Study on the Relationship between the Executive Incentives and Business Performance in Listed Companies of Manufacturing Industry Xiao-xuan Kou1, Ao-bo Dong2,Lei Zhang3 1 School of Business Department, Tianjin University of Commerce, Tianjin, P.R.China School of Business Department, Tianjin University of Commerce, Tianjin,P.R.China 3 School of Business Department, Tianjin University of Commerce, Tianjin,P.R.China (,, 2 Abstract - This paper has chosen annual report data of 442 listed companies in manufacturing industry as research samples, which were listed in Shenzhen Stock Exchange and Shanghai Stock Exchange in 2010. This paper analyzes the factors which affect the company's performance by using statistical analysis tool spss18.0. We try to study the correlation between executive incentive and business performance, by using the hypothesis testing and linear regression method. On the basis of the above studies, we make a few suggestions about the executive incentives combining with the new trend of today's social development of listed companies to improve the corporate performance at the end of the paper. Keywords – company performance, compensation, executive incentives, listed Companies I. INTRODUCTION With the development of global economic integration, China's enterprises faced with unprecedented challenges and opportunities. In recent years, the development of China's listed companies is active, the quantities of those companies are ever-increasing and the company structure is also optimized continuously, more and more scholars and entrepreneurs have focused on the governance of the listed companies. There is information asymmetry between consignor and agent in the process of corporate governance [1]. How to incent executives to maximize interests while pursuiting self-interests, that is we should continue to explore and study. In recent years, based on some mature researches of foreign academics, such as "principal-agent theory" and "stakeholder theory", scholars conducted localization study. Zhang Kun and Cao Hengqi (2008) studied on executive compensation incentive effect on the operating results of the company of the wholesale and retail industry [2] . Duan Chunming (2009) studied the relationships of executive incentive and external audit; Ge Chunyao (2011) researches the effectiveness of executive incentive of commercial banks in China, and so on. Due to different study perspectives, the conclusions are not the same. Based on the predecessors’ research results ,we select the manufacturing industry which is more stable as the study object and focus on the current incentives for executive of listed companies, such as "which measures are most effective? ”, “What degree of motivation is?”, “How to set up an efficient executive incentive mechanism?” and so on. II. RESEARCH ASSUMPTION AND FRAMEWORK At present, most of reformed companies adopt the model of shareholder governance, maximize the benefits of shareholders, improve the business performance [3].In numerous incentives most companies choose salary incentive as the main incentive. In order to build up the relation further between executive and company, many companies take the company share as a means of motivation, and achieved a very good incentive effect [4]. There are very few companies use restricted stock, stock options, stock appreciation rights and other means, but these methods practice relatively late, the range is small and has no representative [5]. In order to learn more about the performance of listed companies in manufacturing and the relation between executive compensation and executive shareholding, we will study the impact of company performance which is conducted by different salary groups and different ownership groups of stock by using the method of Group Method of Regression. Hypothesis1: There is positive significance correlation between performance of listed companies and executive compensation in manufacturing industry. There is inconsistency of interest between shareholders and managers according to the principal-agent theory. In order to avoid the risk and cost which is raised by moral hazard and asymmetric information, shareholders are likely to sign the reward vs. performance contract with the managers [6].Therefore, company performance and managers' salaries are closely related. It is reasonable for executives to get high salary though improving performance. Hypothesis2: There is positive significance correlation between performance of listed manufacturing companies and executive shareholding ratio. According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory, executive will demand a higher level of motivation when physical compensation being satisfied [7]. In order to improve the level of motivation, executive shareholding plans become a popular incentive for listed companies in recent years. III. RESEARCH SAMPLE AND THE SAMPLE SELECTION A. Sample Selection We choose 612 listed companies in manufacturing industry which issue A-share as original sample in Shenzhen Stock Exchange and Shanghai Stock Exchange. We collect data from the website of Shenzhen and Shanghai Stock Exchange, Genius net and Database of Guo Taian and so on. We also get rid of some unreasonable data according to the following principles: (1)Excluding listed companies which are marked ST, *ST, S*ST, SST and PT for the badly performance, and issued audit views by registered accountants of retained views, refused to express views and negative views. (2)This study mainly focuses on highly concerned Ashare listed companies. Because of the influence of information disclosure if the A-share listed companies issue B-share and H-share, we get rid of those A-share listed companied which is issued B-share and H-share meanwhile. (3)Due to vulnerable abnormal fluctuations of performance, and unsound internal operation mechanism, the newly listed companies are not included in the sample since 2008. (4)The sample which is lack of relevant performance indicators is rejected. Based on the above principles, we selected a total of 442 listed companies as the ultimate study samples which have perfect information and internal structure. B. Variable definition and Research Model Definition (1)Dependent Variable We adopt the ROE as index of company performance. ROE reflects the profitability of the company. (2)Independent Variable The first one is the top three executives total annual salary,for the accuracy of datum,we take logarithms on salary in the regression equation model. The second one is executive shareholding ratio. We will do group research for further understand of effects of variables on the dependent variable. First, according to the company's top three executives of the distribution of total salary, the sample data is divided into five groups: ①1 million below, ②1-1.5 million, ③1.5-2 million④2-2.5 million, ⑤2.5 million above. Second, the sample data are divided into five groups in terms of Executives shareholding ratio: ①0%, ②0%-0.01%, ③0.01%-0.1%, ④0.1%-10%, ⑤10% above. We will do the regression analysis based on the above groups. (3)Control Variable Company size. Company performance is not only influenced by management efforts, but also impacted with management capacity and the available resources [8]. At the same level of incentives and shareholding ratio, there are companies of different size and performance. So, company size is the control variable of the company performance [9]. Independent Director Ratio. There is no direct interest between independent directors and company. So, independent directors are likely to take the benefits of stock-holders at first, and do objective evaluation of executive performance. This will indirectly affect the company's performance. State-owned Shareholding Ratio. In the company's ownership structure, state-owned shareholding belongs to the state, SASAC on behalf of countries to exercise ownership, which led to the vacant of owner of Stateowned shareholding. No real owner directly led to insufficient supervision of executive of listed companies. The larger proportion of state-owned shareholding, the less supervision of company executive and larger powers of executive implementation [10].State-owned shareholding ratio will affect the company's performance. Number of Meetings of the Board of Directors, Lipton & Lorsch(1992)point out that,the meeting of the board of directors benefits and the fulfillment of responsibility. And the stakeholder,directors could take the interests of stock-holder first and protect their interests,and then impact on company performance. TABLE I VARIABLES’ SYMBOL, MEANINGS AND DECLARATION Variable Type Dependent variable Independent variable Variable Name Variable Meaning Variable Declaration ROE Company Performance Net Profit/Average Owner's Equity Salary Executive compensation Executive shareholding The top three executives total annual salary (Total number of managerial ownership)/(the number of shares) Total assets SRatio Asset Company size DRatio The independent director Ratio Control Variable FST The proportion of state-owned shares Num Number of me etings of directors (The number of independent directors) /(The total number of the Board) (The number of stateowned shares)/(Total number of shares) Number of meetings of directors Build up model and regression equation based on Hypothesis1 and Hypothesis2: ROE 0 1 * ln( salary ) 2 * SRatio 3 * ln( Asset ) 4 * DRatio 5 * FST 6 * Num ROE is the explained variable , β0 is constant , β1,β2,β3,β4,β5,β6 are coefficients of explanatory variables, μ is random error term , the others are explanatory variables. C. Description of Sample Statistics According to the data from 2010 listed manufacturing companies, we do the statistics description to each variables, Table Ⅱ shows the results. It can be seen from TableⅡ, the minimum total annual salary of top three executives of listed companies in Chinese manufacturing industry is 145,900yuan which is different to the maximum annual salary 8,067,500yuan hugely. The standard deviation is 1101403.547, indicating that there are large differences between the mean value and the company's top three executives of the total annual salary distribution. TABLE Ⅱ DESCRIPTION OF SAMPLE STATISTICS N Minimal Value Maximal Value Mean value Standard deviations ROE 439 -9.911979 0.760529 0.07853312 0.489744946 lnSalary 442 11.890677 15.903354 13.7855133 0.731867156 SRatio 442 0.0000000 0.5587196 0.00762856 0.047745334 lnAsset 441 18.847228 26.156299 21.8712261 1.064026171 DRatio 442 0.2500000 0.571429 0.36425067 0.050288314 FST 442 0.0000000 0.682644 0.06630257 0.148661327 Num 442 3 38 8.64 3.960 Salary 442 145900 8067500 1276300.01 1101403.547 Data sources: Database of GuoTaiAn: Fig. 2. Executive shareholding ratio histogram Statistical analysis of the frequency percentage which drawn from TableⅡ and Fig.2 shows that executive shareholding ratio most companies (about 83.3%) of manufacturing industry is zero. The highest executive shareholding ratio is 0.5587, the standard deviation is small, and the numerical distribution is relatively centralized. Ⅳ. EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS Based on the above description, correlation analysis and regression model analyses of sample data are necessary. TABLE Ⅲ CORRELATION COEFFICIENT AND SIGNIFICANT MATRIX BETWEEN EACH VARIABLE ROE ROE 1 lnSalay Sratio lnAsset DRatio FST Num 0.169** -0.005 0.083 0.030 0.020 0.013 (0.917) (0.084) (0.533) (0.677) (0.788) 0.061 0.018 0.151** 0.000) (0.204) (0.712) (0.000) -0.87 -0.039 -0.058 -0.10 (0.067) (0.414) (0.220) (0.831) -0.021 0.180** 0.156**( (0.661) (0.000) 0.001) 0.037 0.007 (0.440) (0.886) ( (0.00) lnSalary 1 -0.125** 0.364**( (0.008) SRatio lnAsset Drato Fig.1 the top three executives total annual salary histogram Fig.1 shows, the top three total salaries mainly concentrate in on the range of 800,000yuan to about 1,500,000yuan. There is several one extremely high salary. Salary standard deviation is large which indicates that total concentration different. FST 1 1 1 1 -0.023 (0.442) Num Note: * related to the 5% level, ** related to the 1% level 1 TABLE Ⅳ CORRELATION COEFFICIENT AND SIGNIFICANT MATRIX BETWEEN EACH VARIABLE Group type Model Salary group1 Salary group2 Salary group3 Coefficient Coefficient Coefficient Salary group4 Salary group5 Coefficient Coefficient Share holding group1 Coefficient Share holding group2 Coefficient Share holding group3 Coefficient Share holding group4 Coefficient Share holding group5 Coefficient -0.803 -1.133 -7.582 -0.524 -1.197 0.803 -1.494 -1.477 -0.356 -0.335 Constant ( 0.000) (0.000) (0.098) (0.132) (0.011) ( 0.000) (0.171) (0.008) (0.703) (0.831) 0.054 0.080 0.373 0.054 0.107 0.054 0.113 0.050 0.024 0.018 lnSalary (0.000) (0.000) (0.031) (0.074) (0.001) (0.000) (0.088) (0.024) (0.748) (0.748) -0.034 -0.285 2.543 116.668 0.399 0.034 -140.76 228.819 -1.069 -0.071 SRatio (0.770) (0.581) (0.839) (0.767) (0.213) (0.770) (0.915) (0.009) (0.436) (0.709) 0.009 0.009 0.087 -0.011 -0.007 0.009 0.007 0.029 -0.019 0.018 lnAsset (0.251) (0.295) (0.648) (0.432) (0.730) (0.251) (0.834) (0.210) (0.736) (0.794) -0.050 -0.117 1.099 0.403 0.130 0.050 -0.065 0.673 -0.373 -0.606 DRatio (0.722) (0.543) (0.734) (0.179) (0.729) (0.722) (0.914) (0.021) (0.453) (0.751) 0.009 -0.109 0.489 0.019 -0.233 0.009 0.104 -0.041 0.048 1.146 FST (0.839) (0.080) (0.744) (0.809) (0.519) (0.839) (0.679) (0.724) (0.892) (0.583) -0.001 -0.002 0.000 -0.004 -0.007 0.001 -0.010 -0.006 -0.003 0.001 Num (0.486) (0.336) (0.994) (0.412) (0.230) (0.486) (0.478) (0.576) (0.757) (0.951) R2 0.165 R2 0.071 R2 0.071 R2 0.359 R2 0.355 R2 0.165 R2 0.071 R2 0.071 R2 0.359 R2 0.359 F 7.425 F 0.647 F 0.647 F 1.585 F 2.930 F 7.425 F 0.647 F 0.647 F 1.585 F 2.930 (0.000) (0.693) (0.693) (0.212) (0.022) (0.000) (0.693) (0.693) (0.212) (0.022) From TableⅢ and TableⅣ, we can get conclusions as below: (1)There is a significant positive correlation between the performance of listed companies of manufacturing industry and the executive salary in the level of 1% that shows that improving the company's executive salary can significantly improve performance, Hypothesis1 is valid. In five salary groups, total salary coefficient β1 always be positive which is matches Hypothesis1 exactly. In the salary group ①to ③variable coefficient is significantly increases. It indicates that companies salary incentive effect significantly when three executives of listed companies totaled to two million yuan. The incentive effect is decline but still effective when salary totaling more than two million yuan. It can be seen that high salary do good effect on executive incentives. (2)There is a negative correlation between corporate performance and the executive shareholding ratio, significant (0.917) is very poor, this indicates that the executive at shareholding and company performance have no significant linear correlation which is different from above result. Through the group regression study, the executive shareholding ratio coefficient β2 present a irregular jumping (-0.034, -140.76, 228.819, -1.069, -0.071).As the increasing of the shareholding ratio. Only when the executive shareholding ratio is in 0.01%-0.1%, its coefficient is positive 228.819 significantly. It shows that the company will receive a huge incentive effect when company takes the measure of stock ownership incentive in this case. But if shareholding ratio is below or above of this scope, the coefficient is negative and is not notable. Without prerequisites, the conclusion of executive shareholding ratio and company performance has significantly positive is obviously wrong. Hypothesis 2 is rejected. (3)From TableⅢ, we can see that the relationship between the control variable and company performance is not significant. Size and proportion of State-owned shares, the number of Board of Directors show a significant sensitivity. Ⅴ. CONCLUTION ANALYSIS AND SUGGESTION A. Conclusion Analysis This paper analyzes the annual reports of 442 listed companies of manufacturing industry since 2010 through total descriptive analysis. This paper also analyzes the impact of performance which is conducted by executive salary and executive shareholding ratio. Through a series of empirical analysis, in the manufacturing industry, salary incentive is significantly better than equity incentive, and show a very good stability. Research found that,in a certain salary range, performance increase will be higher than the level of salary increase when raise the level of salary. There is no regularity between executive shareholding ratio and corporate performance. But it will show a significant positive correlation in the context of a certain proportion. This indicates that equity incentives mechanism was premature. Therefore, companies can design a well-designed incentive mechanism and receive a better incentive effect in the future. B.Suggestion (1) Perfect the Incentive Mechanism Further Salary incentive is a common approach. Senior management staff will realize their value with higher salary. The phenomenon of exeuctives gets stagnancy and slack with a higher fixed salary suggests that short-term, high fixed income evoke inertia [11]. So, unfixed, larger changed bonus should be enhanced in the incentive mechanism. It is also feasible to increase executive responsibility, improve the social status and ability and promote the executive physically and mentally [12]. (2)Focus on the Effect of Equity Incentive TableⅣ shows that equity incentives in a certain range effect on company performance significantly. Equity incentives not only enable executives to enjoy normal high salary and bonus, but also can share profits due to share size and grow with the company in a long term to realize the value [13]. (3)Establish Long-term Incentive and Restraint Mechanism It is vital to balance relations of executive incentive and company short-medium-long term goals. This is because excessive short-term incentives can stimulate to take short-term management action, and damage the longterm interests of enterprises [14].But focusing on the longterm interests of the company and ignoring the interests of executive would make the executive lack of enthusiasm, and that could lead long-term objectives fail. Therefore, there must be a general short-medium-long term incentive plans to formulate executive incentive. It is necessary for outstanding executive to develop and award benefit. This is also essential for solving the problem of persistence and availability of the executive incentives. (4)Focusing on the Combination of Incentives and Corporate Culture Corporate culture impacts on executive performance effectively. There are two cultural factors: one is the corporate history and traditions, especially the policy history which is about corporate incentives for executive; the other is the concept of corporate culture. 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