- Province, with 3.75 million employees, ...

Reflections on the Team-building of Science and Technology Innovative talent in
Shandong Characteristic Industry Town
De-liang Zhang
Shandong polytechnic university,School of business, Jinan, China
Abstract - Team-building of science and technology
innovative talent is the core to promote the development of
characteristic industries in Shandong characteristic town.
Based on the status quo analysis on team-building of science
and technology innovative talent in Shandong characteristic
industry town, this paper analyzes the problems existed in
team-building of science and technology innovative talent in
Shandong characteristic industry town, and puts forward
with the measures to build up science and technology
innovative talent team in Shandong characteristic industry
Keywords - characteristic industry town, science and
technology innovative talent, Shandong Province, teambuilding
After the State Council brought up with the guideline
of “Small Town with Grand Strategy--Taking the
Urbanization Road with Chinese Characteristics” in 2000,
Shandong Provincial Party Committee and Provincial
Government actively responded to the call of State
Council and issued a series of policies and supporting
measures, leading Shandong characteristic industry town
to a stable development road. Till now, the characteristic
industrial economy has been the major component of
national economy in Shandong Provice. Jun-min Wang,
the Vice-governor of Shandong Province, put out (2010):
“The development of characteristic industry town has
important strategical significance on the mode-change,
structure-adjustment and the promotion and increase of
employment, and there is a large developing room.”
During the 11th five-year plan, the characteristic industry
town in Shandong has relied on the advantageous
resources to develop such characteristic industries as
food, chemistry, equipment manufacturing, textile,
garment and shoes (leather) , electronic information and
home appliance, construction material, furniture,
industrial arts, hardware, plastic, automobile and its
fittings, boat and marine engineering, forging, new
material, new energy, and pharmacy.[1] The small and
middle enterprises in Shandong Province converged
quickly at the characteristic industry town and industrial
clusters, forming a batch of well-known regional brands
for characteristic industries. There were totally 140
characteristic industry towns being supported with
emphasis in Shandong Province. By the end of 2010,
there were 71,311 small and middle enterprises gathered
in all kinds of characteristic industries in Shandong
Project of
Shandong Province Soft Science Program, China.
Province, with 3.75 million employees, fulfilling sales
revenue of RMB1,165 billion Yuan, and taxation of RMB
84.6 billion Yuan.
The science and technology innovative talent team in
characteristic industry town is the core to push the
development of economy with Shandong characteristics,
and plays the demonstration and leading role for the
building of the entire talent team. On the development of
characteristic industry, the science and technology
innovative talent plays a determinate role. Along with the
rapid development of Shandong economy, the demand on
science and technology innovative talent in characteristic
industry town will increase further, but the team-building
of science and technology innovative talent in Shandong
characteristic industry town is laggard, thus both the
quantity and the quality of science and technology
innovative talent at present can’t meet the need, which
restricts the rapid development of characteristic industry
in Shandong. Therefore, it is the basic requirement for the
sustainable development of Shandong economy to further
cultivate and atrract science and technology innovative
talent applicable for Shandong characteristic industry
From the view of the developing course of Shandong
characteristic industry town, the science and technology
innovative talent in characteristic industry town mainly
refers to talent in the following areas: the first, the science
and technology innovative entrepreneur (private
entrepreneur and farmer entrepreneur)[2], including
Chairman of the Board and General Manager of the
enterprise; The second, the science and technology talent
in characteristic industry town[3];The third, the academic
leaders and engineers in characteristic industry town [3].
In recent years, surrounding the development of
characteristic industrial economy, Shandong Provincial
Party Committee and Provincial Government has
enhanced the team-building of science and technology
innovative talent in characteristic industry town from
three aspects: development, use and attraction. It makes
the talent’s whole quality in characteristic industry town
improve steadily, its structure optimize, and primarily
forms science and technology innovative talent team with
certain scale in characteristic industry town, leading to a
new road cominbing the selection of local science and
technology innovative talent in characteristic industry
town from multichannels with the reasonable introduction
of science and technology innovative talent into
characteristic industry from the out side of Shandong
Province. The results they achieved are as follows: firstly,
construct the policy system for team-building of science
and technology innovative talent in Shandong
characteristic industry town, and have issued such files as
“Middle- and Long-term Talent Development Program of
Shandong Province (2010~2020) ”; secondly, manage to
solve the problem of unreasonable structure of science
and technology innovative talent in characteristic industry
town, enhance the telent cultivation force, and have
implemented “The Cultivation Plan for Innovative
Technology Leading Talent in Shandong Province” ,
“Introducing Thousands of Overseas Innovative and
Entrepreneurship Talent” plan, “The Cultivation Project
for Excellent Enterprise Manager”, “The Project for the
Growth of Young Elites in Shandong Province”, “The
Promotion Plan for Entrepreneurship Talent” , “The
Development Plan for High-skilled Talent” [4]; thirdly,
actively expand the channels to introduce science and
technology innovative talent into characteristic industry
town, and achieve certain results in the work of gathering
various talent. Till June 2011, there were 39 foreign
experts who have won the National Friendship Award,
and 27 foreign experts gained Qilu Friendship Award.
82,000 person-times of foreign experts were introduced,
11,000 person-times of people from different fields were
trained, more than 870 technologies were introduced, with
more than 1,260 varieties of new products. 20,000
overseas students returned to Shandong, bringing in 18
innovative entrepreneurship bases and 38 high-tech
business parks; fourthly, the total amount of science and
technology innovative talent in characteristic industry
town is increasing year by year, and the structure of
science and technology innovative talent is gradually
reasonable. By the end of 2011, there were totally more
than 4,000 high-level innovative talent in Shandong
Province, 38 Academicians, 303 Taishan scholars, 99 at
national level, 122 experts with outstanding contributions
to the country, 2800 experts enjoyed State granted
allowance, 600 young experts belonged to the Shangdong
province, 700,000 talent with advanced skills, 380 chief
technicians. There are more than 190 doctoral and
postdoctoral workstations. With the number of science
and technology innovative talent increasing, its age
structure tends to be more reasonable and younger.
A The science and technology innovative talent in
characteristic industry town distributes unevenly, and its
flow is out of line
The middle- and long-term problem during the
economic development in Shandong is the uneven
distribution of science and technology innovative talent in
different regions and industries. At present, there are more
than 350 professional and technical talent per 10,000
people, the number of which ranks 13th in the country,
and 797 less than that in Beijing and 132 less than that in
Liaoning; there are 15 technicians per 10,000 people; and
the amount of scientists and engineers per 10,000 also
ranks 13th in the country.[5] This does not match with the
provincial total population and economic scales in the
whole country, indicating that professional technicians are
still in desperate need, and are centralized in the east. In
addition, two-way flow of science and technology
innovative talent is out of line, with most flowing to the
better developed areas, such as Jiangsu, Zhejiang and
Guangdong. Most of the talent flowing out are the
academic leaders and technical experts in the
characteristic industry, while those who flow into
Shandong are college graduates.
B. Science and technology innovative talent have low
compensation and bad working condition in
characteristic industry town
At present, Shandong science and technology
innovative talent in characteristic industry town are
commonly unsatisfied with the working and living
environment. Though a series of measures have been
taken to improve the compensation and working
conditions, such problems cannot be fundamentally
solved due to the factors of socical environment and
economic development, especially the problem of low
compensation. Therefore, it is difficult to retain science
and technology innovative talent and introduce new ones.
With the economic gap between Eastern and Western
parts becoming larger and larger, the gaps in
compensation and working conditions are consequently
becoming larger as well, which results in science and
technology innovative talent to flow into the better
developed areas.
C. The structure of science and technology innovative
talent in characteristic industry town is too simple and
lacks of leading character
In the team of science and technology innovative
talent in characteristic industry town, there is large gap
between the capability of entrepreneurs and the actual
need; there is also large gap between the capability of
academic leaders and engineers and the real demand of
the working post. From the view of diploma constitution
among professional technicians, the number of people
with bachelor’s degree is smaller, especially those with
master’s degree or above. From the view of professional
structure, excellent talent in characteristic industry are
scarce, the academic ladder is not complete, the R&D and
conversion capability is low, so there is little research
efforts which have important impact both in and out of the
country. With the rapid development of characteristic
industry, there is an increasing demand of science and
technology innovative talent, especially the academic
leaders and science and technology innovative
D. The evaluation system of science and technology
innovative talent in characteristic industry town is not
complete, and the building environment of talent team
needs to be optimized
There is no good evaluation system of science and
technology innovative talent in Shandong characteristic
industry town. Current evaluation system is basically
based on the diploma and job titles. On the determination
of job titles, the rating standard always highlights the
amount of papers and research expenses. In the evaluation
of actual ability, it is generally based on the moral quality
and the recognition by one’s leaders and the fellow
colleagues, which lacks scientific and specific evaluation
criteria. During the fruit evaluation, it puts emphasis on
short-term achievements, and ignores the long-term and
systemetic research in characteristic industry.On the
screen of excellent science and technology innovative
talent, there is lack of precise talent and performance
assessment methods, which seriously affects the
scientifical and systematical adminstration on science and
technology innovative talent. In addition, the growth and
developmnet environment of science and technology
innovative talent in characteristic industry is very bad,
where exists the “official orientation consciousness”.
E. The incentive mechanism of science and technology
innovative talent in characteristic industry town is not
complete, which lacks of the growing platform for talent
Although the level of economic development in
Shandong is relatively high, it still puts emphasis on
mental stimulation too much when comes to the rewards
on science and technology innovative talent in
characteristic industry town, which can not reflect the
talent of the law of demand and the value they
contributed. In fact, the material incentives always have
been substituted by praise from leaders, reputation
incentive and political honor. Even if there is some
material incentives, it often is symbolistic, which cannot
correctly reflect their real contribution and achievement.
This kind of virtualized incentives can’t realize the effect
of long-term and integrated stimulation, leading to the low
activity, less progressive passion and creation, as well as
the low working spirit. At the same time, the platform
which bears the growth of science and technology
innovative talent of the Shandong characteristic industry
is in shortage and lack of competitive high-tech groups
and research institutes with strong competitiveness in the
country. Moreover, the amount and scale of key
laboratories and experimental base is small, thus there are
few significant scientific and technological projects and
high-level scientific and technological achievements; The
factors above have led to such a problem that Shandong
has insufficient capability to bear and obsorb the science
and technology innovative talent in characteristic industry
A. Liberate the thoughts, establish the scientific talent
philosophy, use new working idea to build the science and
technology innovative talent team in characteristic
industry town
The concept of scientific development needs a
scientific talent concept as backup. We should set up a
people-oriented concept and an idea that everyone can be
a talent. The constraining of degrees, status and
professions should be broken up, while morality,
knowledge, capacity and working performance should be
regarded as a major criteria to measure talent, so that
people can be cultivated and developed freely. Work and
personality should be respected, and not to blame the
imperfect; creativity and success should be respected,
while failure should be allowed; choices should be
respected so that everyone’s values are represented under
the guidance of more policies and fewer administration
enforcement. Talent as the primary strategic resources
should be fully developed, so that a good condition will
be formed where everyone can make best use of their
capacity. The awareness of reform should be stressed, and
the mechanism of developing, attracting and making a
good use of science and technology innovative talent in
the characteristic industry town should be established.
Strengthen the marketization of science and technology
innovative talent and knowledge as capital, and develop
and use science and technology innovative talent by
market-oriented methods.
B. Complete personnel educational training system,
increase efforts to train science and technology innovative
talent in characteristics industry town
First, around the advantageous resource exploitation
and characteristic industry development in Shandong, the
scientific research base and its achievements
transformation base should be established,[8] which
guarantees enterprises and universities cooperate closely,
promotes the interaction and integration between science
and technology innovative talent training in characteristic
industry and research cooperation, and establishes the
effective mechanism of gathering talent and training
talent. And using it as a link, the intelligence flow should
be expanded by employing consultants, exchanging
lectures, collaborative research and joint development,
taking the initiative to attract and support the national
research institutes in other provinces, engineering and
technology research centers, key laboratories and other
research institutions to establish branches in Shandong. A
number of projects should be select and applied to our
State to be the platform of gathering talent and attracting
high-level personnel to realize the effective
communication of science and technology innovative
talent in characteristics industry town. Second, the
academic leaders training project should be started-up and
implemented. According to Shandong characteristics of
economic development needs, relying on the National
New Century Millions of Talents Project, an innovative
science and technology leading talent development
program, the “ten-thousand people plan” of introduction
of overseas innovation talents, the Qilu youth growth
project [4]and such academic leaders training project to
promote the team building for science and technology
innovative talent in characteristics industry town. Third,
around the strategic adjustment of economic structure and
dominant industry needs, the subjects and majors in
colleges and universities should be adjusted to establish
the higher education system adapting to the science and
technology innovative talent needs in characteristics town.
A complete system of high-level personnel training
should be formed by further raising school standards and
their competitiveness of the universities in Shandong.
Fourth, focusing on cultivating science and technology
innovative entrepreneurs, relying on the well-known
enterprises at home and abroad, universities and training
institutions, the cultivation of science and technology
innovative entrepreneurs in characteristics industry town
should be strengthened. A science and technology
innovative entrepreneurs pool in characteristics industry
town should be established as a part of entire science and
technology innovative talent development plan to improve
the quality and management level of the science and
technology innovative talent in characteristics industry
C. Innovate talent management system and improve the
structure of science and technology innovative talent in
characteristic industry town
With the continuous development of characteristics
industries in Shandong, the demand for science and
technology innovative talent has increased. But the
existing personnel management system has hindered the
development of talent. Therefore the science and
technology innovative talent management system in
characteristics industry town should be reformed to
establish a reasonable and orderly science and technology
innovative talent management system in characteristics
industry town[8], gradually break down the geographical,
sectoral, industrial, urban and rural, identity and
ownership restrictions, and streamline the flow channel of
talent, in order to promote the science and technology
innovative talent flow from universities and research
institutions to enterprises and the grassroots. The post
appointment system should be progressively introduced
and the science and technology innovative talent
appointment mechanism which guarantees talent
promoting and demoting, getting in or out should be
established. The science and technology innovative talent
structure in characteristics industry town should be
adjusted accordingly in the general laws of the science
and technology innovative talent growth, using young
talents boldly. In current disciplines, the intelligence and
experience advantages of the old scientists should be
taken, letting them be the good mentor and fully
exploiting the potential of science and technology
innovative talent.
D. Complete the competition and incentive mechanisms
among the science and technology innovative talent in
characteristic industry town
Scientific and social talent evaluation and found
system should be established based on the post duty,
oriented by integrity, ability and performance[7].To
improve talent evaluation criteria, we should overcome
the tendency of academic credentials only and papers
only, not expect talent to be perfect, evaluate talent based
on their performance and contribution, and adhere to
cultivate talent in practice and motivate them to do
pioneering work. Therefore, we should complete the
competition and incentive mechanisms among the science
and technology innovative talent in characteristic industry
town. Firstly, an allocating incentive mechanism should
be established which takes the performance appraisal as
the core, fully reflects the value of talent and encourages
talent innovation. This mechanism should consider the
features of science and technology innovative talent of
Shandong characteristics industry town, adapt the market
economic system, closely link with job performance, and
encourage innovation and R&D of science and technology
innovative talent in characteristics industry town. The
allocation policy of that science and technology
innovative talent in characteristics industry town
participated by technology and scientific research should
be made, which gives the stock right and share options
incentive to the science and technology innovative talent
who have made outstanding contributions in scientific
research and commercialization, and implement tax
preference policy. The policy should encourage and
regulate the scientific and technologic personnel and
engineer to take part-time job and get according salary.
Secondly, the incentive mechanism of science and
technology innovative talent in characteristics town
should be improved. The allocating policy should be in
operation, which guarantees that the payment of science
and technology innovative talent is in accordant with their
job. Thirdly, the science and technology innovative talent
compensation system in characteristics town should be
established, which adheres to the principle of combining
the spiritual rewards with material incentives, improves
the talent reward system which is oriented by government
incentive and is leaded by employer and social forces.
E. Update the standards, content and manners of the
talent evaluation, and improve the evaluation mechanism
of science and technology innovative talent in
characteristic industry town.
It is important to establish the new evaluation
mechanism of science and technology innovative talent in
characteristic industry town[10]. On the evaluation
manners, the current evaluation approach that multidepartments jointly participate the evaluation shall be
changed, and adopted a united approach that evaluated by
agent or industrial association and institute. It also shall
introduce the relative performance evaluation theory,
which will refer to the operating level and status of
similar enterprises in similar industries to compare,
prefect the evaluation index system and software for the
enterprise evaluation, set up the performance archive,
improve the scientific attribute of assessment and
evaluation, so as to ensure the fair and equality of the
evaluation and usage of science and technology
innovative talent. On the evaluation content, it shall focus
on the real performance, and combine the preventive
capability to market risk and the developing potential. It
shall establish a comprehensive evaluation table, whose
content involves in the scientific research projects they
have undertook (national level and provincial level),
patents they applied or being granted, the scientific and
technical awards they gained, the economic benefit
produced by the convertion and promotion of their
patents, the essays and works they published, the
academic conference above provincial level they
organized or attended, as well as the training and review
they participated.
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