window. When you receive Simple content from the caller, such as a non-framed Web page, the page appears in your shared browser. 118 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 When you receive Complex content from the caller, such as an online form or an application, the following events occur: 1. A new window opens on your screen if you are using Internet Explorer. 2. The shared content displays in the new window. Ending Collaboration When you have finished helping the caller, you can end the session. To end the Collaboration session, you can either: • Select the caller and click the Drop Caller button on the In Session tab to disconnect the caller. If you are in session with more than one caller, only that one caller is disconnected • icon on the In Session tab. If more than one caller is Click the Hang Up involved in the session, clicking Hang Up disconnects all callers. If you are in session with other agents in addition to callers, clicking Hang Up only disconnects you. The session remains active for the other callers and agents. Wrapping Up You may be able to use Wrap Up on your desktop. Wrap Up allows you to continue working on a session after you have disconnected the caller. If Wrap Up is enabled when you end a session, a Wrap Up page supplied by your System Administrator opens in the Script Viewer area. You use this page to finish work relating to a session. While you are in Wrap Up for a session, the words In Wrap Up and a small icon . If you receive requests through the ICM, you appear on the In Session tab: can end Wrap Up through either the desktop or the phone set. Your System Administrator selects one of three configurations for Wrap Up. The following table describes Wrap Up configurations and how to use Wrap Up in your configuration: Wrap Up Configuration You Wrap Up automatically when a session ends but can manually select not to Wrap Up. You Wrap Up only when you manually select to Wrap Using Wrap Up when you end a session. If The icon is depressed you do not want to Wrap Up, you must click the icon to disable the feature before or while you are in that session. The icon is not depressed when you end a session. 119 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Up. If you want to Wrap Up, you must click the icon to enable the feature before or while you are in that session. You Wrap Up after every session. The icon automatically depresses when you end a session. You cannot disable the feature. If you receive Blended Collaboration requests, your Wrap Up page may contain a section asking for feedback regarding the Request Disposition. This section contains either one or two checkboxes, asking you to indicate whether the caller provided the wrong number and/or if the caller asked not to be called again. If you indicate that the caller asked not to be called again, then the caller's phone number is immediately blocked by the Collaboration Server and any requests made with that phone number are rejected. If you indicate that the caller provided the wrong number, then Collaboration Server records this information. If the phone number used in the request is identified by agents as a "wrong number" too many times, then the phone number is blocked and any requests made with that phone number are rejected. When you have finished using the Wrap Up page, click the Wrap Up icon to close the page and exit Wrap Up state. See Also For information on See The areas of the single-session agent desktop Single-session Agent Desktop Web Requests: Multi-session Agent's Point of View The multi-session agent's experience with the Web request process involves: • Receiving and connecting the request • Viewing the caller's information • Sharing browser content • Receiving content shared by the caller • Ending Collaboration • Wrapping Up Receiving and Connecting the Request The manner in which you receive and connect requests depends on your 120 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Collaboration Server configuration. Once connected, the caller's name appears in the Active list of the Meetings area. See Also For information on See Your Collaboration server configuration About Queues and Agent Configurations Viewing Caller Information When you begin a session with a caller, the caller's information appears in the Customer Info area on your desktop. You use the caller's information to learn more about the caller, the caller's browser, and the complexity of content you are sharing. See Also For information on See Caller Information fields Multi-session Agent Desktop Sharing Browser Content You can use Collaboration features to share information with callers. You may be able to use the following features: • Script Share, to share pre-selected Web pages, Web page comparisons, files, chat messages, and PowerPoint presentations • Share Page, to share a Web page • Chat, to send chat messages See Also For information on See Using scripts Sharing Scripts Using Share Page Sharing Web Pages Sending chat messages Chatting 121 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Receiving Content Shared by Callers Content shared by callers includes: • Web pages • Chat messages When the caller sends a Web page, the Web page appears in your shared view browser window. When the caller sends a chat message, the message appears in the Chat area of your desktop Ending Collaboration When you have finished helping the caller, you can end the session. To end the Collaboration session: Click the Disconnect icon . Wrapping Up You may be able to use Wrap Up on your desktop. Wrap Up allows you to continue working on a session after you have disconnected the caller. If Wrap Up is enabled when you end a session, a Wrap Up page supplied by your System Administrator opens in the Customer Info area. You use this page to finish work relating to a session. While you are in Wrap Up for a caller, the caller's name with the Wrap Up symbol appears in the Meetings area. Your System Administrator selects one of three configurations for Wrap Up. The following table describes Wrap Up configurations and how to use Wrap Up in your configuration: 122 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Wrap Up Configuration Using Wrap Up You Wrap Up automatically when a session ends but can manually select not to Wrap Up. The icon is depressed when you connect a session. If you do not want to Wrap Up, you must click the icon to disable the feature before or while you are in that session. You Wrap Up only when you manually select to Wrap Up. when you connect a The icon is not depressed session. If you want to Wrap Up, you must click the icon to enable the feature before or while you are in that session. You Wrap Up after every session. The Wrap Up icon appears gray when you connect a session and automatically depresses when you disconnect a session. You cannot disable the feature. When you have finished using the Wrap Up page, click the Wrap Up icon to close the page and exit Wrap Up state. See Also For more information on See The areas of the multi-session agent desktop Multi-session Agent Desktop Web Requests: eSeminar Agent's Point of View The eSeminar agent's experience with the Web request process involves: • Initiating the seminar • Receiving requests • Selecting whether to allow new callers into the seminar • Sharing browser content • Ending Collaboration Initiating the Seminar You hold seminars in order to assist many callers at once. When you decide to hold a seminar, you engage in a conference call with all of the participants and supply the participants with a Seminar Keyword. You can either use the default Keyword that appears on the Seminar tab of your desktop, or you can enter a new Keyword into the Seminar Keyword section of the Seminar tab. 123 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Receiving Requests Callers make eSeminar requests by opening the Caller Connect page and entering their names and the Seminar Keyword that you provide. Once callers submit their requests, they are routed directly into the seminar session. You see a glowing light at the top of the Seminar tab and the number of participants listed on the Seminar tab increases. Selecting Whether to Allow New Callers into the Seminar At any point during the seminar, you can decide whether to allow new callers to join your session. You can select or de-select the Allow new callers into the seminar option on the Seminar tab. If you are engaged in a conference call and all of your callers have entered the seminar, you may not allow new callers to join the seminar to prevent persons not involved in the seminar from entering the seminar accidentally. Not allowing new callers to join the seminar also prevents late callers from joining and disrupting the seminar once it is in progress. If you are waiting for another caller or callers to join the seminar, you may allow new callers to join the seminar so that the caller or callers can join the seminar when they submit their requests. Sharing Browser Content You can use Collaboration features to share information with callers during the seminar. You may be able to use the following features: • Scripts, to share pre-selected Web pages, Web page comparisons, files, chat messages, and PowerPoint presentations • Application Share, to demonstrate or share applications on your hard drive • Follow Me, to share each page that you open in your shared browser • Page Share, to share a Web page When you share information, the information is sent to all session participants simultaneously. 124 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 See Also For information on See Using scripts Sharing Scripts Using Application Share Sharing Applications Using Follow Me Browsing with Follow Me Using Page Share Sharing Web Pages Ending Collaboration When you have completed the seminar, you can end the session. To end the Collaboration session, click the Hang Up icon on the Seminar tab. See Also For information on See The areas of the eSeminar agent desktop eSeminar Agent Desktop 125 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Maintaining Security Maintaining Security Security is vital for most enterprises, and both single-session agents and multisession agents may encounter security issues as they use Collaboration Server. These issues usually can be resolved easily when you are aware of the problems that may arise. Security risks may include misuse of the agent desktop by an unauthorized person, granting a caller access to your direct extension, and allowing other session participants to access and potentially damage files on your hard drive. The information presented about security helps agents, Agent Supervisors, and System Administrators avoid these security risks while using Collaboration Server. Maintaining security while using Collaboration Server involves the following: • Password Change and Protection, pertains to agents using the single-session, eSeminar, and multi-session agent desktops • Temporary MeetMe ID Use, pertains only to agents using the single-session agent desktop • Application Share Considerations, pertains to agents using the single-session and eSeminar agent desktops Password Change and Protection The password that you enter when logging in to the agent desktop identifies you as an authorized Collaboration Server user and allows you to use the agent desktop. You should guard this password so that unauthorized agents or other users cannot log in using your information. Your System Administrator assigns a password for you to use when logging in to Collaboration Server. You may be able to change this password within the agent desktop. In the single-session and eSeminar agent desktops, you change your password using the Change Password button the User tab. In the multi-session agent desktop, you change your password using the Options icon in the Agent Information area. When selecting a new password, follow these suggestions: • Select a random combination of letters and numbers 126 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 • Do not use commonly known information, such as your birthday or first name, as your password • By default, your password must be seven characters long. Your System Administrator can change this default setting. Temporary MeetMe ID Use Temporary MeetMe ID use pertains only to agents using the single-session agent desktop. In the single-session agent desktop, you have both a MeetMe ID and a Temporary MeetMe ID. The following table describes these two types of IDs: ID Type Desktop location Description MeetMe ID User tab The MeetMe ID is stored in the database and can be changed only by the System Administrator. Temporary MeetMe ID Queue tab The Temporary MeetMe ID does not remain constant. You may be able to manually change this ID, or the ID may be configured to change automatically after each MeetMe session. When you are talking with a caller on the telephone and want to engage in a MeetMe Collaboration session, you tell your caller to enter your extension in the Caller Connect page. You should provide the caller with your Temporary MeetMe ID, which can easily be changed, so that the caller does not know your permanent, direct MeetMe ID. If you give the caller your MeetMe ID, the caller has direct access to you, and can request MeetMe sessions at any time without first speaking with you. Application Share Considerations When you are using Application Share in the single-session or eSeminar agent desktop, you must consider both: • Agent security • Caller security Agent Security Application Share allows you to share in Demo Mode, Static Mode, and Share Mode. The following table describes these three Modes: 127 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Mode Description Demo You share continuous images of the application. Static You share a single image of the application whenever you press CTRL+F12. Share You share the application itself and other participants can use the application with you. You can share any application and your desktop. If you share your desktop, you are giving session participants access to your computer. These participants can intentionally or unintentionally damage files on your computer. To maintain the security of your computer when sharing your desktop, follow these suggestions: • Use either Demo Mode or Static Mode as much as possible. You should be able to address most callers' needs using one of these modes. Unless the caller absolutely must use the application with you, do not use Share Mode. • . If Before clicking Send, make sure that the Share option is not checked you accidentally check the box or leave it checked, the caller will have access to your computer. • Use Share Mode only when you trust the other session participants. For example, you could train other agents in your contact center using Share Mode because you are confident that they will not damage your computer. Or, you could use Share Mode for business-to-business sessions provided that you trust the other business. Caller Security The caller can also share in Demo Mode, Static Mode, and Share Mode. You should tell callers that if they check the Share option and share their desktop, you and other participants can access the caller's computer. To maintain the security of a caller's computer, follow these suggestions: • Inform the caller of the types of Sharing Modes and the risks involved with Share Mode. • Ask the caller to use Share Mode only if you and the caller trust other session participants. • Remind the caller to make sure that the Share option is not checked before clicking Send. • If the caller does share an application with you in Share Mode, be very careful when using the application. Remember that the actions you perform in the application can affect not only the application but also the caller's entire computer. 128 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Solving Common Errors Introduction to Solving Common Errors As agents and callers use Collaboration Server, they may encounter some common error messages. The information presented about these errors helps agents and Agent Supervisors avoid and solve these problems while using Collaboration Server. This guide discusses error messages that can be resolved by the agent or caller. If either you or the caller receives messages that are not addressed in this guide, speak with your System Administrator. Error message categories include the following: • Agent error messages • Caller error messages Agent Error Messages You may encounter the following types of error messages while using the agent desktop: • Log in and log out errors • Extension errors • Connecting caller errors • Joining another session errors • Sharing errors • Password change errors Log in and Log out Errors Each error message is listed along with a description, root cause, and action if known. 129 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Error Message Description Root Cause Action Agent is already logged in. Occurs if the agent Usually browser, network, attempts to re-log in while or computer difficulty will already logged in. cause agent to loose connection to server. Agent then tries to re-log in. Collaboration Server allows an agent to re-log in. If this message displays, try again. However, after 2 or 3 unsuccessful tries, wait until time-out occurs. Agent username or password invalid or not configured in database. Agent has forgotten or mistyped his username and password. Try again. If unsuccessful, speak with an Administrator. The maximum number of agents allowed are currently logged in. This indicates that the maximum number of agents allowed on this license are logged in. You must be 'not ready' in order to log out. Agent has attempted to log Agent must be not routable Enter Not Ready state by out while in Ready state. before logging out. clicking the Ready icon. Try to log out. Too may agents are logged Wait for another agent to in relative to license key. log out or speak with an Administrator. Extension Errors Each error message is listed along with a description, root cause, and action if known. Error message Description Root Cause Action Agent extension is already in use. Agent is trying to use an extension someone else is already using. The extension is already in Select a different use. extension. MeetMe Extension change failed. Agent's attempt to enter a different extension in the Temporary Extension field did not succeed. Try again. The agent may not be configured to manually change the temporary extension or has use illegal characters. Connecting Callers Errors Each error message is listed along with a description, root cause, and action if known. Error message Description The Ready icon must be off Agent with ICM routing attempted to connect a (traffic light set to red) MeetMe request while in before you can logout. Ready state. You cannot turn on the Ready icon until your Agent with ICM routing attempted to enter Ready Root Cause Action An agent with ICM routing Enter Not Ready state by must be Not Ready in order clicking the Ready icon. to connect MeetMe request. Try to connect the caller. An agent with ICM routing cannot enter Ready state End the MeetMe session and then enter Ready 130 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 MeetMe session is complete. state while engaged in a MeetMe session. while engaged in a MeetMe state. session. Joining another Session Errors Each error message is listed along with a description, root cause, and action if known. Error Message Description Root Cause Action Agent is already a participant in a session. Cannot join another session while in session. Agent is in session and trying to join another agent's session. Should not be done Agent self-request not allowed. Occurs if agent types his Agent tried to join own own extension when trying session. to join another session. Should not be done Sharing Errors Each error message is listed along with a description, root cause, and action if known. Error Message Description Please ask the sender to send the page again. Page will not be displayed. Root Cause Action Ask the sender to try again. Unable to share web page. Could not share page. Please try again. Page was either invalid, undetected, or not loaded Try again. The browser is unable to Agent using Internet capture pages in the Explorer cannot enable internal view. Please open Follow Me. an external shared frame. Agent using Internet Explorer attempted to use Follow Me while viewing shared content within the agent desktop. Open an external shared view by clicking the External View icon. Follow me browsing will be turned off. The browser is unable to capture pages in the internal view. Please open an external shared frame. Agent using Internet Explorer cannot use Page Share or Form Share. Agent using Internet Explorer attempted to use Page Share or Form Share while viewing content within the agent desktop. The page may also have contained dynamic content that cannot be shared. The browser version may also be unsupported or old. Open an external shared view by clicking the External View icon. If sharing a page with dynamic content, share a different page. An error occurred. Please try again. Something has happened. Unknown error that could not be prevented. Try again. This browser is unable to fully capture pages. Self explanatory. Misconfigured browser. Launch a new browser. Restart. Open an external shared view by clicking the External View icon. System Error: Shared URL operation failed. Did not share URL. System Error: Must be a session leader to share a page. Could not share a Web page. Try again. Did not have leadership. Reassign session leadership using the Leadership icon. 131 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 System Error: Invalid URL type: {0}. Could not share a URL Type is invalid. because it's type is invalid. Abandon if not valid. System Error: Invalid URL address: {0}. Could not share a URL because it's address is invalid. Address is invalid. Abandon if not valid. System Error: Invalid URL content: {0}. Could not share a URL because it's content is invalid. Content is invalid. Abandon if not valid. System Error: Shared resource operation failed. Unable to share the content or chat message that the agent just attempted to share. Chat message or content share failed. Try again. System Error: Not a session leader. Cannot take this action. Did not have leadership. Participant can only chat when not leader, all others not available. Reassign session leadership using the Leadership icon. System Error: No chat text. This error will not do any harm. CCS may not be able to share the results of this form; ask each participant to submit the form. Everyone in the session must post the form. Unable to share results of a posted form. Password Change Errors Each error message is listed along with a description, root cause, and action if known. Error Message Description The New Password and Unable to change Verify Password fields must password. match. Root Cause Action Try again. Agent attempted to reset password and did not enter the same string in the New Password and Verify Password fields. Agent attempted to reset password and did not enter the minimum number of characters. Select a different password with at least the minimum number or characters and try again. Unable to change You have entered invalid characters in the password. password. Passwords can contain only 7-bit printable ASCII characters. Agent attempted to reset password and entered characters that are not allowed in passwords. Select a different password, composed of onl 7-bit ASCII characters, and try again. An error occurred while setting your password. Unknown error that could not be prevented. Try again. You must supply a Password of at least x characters. Unable to change password. Unable to change password. Caller Error Messages Callers may encounter the following types of error messages while using engaging in Collaboration Server sessions: 132 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 • Connecting errors • Sharing errors • Disconnecting errors Connecting Errors Each error message is listed along with a description, root cause, and action if known. Error Message Description Root Cause Action Agent extension is invalid. No such extension currently exists. Caller has entered an Caller must enter the extension for an agent who extension of an agent is not logged in. currently logged in. Requested agent does not exist. The agent is not logged in. Caller must enter the Caller has entered an extension of an agent extension for an agent who currently logged in. is not logged in. Requested agent is not accepting extension requests. The agent is not configured Caller has entered an extension for an agent who to receive extension has turned off the ability to requests. receive requests. Caller must enter the extension of an available agent. If the caller is attempting to enter session with you, make yourself available for requests. CCS could not submit your Request is not submitted. request. Something is wrong with Try again. the request or the server is too busy. Request already connected A caller tries to connect to to agent. a session he is already in. Should not happen. Sharing Errors Each error message is listed along with a description, root cause, and action if known. Error Message Description Root Cause An error occurred. Please try again. General error message. Possible cause is failure to detect or apply. Feature not available. Complex page sharing features are not available. This is typically the result of an applet failure. This browser is unable to fully capture pages. Content detection not supported Caller using a misconfigured browser. Internet Explorer only: with This browser is unable to caller's frame mode set to fully capture pages in "single". internal view. OR This browser is unable to fully capture current page. Action The applet is unable to Try sharing a different bind to the internal frame page. and detect due to IE security model. Also, the caller may have been attempting to share dynamic content or is using an old or unsupported 133 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 browser. This browser is unable to fully show current page; some information may be missing. The applet had only partial Three possible causes: success during a complex Caller did not accept apply. certificates Try again. Applet unable to access frame (MSIE "tainting") Applet timed out before finishing. This browser is unable to fully show current page; this page may display differently on different browsers. Generated content may differ for participants. Unable to access an This browser is unable to fully capture current page; internal frame because of an MSIE "tainting" issue. some information on this page may not be shared. If there is an inconsistency or content mismatch, Collaboration server cannot display the captured content in its entirety. The IE security model requires framed content to be consistent regarding domain, protocol and zone. Disconnecting Errors Each error message is listed along with a description, root cause, and action if known. Error Message Description Root Cause Action Request already canceled. Caller clicks the cancel button more than once. Caller is probably on a slow Agent needs to reassure connection. the caller that the action is taking place. 134 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Reference Agent Desktops About Agent Desktops You may use one of three agent desktops. Select your desktop from the following list: • Multi-session agent desktop • Single-session agent desktop • eSeminar agent desktop Multi-session Agent Desktop Your System Administrator selects which features are available on the multi-session agent desktop and can alter the appearance of the desktop. The following is a sample multi-session agent desktop: 135 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 The multi-session agent desktop contains six areas that you use to monitor your sessions and share information: • Agent Information area • Meetings area • Customer Info area • Script Viewer area • Chat area • Shared Browser area Agent Information Area Use the Agent Information area to: • View your name. • Log out of Collaboration by clicking the Log Out icon . 136 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 • Change your agent options, including startup options and/or password, by . clicking the Options icon • Access agent online help by clicking the Help icon • View your server's security status indicated by the SSL (Secure Socket Layer) icon . SSL is a standard technology that encrypts content sent between Web browsers and servers. When Cisco Collaboration Server is SSL-enabled, the padlock in the upper right corner of the agent desktop is closed. . Meetings Area The Meetings area contains a list of Active sessions and may also contain a list of callers waiting in your skill group Queues. Several callers can appear in your Active list at once. You can switch between callers in your Active list without disconnecting callers. For example, you may be helping a caller who needs a moment to review a Web page that you shared. While that caller is busy with the Web page, you can switch to another caller to respond to a chat message. Use the Meetings area to: • View the Active list of callers in session and your Queues. Your queues represent the skill groups to which you belong. You receive requests that match your skill groups. • Connect requests using the Connect icon • End sessions with callers using the Disconnect icon • View and change Ready state using the Ready icon. • Switch sessions. • View alert lights. An alert light appears next to a caller's name when the caller . . 137 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 enters a Queue or Active list or sends you a message or Web page while you are helping another caller. This light changes color based on the amount of time that the caller has been waiting for you to respond. This light may blink and typically to yellow to red based on a time threshold changes from green determined by your System Administrator. The light goes out when you respond to the caller by sending a Chat message or a page. The light also goes out if you send a blank Chat message. • Use Wrap Up . If you are configured to use Wrap Up, you enter Wrap Up to continue working on a session after you have disconnected the caller. Customer Info Area The currently selected caller's information appears in the Customer Info area. The following table defines typical fields that may appear in the Customer Info section of your desktop. Because your System Administrator can customize this area, your Customer Info area may contain different information. Label Description Name Indicates the name the caller entered in the Caller Connect page. Skill group Indicates the skill group the caller selected from the Caller Connect page. Browser Indicates the Web browser the caller is currently using. Complexity Mode setting Specifies the complexity level of content that the caller is able to send and receive. For example, set to Mixed, callers initially receive top level, simple content. If Complex content is detected, it is then sent and shared. Simple sharing is accomplished using JavaScript to send and receive browser content. The JavaScript functions download quickly. Complex sharing is accomplished using a small Java applet to send and receive browser content. This Java applet may take longer to download. Complexity (actual) Indicates the current level of content being sent or received. Frame Mode Indicates whether the Caller Control Panel and shared browser occupy separate browser windows or a single browser window. If the Frame Mode is Multi, the Caller Control Panel and shared browser occupy different browser windows. If the Frame Mode is Single, the Caller Control 138 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Panel and shared browser occupy the same browser window. Caller start URL Indicates the URL of the page from which the request originated. App 1-4 Displays information from additional customizable fields on the Caller Connect page. Browser Identification Indicates whether or not Collaboration is compatible with the caller's browser. Script Viewer Area The Script Viewer area contains scripts developed by your Script Administrator to assist you when helping callers. When you connect a caller, the script matching the caller's requested skill automatically opens. Scripts may include speaking notes, chat messages, Web pages, files, and PowerPoint presentations. Use the Script Viewer area to: • Share scripted content • Preview scripted content • Share non-scripted Web pages using the Share Page icon • Open a new browser window to view shared content using the External View icon 139 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Chat Area Use the Chat area to chat online with callers. The Chat area always displays the conversation of your current session. You can either write your own chat messages or send the caller chat messages from your scripts. You may be configured to use Spell Check and other formatting options. If you are configured for the Spell Check feature, misspelled words appear underlined and you can right-click to select the correct spelling. You may be able to open a separate Spell Check window with more advanced options by pressing the F7key. If you can format the messages, a formatting toolbar appears. This toolbar contains buttons that allow you to bold, italicize, and underline text, and change text size, font, and color. Shared Browser Area You can view shared content either in a separate browser window or as part of the to change the location of shared agent desktop. You use the External View icon content. The External View icon appears in two states: • Indicates that you are viewing content as part of the agent desktop • Indicates that you are viewing content in a separate browser window You should view content in a separate browser window to: 140 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 • Have access to a full range of browser tools • Avoid problems with frameproofed Web pages. Frameproofed pages cannot be displayed within framed Web pages, including the agent desktop. If you attempt to share a frameproofed page while viewing shared content as part of the desktop, you will be disconnected from the server. Single-session Agent Desktop Your System Administrator selects which features are available on the single-session agent desktop and can alter the appearance of the desktop. The following is a sample single-session agent desktop: The single-session agent desktop contains six areas that you use to monitor your sessions and share information: • Script Viewer • Shared Browser • User Tab • Queue Tab • In Session Tab • Sharing Tab 141 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Script Viewer The Script Viewer area contains scripts developed by your Script Administrator to assist you when helping callers. When you connect a caller, the script matching the caller's requested skill automatically opens. Scripts may include speaking notes, chat messages, Web pages, files, and PowerPoint presentations. The Script Viewer may contain a Preview option that you can check to preview script content. If the Script Viewer does not contain a Preview option, you use Broadcast Mode in Mute to preview script content. Mode From the Script Viewer, you can: • Share scripted content • Preview scripted content Shared Browser You can view shared content either in a separate browser window or as part of the agent desktop. You use the External View icon to change the location of shared content. The External View icon appears in two states: • Indicates that you are viewing content as part of the agent desktop • Indicates that you are viewing content in a separate browser window You should view content in a separate browser window to: • Have access to a full range of browser tools • Avoid problems with frameproofed Web pages. Frameproofed pages are Web pages with HTML code that prevents them from opening in a frame in another Web page. Frameproofed pages load into the agent's entire browser window, not the Shared Page area used to display shared Web pages. By viewing information in a separate browser window, you can see both the desktop and frameproofed page. 142 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 User Tab You use the User tab to view and set your user information. From the User tab, you can: • View your login name and MeetMe ID • Set your preferences by clicking the Preferences button • Change your password by clicking the Change Password button • Join another agent's session, or transfer the session to a different agent using the Join a Session button • Exit Collaboration by clicking the Log Out button Use icons common to all tabs, such as Broadcast Mode , Auto Connect , and Browser Identification Report Queue Tab You use the Queue tab to view and connect MeetMe callers. Depending on your configuration, you may use the Queue tab to view and/or connect callers in your skill group queues or you may use the Queue tab to see a list of the skill groups to which you belong. When a caller enters your Queue tab, a glowing red light appears at the top of the 143 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 tab. From the Queue tab, you may be able to: • Connect callers using the Auto Connect icon Connect Caller button , the Ready icon , and/or the • View caller information by clicking the Caller Info button • Use Caller Remote Control to remotely activate or enable functionality on the Caller Control Panel • Drop a request from a skill group or MeetMe queue by clicking the Drop Request button • View and change your Temporary MeetMe ID • Use icons common to all tabs, such as Broadcast Mode and Browser Identification Report In Session Tab You use the In Session tab to monitor callers involved in a session with you. When callers are in session with you, a glowing red light appears at the top of the In Session tab. From the In Session tab, you may be able to: • View participants in your current session • End a session by clicking the Hang Up icon Drop a caller from a session by clicking the Drop Caller button View caller information by clicking the Caller Info button Use Caller Remote Control to remotely activate or enable functionality on the Caller Control Panel 144 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Grant the caller session leadership by clicking the Set Leader button Use Wrap Up . If you are configured to use Wrap Up, you enter Wrap Up to continue working on a session after you have disconnected the caller. Use icons common to all tabs, such as Broadcast Mode , Auto Connect , and Browser Identification Report Sharing Tab You use the Sharing tab to access features that enable you to share information with callers, such as Web pages, chat messages, and forms. From the Sharing tab, you may be able to: • Open the external shared browser by clicking the External View icon • Determine which session participants can use sharing features by clicking the Leadership icon • Share every Web page that you open in your shared browser by clicking the Follow Me icon • Hold an online chat conversation by clicking the Chat icon • Share a Web page open in your shared browser by clicking the Page Share icon • Share data entered in a form by clicking the Form Share icon • Share a Web page by entering the URL in Address Field • Share an application or application images by using Application Share • Draw interactively with participants by clicking the White Board icon • Use Caller Remote Control to remotely activate or enable functionality on the 145 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Caller Control Panel • View the Web pages shared in the session by clicking the History icon Use icons common to all tabs, such as Broadcast Mode , Auto Connect , and Browser Identification Report eSeminar Agent Desktop The eSeminar agent desktop is a special desktop configuration that you use when you hold eSeminars. Your System Administrator selects which features are available on the eSeminar agent desktop and can alter the appearance of the desktop. The following is a sample eSeminar agent desktop: The eSeminar agent desktop contains five areas that you use to monitor your sessions and share information: • Script Viewer • Shared Browser • User Tab • Seminar Tab • Sharing Tab 146 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Script Viewer The Script Viewer area contains scripts developed by your Script Administrator to assist you when helping callers. When you connect a caller, the script matching the caller's requested skill automatically opens. Scripts may include speaking notes, chat messages, Web pages, files, and PowerPoint presentations. The Script Viewer may contain a Preview option that you can check to preview script content. If the Script Viewer does not contain a Preview option, you use Broadcast Mode in Mute to preview script content. Mode From the Script Viewer, you can: • Share scripted content • Preview scripted content Shared Browser You can view shared content either in a separate browser window or as part of the agent desktop. You use the External View icon to change the location of shared content. The External View icon appears in two states: • Indicates that you are viewing content as part of the agent desktop • Indicates that you are viewing content in a separate browser window You should view content in a separate browser window to: • have access to a full range of browser tools • avoid problems with frameproofed Web pages. Frameproofed pages are Web pages with HTML code that prevents them from opening in a frame in another Web page. Frameproofed pages load into the agent's entire browser window, not the Shared Page area used to display shared Web pages. By viewing information in a separate browser window, you can see both the desktop and frameproofed page. 147 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 User Tab You use the User tab to view and set your user information. From the User tab, you can: • View your login name and permanent extension • Set your preferences by clicking the Preferences button • Change your password by clicking the Password button • Join another agent's session, or transfer the session to a different agent using the Join a Session button • Exit Collaboration by clicking the Log Out button • Use icons common to all tabs, such as Broadcast Mode , Auto Connect , and Browser Identification Report Seminar Tab You use the Seminar tab to monitor and control the seminar. From the Seminar tab, you may be able to: • Enter the eSeminar password • Allow or not allow new participants to join the eSeminar • Monitor the number of participants 148 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 • End or leave the eSeminar by clicking the Hang Up icon Sharing Tab You use the Sharing tab to access features that enable you to share information with callers, such as Web pages, chat messages, and forms. From the Sharing tab, you may be able to: • Open the external shared browser by clicking the External View icon • Determine which session participants can use sharing features by clicking the Leadership icon • Share every Web page that you open in your shared browser by clicking the Follow Me icon • Share a Web page open in your shared browser by clicking the Page Share icon • Share a Web page by entering the URL in Address Field • Share an application or application images by using Application Share • Draw interactively with participants by clicking the White Board icon • View the Web pages shared in the session by clicking the History icon Use icons common to all tabs, such as Broadcast Mode , Auto Connect , and Browser Identification Report 149 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Java Certificates About Java Certificates While using Collaboration, you are asked to accept several Java Certificates that open in your browser. The caller will likely be asked to accept these certificates as well. This section explains the purpose of each certificate and explains what happens when you or the caller accepts the certificate. All Internet Explorer certificates appear before the Java applets are downloaded. These certificates ask you or the caller for permission to begin the download. The downloaded applets or plug-ins are executed after the download is complete. In contrast, all Netscape certificates appear after the applets or plug-ins have been downloaded. These require permission only to execute. To learn more about the Java certificates that display, read: • Microsoft Internet Explorer Certificates • Netscape Navigator Certificates Microsoft Internet Explorer Certificates Internet Explorer certificates appear before the Java applets are downloaded. These certificates ask you or the caller for permission to begin the download. The downloaded applets or plug-ins are executed after the download is complete Note: In the tables below, the Triggered by column reflects situations in which the complexity level of content that the caller can receive is set to mixed. This section describes certificates for: • Single-session agents • Multi-session agents • Callers 150 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Single-session Agent Certificates Certificates for basic functionality Certificate Triggered by Download frequency Description Acceptance Results Do you want to install Agent Log In submit and run "Cisco Browser Integration Classes?" Once per machine This machine does not Enables the agent have the recent browser to work Microsoft files needed correctly. for browser interaction. This is installed permanently on the agent's machine. Do you want to install Agent Log in submit and run "Cisco AppDemo ActiveX Control v3", signed and distributed by Cisco Systems? Once per machine The agent AppDemo plug-in has begun to download and is requesting permission to permanently install on the machine. Do you want to install AppDemo ActiveX Control Load and run "Microsoft Foundation Classes in 95"? Once per machine Enables agent This certificate browser to run appears only on computers that have Application Share. Windows 95, old versions of IE and do not have any recent Microsoft software installed. Foundation classes must be installed. This is installed permanently on the agent's machine. Do you want to install Agent log in submit and run "Cisco Agent Applet" signed and distributed by Cisco Systems? Once per broswer session The agent applet download has been started. The single-session agent desktop loads. This certificate displays every time an agent is logged in from a freshly opened browser. Do you want to install Agent log in submit and run "Cisco HTTPConnectionCon troller ActiveX Conrol v3," signed and distributed by Cisco Systems? Once per machine CCS is requesting to increase the maximum HTTP connections from 2 to 6. The maximum number of HTTP connections per server has been increased to 6. This allows for the use of more advanced Collaboration features like Application Sharing and White Board. Enables the agent to use Application Share. ActiveX Control is installed permanently on the machine and does not need to be reloaded in future sessions. Once this certificate has been accepted for a machine, it will never display on that machine again. 151 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Certificates for optional functionality Certificate Triggered by Download frequency Description Acceptance Results Do you want to install White Board use and run Cisco WhiteBoard Applet signed and distributed by Cisco Systems? Once per browser session The White Boarding applet has begun to download. Enables White Board functionality in the single-session agent desktop. Do you want to install ScriptBuilder use and run ScriptBuilder Conversion Applet signed and distributed by Cisco Systems? Once per browser session The ScriptBuilder applet Enables the agent to has begun to download. use ScriptBuilder. Multi-session Agent Certificates Certificates for basic functionality Certificate Triggered by Download frequency Description Acceptance Results Do you want to install Agent Log In submit and run "Browser Integration Classes?" Once per machine This machine does not Enables the agent have the recent files browser to work correctly. needed for browser interaction. Do you want to install Agent Log in submit. and run "Cisco Agent Applet" signed and distributed by: Cisco Systems? Once per browser session The agent applet download has been started. The multi-session agent desktop loads. This certificate displays every time an agent is logged in from a freshly opened browser. Download frequency Description Acceptance Results Once per browser session The SpellChecker applet has begun to download. Enables the SpellChecker on the agent desktop. Certificates for optional functionality Certificate Triggered by Do you want to install Agent log in submit and run "MutliSession Agent Spellcheck Applet? " signed and distributed by Cisco Systems? 152 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Caller Certificates The caller experience has been designed to minimize, and in many cases, eliminate any time waiting for the caller applet to download. Callers are able to connect and communicate with agents (via Chat) immediately in mixed complexity mode; the applet download takes place simultaneously in the background. In most cases, callers are able to share and receive content shortly after the connection is made. Callers that not are Application Share-enabled: Basic functionality Certificate Triggered by Download frequency Description Do you want to install and run "Cisco Caller applet" signed and distributed by: Cisco Systems? First physical page pushed by the agent to the caller. Note that the "Welcome Page" does not trigger the certificate; the certificate is triggered by the first page that the agent actually pushes to the caller. Once for every time a The applet that allows caller enters a session complex content has and receives the first begun to download. page push from the agent. Acceptance Results The applet that enables complexcontent is downloaded to the caller. The browser displays the "Thank You for using Cisco Collaboration Server Page" and a new content browser window opens. Callers that are Application Share- enabled: Basic functionality Certificate Triggered by Do you want to install Caller log in submit. and run "Browser Integration Classes?" Do you want to install and run "Cisco Caller Applet" signed and distributed by: Cisco Systems? First physical page pushed by the agent to the caller. The "Welcome Page" will not trigger the certificate. It needs to be a page that the agent actually pushes. Do you want to install Application Share applet download and run "Cisco AppDemo ActiveX Control v3" signed and distributed by Cisco Systems? Download frequency Description Acceptance Results Once per machine. This machine does not have the recent files needed for browser interaction. Enables the browser to work correctly. Once per for every The applet that allows time a caller enters complex content has begun to download. a session and received the first page push from the agent. Caller will be able to view and share complex content. Caller will download and execute the complex content enabling applet. The Browser will then display the "Thank You for using Cisco Collaboration Server Page" and a new content browser window will open. Once per machine The agent Application Share plug-in has begun to download and is requesting permission to permanently install on the machine. Enables the caller to use Application Share. ActiveX Control is installed permanently on the machine and does not need to be reloaded in future sessions. Once this 153 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 certificate has been accepted by a machine it will never display on that machine again. Do you want to install AppShare ActiveX Control Load and run "Microsoft Foundation Classes in 95" Once per machine The first certificate was loaded during this session and Foundation classes need to be installed. Enables Callers browser to run Application Share Caller Certificates for optional functionality Certificate Do you want to install and run "Cisco Whiteboard applet" signed and distributed by Cisco Systems? Triggered by Download frequency Description Acceptance Results White Board use Once per browser The White Board Enables White session applet has begun Board to download. functionality for the caller Netscape Navigator Certificates All Netscape certificates appear after the applets or plug-ins have been downloaded. These require permission only to execute. Note: In the tables below, the Triggered by column reflects situations in which the complexity level of content that the caller can receive is set to mixed. This section describes certificates for: • Single-session agents • Multi-session agents • Callers 154 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Single-session Agent Certificates Certificates for basic functionality Certificate Triggered by Download Frequency Description JavaScript or a Java applet from 'Cisco Systems' is requesting additional privileges. Agent Log in submit Once per machine The agent AppShare The agent can use Application Share plug-in has been downloaded and is requesting permission to permanently install on the machine. Agent Log in submit Once per browser session The agent applet has been downloaded and is requesting the first of two permissions needed to begin running the applet. Part of the agent applet is given permission to execute. The execution of the agent applet is now dependent on the next certificate. This certificate is seen every time an agent is logged in from a freshly opened browser Agent log in submit. Once per browser session The agent applet has been downloaded and is requesting the second of two permissions needed to begin running the applet. The agent applet is executed given the previous certificate was accepted. This certificate is seen every time an agent is logged in from a freshly opened browser. Description Acceptance Results Granting the following is high risk: Acceptance Results Installing and Running on your computer. JavaScript or a Java applet from 'Cisco Systems' is requesting additional privileges. Granting the following is high risk: Modifying the browser. JavaScript or a Java applet from 'Cisco Systems' is requesting additional privileges. Granting the following is medium risk: Access to browser data Certificates for optional functionality Certificate Triggered by Download Frequency JavaScript or a Java applet from 'Cisco Systems' is requesting additional privileges. White Board usage Once per browser load The White Board applet has been downloaded. White Board functionality is enabled on the agent desktop. ScriptBuilder usage Once per browser ScriptBuilder Granting the following is low risk: Printing from within Communicator" JavaScript or a Java The ScriptBuilder 155 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 session applet from 'Cisco Systems' is requesting additional privileges. applet has been downloaded. functionality has been enabled on the singlesession agent desktop. Description Acceptance Results Granting the following is high risk: Permission to execute a program (PPT converter) Multi-Session Agent Certificates Certificates for basic functionality Certificate Triggered by Download Frequency JavaScript or a Java applet from Cisco Systems is requesting additional privileges. Agent log in submit First Certificate (Once The agent applet has per browser load) been downloaded and is requesting the first of two permissions needed to begin running the applet. Part of the agent applet is given permission to execute. The execution of the agent applet is now dependent on the next certificate. This certificate is seen every time an agent is logged in from a freshly opened browser Agent log in submit. (Once per Browser load) The agent applet is executed given the previous certificate was accepted. This certificate is seen every time an agent is logged in from a freshly opened browser. Granting the following is high risk: Modifying the browser JavaScript or a Java applet from Cisco Systems is requesting additional privileges. Granting the following is medium risk: Access to browser data The agent applet has been downloaded and is requesting the second of two permissions needed to begin running the applet. 156 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Certificates for optional functionality Certificate Triggered by Download Frequency JavaScript or a Java applet from Cisco Systems is requesting additional privileges. SpellCheck applet Once per browser load (configurable to session load on agent log in). Description Acceptance Results The SpellChecker applet has begun to download Enables the Spell Checker on the agent desktop. Granting the following is high risk: Read/Write access to clipboard Callers The caller experience has been designed to minimize, and in many cases, eliminate any time waiting for the caller applet to download. Callers are able to connect and communicate with agents (via Chat) immediately in mixed complexity mode; the applet download takes place simultaneously in the background. In most cases, callers are able to share and receive content shortly after the connection is made. Callers that are not Application Share-enabled: Certificates for basic functionality Certificate Triggered by The first complex page push or event sent to the caller after the Collaboration applet has completed Granting the following downloading. The Collaboration applet is high risk download is triggered :Modifying the by the first physical browser page pushed by the agent to the caller. The "Welcome Page" does not trigger the certificate. JavaScript or a Java applet from Cisco Systems is requesting additional privileges. JavaScript or a Java applet from Cisco Systems is requesting additional privileges. Granting the following is medium risk: The previous certificate Download frequency Description Acceptance Results Once for every time a caller enters a session and receives the first page push (for the caller) and a complex trigger from the agent The complex content applet has been downloaded and is requesting the first of two permissions needed to begin running the applet. Part of the complex content applet is given permission to execute. The execution of the complex content applet is now dependent on the next certificate. Once per browser session The complex content applet has been downloaded and is requesting the second of two permissions needed to begin running the applet. The complex content applet is executed given the previous certificate was accepted. Access to browser data 157 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Callers that are Application Share-enabled: Certificates for basic functionality Certificate Triggered by Download frequency Description Acceptance Results Once for every time a caller enters a session and receives the first page push (for the caller) and a complex trigger from the agent The complex content applet has been downloaded and is requesting the first of two permissions needed to begin running the applet. Part of the complex content applet is given permission to execute. The execution of the complex content applet is now dependent on the next certificate. The previous certificate Once per browser session The complex content applet has been downloaded and is requesting the second of two permissions needed to begin running the applet. The complex content applet is executed given the previous certificate was accepted. Enabling Application Share feature. Once per machine The caller Application Share plug-in has been downloaded and is requesting permission to permanently install on the machine Enables the caller to use Application Share. The Plug-in is installed permanently on the machine and does not need to be reloaded in future sessions. Once this certificate has been accepted by a machine it will never display on that machine again. JavaScript or a Java applet from Cisco Systems is requesting additional privileges. The first complex page push or event sent to the caller after the Collaboration applet has completed Granting the following downloading. The Collaboration applet is high risk download is triggered Modifying the browser by the first physical page pushed by the agent to the caller. The "Welcome Page" does not trigger the certificate. JavaScript or a Java applet from Cisco Systems is requesting additional privileges. Granting the following is medium risk: Access to browser data JavaScript or a Java applet from Cisco Systems is requesting additional privileges. Granting the following is high risk: Installing and Running on your computer Certificates for optional functionality Certificate Triggered by Download frequency Description Acceptance Results JavaScript or a Java applet from Cisco Systems is requesting additional privileges. White Board usage Once per browser session. The White Board applet has downloaded. White Board functionality is enabled on the caller desktop. Granting the following is low risk Printing from within Communicator 158 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Browser Settings About Browser Settings Generally, you will not need to change your browser settings. However, should you need to change the settings, use the provided suggestions to ensure that the program displays as intended. You may need to change the settings for: • Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.01 SP2+ • Netscape Navigator 4.06+ Microsoft Internet Explorer Browser Settings You may need to change the browser settings if you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer version 4.01 SP2+. The following types of settings may need to be changed: • Security settings • HTTP Proxy and HTTP Proxy Port settings Security Settings To alter the Security settings: 1. Choose Tools>Options. 2. Click Security. 3. From the View drop-down menu, choose Internet Options. 4. Click the Security tab. 5. Under Security, select Medium. 159 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 HTTP Proxy and HTTP Proxy Port To alter the Proxy and Proxy Port settings: 1. Either: • Choose Tools>Options>Connections. • From the View drop-down menu, choose Internet Options and click the Connections tab. 2. If you are using the proxy server, the box next to "access the Internet using the proxy server" should be checked. If not, check the box. 3. Click Advanced. The HTTP Proxy and HTTP Proxy Port settings should be displayed. If they are not, contact your system administrator. Netscape Navigator 4.06+ Browser Settings You may need to change browser settings if you are using Netscape Navigator version 4.06+ The following types of settings may need to be changed: • Advanced settings • Appearance settings • HTTP Proxy and HTTP Proxy Port settings Advanced Settings To alter the Advanced settings: 1. Choose Edit>Preferences. 2. Click Advanced. 3. In the Cookies section of the browser, click the Accept all cookies radio button. 4. Set the Memory Cache to 500 KB and Disk cache to 6000 KB 5. If you need to improve the browser's performance, use the Clear Memory Cache Now and Clear Disk Cache Now buttons to empty these folders. 6. Click Once Every Time for comparing the document in the cache to the 160 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 document on the network. Appearance Settings To alter the Appearance settings (required only for the single-session agent desktop): 1. Choose Edit>Preferences. 2. Click Appearance. 3. In the Show toolbars as, click the Picture and Text radio button. 4. Select Use document-specified fonts, including Dynamic Fonts. 5. Mark the Underline links box. 6. Do not mark the Always use my colors box. 7. Set the other options to your own preferences. HTTP Proxy and HTTP Proxy Port Settings To alter the Proxy and Proxy Port settings: 1. Choose Edit>Preferences. 2. Click Advanced. 3. Click Manual Proxy Configuration. 4. Click View. The proxy settings display. Note: If the settings do not appear, contact your system administrator for the settings. 5. Enter the settings. 161 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Cisco Support You can access Cisco customer support through the following means: • Web resources • Email • Telephone Web Resources To open a case with the Cisco Systems Technical Assistance Center, go to: Email Contact Cisco Systems Technical Assistance Center by sending email to: Please include your maintenance contract number and product serial number when writing to the Technical Assistance Center. Telephone If you have questions or problems, please call the Cisco Systems Technical Assistance Center: • Within the continental U.S.: (800) 553-2447 • Outside the continental U.S.: (408) 526-7209 162 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Index A accessing Cisco support .......................................................................................................... 162 ACD routing ............................................................................................................................ 105 active list ................................................................................................................................ 135 address field ............................................................................................................................. 55 agent configuration................................................................................................................... 88 agent desktop ......................................................................................................................... 135 agent documentation set ............................................................................................................ 1 agent error messages ............................................................................................................. 129 Agent Information area .......................................................................................................... 135 Agent Supervisor Guide .............................................................................................................. 1 audience ...............................................................................................................................1 feature availability................................................................................................................ 1 guide structure ..................................................................................................................... 1 navigation frame .................................................................................................................. 1 online ................................................................................................................................... 1 printing................................................................................................................................. 1 topic frame ........................................................................................................................... 1 using index ........................................................................................................................... 1 using search ......................................................................................................................... 1 using table of contents ......................................................................................................... 1 agents......................................................................................................................................... 6 about .................................................................................................................................... 6 eSeminar .............................................................................................................................. 6 multi-session ........................................................................................................................ 6 role of ................................................................................................................................... 6 single-session....................................................................................................................... 6 alert lights .........................................................................................................................88, 135 Application Share...................................................................................................................... 31 about .................................................................................................................................. 31 and Caller Remote Control .................................................................................................. 39 and Leadership ................................................................................................................... 39 availability .......................................................................................................................... 31 benefits of .......................................................................................................................... 31 caller experience with ........................................................................................................ 41 caller use of ........................................................................................................................ 41 on Caller Control Panel ..................................................................................................39, 41 remotely disabling .............................................................................................................. 39 remotely enabling............................................................................................................... 39 uses of ................................................................................................................................ 31 163 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 Application Share modes........................................................................................................... 33 Application Share security ...................................................................................................... 127 B Blended Collaboration request ...........................................................................................93, 109 Browser settings..................................................................................................................... 159 Microsoft Internet Explorer .............................................................................................. 159 Netscape Navigator .......................................................................................................... 160 C Callback request ................................................................................................................93, 109 Caller Control Panel .................................................................................................................. 78 Application Share ..........................................................................................................39, 41 Chat ...............................................................................................................................63, 64 Follow Me ......................................................................................................................47, 50 Form Share ....................................................................................................................67, 72 Page Share ....................................................................................................................55, 58 remotely controlling ........................................................................................................... 78 Caller Control Panel download ................................................................................................ 109 caller error messages ............................................................................................................. 132 caller information ............................................................................................................ 115, 135 app string .................................................................................................................. 115, 135 browser ..................................................................................................................... 115, 135 browser ID ................................................................................................................ 115, 135 caller start URL .......................................................................................................... 115, 135 complexity actual ...................................................................................................... 115, 135 complexity mode setting ........................................................................................... 115, 135 extension................................................................................................................... 115, 135 frame mode ............................................................................................................... 115, 135 name ......................................................................................................................... 115, 135 phone ........................................................................................................................ 115, 135 skill group.................................................................................................................. 115, 135 Caller Remote Control ............................................................................................................... 78 about .................................................................................................................................. 78 and Leadership ................................................................................................................... 80 availability .......................................................................................................................... 78 benefits of .......................................................................................................................... 78 caller experience with ........................................................................................................ 81 changing password ................................................................................................................. 126 chat........................................................................................................................................... 61 about .................................................................................................................................. 61 and Caller Remote Control .................................................................................................. 63 and scripts .......................................................................................................................... 63 availability .......................................................................................................................... 61 benefits of .......................................................................................................................... 61 caller experience with ........................................................................................................ 64 caller use of ........................................................................................................................ 64 164 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 on the Caller Control Panel ................................................................................................. 64 remotely activating............................................................................................................. 63 uses of ................................................................................................................................ 61 Chat area ................................................................................................................................ 135 Chat request ......................................................................................................................93, 109 Collaboration Server routing ................................................................................................97, 99 complexity levels .................................................................................................................... 109 complex ............................................................................................................................ 109 mixed ............................................................................................................................... 109 simple............................................................................................................................... 109 connecting requests.................................................................97, 99, 100, 103, 105, 115, 120, 123 Customer Information area..................................................................................................... 135 D Demo Mode ............................................................................................................................... 33 sample use of ..................................................................................................................... 36 Dynamic Content Adapter ......................................................................................................... 46 E ending a session ............................................................................................... 109, 115, 120, 123 error messages ....................................................................................................................... 129 eSeminar agent desktop ......................................................................................................... 146 eSeminar features..................................................................................................................... 85 general features ................................................................................................................. 85 seminar features ................................................................................................................ 85 sharing features ................................................................................................................. 85 eSeminar request...............................................................................................................93, 109 eSeminar scenario .................................................................................................................... 18 eSeminars ................................................................................................................................. 83 about .................................................................................................................................. 83 availability .......................................................................................................................... 83 benefits of .......................................................................................................................... 83 session events .................................................................................................................. 123 uses of ................................................................................................................................ 83 F Follow Me.................................................................................................................................. 44 about .................................................................................................................................. 44 and Broadcast Mode ........................................................................................................... 47 and Caller Remote Control .................................................................................................. 47 and External View............................................................................................................... 47 and Leadership ................................................................................................................... 47 availability .......................................................................................................................... 44 benefits of .......................................................................................................................... 44 caller experience with ........................................................................................................ 50 165 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 caller use of ........................................................................................................................ 50 on Caller Control Panel ....................................................................................................... 50 remotely disabling .............................................................................................................. 47 remotely enabling............................................................................................................... 47 uses of ................................................................................................................................ 44 Form Share ............................................................................................................................... 66 about .................................................................................................................................. 66 and Address field ................................................................................................................ 67 and Broadcast Mode ........................................................................................................... 67 and Caller Remote Control .................................................................................................. 67 and External View............................................................................................................... 67 and Follow Me..................................................................................................................... 67 and Leadership ................................................................................................................... 67 availability .....................................................................................................................44, 66 benefits of .......................................................................................................................... 66 caller experience with ........................................................................................................ 72 caller use of ........................................................................................................................ 72 on Caller Control Panel ....................................................................................................... 72 remotely activating............................................................................................................. 67 uses of ................................................................................................................................ 66 frameproofed Web pages ......................................................................................... 27, 47, 55, 67 I ICM routing...................................................................................................................... 100, 103 In Session tab ......................................................................................................................... 141 interactive Web pages .............................................................................................................. 46 J Java certificates ...................................................................................................................... 150 caller ......................................................................................................................... 150, 154 Microsoft Internet Explorer .............................................................................................. 150 multi-session agent ................................................................................................... 150, 154 Netscape Navigator .......................................................................................................... 154 single-session agent .................................................................................................. 150, 154 L live Web pages.......................................................................................................................... 46 M making a Web request ............................................................................................................ 109 Meetings area ....................................................................................................... 88, 99, 103, 135 MeetMe ID .............................................................................................................................. 127 MeetMe queue................................................................................................88, 97, 100, 105, 141 MeetMe request .................................................................................................................93, 109 monitoring eSeminars............................................................................................................... 85 166 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 multi-session agent desktop ................................................................................................... 135 multi-session chat scenario ...................................................................................................... 14 P page push ............................................................................................................................... 109 Page Share................................................................................................................................ 53 about .................................................................................................................................. 53 and Broadcast Mode ........................................................................................................... 55 and Caller Remote Control .................................................................................................. 55 and External View............................................................................................................... 55 and Leadership ................................................................................................................... 55 availability .......................................................................................................................... 53 benefits of .......................................................................................................................... 53 caller experience with ........................................................................................................ 58 caller use of ........................................................................................................................ 58 on Caller Control Panel ....................................................................................................... 58 remotely activating............................................................................................................. 55 uses of ................................................................................................................................ 53 personalized Web pages ........................................................................................................... 46 pick agent ............................................................................................................................... 107 previewing scripts .................................................................................................................... 27 previewing Web pages ................................................................................................... 47, 55, 67 protecting password ............................................................................................................... 126 push agent .............................................................................................................................. 107 Q queue........................................................................................................................................ 88 Queue tab ............................................................................................................................... 141 R ready .............................................................................................................. 88, 97, 99, 100, 103 receiving caller certificates ..................................................................................................... 109 remotely activating Caller Control Panel ................................................................................... 78 Remotely enabling Caller Control Panel .................................................................................... 78 S script content............................................................................................................................ 23 good content ...................................................................................................................... 25 script creation........................................................................................................................... 25 Script Viewer ............................................................................................................................ 20 in eSeminar desktop ......................................................................................................... 146 in multi-session desktop................................................................................................... 135 in single-session desktop.................................................................................................. 141 ScriptBuilder scripts.................................................................................................................. 23 167 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 scripted chat ............................................................................................................................. 61 scripts ....................................................................................................................................... 20 about .................................................................................................................................. 20 and Broadcast Mode ........................................................................................................... 27 and External View............................................................................................................... 27 and Script Share ................................................................................................................. 27 availability .......................................................................................................................... 20 benefits of .......................................................................................................................... 20 caller experience with ........................................................................................................ 29 previewing.......................................................................................................................... 27 uses of ................................................................................................................................ 20 secure Web pages ..................................................................................................................... 46 security issues ........................................................................................................................ 126 Seminar tab ............................................................................................................................ 146 session scenarios ...................................................................................................................... 10 Share Mode ............................................................................................................................... 33 sample use of ..................................................................................................................... 38 Share Page................................................................................................................................ 53 shared browser .........................................................................................................135, 141, 146 Sharing tab ...................................................................................................................... 141, 146 single-session agent desktop .................................................................................................. 141 skill group queue ....................................................................................................... 88, 135, 141 SPLIT Web pages ...................................................................................................................... 46 Static Mode ............................................................................................................................... 33 sampe use of ...................................................................................................................... 37 T Temporary MeetMe ID............................................................................................................. 127 training scenario ....................................................................................................................... 16 transactional Web pages........................................................................................................... 46 U User tab ........................................................................................................................... 141, 146 user-defined scripts .................................................................................................................. 23 using Temporary MeetMe ID ................................................................................................... 127 V viewing caller information ............................................................................................... 115, 135 W Web request ........................................................................................................................... 109 Web request process............................................................................................................... 109 for caller ........................................................................................................................... 109 168 Cisco Collaboration Server Agents Supervisor Guide – Version 5.0 for eSeminar agent ........................................................................................................... 123 for multi-session agent..................................................................................................... 120 for single-session agent.................................................................................................... 115 White Board .............................................................................................................................. 74 about .................................................................................................................................. 74 availability .......................................................................................................................... 74 benefits of .......................................................................................................................... 74 caller experience with ........................................................................................................ 76 caller use of ........................................................................................................................ 76 uses of ................................................................................................................................ 74 169