Research on Vehicle Material Support Model Based on “Internet of Things” Da-peng Zhang1,2, Liang Wang2, Feng-zhong Wang2, Xiao-ping Kuang2 2 1 Company of Postgraduate Management, the Academy of Equipment, Beijing, China; Department of Automobile Engineering, the Academy of Military Transportation, Tianjin, China ( Abstract - The conception and the meaning of the "internet of things" are introduced in this paper. Related to integrative construction of vehicle material support, this paper builds a support model based on the analysis of the characteristics under the “internet of things”, which can make sense for the informatization construction of the vehicle equipment support system in theory and practice. Keywords - Internet of Things, Informatization, Support Model, Vehicle Material I. INTRODUCTION As we all know that vehicle material supply is very important in the high-tech brushfire war. So a new vehicle material supply model based on the “internet of things” can fit the modern war pattern has been built. In recent years, with the development of the information technology and network, the field of vehicle material supply has gone through drastic changes; the information collection, exchange and transfer for the vehicle material supply have become more and more efficient. Numerous vehicle companies and land force in various nations have undertaken major initiatives such as recombining efforts and investment in Information Technology (IT) to better manage their storehouse and reduce inefficiencies in their supply chain. However, little information showed that one challenge in all vehicle material support is the efficient management of inventory in a complex network of facilities and products with stochastic demand, random supply and high inventory and transportation costs, which have baffled the better management purpose in vehicle material supply chain. This requires us to start with information management of the vehicle material and to change the supply model. The appearance of the “Internet of Things (IOT)” makes it possible to come true [1]. On the understanding that internet is the interpersonal communication by network, “internet of things” is a network which links all things together by information sensor equipment (such as radio frequency identification technology (RFID), infrared inductor, global orientation system, laser scanner and so on) and makes the communication expanded at “any time”, in “any place” and with “any person” to “human to thing” and “thing to thing”. And an intelligent supply system which can long-distance detect and control the material will be built based on the “Internet of Things”. So, in this paper, we build a vehicle material supply model based on the “Internet of Things” [2]. II. THE TREND OF VEHICLE MATERIAL SUPPORT MODEL BASED ON “INTERNET OF THINGS” A. Informatization and Intellectualization In the future war, the core and soul of vehicle material will contain three steps: information resource, command and controlling, and survivability, which are decided directly by the content of informatization and intellectualization. Firstly, information is the most important invisible resource in vehicle material support, which can guide the whole process of material support including preparing, planning, organizing and implementing. Vehicle material support needs cooperation of logistic activities and information streams to make supportability. Secondly, intellectualization is the core of vehicle support’s command, controlling and correspondence. In the data battlefield of future, vehicle support could realize the intellectualization and network of command and correspondence by “internet of things” system, which transmits the vehicle material information such as storage, transportation, fuel loading and consumption with current data and images to every visible system, and the commander can control material states such as production, storage, transportation and supplement etc directly and give command precisely. IOT information platform has provided with the commander with great support. With its support, the commander can intellectualize the control and commanding of vehicle material by mastering the consumption of vehicle material, the amount of time, space, species and quantity that vehicle material needs, proper dispatching, automated selection of secured routes, automated decision of solutions, etc[3]. B. High-speed and High Efficiency High-speed and high efficiency make the vehicle support decisive and efficient in modern wars. One reason is that only the high-speed support can adapt to the cadence of the informatization war, and with the improvement of support speed and efficiency to a large extent, the supplement of vehicle material can be timely and in place[4]. The other reason is that quick reaction achieves high efficiency. The extensive application of “internet of things” technology will lay the foundation for high speed and high efficiency of vehicle support. At the same time each factor of the safeguard for vehicle materials will change at all: on the facet of the transmission and disposal of vehicle material support, data communication and automatic command system will achieve the transmission and disposal of the information; on the facet of organizing and command, computer simulation technology can predict the amount of the demand and make support plan quickly according to the factors like model, scale and geography of the battlefield, which cuts down the command and decision time largely; on the facet of storage of vehicle material, it can adjust the changes of environment and the mission[5]. C. Omnidirectional and Integrative The unity and integration of modern war gets the vehicle material support to develop towards omnidirection and integration. On the one hand, the frontispiece and depth of vehicle material support will be larger and larger with the development of warfare ability, mode and means, and flat line style would be replaced by solid network. Only if we have an omnidirectional vehicle material support can we adapt to the informatization battlefield. On the other hand, the informatization war is a kind of united warfare with multi-service joint operation, and the informatization command and warfare system will combine all kinds of multi-service battle effectiveness together into one unit[6]. We will not meet the needs of combined operations without the integrated support. Therefore, the vehicle material support system has to break the borders of army services, integrate organization and command as one, and optimize the deployment and vehicle material resource in general. The appearance of “internet of things” will realize the integration and digitalization of vehicle material support, combine the support forces of all army services into one unit, and also combine storage support forces of front-line and backline, which could provide conditions for integrative vehicle material support[7]. data transmission in support system, making use of this information platform and, acquire, identify, dispose, transit, transmit, memorize, use and control support information effectively, then transform into energy to make a great benefit quickly[9]. As every step during support is in the condition of motive or friability, the information and direction always shift with actual actions in time and space, which would affect the availability, sharing, instantaneity and accuracy[10] of the information. Vehicle material support system bases on “Internet of Things”, which could solve these problems effectively. It could use the information platform to make the “internet of things” be widely used in many occasions,” such as storehouse management, transport management, production management, material track, means of delivery and shelf identification[11]. It is shown in Fig 2. Information net of vehicle material support Application of "Internet of Things" technology Vehicle material support information system policy, regulation, and techonlogy standards of "Internet of Things" Information source of vehicle material RFID device, infrared sensor, GPS etc Fig. 1. Vehicle material support information platform based on “Internet of Things” Vehicle material information platform III. THE DESIGN OF THE VEHICLE MATERIAL SUPPORT MODEL BASED ON “INTERNET OF THINGS” A. The Real-time Information Disposal Systems The management doctrine of the USA United Air Lines is “the right parts, to the right aircraft, at the right time-at the lowest possible cost.” This doctrine explains the relationship between vehicle material cost and support effectiveness incisively: the lowest cost and provision assuring the supply of vehicle materials. The key sections below should grasp skills of the safeguard for vehicle materials: whole support total safeguard for vehicle materials, the importance of planned stockpile, cycling period control, quality assurance, continual cleaning up of remainder, making real-time disposal and decision on support information[8]. As a result, a support model based on “internet of things” should build up an efficient information platform (fig 1) for vehicle material support at first. According to characteristics and requirements of production enterprise information database of spare parts production storage department information database of vehicle spare parts storage demand department information database including warehouse geography surroundings etc supply department smart transport and dispatching command system (geographical database including railroad ,highway ,air ferry etc) maintenance unit information database including spare parts maintenance experts, technology forces etc Fig. 2. Sketch map of vehicle material support system network (1). Spare parts production enterprises of vehicle material. The platform will display spare parts production factories, enterprise network charts according to requirement, and locking the factory of a certain spare part, show its location, which provides information for raising material to leaders in the warfare, and meet requirement of vehicle material. (2). Spare parts storage enterprises of vehicle material. The system will switch to network chart of spare parts storage automatically according to requirement information, and present optimal storage information of spare parts based on “handy principle”. Then display the distance from storage point to requirement point[12]. (3). Demand department of vehicle material .Providing the information such as location, characteristics, vehicle modes and the number etc. (4). Supply department of vehicle material. After the storage point and the requirement point are confirmed, the system will create provision route network chart to fix optimal transport plan. (5). Maintenance units which consume the vehicle material. If there is no storage of spare part and material that could be repaired, the system will provide reference information to display maintenance department, maintenance expert and maintenance capacity, which assists management leaders to make decision of organizing repairing of vehicle material rapidly[13]. geographical space and place, information on product attribute, production flow condition, supply chain key indices and data flow speed etc. The “intelligence” supply chain of “Internet of Things” age could meet the need of informatization vehicle material support, enhancing its efficiency (e.g. dynamic supply and demand balance, detection and solving of predict accidents, aimed at reducing stockpile level and product position visualization etc) and also reduce conserving pressure of supply chain (e.g. reducing the consumption of energy and resource, reducing the pollution of exhaust emission) [15]. Right now the factors such as prolix and low effective infrastructures, high stockpile cost and low load efficiency have severely affected the function of supply chain network. The “intelligent” supply chain of vehicle material would optimize the supplying model from raw and processed material to product through powerful analysis and simulated engine. This would assist factory to make sure of the product facility location, optimize material storage place, and set stockpile distribution strategy. Furthermore, a “internet of things” would make the real seamless, end to end supply chain come true, it will reduce capital and cost (transport, storage and stockpile cost), at the same time, heighten control capacity of vehicle material support. B. Integrative Support Model for Vehicle Material IV. CONCLUSION The support of vehicle material should not only provide material and money to support objective, but also meet its demand using informatization support technology, means and method. With adoption of advanced information technology, an information system for equipment support should be founded due to the profound principium of vehicle equipment, its complicated structure, and its changeable support means and content. Then it can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of equipment support[14]. As a result, the idea and the technology of “Internet of Things” will make an immeasurable influence on the command, the process and the technology method of the information development. Aimed at the characteristics of supply chains we could design a model as shown in Fig.3. Production department Provision department Production Depot center Delivery center Troops Efficient delivery/dispatching Gross toots units Timely supplement equipment research, flow management, information integration, resource sharing, cooperation operation Information platform of support based on "Internet of Things" material flow information flow decision Fig.3. Real-time integrative vehicle material support model The value of integrative vehicle material model is that we can extract the information we need from data by “Internet of Things” including information based on The application of “Internet of Things” in vehicle material support will make the safeguards for the environment more transparent, support resource more timely and support model more efficient on the condition of informationization wars, which make great sense to informationization construction of Land Force. REFERENCES [1] YOU Chun-yan, ZHU Gui-bin, WANG Yang. The Internet of Things and Its Military Applications.. Journal of Military Communications Technology, 2011.03:70-73 [2] International Telecommunication Union. ITU Internet reports 2005: the Internet of things. Geneva:ITU,2005. [3] Wamba SF, Bendavid Y, Lefebvre LA. RFID technology and the EPC network as enablers of mobile business: a ease study in a retail supply chain. 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