An Analysis for Multi Plant Location Problem under Concurrent Implementation of Different Carbon Policies Zhen Chen, Qiu-hong Zhao, Hai-tao Zheng School of Economics and Management,Beihang University,Beijing, China ( Abstract - This paper analyzes the influence of concurrent implementation of three different carbon policies: carbon tax, carbon trade, carbon offset to the company’s multi plant location decisions, while multi capacity of any plant is considered. We present a mixed integer math model with the objective to minimize the total cost within the given period. The numerical results and sensitive analysis show that the location decision depends on several factors including the level of carbon tax and the price of carbon trade and carbon offset. Keywords - carbon policies, plant location, multi capacity I. INTRODUCTION The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports that global warming poses a grave threat to the world's ecological system and the human race, and it is very likely caused by increasing concentrations of carbon emissions, which mainly results from such human activities as fossil fuel burning and deforestation . In order to alleviate global warming, the United Nations (UN), the European Union (EU), and many countries have enacted legislation or designed mechanisms to curb the total amount of carbon emissions. There are three main carbon policies: carbon tax, carbon trade, carbon offset. Carbon tax is a policy that the government makes an emission constraint for a company and levies tax on the company’s exceeding carbon emission. Carbon trade is a policy that companies can trade the amount of carbon emission in the carbon emission exchange. Companies can buy carbon offsets in order to comply with caps on the total amount of carbon dioxide they are allowed to emit. There are a few studies on the operations decisions under carbon emission regulations. Kim et al. (2009) examine the relationship between the freight transport costs and CO2 emissions in given intermodal and truckonly freight networks by multi-objective optimization. Hoen et al. (2010) examine the effects of two regulation mechanisms (emission cost vs. emission constraint) on the transport mode selection decision and suggest that policymakers impose a constraint on freight transportation emissions. Pan et al. (2010) examined the environmental impact of pooling of supply chains, and they found the supply network pooling is an efficient approach in reducing CO2 emissions. Hua et al. (2011) investigates how firms manage carbon footprints in inventory ____________________ This paper is sponsored by National Natural Science Foundation of China. (71071007) management under the carbon emission trading mechanism. To the best of our knowledge, there are no papers about the effects of the concurrent implementation of three main carbon policies on companies’ operations. However, in the reality, several carbon policies may be carried out by the government at the same time, like the carbon policies in Europe Union. And, since the environment problem is more and more severe now, this may be a trend of other governments’ policy. The multi plant location problem is similar to the capacitated warehouse location problem (CWLP). Mathematically, they can be formulated as a mixed integer program with a certain number of potential warehouses or plants and certain number of customers. The objective is to choose the most appropriate plants to minimize the total cost including the fixed cost associated with plants and the transportation cost. The difference is that you can choose the plant production capacity in the former problem while in the latter situation the warehouse’s capacity is a constant value. To our review, there are few papers about the multi plant location problem. However, in the real situation, managers always have some choices of the production capacity with the common sense that the larger capacity plant can meet more demands of the customers but with a higher fixed cost while the smaller plant has cheaper fixed cost but meets less demand. On the other hand, under carbon policies, managers should pay more attention on the plant’s capacity because it has great effects on the carbon footprint. The multi plant location problem is the same with CWLP in the computation principles, so the algorithms of CWLP are adapted to solve it. Akinc and Khumawala (1977) propose a branch-and-bound solution method. Bartezzaghi et al. (1981) presented a tree search algorithm based upon a lower bound derived from a transportation problem and gave computational results for problems involving up to 12 potential warehouse locations and 40 customers. Guignard-Spielberg and Kim (1983) presented a lower bound for the problem based upon lagrangean relaxation. Computational results are reported for problems involving up to 20 potential warehouse locations and 35 customers. Barcelo (1984) presented an algorithm based upon the automatic generation of cutting planes in an attempt to move the solution of the linear programming relaxation of the problem closer to the optimal mixedinteger solution. Computational results are reported for problems involving up to 30 potential warehouse locations and 50 customers. Beasley (1988) incorporates the lower bound and the reduction tests into a tree search procedure. By this way, it is able to solve problems involving up to 500 potential warehouse locations and 1000 customers. The rest of this paper is organized as follows: In Section 2 we formulate the multi plant location model under the concurrent implementation of three carbon policies. In Section 3 we provide some numerical examples and make sensitive analyses to gain practical insights from the analytical results derived in Section 2. Finally we conclude the paper and suggest topics for future research in Section 4. II. : carbon tax rate L : the upper limit of the carbon emission per unit time et : the volume of carbon traded eo : the volume of carbon offsetted pt : the price of carbon in trading po : the price of carbon in offsetting Z ik : equals 1 when setting up plant i with a capacity MODEL FORMULATION The multi plant location problem is in fact a transportation problem and the distribution network is like the figure below: level j, equals 0 when not Z t : equals 1 when the company trades carbon, equals 0 when not Zo : equals 1 when the company offsetts carbon, equals 0 when not Model formulation: min ( gik vik cik ) Z ik b li j xij iI kK iI kK iI jJ pt [ L ( gik vik cik ) Z ik b li j xij ] iI kK Plants Fig.1 The structure of distribution network In our model, we assume that the company chooses some customer’s locations to build up plants. The production capacity of the plant is assumed to have several levels and the decider maker chooses one production level for each plant. We also assume that the cost and carbon emissions in the transportation are only related to the distance and the volume of the goods transported. The following notation will be used to describe the model: I {1, 2,..., n} : the sets of plants J {1, 2,..., m} : the sets of customers K {1, 2,..., s} : the sets of capacity levels of plants gik : the fixed cost of setting up plant i with a capacity level k per unit time vik : the unit cost of operating in plant i cik : the maximum capacity of plant i with a capacity level of j iI kK iI jJ + {[( gik vik cik ) Z ik b li j xij L qt Z t qo Z o ] } Customers iI kK iI kK iI jJ pt qt Z t po qo Z o s.t. x c ij jJ x iI ij Z kK kK ik (1) Z ik 0 i 1, , n dj 0 ik 1 xijk 0, eo 0 j 1,..., m i 1, , n i 1,..., n; j 1,..., m; k 1,..., s Z ik 0,1; Z t 0,1; Z o 0,1 i 1,..., n; k 1,..., s Formula 1 is the total cost of the company per unit time. Formula 2 represents that the customer demand must be meted. Formula 3 represents that the amounts of goods transported from a plant could not exceed its capacity. Formula 4 represents each plant must only have only one certain capacity level. In Formula 5, et doesn’t have positive or negative et 0 , it represents that the amount of d j : the demand of customer j per unit time constraint; if li j : the distance of plant i to customer j carbon the company buys from the carbon trade exchange; if et 0 , it represents the amounts of carbon company b : unit transportation cost xijk : the volume of goods transported from plant i with a capacity level k to customer j gik : the volume of carbon emission when setting up plant i with a capacity level k b : unit carbon emission in transportation sells in the carbon trade exchange. Formula 6 is 0-1 variables. From the objective function, we can see that in order to minimize total cost, the decision maker would choose one or more carbon policies to take effect. (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) From [ g iI kK ik Zik b ( xijk lij L eo Zo et Zt ] , iI jJ kK 13 3 6 7 we know that the location decision is closely related with , pt , po . 12 4 2 11 8 14 10 5 III. 1 NUMERICAL RESULTS 15 9 In order to analysis the effects of carbon policies on the plant location decision; we use the data in Christofides and Eilon (1969) as the customer’s locations. We choose 15 numbers and draw the figure below. The distance between them are listed in Appendix 1. For simplicity and better analysis of the influence of carbon policies to location decisions, we assume all the customers’ demands are the same 2500and in our model the unit time is one year. The decision maker chose several locations from them to build plant to meet the demands of all customers. Figure 2. Solution 1 13 3 6 7 12 4 2 11 8 14 10 5 1 15 9 3 13 6 7 12 4 2 11 8 Figure 3. Solution 2 14 10 5 1 15 meets the demands at its location, which the transportation cost can be ignored, also including the demands of other locations assigned for it. The details of the two solutions are listed below. 9 Figure 1. Distance of customers We assume that there are two levels of the capacity of the plant and the date is based on cement plants. The values of some imputed parameters are listed in Table 1. As some papers have used, our data is based on an assumption that larger production capacity plants have smaller unit operating cost and unit operating carbon emission. TABLE I. Capacity Level (ton) 5,000 125,000 PARAMETER VALUES FOR TWO CAPACITY PLANTS gik vik gik (yuan) (yuan/ton) (ton) 16,000,000 38,000,000 250 220 4000 10000 vik (ton CO2/ton cement) 0.08 0.07 b is 0.5 yuan/ton*km, b is 0.00006 ton/ton*km, the initial carbon tax rate is 10 yuan/ton, initial carbon emission L is 50000 ton, carbon trading price yuan/ton, carbon offsetting price pt is 60 po is 80yuan/ton. It is difficult to find the optimal solution, so we provide two feasible solutions. Solution 1 is that we build 5 high production capacity plants; Solution 2 is that we build 1 high capacity plant and 5 small capacity plants. For better understanding, we draw the figures below. In the figures, the large triangle represents the high production capacity plant and the small one represents the low production capacity plant. For each plant, it not only TABLE II. DETAILS OF COST WITHOUT CARBON POLICY Details fixed setting up cost operation cost transportation cost total cost without carbon related cost TABLE III. Solution 1 11400000 82500000 22860053 Solution 2 11800000 90000000 15922577 116760053 117722577 CARBON COST WITH L=5000, fixed carbon emission operation carbon emission transportation carbon emission total carbon emission exceeding carbon emission total cost with carbon offsetting =10, pt =15, po =20 30000 30000 26250 28750 27432.063 19107.092 83682.063 77857.092 33682.063 27857.092 117433694 123293995 From the above data, we can get the better solution is Solution 1 with carbon tax, that is that the decision maker choose to pay carbon tax and setting up 3 large production capacity plants. We now analysis the better location strategy can be changed with the changing value of , pt , po . A. pt po In this situation, carbon offsetting is profitable. Because no matter what carbon constraint level is, companies can always offset carbon as more as possible, and then sell their carbon portion in the carbon trading market. We can view the carbon constraint and the carbon tax policy as meaningless. When pt is large enough, that TC2 ' TC1' ' , where TC is the total cost Ce1 Ce 2 without carbon related cost and Ce is the exceeding is pt po carbon emission, Solution 2 is better, otherwise, if po pt TC2' TC1' Solution 1 should be the Ce1 Ce 2 right strategy, conversely, Solution 2 is better because Solution 1 pays too much tax for its exceeding emissions. B. pt po In this situation, neither trading carbon nor carbon offsetting can decrease cost and paying carbon tax is always the best strategy. When po pt TC2' TC1' , Solution 1 is better Ce1 Ce 2 for whatever the carbon constraint level is, like the figure ( 10, pt 15, po 20 ) below. Otherwise, Solution 2 is better. Figure 5 ( pt 180, po 200, L 50000 ) show the total cost change with the changing . Figure 4. Total cost with different carbon tax rate C. pt po or pt po Pt is smallest now, so companies would trade all their exceeding emissions and Solution 1 is always better for whatever carbon tax rate is and whatever carbon constraint level is. IV. CONCLUSIONS This paper analysis the effects of concurrent implement of three carbon policies to the multi production capacity plants location decisions. We formulate a mixed integer model and present two feasible solutions. By adjusting carbon tax rate, carbon trading price and carbon offsetting price, we find that they can change the better solution. This can be a reference for managers to make location decisions. In future research, it is necessary to employ an effective algorithm to get the optimal solution of this problem. Another extension of this problem may be conducted by considering more complex carbon policies, for example, the fluctuation the carbon trading price. 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