Perfect Competition Slides by: John & Pamela Hall ECONOMICS 3e / HALL & LIEBERMAN PERFECT COMPETITION © 2005 South-Western/Thomson Learning Perfect Competition • Sellers want to sell at the highest possible price – Buyers seek lowest possible price – All trade is voluntary • When we observe buyers and sellers in action – See that different goods and services are sold in vastly different ways • When economists turn their attention to differences in trading they think immediately about market structure – Characteristics of a market that influence behavior of buyers and sellers when they come together to trade 2 Perfect Competition • To determine structure of any particular market, we begin by asking – How many buyers and sellers are there in the market? – Is each seller offering a standardized product, more or less indistinguishable from that offered by other sellers • Or are there significant differences between the products of different firms? – Are there any barriers to entry or exit, or can outsiders easily enter and leave this market? • Answers to these questions help us to classify a market into one of four basic types – – – – Perfect competition Monopoly Monopolistic Oligopoly 3 The Three Requirements of Perfect Competition • Large numbers of buyers and sellers, and – Each buys or sells only a tiny fraction of the total quantity in the market – Sellers offer a standardized product – Sellers can easily enter into or exit from market 4 A Large Number of Buyers and Sellers • In perfect competition, there must be many buyers and sellers – How many? • Number must be so large that no individual decision maker can significantly affect price of the product by changing quantity it buys or sells 5 A Standardized Product Offered by Sellers • Buyers do not perceive significant differences between products of one seller and another – For instance, buyers of wheat do not prefer one farmer’s wheat over another 6 Easy Entry into and Exit from the Market • Entry into a market is rarely free—a new seller must always incur some costs to set up shop, begin production, and establish contacts with customers – But perfectly competitive market has no significant barriers to discourage new entrants • Any firm wishing to enter can do business on the same terms as firms that are already there • In many markets there are significant barriers to entry – Legal barriers – Existing sellers have an important advantage that new entrants can not duplicate • Brand loyalty enjoyed by existing producers would require a new entrant to wrest customers away from existing firms – Significant economies of scale may give existing firms a cost advantage over new entrants 7 Easy Entry into and Exit from the Market • Perfect competition is also characterized by easy exit – A firm suffering a long-run loss must be able to sell off its plant and equipment and leave the industry for good, without obstacles • Significant barriers to entry and exit can completely change the environment in which trading takes place 8 Is Perfect Competition Realistic? • Assumptions market must satisfy to be perfectly competitive are rather restrictive • In vast majority of markets, one or more of assumptions of perfect competition will, in a strict sense, be violated – Yet when economists look at real-world markets, they use perfect competition more often than any other market structure • Why is this? – Model of perfect competition is powerful – Many markets—while not strictly perfectly competitive—come reasonably close • We can even—with some caution—use model to analyze markets that violate all three assumptions • Perfect competition can approximate conditions and yield accurate-enough predictions in a wide variety of markets 9 The Perfectly Competitive Firm • When we examine a competitive market from a distance, we get one view of what is occurring – When we closely examine the individual competitive firm, we get an entirely different picture • In learning about competitive firm, must also discuss competitive market in which it operates 10 Figure 1: The Competitive Industry and Firm 11 Goals and Constraints of the Competitive Firm • Perfectly competitive firm faces a cost constraint like any other firm • Cost of producing any given level of output depends on – Firm’s production technology – Prices it must pay for its inputs 12 The Demand Curve Facing a Perfectly Competitive Firm • Panel (b) of Figure 1 shows demand curve facing Small Time Gold Mines – Notice special shape of this curve • It’s horizontal, or infinitely price elastic • Why should this be? – In perfect competition output is standardized – No matter how much a firm decides to produce, it cannot make a noticeable difference in market quantity supplied • So cannot affect market price 13 The Demand Curve Facing a Perfectly Competitive Firm • Means Small Time has no control over the price of its output – Simply accepts market price as given • In perfect competition, firm is a price taker – Treats the price of its output as given and beyond its control • Since a competitive firm takes the market price as given – Its only decision is how much output to produce and sell 14 Cost and Revenue Data for a Competitive Firm • For a competitive firm, marginal revenue at each quantity is the same as the market price • For this reason, marginal revenue curve and demand curve facing firm are the same – A horizontal line at the market price 15 Figure 2: Profit Maximization in Perfect Competition 16 The Total Revenue and Total Cost Approach • Most direct way of viewing firm’s search for the profit-maximizing output level • At each output level, subtract total cost from total revenue to get total profit at that output level – Total Profit = TR - TC 17 The Marginal Revenue and Marginal Cost Approach • Firm should continue to increase output as long as marginal revenue > marginal cost • Remember that profit-maximizing output is found where MC curve crosses MR curve from below • Finding the profit-maximizing output level for a competitive firm requires no new concepts or techniques 18 Measuring Total Profit • Start with firm’s profit per unit – Revenue it gets on each unit minus cost per unit • Revenue per unit is the price (P) of the firm’s output, and cost per unit is our familiar ATC, so we can write – Profit per unit = P – ATC • Firm earns a profit whenever P > ATC – Its total profit at the best output level equals area of a rectangle with height equal to distance between P and ATC, and width equal to level of output • A firm suffers a loss whenever P < ATC at the best level of output – Its total loss equals area of a rectangle • Height equals distance between P and ATC • Width equals level of output 19 Figure 3: Measuring Profit or Loss 20 The Firm’s Short-Run Supply Curve • A competitive firm is a price taker – Takes market price as given and then decides how much output it will produce at that price • Profit-maximizing output level is always found by traveling from the price, across to the firm’s MC curve, and then down to the horizontal axis, or – As price of output changes, firm will slide along its MC curve in deciding how much to produce • Exception – If the firm is suffering a loss large enough to justify shutting down • It will not produce along its MC curve • It will produce zero units instead 21 Figure 4: Short-Run Supply Under Perfect Competition 22 The Shutdown Price • Price at which a firm is indifferent between producing and shutting down • Can summarize all of this information in a single curve— firm’s supply curve – Tells us how much output the firm will produce at any price • Supply curve has two parts – For all prices above minimum point on its AVC curve, supply curve coincides with MC curve – For all prices below minimum point on AVC curve, firm will shut down • So its supply curve is a vertical line segment at zero units of output • For all prices below $1—the shutdown price—output is zero and the supply curve coincides with vertical axis 23 Competitive Markets in the ShortRun • Short-run is a time period too short for firm to vary all of its inputs – Quantity of at least one input remains fixed • Let’s extend concept of short-run from firm to market as a whole • Conclusion – In short-run, number of firms in industry is fixed 24 The (Short-Run) Market Supply Curve • Once we know how to find supply curve of each individual firm in a market – Can easily determine the short-run market supply curve • Shows amount of output that all sellers in market will offer at each price – To obtain market supply curve sum quantities of output supplied by all firms in market at each price • As we move along this curve, we are assuming that two things are constant – Fixed inputs of each firm – Number of firms in market 25 Figure 5: Deriving The Market Supply Curve 26 Short-Run Equilibrium • How does a perfectly competitive market achieve equilibrium? – In perfect competition, market sums buying and selling preferences of individual consumers and producers, and determines market price • Each buyer and seller then takes market price as given – Each is able to buy or sell desired quantity • Competitive firms can earn an economic profit or suffer an economic loss 27 Figure 6: Perfect Competition 28 Figure 7: Short-Run Equilibrium in Perfect Competition (a) Market (b) Firm Dollars Price per Bushel MC ATC S $3.50 $3.50 d1 Loss per Bushel at p = $2 2.00 D1 2.00 Profit per Bushel at p = $3.50 d2 D2 400,000 700,000 Bushels per Year 4,000 7,000 Bushels per Year 29 Profit and Loss and the Long Run • In a competitive market, economic profit and loss are the forces driving long-run change – Expectation of continued economic profit (losses) causes outsiders (insiders) to enter (exit) the market • In real world entry and exit occur literally every day – In some cases, we see entry occur through formation of an entirely new firm – Entry can also occur when an existing firm adds a new product to its line • Exit can occur in different ways – Firm may go out of business entirely, selling off its assets and freeing itself once and for all from all costs – Firm switches out of a particular product line, even as it continues to produce other things 30 From Short-Run Profit to Long-Run Equilibrium • As we enter long-run, much will change – Economic profit will attract new entrants • Increasing number of firms in market – As number of firms increases, market supply curve will shift rightward causing several things to happen » Market price begins to fall » As market price falls, demand curve facing each firm shifts downward » Each firm—striving as always to maximize profit—will slide down its marginal cost curve, decreasing output 31 From Short-Run Profit to Long-Run Equilibrium • This process of adjustment—in the market and the firm—continues until…well, until when? – When the reason for entry—positive profit—no longer exits – Requires market supply curve to shift rightward enough, and the price to fall enough • So that each existing firm is earning zero economic profit • In a competitive market, positive economic profit continues to attract new entrants until economic profit is reduced to zero 32 Figure 8: From Short-Run Profit To Long-Run Equilibrium 33 From Short-Run Loss to Long-Run Equilibrium • What if we begin from a position of loss? – Same type of adjustments will occur, only in the opposite direction • In a competitive market, economic losses continue to cause exit until losses are reduced to zero • When there are no significant barriers to exit – Economic loss will eventually drive firms from the industry • Raising market price until typical firm breaks even again 34 Distinguishing Short-Run from LongRun Outcomes • In short-run equilibrium, competitive firms can earn profits or suffer losses – In long-run equilibrium, after entry or exit has occurred, economic profit is always zero • When economists look at a market, they automatically think of short-run versus longrun – Choose the period more appropriate for question at hand 35 The Notion of Zero Profit in Perfect Competition • We have not yet discussed plant size of competitive firm • The same forces—entry and exit—that cause all firms to earn zero economic profit also ensure – In long-run equilibrium, every competitive firm will select its plant size and output level so that it operates at minimum point of its LRATC curve 36 Perfect Competition and Plant Size • Figure 9(a) illustrates a firm in a perfectly competitive market – But panel (a) does not show a true long-run equilibrium – How do we know this? • In long-run typical firm will want to expand • Why? – Because by increasing its plant size, it could slide down its LRATC curve and produce more output at a lower cost per unit – By expanding firm could potentially earn an economic profit • Same opportunity to earn positive economic profit will attract new entrants that will establish larger plants from the outset • Entry and expansion must continue in this market until the price falls to P* – Because only then will each firm—doing the best that it can do— earn zero economic profit 37 Figure 9: Perfect Competition and Plant Size 38 A Summary of the Competitive Firm in the Long-Run • Can put it all together with a very simple statement – At each competitive firm in long-run equilibrium • P = MC = minimum ATC = minimum LRATC • In figure 9(b), this equality is satisfied when the typical firm produces at point E – Where its demand, marginal cost, ATC, and LRATC curves all intersect • In perfect competition, consumers are getting the best deal they could possibly get 39 A Change in Demand • Short-run impact of an increase in demand is – Rise in market price – Rise in market quantity – Economic profits • What happens in long-run after demand curve shifts rightward? – Market equilibrium will move from point A to point C • Long-run supply curve – Curve indicating quantity of output that all sellers in a market will produce at different prices • After all long-run adjustments have taken place 40 Figure 10: An Increasing-Cost Industry 41 Figure 10: An Increasing-Cost Industry NEW EQUILIBRIUM Firm Market Price per Unit Dollars MC B S1 PSR S2 C SLR P2 P1 A B PSR C ATC1 P2 P1 ATCdSR= MRSR A d2= MR2 d1= MR1 D2 D1 Q1 QSR Q2 Output per Period q1 q2 qSR Output per Period 42 Increasing, Decreasing, and Constant Cost Industries • Increase in demand for inputs causes price of those inputs to rise • This type of industry (which is the most common) is called an increasing cost industry – Entry causes input prices to rise • Shifts up typical firm’s ATC curve – Raises market price at which firms earn zero economic profit » As a result, long-run supply curve slopes upward 43 Increasing, Decreasing, and Constant Cost Industries • Other possibilities – Industry might use such a small percentage of total inputs that— even as new firms enter—there is no noticeable effect on input prices • Called a constant cost industry – Entry has no effect on input prices, so typical firm’s ATC curve stays put » Market price at which firms earn zero economic profit does not change » Long-run supply curve is horizontal – Decreasing cost industry, in which entry by new firms actually decreases input prices • Entry causes input prices to fall – Causes typical firm’s ATC curve to shift downward » Lowers market price at which firms earn zero economic profit » As a result, long-run supply curve slopes downward 44 Market Signals and the Economy • In real world, demand curves for different goods and services are constantly shifting • As demand increases or decreases in a market, prices change • Economy is driven to produce whatever collection of goods consumers prefer • In a market economy, price changes act as market signals, ensuring that pattern of production matches pattern of consumer demands – When demand increases, a rise in price signals firms to enter market, increasing industry output – When demand decreases, a fall in price signals firms to exit market, decreasing industry output 45 Market Signals and the Economy • Market signal – Price changes that cause firms to change their production to more closely match consumer demand • No single person or government agency directs this process – This is what Adam Smith meant when he suggested that individual decision makers act for the overall benefit of society • Even though, as individuals, they are merely trying to satisfy their own desires • As if guided by an invisible hand 46 Using the Theory: Changes in Technology • Competitive markets ensure that technological advances are turned into benefits for consumers • One industry that has experienced especially rapid technological changes in the 1990s is farming • Let’s see what happens when new, higher-yield corn seeds are made available – Suppose first that only one farm uses the new technology • In long-run, economic profit at this farm will cause two things to happen – All other farms in market will have a powerful incentive to adopt new technology—to plant the new, genetically engineered seed themselves – Outsiders will have an incentive to enter this industry with plants utilizing the new technology • Shifting market supply curve rightward and driving down the market price 47 Using the Theory: Changes in Technology • Can draw two conclusions about technological change under perfect competition – All farms in the market must use the new technology – Gainers are consumers of corn, since they benefit from the lower price • Impact of technological change – Under perfect competition, a technological advance leads to a rightward shift of market supply curve, decreasing market price • In short-run, early adopters may enjoy economic profit, but in long-run, all adopters will earn zero economic profit • Firms that refuse to use the new technology will not survive 48 Using the Theory: Changes in Technology • Technological advances in many competitive industries have spread quickly – Shifting market supply curves rapidly and steadily rightward over the past 100 years • While this has often been hard on individual competitive firms it has led to huge rewards for consumers 49 Figure 11: Technological Change in Perfect Competition (b) Firm (a) Market Price per Bushel Dollars per Bushel S1 S2 ATC1 A ATC2 d1 = MR1 $3 $3 B 2 2 d2 = MR2 D Q1 Q2 Bushels per Day 1000 Bushels per Day 50