EALR 2009-10 Page 1 of 16 Educational Administration, Leadership, and Research Annual Program Report Academic Year 2009-2010 October 2010 1. Continuous Assessment Results a. Admission Data Table 1 provides the average admission test scores and admission grade point average (GPA) of Educational Administration, Leadership, and Research (EALR) candidates approved by Graduate Studies and Research for admission into administrative preparation programs during this academic year. Candidates must meet minimum requirements established by the state and/or the WKU Professional Education Unit. Table 1. Approved Candidate Test Score Averages Program 151 MAE 121 Rank I 131 Cert. Only 098 EDS Total UG GPA N Mean 25 3.33 44 3.21 64 3.13 N 24 37 57 GAP Mean 3093 3148 3909 N 25 41 58 GRE Mean 957 970 1231 3 136 3 121 4853 3538 3 127 1397 1097 3.47 3.20 GRE-V N Mean 25 430 41 383 58 411 GRE-Q N Mean 25 494 40 455 58 483 GRE-A N Mean 2 410 12 467 39 502 GRE-AW N Mean 23 4.22 29 4.34 19 4.21 3 127 3 126 2 55 1 72 460 407 547 478 585 494 4.00 4.26 b. Course Based Assessment Data Table 2 provides the percentage of EALR candidates (N = 104) scoring at each level of proficiency on critical performances (CP) within administrative courses for this academic year. Proficiency levels are based on a scale of 1 – Standard Not Met, 2 – Standard Partially Met, 3 – At Standard, and 4 – Above Standard. Table 2. CP Proficiency Level Percentages Course 1 2 3 4 Total EDAD 597 9.62 0.00 5.77 84.62 100.00 EDAD 683 2.44 0.00 29.27 68.29 100.00 EDAD 588 0.00 0.00 45.45 54.55 100.00 EDAD 682 0.00 6.06 54.55 39.39 100.00 EDAD 690 0.00 0.00 10.87 89.13 100.00 EDAD 677 0.00 0.00 6.25 93.75 100.00 Grand Total 2.37 0.79 22.13 74.70 100.00 Table 3 indicates the level of EALR candidate (N = 103) proficiency across critical performances related to the Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium (ISLLC). Candidates receiving an EALR 2009-10 Page 2 of 16 overall rating of 3 or 4 on a CP are considered to have demonstrated proficiency on the standards associated with the CP. Compared to the unit-wide results, EALR candidates are typically performing above average. Table 3. Percent of EALR Candidates Scoring Proficient on CPs by ISLLC Standards ISLLC Standards 2 3 0.00 0.00 5.77 29.27 45.45 54.55 4 84.62 5 100.00 68.29 54.55 100.00 100.00 39.39 100.00 Visionary Leader 1 9.62 Curricula Leader Managerial Leader 2.44 0.00 Collaborative Leader 0.00 0.00 6.06 Ethical Leader 0.00 0.00 12.28 87.72 100.00 Political Leader Grand Total 0.00 2.27 0.00 0.76 6.25 21.97 93.75 100.00 75.00 100.00 Table 4 indicates the number of EALR candidates (N = 8) who have scored 2 or lower (below proficiency) on critical performances during this academic year. Table 4. EALR Candidates Scoring Below Proficient on CPs Student ID Score 1 2 Student Count 800105230 1 1 800105449 1 1 800134543 2 2 800139589 1 1 800378827 1 1 800579188 800582654 Grand Total 6 1 1 1 1 2 8 c. Clinical Experiences Data The EALR faculty cooperatively agreed on the courses where program candidates’ leadership dispositions are evaluated. They are: EDAD 588, EDAD 682, EDAD 683, EDAD 690, and EDAD 677. The required clinical experiences in these courses address each of the ISLLC leadership standards. For example, in one experience (EDAD 683) students must lead appropriate faculty in their school through the process of aligning curriculum in an identified content area to state standards. In another example, students in EDAD 682 must gather demographic data on their school and school community through interviews, discussions, Internet searches, community agencies, etc. The data is analyzed and a school-community public relations plan is developed, which includes the implementation and evaluation processes. In another example, students in EDAD 690 must log 20 hours of observations of: principals on the elementary school level (5 hours), middle school level (5 hours), high school level (5 hours), and district superintendent (5 EALR 2009-10 Page 3 of 16 hours). As a final example, students must conduct a school culture assessment, analyze the data, and make recommendations for improvement. Included in this assignment are diversity interviews for adults and students linked with appropriate ISLLC standards. All candidates successfully completed the clinical experiences described above in 2009-2010. Candidates not working up to expectations were mentored by course instructors and required to resubmit work until expectations were met. Table 5 reports how leadership program candidates performed on dispositions as they entered and progressed through their program. Students are considered “proficient” who average 3 or higher on each disposition category. Table 5. EALR Proficiency Rates on Unit-Wide Dispositions Period End of Semester WKU Professional Education Dispositions Values Values Personal Values Values Learning Integrity Diversity Collaboration 100% 100% 100% 100% The faculty cooperatively reviewed and agreed on the courses where required clinical experiences addressing each of the ISLLC leadership standards should occur. Over this academic year, EALR candidates reported demographic information on field placements by district and/or grade levels, urban, suburban rural, Title 1, type of schedule structure, state assistance level, and by percentages in the categories of ethnicity, disability, and free/reduced lunch. Table 6 reveals the percentages of field experiences with various characteristics. Note that candidates could choose all the characteristics that applied for any given experience. Characteristics indicated with an asterisk reflect those reported by the National Center for Education Statistics and the Kentucky Department of Education for the districts where field work occurred. Table 6. Percentages of Field Experience by Category Types % Candidates Reporting Observed % Candidates Reporting Participated % Candidates Reporting Led % Candidates Reporting Traditional Schedules % Candidates Reporting Block Schedules % Candidates Reporting Modified Block Schedules % Candidates working in Assistance Level 0 Schools % Candidates working in Assistance Level 1 Schools % Candidates working in Assistance Level 2 Schools % Candidates working in Assistance Level 3 Schools * Average % of Ethnically Diverse Students * Average % of Students on Free/Reduced Lunch * Average % of Students with Disabilities 20 70 9 59 11 16 40 8 2 7 17 52 17 EALR 2009-10 Page 4 of 16 d. Culminating Assessment Data Across programs in the Department of Educational Administration, Leadership, and Research, program/candidates are assessed on ISLLC standards, state administrative standards, and on department developed objectives. Some assessments are conducted through class assignments and class exams, and other assessments are completed on a capstone project. Candidates also compile an electronic portfolio of responses to critical performance questions/tasks, which addresses each state administrative standard. These responses to the critical performance questions/tasks are collected at specific points (assignments within courses). e. Exit and Follow Up Data Specific faculty developed objectives address each program within the department. Candidates in the last course of their program are asked to complete a survey containing two objectives addressing content and one addressing program satisfaction. Director of Pupil Personnel Thirty-three candidates enrolled in EDAD 583, Accounting for Pupil Personnel, which is the essential course for the DPP program. This online course had an electronic satisfaction survey; few students returned the satisfaction survey. However, the ones returned expressed satisfaction with the preparation. Supervisor of Instruction The number of completers is not known as there is no comprehensive examination and some candidates do not file for certification immediately after program completion. Director of Special Education This program has been moved to Special Instructional Programs in School of Teacher Education. Vocational Supervisor of Instruction The number of completers is not known as there is no comprehensive examination, nor does the state report these numbers separately from the regular certification. Vocational School Principal The number of completers is not known. The KDE does not separate these students from the other principal candidates for examination purposes or for reporting purposes. Superintendent Approximately 25 completed the program. All students completed the portfolio and activities with excellent or satisfactory ratings. The completed satisfaction surveys indicate students feel prepared for the superintendent position. EALR 2009-10 Page 5 of 16 Principal In addition to the Kentucky Principal Test (KYPT) and the Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium exam (ISLLC), candidates who complete the principal certification program must present a professional portfolio as a capstone project. Table 7 reveals the number of candidates taking the exams and completing their projects during the academic year. Table 7: Principal Program Completers Exit Requirements Test Takers Total Number Pass KYPT (2009-2010) 84 79 Data currently not available SLLA (2009-2010) Professional Portfolio WKU 58 58 requirement (2009-2010) Pass Rate 94% 100% Instructional Leadership, School Principal, MAE Four objectives are assessed in this program. The areas are: role of the principal, curriculum, community involvement, and diversity. The role of the principal and issues related to diversity are assessed at the end of the program on a comprehensive exam. 100% of the candidates successfully completed these sections. 2. Summary of Results by ISLLC Standards and other Key Conceptual Framework Values Assessment results indicate that the percentage of leadership program candidates who are successful and are satisfied with their program exceeds the 80% success/satisfaction criterion set for the programs. EALR faculty is satisfied that the leadership standards (ISLLC) are being addressed across all programs and continue to adjust course requirements to provide students with authentic experiences. 3. Efforts to Report and Disseminate Results The Educational Administration, Leadership, and Research Department Head shares the results of the Kentucky Principal Test (KYPT) and School Leaders Licensure Assessment (SLLA) with faculty via email and during faculty meetings as they become available and encourages open discussions. Also, the results of these examinations and related discussions are taken into consideration when the department’s annual Action Plan (Planning Report) is developed, in which the objectives are specified and the strategies to be used to achieve them are decided upon. The EALR Department Faculty Meeting dates, agenda items and minutes for 2009-2010 follow: August 25, 2009 Present: Schlinker, Wagner, Fenster, Chon, Miller, Berger, Keaster, Wang, Spall, Carter Welcome and Introductions EALR 2009-10 Page 6 of 16 New Faculty members: Mark Fenster and Kyong Hee Chon Faculty Meetings, Tuesdays (at 10:00 a.m. or 9:00 a.m.?) Faculty will meet at 10:00 a.m. Office hours to Carolyn by August 28 Show 10 to 12 hours spread across the week. Name tags – contact Carolyn if you need one Academic Affairs Administrative Calendar 2009-2010 (handout) Committees and Reps for 2009-2010 (handout) Modified the committees where necessary 2009 Spring Schedule Due in September. Class meeting dates (campus, off campus, weekends, Web, Web enhanced, etc.) are to be determined prior to schedule being posted. Class dates must be provided before course is posted. Program Redesign update – Dr. Ecton Handout of tasks to be accomplished was distributed. Schlinker stated that tasks would be assigned and that a retreat would be scheduled to complete work. Syllabi - Post prior to first class session. Rubric required for all graded assignments MAE Comps – Educational Administration Requirements (handout) Another question will be requested for so that a “pool” can be established. Look fors should be submitted so that other faculty can score if necessary. Also,\adjuncts will be required to submit the same. Printing/ Course Packs Dr. Fiene – Emeritus request – tenured faculty vote Tenured faculty met and voted to grant Emeritus status to Dr. Fiene. Voting: Schlinker, Wagner, Keaster, Spall, Wang, Berger Interpretation of State Statute Regarding Registrants – Sex Offenders, etc. (handout) Admission/Advising Contacts (handout) Assignments were modified. Technology Standards for School Administrators (handout) Standards are to be addressed in all courses. The matrix completed two years ago will be located and redistributed. Pandemic Influenza Faculty should think about what they will do in case of pandemic. Sensitive to student needs, how to make up work, etc. NCATE • Accreditation Accountability & Quality Conference – Sept. 9-13, 2009 – Dr. Schlinker. EALR 2009-10 Page 7 of 16 • • • • • Plans are to complete the Institutional Report by Feb. 2010; one year in advance Dr. Norman. Program Assessment – Coordinated by Dr. Spall. Need to assess during Fall, Spring and Summer terms – this is a change from previous procedure. 1) During the first class session of each semester faculty should ask students who are in the last course of their program/certification to indicate such on a form that will be provided. 2) Faculty should give Dr. Spall a copy of the form so that appropriate assessments can be provided. 3) During the second class session faculty should distribute the assessments and have students complete and return the assessments by the end of class. Please do not permit students to take the assessments home with them as they almost never get back with them. 4) Faculty should return all completed assessments to Dr. Spall. Dispositions and Field Work Summary forms will continue to be completed in EDAD 682, EDAD 683 and EDAD 677 each semester. Field experiences for EALR are currently well covered according to Dr. Evans. College Vision and Mission statements will be shortened so they can be remembered and placed in classrooms - Dr. Evans. Foundations Faculty Special Session- Facilitator, Dr. Miller Make decisions concerning the following courses: EDFN 500, EDFN 501, EDFN 601, EDFN 603, EDFN 703, EDLD 711, etc. • What is the content for each course? • When is each course to be taught? • How is each course to be taught? • What is currently covered in EDLD 711, Research I, Methodology in Leadership • Where does Program Evaluation fit (need separate course?) • Where does Survey Research fit (need separate course?) • Is it possible to turn current EDLD 711, Research I into a separate dissertation seminar to be taken toward the end of the program? Then devise new content for Research I? • Are EDLD 721 and EDLD 731 set in stone? • Anything else? • Dr. Chon will write the course proposal for EDLD 721, Research II-Measure and Validity in Leadership Research (3 credit hours). • Dr. Fenster will write the course proposal for EDLD 731, Research III-Advanced Data Analysis Tools for Leadership (3 credit hours). Notes- Foundations Faculty Session: Faculty agreed on objectives below for EDFN 500 and all were instructed to include the objectives in course syllabus. EALR 2009-10 Page 8 of 16 EDFN 500, Research Methods Objectives 1. Analyze and identify major methods of educational research (Qualitative & Quantitative). 2. Locate and retrieve research reports through library sources (technology). 3. Understand descriptive and inferential statistics in data analysis. 4. Evaluate, critique, and interpret research studies. 5. Translate research reports into brief literature review using APA style. Ed.D. Program Dr. Wagner shared the following information that will go into effect with Cohort 3: • Program: 6 hours – Orientation; 9 hours Leadership 1,2,3; 9 hours Research 1,2,3; 6 hours Practicum; 12 hours Dissertation. 18 hours Electives • After 21 hours students must have the following completed before being allowed to continue: 1)Advisor selected, 2)Program members selected, 3) Dissertation topic. Faculty agreed on the follow: • Students will be assessed to determine appropriate placement in research class (elective- EDFN 501, 601, etc) • Research Sequence will be: Research II – Program Evaluation; Research III – Survey/Psychometrics; Research I – Advanced Research Design • Dr. Fenster will write/develop EDLD 721, Measurement and Validity in Leadership Research. * Course title may change. • Dr. Chon will write/develop EDLD 731, Advanced Data Analysis Tools in Leadership Research. *Course title may change. September 22, 2009 Present: Schlinker, Wagner, Fenster, Chon, Miller, Berger, Spall, Keaster, Wang, Carter Proposal for New Courses – Jim Berger • ADED 590 • ADED 599 • MAE in Adult Education Motion to approve made by Chris Wagner, second by Steve Miller. Approved unanimously. Program Assessment – Sharon Spall Report: The four program objectives were all met. Program objectives: 1) knowledge and role of the principal (All satisfactorily); 2) Curriculum knowledge (All proficient); 3) Community & School (All proficient); Diversity (comps All passed). Faculty Evaluations • Conducted Week of September 28 – October 1 EALR 2009-10 Page 9 of 16 • • • • • Make Appointment Now (This week) Prior to appointment I need Goals 2008-2009 status report Digital Measures 2008-2009 – complete by Friday, Sept. 25 Goals 2009-2010 – due Friday, October 16 2009-2010 Planning Report for EALR MAE Comprehensive Exam – Question pool being established Graduation Confirmation Form – Start using immediately Program Redesign • Course Proposals - EDAD 640, Introduction to School Leadership – Ric - EDAD 641, Building Culture and Community – Chris - EDAD 642, Leveraging Community Systems & Resources – Bud - EDAD 643, Securing and Developing Staff – Bud - EDAD 644, Creating Organizational Structures & Operations – Gayle - EDAD 645, Practicing the Principalship - Chris Proposals will be copied to faculty for editing/comments. • • Syllabi for Course Proposals (Start immediately) Retreat (will be set up on Tuesdays and probably run for only ½ day) Dr. Ransdell’s visit on October 20 • The paring back of our campus strategic plan. • The search for a new Provost (i.e., what do you seek in a new chief academic officer?). • The proper role of research on our campus. (Send all comments to Jim Berger, who will distribute them to faculty) Newsletter – Ric Keaster Other October 6, 2009 Present: Schlinker, Fenster, Chon, Miller, Berger, Carter, Keaster, Wang Absent: Spall, Wagner KYPT results for 2009 shared (also sent via email attachment) – Schlinker Discussion on topics in preparation for Dr. Ransdell’s Visit on Oct. 20, 2009 – Schlinker Keaster summarized discussion points and sent to Dr. Ransdell EALR 2009-10 Page 10 of 16 October 13, 2009 Present: Entire faculty EALR positions to be filled: Chair, Dr. Hooper’s, Professional in Residence (1/2) -Chair search committee meets 21st to review applications and select those to be interviewed. -Hooper’s position search committee is currently being formed: Dr. Keaster is chair; Wagner; Miller; Spall and Randall Jackson. -Professional in residence: Schlinker Chair; Delvagus Jackson; Berger, Spall Program Redesign - Draft course proposals All six course proposals are being edited by Dr. Poe; syllabus, Library Resources form, and Course Inventory Form has been completed for each course. Proposals will be shared with faculty after editing. - Teacher Leader courses The 4 courses will retain the current number; a Multi Revision form will be completed for each - Other Final comments regarding Dr. Ransdell’s visit Oct. 20 Discussion continued from previous meeting; talking points were agreed upon; Miller, Berger and Wagner agreed to summarize the talking points and distribute them to faculty. Other Spall reported on her attendance on assessment training in Frankfort (Stiggens) and invited all to review the materials that she received. November 3, 2009 Present: Entire faculty Absent: Academic Program Review • MAE School Admin. Dr. Spall volunteered to write this section and pull all sections together for the final report. • Ed. S. School Admin. Dr. Spall volunteered to write this section • Cooperative Doctoral Program Dr. Keaster volunteered to write this section • Ed. D. Dr. Wagner volunteered to write this section Program Redesign • Vote on Proposal to Change Course Titles (Note: Faculty agreed on these changes last academic year.) Faculty voted to approve these course title changes. Proposals to Change Course Title forms will be completed and sent forward. EALR 2009-10 Page 11 of 16 EDAD 588 School Business Management to Allocation and Use of Resources EDAD 677 School Law to Legal Issues for Professional Educators EDAD 683 Seminar in Curriculum Development to Leading Teaching and Learning EDAD 684 Instructional Leadership to Assessing the Instructional Program and Monitoring Student Performance The following statement is included on each Proposal to Change Course Title form, which is the basis of our decision to change the titles: The EALR department feels that the content of this course is appropriate for teacher leaders as well as those who want to be school administrators. We feel that this title would be viewed as more appropriate to a teacher leader program. At the same time, we feel this title also fits with what is being taught in the present course. • New Course Proposals: EDAD 640, 641, 642, 643, 644, and 645. Proposals were approved by faculty vote via email 10/28/09. Proposals are being edited by Dr. Poe and will be submitted to CEBS CC for December meeting. • A retreat will be planned within the next few weeks to continue the redesign work. Be thinking about: - Level II (Course titles, content, delivery format, field work, etc.) - Anchor Assessments Other Discussion focused on printing cost. Faculty were encouraged to attach course handouts, syllabi, etc., to an email for students. Dr. Schlinker will attend CCSLP meeting Thursday and Friday. January 26, 2010 Present: All faculty Professional-In-Residence – Dale Brown Academic Program Review – 2009 – Dr. Sharon Spall • MAE, Instructional Leader-School Principal (K-12) • School Admin, Ed. S. • Instructional Leader-School Principal (K-12) • Supervisor of Instruction • Director of Pupil Personnel National Board Certificate • Handout EALR 2009-10 Page 12 of 16 • Do we want to participate? • How many hours? 3 or 6 hours • What course(s)? After discussion faculty voted unanimously to accept up to 3 hours of credit in lieu of the following courses, which are prerequisite to the DPP and Instructional Supervision programs: SEC 580 The Curriculum, ELED 503 Organization of the Elementary School Curriculum, and MGE 571 The Middle School Curriculum. The hours may not be substituted for any EDAD courses. Redesign of Principal Preparation Program • Status of proposals (Courses, Title changes, Revise a Program) • 16 KAR 3:050 • PPP Evaluation Form • MOA Schedules • Summer 2010 – Handout – Information only • Fall 2010 Vita – Digital Measures • Email sent 1/19/10 to upload • Uploads complete for Bud, Ric, Mark, Chris, & Jim Outside Printing $100+ over budget. Faculty encourage to attach course materials to emails for students to download. Office hours for Spring 2010 • Send to Carolyn by Friday, Jan. 29 Show10 to 12 hours. Search Committees • Two asst./assoc. position Currently two searches are underway. One will replace Dr. Hooper the other will replace Dr. Schlinker Other Advising – faculty encouraged to be very careful when writing programs. Provide justification for waiving courses, substituting courses, etc. Make notes in the file. Justify why a student should be granted a program extension. Reminder that Critical Performances are required in 588, 597, 677, 682, 683, 690 and should be uploaded by the end of the term. EALR 2009-10 Page 13 of 16 March 16, 2010 Present: Bud Schlinker, Fred Carter, Ric Keaster, Sharon Spall, Jianliang Wang, Steve Miller, Kyong Chon, Dale Brown Absent: Chris Wagner, Jim Berger Proposal to Revise A Program • Planned Sixth-Year (Rank I) Education Administration • Certification in Education Administration (Proposal is to drop the GRE requirement for Level II) The faculty voted unanimously to approve the proposal to drop the GRE requirement for both the Planned Sixth-Year (Rank I) Education Administration and Certification in Education Administration (2200 GAP). Revision of Principal Preparation Program Proposals on March 18 Senate agenda Program proposal for EPSB in progress Retreat being planned Discussion of the program and things to be done. TCHL Courses: 500, 550, 540, & 558 (RE: email sent out last week) Discussion concerning the department not being able to teach these courses for TL with the possible exception of co-teaching either 550, 540 or 558. Preparing to Move to New Building Start now discarding unnecessary material, books, etc. TPH furniture stays Discussion about the importance of preparing now for the move to the new building. Director of Ed. D. Program Interview: Dr. Phillip Young, April 1, TPH 421 Administrative Council - 10:30 – 11:00 Search Committee – 11:15-12:00 EALR – 2:15-3:15 Interview: Dr. Christon Arthur – April 15 – plans TBA EALR – 2:15-3:15 in TPH 421 Scholarships RE: March 8 e-mail CEBS Student Award CEBS Outstanding Graduate Student (MAE, Ed. D.) Nominations were not prepared as requested so faculty promised to have them to Bud by Wednesday afternoon. Select Professional Education Council member for 2010-2012 term EALR 2009-10 Page 14 of 16 - Dr. Wang agreed to serve Other CEBS Curriculum Committee’s Complaint Committee – Dr. Fenster will be replaced by Kyong Chon March 30, 2010 Present: Spall, Schlinker, Brown, Miller, Wang, Chon, Berger, Wagner-last few minutes Absent: Keaster, Carter Principal Preparation Program • Handout – Tasks to be completed by April 12 • Handouts – Syllabi (EDAD 640, 641, 642, 643, 644, & 645) • Handout – Principal Preparation Proposal All handouts and tasks were discussed and examples given for clarification. Stressed the due date and the need to become familiar with all of the material prior to beginning the work. Advising: How can we do a better job? Examples of concerns: • EDFN 500 taken as one of the last courses in candidate’s program. • EDAD 585 and/or EDAD 597 (Intro courses) taken at the end of a candidate’s program • International students not having time to finish a required course for the MAE comps prior to the exams and leaving the country. An advisement notebook compiled by Carolyn Hunt and Dr. Schlinker was distributed and reviewed. Faculty was encouraged to pay more attention to the advisement needs of students. The examples above and others were discussed to stress the importance of advising students. For Your Information • All courses should have a minimum of 2,200 minutes per semester (WKU’s Schedule of Class Preparation Manual). Often we have two sections of the same course with a marked difference in the number of total minutes for the semester. Example: Weekend classes. Courses will not be scheduled unless a minimum of 2,200 minutes is shown. • Class meeting dates should not to be changed after registration begins, please. Changing meeting dates often conflicts with other classes that students have scheduled and/or their personal schedules. If changes in schedules must occur then all students registered for the class must agree. If a student cannot attend a class session that was changed then they should not be penalized. EALR 2009-10 Page 15 of 16 • Students who register for an on-site class are not to be allowed to take the course online. Access to online course material is a common practice and is left to the discretion of the instructor. This section was discussed completely and questions were responded to for clarification. Other • Interview for Director of Ed. D. – Phillip Young will be here April 1, 2:15, TPH 421 • Christon Arthur will interview April 15 and 16 • Kyong Chon volunteered to serve on the CEBS CC for the Fall 2010-Fall 2012 term April 27, 2010 Present: Schlinker, Spall, Chon, Wang, Carter, Berger, Miller, Keaster, Wagner Absent: Program Assessment Dr. Spall • DPP, Supervisor of Instruction, Principal, Superintendent Discussion concerning how to administer the surveys included Survey Monkey, hard copy, etc. Dr. Spall said that she would investigate and determine the best method for administering the surveys online. Revised Principal Preparation Program Dr. Schlinker • Latest Proposal Draft • Rubric for Proposal The two documents above are to be worked through individually by faculty and returned to Dr. Schlinker May 5. Faculty are to use the rubric to edit/score the Principal Prep Program proposal. • Executive Summary – new (edit) Faculty are to edit the summary and provide input to Dr. Schlinker by May 5. • Expectations – new (edit) Faculty are to edit the summary and provide input to Dr. Schlinker by May 5. • Note: Become familiar with Dimension 1 and Dimension 2 Anchor Assessments and come to the meeting prepared for a discussion concerning these dimensions and the Capstone project. Please bring your Continuum for Principal Preparation and Development notebook to the meeting. Dr. Keaster moved that Dimension 2 Anchor Assessment be used in EDAD 645 as the capstone project and that Dimension 1 Anchor Assessment be addressed in EDAD 640. Faculty approved. It was also discussed that Dimension 2 Anchor Assessment be started in the first two courses (640 and 641) and completed in EDAD 645. It was suggested that in the proposal on page 8 that courses outside the dept. and college be added for students to choose from for electives. EALR 2009-10 Page 16 of 16 Other • Faculty retreat to work on revised PPP will be Tuesday, May 11, 2010, 9:00, TPH 406 • Interview of candidate on April 28, 10:00 a.m., TPH 421 • Dr. Holliday’s Focus Group (Evaluations, Tenure, Compensation), Wednesday, April 28, 4:00 p.m., Knicely Center. A total of 9 students indicated that they would attend the meeting. • Dr. Schlinker distributed the article, Course Interrupted: Coping With Instructor Absence by Retta Poe asking faculty to read and offer ideas at the next meeting about how to organize so that course interruptions are handled in the best interest of all concerned. 4. Key Discussions and/or Decisions Made Based on Assessment Results a. Assessment or Data Collection Changes Based on Assessment Results Plans were made to provide the Program Satisfaction Surveys online and faculty agreed to encourage students to complete the appropriate survey for their program. b. Program Curriculum or Experiences Changes Based on Assessment Results No changes in program curriculum are warranted, except the Principal Preparation Program, which is being completely revised to be in compliance with 15 KAR 3:050. c. Decisions about Group/Individual Student Progress Based on Assessment Results Because the failure rates in the various programs are low, faculty continue to agree that it appears to be a student problem rather than a program problem. Faculty will address failures through mentoring, encouraging the use of the MAE Comprehensive Study Guide and various individual remediation strategies.