Employee Assistance Program: A New Means of China Enterprise Management of Innovation She-hong Liang, Lin Wang, Kan Shi, Peng Gao School of Management, Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China Corresponding Email: LLLSH@126.com Abstract - This paper describes the development of Employee Assistance Program (EAP) at home and abroad in near one hundred years. By analyzing the differences of EAP in background of introduction and environment of implementing at home and abroad, this paper put forward new features of EAP in China. It is also pointed out three new functions of EAP in the modern enterprise management. Firstly, EAP has become a new means of spreading corporate culture deeply. Secondly, EAP has become a new ways of innovative human resources management. Thirdly, EAP has been a new breakthrough for the innovation of enterprises party-building and trade union work. In short, EAP would be inevitable trend of development as innovative tools of China enterprise management. Keywords -Employee Assistance Program, new features, new functions, management of innovation I. INTRODUCTION Employee Assistance Program (EAP) that is set up for employees by organization is systematic and longterm welfare and support programs. It demands professional staff to provide diagnosis, evaluation, training, professional guidance and advices for employees to help themselves and their family members solve their psychological and behavioral problems, which aim to improve employee’s work performance and health in the organization, and improve organizational climate and business management performance [1]. EAP is originated in the United States. It has been widely used in many well-known enterprises and institutions in developed countries now. Just as introduction of EAP in China soon, so its background of introduction and environment of implementing is different from abroad. EAP in China shows new features and new functions thus it has become a new means of China enterprise management of innovation. II. DEVELOPMENT HISTORY OF EAP they spent money to hire outside experts to help employee give up excessive drinking, which is the origin of EAP— —Occupational Alcohol Programs (OAP). To the 1940s and 1950s, OAP developed Alcoholism Prevention Programs (APP) by the U.S. Congress and other companies, associations, labor management committee and government agencies. On the prevention of alcoholism, they made some new and occupational alcohol prevention and management method [3]. To the 1960s and 1970s, managers had found that alcohol prevention programs alone couldn't completely solve the problem of low performance of employees. Because many reasons impact work performance of employees, then the focus of EAP was natural from identifying whether employees were addicted to alcohol to explore systematically the reasons for low performance of employees [4]. Since the 1970s, dramatic changes had taken place in American society. Family violence, divorce, depression and other problems had been increasing influence on behavior of employees. Then the service of OAP was gradually extended, its service include work pressure, mental health, crisis of reducing the staff, disaster, career development, healthy lifestyle, legal disputes, financial problems, weight loss and eating disorders, and extend the service to the families of employees, including spouses and children of employees [5] . That was the prototype of EAP [6]. Since the 1980s, EAP had entered into fully integrated and systematic phase [7]. Some firms have started to introduce EAP into a systematic and long-term welfare and support programs. Therefore, EAP has developed into a comprehensive service, its practitioners include not only psychological counselor and treatment expert, but also manager at all levels in the enterprise and trade unions, health care institutions, social organizations [8]. According to statistics, nearly a quarter of U.S. corporate employees enjoy the service of EAP. In the U.S. "Fortune" magazine's Fortune 500 companies, 90% of them have established service system of EAP, 80% of them have employed professional company for providing the service of EAP. This service has been widely used in government, community and other public services. A. The development of EAP abroad B. The development of EAP in China EAP was originated in the 1920s when business owners found that employees who were addicted to alcohol would negatively affect to the business in the U.S [2] . But simple dismissal didn't solve the problem, then The development of EAP in Hong Kong and Taiwan was ahead of Chinese mainland. In the early 1990s, some nonprofit organizations in Hong Kong started to provide service of social work [9]. EAP in Taiwan began in 1972 which founded the "Big Sister Organization" (BS) in Taiwan Matsushita Electric companies. BS was set up to help new employees adapt to the environment, as well as a bridge of communication between first-line workers and their supervisor. The service of EAP in Taiwan can be divided into five categories, which is psychological counseling, education and development training, recreation and sports, health-care and welfare services [10]. Chinese mainland firstly introduced EAP in the largescale and foreign-funded enterprises. Then the service of EAP abroad began to enter Chinese market. Some local institute of EAP services have appeared because the vast majority of employees who accept EAP services in China are local employees. Some large state-owned enterprises have begun to use EAP services. In March 2001, Xi-chao Zhang who is domestic scholar carried out complete EAP counseling services in the customer service department of Lenovo Group. Researchers spread knowledge of mental health promotion to employees and enhance their awareness and understanding of psychological problem by cards, posters and other forms of web. They also provide managers with a wide variety of training, which make managers aware of the roles of psychological counseling in business management and feel the benefits of EAP to the enterprise [11]. At present, EAP involve personal life, work issues and organizational development. Personal life is related to alcohol and drugs, emotional control, health problems, interpersonal skills, family relations, economic issues, emotional issues, legal issues. Work issues related to job requirements, work balance, work stress, work environment, sense of work fairness, workplace sexual harassment, work and other aspects of interpersonal conflict. Organization issues are involved with some projects of business strategic development such as employees adapting to layoffs in the organizational change process, accumulating psychological capital to build and strengthen competitive advantage, etc [12]. In addition, that large-scale forum of EAP held in the 21st century and the publication of EAP monographs have played an indispensable role for the development of EAP in China. EAP have been formally included in the national Employee Assistance division "1 + N" compound training program by China's vocational and technical training center of Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of China in December 2010. "Employee Assistance Division Curriculum Development Center" has been formally established in Beijing, which is charged for EAP teaching materials and training teacher. This will be a new breakthrough for EAP talent training, which will lay the talent base for promoting the development of EAP in more broader and deeper level. III. NEW FEATURES OF EAP IN CHINA A. The differences of EAP in background of introduction and environment of implementing at home and abroad We founded that environment of implementing EAP in China and abroad are completely different by reviewing the development process of EAP. The differences mainly embody in the following aspects. First, the background of introducing EAP is different. EAP was developed by helping alcohol-addicted employees to give up excessive drinking abroad, while EAP was developed by investigating and diagnosing employee mental health in China. Second, the means of implementing EAP is different. EAP is mainly for individual counseling and therapy abroad, while EAP is based on group psychological survey and training, then employees have some demands for the individual psychological counseling and treatment in China. Third, people of EAP service are different. Foreigners generally accepted psychological counseling, but Chinese people are still excluded to psychological counseling. Fourth, the social environment of implementing EAP is different. Developed countries are relatively short of labor, so physical and mental health of workers are more been concerned. Chinese Government is more concerned about harmonious labor, employee well-being and social stability because of the relatively surplus of labor in China. Finally, from the government support point of view, foreign government and legal institutions more support for EAP while Chinese Government and legal institutions involved less in the EAP. B. New features of EAP in Chinese enterprises Because the background of introduction and environment of implementing EAP at home and abroad are very different, EAP show the following new features in China. 1) From the purpose of implementing EAP, it is more concerned of caring employee culture and creating positive organizational climate in China. At present, decision-maker of Chinese enterprise hope to reflect more employee-caring culture, create positive organizational climate and establish harmonious labor relationship by EAP. Then it will be precautionary. EAP not only enhance the cohesion of enterprises and employees' sense of belonging, but also stimulate the intrinsic motivation of employees and further improve their work performance. 2) From the content of implementing EAP, it is more focused on spreading widely the knowledge of mental health and enhancing employee selfmanagement skills in China. The content of EAP is more concerned about the popularization of knowledge of mental health, focusing on developing positive psychological forces of employees, enhancing psychological capital of employees and improving self-management skill of employees. It is the relative weakening of psychological counseling and treatment for individuals. This is more in line with Chinese conditions. Through spreading universal psychological knowledge, it will enhance skill of employee which will help them handle family-related issues and reduce the psychological distress and emotional disorder of employee which could result in their low performance. 3) From the means of implementing EAP, it mainly focused on group training, supplemented with individual counseling in China. EAP is implemented by organization and mainly focused on group training, supplemented by individual counseling in current China. This feature came from the means of introducing EAP in China and the unique ideas of Chinese people. Because counseling industry which started to develop in China has not been widely recognized. Together with Chinese people less talkative, their mental ideas of "shame of family should not be expressed to others", individual counseling abroad is difficult to apply to the present stage of China. So this will make the means of implementing EAP in China become more diverse, more Chinese characteristics. 4) From the main body of implementing EAP, the executive department of EAP is diverse, which is more Chinese characteristics. The implementation of EAP need supports of manager especially decision-maker in the organization. The implementation department of EAP in China is also more diversified because the nature of Chinese enterprises is different. Some are party-building sector, some are trade unions sector, some are human resources sector, and others are executive branch of government. Especially the party-building sector introducing EAP in large stateowned enterprises which is more Chinese characteristics, China's large state-owned enterprises should learn from them. We should also learn more from EAP abroad which implemented by human resources sector, health department in conjunction with insurance companies, medical institutions, etc. We hope that EAP become into a long-term benefits rather than short-term incentive optional in order to protect the long-term development of EAP in China. 5) From the results of implementing EAP, it is more concerned social value evaluation and make light of economic assessment in China. Since short-term results of EAP is difficult to assess, the enterprises which performed EAP in China are more good economic organizations so they are more concerned about the long-term social value and make light of shortterm economic benefits. This is contrary to foreign enterprises which pay more attention to precise assessment of return on investment (ROI). It also shows that Chinese companies began to shift their attention from concerning material welfare of employees to spiritual welfare of employees. They began to think mostly EAP as a human investment, rather than administrative costs. IV. NEW FUNCTIONS OF EAP IN CHINA ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT A. EAP has become a new means of spreading corporate culture deeply. From the main purpose of implementing EAP in China, EAP have become a new measure of Chinese enterprises which want to build People-oriented management philosophy. It has also become a new means of Chinese enterprises implementing employee-caring culture. By the systematic implementation of EAP, enterprises will establish organizational culture which is respected for employees, concerning about difficulty of employees, stimulating positive force of employees, training employees to solve problems and pay attention to their personal development [13]. So the enterprises will form a stable, healthy and harmonious labor relationship and help company better respond to business restructuring, mergers and acquisitions, layoffs and other changes and crisis, which is same with the aim of building modern corporate culture. Therefore, EAP has become a new means of Chinese enterprises spreading organizational culture deeply. B. EAP has become a new ways of innovative human resources management. EAP help employees solve all the difficulties and promote their health and development as a systematic welfare [14]. This will improve employee’s satisfaction and enhance organizational cohesion so that they have more sense of identity and belonging, which are more conducive to attract and retain talent. This is similar with the function of human resource management. Meanwhile, EAP can not only help employee alleviate their work pressure, improve their morale, enhance their motivation, learn effective interpersonal skills, but also make the staff quickly adapt to new environment, overcome their bad habits, face with their career crises, improve their job skills, which will save indirectly the cost of recruitment and training, reduce error of dismissal, alleviate the labormanagement conflicts and reduce the cost of human resource management [15]. Therefore, EAP has become a new ways of corporate human resource management of innovation. C. EAP has been a new breakthrough for the innovation of enterprises party-building and trade union work. In 2007, Jin-tao Hu who is Chinese President proposed that we should strengthen and improve ideological and political work, paying attention to care people and psychological counseling, with the correct approach to handling interpersonal relationship in the report of the 17th Party Congress. This thesis greatly contributed to the development of psychology and EAP in China. In particular, some domestic large enterprises have been gradually implemented EAP and the results are significant. For example, China Mobile Group Co., Ltd. introduced EAP into the China Mobile's ideological and political work by their party-building sector, which will make the traditional "ideological education" become the culture of "psychological care", make the "thinking change" become the "inner communication", from the employee's passive acceptance to active consultant. The EAP help employee reduce their psychological puzzle and work stress so it has become an innovative method of ideological and political work and broaden the field of ideological and political work. Therefore the successful implementation of EAP in China Mobile Group is useful attempt and important innovation for the work of partybuilding in state-owned enterprises. After the incident of "continuous leaping to the death" in FOXCONN in 2010, the National Federation of Trade Unions issued the Advices on Further Improving the workforce and social stability work, which specially emphasize to strengthen psychological counseling of the young workers, especially migrant workers. This further indicates that psychological assistance work for employees will play important roles on the development of enterprises. Furthermore, large state-owned mining companies introduced EAP by the enterprise union in order to enhance assistance skill of first-line managers in December 2010, which received wide acclaim. This is not only an important measure for business to build employee-caring system, but also a breakthrough and an innovation for company trade union work. V. CONCLUSION In summary, the development of EAP have shown new features in recent years in China and carry out new functions in enterprise management. From the purpose, contents and methods of implementing EAP, it exclude effectively the interference factors which impact on work performance of employee, maintaining their mental health and stimulate their inner potential of work, which is same with the ultimate target of corporate culture and human resource management. Therefore EAP has become not only a new ways of business management in the workplace to provide humane care for employee, but also a new means of China business management innovation. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This study is financially supported by the National Social Science Foundation of China (Project No. 10AGL003). REFERENCES [1] Yanfei Wang, “The Research Review of Employee Assistance Programs (in Chinese)”, Psychological Science, 2005, 13 (2), pp.219-226. [2] Dickman, F. Employee assistance programs: History and philosophy [A]. In F. Dickman, W.G. Emerner, & W. S. 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