Your Program Name Here – Initial Preparation
Annual Program Report
Academic Year 2010 ‐ 2011
Person Completing Report
Report Date
Continuous Assessment Results a.
Admission Data
Table 1 provides the average admission test scores and admission grade point average
(GPA) of Educational Administration, Leadership, and Research (EALR) candidates approved by Graduate Studies and Research for admission into administrative preparation programs during this academic year.
Candidates must meet minimum requirements established by the state and/or the WKU Professional Education Unit.
Table 1.
Approved Candidate Test Score Averages
N Mean N Mean N Mean N Mean N Mean N Mean
Rank I
34 3.07
28 3661 29 391 29 513 13 580.77
15 4.00
131 CERT.
121 3.16
107 3728 113 401 113 461 69 475.62
151 MAE 8 3.27
8 2851 8 401 8 471
Course Based Assessment Data
Table 2 provides the percentage of EALR candidates (N = 123) scoring at each level of proficiency on critical performances within education courses for this academic year.
Proficiency levels are based on a scale of 1 – Standard Not Met, 2 – Standard Partially Met, 3 –
At Standard, and 4 – Above Standard.
Table 2.
CP Proficiency Level Percentages
Course 1 2 3 4
EDAD 588 0% 0% 86% 14% 100%
EDAD 597 0% 2% 2% 96% 100%
EDAD 677 0% 0% 17% 83% 100%
EDAD 682 4% 10% 10% 76% 100%
EDAD 683 0% 0% 8% 92% 100%
EDAD 690 0% 0% 42% 58% 100%
Grand Total 0% 1% 26% 72% 100%
Table 3 indicates the level of EALR candidate (N = 103) proficiency across critical performances related to the Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium (ISLLC).
Candidates receiving an
overall rating of 3 or 4 on a CP are considered to have demonstrated proficiency on the standards associated with the CP.
Compared to the unit ‐ wide results, EALR candidates are typically performing above average.
Table 3.
Percent of EALR Candidates Scoring Proficient on CPs by ISLLC Standards
ISLLC Standards
Visionary Leader
Instructional Leader
Managerial Leader
Collaborative Leader
Ethical Leader
Political Leader
1 2 3 4
0% 1%
0% 0%
2% 97% 100%
6% 94% 100%
0% 0% 84% 16% 100%
1% 4% 8% 85% 100%
0% 0% 26% 74% 100%
0% 0% 13% 87% 100%
Grand Total 0% 1% 21% 78% 100%
Table 4 indicates the number of EALR candidates (N = 1) who have scored 2 or lower (below proficiency) on critical performances during this academic year.
Table 4.
EALR Candidates Scoring Below Proficient on CPs
Student ID Student Count
1 2
1 1
Grand Total 0 1 1
Clinical Experiences Data
The EALR faculty cooperatively agreed on the courses where program candidates’ leadership dispositions are evaluated.
They are: EDAD 588, EDAD 682, EDAD 683, EDAD 690, and EDAD
The required clinical experiences in these courses address each of the ISLLC leadership standards.
For example, in one experience (EDAD 683) students must lead appropriate faculty in their school through the process of aligning curriculum in an identified content area to state standards.
In another example, students in EDAD 682 must gather demographic data on their school and school community through interviews, discussions, Internet searches, community agencies, etc.
The data is analyzed and a school ‐ community public relations plan is developed, which includes the implementation and evaluation processes.
In another example, students in
EDAD 690 must log 20 hours of observations of: principals on the elementary school level (5 hours), middle school level (5 hours), high school level (5 hours), and district superintendent (5 hours).
As a final example, students must conduct a school culture assessment, analyze the data, and make recommendations for improvement.
Included in this assignment are diversity
interviews for adults and students linked with appropriate ISLLC standards.
All candidates successfully completed the clinical experiences described above in 2010 ‐ 2011.
Candidates not working up to expectations were mentored by course instructors and required
to resubmit work until expectations were met.
Table 5 reports how leadership program candidates performed on dispositions as they entered and progressed through their program.
Students are considered “proficient” who average 3 or
higher on each disposition category.
Table 5.
EALR Proficiency Rates on Unit ‐ Wide Dispositions
Period Values
WKU Professional Education Dispositions
Values Personal
End of Semester 100% 100% 100% 94% 100%
The faculty cooperatively reviewed and agreed on the courses where required clinical experiences addressing each of the ISLLC leadership standards should occur.
Over this academic year, EALR candidates reported demographic information on field placements by district and/or grade levels, urban, suburban rural, Title 1, type of schedule structure, state assistance level, and by percentages in the categories of ethnicity, disability, and free/reduced lunch.
Table 6
reveals the percentages of field experiences with various characteristics.
Note that candidates could choose all the characteristics that applied for any given experience.
Characteristics indicated with an asterisk reflect those reported by the National Center for Education Statistics and the Kentucky Department of Education for the districts where field work occurred.
Table 6.
Percentages of Field Experience by Category Types
Working with Student With Special Needs
% Candidates Reporting Observed
% Candidates Reporting Participated
% Candidates Reporting Led
% Candidates Reporting Traditional Schedules
% Candidates Reporting Block Schedules
% Candidates Reporting Modified Block Schedules
% Candidates Working in Assistance Level 0 Schools
% Candidates Working in Assistance Level 1 Schools
% Candidates Working in Assistance Level 2 Schools
% Candidates Working in Assistance Level 3 Schools
% * Average % of Ethically Diverse Students
% * Average % of Students on Free/Reduced Lunch
% * Average % of Students With Disabilities
17% d.
Culminating Assessment Data
Across programs in the Department of Educational Administration, Leadership, and Research, program/candidates are assessed on ISLLC standards, state administrative standards, and on department developed objectives.
Some assessments are conducted through class assignments
and class exams, and other assessments are completed on a capstone project.
Candidates also compile an electronic portfolio of responses to critical performance questions/tasks, which addresses each state administrative standard.
These responses to the critical performance questions/tasks are collected at specific points (assignments within courses).
Exit and Follow Up Data
Specific faculty developed objectives address each program within the department.
in the last course of their program are asked to complete a survey containing two objectives addressing content and one addressing program satisfaction.
Director of Pupil Personnel
Candidates enrolled in EDAD 583, Accounting for Pupil Personnel, which is the essential course for the DPP program were asked to complete an online electronic satisfaction survey; few students returned the satisfaction survey.
However, the ones returned expressed satisfaction with the preparation.
number of
completers is not known as there is no comprehensive examination and some candidates do not file for certification immediately after program completion.
of program
Education been moved
to Special Instructional Programs in School of Teacher
Vocational Supervisor of Instruction
The number of completers is not known as there is no comprehensive examination, nor
does the state report these numbers separately from the regular certification.
Vocational School Principal
The number of completers is not known.
The state does not separate these students
from the other principal candidates for examination purposes or for reporting purposes.
All program students submitted the required portfolio and activities with excellent or satisfactory ratings.
The completed satisfaction surveys indicated that students feel prepared for the superintendent position.
In addition to the Kentucky Principal Test (KYPT) and the Interstate School Leaders
Licensure Consortium exam (ISLLC), candidates who complete the principal certification program must present a professional portfolio as a capstone project.
Table 7 reveals the number of candidates taking the exams and completing their projects during the academic year.
Exit Requirements
KYPT (2010 ‐ 2011)
SLLA (2010 ‐ 2011)
Professional Portfolio
WKU requirement
(2010 ‐ 2011)
Table 7: Principal Program Completers
Test Takers
Total Number Pass
Pass Rate
Instructional Leadership, School Principal, MAE
Four objectives are assessed in this program.
The areas are: role of the principal, curriculum, community involvement, and diversity.
The role of the principal and issues related to diversity are assessed at the end of the program on a comprehensive exam.
100% of the candidates successfully completed these sections
Summary of Results by ISLLC Standards and other Key Conceptual Framework Values
Assessment results indicate that the percentage of leadership program candidates who are successful and are satisfied with their program exceeds the 80% success/satisfaction criterion set for the programs.
EALR faculty is satisfied that the leadership standards (ISLLC) are being addressed across all programs and continue to adjust course requirements to provide students
with authentic experiences.
Efforts to Report and Disseminate Results
The Educational Administration, Leadership, and Research Department Head shares the results of the Kentucky Principal Test (KYPT) and School Leaders Licensure Assessment (SLLA) with faculty via email and during faculty meetings as they become available and encourages open discussions.
Also, the results of these examinations and related discussions are taken into
consideration when the department’s annual Action Plan (Planning Report) is developed, in which the objectives are specified and the strategies to be used to achieve them are decided
The EALR Department Faculty Meeting dates, agenda items and minutes for 2010 ‐ 2011 follow:
Key Discussions and/or Decisions Made Based on Assessment Results
Educational Administration, Leadership and Research
Faculty Meeting
August 24, 2010
9:00 a.m.
Present: All faculty
Absent: none
Welcome and Introductions
New Faculty members: Dr.
Gary Houchens, Dr.
Matthew Basham, Dr.
Jie Zhang
Faculty Meetings
Tuesday at 10:00 a.m.
Office hours
‐ Carolyn by Friday, August 27
Show at least 10 to 12 hours spread across the week.
Please give prior notification to department head via email, if possible, if unable to keep office hours or appointments.
Name Tags
– contact Carolyn
Business Cards
‐ contact Carolyn
‐ New faculty only at this time.
When we move to the new building new cards will be ordered for everybody.
Outlook Migration (E ‐ mail)
‐ Tony Kirchner
‐ CEBS weeks of Sept.
20 ‐ 27 migration will take place
‐ must be present
Academic Affairs Administrative Calendar 2010 ‐ 2011 (handout)
Committees and Reps for 2010 ‐ 2011
‐ Committee: Student Recognition Criteria: Keaster, Wagner, and Schlinker will design the criteria and present to faculty for approval.
Class Schedule
‐ Class meeting dates (campus, off campus, weekends, Web, Web enhanced, etc.) and times (at least 37 hours) are to be determined prior to schedule being posted.
Schedules are not to be changed unless every student agrees – secret ballot????
Notify me prior to implementing changes.
‐ For future reference let me know in writing by Sept.
9 what courses you would like to teach or be willing to teach.
Post by the first day of registration.
Changes posted by the first class session.
Rubric required for all graded assignments
Student Information Sheets
‐ Will be placed in mailboxes
‐ Due by the second week of classes
‐ An electronic version will be sent to faculty to be sent to online students.
Face ‐ to ‐ face classes with get a hard copy.
Areas will be put in fields, if possible.
Put notice to contact the EALR dept.
if there has been a change of address or contact numbers.
Course Wait List
‐ Please, do not admit a student to a class when there is a waiting list.
Work through Carolyn.
‐ Team on campus March 27 ‐ 29, 2011.
‐ Dr.
Norman is coordinating efforts
‐ Printing will now be done by OfficeMax.
Please plan ahead.
‐ Doc and EDS students should present a hard copy of their dissertation/ thesis/ project.
Please, do not run copies.
‐ Send handouts, articles, etc., for classes via attachment as much as possible.
‐ Printing in ‐ house cost: $3,182.52
per year for big printer in 425for lease and maintenance, plus .07
color copy, .0065
b/w copy, plus purchase own paper.
‐ EDLD 800 Maintain Matriculation ‐ Faculty approved the course.
Notice was sent to Dr.
‐ Proposals ‐ FYI
‐ EDAD 721(2) Postsecondary Change and Cultures
‐ EDAD 724 Leadership in Community and Technical Colleges
‐ EDAD 728 Postsecondary Economics and Finance
(Suggestion: Discuss the 3 courses above as one time offerings with Dr.
Would this be faster?)
Note: on August 8, 2010 faculty approved via email, the following courses: EDAD 724 Leading Community Technical
Colleges [approved as a one ‐ time offering to make sure it will be ready to be taught in spring 2011 and also, approved as a permanent offering]; EDAD 726 Postsecondary Change and Culture; EDAD 728 Postsecondary
Economics and Finance
Critical Performances and Dispositions Rating Form and Field Work Summary
‐ EDAD 588, EDAD 597, EDAD 677, EDAD 682, EDAD 683, EDAD 690.
‐ CP, Dispositions, and Field Work Summary are to be completed whatever the course delivery method
‐ Changes cannot be made to the CP after the semester begins.
Request for changes must come through the department head.
Dispositions may not be changed .
Computer Labs
‐ CEBS lab – open in the Fall and Spring terms on Saturday.
Faculty can reserve – keep commitment when
Not open late on Friday.
Contact Tony Kirchner to reserve.
‐ MMTH lab – open 24 hours a day, seven days per week.
Cannot be reserved.
Busy in Fall/Spring terms,
but not in the summer terms.
Computer Virus
Hold the power button on the front of the machine in for 5 ‐ 6 seconds, this will shut the computer off.
Academic Probation
‐ a hold will be put on the student so that they cannot register for classes
‐ student must meet with advisor to work out a remediation plan
‐ advisor must notify department head in writing, that the plan has been developed before the hold will be lifted
Digital Measures
‐ Faculty encouraged to post in a timely manner.
Travel/PD Money
‐ $300 per year
Program Assessment
‐ Satisfaction survey will be administered each semester – Fall, Spring, Summer
‐ Dr.
Spall explained process
‐ Form to indicate those students in the last course of their program will be distributed and returned to
Faculty should ask students if they are in their last course.
Student Files
‐ Maintain documentation
‐ Keep good records of student progress, problem behavior, etc.
Principal Preparation Program Revision Update
‐ Every Tuesday in September, 9:00 – 12:00 (Gary, Sharon, Ric, Steve, Chris, Bud).
These faculty will begin meeting on Sept.
7, 2010.
‐ Proposal will be resubmitted to the EPSB asap
‐ Dr.
Houchens and Dr.
Schlinker will be working on EDAD 640 ‐ 645content in fall term
Things to Come
‐ Move to the new building (Old student files, general files, furniture, books, etc.) No TPH furniture can be moved to the new building.
Furniture necessary because of a medical situation will need a doctor’s statement.
‐ Gordon & Gordon Tour is scheduled on Thursday, October 28, at 10:00 and will last approximately 1 hour.
Educational Administration, Leadership and Research
Department Meeting
October 19, 2010
Present: Schlinker, Spall, Berger, Houchens, Wang, Basham, Keaster, Chon, Miller, Zhang
Absent: Wagner
2009 ‐ 2010 Evaluations – Bud Schlinker
‐ Will be completed by Friday, October 23
2010 ‐ 2011 Goals – Bud Schlinker
‐ All faculty evaluated for 2009 ‐ 2010
‐ Due Friday, October 23, 2010
‐ Submit electronically
‐ All new faculty
‐ Due Friday, October 30, 2010
‐ Submit electronically
Evaluations, Summer Evaluations
Weekend classes – problems with packets being available before classes end
Off campus – problems with packets not being available
Instructor made satisfaction surveys for summer classes were encouraged
Mid ‐ term instructor made survey shared with group – Jim Berger
Faculty encouraged to see that evaluations are completed.
if possible.
Office Assignment Procedure for New Building – Bud Schlinker
Faculty offices will be assigned by Dr.
Schlinker, those faculty here longest will get a window office, others will be drawn for.
Talking Points for Dr.
Emslie and Dr.
Baylis Listening Tour, Thursday, Oct.
28, 10:00 A.M.,
TPH 406 – Steve Miller
Discussion of the talking points compiled by Dr.
Miller; some points modified; other points added.
Miller will rank the section “What WKU can do for the dept.” and distribute.
EPSB will meet Thursday, Oct.
21, to consider the department’s revised Principal Preparation Program proposal.
Educational Administration, Leadership, and Research
Department Meeting
November 23, 2010
Present: Schlinker, Basham, Berger, Houchens, Spall, Wang
Absent: Keaster, Wagner, Miller, Chon
EALR Program Courses (handout) – Schlinker
Distribution of all courses needed for administrative programs, including Ed.
Main purpose was to get faculty thinking about what has to be done in the near future in regard to programs and courses.
Discussion will follow later about how courses may be able to be combined.
EDAD 740 and EDAD 741 – Houchens & Schlinker
‐ Course objectives rating
Draft work on the new courses instructor resources for the revised Principal Preparation Program were shared.
Discussion followed with a few good ideas for improvement being shared.
Work will continue on the courses
Selection of cohort members for revised Principal Preparation Program ‐ Schlinker
‐ Set times
‐ Recruit district participants
Faculty were encouraged to start thinking about procedures and strategies for developing cohorts.
Suggested that times for fall and spring to be standardized for planning purposes.
Moving to new building – Mid ‐ December Schlinker & Carolyn will move; Mid ‐ January Faculty will move
General discussion.
Attention was called to Dr.
Evans email to faculty earlier in the week, regarding moving procedures.
Faculty were encouraged to start packing.
Summer 2011 – Schedules have to be turned in shortly so let Carolyn know what you want to teach and when by
November 30.
All EALR faculty are expected to teach at least one course.
Blank summer schedules were distributed and a request was made for them to be completed and returned
by Nov.
Student Awards Ceremony – Criteria has to be decided – Schlinker
No volunteers came forward to decide on the criteria for selection.
Schlinker will decide the criteria and report to faculty.
Selection of course texts: Recommended or Required ‐ Schlinker
All faculty are to list the texts in APA format and send to Carolyn.
After the list is completed all faculty should consult prior to selecting a course text.
Christmas function – Schlinker
Lunch, Tuesday, Dec.
14, TPH 406, 11:00.
Faculty are to let Carolyn know what they are bring for the
Schlinker will provide the meat.
Newsletter – Keaster
Examples of news items were shared and faculty were encouraged to get items to Ric.
Graduation – Dec.
17, 5:30 p.m.
– Notify Schlinker if attending.
Educational Administration, Leadership and Research
Department Meeting
January 26, 2010
10:00 A.
Present: All faculty
Absent: None
Professional ‐ In ‐ Residence – Dale Brown
Academic Program Review – 2009 – Dr.
Sharon Spall
MAE, Instructional Leader ‐ School Principal (K ‐ 12)
School Admin, Ed.
Instructional Leader ‐ School Principal (K ‐ 12)
Supervisor of Instruction
Director of Pupil Personnel
National Board Certificate
Do we want to participate?
How many hours?
3 or 6 hours
What course(s)?
After discussion faculty voted unanimously to accept up to 3 hours of credit in lieu of the following courses, which are prerequisite to the DPP and Instructional Supervision programs: SEC 580 The Curriculum, ELED 503
Organization of the Elementary School Curriculum, and MGE 571 The Middle School Curriculum.
The hours may not
be substituted for any EDAD courses.
Redesign of Principal Preparation Program
Status of proposals (Courses, Title changes, Revise a Program)
16 KAR 3:050
PPP Evaluation Form
Summer 2010 – Handout – Information only
Fall 2010
Vita – Digital Measures
Email sent 1/19/10 to upload
Uploads complete for Bud, Ric, Mark, Chris, & Jim
Outside Printing
$100+ over budget.
Faculty encourage to attach course materials to emails for students to download.
Office hours for Spring 2010
Send to Carolyn by Friday, Jan.
Show10 to 12 hours.
Search Committees
Two asst./assoc.
Currently two searches are underway.
One will replace Dr.
Hooper the other will replace Dr.
Advising – faculty encouraged to be very careful when writing programs.
Provide justification for waiving courses,
substituting courses, etc.
Make notes in the file.
Justify why a student should be granted a program extension.
Reminder that Critical Performances are required in 588, 597, 677, 682, 683, 690 and should be uploaded by the
end of the term.
Educational Administration, Leadership, and Research
Department Meeting
10:00 A.M., GRH 3073
February 15, 2011
Present: Schlinker, Zhang, Chon, Miller, Spall, Wang, Berger, Basham, Carter, Houchens
Absent: Keaster
Senate Rep Election
Steve Miller – Rep.
Motion made by Schlinker to elected Stephen Miller by acclimation; second by Fred Carter.
Vote was unanimous.
Note: Ric Keaster & Fred Carter – agreed to serve as alternates as needed.
No vote necessary.
Education for Sustainability for Teachers (K ‐ 16), summer conference at WKU, mid ‐ to ‐ late July.
Need a volunteer to
serve on planning committee.
Anyone interested is to contact Schlinker by Friday, Feb.
Marketing Revised Principal Preparation Program
Handout sent to all Spring 2011 classes, repeat in Summer 2011
GRREC superintendents
Visits to school districts
EALR Web page
Professional organizations: KASA, KASS, KAESP, KASSP, KASI (?), etc.
Post in classrooms
Schlinker shared that the Application Packet is being completed and information for the department’s web site will be up ‐ loaded shortly.
Discussion on how to best market the revised Principal Preparation Program and why the effort has to be made prior to fall 2011.
Other suggestions offered: Orientations at Elizabethtown, Owensboro, and Glasgow, request list serves from organizations, local publications such as WRECC/BGMU, KY School Leader.
Contact information below was provided by Carter:
Wilson Sears, Executive Director – 606 ‐ 875 ‐ 1771
Stu Silberman, President
KASS Summer Institute is scheduled for Lexington on June 22, 2011.
It will be held at the Clarion Hotel.
Don Turner, Executive Director – 859 ‐ 236 ‐ 7230
Kim Banta, President, Dixie Heights High School Principal
KASSP Summer Conference is scheduled for June 22 – 24, 2011.
Contact information is
or P.O.
Box 46, Danville, KY 40423
Wayne Young, Executive Director
Phyllis O’Neal, President
July 13 ‐ July 15, 2011 – Summer Conference – Galt House Hotel, Louisville
or 1 ‐ 800 ‐ 928 ‐ KASA or 502 ‐ 875 ‐ 3411
Address is 152 Consumer Lane, Frankfort, KY 40601
Masters Degree ‐ ideas
Higher Education
Measurement and
and Assessment
Discussion on what kind of masters to offer.
Other ideas offered to think about: Higher Ed Institute; Higher Ed
Personnel; Accountability, Assessment, Evaluation; Policy Analysis.
Houchens, Zhang, Basham, and Berger volunteered to head up leadership on gathering information and selecting
options for further discussion on March 22, 2011, Dept.
Interviews –Spall & Keaster
21, Feb.
25, Feb.
28, Mar.
Spall reported that the four candidates are strong contenders for the two positions.
Schlinker requested that everybody put the interview dates on their calendars and do their best to attend the faculty interview session and
reminded faculty that the schedule was sent out via email attachment last week by Keaster.
Gary A.
Ransdell Hall dedication
Friday, April 29, 2:00 p.m.
Schlinker reminded faculty that there is the expectation that we attend.
All offices should be open for visitors.
Theory input – handout
Need volunteers to organize
Schlinker reminded faculty that suggestions should have already been submitted to him.
Spall and Zhang agreed to
work on the draft, organize into categories, etc
‘Making a Difference’ ‐ Doctoral Symposium – March 31 – April 1, 2011, Remind doc students that they are
expected to attend.
Schlinker reminded faculty to announce the symposium again to doc students.
Faculty Tracks issue
Discussion of the two proposed tracks was led by Miller (Senator).
Suggestions were given for Miller to take to the
Senate meeting Thursday.
Most agreed that both tracks should be tenured.
Wedge Professorship – focus will be on leadership – suggestions for speaker(s)
Tony Wagner
Schlinker explained the purpose of Wedge; sharing that the focus would be Leadership.
Suggestions were submitted for speakers, workshop leaders, etc.
(Richard Elmore – Harvard; George Boggs –Community educ; Linda
Lambert, Joe Murphy – Vanderbilt.
Jim Berger will represent the college on the Academic Program Review committee.
The Fall 2011 schedule was passed around for review.
Schlinker announced that the next department meeting will be March 22, 2011.
Schlinker announced that the Tentative Academic Year Schedule is being redone and will be available for distribution.
Schlinker announced that Dale Brown will return to the department in Fall 2011.
Educational Administration, Leadership, and Research
Department Meeting
10:00 A.M., GRH 3073
March 22, 2011
Present: Drs.
Schlinker,Carter, Kyon, Zhong, Spall, Keaster, Miller, Houchens, Berger, Wang
Absent: Dr.Basham
Masters Proposals – Drs.
Berger, Houchens, Zhang, Basham
Two proposals were brought forward for discussion.
Houchens’ proposal was developed around the
program and after much discussion everybody was asked to consider using parts of his proposal in connection with the current Ed.
and emphasis being given to various dept.
programs (Superintendent, Principal, DPP,
Supervisor of Instruction).
Zhang’s proposal was still on the table for discussion and development.
Faculty were encouraged to attend the next meeting of this committee and to provide input.
All must be mindful of the audience, marketing, need, etc.
of a masters degree and an Ed.
Revised Principal Preparation Program – Dr.
‐ Effective Fall 2011
‐ Forums
*March 16 ‐ Glasgow; *March 23 ‐ Campus; *March 24 ‐ Owensboro; *March 30 ‐ Elizabethtown
*Faculty asked to distribute forum schedules to spring classes on Feb.
22 and Mar.
‐ Program handout
‐ Faculty Guide
Schlinker reported on the forums and will ask for help if warranted.
Faculty were given a Revised
Principal Preparation Program Guide and asked to become familiar with the program.
Also, a brief description – two pages – of the program was distributed to and suggestions made on how to improve it.
Houchens suggested that another forum be conducted sometime in April.
Tentative Academic Year Schedule – Revised handout – Dr.
‐ Note: Advanced notice for four courses
Schlinker provided copies of the revised course schedule and will send everybody an electronic version for advisement purposes.
He commented on changes and why they were necessary.
Theory/Theorist – Dr.
Spall & Dr.
A draft copy was distributed and some edits were suggested.
Basham’s comments were omitted by error and will be added to the next version.
Summer Session and District End Date – Dr.
Faculty were encouraged to make allowances for students entering classes late because of late calendars due to winter weather.
Department Expertise Available to GRREC / School Districts – Dr.
Keaster encourage faculty to make their expertise known so that GRREC could share with member
Good way to stay connected with the districts and our students.
Faculty will provide the information and he will compile a list and send it to Dr.
Schlinker to forward to the director of GRREC.
EDLD 712 Research Methods and Design for Educational Leaders, Proposal to Create a Temporary Course – Dr.
Faculty voted unanimously to accept the proposal.
EDLD 712 Research Method and Design for Educational Leaders, Proposal to Create a New Course
– Dr.
Faculty voted unanimously to accept the proposal.
Responding to Department E ‐ mails – Dr.
Schlinker requested that all faculty respond to emails requesting information/feedback in a timely
Not doing so makes administrative work more difficult.
Workload Distribution Policy – Dr.
The policy was discussed and Dr.
Schlinker encouraged faculty to provide input via email by 4:00 p.m.
today as previously requested so that he could compile and send to Dr.
Information Items
CEBS Student Award Ceremony –May 1, 2011, 1:30 p.m., Carroll Knicely Conference Center
Faculty offered names for recognition.
Schlinker requested that additional names be sent to him by
Friday, March 25.
Spring commencement
Graduate Ceremony
Friday, May 13, 7:00 p.m., Diddle Arena
Undergraduate Ceremony
Saturday, May 14, 6:00 p.m., Diddle Arena
NCATE visit – March 27 ‐ 29, 2011
Faculty were reminded and encouraged to attend the CEBS faculty meeting Wednesday, March 23, 3:00
p.m., in the GRH Auditorium with Dr.
will will
be ordered forward to
all offices.
Adult Ed.
program changes
Educational Administration, Leadership, and Research
Department Meeting
10:00 A.M., GRH 3073
May 10, 2011
Present: Schlinker, Miller, Zhang, Chon, Wang, Carter, Houchens, Keaster, Spall, Berger, Norman
Absent: Basham
Discussion Items
Academic Dishonesty – Dr.
Statement in Syllabi – handout
Links : ‐
Department of Counseling & Student Affairs: IU tutorial on plagiarism. ‐ and ‐ academic ‐ integrity.htm
Plagiarism was discussed as it has become a major problem.
A department plan to address plagiarism will be
developed and implemented in fall 2011.
Faculty should send Schlinker ideas, sources, etc.
Proposed Master’s Degree – Dr.
Report that the committee continues to discuss Master degree possibilities.
Berger will continue to share information as the committee clarifies their focus.
Committee to Review Superintendent Programs – Recommendations handout – Dr.
The state level committee recommendations were discussed and questions/concerns addressed.
Faculty were encouraged to provide Carter with additional comments so that he can present to the committee.
MAE comps Saturday, June 25, 9:00 ‐ 12:00 – need a monitor – Dr.
Spall volunteered to monitor the comps.
Importance of students being admitted to graduate studies prior to completing certification – Dr.
Various examples of the consequences of students completing coursework without a program on file were shared.
Questions/concerns were addressed.
Faculty were asked to spend a little time explaining the pitfalls of doing this
with each class.
Selection of ALI Cohort XIV for fall 2011– Tuesday, June 21, 2011, 9:00 a.m.
‐ 12:00 p.m., GRH – 4 faculty needed –
Miller, Houchens, Spall, & Keaster volunteered to help with the selection process.
Proposal to Create a Temporary Course:
EDLD 722 Measurement and Survey Methods for Educational Leaders – Dr.
Unanimously approved with edits.
Proposal to Create a New Course:
EDLD 722 Measurement and Survey Methods for Educational Leaders – Dr.
Unanimously approved with edits.
Proposal to Create a New Course:
EDLD 732 Program Evaluation for Educational Leaders – Dr.
Unanimously approved with edits.
Benchmark Institutions – those institutions on par with WKU/EALR or slightly above – needed Wednesday, May 11.
See list provided via email by Dr.
Encourage faculty to present institution names.
EDFN 501, fall 2011 – Drs.
Chon, Zhang, Miller, Spall – Please meet with Dr.
Schlinker for a brief meeting at the conclusion of this meeting.
The meeting was canceled as there was ample discussion during course proposals to provide the needed information.
Norman shared that he had communicated with Ann Mead requesting that the doc fee charged to students taking the course be waived as the course was now a prerequisite and taken without credit.
In the afternoon Norman announced via email that Mead had agreed to waive the doctoral program fee.
Norman sent all doc students the information via email.
Information Items
Spring Commencement
Graduate Ceremony
Friday, May 13, 7:00 p.m., Diddle Arena
Saturday, May
14, 6:00
p.m., Diddle Arena
Schlinker reminded faculty that they were expected to attend at least one commencement each academic year and
that they did not need to inform him if they were attending a particular commencement or not.
Jim Berger was the only nominee to represent EALR on the CEBS Curriculum Committee for a two ‐ year term.
His name was submitted to Susan Krisher on 4/28/11.
Posting of Syllabi – Every semester prior to start of registration
Turn in Grades to Carolyn – Hard copy or electronically – Every semester, every section
Dispositions and Fieldwork Summary ‐ for EDAD 677, EDAD 682, EDAD 683, EDAD 684, EDAD 69
Summer Term Academic Calendar ‐ handout
Fall Term Academic Calendar – handout
Gary Houchens and Dr.
Matt Basham were awarded a New Faculty Grant.