Interactive Storytelling & classroom management tips Chunmei Guan Butler University To grasp basic skills of storytelling To present various ways of storytelling To clarify the roles of teachers in storytelling To provide strategies of class management during storytelling Objectives Can-do statement Can integrate vocabulary, grammar and text into a story Can present the story with various methods Can develop a digital story 5C 21st Century Student Outcomes and Support Systems 21世纪教育框架和技能 Total physical response TPR In TPR, instructors give commands to students in the target language, and students respond with whole-body actions. Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling TPRS TPRS lessons use a mixture of reading and storytelling to help students learn a foreign language in a classroom setting. Introduce the vocabulary TPRS Create a story Literacy “ ASK the story instead of TELLING the story” Introduce the vocabulary A. Introduce the vocabulary B. Practice the vocabulary C. Assess acquisition of vocabulary Comprehensible input Comprehensible input is language input that can be understood by listeners despite them not understanding all the words and structures in it. Ways of storytelling Graphics Audio Animation Video Web publishing Essential skills Repetitions TPRS Questioning Technique Add details to the original sentence and recycle Get more reps by using questions words and recycle Never make two statements in a row Parking Repetitions Circling a question Statement: He is always late to class. Yes question: Is he always late to class? Or question: Is he late or not? Is John late or is Alex late? Is he late to class or to dinner? No question: Is he on time? W question: Who is always late to class? Why is he always late? Where is he late to? Comprehensibility Teaching to the low level student Teach to the eyes GO The pause SLOW Responding to a Zero response Staying “in-bounds” Translating Reading Personalization Get details of the students’ lives and use the details Asking Personalized Question & Answer details while reading DISCUSSION TECHNIQUES DISCUSSION TECHINIQUES Passive PMS Personalized Question and Answer Culture Teach a life lesson based on what was taught in the book Literalness Pop-up Grammar Dramatize Exaggerate Specificity Student responses Keeping control of the story “TPRS Positive” at all times Keep student interest through believability Pop-up Meaning focus on the basics Pop-ups through stories Pop-ups through dialogue Pop-ups through PQA Pop-ups through reading Performance Assessment Write a skit Retelling Role play Reading comprehension Classroom management Am I ready for classroom management? 我准备好课堂管理了吗?(1) 1. My expectations are clear. 2. I have every minute accounted for in my lesson plan so there is no down-time. 3. My lessons are interesting and relevant. 4. My students understand why they are doing a particular activity. 5. I include several activities in each lesson. Am I ready for classroom management? 我准备好课堂管理了吗?(2) 6. My lesson objectives are clearly stated and posted where students can see them. 7. I avoid the use of “busy work.” 8. I implement the same classroom rules consistently. 9. Students consider me a figure of authority. 10. I follow through with the consequences for students. Am I ready for classroom management? 我准备好课堂管理了吗?(3) 11. I have the respect of my students. 12. I follow my own rules. 13. I have a back-up plan in case my lesson is not going well. 14.I have planned an extra activity for the end of my lesson in case there is time remaining. 15. I have developed a strategy to deal with student confrontation and am prepared to defuse the situation. Am I ready for classroom management? 我 准备好课堂管理了吗?(4) 16. I am prepared to any technology malfunction. 17. I know how to modify a lesson or activity in case the class is interrupted and I do not have as much time remaining. 18. I know all the students in my classes that have a medical need or take prescription medication for a medical condition. 19. I know exactly what to do in case of a lockdown. 20. I have a plan to communicate regularly with parents. To know your school, students first The first days of school is crucial to your school year! 抢占先机,赢在起跑线上! Take the time to know your school and students and enlist them in their own success. School policies will keep you out of trouble. Collaborate with your class to create guidelines for appropriate classroom behaviors. Establish a Chinese class routine for starting and ending class. First Days Matter the Whole YEAR! 良好的开端是成功的一半! Set stages for the whole year in the first days. Classroom management is transparent. In a well-managed classroom, there is less stress. In a well-managed classroom, a variety of activities can be occurring simultaneously appropriate to a differentiated classroom. The effective teacher knows the students achievement will only occur when the work environment is organized and structured with procedures. Policies relating directly to students 了解和学生相关的具体规则 Attendance/Tardy Policy Academic/Grading Policies Telephone use (school phones, cells) Student Dress and Grooming Policies Safe School Policies Weapons, fighting, intimidation, verbal abuse, bully etc. Alcohol, Tobacco, and Drug Policies Sexual Harassment Policy Hall way pass, bathroom pass and cleaning Policies you’ll need to be aware of as a teacher 了解和教师相关的规则礼仪 Internet/Email use policies Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Policies Policies regarding the reporting of abuse, neglect, suicide threats, etc. Emergency procedures Field Trip policies Accident reporting procedures Reporting academic progress Purchasing guidelines Substitute teachers Fire, earthquake, bomb threat, intruder, lockdown, etc. Requests for planning, forms, etc. Use of videos, movies, and instructional materials Establishing a “Businesslike” Atmosphere 建立类似公事公办的班级氛围 Take advantage of the first days of class Establish an environment in which achieving specified learning goals takes priority over other concerns It is much easier to establish this environment from the beginning rather than later First days matter so much! Classroom Schedule/Routines 教室时间表和日常固定活动 ( Sample) Beginning (5-8 minutes)/bellwork 1. • Warm up—Greeting (routine) • Weather /Calendar / Small talk • Preview / review Middle-The Big Event (20-35 minutes) 2. • Main lesson /Oral language activities • Literacy activities • Tone / Pronunciation practice Wow-Ending Closure (3-7 minutes) 3. • Wrap up—quick review • Thank you and farewell (routine) (exit tickets) Classroom Schedule/Routines 教室时间表和日常固定活动 1. Provide security and predictability for learners so that they can concentrate on learning the new language. 2. Routines give learners experiences with culturally appropriate gestures and phrases. 3. Routines help to transfer some of the responsibility for classroom management to students themselves. Classroom Schedule/Routines 教室时间表和日常固定活动 ( Continued) 4. Routines are transparent and can lead students to know what will happen to the next step. 5. Routines could be changed frequently based on the needs of students and teacher’s style. 6. Routines could help student develop their learning acquisition, set phrases, sentence drills and cultural understanding and modelling. Present Yourself as a Chinese Teacher-Some Cultural Taboos 中文教师在美课堂文化禁忌 Do NOT pick your nose or your ears in the public; Do NOT talk while having your mouth full; SAY “Excuse me!” after you sneeze; Always cover your mouth when you cough in front of someone; Change your outfit everyday if possible; Give a personal space; Do NOT talk too loudly in public; Do NOT push or elbow others, say “excuse me” Take care of your body odor(if possible, take mild perfume for females; and take deodorant everyday for males) Present Yourself as a Chinese Teacher-Some Cultural Taboos 中文教师在美文化禁忌(Continued) Do not touch students’ body. Do not use fly-swatter to reach students. Do not point students with your finger. Do not raise your voice suddenly in front of your students. Do not go to bars with your students. Do not bring food to the classroom without knowing the ingredients of food and students allergy habits.( 不要大白兔 奶糖) Do not name your students, classroom pets and toys” Jesus or Muhammud”, etc. Some words need avoided in the Classroom宜避免的课堂语言 Do not say the following words like: “Oh, My God” ‘Oh, My Jesus” “Oh, he is like a monkey!” “Shit!”( taboo, never use it, please) 那个(that)(it will offend some African Americans for it seems like” nigger”) Positive communication through cooperation 积极合作式沟通 Verbalize descriptions of behaviors and never value judgments about individuals Verbalize feelings but remain in control DO NOT USE SARCASM Do not place labels (good or bad) Do not get students hooked on praise Praise the work and behavior – not the students themselves Speak only to people when they are ready to listen Success = Good Classroom Management + Excellent Teaching + Skillful Communications + Community Involvement References niques.pdf+&cd=1&hl=es-419&ct=clnk&gl=us 谢谢 THANKS