1 of 3 Student Teacher Evaluation Student Name Student WKU ID Please enter the Year Please enter the Semester of Student Teaching (Spring or Fall) Placement # (1 or 2) Student Teacher Evaluation Grading Guidelines Instructions : As the Student Teacher Evaluation is a final assessment of our candidates' ability to meet Kentucky Teacher Standards and we use the course grade as evidence of their ability to meet these Standards, please adhere to the following guidelines in assigning your final grade. It is especially important that you do NOT assign candidates the grade of C if they have not met the minimum requirements for this grade. A: Candidate is Distinguished on most Teacher Standards, with no Teacher Standard below Proficient. Most Dispositions are at Target or Above Standard, with no Disposition below At Standard. B: Candidate is about equally Distinguished or Proficient on all Teacher Standards. Dispositions range from Target to At Standard, with no Disposition below At Standard. C: Candidate is Proficient on most Teacher Standards, with no more than three Standards at Developing and no Standard at Beginning. Dispositions are more At Standard than Above Standard with no more than one Disposition below At Standard. -------NOTE: BELOW THIS POINT THE CANDIDATE HAS NOT PASSED STUDENT TEACHING.-------D: Candidate is nearly equally Proficient or Developing on most Teacher Standards, with some Standards at Beginning. Dispositions are nearly all At Standard but some are below At Standard. F: Candidate is at Beginning on most Standards. Most Dispositions are below At Standard. Please enter the Student's Final Grade (ex. A B C D F) INSTRUCTIONS: Below are the essential knowledge and skills that the WKU Professional Education community has determined as important for i ts candidates to develop during their education preparation. Using the available rubric and descriptions provided, please assess this candidate's pr esent ability to demonstrate these characteristics. You may use information you gleaned from observing this student, from other teachers/observers, and from the student's portfolio. If you are unable to evaluate a candidate on a particular indicator (i.e., you did not have the opportunity to observe this behavior), please choose "NA" for "Not Applicable/Not Observed." However, please use this option sparingly as we desire your best judgment of the candidate's ability on as many of these indicators as possible. STANDARD 1: DEMONSTRATES APPLIED CONTENT KNOWLEDGE 1a. Communicates concepts, processes and knowledge Demonstrated Partially Demonstrated Not Demonstrated NA 1b. Connects content to life experiences of students Demonstrated Partially Demonstrated Not Demonstrated NA 1c. Demonstrates instructional strategies that are appropriate for content and contribute to student learning Demonstrated Partially Demonstrated Not Demonstrated NA 1d. Guides students to understand content from various perspectives Demonstrated Partially Demonstrated Not Demonstrated NA OVERALL STANDARD 1 PERFORMANCE Distinguished Proficient Developing Beginning STANDARD 2: DESIGNS & PLANS INSTRUCTION 2a. Develops significant outcomes aligned with standards Demonstrated Partially Demonstrated Not Demonstrated NA 2b. Uses contextual data to design instruction relevant to students Demonstrated Partially Demonstrated Not Demonstrated NA 2c. Plans assessments to guide instruction and measure learning outcomes Demonstrated Partially Demonstrated Not Demonstrated NA 2d. Plans instructional strategies and activities that address learning outcomes for all students Demonstrated Partially Demonstrated Not Demonstrated NA 2e. Plans instructional strategies and activities that facilitate multiple levels of learning Demonstrated Partially Demonstrated Not Demonstrated NA OVERALL STANDARD 2 PERFORMANCE Distinguished Proficient Developing Beginning 2 of 3 STANDARD 3: CREATES & MAINTAINS LEARNING CLIMATE 3a. Communicates high expectations Demonstrated Partially Demonstrated Not Demonstrated NA 3b. Establishes a positive learning environment Demonstrated Partially Demonstrated Not Demonstrated NA 3c. Values and supports student diversity and addresses individual needs Demonstrated Partially Demonstrated Not Demonstrated NA 3d. Fosters mutual respect between teacher and students and among students Demonstrated Partially Demonstrated Not Demonstrated NA 3e. Provides a safe environment for learning Demonstrated Partially Demonstrated Not Demonstrated NA OVERALL STANDARD 3 PERFORMANCE Distinguished Proficient Developing Beginning STANDARD 4: IMPLEMENTS & MANAGES INSTRUCTION 4a. Uses a variety of instructional strategies that engage students in active learning aligned with learning outcomes Demonstrated Partially Demonstrated Not Demonstrated NA 4b. Implements instruction based on diverse student needs and assessment data Demonstrated Partially Demonstrated Not Demonstrated NA 4c. Uses time effectively Demonstrated Partially Demonstrated Not Demonstrated NA 4d. Uses space and materials effectively Demonstrated Partially Demonstrated Not Demonstrated NA 4e. Implements and manages instruction in ways that facilitate higher order thinking Demonstrated Partially Demonstrated Not Demonstrated NA OVERALL STANDARD 4 PERFORMANCE Distinguished Proficient Developing Beginning STANDARD 5: ASSESSES & COMMUNICATES LEARNING RESULTS 5a. Uses assessments that are aligned with learning outcomes Demonstrated Partially Demonstrated Not Demonstrated NA 5b. Uses a variety of assessments to measure student learning Demonstrated Partially Demonstrated Not Demonstrated NA 5c. Analyzes assessment data to guide instruction and learning and to measure learning progress Demonstrated Partially Demonstrated Not Demonstrated NA 5d. Communicates learning results to students and parents Demonstrated Partially Demonstrated Not Demonstrated NA 5e. Adapts assessments to accommodate diverse learning needs and situations Demonstrated Partially Demonstrated Not Demonstrated NA OVERALL STANDARD 5 PERFORMANCE Distinguished Proficient Developing Beginning STANDARD 6: DEMONSTRATES THE IMPLEMENTATION OF TECHNOLOGY 6a. Uses technology to design and plan instruction Demonstrated Partially Demonstrated Not Demonstrated NA 6b. Uses technology to implement instruction and facilitate student learning Demonstrated Partially Demonstrated Not Demonstrated NA 6c. Uses technology to assess and communicate student learning Demonstrated Partially Demonstrated Not Demonstrated NA 6d. Integrates student use of technology into instruction Demonstrated Partially Demonstrated Not Demonstrated NA OVERALL STANDARD 6 PERFORMANCE Distinguished Proficient Developing Beginning STANDARD 7: REFLECTS ON AND EVALUATES TEACHING AND LEARNING 7a. Uses data to reflect on and evaluate student learning Demonstrated Partially Demonstrated Not Demonstrated NA 7b. Uses data to reflect on and evaluate instructional practice Demonstrated Partially Demonstrated Not Demonstrated NA 7c. Uses data to identify areas for professional growth Demonstrated Partially Demonstrated Not Demonstrated NA OVERALL STANDARD 7 PERFORMANCE Distinguished Proficient Developing Beginning STANDARD 8: COLLABORATES WITH COLLEAGUES/PARENTS/OTHERS 8a. Identifies students whose learning was enhanced by collaboration Demonstrated Partially Demonstrated Not Demonstrated NA 8b. Describes activities that engage all parties Demonstrated Partially Demonstrated Not Demonstrated NA OVERALL STANDARD 8 PERFORMANCE Distinguished Proficient Developing Beginning STANDARD 9: EVALUATES TEACHING & IMPLEMENTS PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 9a. Self assesses performance relative to Kentucky's Teacher Standards Demonstrated Partially Demonstrated Not Demonstrated NA 9b. Identifies priorities for professional development based on self-assessment and student performance Demonstrated Partially Demonstrated Not Demonstrated NA 3 of 3 9c. Designs a professional growth plan that addresses identified priorities Demonstrated Partially Demonstrated OVERALL STANDARD 9 PERFORMANCE Distinguished Proficient Developing Not Demonstrated NA Beginning STANDARD 10: PROVIDES LEADERSHIP WITHIN SCHOOL/COMMUNITY/EDUCATION 10a. Describes leadership initiatives that enhance student learning and/or school environment Demonstrated Partially Demonstrated OVERALL STANDARD 10 PERFORMANCE Distinguished Proficient Developing Not Demonstrated NA Beginning INSTRUCTIONS: Below are the essential dispositions that the WKU Professional Education community has determined as important for its candi dates to develop during their education preparation. Using the available rubric and descriptions provided, please assess this candidate's demonstra tion of these characteristics. If you are unable to evaluate a candidate on a particular item (i.e., you did not have the opportunity to observe this behavior), please choose "NA" for "Not Applicable/Not Observed." However, please use this option sparingly as we desire your best judgment of the candidate's dispositions on as many of these items as possible. a. Values learning: Attendance Target Above Standard At Standard Near Standard Below Standard NA b. Values learning: Class participation Target Above Standard At Standard Near Standard Below Standard NA c. Values learning: Class preparation Target Above Standard At Standard Near Standard Below Standard NA d. Values learning: Communication Target Above Standard At Standard Near Standard Below Standard NA e. Values personal integrity: Emotional control Target Above Standard At Standard Near Standard Below Standard NA f. Values personal integrity: ethical behavior Target Above Standard At Standard Near Standard Below Standard NA g. Values diversity Target Above Standard At Standard Near Standard Below Standard NA h. Values collaboration Target Above Standard At Standard Near Standard Below Standard NA i. Values professionalism: Respect for school rules, policies, and norms Target Above Standard At Standard Near Standard Below Standard NA j. Values professionalism: Commitment to self-reflection and growth Target Above Standard At Standard Near Standard Below Standard NA k. Values professionalism: Professional development and involvement Target Above Standard At Standard Near Standard Below Standard NA l. Values professionalism: Professional responsibility Target Above Standard At Standard Near Standard Below Standard NA