Document 14417598

Concurrent Sessions III: 2:00pm-3:00pm
Building Civil Connections: At USC and Beyond
Room 203
Maureen Grewe
Coordinator of Student Conduct and Behavioral Intervention,
Office of Student Conduct
Julia Licorish Thompson
Assistant Director, Office of Student Conduct
The Millennial generation has grown up in an era of uncivil
behavior, from politics, celebrities, and an increase in media
use. In order to create an expectation of civility on campus, in
the classroom, and online, this important topic must be
covered as soon as students step on campus. By using the
Carolinian Creed as a jumping off point, this workshop will
equip instructors to create an environment where
conversations and activities regarding civility occur in their
UNIV 101 classroom and beyond.
Promoting Student Engagement in the FirstYear Experience
Room 205
Jimmie Gahagan
Director, Office of Student Engagement
Promoting students' meaningful engagement in a wide
variety of curricular and co-curricular experiences supports
students' academic success and integrative learning in the
first-year. Join us as we discuss best practices in promoting
student engagement through University 101. Specific
attention will be given to how to help students create a plan
for their engagement on campus. Instructors will also receive
more information about the resources available through the
Office of Student Engagement to support their work.
E-Portfolios as a Tool to Support Integrative
Room 303
Steve Barth
Undergraduate Director, Programs in Public Health,
Arnold School Public Health
Sara Corwin
Assistant Dean, Undergraduate Student Services,
Arnold School Public Health
Kara Montgomery
Clinical Assistant Professor, Arnold School Public Health
Reflective thought and study is essential to achieving higher
orders of understanding, and using e-portfolios can aid in the
process of reflection. This workshop will illustrate the use of
Blackboard e-portfolios as a means of promoting integrative
learning and achieving University 101, USC Connect, and
discipline-specific learning outcomes. Sample assignments,
both short- and long-term, will be presented, and discussion
will be encouraged.
Creating Meaningful Assignments to Foster
Student Learning
Room 305
5th Annual
Dan Friedman
Director, University 101 Programs
Catherine Sale
Program Coordinator for Campus Partnerships,
University 101 Programs
Meaningful assignments are a critical ingredient in the
success of University 101. As instructors, we must show
respect to students by designing engaging assignments that
are productive, meaningful, and fun. This session will provide
a framework for creating good assignments and will highlight
several examples of projects, assignments, and exams that
allow students to demonstrate their learning in an enjoyable
and creative way.
Secrets to Our Success: A Panel Discussion with
Three University 101 Teaching Award
Room 315
Building Connections Conference
May 22, 2013
8:30am…………………..……………………………………………………..……..…Opening Session and Keynote Address
Dr. Dan Friedman, Director of University 101 Programs, and Mary Elizabeth Sewell, Associate Director of University 101
Programs, will welcome participants, and provide program updates and a charge for fall 2013.
Dr. Robert Sherfield, Professor at the College of Southern Nevada, will provide the keynote address on Creating an
Atmosphere of Success. By creating an atmosphere of success, we can help lower students’ stress levels, reduce confusion,
build civility, avoid conflicts, and work through misunderstandings that interfere with the learning process. This presentation
will focus on both traditional and non-traditional ways to help students feel comfortable, wanted, appreciated, and valuable at
our institutions.
10:15am..………………………………………………………………………..…………………..........Concurrent Sessions I
See following pages for session abstracts and locations.
Jeannie Weingarth
House Manager, Koger Center
Kimberly Smoak
Campus Director of Teaching Fellows, College of Education
Viki Fecas
Adjunct Instructor, University 101 Programs
11:30am.……………………………………………………………………………......……...………..Concurrent Sessions II
See following pages for session abstracts and locations.
Whether you are a relatively new instructor or a veteran, the
task of designing a University 101 experience that achieves
the learning outcomes, is engaging for students, and offers
the right balance of challenge and support is daunting. Learn
from three University 101 Teaching Award recipients about
their success teaching this course. They will share what
worked (and in some cases, not worked) as well as how they
found success developing meaningful relationships with
Thank you to our donors!
2:00pm……………………………………………………………...…………………………..….……Concurrent Sessions III
Amsa Yoga
Blades of Columbia
Cellar on Greene
Divine Massage Therapy
Evolution through Chocolate
Firehouse Subs
Jason’s Deli
Mad Platter
My Carolina
Pink Sorbet
The Crescent Olive
Thirsty Fellow
The Trustus Theater
Vista Ballroom
Wine & Design
Wine Down on Main
12:45pm…………………..…………….……………………..Lunch, Topical Conversations & Teaching Award Presentation
Stuart Hunter, Associate Vice President for University 101 Programs and the National Resource Center for The First-Year
Experience and Students in Transition, will present the 2013 Award for Outstanding Teaching in University 101 to Viki Fecas.
See following pages for session abstracts and locations.
3:15pm………………………………….……………………………………..………………………………...Closing Session
Stuart Hunter will facilitate an open discussion about what was learned at the 5th Annual Building Connections Conference.
Refreshments will be served and door prizes will be awarded.
3:45pm…….………………………………………………………………………………………………..Conference Closes
Concurrent Sessions II: 11:30am-12:30pm
Concurrent Sessions I: 10:15am-11:15am
Beyond BIT: Addressing Student Concerns in
Your Classroom
Using GPS to Build Successful College
Promoting Students’ Integrative Learning
Through Reflection
Engaging our Students in Sociocultural
Dialogue: Learning from Ourselves
Room 203
Room 303
Room 203
Room 303
Maureen Grewe
Coordinator of Student Conduct and Behavioral Intervention,
Office of Student Conduct
Andrew Graves
Associate Registrar, Office of the University Registrar
Dottie Weigel
Assistant Director for Student Engagement and ServiceLearning, Office of Student Engagement
Lara Sheehi
Coordinator of Community Consultation & Intervention,
Counseling & Human Development Center
Alisa Cooney Ligget
Executive Director, Office of Student Conduct
Student concerns are most likely to be apparent within our
UNIV 101 classrooms. This session will empower instructors
to be part of the solution for student concerns. Instructors will
walk away with an understanding of the issues that first-year
students face at USC and guidance on how to intervene. This
presentation will include signs of what to look for, helping
skills, resources, and opportunities to practice skills that are
most likely to be utilized with first-year students in the
Emerging Trends in Disabilities...10 Tips for
Ensuring Inclusion in University 101
Room 205
Charlotte Helms
Disability Resource Coordinator,
Office of Student Disability Services
Sonia Badesha
Disability Resource Coordinator,
Office of Student Disability Services
Come learn tips on how to make your class inclusive for all
students. You will walk away with a new appreciation of
students who have disabilities other than the disabilities you
can readily see. We will discuss some ideas regarding the
newest trends in the disability realm of higher education. We
will also discuss how to make sure all of your in and outside of
the classroom activities are accessible to all.
In Their Own Words: Maximizing Peer Leaders
in the Classroom
Room 302
Tricia Kennedy
Program Coordinator for Peer Leadership,
University 101 Programs
Maddie Wood
Web and Content Developer, Office of the University Registrar
Lydia De Young
GPS Coordinator, Office of the University Registrar
It is never too early for college students to start preparing
for their graduation. Smart decision-making during the first
year sets the stage for a successful career both in and outside
of the classroom. The Office of the University Registrar's
Graduation Planning Services (GPS) initiative provides
essential educational planning tools to assist students with
these important choices. In this session, Registrar staff will
discuss how to use, Self Service Carolina (SSC),
DegreeWorks, the Academic Bulletins, and other resources
to empower students to become better "managers of their
own learning."
Creating a Lasting Impression: Using
Integrated Course Design in Your Classroom
Room 305
Nichole Knutson
Director of Retention Strategy, Planning and Assessment
This session will provide creative ideas for how to
incorporate integrative course design into your UNIV 101
class. Student prompts, assignments, use of course readings,
and class exercises designed to promote active learning will
be shared. Participants will leave this session with ready-togo examples that can be easily incorporated into their
Twenty Activities to Promote Vibrant Teaching
and Learning
Room 315
Robert Sherfield
Professor, The College of Southern Nevada
“You never told us this was a graded project.” “I know this is
four weeks late, but can I turn it in now?” “Are we going to
Peer and Graduate Leaders are an important component of the do anything important today?” Do any of these comments
UNIV 101 experience. They have potential to greatly enhance sound familiar? If so, you’re not alone. By engaging in
vibrant teaching and learning strategies, we can help
the classroom environment and deepen student learning. As
instructors, we must be intentional in how we incorporate our students embrace learning and get involved in their own
education. This interactive workshop will focus on twenty
Peer/Graduate Leaders into our course. This session will
provide an opportunity for instructors to hear from University activities that will help students get involved, adjust to
university life, communicate with others, think critically, and
101 Peer Leaders about specific strategies and examples to
make intelligent decisions.
best utilize their co-instructor as a teaching partner.
As instructors, we want students to make lasting
connections between course material and real worldapplication. One way to accomplish this goal is through
critical reflection. In this session, we will explore ways to
promote reflection through a variety of classroom and
beyond-the-classroom activities. Incorporating meaningful
reflection not only enhances student learning but can also
make teaching more enjoyable. Participants will gain
practical strategies for incorporating reflection into the
curriculum and helping students apply knowledge in new
From Theory to Practice – Building the Perfect
Room 205
Amy McCoy
Coordinator of Special Events, Undergraduate Admissions
Jay Pou
Advisor, Psychology
Do you have what it takes to build the perfect syllabus with
lesson plans that capture your students’ attention? This
session will explain five theoretical principles that support
the University 101 teaching philosophy, and support those
principles by sharing sample lesson plans and activities.
Primer for New Instructors
Room 302
Mary Elizabeth Sewell
Associate Director, University 101 Programs
Catherine Sale
Program Coordinator for Campus Partnerships,
University 101 Programs
There is a wealth of resources, technologies, and processes
available for instructors to enhance the UNIV 101
experience. This session will explore those resources and
how to best utilize them. The Class Absence Referral
initiative (CAR), Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT), and
Dinner Dialogues are just a few examples of programs
offered by our campus partners to support the course.
Recommendations for how to best utilize TutorTrac,
Blackboard, SharePoint, and Beyond-the-Classroom Funds
will be shared. While this session is aimed at new
instructors, it can also be a refresher for instructors about
Toby Lovell
Assistant Director of Community Based Services, Counseling
& Human Development Center
This session will be an open discussion about the personal
barriers we may experience when engaging students as
active participants in their multicultural and sociopolitical
environments. What are our hesitations? What are our
fears? What is the best way to have the "diversity"
conversation? This interactive session will provide insight,
but also engage participants as active agents in the
multicultural exploration.
Utilizing Readings to Enhance the University
101 Experience
Room 305
Kevin Clarke
Program Coordinator for Faculty Development and
Assessment, University 101 Programs
Paul Millard
Coordinator of Transfer and Veterans Programs, Student
Success Center
Course readings that are interesting, helpful, and relevant
make a profound impact on the success of University 101.
This session will outline a variety of road tested
supplemental reading options, as well as provide tips and
strategies on how to engage your students in the use of
Transitions. Ideas for lesson plans, activities, assignments,
and beyond-the-classroom experiences that engage
students will be shared.
Engaging Students. Motivating Change.
Creating Responsible Citizens
Room 315
Rhonda DiNovo
Director, Substance Abuse Prevention and Education
University 101 instructors not only play an essential role in
facilitating student learning and academic achievement, but
they also play a key role in encouraging students to engage
in healthy, low risk behaviors, especially those related to
alcohol and other drugs. University 101 instructors can
guide this process of conversation, education, decisionmaking and behavior change through the use of several
simple and easy to use motivational Interviewing
Concurrent Sessions II: 11:30am-12:30pm
Concurrent Sessions I: 10:15am-11:15am
Beyond BIT: Addressing Student Concerns in
Your Classroom
Using GPS to Build Successful College
Promoting Students’ Integrative Learning
Through Reflection
Engaging our Students in Sociocultural
Dialogue: Learning from Ourselves
Room 203
Room 303
Room 203
Room 303
Maureen Grewe
Coordinator of Student Conduct and Behavioral Intervention,
Office of Student Conduct
Andrew Graves
Associate Registrar, Office of the University Registrar
Dottie Weigel
Assistant Director for Student Engagement and ServiceLearning, Office of Student Engagement
Lara Sheehi
Coordinator of Community Consultation & Intervention,
Counseling & Human Development Center
Alisa Cooney Ligget
Executive Director, Office of Student Conduct
Student concerns are most likely to be apparent within our
UNIV 101 classrooms. This session will empower instructors
to be part of the solution for student concerns. Instructors will
walk away with an understanding of the issues that first-year
students face at USC and guidance on how to intervene. This
presentation will include signs of what to look for, helping
skills, resources, and opportunities to practice skills that are
most likely to be utilized with first-year students in the
Emerging Trends in Disabilities...10 Tips for
Ensuring Inclusion in University 101
Room 205
Charlotte Helms
Disability Resource Coordinator,
Office of Student Disability Services
Sonia Badesha
Disability Resource Coordinator,
Office of Student Disability Services
Come learn tips on how to make your class inclusive for all
students. You will walk away with a new appreciation of
students who have disabilities other than the disabilities you
can readily see. We will discuss some ideas regarding the
newest trends in the disability realm of higher education. We
will also discuss how to make sure all of your in and outside of
the classroom activities are accessible to all.
In Their Own Words: Maximizing Peer Leaders
in the Classroom
Room 302
Tricia Kennedy
Program Coordinator for Peer Leadership,
University 101 Programs
Maddie Wood
Web and Content Developer, Office of the University Registrar
Lydia De Young
GPS Coordinator, Office of the University Registrar
It is never too early for college students to start preparing
for their graduation. Smart decision-making during the first
year sets the stage for a successful career both in and outside
of the classroom. The Office of the University Registrar's
Graduation Planning Services (GPS) initiative provides
essential educational planning tools to assist students with
these important choices. In this session, Registrar staff will
discuss how to use, Self Service Carolina (SSC),
DegreeWorks, the Academic Bulletins, and other resources
to empower students to become better "managers of their
own learning."
Creating a Lasting Impression: Using
Integrated Course Design in Your Classroom
Room 305
Nichole Knutson
Director of Retention Strategy, Planning and Assessment
This session will provide creative ideas for how to
incorporate integrative course design into your UNIV 101
class. Student prompts, assignments, use of course readings,
and class exercises designed to promote active learning will
be shared. Participants will leave this session with ready-togo examples that can be easily incorporated into their
Twenty Activities to Promote Vibrant Teaching
and Learning
Room 315
Robert Sherfield
Professor, The College of Southern Nevada
“You never told us this was a graded project.” “I know this is
four weeks late, but can I turn it in now?” “Are we going to
Peer and Graduate Leaders are an important component of the do anything important today?” Do any of these comments
UNIV 101 experience. They have potential to greatly enhance sound familiar? If so, you’re not alone. By engaging in
vibrant teaching and learning strategies, we can help
the classroom environment and deepen student learning. As
instructors, we must be intentional in how we incorporate our students embrace learning and get involved in their own
education. This interactive workshop will focus on twenty
Peer/Graduate Leaders into our course. This session will
provide an opportunity for instructors to hear from University activities that will help students get involved, adjust to
university life, communicate with others, think critically, and
101 Peer Leaders about specific strategies and examples to
make intelligent decisions.
best utilize their co-instructor as a teaching partner.
As instructors, we want students to make lasting
connections between course material and real worldapplication. One way to accomplish this goal is through
critical reflection. In this session, we will explore ways to
promote reflection through a variety of classroom and
beyond-the-classroom activities. Incorporating meaningful
reflection not only enhances student learning but can also
make teaching more enjoyable. Participants will gain
practical strategies for incorporating reflection into the
curriculum and helping students apply knowledge in new
From Theory to Practice – Building the Perfect
Room 205
Amy McCoy
Coordinator of Special Events, Undergraduate Admissions
Jay Pou
Advisor, Psychology
Do you have what it takes to build the perfect syllabus with
lesson plans that capture your students’ attention? This
session will explain five theoretical principles that support
the University 101 teaching philosophy, and support those
principles by sharing sample lesson plans and activities.
Primer for New Instructors
Room 302
Mary Elizabeth Sewell
Associate Director, University 101 Programs
Catherine Sale
Program Coordinator for Campus Partnerships,
University 101 Programs
There is a wealth of resources, technologies, and processes
available for instructors to enhance the UNIV 101
experience. This session will explore those resources and
how to best utilize them. The Class Absence Referral
initiative (CAR), Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT), and
Dinner Dialogues are just a few examples of programs
offered by our campus partners to support the course.
Recommendations for how to best utilize TutorTrac,
Blackboard, SharePoint, and Beyond-the-Classroom Funds
will be shared. While this session is aimed at new
instructors, it can also be a refresher for instructors about
Toby Lovell
Assistant Director of Community Based Services, Counseling
& Human Development Center
This session will be an open discussion about the personal
barriers we may experience when engaging students as
active participants in their multicultural and sociopolitical
environments. What are our hesitations? What are our
fears? What is the best way to have the "diversity"
conversation? This interactive session will provide insight,
but also engage participants as active agents in the
multicultural exploration.
Utilizing Readings to Enhance the University
101 Experience
Room 305
Kevin Clarke
Program Coordinator for Faculty Development and
Assessment, University 101 Programs
Paul Millard
Coordinator of Transfer and Veterans Programs, Student
Success Center
Course readings that are interesting, helpful, and relevant
make a profound impact on the success of University 101.
This session will outline a variety of road tested
supplemental reading options, as well as provide tips and
strategies on how to engage your students in the use of
Transitions. Ideas for lesson plans, activities, assignments,
and beyond-the-classroom experiences that engage
students will be shared.
Engaging Students. Motivating Change.
Creating Responsible Citizens
Room 315
Rhonda DiNovo
Director, Substance Abuse Prevention and Education
University 101 instructors not only play an essential role in
facilitating student learning and academic achievement, but
they also play a key role in encouraging students to engage
in healthy, low risk behaviors, especially those related to
alcohol and other drugs. University 101 instructors can
guide this process of conversation, education, decisionmaking and behavior change through the use of several
simple and easy to use motivational Interviewing
Concurrent Sessions III: 2:00pm-3:00pm
Building Civil Connections: At USC and Beyond
Room 203
Maureen Grewe
Coordinator of Student Conduct and Behavioral Intervention,
Office of Student Conduct
Julia Licorish Thompson
Assistant Director, Office of Student Conduct
The Millennial generation has grown up in an era of uncivil
behavior, from politics, celebrities, and an increase in media
use. In order to create an expectation of civility on campus, in
the classroom, and online, this important topic must be
covered as soon as students step on campus. By using the
Carolinian Creed as a jumping off point, this workshop will
equip instructors to create an environment where
conversations and activities regarding civility occur in their
UNIV 101 classroom and beyond.
Promoting Student Engagement in the FirstYear Experience
Room 205
Jimmie Gahagan
Director, Office of Student Engagement
Promoting students' meaningful engagement in a wide
variety of curricular and co-curricular experiences supports
students' academic success and integrative learning in the
first-year. Join us as we discuss best practices in promoting
student engagement through University 101. Specific
attention will be given to how to help students create a plan
for their engagement on campus. Instructors will also receive
more information about the resources available through the
Office of Student Engagement to support their work.
E-Portfolios as a Tool to Support Integrative
Room 303
Steve Barth
Undergraduate Director, Programs in Public Health,
Arnold School Public Health
Sara Corwin
Assistant Dean, Undergraduate Student Services,
Arnold School Public Health
Kara Montgomery
Clinical Assistant Professor, Arnold School Public Health
Reflective thought and study is essential to achieving higher
orders of understanding, and using e-portfolios can aid in the
process of reflection. This workshop will illustrate the use of
Blackboard e-portfolios as a means of promoting integrative
learning and achieving University 101, USC Connect, and
discipline-specific learning outcomes. Sample assignments,
both short- and long-term, will be presented, and discussion
will be encouraged.
Creating Meaningful Assignments to Foster
Student Learning
Room 305
5th Annual
Dan Friedman
Director, University 101 Programs
Catherine Sale
Program Coordinator for Campus Partnerships,
University 101 Programs
Meaningful assignments are a critical ingredient in the
success of University 101. As instructors, we must show
respect to students by designing engaging assignments that
are productive, meaningful, and fun. This session will provide
a framework for creating good assignments and will highlight
several examples of projects, assignments, and exams that
allow students to demonstrate their learning in an enjoyable
and creative way.
Secrets to Our Success: A Panel Discussion with
Three University 101 Teaching Award
Room 315
Building Connections Conference
May 22, 2013
8:30am…………………..……………………………………………………..……..…Opening Session and Keynote Address
Dr. Dan Friedman, Director of University 101 Programs, and Mary Elizabeth Sewell, Associate Director of University 101
Programs, will welcome participants, and provide program updates and a charge for fall 2013.
Dr. Robert Sherfield, Professor at the College of Southern Nevada, will provide the keynote address on Creating an
Atmosphere of Success. By creating an atmosphere of success, we can help lower students’ stress levels, reduce confusion,
build civility, avoid conflicts, and work through misunderstandings that interfere with the learning process. This presentation
will focus on both traditional and non-traditional ways to help students feel comfortable, wanted, appreciated, and valuable at
our institutions.
10:15am..………………………………………………………………………..…………………..........Concurrent Sessions I
See following pages for session abstracts and locations.
Jeannie Weingarth
House Manager, Koger Center
Kimberly Smoak
Campus Director of Teaching Fellows, College of Education
Viki Fecas
Adjunct Instructor, University 101 Programs
11:30am.……………………………………………………………………………......……...………..Concurrent Sessions II
See following pages for session abstracts and locations.
Whether you are a relatively new instructor or a veteran, the
task of designing a University 101 experience that achieves
the learning outcomes, is engaging for students, and offers
the right balance of challenge and support is daunting. Learn
from three University 101 Teaching Award recipients about
their success teaching this course. They will share what
worked (and in some cases, not worked) as well as how they
found success developing meaningful relationships with
Thank you to our donors!
2:00pm……………………………………………………………...…………………………..….……Concurrent Sessions III
Amsa Yoga
Blades of Columbia
Cellar on Greene
Divine Massage Therapy
Evolution through Chocolate
Firehouse Subs
Jason’s Deli
Mad Platter
My Carolina
Pink Sorbet
The Crescent Olive
Thirsty Fellow
The Trustus Theater
Vista Ballroom
Wine & Design
Wine Down on Main
12:45pm…………………..…………….……………………..Lunch, Topical Conversations & Teaching Award Presentation
Stuart Hunter, Associate Vice President for University 101 Programs and the National Resource Center for The First-Year
Experience and Students in Transition, will present the 2013 Award for Outstanding Teaching in University 101 to Viki Fecas.
See following pages for session abstracts and locations.
3:15pm………………………………….……………………………………..………………………………...Closing Session
Stuart Hunter will facilitate an open discussion about what was learned at the 5th Annual Building Connections Conference.
Refreshments will be served and door prizes will be awarded.
3:45pm…….………………………………………………………………………………………………..Conference Closes