CHAPTER 8 Glacier fluctuations and dynamics around the margin of the Greenland Ice Sheet Leigh A. Stearns and Hester Jiskoot ABSTRACT Greenland’s ice cover has undergone remarkable changes in the last two decades as a response to forcing from the atmosphere and ocean. This period coincides with the evolution of remote-sensing platforms towards higher spatiotemporal resolutions. In this chapter, we give an overview of some of the key glaciological findings emerging from Greenland in the past two decades, and describe two case studies in which GLIMS data are used to provide new insights into regional changes in Greenland’s glaciers. 8.1 GREENLAND GLACIOLOGY Greenland—the largest relic of Pleistocene glaciation in the Northern Hemisphere—contains enough ice ( 2:9 10 6 km 3 ) to raise global mean sea level by 7 m if it melted completely (Bamber et al. 2001). Peripheral to the ice sheet thousands of smaller local ice masses exist, including ice caps, valley glaciers, mountain glaciers, ice fields, and glacierets. Local ice caps and local glaciers are difficult to delineate, especially since many are not detached ice bodies, but connected to the ice sheet, separated by ice flow divides (Yde 2011). Best estimates of the total ice cover on Greenland are between 1,801,000 to 1,824,000 km 2 , of which 88,000 to 90,000 km 2 are local ice masses (Kargel et al. 2012, Rastner et al. 2012, Citterio and Ahlstrøm 2013). Ice discharge through ice sheet outlet glaciers accounts for 70% of the mass discharge in Greenland (Rignot and Kanagaratnam 2006). Many of these outlet glaciers are undergoing rapid changes in dynamics, driven by changes in atmospheric and ocean forcings. The mechanisms driving the large changes in Greenland glacier dynamics are not fully understood. The near-coincident timing of the changes observed on Kangerdlugssuaq and Helheim glaciers in East Greenland (Stearns and Hamilton 2007), several smaller outlet glaciers in the southeast (Rignot and Kanagaratnam 2006), and Jakobshavn Isbræ in the west (Joughin et al. 2004), suggests a common trigger such as climate warming may be responsible. These observations highlight the sensitivity of large outlet glaciers to climate-related perturbations and imply that current estimates for the predicted sea level contribution from the Greenland Ice Sheet need to be reevaluated to account for rapid changes in ice dynamics. Over the past 30 years, Arctic surface temperatures have increased 0.5 C per decade (Gillett et al. 2008). This warming has been accompanied by other changes: sea ice extent has decreased 8.6 2.9% (Serreze et al. 2007) and Northern Hemisphere ocean temperatures have warmed by 0.19 0.13 C (Polyakov et al. 2004) in the past decade. In Greenland alone, surface observations 184 Glacier fluctuations and dynamics around the margin of the Greenland Ice Sheet indicate recent increases in temperature (1.5 C per decade; Box et al. 2006), seasonal ablation (16% per decade; Fettweis et al. 2011, Mernild et al. 2011), surface meltwater runoff (19% per decade; Hanna et al. 2005, Box et al. 2006), mass flux due to outlet glacier acceleration (140% from 2000 to 2005; Rignot and Kanagaratnam 2006), and overall net mass loss. Current models (even those excluding the dynamic response of outlet glaciers) predict collapse of the Greenland Ice Sheet if surface temperatures increase by 3 C (Church et al. 2001, Gregory et al. 2004). When enhanced surface melt and subsequent glacier accelerations are included in models, the Greenland Ice Sheet becomes more sensitive to warming temperatures (Parizek and Alley 2004). 8.1.1 Ice sheet mass changes Repeat satellite observations show that the Greenland Ice Sheet (GIS) lost mass at an accelerating rate during the late 1990s through the mid-2000s (e.g., Rignot and Kanagaratnam 2006, Velicogna 2009). Mass is added to the ice sheet by precipitation, and lost by surface and basal melting, and ice flux across the grounding line (usually resulting in iceberg calving). Recent studies report that Greenland lost approximately 290 Gt yr1 in 2009, an acceleration of 30 Gt yr2 over the period 2002–2009 (Velicogna 2009). At least half of this increase in mass loss is due to the acceleration of several large marine-terminating outlet glaciers, some of which are discharging two to four times more ice into the ocean than they were in the early 1990s (Rignot and Kanagaratnam 2006, van den Broeke et al. 2009). The mass balance of the GIS can be determined by the mass budget approach or geodetic approaches (using geodetic estimates of volume change to infer mass change). The mass budget approach compares catchment-wide accumulation rates with ice flux across a prescribed gate at or near the grounding line. It requires knowledge of the surface mass balance (snowfall minus surface ablation), which is reconstructed from atmospheric circulation models and in situ records such as ice cores. The discharge flux requires estimates of outlet glacier velocity and ice thickness (cross-sectional area of the gate). Studies employing this technique predominantly rely on interferometric synthetic aperture radar data (InSAR) ice velocities because of their extensive spatial coverage, but catchmentspecific studies use optical imagery (e.g., Stearns et al. 2005) or GPS data (Hamilton and Whillans 2000, Thomas et al. 2001) to determine ice flux. Snow accumulation is one of the most difficult parameters to constrain (e.g., Eisen et al. 2008, Ettema et al. 2009). There are approximately 500 in situ surface mass balance measurements in Greenland, covering a range of time periods and of varying quality (Ettema et al. 2009). Atmospheric reconstructions, constrained by in situ measurements are used to give spatial coverage of ice sheet surface mass balance. The main geodetic approaches used in determining mass change over GIS come from the timevariable gravity data collected by the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) and airborne or satellite altimeters. The GRACE satellite pair have generated gravity estimates of Greenland approximately every month since early 2002. Ice mass change is one of the variables that impacts the gravity signal over Greenland. In order to isolate this component, corrections must be applied for other variables that impact the gravity field: redistribution of mass in the atmosphere, the ocean, the crust and mantle—glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA)—and water/snow/ice stored on land (but not connected to the ice sheet) (Velicogna et al. 2005). Combined, these variables are referred to as mass ‘‘leakage’’. Deriving GIS mass change estimates from GRACE measurements is complicated by the limited spatial resolution and nonrandom noise inherent in the gravity data. There are fundamental differences in the approach of various studies for deriving GIS mass change from GRACE gravity data and accounting for leakage errors (Velicogna et al. 2005, Chen et al. 2006, Luthcke et al. 2006, Ramillien et al. 2006, Wouters et al. 2008). These processing differences yield a range in mass loss estimates that are greater than the associated errors. However, the regional trend of mass change appears consistent. To provide further constraints on GIS mass loss estimates, GRACE solutions are combined with surface elevation data (ICESat; Slobbe et al. 2009, Ewert et al. 2011), the mass budget approach (Rignot et al. 2011), or geodetic uplift rates (Khan et al. 2010). Smaller sized basins are also being investigated (Wouters et al. 2008, Chen et al. 2011, Schrama and Wouters 2011), so that mass changes can be more easily connected to changes in forcing mechanisms. Laser altimeters measure precise surface elevation (h) along aircraft or satellite ground tracks. Repeat altimeter measurements provide an estimate of the rate of elevation change with time (dh=dt) Greenland glaciology 185 which can be used to estimate mass balance on the scale of the ice sheet (e.g., Krabill et al. 2000) or basin. Elevation changes are converted to volume and mass changes by correcting for coincident changes in surface mass balance, firn compaction, and crustal motions (e.g., Zwally and Li 2002, Thomas et al. 2006, Wingham et al. 2006). The geodetic and mass budget approaches both reveal an acceleration of mass loss in GIS of 19 Gt yr2 from 1992 to 2010 (30 Gt yr2 for the period 2002–2010 covered by GRACE; Rignot et al. 2011). Between 2000 and 2005, the ice loss was largest in southeast Greenland, largely due to the increase in ice discharge from Helheim and Kangerdlugssuaq glaciers (e.g., Rignot and Kanagaratnam 2006, Howat et al. 2007, Stearns and Hamilton 2007). Since 2006, ice loss in southeast Greenland has decelerated, and ice loss in northwest Greenland has accelerated, according to both the GRACE record (Chen et al. 2011, Rignot et al. 2011, Schrama and Wouters 2011), and GPS observations of elastic rebound (Khan et al. 2010). Surface mass balance Estimates of GIS mass balance require knowledge of surface mass balance (SMB)—the annual sum of mass accumulation (snowfall, rain) and ablation (sublimation, runoff ). In the past two decades, the SMB in Greenland has decreased rapidly—driven by increases in surface melting and runoff (e.g., Ettema et al. 2009). Surface melt runoff now accounts for roughly half the annual mass loss from Greenland (the other half is by iceberg calving) (e.g., Zwally and Giovinetto 2001, Rignot and Kanagaratnam 2006, Hanna et al. 2008, van den Broeke et al. 2009). Precipitation on GIS falls predominantly as snow (94%), with some rain (6%) in coastal areas in the south (Ettema et al. 2009). Zones of high accumulation exist where low-pressure systems extend over the ice sheet in southeast Greenland (the Icelandic Low), and migrate north along the west coast (Ettema et al. 2009). Generally, accumulation increases from north to south, and is higher in southern coastal areas (Bales et al. 2009). Improvements in annual accumulation estimates from shallow ice cores (e.g., Banta and McConnell 2007), snow pits and weather stations (e.g., Bales et al. 2009) illuminate details of these spatial accumulation patterns. There is no significant long-term trend in either regional or ice sheet–wide accumula- tion rates in the past 50 years (Hanna et al. 2006), according to climate reanalysis models. Ablation (non–iceberg calving mass loss) in Greenland is dominated by runoff (90%), with the remainder coming from evaporation and sublimation (Ettema et al. 2009). The increase in runoff coincides with the steady lengthening of the melt season. Using a spatially distributed meteorological snow and ice model, Mernild et al. (2011) determined that the length of the melt season on GIS has increased at a rate of 2 days per year since 1972, yielding an extended melt period of 70 days between 1972 and 2010. A consequence of the extended melt season, combined with the increased surface temperatures in GIS, is the observed increase in surface melting (both volume and area) in the past two decades. Surface melt trends are quantified through satellite-based observations (e.g., Mote 2007, Tedesco 2007, Hall et al. 2008, Wouters et al. 2008, Bhattacharya et al. 2009) and model reconstructions (e.g., Fettweis et al. 2007, Hanna et al. 2008, Ettema et al. 2009, van den Broeke et al. 2009) and generally show a near-linear increase in melt area and volume, punctuated by a decrease in melt area in 1995 (Bhattacharya et al. 2009) and increases in 2002 (Steffen 2004), 2007 (Mote 2007), and 2010 (Tedesco et al. 2011). At higher elevations, meltwater refreezes in the winter snowpack, so an increase in melt extent does not necessarily coincide with an increase in runoff. The annual average SMB for GIS for 1958–2007, derived from high-resolution climate modeling, is an estimated 469 41 Gt yr1 —the sum of accumulation (697 Gt yr1 from snow accumulation; 46 Gt yr1 from rainfall) and ablation (248 Gt yr1 from runoff and 26 Gt yr1 from evaporation/ sublimation) (Ettema et al. 2009). Ice discharge In the past decade, over half of Greenland’s net mass loss has been due to the acceleration and retreat of outlet glaciers (van den Broeke et al. 2009). Between 1992 and 2009, ice discharge increased steadily by 9.0 1 Gt yr2 (Rignot et al. 2011). This steady mass loss trend is punctuated by the acceleration of several large marineterminating outlet glaciers; between 1998 and 2005, Jakobshavn Isbræ in West Greenland, and Helheim and Kangerdlugssuaq glaciers in East Greenland underwent dynamic changes in flow that nearly doubled annual mass loss (Joughin et al. 2004, Stearns and Hamilton 2007). Current trends 186 Glacier fluctuations and dynamics around the margin of the Greenland Ice Sheet in dynamic mass loss may be episodic or short lived, so caution is necessary when extrapolating these trends for sea level rise predictions (Price et al. 2011). Understanding the physical processes that control ice discharge is crucial in constraining current and future mass balance estimates. Synchronized changes in ice discharge from tidewater outlet glaciers, despite being located several hundred kilometers apart, suggests sensitivity to environmental (atmospheric or ocean) forcing. Atmospheric warming increases the amount of thinning in the ablation zone, and provides additional surface water (which can penetrate to the glacier bed, causing acceleration via enhanced lubrication). Tidewater glaciers are subject to large changes in flow dynamics on short timescales ranging from days to decades, as a result of forcings as diverse as ocean tides (e.g., de Juan et al. 2010), ocean circulation (Holland et al. 2008, Straneo et al. 2010, 2011), mélange extent (Amundson et al. 2010, Howat et al. 2011), and air temperature (Shepherd et al. 2001, Thomas et al. 2003, Andersen et al. 2010); this range of variability and an incomplete understanding of relevant processes make it difficult to predict tidewater glacier response in a warming climate and contributes one of the largest sources of uncertainty in sea level forecasts (Bindoff and Willebrand 2007, Lemke 2007). 8.2 CASE STUDY 1: CENTRAL EAST GREENLAND MARGIN FLUCTUATIONS AND CLIMATE SENSITIVITY FROM A GLIMS GLACIER INVENTORY AND ASTER GDEM 8.2.1 Introduction More than half of the glaciers peripheral to the Greenland Ice Sheet, 50,000 km 2 , are located in central East Greenland (67–72 N) and drain into Scoresby Sund, Kangerdlugssuaq Fjord, and the Blosseville Kyst (Blosseville Coast) (Jiskoot et al. 2003). This region of extreme topography contains a variety of glacier types, many of which are tidewater terminating. The largest local ice cap, Geikie Plateau, is 300 to 500 m thick (Christensen et al. 2000), has 2–3 m annual snow accumulation, and frequent melt events even at higher elevations (Dall et al. 2001). The largest tidewater outlet glacier, Kong Christian IV Gletscher, drains partly from the Geikie Plateau and partly from the Greenland Ice Sheet and has a bed that is more than 600 m below sea level within 20 km of the glacier terminus (Thomas et al. 2009). This is an area where there has been very limited glaciological research and only few recent quantitative remote-sensing studies (e.g., Dwyer 1995, Jiskoot et al. 2001, 2003, Luckman et al. 2003, Pritchard et al. 2003, 2005, Jiskoot and Juhlin 2009, Thomas et al. 2009). No mass balance or other monitoring programs exist (Weidick 1995), although a new initiative, the Programme for Monitoring of the Greenland Ice Sheet (PROMICE), has installed an automatic mass balance station in the region (Ahlstrøm and the PROMICE Project Team 2008). The regional runoff from East Greenland to the North Atlantic is important in global thermohaline circulation, salinity, and sea ice dynamics (Mernild et al. 2008), hence it is important to (i) establish the glacierized area, so that ice volume extrapolations can be made, and (ii) establish the advance/retreat rates of the glaciers, and especially of those with tidewater margins. Since the neoglacial period, the majority of landterminating glaciers in the Geikie Plateau region have receded up to a few kilometers (Weidick 1995). There were no noticeable changes in the ice margin positions of most calving fronts between the late 19th century and the mid-1980s (Weidick 1995). Between 1978 and 1991, major tidewater glacier termini along the northern coast of Kangerdlugssuaq Fjord and the southern Blosseville Kyst showed little change or a slight loss (0.1–0.5 km 2 ) in the glacier tongue area (Dwyer 1995). However, the majority of these glaciers are of surge type (Jiskoot et al. 2003), and it is unclear whether these losses were responses to dynamic or climatic causes (Dwyer 1995). Extreme glaciodynamic terminus fluctuations occurred in Sortebræ, a surge-type tidewater glacier, which experienced a retreat of 1.5 km between 1933 and 1943, a surge advance of 10 km by 1950, a retreat of 8 km between1950 and 1981 followed by stagnation between 1981 and 1992 and a second surge advance of >5 km between 1992 and 1994 (Jiskoot et al. 2001). Other recent examples of surge-related glaciodynamic terminus fluctuations include the land-terminating Sermeq Peqippoq Glacier with a retreat of 0.5 km between 1987 and 2000, and an advance of 2.8 km between 2000 and 2007 (Jiskoot and Juhlin 2009), and a tributary of Bredegletscher, which changed from being land-terminating to tidewater-terminating during its 1 km advance some time between 1987 and 2000 (Jiskoot et al. 2012). Neighboring Case Study 1: Central East Greenland margin fluctuations and climate sensitivity 187 Figure 8.1. Location map of Geikie Plateau region with glacier outlines from the new glacier inventory, and DEM shading (light is highest elevation, while dark is lowest) according to ASTER Global DEM Version 1 data. Red circles indicate regions where large errors in the DEM occur. glaciers did not change their terminus positions significantly during the same period. In the late 1970s, the regional transient snow line was 700 m asl in southern parts of central East Greenland and 1,000–1 300 m asl in northern parts (Weidick 1995). It had risen to 1,000–1,500 m asl for at least half the glaciers in 1999–2000 (Jiskoot et al. 2001, 2003), which agrees with the range of 1,200–1,500 m asl suggested for modern Scoresby Sund glaciers (Lie and Paasche 2006). Predicted changes in the central East Greenland region are highly sensitive to climate change because of the specific character of its glaciers and regional climate: 1. About two thirds of the total area drains through tidewater glaciers (Jiskoot 2002, Jiskoot et al. 2003), which will have a direct dynamic response to warming ocean currents and rising sea level (Murray et al. 2010, Christoffersen et al. 2011). The three largest tidewater glaciers have sustained flow velocities of 6.5–14 m day1 and drain 25% of the total central East Greenland glacier area (Luckman et al. 2003). Other large tidewater glaciers have flow velocities of 0.1–2.5 m day1 with summer velocities of 1–3 m day1 (Dwyer 1995). 2. Between 30 and 70% of central East Greenland glaciers are of surge type (Weidick 1988, Jiskoot et al. 2003) and can suddenly reach speeds of 5 m day1 up to 21 m day1 (Pritchard et al. 2005, Jiskoot and Juhlin 2009) and advance several kilometers (Jiskoot et al. 2001, Jiskoot and Juhlin 2009). Some surges cause extreme calving events. For example, Sortebræ’s calving flux of 3.5–5.5 km 3 yr1 during its 1992–1994 surge, which is 10–20% of Jakobshavn Isbræ’s calving flux (Jiskoot et al. 2001, Pritchard et al. 2003). 3. Many of the Scoresby Sund glaciers are polythermal (Kirchner 1963, Citterio et al. 2009, Jiskoot and Juhlin 2009), hence changes in local temperature and precipitation rates might affect their thermal regime and ice dynamic behavior over time. 4. Climate models using IPCC emissions scenario A1B predict 2.8–4.3 C temperature increase for Greenland over the next century and radiative forcing models show central East Greenland as a ‘‘hotspot’’ (Solomon et al. 2007). 5. The timing of breakup of sea ice in this region is positively correlated with increased surface melt, especially early breakup in the month of July (Rennermalm et al. 2009). 188 Glacier fluctuations and dynamics around the margin of the Greenland Ice Sheet In order to assess glacier characteristics, recent changes, and sensitivity to future climate change in central East Greenland, a detailed glacier inventory was compiled of the Geikie Plateau region, using semiautomated digitization from ASTER and Landsat 7 imagery. Preliminary results of this inventory are presented in this chapter, and include tidewater margin fluctuations between 1995 and 2004/2005, and climate sensitivity of landterminating glaciers related to snow line elevations and glacier hypsometry. More detailed studies of this region can be found in Kargel et al. (2012) and Jiskoot et al. (2012). 8.2.2 Methods Glacier outlines were extracted from 68 ASTER L1B scenes with a spatial resolution of 15 m and six orthorectified Landsat 7 ETMþ pan-sharpened images with a resolution of 14.5 m. The vast majority of ASTER images were from late-summer 2004/2005, while images with dates between May and August 2000 were used to fill in gaps. Landsat 7 images were in two south–north strips of three images each, where the easternmost strip, covering the Blosseville Kyst, was from July 12, 2000 and the inland strip from August 28, 2001. ASTER images were co-registered with Landsat 7 images, and in two regions where there was an absence of (cloudfree) Landsat 7 images, ASTER to ASTER image co-registration was applied. Image-to-image coregistering was accomplished through matching of 20 ground control points distributed in a pattern closely following that in Fig. 8.2. RMS errors were within 3.0 m for each co-registered ASTER image. Through co-registration, the spatial resolution of the ASTER images was upsampled slightly to 14.5 m. Glaciers were identified from mosaics of two to four ASTER scenes of the same date (and gain setting; Raup et al. 2000), using supervised distance classification. Training regions, each containing at least 1,500 pixels, for different surface classes were selected from different areas within each mosaic. The training areas were grouped in a binary class (glacier/nonglacier), in which the glacier class comprised snow and exposed glacier ice, and the nonglacier class contained sediment, bedrock, water, vegetation, shadow, and seawater. Shaded ice was included in the glacier class, and shaded bedrock/ sediment in the nonglacier class, but this shadowfiltering technique was only moderately successful. Systematic comparison of supervised classification Figure 8.2. Pattern of 20 ground control points or ‘‘tie points’’ for georeferencing ASTER images to orthorectified Landsat 7 images. tools in ENVI 4.3 revealed that the maximum likelihood classification and Mahalanobis distance classification performed best in identifying the glacier class, and the end results were quite similar. However, the Mahalanobis distance classification runs approximately three times faster because it assumes all class covariances to be equal, and was therefore applied. The resulting raster glacier masks were exported to ArcGIS 9.2, in which small polygons and irregularities were removed using the Enhanced Lee Filter, with a threshold of 3 pixels. The filtered raster images were converted to polygons and concatenated into one large ArcGIS shapefile. However, since the entire mosaicked polygon file was well over 4 GB in size, the polygons had to be cleaned using the generalized function with a minimum distance of 100 m, which introduced some inaccuracies (see Fig. 8.3d). The cleaned polygons were converted into one large mosaic, and overlaid onto the Landsat 7 mosaic. Morainecovered termini, shadow zones, nunataks, and ice divides were then manually digitized. A glacier threshold of 2.0 km 2 was applied, for reasons including difficulties in distinguishing seasonal snow from glaciers at this scale, the small proportion of area relative to the overall glacierized area in this region, the absence of calving margins in this size class, and for time-management reasons. Fig. 8.3 shows examples of each of these four steps in the semiautomated glacier classification process. Case Study 1: Central East Greenland margin fluctuations and climate sensitivity 189 Figure 8.3. Steps in semiautomated glacier extraction: (a) Mahalanobis distance classification of glacier surface (blue) and nonglacier surface (yellow); (b) removal of small polygons and irregularities using the Enhanced Lee Filter; (c) vectorized version of Fig. 3b superimposed on ASTER image, (d) glacier outlines after manual correction and cleaning with the generalized function. This version was used for the mosaic. The pregeneralized version was retained for analysis of individual glaciers. See Online Supplement 8.1 for higher resolution version. Calving glacier margins were manually extracted by retracing margin lines and snapping these to glacier margin polygons derived from the semiautomated method. Calving margins from a glacier inventory based on InSAR images and topographic maps of the mid-1980s to mid-1990s (Jiskoot 2002, Jiskoot et al. 2003) were also manually retraced. Through overlay of these two margins any differences in area (positive or negative; retreat and advance) were summed, so that for each glacier a calving margin area change between 1985/1995 and 2004/2005 was obtained. For four case studies, calving margins from all available images were extracted, where the maximum number of margins could be three and between the following periods: 1985 or 1995, 2000/2001, and 2004/2005. Glacier hypsometry for individual glaciers and for the total land-terminating glacier cover was calculated and plotted by counting pixels (which have constant area), and seasonal snow lines were extracted from interactively stretched ASTER scenes from July/August 2003–2005 (cf. Jiskoot et al. 2009). Snow lines could be determined for 60% of the glaciers (180 glaciers), but are mostly lacking in the southern half of the region. Errors in georeferencing were between 0 and 4 pixels with an average of 2 pixels (29 m) and manual digitization errors of calving margins were within 1 pixel (14.5 m). Hence, the total areal error for the ASTER-to-ASTER or Landsat 7-to-ASTER calving margin was 33 m 2 . However, the shift in the calving margin from 1987 to 1995 (Jiskoot et al. 2003) was systematic to the east, and was between 75 and 255 m, but manual shift correction through overlaying of coastal bedrock control points reduced this average error to <150 m. The resulting error in linear change of tidewater glacier margins termini is 154 m (square root of the sum of the squares of component errors) for the period between 1985/1995 through 2000/2005. The maximum error in area change is thus 154 m times the width of the glacier terminus. 8.2.3 Results Glacier inventory The glacier inventory contains 332 glaciers, with a total glacierized area of 41,591 km 2 . Glaciers range in size from 2 km 2 (thresholded) to 11,079 km 2 for 190 Glacier fluctuations and dynamics around the margin of the Greenland Ice Sheet Kong Christian IV, which partly drains the Greenland Ice Sheet (e.g., Thomas et al. 2009). Glacier area is lognormally distributed, and the minimum glacier area cutoff of 2 km 2 only underestimates the total glacierized area by 0.5–1%. Glacier types include ice caps, snowfields, and mountain, valley, and outlet glacier systems, of which many are tidewater terminating. By spatially joining the glacier inventory of Jiskoot et al. (2003) with this new inventory, the four-category surge-type glacier classification was transferred, with class 0 ¼ normal glaciers (no morphological evidence for surge behavior), 1 ¼ possibly surge type (one or two equivocal morphological features of past surge behavior), 2 ¼ probably surge type (two or more unequivocal), 3 ¼ glaciers with an observed surge (only three in our region: Sortebræ complex (Jiskoot et al. 2001), Sermeq Peqippoq (Jiskoot and Juhlin 2009), and a tributary of Bredegletscher Glacier (Jiskoot et al. 2012). About 30 glaciers were added to the original glacier inventory of Jiskoot et al. (2003) in this region. Given that 56 glaciers are class 2 or 3, 17% of glaciers in the region are of surge type with certainty. Another 23% (75 class 1) are possibly of surge type, hence the total estimated percentage of surge type glaciers in the Geikie Plateau region is between 17 and 40%. Most glaciers drain from the Geikie Plateau (with a highest elevation of 2,895 m asl) to sea level and end in tidewater margins. The total length of calving fronts in 1995 was 235 km, while in 2000 it was 196 km, and roughly 90% of the total glacierized area drains through 120 tidewater glaciers (Fig. 8.4). The widths of calving margins range from 0.1 to 13 km, and the length–frequency is lognormally distributed. Evidently, the role of calving and potential influence of ocean currents, sea ice, and sea level change in this region are important. Calving margin dynamics Subtracting the 2004/2005 margins from those constructed from 1985 maps and 1995 InSAR imagery (Jiskoot et al. 2003) resulted in an overall calving margin area loss (through retreat) of 74 km 2 , an area gain (through advance) of 4.3 km 2 , and a net calving area loss of 70 36 km 2 . This translates to a mean overall annual retreat rate between 3 km and 7 km (many smaller tidewater margins were digitized from 1985 topographic maps, but most of the larger margins were derived directly from 1995 InSAR imagery; Jiskoot et al. 2003). Some glaciers (e.g., Borggraven, a non-surge-type glacier) show quite large interannual calving margin fluctuations which are possibly related to the presence of sea ice or fast ice, which is visible in some of the earlysummer ASTER images. Typical patterns are shown in four case studies (Fig. 8.5): (a) Sortebræ, a surge-type glacier with an observed surge between 1992 and 1995 (Jiskoot et al. 2001, Pritchard et al. 2005), has lost 11.5 km 2 since 1995, (b) a relatively small unnamed surgetype glacier (unofficially nominated ‘‘Ryberg Glacier’’), has lost 2.5 km 2 since 1995, (c) Kong Figure 8.4. Glacier inventory map with tidewater-terminating glaciers in dark gray, tidewater margins in red, and land-terminating glaciers in light gray. The abbreviated glacier names correspond to the four case studies presented in Fig. 8.5. Figure can also be viewed as Online Supplement 8.2. Case Study 1: Central East Greenland margin fluctuations and climate sensitivity 191 Figure 8.5. Case studies of tidewater margin changes. Two surge-type glaciers in their quiescent phase: (a) Sortebræ and (b) Ryberg Glacier. Two non-surge-type fast-flowing glaciers: (c) Kong Christian IV Gletscher, and (d) Magga Dan Gletscher. See Fig. 8.4 for locations and text for details. Figure can also be viewed as Online Supplement 8.3. Christian IV, a non-surge-type outlet glacier partly draining the Greenland ice sheet, shows no significant change in the position of its tidewater margin between 1995 and 2004/2005 (areal loss of 0.97 km 2 ), and (d) Magga Dan, a non-surge-type glacier draining into Scoresby Sund, was also virtually unchanged between 1995 and 2004/2005 (areal change 0.02 km 2 ). The last two glaciers have extremely fast ice flow of the order of 6.5–14.0 m day1 (2.4–5.11 km yr1 ) at the margin (Luckman et al. 2003), suggesting the tongues may be close to flotation. The stationarity of the calving margin of Kong Christian IV and Magga Dan Glaciers may reflect their relatively constant fast flow, limited thinning rate, and shallow submarine shoals (Luckman and Murray 2005, Joughin et al. 2010, Jiskoot et al. 2012). Laser altimeter surveys, with NASA’s Airborne Topographic Mapper (ATM) of Kong Christian IV Glacier between 1993 and 2006 showed that the terminal 20 km thinned between 0.5 and 0.7 m yr1 in that period, and that the thinning rate appears to be decreasing over time. Farther inland, the glacier was roughly in balance between 1993 and 1998, but thinned by 0.5 m yr1 between 1998 and 2006 (Thomas et al. 2009). Kangerdlugssuaq Glacier, a fast-flowing outlet gla- cier from the Greenland Ice Sheet immediately south of the Geikie Plateau region, retreated rapidly in 2004/2005 and this event coincided with possible warming of water masses in Kangerdlugssuaq Fjord in 2004 (Christoffersen et al. 2011). Moreover, retreat occurred in a region where ice surface elevations had been only about 10 m above flotation levels, suggesting that retreat was probably caused by slow thinning after 2001 that allowed the ice to float free from its bed and almost immediately break up into icebergs (Thomas et al. 2009). Analysis of possible patterns in the tidewater margin fluctuations of local glaciers (Kong Christian IV was removed from this analysis as it partly drains the Greenland Ice Sheet) resulted in the following: 1. There is no correlation between calving width and terminus retreat/advance rate. 2. There is no north–south or east–west spatial pattern in the terminus retreat/advance rate (i.e., glaciers along the Kangerdlugssuaq Fjord, Blosseville Kyst and those draining north into Scoresby Sund did not have significant differences in retreat/advance rates). 3. There appears to be some correlation between surge-type glaciers and increased calving. For 192 Glacier fluctuations and dynamics around the margin of the Greenland Ice Sheet non-surge-type glaciers (class 0 and 1) the calving area change between 1985 and 2001/2004 was 36 km 2 , which is 0.2% of the total area of 17,527.5 km 2 of these glaciers. For surge-type glaciers (class 2 and 3) the calving area change for the same period was 42 km 2 , which is 0.45% of the total area of 9345.8 km 2 of these glaciers. If the classification of ‘‘surge-type’’ were to include class 1 glaciers, then surge-type glaciers show a tidewater margin retreat of 62 km 2 since 1995 (a handful have been measured since 1985) and non-surge-type glaciers a retreat of only 8 km 2 since 1985. It therefore appears that some of the calving margin retreat could be related to surge dynamics rather than just to changes in mass balance or ocean water temperature (i.e., a dynamically amplified response to climatic drivers). Mass balance sensitivity of land-terminating glaciers from hypsometric analysis We use the new ASTER Global DEM to calculate standard glacier inventory data (aspect, elevation, and slope; Paul et al. 2009), and generate glacier hypsometries in order to assess snow line characteristics, and sensitivity of glaciers to projected climate change. Glacier hypsometry is the area–elevation distribution of either individual glaciers, or a glacierized region as a whole. In combination with mass balance curves, or individual snow lines, this measure is important in assessing individual or regional climate sensitivity of a group of glaciers. Hypsometry is also a factor in the response time of glaciers to a change in regional climate (e.g., Furbish and Andrews 1984, Raper and Braithwaite 2009; see also this book’s Chapter 33 by Kargel et al.). Unfortunately we discovered that the ASTER GDEM has extensive areas with large vertical errors (>1,000 m), so-called ‘‘mushroom regions’’ or ‘‘mole hills’’, due to cloud cover on the images from which the ASTER GDEM was derived. One of these regions can clearly be seen in the accumulation zone of Kong Christian IV in Fig. 8.1. At this latitude there are no automated techniques available to fill these regions and correct the error with reasonable accuracy. Because of these errors, and because land-terminating glaciers are more sensitive to surface mass balance changes than tidewater-terminating glaciers (which are influenced by calving dynamics and therefore also linked to ocean temperature and sea ice dynamics), hypso- Figure 8.6. Normalized hypsometric curve of 180 land-terminating glaciers, annotated with the average late-summer snow line in 2003–2005 (1,050 m asl) and a corresponding AAR of 56%. A rise in ELA (approximated by snow line) of 200 and 400 m corresponds to a change of AAR to 42 and 29%, respectively. See text for details. metric analysis was only performed using landterminating glaciers. The hypsometry of all landterminating glaciers combined (180 glaciers representing approximately 9% of the total glacierized area of the Geikie Plateau region) is shown in Fig. 8.6, and depicts a near equidimensional type of area–elevation distribution (Furbish and Andrews 1984). The average snow line elevation of glaciers for which snow lines could be established (60% of the 298 glaciers in the Geikie Plateau region) was 1,092 m asl, which is a rise of 82 m over the average snow line elevation of 1,010 m asl derived from latesummer Landsat images of 1999/2000 (Jiskoot et al. 2003). Of these 60% that are land terminating the average snow line was at 1,050 m asl. Combining this snow line elevation, which we take as a good approximation of equilibrium line altitude (ELA), with the hypsometry for the 180 landterminating glaciers reveals that the accumulation area ratio (AAR; a measure of glacier health; Paterson 1994) was 56% in 2003–2005 (see Fig. 8.6). If the predicted regional increase of 2.8–4.3 C over the next century is roughly translated into a rise in snow line, it would rise between 200 and 400 m. The resulting AAR for these glaciers would be reduced Case Study 2: A comparison of high-rate GPS and ASTER-derived measurements on Helheim Glacier 193 to 42% for a rise in snow line of 200 m, and reduced to only 29% for a rise in snow line of 400 m (Fig. 8.6). In this simple analysis it is assumed that the overall shape of the hypsometric curve will not change significantly over this period. Thus, predicted regional warming (Solomon et al. 2007), combined with the sensitivity of surface melt to earlier breakup of sea ice (Rennermalm et al. 2009), land-terminating glaciers will have low viability for survival under predicted climate conditions. 8.3 CASE STUDY 2: A COMPARISON OF HIGH-RATE GPS AND ASTERDERIVED MEASUREMENTS ON HELHEIM GLACIER 8.3.1 Introduction Satellite remote sensing has revolutionized polar glaciology by providing frequent coverage over large spatial regions that are difficult to access by field-based programs. Sequential observations can span decades, longer than most traditional field methods. Spaceborne measurements of surface elevation and flow speed are of particular relevance to studies of ice dynamics. Radar and laser altimetry is the most common method of obtaining surface elevations (e.g., Krabill et al. 2004, Thomas et al. 2006, Wingham et al. 2006), but elevations can also be extracted from optical imagery using photoclinometry (e.g., Scambos and Fahnestock 1998) and stereo imaging (e.g., Berthier et al. 2005, Stearns and Hamilton 2007). Glacier velocities can be derived from interferometric analysis (e.g., Joughin et al. 1999) or speckle tracking on radar images (e.g., Wuite 2006), or from feature tracking on visible band images (e.g., Scambos et al. 1992, Howat et al. 2005, Stearns et al. 2005). Each technique has its advantages and limitations. In this case study, ice velocities are derived from optical satellite imagery by tracking the displacement of surface features in sequential images. Feature tracking can be performed at varying levels of complexity ranging from manual (e.g., Lucchitta and Ferguson 1986), to semiautomatic (e.g., Ferrigno et al. 1993), to automatic (e.g., Scambos et al. 1992, Whillans and Tseng 1995), with each technique producing a progressively larger number of matches. Here, we assess the accuracy of a widely used automatic feature-tracking technique. Validating remote-sensing observations with ground-based measurements is necessary to verify that information extracted from the satellite data accurately characterizes geophysical processes. In this study, we use ground-based GPS elevation and velocity measurements to assess the accuracy of ASTER-derived data products. ASTER imagery has been used extensively in glaciology to map changes in glacier geometry (e.g., De Angelis 2003), surface elevation and volume change (e.g., Kääb et al. 2002, Vignon et al. 2003, Paul et al. 2004, Howat et al. 2005, Stearns and Hamilton 2007), and ice velocity (e.g., Kääb et al. 2002, Howat et al. 2005, Stearns et al. 2005), although few of these studies have been validated with field measurements. Helheim Glacier (66.5 N, 38 W), located in East Greenland, has undergone rapid changes in ice dynamics in the past few years (e.g., Howat et al. 2005, Luckman et al. 2006, Stearns and Hamilton 2007) including rapid flow acceleration (by 40% at the glacier front, Fig. 8.7), thinning (up to 60 13 m in one year), and terminus retreat (5 km between 2003 and 2005) (Stearns and Hamilton 2007). These events and changes were largely quantified using repeat ASTER images of Helheim Glacier. GPS instruments were deployed on Helheim Glacier to collect frequent velocity measurements during the 2006 summer. The ASTER sensor, on board the Terra satellite, obtained two usable images of Helheim Glacier while the GPS units were operating. This overlap provides a rare opportunity to compare satellite-derived ice velocity and surface elevation measurements with in situ field data. 8.3.2 Data Ground-based GPS surveys We installed a network of 19 GPS receivers on and around Helheim Glacier in late June, 2006. Sixteen receivers were installed on the glacier, in a configuration including stations both on the glacier centerline, and offset from the centerline (Fig. 8.8).Three GPS receivers were installed at rock sites (sites 1–3) surrounding the on-ice network to help define a stable geodetic reference frame (Fig. 8.8). Nine of the stations spanned an upglacier distance of 20 km from a point 15 km behind the calving front. The stations operated for 60 days, and recorded data at a rate of one sample every five seconds. In addition to the long-term GPS network, we deployed four receivers (sites 14–19), for 2 to 5 194 Glacier fluctuations and dynamics around the margin of the Greenland Ice Sheet Figure 8.7. (A) An ASTER image of the trunk of Helheim Glacier from August 3, 2004. (B) Ice velocity along the profile in panel A, derived from Landsat ETMþ and ASTER image pairs (diamonds), and overlapping GPS measurements (stars) along and adjacent to the profile. Figure 8.8. A DEM of Helheim Glacier, derived from an ASTER image taken on August 30, 2006. The red dots represent GPS instruments which operated between August 25–30, 2006. Case Study 2: A comparison of high-rate GPS and ASTER-derived measurements on Helheim Glacier 195 days each, at locations just behind the calving front. In this study, we are only interested in the GPS data that overlap with satellite images: the period from August 25 to August 30, 2006. The GPS data were processed using the GIPSY software package (Lichten and Border 1987) and high-precision kinematic data-processing methods (e.g., Elósegui et al. 1996, 2006) to estimate the time-dependent positions of GPS sites on the glacier relative to the static antennas on nearby bedrock. Processing incorporated precise satellite orbits from the International GNSS Service (IGS), with no further orbit improvement. A second-order quadratic was fit to the 5 s position data to obtain daily velocities. A linear fit was applied to the sites at the calving front (sites 14–17), which were occupied for a shorter time interval. Uncertainties in velocity are less than 0.1 m day1 (de Juan et al. 2010). Satellite remote sensing Two DEMs were generated using ASTER images taken at midday on August 25 and August 30, 2006. Processing of the stereo bands to epipolar geometry, and parallax matching was done automatically using commercial software developed by the Japanese ASTER Science Team and described by Fujisada et al. (2005). Products generated using identical procedures can now be ordered from the NASA/USGS Land Processes Distributed Active Archive (LP DAAC) at gov/pub/imswelcome The commercial software produces DEMs with a post-spacing of 30 m, which are subsequently interpolated to 15 m to match the resolution of the VNIR bands. Geolocation of the ASTER DEMs is entirely on the basis of the satellite ephemeris information contained in the image header file, which is considered to be better than 50 m (Fujisada et al. 2005). DEM uncertainties are a combination of systematic errors, and random errors due to satellite positioning, image acquisition geometry, and atmospheric conditions. We detect a systematic bias in the vertical of 17.79 m between the two DEM scenes based on relative elevation differences of static bedrock surfaces. Once this bias is removed, calculated random errors contribute to a root mean square error of 7.1 m for the image pair, based on a comparison of elevation differences in static regions (Stearns and Hamilton 2007). This error is consistent with Fujisada et al. (2005), who report a DEM vertical accuracy of 20 m with 95% confidence (2). Rivera et al. (2005) report an RMS error of 17 m, based on a comparison of ASTER DEMs and photogrammetrically produced DEMs. In a similar study, Kääb (2002) compared ASTER DEMs with DEMs produced by photogrammetry for mountain regions in the Swiss Alps and New Zealand. In such cases, uncertainties in absolute elevations can be quite large (60 m RMS) because of rugged topography (Kääb 2002). The uncertainties in relative elevations, important for surface elevation change and volume loss estimates, are usually much smaller. Stevens et al. (2004) note that, in the absence of appreciable atmospheric water vapor, RMS uncertainties for relative ASTER DEMs are less than 10 m for moderately rugged terrain. ASTER-derived velocity data Velocities are derived from automatic tracking of surface features on sequential ASTER images using a cross-correlation technique implemented in the IMCORR software package (Scambos et al. 1992). The software was originally developed for mapping displacements on low-slope ice streams in West Antarctica (e.g., Bindschadler and Scambos 1991, Scambos et al. 1992) from Landsat imagery, but has been adapted to steep, fast-moving outlet glaciers and other image types (Whillans and Tseng 1995, Wuite 2006, Ahn and Howat 2011). IMCORR tracks the displacement of surface features (e.g., crevasses, seracs) in two co-registered and orthorectified images. The program uses a normalized cross-covariance correlation method to match the surface features in each image pair. IMCORR uses small subscenes (‘‘chips’’) from each image to track displacements. A ‘‘reference chip’’ from the older image moves in a grid-like pattern through a ‘‘search chip’’ in the newer image (Fig. 8.9). For each position, a correlation coefficient is calculated, creating a 2D correlation function that has a peak shape. The reported match is the location with the maximum correlation value. The shape of the correlation function is an important indicator of measurement accuracy: the sharper the peak, the more accurate the match (Wuite 2006). If no match is found, a null vector is output. IMCORR allows the user to control the size and offset of the chips to adjust for the time separation of the images, the speed of the glacier, the size of trackable features, and the direction of flow. Because glacier flow speeds can range from centimeters to kilometers per year within a single image, the strength of the correlation will vary. Optimizing 196 Glacier fluctuations and dynamics around the margin of the Greenland Ice Sheet Figure 8.9. Two ASTER scenes of Helheim Glacier illustrating the IMCORR technique. A reference window in the 2005 scene is compared with a larger search window in the 2006 scene. Once a match is found, the displacement is calculated from the midpoint of the two chips. Boxes are enlarged in the figure, for clarity. the correlation strength can be done by manually adjusting the chip sizes, or implementing an automatic adjustment in the code (Wuite 2006). Sequential images used for cross-correlation must be largely cloud free, and are required to have similar illumination characteristics (Scambos et al. 1992). The ASTER instrument’s cross-track, offnadir scene acquisition capability (24 ) in the VNIR introduces an image geometry change that must be considered during scene selection. Over regions of rugged relief, such as in East Greenland, we find that the pointing angles of sequential images need to be within 3 to maintain similar geometric characteristics. If the pointing angle difference is greater than 3 , panoramic distortion inhibits cross-correlation. A further consideration is the time interval between sequential image acquisition. The time separation must be long enough for features to be displaced more than the measurement uncertainty, but not so long that features are distorted beyond recognition. The measured displacements of surface features have several sources of uncertainty originating from image orthorectification, co-registration, and application of the feature-matching technique. Orthorectification using the ASTER DEM translates DEM errors onto the orthorectified image. Kääb (2002) reports a 10 m ground position error for rough terrain and a 3 m error for moderate terrain based on a similar analysis in the Swiss Alps. Overall, resampling errors during orthoprojection translate to positional errors that are at the subpixel (<15 m) level. Uncertainty associated with the image crosscorrelation technique is also smaller than the pixel size of 15 m. Matches with uncertainties larger than 1 pixel are discarded. Because uncertainty in the acquisition times of the imagery is negligible, velocity uncertainty is inversely proportional to the time separation of the image pairs. In this study, because our two images are only 5 days apart, the cumulative velocity error is relatively large (4.24 m day1 , or 21% of total velocity). 8.3.3 Results Elevation The DEM software outputs elevations in the EGM96 geoid, at an interpolated post-spacing of 15 m. To permit comparison with GPS ellipsoidal heights, the DEM heights were converted to the WGS-84 ellipsoid using parameters found at /GandG/wgs84/gravitymod/ egm96/intpt.html The geoid–ellipsoid difference is 50 m at Helheim Glacier. The results of the comparison are shown in Fig. 8.10A and Table 8.1. The August 30 DEM has a systematic bias of 17.79 m, ASTER data for GLIMS: STARS, DARs, gain settings, and image seasons 197 Figure 8.10. Elevation results from GPS and two ASTER-derived DEMS. (A) Elevation differences between GPS data and ASTER DEMs. ’’Raw’’ elevations are the values for pixels nominally containing each GPS site. The asterisk indicates that better elevation matches were obtained from neighboring pixels (within 50 m). The August 25/30, 2006 comparison is done with bias-corrected values for the August 30, 2006 DEM. ASTER elevation uncertainties are 10 m, as described in the text. (B) GPS results, and ASTER elevations from a DEM with 15 m pixel postspacing. and consistently underestimates the GPS elevations with an RMS difference of 33.71 m. The RMS difference between the August 25 DEM and the GPS elevations is 12.56 m. These comparisons are based on DEMs with 15 m post-spacings and the nominal pixel coordinates of each GPS site. GPS sites were installed on the peaks of nunataks (rock sites 1–3) and on relatively high locations on the ice (sites 4–17) to improve satellite visibility, which partly explains why ASTER DEMs systematically underestimate GPS measurements. Some of the remaining difference might be due to image geolocation. The geolocational uncertainty of ASTER DEMs (50 m) (Fujisada et al. 2005) means that the best elevation match is not always at the pixel location prescribed by the coordinates of the GPS site. GPS to DEM elevation differences can be minimized by searching for better elevation matches in pixels within 50 m of the original pixel (i.e., within the range of geolocational uncertainty of the GPS site on the image) (noted with an asterisk in Fig. 8.10). The results show an RMS difference of 9.56 m for the August 25 DEM, and 25.52 m for the August 30 DEM (Table 8.1). When comparing glacier surface elevations over time, the accuracy of each DEM relative to other DEMs is more important than the absolute accuracy of an individual DEM. We detect a systematic bias between the two DEMs, in which the August 30 DEM yields elevations consistently lower than the August 25 DEM by an RMS of 17.79 m. The bias was quantified by measuring the elevation difference over static bedrock regions on the two images, in 5 5 km boxes. The bias accounts for most of the RMS difference of 22.94 m between the two DEMs (at each GPS location). When the August 30 DEM is corrected for the bias, the RMS difference drops to 6.52 m. Most of the remaining 198 Glacier fluctuations and dynamics around the margin of the Greenland Ice Sheet Table 8.1. Summary of errors for absolute and relative DEMs of different post-spacings. The asterisk indicates that elevations from neighboring pixels (within 50 m) were considered. The absolute DEM RMS quantifies the difference between the GPS elevations and the elevations derived from ASTER DEMs on August 25 and August 30. The relative DEM describes the RMS difference between the two DEMs at each site. DEM description August 25 absolute DEM August 30 absolute DEM Relative DEM 15 m 12.56 m 33.71 m 17.31 m 15 m* 9.56 m 25.52 m 22.94 m 150 m* 9.37 m 16.86 m 10.53 m difference is due to ‘‘noise’’. The 15 m DEMs are ‘‘noisy’’ products, as a result of the crevassed and rugged surface of Helheim Glacier. Stearns and Hamilton (2007) eliminated much of this noise by resampling the DEMs to 150 m using a bicubic spline. By carrying out a similar smoothing of the August 25 and August 30 DEMs, we obtain RMS differences of 10.53 m (Table 8.1). Velocity Velocities were derived from the two ASTER scenes using several different IMCORR input parameters and grid sizes. The grid interval determines the spacing of the reference chips, and therefore the number of velocity vectors. A small grid interval will increase the number of vectors, but can lead to oversampling because the individual vectors are not statistically independent (Wuite 2006). The results, shown in Fig. 8.11, suggest that different grid spacings produce slightly different velocities. An IMCORR grid spacing of 5 grid cells, which results in a post-spacing of 75 m (because the image resolution is 15 m), generates slightly faster velocities, probably because of the oversampling issue mentioned above. Overall, ASTER-derived velocities are consistent with GPS measurements (Fig. 8.12). The RMS difference between the GPS and the ASTER velocities (gridded to 150 m) is 0.89 m day1 , well within the errors assigned to the ASTER results. The offset is higher using velocities gridded to 375 m (2.46 m day1 ) and 75 m (1.53 m day1 ). For Helheim Glacier, a fast-flowing glacier, gridding the featuretracking results to 150 m generates flow speeds Figure 8.11. The influence of different IMCORR grid spacings on derived velocities. Discussion and conclusion 199 Figure 8.12. Velocity results from GPS and ASTER-derived velocity measurements. which best match GPS observations. Depending on the gridding routine, individual point measurements have an RMS difference of between 0.89 m day1 and 2.46 m day1 , or 6–17% of the flow speed. The IMCORR software yields the displacements in X and Y components, which are used to determine the direction of flow (Fig. 8.13). ASTER flow azimuths are compared with GPS results in Fig. 8.13. The RMS difference of the azimuths is 8.60 . This small difference shows that the featuretracking results duplicate both the magnitude and direction of flow, even with a very short time separation between the image pairs. 8.4 Figure 8.13. The velocity vectors of GPS (red) and ASTER-derived (black) data. ASTER velocities for sites 4–6 and 17 are not available. Sites 1–3 are rock sites. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION A direct comparison of satellite data and terrestrial measurements shows that ASTER imagery is well suited for applications in glacier dynamics.Velocity measurements derived from ASTER images capture the magnitude and direction of ice flow. In a new glacier inventory we have documented 41,591 km 2 of glaciers, mainly detached from the Greenland Ice Sheet, in central East Greenland. Multiple 200 Glacier fluctuations and dynamics around the margin of the Greenland Ice Sheet repeat ASTER and Landsat 7 ETMþ images of the Blosseville Kyst show tidewater glacier changes, including an overwhelming dominant pattern of rapid but time-variable rates of retreat. The RMS difference between ASTER DEMs and GPS elevations ranges from 9.37 to 12.56 m (for DEMs with no systematic bias), depending on whether smoothed or unsmoothed DEMs are used. Most of the elevation errors arise from the geolocation error of individual images, with the remaining difference probably being due to GPS sites being placed on locally high terrain to improve satellite visibility. The two ASTER DEMs demonstrate good repeatability over the glacier surface, especially at a grid spacing of 150 m, and after biases are removed. Finally, while ASTER imagery usually generates good DEMs and velocity maps, images should be scrutinized before use. Images with clouds, low Sun elevations, high off-nadir pointing angles, or inappropriate gain settings will not produce good results. Systematic biases between DEMs do occur, and DEMs should be validated over static surfaces (e.g., bedrock) to test their relative geolocation and elevations. This is especially true when using ASTER DEMs to detect changes in elevation on glaciers. Given the error budget, ASTER DEMs are probably only valid when glacier elevation changes are greater than 25 m over 5 years. 8.5 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS L.A.S. partially carried out her work at the University of Maine and thanks Gordon S. Hamilton for collaborative input. Research support for L.A.S. was provided by NASA grant NNX08AD38G awarded to G.S. Hamilton. H.J. thanks her student Dan Junlin for assistance with glacier inventory development and analysis. Research support to H.J. was through NSERC Discovery and NSERC UFA grants. 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