Cloud Platform Framework of Lifetime Cycle Assessment for Engineering Materials Li-jun Zhang, Wei-dong Zhang*, Xin Aixinjueluo, Peng Shi, Yi-bo Ai National Center for Materials Service Safety, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China (*Corresponding Author: Abstract – Industrial products quality is more and more expected. As most products may be the organic combination of several kinds of materials, materials databases are essential to the industrial engineering. With the new IT technologies, cloud computing and Internet of Things, the materials databases have the new development path. In this paper, we proposed a new cloud platform framework, material cloud (MatCloud), of lifetime cycle assessment for engineering materials. The proposed MatCloud platform is based on the requirement of materials science / engineering and cloud computing. By the MatCloud platform, we may overcome the limitation of the traditional materials databases. The key technologies and the prospect of the MatCloud platform were detailed analyzed. And the MatCloud platform will be gradually improved in the future. Keywords – Cloud computing, engineering materials, lifetime cycle assessment, materials cloud (MatCloud) I. INTRODUCTION With the rapid development of advanced manufacturing industry, higher request of industrial products quality is expected. And research from different disciplines is aimed to improve the quality of industrial products. From the theory of system engineering, the whole lifetime cycle should be emphatically considered. From a micro view, most industrial products may be the organic combination of several kinds of materials. And metal, the most common materials, has been used for a long time [1]. So, we should also introduce the whole lifetime cycle of materials to industrial engineering. Now, a plenty of materials databases have established to develop or evaluate new materials and structures. However, the limitation of current databases, such as the data scattering, low quality of data, regulates the development of lifetime cycle assessment for materials [2] [3]. In recent years, Internet of Things [4], cloud computing [5] and other new information technologies have taken the emerging industry reform. In this paper, a new cloud platform framework of lifetime cycle assessment for engineering materials will be presented. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section II summarizes the requirement of lifetime cycle assessment for engineering materials. In Section III, typical applications (cloud manufacturing) based on cloud computing are reviewed. And the concept of materials cloud (MatCloud) is proposed in Section IV, followed by prospect of cloud platform framework for engineering materials in Section V. Finally, conclusion is drawn in Section VI. II. REQUIREMENT OF LIFETIME CYCLE ASSESSMENT FOR ENGINEERING MATERIALS A. Whole Lifetime Cycle of Engineering Materials On June 24, 2011, the US President Obama announced a $500-million-plus initiative, Advanced Manufacturing Partnership (AMP). As an important component of AMP, the Materials Genome Initiative (MGI) is proposed [6]. MGI is similar to the Human Genome Project in a way. In China, the 14th Special Session of Xiangshan Science Conferences convened from December 21 to 23 in 2011 in Beijing to prepare proposals for MGI program in this regard. Chinese scholars and experts from different fields were invited to have in-depth discussions on materials genomes [7]. MGI framework is the next generation of materials database. And in order to establish the whole lifetime cycle of engineering materials, we should integrate the different stages of materials data. Generally speaking, the whole lifetime cycle of engineering materials is composed with discovery, development, property optimization, system design and integration, certification, manufacturing and deployment. In different stages, the requirement of fundamental data, the designing data, the experimental data and the application data, is varied. Table I shows the varied data of the lifetime cycle assessment for engineering materials. And all data should be integrated and analyzed by some mathematical methods [8] [9]. TABLE I DATA OF LIFETIME CYCLE ASSESSMENT FOR ENGINEERING MATERIALS Fundamental data M L Designing data M M Discovery Development Property M M optimization System design L M and integration Certification L M Manufacturing L L Deployment L L M: More data; L: Less data; N: NULL. Experimental data L L Application data N L M L M L L L L L L M B. Challenges of Lifetime Cycle Assessment for Materials Database From the published literatures, the materials database of lifetime cycle assessment still faces the following challenges. (1) The current databases of engineering materials are dispersed, especially lack of the databases of lifetime cycle assessment for engineering materials. (2) The quality of existing data is hardly ensured. So, materials data cannot be directly applied to the application. The data users may be afraid that the data is unreliable and incomplete. And the data providers would rather share "bad" data than "good" data with others. (3) The unified platform framework is required to integrate the different materials data. The researchers of whole lifetime cycle for engineering materials can share their data, models, methods with others via the unified platform. C. Cause Analysis of the Challenges The technical and also non-technical problems are reasons of the above challenges. (1) As we known, some technical problems, such as network security, network bandwidth and encapsulation of the services, may affect the development the materials database. The requirement of users far exceeded the service ability of materials database a few years ago. (2) And the most important reasons are non-technical problems, such as the management system and ideological concept. Commercial benefit of different companies restricts sharing of materials data. For instance, the data user will not pay or do not willing to pay, and on the other hand, the most investors do not use the database really. III. TYPICAL APPLICATION BASED ON CLOUD COMPUTING A. Basic Concept of Cloud Computing The concept of "cloud computing" was first proposed in 2007. It is built on existing advanced technologies such as clustering, grid computing and parallel computing, including virtualization technology. Cloud computing is simply a platform where individuals and companies use the Internet to access endless hardware, software and data resources for most of their computing needs [10]. In the cloud computing model, the user application does not run on the PC or mobile phones, but running on a large-scale server through internet. The data is not stored locally, but stored in the data center. The cloud computing provider responsible for managing and maintaining the data center to ensure the computing power and storage space enough for end-users. So the users can access these services with any terminal equipment at anytime, anywhere. Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-aService (PaaS) and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) are three common types of service delivery models [11]. B. Basic Concept of Cloud Manufacturing Applications based on cloud computing have formed several typical applications in recent years, such as government, education, health, and manufacturing. And the concept of cloud manufacturing is shown as follow. The concept design anywhere, manufacturing anywhere", cloud manufacturing, is proposed [12]. Cloud manufacturing is a computing and service-oriented manufacturing model. It has been considered as a new multi-disciplinary domain that contains technologies such as networked manufacturing, manufacturing grid, virtualization, Internet of Things, and cloud computing. In cloud manufacturing, distributed resources are encapsulated into cloud services and managed in a centralized way [13][14]. Clients can request services ranging from product design, manufacturing, testing, management and all other stages of a product lifecycle. A cloud manufacturing service platform performs search, intelligent mapping, recommendation and execution of a service. IV. CONCEPT OF MATERIALS CLOUD A. Development of Materials Database Based on Cloud Computing Materials cloud (MatCloud) was first proposed by National Center for Materials Service Safety (NCMS), University of Science and Technology Beijing, in 2012. In the MatCloud platform, there are four layers, the resource layer, the database layer, the tool layer and the application layer [15]. The MatCloud platform is based on the requirement of materials science and cloud computing. And the MatCloud platform can provide the knowledge for materials designing, manufacturing, service, and so on. The logical diagram of the MatCloud platform is shown in Fig 1. B. Key Technologies of MatCloud (1) Data acquisition based on Internet of Things. The whole lifetime cycle of engineering materials will generate a lot of fundamental data, designing data, experiment data and application data. And among these data, the application data (i.e. the field monitoring data) are the most essential to safety assessment of engineering materials. The Internet of Things technology may provide a more comprehensive method of status perception. And in the MatCloud platform, we should arrange more sensors to monitor the service status of engineering materials. The MatCloud platform will integrate the monitoring data to the uniformed system. Lifetime cycle assessment for engineering materials Assessment Data Monitoring Simulation Storage resource Models Experimental resource Infrastructure for MatCloud Fig.1 Logical diagram of Mat Cloud platform for lifetime cycle assessment. (2) Encapsulation for data analysis models. The MatCloud platform includes the data and models for lifetime cycle assessment of engineering materials, and shares with others. Data analysis models should be encapsulated to Web Service. Considering the security, models of private cloud services and public cloud service should be different, as shown in Fig. 2. Data analysis models Private cloud services Model 1 Model encapsulation V. PROSPECT OF CLOUD PLATFORM FRAMEWORK FOR ENGINEERING MATERIALS A. Application Mode Architecture of MatCloud Platform Experiment HPC of the data, one pays for the rights, and one charges for the responsibility. The application mode architecture should be considered for the MatCloud platform. The C2C (consumer to consumer) model, such as eBay or Taobao, will be used in the MatCloud platform. More and more users would like to get their requirement for lifetime cycle assessment of engineering materials. As mentioned in Section IV, the traceability mechanism for materials data will be strengthened. In order to benefit from the materials data, the thirdparty payment (PayPal, Alipay, etc.) will be used. Of course, for basic materials data, it is recommended that the material cloud platform provides free services for the users. B. Application Case of Remote Safety Assessment for Engineering Materials via MatCloud Platform In the MatCloud platform, the Web Services for lifetime cycle assessment of engineering materials will be provided. Fig. 3 shows the remote safety assessment flowchart based on MatCloud platform. Public cloud services Requirement Model 1 Model 2 MatCloud platform Model 2 Model 3 …… Resource pool (Web Service) …… Experiment cloud Simulation cloud Data cloud Monitoring cloud Model N …… …… Assessment cloud Fig.2 Schematic diagram of model encapsulation. Standard (3) Traceability mechanism of materials data. In the traditional way to a scientific research, after the research, a large number of experimental data have been set aside. And these data will be difficult to reuse. Via the MatCloud platform, all the data about the materials research can be integrated. And the original researcher and the others will obtain the data in the future, with the permission. In the MatCloud platform, the traceability mechanism will be established. The whole information about any data can be prepared with the principle, “if the one provided the data, he will validate the data and retain the ownership of the data”. Of course, if required, the data can be validated by the third-party experts. After the validation Probability Reliability Prediction Risk Collaborative assessment Remote experts Assessment report Remote exerts Report cloud Fig.3 Remote safety assessment flowchart based on MatCloud platform. The MatCloud platform responds for the requirements of the user. The user can obtain information from the experiment cloud, the simulation cloud, the data cloud and the monitoring data. And in order to improve the accuracy of safety assessment, the standard with the probability analysis tool, prediction analysis tool, the reliability analysis tool and the risk analysis tool, will be analyzed for safety assessment. If the requirement is more complicated, the MatCloud would provide the remote safety assessment with the remote experts. And last, the user will get a comprehensive report for the requirement. B. Future Work for MatCloud Platform (1) Centering on the different fields of advanced manufacturing engineering, gradually improve the MatCloud platform. For example, the gearbox is the important component of the high-speed train. We are going to develop a integrated database for reliability analysis and risk assessment of the gearbox based on the MatCloud platform. (2) For long-time assessment of engineering materials, we will establish a monitoring system based on the Internet of Things for pipelines or roads. And the monitoring data can be automatically integrated to the MatCloud platform. (3) Strengthen the cooperation with the research institutes and the manufactories of materials science and engineering. In this paper, we only propose the MatCloud platform framework of lifetime cycle assessment for engineering materials. And in the future, we and all possible users will focus on this work. VI. CONCLUSION In this paper, we proposed a new cloud platform framework of lifetime cycle assessment for engineering materials. (1) The concept of materials cloud (MatCloud) is presented. The MatCloud platform is based on the requirement of materials science and cloud computing. By the MatCloud, we may overcome the limitation of the traditional materials databases. (2) The key technologies and the prospect of the MatCloud platform have been analysed detailed in this paper. And the platform will be gradually improved in the future. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This work was sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 51005015) and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of China (No. FRF-SD-12-028A and No. FRF-TP-12161A). REFERENCES [1] K. 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