Document 14407483

Watching the Theoretically Educational Hysteresis Quality of Universities from
the Historical Position of Marxism
Ya-wei Bao1,2
Yancheng Institute of Technology, Yancheng, China
HoHai University, Nanjing China
Abstract - The historical status of Marxism and the
hysteresis quality of current university education in Marxist
theory are closely related issues. Marxist theorists conducted
a comprehensive research on the status of Marxist theory
and explored a number of practical significance of Marxist
theory. Ideological and Political Theory Teachers reflected
on effect of Marxism Education in many different ways and
revealed the existence of Marxist theory on various issues in
education. However, both Practical Significance of Marxist
theory problems and Marxist theory problems of lack of
innovation in education are needed for further study, which
can promote the historical process of Marxism in China and
play ideological function of Marxism in the social
construction in China.
Keywords - Education of Marxist Theory, Philosophy,
Reality, Lag
As a guidance and programmatic ideology of our
country’s politics, economy and society, Marxism has
already deeply imprinted in all levels of Chinese society
. Marxist Philosophy in particular, the great
significance of its philosophical significance lies in its
scientific, that is its world outlook and methodology’s
guidance on the social construction. Nowadays in China,
with the wave of reform and opening up engulfed, not only
economic prosperity, and diverse ideas come out, the more
worrying is the faith and ideals, moral and spiritual loss.
Marxism could not escape the robbery. Facing such a
situation, training as a nation, the cradle - Colleges and
Universities, should assume its responsibilities [4].
May 4, 1919, sponsored by the May Fourth Movement
of young students has greatly promoted the spread of
Marxism in China and the Chinese labor movement
combination. Communist Party of China was established
This work was supported by 2012 College of Philosophy and
Social Science subject of Jiangsu Department of Education
in 1921, as the ideological weapon of the Chinese
communist, communist world outlook and social
revolution behalf of the Chinese revolution in the direction
of ideological and cultural front. In modern China in a
number of philosophical debate, Marxist historical
materialism, with its practical, development and scientific
victory, 20 to the 20th century, the late Marxist dialectical
materialism spread from a time, dialectical materialism
materialist method flood swept the country. Philosophical
theories of Marxism with China's concrete practice of
revolution, specifically the use of materialist dialectics to
China's revolutionary war, the Chinese Communist Party
achieved a great victory. With the victory of the Chinese
democratic revolution, Marxist philosophy in China
becomes the dominant philosophy of the mainstream [5].
Ancient Greek philosophy "philosophia" translation
from the Greek is the meaning of love and the pursuit of
wisdom. Ancient philosophers like claiming to be
"philosophos" is the love of a wise man, which also have
to learn the wisdom of philosophy in the world. As our
guiding ideology, mainly in the field of social and
political, economic and cultural fields, Marxist philosophy
plays an important role. College students, as the builders
of China's socialist modernization and successors, and its
ideological and political quality of the healthy
development of vital, therefore, the profound meaning of
Marxism with the mark of their minds is the armed college
students the importance of ideological and political
education way.
Growth and development of young students are always
closely related with their own nation, the state's fate, and in
different historical periods, they carry a different mission
. May Fourth Movement, as a new force, young students
pull off the new-democratic revolution. Fourth youth, they
are patriotic, just; they support the truth, defy violence;
their youth boosts, their spirit heritages. In the 91 years
later, the students walking in the forefront of the times, in
today's complex ideology, face the new challenges of
healthy development of thoughts with acceptance of the
baptism of higher education, and mastery of the advanced
science and technology. Marxist theory, as the practice of
the truth, is significant to the growth and development of
college students:
A. Establish a correct world outlook, outlook on life and
Cultivating good and healthy psychology need base on
the chara Throughout our tests, the entrance examination,
R&D and national and local officeholder exam, political
theory, as a must subject, has occupied an important
position. Marxist theory, as the basis and core of political
and theoretical study, has been also drawn much attention.
Colleges and universities have complied with the
regulations of our country, listing the Principles of
Marxism as a must for all the students from all majors in
succession. The realistic situation is quite embarrassing
which is hiding under the context of this prosperous
implementation and learning [8].
Marxist philosophy is the unity of a scientific world
outlook and methodology and practical, revolutionary and
scientific unification, as well as most general science about
the nature of society and thinking development. Through
the study of Marxist philosophy, students are capable of
understanding the modern society developing rules and
having firm beliefs in socialist: "philosophical thinking
contributes to link the past, present and future in an
understanding vision to form a whole.'' University stage is
a crucial period for young students to form the correct
world outlook, the outlook on life and values. Reasonable
use of Marxist philosophy makes college students
correctly understand social phenomenon, edify moral
sentiment, enhance the thought state, and finally realize the
life's rapid development.
B. Improving ability of understanding practice, and
critical and argumentative skills
"Dialectics of existing things in the certain
understanding and contain the negation of existing things",
"dialectic do not worship anything, their very nature is
critical and revolutionary". Universal connection of things,
the eternal development, progress and setbacks in unity are
the universal laws of development of things. Conditional
relative identity and unconditional absolute struggle
constitutes the driving force behind all things. Materialist
dialectics guide students in their daily study and work, to
find and reveal the internal and external links between
things, grasp the principal contradiction, understand the
phenomenon and the nature of things, and have the
temerity to question, to ask questions and criticize issues in
order to achieve secondary awareness of the negative, to
inspire innovation in practice, and foster the spirit of
scientific speculation[7].
C. Improving self-discipline and humanistic quality
The formation and promotion of human qualities is
neither anxious, nor easy, but a gradual, subtle process.
The key is to learn and practice all the time. People want
to improve the quality of the human self must have some
knowledge of the humanities. There are many, and
unbounded channels to have an access to human
knowledge. However, in the summary of the general laws
of human society in many books, the general method of
researching questions to the human spirit is even more
difficult to be replaced by other forms, while Marxist
philosophy is the essence of these refined.
A. The oriented-exam education has made the
contemporary college students learn how to bluff out the
Marxism exam
When we type in some key words like the Principle of
Marxism, the pre-exam guildance and those websites in
this area will follow. Whenever R&D, officeholder exam,
the Ads on the pre-exam remedial class are dazzling. In
numerous subjects, politics and the remedial classes on the
public basic knowledge are fairly tight these phenomena
have put a serious problem into our vision [9]: examoriented education. In the late 1980s and early '90s, China
began to comprehensively transform from the traditional
education to the quality education.20 years have passed,
our country got a group of high quality talents, however,
we witnessed the bad consequences brought by the
examination-oriented education. Exam-oriented education
completely meets the requirements of examination,
teaching and learning what we will test, neglecting
"morality", lack of "exercise," devoid of "virtue", getting
rid of "fatigue", we just set exam as the mere purpose, but
never attach importance to students' quality, which will
lead to a misunderstanding among our college students and
make us understand the philosophy and ideology of
Marxism one-sidedly, but neglect the important role that
the Principle of Marxism plays in the quality development
of college students. All these can only add the quantity on
the knowledge of the Marxism, but can not give a raise on
the essance of their thinking methods and ability.
University students' have a widespread deviation on
the understanding of the marxist principle, equating it to
general education,
the public basic education in
universities equals to the "minor course" in primary and
secondary schools ,we just need to take some time to
review before the examination, giving a perfectly
individual play in the exam and acquiring complete
liberation after that. University students'
have a
widespread deviation on the understanding of the marxist
principle, equating it to general education, the public basic
education in universities equals to the "minor course" in
primary and secondary schools , pre-exam take time to
back a back, exam by individual rendering play, exams can
completely "liberation". The study of marxist ideological
quality is just the schoolwork burden for students by no
means an enlightment to their thinking.
B. The market economy make the utilitarian full of the
college campus
Marx pointed out: "The mode of production of material
life restricts the whole process of social life, political life
and mental life. "Since the reform and opening up, the
construction of the socialist market economy has
unceasingly developed, and the social transformation in
China impacts many college students' values in many
aspects, ways of thinking present pluralistic development,
some students' thoughts have changes essentially. In the
market economy system, personal ideals and goals hvave
become more and more materialized. In such a social
environment, college students' values produce deviation.
They regard the material as the main standard, hedonism
and money worship, these trends are eroding these
immature youth; The brand new value practices from
market economy have brought them with rich material
comforts, the strengthening of personal interests made part
of college students produce personal standard when they
deal with the relations between the individual interests and
that of groups as well as our country[10].
Under the rules of the survival of the fittest, corruption
cann't be prohibited and the problems of distribution
imbalance emerge endlessly, all of which have made them
can not be able to understand the injustice phenomena of
our society as well ad the existent historical reasons, the
wrong social observation makes them be keen on meeting
their own interests through speculation; Lack of lasting
value experience make students cannot determine their
lifestyle, the thoughts of pragmatism encroached on their
minds and their lofty ideals gradually fade away. With the
deepening development of market economy, the Marxist
ideology is increasingly blurred, for university students
who are in growth period, all of which are not good for
setting world and life outlook.
C. Popularization of the network technology make
various ideology full of contemporary college students
In the process of econimic globalization. the internet
has become an important channel for college students to
obtain information and resources.though the internet bring
people with great content, those mixed information and
varied virus have caused great negative effect on college
students who are in the period of developing their life and
world view.the increasingly developing internet,the crash
and conflict of multiculture as well as all kinds of thoughts
and opinions impacting on college students' though are
gradually changing their ways of thinking. their ideologies
are tending to be diverse and some ideas and values which
are against marxism are popular among college students.
In the process of international corporation, the competition
of economic system of different types, the main ideology
of western society together with new liberalism have been
constantly criticise our thoughts of marxism. some western
countries try to assimilate us by the penetration of the internet provides techonlogical condition
for the penetratin and expansion of different ideologies
making the previous ideology face seious challenge. some
college students have poor awareness about morality,
weak ability of telling what is wrong and right, can not
recognize the values promoted on the it is quite
easy for them to fall in the traps of relativism and
individulism. their ways of thing are gradually passive.
some thoughts whish are against marxism are put forward
which make the education of marxism nearly extinct.
The teaching of is an effective way to ensure the status
of Marxism theory and is a key step to maintain the
mainstream ideology of Marxism theory .In turn, applying
Marxism philosophy to the teaching of Marxism theory
takes advantage to improve the teaching effectiveness of
this political theory course and get rid of the present
difficult position and the lag aspect. How the college and
university establishes the Marxism theory in the theoretical
teaching is to find the problem of Marxism theoretical
education from the social background in the college and
university in the present situation and then solve them.
A. Rich second class, and actively organize scientific
The essence of Marxism which students can
comprehend is very limited in the short first practice
teaching, colleges and universities in the theoretical
teaching process should be positive for students to create
the Second class with diversified forms and wide-ranging
contents in order to combine the political and ideological
standards with professional quality education and national
and social values goals with objectives of individual
students. The new ways of working and communication
system realize the dream of interaction of teaching and
learning, participatory and collaborative design. Make
Marxism Education vivid, and Marxism theory visualized,
get rid of the boredom and stereotypes of class. Learn and
master the theoretical knowledge through personal
B. Integrate multi-cultural, grasp the latest theoretical
With the continuous development of society, Marxist
ideology itself is undergoing a process of continuously
strengthening and developing. "theoretical system of
socialism with Chinese characteristics" in the party's
congress makes the proposed outcome of Marxist theory
as a unified organic whole and has greatly enriched and
developed the Marxist theory. The main ideology of the
Marxist ideology determines our building necessarily to be
guided by Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought,
Deng Xiaoping Theory and "Three Represents" important
thought and to thoroughly implement the scientific concept
of development. Colleges and Universities in the
theoretical teaching process should firmly reject the
negative social ideology, but also pay attention to the
integration of some of non-mainstream ideology, getting
its essence, and mastering it, merging the ideology of
Marxism with other edge ideology and cross a certain
extent, when restricting and guiding the development, rich
and maintain their own ideology of Marxism, and promote
the harmonious development of diverse ideologies.
C. Strengthen supervision on campus to promote healthy
network communication
Along with the spread of the net-work, geographical
limitations of traditional network no longer exists, people
exchanges are no longer bound by time and space [11].
Individuals of different attributes can speak freely on the
network. At present, many colleges and universities have
applied the school ICT information platform, which is a
good practice. Through the network information platform,
we can keep abreast of the thinking of students. In the
College teaching process, theoretical, ideological and
political Teachers can also use this easy way to
communicate with the students, thus instilling in the
nurture of a correct world outlook and values.
In promoting the status of Marxist theory of history,
we must seize the higher education in Marxist theory
which is a key step .in the teaching of Marxist theory.
Marxist theory must be integrated into the philosophy.
Only people see the lag of teaching Marxist from the
reality of the status of Marxist theory, can the development
of Marxist theory solve the urgent problems faced by and
ensure the current status of the mainstream thinking of
Marxism theory in China.
Thank Tao jun-jie for his helpful suggestions and
comments on the manuscript.
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