Father Michael Goetz Resource Center Web Links by Subject Mars Exploration Database Program: Encyclopedia Britannica School Search by subject or keyword(s). When you access an article, on the top right corner of the screen, you may select different reading level. EBSCO > Canadian Student Research Centre Search by keyword(s) for news articles on Mars exploration. Internet Websites by topic: Mars Exploration from NASA Missions to Mars from The Planetary Society Search for articles, videos, and websites related to Mars on Physics.org. You may limit the search by types of result, and knowledge level. Facts about Mars, and Mars Exploration from National Geographic. You may search for latest news, and videos as well. News on Mars from The New York Times Mars One: Human settlement on Mars Mars: Facts & Information about the Red Planet from Space.com Look for more articles and latest news by using the Search box. Latest news on Mars Exploration from Popular Science magazine Prepared by Father Michael Goetz Resource Centre October 2014