Review of Department of Mathematical Physics The Academic Quality Assurance Programme 2007-2008

An Coiste Feabhais Acadúil
The Committee on Academic Quality Improvement
The Academic Quality Assurance Programme 2007-2008
Report to Údarás na hOllscoile
Review of
Department of Mathematical Physics
(Applied Mathematics)
Review Group Visit
Follow Up Meeting
January 2008
11th – 13th February 2008
2nd July 2008
This Report was compiled for members of Údarás na hOllscoile, NUI Galway and its
committees as a readily accessible but comprehensive source of information on the above
review, its context and its outcomes.
Director of Quality, October 2008
Report to Údarás – Review of Department of Mathematical Physics 2007–2008
1. Overview of Department
1.1 Aims and Objectives of the Department
Teaching & Learning
To facilitate the structured and informed study of mathematical modeling across a wide
range of applications areas and using a varied range of mathematical methodologies.
To give an introduction to, and thorough grounding in, Classical Newtonian Mechanics –
the template for modern theories and models in both the physical and economic sciences.
To make available courses in Continuum Mechanics – the basic mathematical model of
material sciences – to science and engineering students.
To make available courses in Theoretical Physics to students of mathematical science and
the physical sciences.
To provide a solid theoretical and analytic foundation for the numerical computational
techniques used in applications of mathematical modeling.
To teach a balanced curriculum, comprising core courses and a variety of options.
To use appropriate, varied and effective teaching methods and modes of assessment.
To provide a stimulating learning experience for undergraduate and postgraduate students.
To enhance the career opportunities of graduates.
10 To undertake and facilitate new research into mathematical modeling across a wide and
diverse range of applications areas.
11 To support both individual and collaborative research projects.
12 To encourage innovative forms of research activity and, particularly, interdisciplinary
research initiatives.
13 To generate a postgraduate and postdoctoral culture in the Department.
14 To generate research funding at university, national and international levels, where
15 To integrate, where possible, the activities of research and teaching.
16 To ensure the recognition of the international standing of the Department’s research.
Relation to Wider Community
17 To raise the awareness amongst 1st, 2nd and 3rd level students and teachers of the
applications, uses and importance of mathematical modeling.
Relation to University
18 To assist in the achievement of the strategic aims of the School, Colleges and University.
19 To contribute to various aspects of the academic and administrative life of the University.
20 To promote the establishment of appropriate research centres associated with the emerging
School of Mathematics, Statistics and Applied Mathematics.
21 To support the career progress and development of academic and administrative staff
22 To promote the creation of a safe, hospitable and collegial work environment within the
emerging School of Mathematics, Statistics and Applied Mathematics.
To ensure transparency and fairness of workloads among staff within the emerging School
of Mathematics, Statistics and Applied Mathematics.
Report to Údarás – Review of Department of Mathematical Physics 2007–2008
1.2 Background
The discipline of Mathematical Physics has been running at NUI Galway for over 60 years.
Whereas the Department of Mathematical Physics has been an independent department within
the university for all that time, in the future the re-titled discipline of Applied Mathematics will
reside in a newly formed School of Mathematics, Statistics and Applied Mathematics. The
formation of this school is part of an overall restructuring process within NUI Galway.
At the time of the previous quality review in 2000 the Department had 7 full time academic
members of staff. Since then the head of the Department for the previous 39 years (and
Established Professor of Mathematical Physics) retired, followed two years later by the next
most senior member (who had 40 years of service), followed three years later by the interim
head of department for the period 2002 – 2005 (who had 36 years of service). During this period
the Department lost almost 120 years of service and experience, has suffered a reduction of one
full member of staff and has been forced to avail of five years of contract teaching (the vacancy
in the Established Professorship of Mathematical Physics has remained unfilled to date).
Agreement was eventually reached to appoint a junior member of staff – position filled in
December 2006 – and to proceed to replace the Established Professor of Mathematical Physics
(now re-titled Applied Mathematics) following the next senior retirement. This position has
now been advertised and it is hoped to have someone in position by September 2008.
1.3 Progress since last review in 1999/2000
Actions agreed at 2000 quality
Memorandum on space issues
Memorandum submitted in June 2005
Introduction of more formal
management structures
More formal structures have been introduced as far as possible subject to the
restrictions imposed by a small department losing permanent staff. It is
intended to implement such formal structures within the larger School of
Mathematics, Statistics and Applied Mathematics.
Participation in the formal structures
for the management of the
denominated CS Programme
Two department members are on the management committee which oversees
the Programme. There is regular communication between the Department and
the management committee on items of mutual interest. The Department also
participated in the quality review of the CS Programme.
Put in place a formal staff- student
consultation process
This process was put in place in the 2003-2004 academic year and has
continued to operate since then.
Develop a student response
questionnaire in connection with
individual teaching programmes
This process was put in place in the 2003-2004 academic year and has
continued since then. During 2006-2007 it was augmented by the inclusion of
a response from the lecturer to issues raised and a formal response to the staffstudent committee.
Need to be more pro-active in seeking
external funding
Members of the Department have applied individually and in collaboration for
funding and have had some success in obtaining funds from PRTLI, SFI, The
Royal Irish Academy and Enterprise Ireland. Members are continually
encouraged to apply for funding.
Other issues
Development of a strategic
development plan
An Academic Development Plan was drawn up in March 2005 in the context
of the vacancy in the Established Professorship in Mathematical Physics. An
Away Day was held in June 2006 to assist the Department prepare for the
proposed university restructuring and it negotiations with other. Effectively a
revision of the strategic aspects of the academic development plan was drawn
up to assist in the recruitment of a junior academic position during 2006; this
revision was finalised by the Department in February 2007 to help establish
the parameters determining the role of the Established Professorship in
Applied Mathematics.
Report to Údarás – Review of Department of Mathematical Physics 2007–2008
In 2000 four of the members of the Department were qualified to provide courses through the
medium of the Irish language. By then, however, the demand for such courses had shrunk. In
2007 we find that only one member of the Department is qualified to provide such courses.
However, despite offering such courses and actively seeking students for them, there has been
no uptake for the past three years. Previously it had been a significant aim of the Department to
foster and support the provision of courses in Mathematical Physics in Irish to students in the
west of Ireland. After the next retirement, there will be no permanent staff members of the
Department able to provide such courses.
1.4 Student numbers
The number of fulltime equivalent (FTE) students in the Department was 114.2 in the year
2005/06, representing a decrease of 11.9% in the three years since 2002/03.
1.5 Staff to Student ratio
In 2005/06, the number of fulltime equivalent (FTE) academic staff in the Department was 7.43,
giving a student: staff ratio of 15.37 in year ending 2006. This ratio was 16.3 in 2003/04.
1.6 Accommodation and Facilities
The academic departments of the Department of Mathematical Physics are located in the Árus
de Brún building.
2. Review Group Visit and Report
The report arises from a visit by a review group to the Department of Mathematical Physics on 11th – 13th February
2008. The Department had already prepared and submitted a 'Self Assessment Report' that, with other
documentation, was made available to the Group in advance of the visit.
The Review Group consisted of; Professor Christopher Essex, Dept. of Applied Mathematics, University of Western
Ontario (Chair); Professor Peter Lynch, School of Mathematical Sciences, UCD; Dr Sharon Flynn, Centre for
Excellence in Learning and Teaching NUI Galway; Mr. Murray Scott, Department of Accountancy and Finance,
NUI Galway, (Rapporteur).
2.1 Summary and Main Recommendations from Report
The Review Group has visited the Department of Mathematical Physics at a time of
unprecedented change, not only with imminent changes to staffing but also in the context of the
restructuring process and formation of the School of Mathematics Statistics and Applied
We are confident that this Department is prepared and, with the implementation of an
appropriate planning strategy, will be able to further develop and thrive in this new environment.
Furthermore, we would urge the Department to set its plans firmly in line with the strategic
priorities and research themes of the University and, in doing so ensure the continued support of
University Management.
Finally, the Review Group believes that the SWOT analysis, contained in the Self-Assessment
report prepared by the Department, gives an accurate picture of the current deficiencies in the
Department from a research perspective. This review attempts to provide some guidance for
short-term actions in response to this. The new School is also an invaluable opportunity to
address many of the problems raised in the SWOT analysis.
Report to Údarás – Review of Department of Mathematical Physics 2007–2008
Main Recommendations
Immediate action is needed in critical areas and this cannot await the arrival of the appointment
of an Established Chair. The Department should consider the following points:
1. The School Steering Committee, in setting the structure and terms of reference for the new
School, will be crucial. The participants on that steering committee from the Unit must feel
empowered to act on its behalf. They should not be considering what a future Established
Chair might wish to do.
2. The Unit must immediately take steps to define itself in terms of actions. It must take
ownership of its identity within the new School and within the University as soon as
possible. This should be done in both teaching and research.
3. On the research side, the idea of a Centre for Mathematical Modeling, despite setbacks,
remains an excellent goal to press for and there seems to be widespread support for the
concept from outside the Unit. One suggestion to immediately advance in that direction is to
produce a proposal for a Stokes Chair in Mathematical Modeling based on materials already
4. Creating a new B.Sc. Programme in Applied Mathematics, would establish a teaching
identity at once throughout the University, it could serve as the natural backbone for a
rationalized and much simplified Programme structure for the Unit.
3. Action Plans
Follow up Meeting; Wednesday, 2nd July 2008
at 2.30pm in Room C219, Árus de Brún
National University of Ireland, Galway
Present: Professor Jim Gosling (Chair), Professor Tom Sherry, Dr Martin Meere, Mr Micheal
Kavanagh (Registrar’s Office), Professor John Hinde (Head of Mathematics), Dr Ray Ryan (Head of
School), Dr Pat O’Leary, Dr Thomas Waters, Dr Gerry Morgan (Dean of Science), Ms Lorraine
McIlrath (CELT), Professor Peter Lynch (Review Group), Ms Maureen Linnane (in attendance).
Action Plan for the Department:
1. The Department/Discipline will operate as ‘Applied Mathematics’ within the new
School of Mathematics, Statistics and Applied Mathematics (MSAM) from the start of
the academic year 2008 – 2009, where ‘Applied Mathematics’ is understood in the
widest possible sense, including applications in the social and economic sciences, the
biological sciences and engineering, as well as in the physical sciences.
2. In full accord with the development of the MSAM, members of the Department on its
steering committee will take responsibility for the development of structures within
Applied Mathematics. The Department will also play a more pro-active role in renewed
efforts to fill the chair.
3. The Department’s broader mission as determined by the new name and its interpretation
(Action 1 above), will result in progressive changes in all the study programmes and
courses that it offers. Where necessary there will be consultation within MSAM and
with external programme coordinators as these are phased-in over the next two academic
years. In parallel, all courses offered by the Department will be reviewed to facilitate the
following objectives:
Report to Údarás – Review of Department of Mathematical Physics 2007–2008
a. to have all core courses within programmes of study fully ‘learning outcome
b. to rationalize/consolidate them in order to reduce duplication and overlaps, and
potentially allow contributors more time for research;
c. to include an element of Self-Directed Learning in all years of each programme
of study.
d. through MSAM, to replace the current three year B.Sc. honours joint degree
programme in Mathematical Science by an appropriate four year programme to
be initiated in September 2009;
e. to facilitate the immediate creation of a new four year, level 8, B.Sc. degree
programme in Applied Mathematics;
f. in consultation and cooperation with others as necessary, to facilitate the
development of new denominated degree programmes attractive to significant
numbers of students at second level;
4. The Department will continue enthusiastically to support the involvement of students in
the annual MCM International Mathematical Modelling Competition, and (through this
and other ways) will take a more proactive approach to the development a better
understanding (in the University and externally) of the roles, utility and power of
‘Applied Mathematics’.
5. The Department will set a target of an average of at least one postgraduate student per
staff member to be achieved by 2010-2011 and for this to be maintained or increased in
the longer term. To support this, it will be ensured that all applicants to IRCSET for
postgraduate studentships will be fully supported with training, advice and feedback.
6. The Department, in the context of MSAM, will work to develop further its rich research
culture by:
a. reviewing its strategic research plans regularly;
b. seeking agreement to incorporate the workloads associated with postgraduate
students in the distribution amongst staff of the total Departmental workload;
c. supporting its members in their individual areas of research while developing
research plans that emphasise the potential benefits of clustering of research
efforts and the alignment of research effort with the strategic priorities and
research themes of the University;
d. continuing to seek to establish a Centre for Mathematical Modelling within
e. preparing a proposal for a Stokes Professorship in Mathematical Modelling;
f. encouraging members to continue annually to apply for funding under the
SFI/RFP programme;
g. members of the Department more proactively seeking collaborative research
interactions with other Schools and Institutes within NUI Galway and external to
7. In addition, as part of the developing MSAM seminar series, the Department will
organise regular seminars focused on the full range of applied mathematics:
a. with some aimed specifically at third and fourth year undergraduate students as a
way to create stronger links between its research and teaching functions; and
Report to Údarás – Review of Department of Mathematical Physics 2007–2008
b. with regular sessions to promote awareness of the potential of applied
mathematics and of its own research projects, internally, across the University
and further afield.
8. In the context of MSAM, the Department will:
a. actively support and facilitate the career development of individual staff and
support them in their promotion applications;
b. consult fully with its administrative staff to ensure a smooth transition to the new
school structure;
c. support plans by the new school to make technical support appointments, to
provide specialist IT support for the School’s developing programmes of teaching
and research;
d. evaluate its space requirements in the short and medium term to facilitate the
intended expansion of its research and teaching functions and to have adequate
space for specialist tutorials, meetings and seminars;
e. consider such activities as an internal open day, seminars for first and second year
undergraduate students and poster displays to promote its programmes and
activities amongst the undergraduate and postgraduate student populations of the
f. actively engage with students and teachers at second level to increase awareness
of the richness and variety of applied mathematics and of their degree
programmes and research, and will review its promotional literature and web
page to reflect the change in name, emphasis and activities;
g. give greater emphasis to promoting its activities in Galway, nationally, and
internationally. An Annual Report will be prepared showing activities, outputs
and generally publicizing the School and Department.
Action Plan for MSAM:
1. The School recognises ‘Applied Mathematics’ as a core part of its identity and mission
but with sufficient autonomy within the new structure to facilitate its full development
and to support useful initiatives by its staff.
2. The School will implement the new school committee structures with urgency so as not
to hinder Applied Mathematics in the implementation of its action plans, many of which
require the context and support of the School, particularly with respect to:
a. Curriculum reform, full implementation of learning objectives and other
innovations with CKI and CELT; and
b. Staff development, staff diversification and supports for candidates for
3. The Head of School and heads of discipline will work together closely to estimate
minimum present space and facilities requirements in advance of meetings with the
Buildings Office and the Vice-President for Physical Resources.
4. The School will oversee the implementation of all action plans arising from quality
reviews of units within MSAM, and will develop practices to lower the workloads on
staff arising from internal processes including updating strategic plans and future
Report to Údarás – Review of Department of Mathematical Physics 2007–2008
Action Plan for the Colleges with which the Department is affiliated:
1. The Deans of three Colleges [Science; Arts, Social Sciences & Celtic Studies;
Engineering & Informatics] will actively support plans by the Department to
review/rationalize their contributions to degree programmes offered within the Colleges
and to develop new degree programmes.
2. In the context of the overall budgets available, the College of Science will endeavour to
provide for full and adequate administrative and technical support for the School of
MSAM and disciplines within that School.
Action Plan for the University Management Team:
1. The UMT will continue to provide full assistance in the filling of the vacant chair in
Applied Mathematics as a matter of urgency.
2. The Vice President for Physical Resources will endeavour to ensure that research
funding from outside agencies will not be endangered due to lack of physical resources.
Approved by:
Approved by:
Approved by:
Approved by:
Approved by:
Approved by:
Approved by:
Head of Department, Professor Tom Sherry, 23 July 2008
Registrar, Professor Jim Ward, 8 September 2008
Dean of Science, Dr Gerry Morgan, 1 October 2008
Vice President for Research, Professor Terry Smith, 16 September 2008
Vice President for Physical Resources, Mr Keith Warnock, 9 September 2008
Director of CELT, Dr. Iain MacLabhrainn, 18th September 2008
Director of Human Resources, Mr Chris McNairney, 4 September 2008
Director of Quality
Finalised: 2nd October 2008