Directions for Importing/Exporting Data from Caryll3E to Excel(disk)

Directions for Importing/Exporting Data from Caryll3E to Excel(disk)
1) Type cd C:\imp_exp at the c: prompt.
2) Type dir
3) Type dix- get into the import/export mode of cary.
4) Chose A
5) Type C: \varian\cary13E\data\data.<# of desired file>
- if you want to see entire directory and then choose - type * instead of
6) After finished selecting all files you want copied, push F10 and choose D for Lotus
7) Type C:\*WK1
8) All files will then appear in the directory at the c: prompt.
- to copy files from c drive to a drive, first insert disk
- then type(at c prompt) copy c:/data_*.wk1 a: and all files will be copied.
- for only a specific file then type # of file instead of *
9) Use Excel (PC) to retrieve data
- transform transmittance into absorbance by using the equation A=log(l/T)
- graph and use one x axis for y values
Last Revision: 10 March 1999 JR, EJW