Version 1: 24/06/2004 OLLSCOILE NA hEIREANN, GAILLIMH POLICY STATEMENT AND CODE OF PRACTICE FOR THE EMPLOYMENT OF PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES 22 May, 2000. POLICY STATEMENT The University is committed to a policy of diversity and is seeking to increase the number of people with disabilities in the workforce. Applications from suitably qualified people with disabilities are welcome. It is the policy of the University to ensure equality of opportunity in employment and training for people with disabilities. People with disabilities will be selected for employment and advancement on the basis of merit and abilities. In order to encourage applications from, and the employment of people with disabilities, the University will endeavour to a) Employ people with disabilities in jobs for which they are suited b) Take positive action to facilitate the integration of people with a disability into employment c) Establish targets to increase the numbers of people with disabilities employed d) Continue the employment of those individuals who become disabled whilst in the University’s employment for example by restructuring the employee’s own job and offering retraining, redeployment and/or rehabilitation if necessary e) Ensure that employees with disabilities have every opportunity to be considered for promotion/advancement f) Co-operate closely with the Equality Authority and the National Disability Authority and, so that the University can retain an employee with a disability or recruit a person with a disability, make use of the special services and advice offered by statutory and voluntary agencies and any other agencies with an interest in promoting the issue g) Provide reasonable accommodation, create an accessible and safe working environment. All employees of the university have a responsibility to accept their personal involvement in the practical application of this policy. Specific responsibility falls upon senior staff, particularly Heads of Departments/Units and those in managerial and supervisory roles as well as staff involved in recruitment, employee administration and training. Such responsibilities will be monitored by the Equality Officer and the Equality subcommittee of Human Resources Committee. -2- LEGAL DEFINITION “Disability” as defined by the Employment Equality Act, 1998 – (a) the total or partial absence of a person’s bodily or mental functions, including the absence of a part of a person’s body, (b) the presence in the body of organisms causing, or likely to cause, chronic disease or illness, (c) the malfunction, malformation or disfigurement of a part of a person’s body, (d) a condition or malfunction which results in a person learning differently from a person without the condition or malfunction, or (e) a condition, illness or disease which affects a person’s thought processes, perception of reality, emotions or judgement or which results in disturbed behaviour, and shall be taken to include disability which exists at present, or which previously existed but no longer exists or which may exist in the future or which is imputed to a person” Section 16(3) of the Act provides that – “(a) For the purposes of this Act, a person who has a disability shall not be regarded as other than fully competent to undertake, and fully capable of undertaking, any duties if, with the assistance of special treatment or facilities, such person would be fully competent to undertake, and be fully capable of undertaking, those duties. (b) An employer shall do all that is reasonable to accommodate the needs of a person who has a disability by providing special treatment or facilities to which paragraph (a) relates. (c) A refusal or failure to provide for special treatment or facilities to which paragraph (a) relates shall not be deemed reasonable unless such provision would give rise to a cost, other than a nominal cost, to the employer.” -3- CODE OF PRACTICE The University welcomes applications from people with disabilities for posts, for which they are qualified. Their applications will be considered on the basis of abilities, competencies, qualifications and suitability for the work in question. All information provided will be treated in confidence. Particular arrangements can be made e.g. by telephone, email or audiotape. People with disabilities will be selected for employment, training and promotion on the basis of merit and the ability to do the job. 1. 2. Selection and Interview process (a) The University will endeavour to accommodate, at all times, candidates with disabilities who have particular needs to enable them to compete on equal terms with other candidates. (b) When interviewing candidates with disabilities, special arrangements will be made as required e.g. a speech-impaired person to bring an interpreter, sign language interpreter. (Appendix 1 – “Workplace/Equipment Adaptation Grant”). (c) Where written testing is applicable, every effort will be made to accommodate the candidate’s particular needs, e.g. separate room, additional time, computer etc. (d) Interview board members and immediate line managers will be trained on disability /equality awareness and will be supplied with a copy of this code. (e) After the selection process, at the pre-employment medical, emphasis on the individual’s ability to carry out the tasks of the position is the only concern. (f) The Personnel Office will keep in constant contact with statutory agencies, Career Offices, FAS, Disability Press, Internet, in an effort to bring job vacancies to the widest possible audience. Integration in the workplace. (a) The early working days of newly recruited disabled persons will be closely monitored so problems which are identified can be discussed openly with a view to finding ways of overcoming them, e.g. changes in accommodation or in equipment to achieve optimum performance on the job. -4- 3. (b) In consultation with the new staff member with a disability, due regard will be given to location close to accessible amenities. (c) The Head of Department/Unit and line manager/supervisor will be fully informed of the staff member’s circumstances. (The right to medical confidentiality will be respected). d) The co-operation and support of co-workers is essential to the successful induction and integration of any new member of staff. The Head of Department/Unit and line managers will promote positive peer support for members of staff with disabilities. Career Development Staff with disabilities will have the same opportunities as other staff to develop full and rewarding careers in NUI, Galway. (a) In assigning duties to staff with disabilities, care should be taken to ensure, to the greatest extent possible, that they are given the same opportunities as other staff to acquire the range of skills and experience necessary for future career development. (b) While it is appreciated that some staff with disabilities may not be able to undertake the duties of all posts in their grade, every effort will be made to afford them the same opportunities as other staff to broaden their experience through staff mobility arrangements and provision of reasonable accommodations. (c) Staff with disabilities will be offered the same access to the full range of training as other staff. (d) Measures will be taken to ensure that staff with disabilities are not inhibited from availing of such opportunities by problems of physical or sensory access to training centres or conference rooms or by the format of training materials, etc. (e) Where it appears that staff with disabilities will have a reluctance to apply for positions because of their disability, staff will be positively encouraged to apply for promotional posts. -5- 4. Retention in Employment “Losing the services of an employee who becomes disabled deprives an organisation of a considerable asset and investment in terms of their skills, experience, training and the loyalty and commitment they may have shown”. IBEC Any staff member can acquire a disability at any stage during her/his working life or may have a disability that is progressive in nature. Every effort will be made to assist the individual back to full employment, whether in their existing job or suitable alternative. This could include measures such as job restructuring, re-training, re-location and flexible working arrangements. 5. 6. Accommodation and Equipment (a) The Director of Physical Resources in undertaking any significant structural alterations to existing buildings will ensure that designs include such alterations as are necessary to bring the buildings concerned up to the statutory standard of accessibility, and provide reasonable accommodation and adequate facilities for people with disabilities. (b) The Director of Human Resources will consult with staff with disabilities about assistive devices and IT, which might enhance their efficiency and effectiveness in performing their duties, and adopt a positive approach to reasonable requests for such equipment. Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (a) The University is committed, insofar as is reasonably practicable, to provide a safe and healthy working environment for all its employees. In compliance with the 1993 Safety Regulations this includes access to work area and facilities, workstation set-up, selection of work equipment and the important issue of emergency procedures. (b) Where employees are disabled through reduced mobility, hearing or sight, it is important that they are able to make as rapid and safe an exit (as their able-bodied colleagues) in the case of fire or other emergency. -6- (c) 7. It is a general requirement that emergency procedures are preplanned and that planning should have regard to the needs of all occupants. The procedure will vary according to the needs of the person with the disability, their relationship to the building they occupy and its structural characteristics. Evacuation Procedures When an employee with a disability joins the staff of NUI, Galway the following steps will be taken in consultation with the Health and Safety Officer and the Fire Officer. 8. (a) Devise personal evacuation plans in consultation with the individual, tailored to meet their requirements. (b) Staff who have been nominated as responsible for assisting with evacuation will need to be trained in lifting or guiding techniques as necessary, everyone will need to participate in practice drills. (c) Where staff are unable to use stairways without assistance it will be necessary to identify refuge areas, free from any obstruction in which the person can safely remain before being assisted to final exit. (d) Where necessary, visual warning signals for people with hearing difficulties should be installed. (e) A practice fire drill, in which at least one person with a mobility difficulty is assisted to a place of safety, should be carried out at least once a year. Implementing this code (a) All University staff have a role in ensuring that the provisions of this Code are adhered to. Specific responsibility falls upon senior staff, particularly those in managerial and supervisory roles and will be monitored by the Equality Officer. (b) When expert advice is required, at both recruitment and after consulting the person with the disability, the Personnel Office will contact the appropriate organisation where the advice is likely to be found. (Appendix II – “Some sources of help”) (c) The Equality Subcommittee of Human Resources will monitor the implementation of this Code on an ongoing basis. -7- APPENDIX I WORKPLACE/EQUIPMENT ADAPTATION GRANT If you think that the workplace or equipment is not suitable, a grant may be available towards the cost of making the necessary adaptations. Aids and adaptations for which a grant may be given include: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Ramps for wheelchair users Alarm systems with flashing list to assist people with hearing impairments Voice synthesizers for visually impaired computer users Modification of toilets Machinery adaptations e.g. can be used by foot instead of hand Grants are also available if – (a) (b) About to employ a person with a disability Continuing to employ a worker who has become disabled A maximum of £5,000 will be paid on completion of the adaptations to premises or equipment. Free advice can be provided on making adaptations to buildings and sourcing suppliers of specialised equipment Job Interview Interpreter/Personal Reader Grant A person with a speech or hearing impairment attending a job interview can apply to have an interpreter present of their interview. Applications for Interpreters should be made to: Irish Sign Link, 25 Clyde Road Ballsbridge Dublin 4 Telephone: 01/6080437. In addition to Personal Reader grant is available to those who are visually impaired and who need support with reading. -8- APPENDIX II SOME SOURCES OF HELP – ORGANISATIONS Organisation Address Telephone No. AHEAD – Association for Higher Education Access and Disability Newman House 86 St. Stephen’s Green Dublin 2 01/4752386 Aids Help West Ozanam House St Augustine Street Galway 091/566266 Arthritis Foundation of Ireland 1 Clanwilliam Square Grand Canal Quay Dublin 2 01/6618188 Aware Defeat Depression 147 Phibsboro Road Dublin 7 01/8308449 Cerebral Palsy Ireland Galway Centre Seamus Quirke Road, Galway 091/526321 Cheshire Foundation of Ireland 46 Pembroke Road Dublin 4 01/6670323 Cystic Fibrosis Association of Ireland C.F. House Lane 24 Lr Rathmines Rd Dublin 6 01/4962433 Department of Justice, Equality & Law Reform 43/49 Mespil Road Dublin 4 01/6670344 Disability Federation of Ireland 2 Sandyford Office Pk Dublin 18 01/2959344 Employment Equality Agency Clonmel Street Off Harcourt Street Dublin 2 01/4173333 Forum of People with Disabilities First Floor – 21 Hill St Dublin 1 01/8786075 Galway County Association For Mentally Handicapped The Halls Quay Street Galway 091/567291 -9- Irish Council of People with Disabilities (ICPD) 4th Floor, Park House North Circular Road Dublin 7 01/8683502 Irish Diabetic Association 76 Lower Gardiner St Dublin 2 01/8363022 Irish Epilepsy Association Ozhnam House St. Augustine St Galway 091/568180 Irish Haemophilia Society 4/5 Eustace Street Dublin 2 01/6778529 Irish Heart Foundation Canavan House, Nuns Island Galway 091/563860 Irish Kidney Association 156 Pembroke Road Dublin 4 01/6689788 Irish Wheelchair Association 35 Dominick Street Galway 091/565598 Multiple Sclerosis Society of Ireland 35 Dominick Street Galway 091/562737 National Association for the Deaf Atlantic House 39A Prospect Hill Galway 091/564871 National Council for the Blind Francis Street Galway 091/564926 National Disability Resource Centre 44, Nth Great Georges Street Dublin 1 01/8747503 NRB – National Rehabilitation Board Ely Place Sea Road Galway 091/582111 NTDI – National Training and Development Institute Roslyn Park Beach Road Sandymount Dublin 4 01/2057200 Schizophrenia Association of Ireland Schizophrenia Ireland 4 Fitzwilliam Place Dublin 2 Helpline 01/6761988 - 10 - 1890 62 16 31