St. Gregory School

St. Gregory School
1075 Swinbourne Drive,
Mississauga, Ontario L5V 1B9
Tel (905) 814 5237
Fax (905) 814 5734
March 2016
Mississauga Brampton
A Lenten Reflection
Fast from judging others….Feast on the Christ dwelling in them.
Fast from apparent darkness...Feast on the reality of light.
Fast from thoughts of illness...Feast on the healing power of God.
Fast from words that pollute...Feast on words that purify.
Fast from discontent...Feast on gratitude.
Central Family of Schools
L. del Rosario
L. Papaloni
J. Krolewicz
Fast from anger...Feast on patience.
Fast from pessimism...Feast on optimism.
Fast from negatives...Feast on affirmatives.
Fast from hostility...Feast on peace.
H. Secretary:
Fast from bitterness...Feast on appreciation.
Parish Priests:
P. O’Brien
St. Joseph Parish
5440 Durie Rd., Mississauga,
L5M 2J5
905 826 2766
Fr. Marc Andre Campbell,
Dates to Remember
Mar. 22 - 2:40 Roots of Empathy - Family Visit
Mar. 3 - CN Tower trip - gr. 3
Mar. 23 - The Great Gulp @ 1:10
Mar. 4 - Kindness Assembly @ 9:30
Mar. 24 - Holy Thursday
Mar. 7 - Peel Region Dental screening
Mar. 24 - Stations of the Cross @ 10:00
Saturday Mass 5:30 p.m.
Mar. 25 - Good Friday
Sunday Masses 8:00, 9:30, 11:00,
12:30, 6:00 p.m.
- JK, SK, Gr. 2
Fr. Joseph Alozie
Mar. 8 - 2:40 Roots of Empathy - PRE
Mar. 26 - Holy Saturday
Mar. 10 - 9:30 Lockdown practice
Catholic School Council Chair:
Mar. 11 - Earth Hour Observance, 1-2
Mar. 28 - Easter Monday
J. Greenman
Mar. 13 - Daylight Savings Time begins
Mar. 31 - Spirit Day
Mar. 14 - 18 MARCH BREAK
Mar. 31 - MBC Chess Tournie @ St. Gertrude
Mar. 20 - Palm Sunday
Apr. 1 - April Fools’ Day
Mar. 21 - 25 HOLY WEEK
Apr. 2 - Feast of St. Pope John Paul II
Easter Mass Tues. May 10 @ 10:00 a.m., St. Joseph Church
Gr. 8 Graduation Wed. June 22 @ 10:00 a.m., St. Joseph Church
First Holy Communion Every Sat. @ 5:30 p.m. Mass & Every Sun. @ 9:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. Mass, Apr.16th - June 12th
Reconciliation To be celebrated at St. Joseph Church (First Holy Communion & Confirmation)
Confirmation Gr. 7: Thurs. June 2nd @ 7 - 8:30 p.m., Gr. 8: Tues. June 7th @ 7 - 8:30p.m.
P. A. Days: APRIL 11 (NEW), May 13, June 13
Mid-Winter Break: Monday, March 14, 2016 to Friday, March 18, 2016 inclusive
Our Virtue
of the month:
God wants us to give
generously to others
around us.
A kind person …
 Is gentle and
sensitive to others
 Stands by their
friends in time of need
 Shares their time
and talents
 Says nice things
about others from the
 Always looks for
ways to be helpful
 Gives their time to
help others
 Stands by their
friends in time of need
 Is polite
 Cares about other
people’s feelings
As God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, clothe
yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility,
meekness and patience. Bear with one another and if
anyone has a complaint against another, forgive each
other; just as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also
must forgive. Above all, clothe yourselves with love,
which binds everything together in perfect harmony.
And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts to
which indeed you were called in the one body.
Colossians 3:12-15
God wants us to be kind to everyone we meet.
Being kind is about more than just pretending to be
nice. It is about helping and playing with others
because we want to and not because we feel we have
to. God helps us to be kind to our family and friends
because by being kind we are able to see God in
every one we meet.
“If you love those who love, what credit is that to
you? Even sinners love those who love them. If you
do good to those who do good to you, what credit is
that to you. Even sinners lend to sinners, to receive
as much again. But love your enemies, do good, and lend,
expecting nothing in return.” Your reward will be great, and
you will be children of the Most High; for He is kind to the
ungrateful and wicked. Be merciful, just as your Father is
Never look down on anybody unless you’re
helping him up.
Jesse Jackson
Kind words can be short and easy to speak
but their echoes are truly endless.
Mother Teresa
Can you remember a time when you were kind
to someone who was not kind to you?
Our Daily Prayer for March
Let us now pray...for the virtue of kindness so that everyone
we meet will feel like we are looking out for their good.
How did the Ontario government solve separate
school financial inequity?
In 1990, the Supreme Court of Canada judged that the
Canadian Constitution’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms
entitles Francophones, where numbers warrant, to their
own school boards. French-language district school boards
and French-language Catholic district school boards were
created. Consequently, Ontario then had four school
systems. Three of them - the English-language Catholic
district school boards, the French-language Catholic district
school boards and the French-language district school
boards - had very little access to corporate assessment.
One of them - the English-language district school boards possessed most of the province’s corporate assessment and
therefore, ability to spend much more than their
counterparts on education . Faced with this inequity and a
court challenge it was convinced it would lose, the
government took the only logical and fair step. It abolished
the power of all school boards to tax and took over all
education funding. Now each pupil, no matter which type of
school he or she attends, receives the same per-pupil
funding from the government. After 150 years of sacrifice
and hardship, Catholic school boards have achieved financial
Please rehearse with your child, the posture/genre
required for receiving Holy Communion. The person
receiving Holy Communion stands before the priest or
Eucharist minister and makes a simple bow of the head
before receiving the Eucharist in the hand or on the
LENT 2016
Lent is a time for preparation for the
death of Christ on Good Friday and
His Resurrection on Easter Sunday. It
is a period of 40 days of repentance,
with prayer, fasting and abstinence and
Confession. Lent is a forty day period
before Easter beginning on Ash
Wednesday. We skip Sundays when
we count the forty days, because
Sundays commemorate the
For Eastern Rite Catholics, Great Lent
begins two days earlier on Clean
Monday. Clean Monday is a reminder
that we should begin Lent with good
intentions and a desire to clean our
spiritual house. It is a day of strict
fasting for Eastern Catholics, including abstinence not only
from meat but from eggs and dairy products as well.
On Clean Monday and throughout Great Lent, Eastern
Catholics frequently pray the Prayer of St. Ephrem the
In the Roman Catholic Church, Ash Wednesday is the
first day of Lent, the season of preparation for the
resurrection of Jesus Christ on Easter Sunday.
During Mass, the ashes which give Ash
Wednesday its name are distributed.
The ashes are made by burning the
blessed palms that were distributed the previous year on
Palm Sunday; many churches ask their parishioners to
return any palms that they took home so that they can be
After the priest blesses the ashes and sprinkles them with
holy water, the faithful come forward to receive them.
The priest dips his right thumb in the ashes and, making
the Sign of the Cross on each person's forehead, says,
"Remember, man, that you are dust, and to dust you shall
return" (or a variation on those words).
(March 20th)
Palm Sunday commemorates
the triumphal entrance of
Christ into Jerusalem (Matthew
21:1-9), when palm branches
were placed in His path, before
His arrest on Holy Thursday and His Crucifixion on
Good Friday. It thus marks the beginning of Holy Week,
the final week of Lent, and the week in which Christians
celebrate the mystery of their salvation through Christ's
Death and His Resurrection on Easter Sunday.
Beginning in the fourth century in Jerusalem, Palm
Sunday was marked by a procession of the faithful
carrying palm branches, representing the Jews who
celebrated Christ's entrance into Jerusalem. In the early
centuries, the procession began on the Mount of the
Ascension and proceeded to the Church of the Holy
As the practice spread throughout the Christian world
by the ninth century, the procession would begin in each
church with the blessing of palms, proceed outside the
church, and then return to the church for the reading of
the Passion according to the Gospel of Matthew. The
faithful would continue to hold the palms during the
reading of the Passion. In this way, they would recall that
many of the same people who greeted Christ with
shouts of joy on Palm Sunday would call for His Death
on Good Friday - a powerful reminder of our own
weakness and the sinfulness that causes us to reject
In different parts of the Christian world, particularly
where palms were historically hard to obtain, branches
of other bushes and trees were used, including olive, box
elder, spruce, and various willows. Perhaps best known
is the Slavic custom of using pussy willows, which are
among the earliest of plants to bud out in the spring.
The faithful have traditionally decorated their houses
with the palms from Palm Sunday, and, in many
countries, a custom developed of weaving the palms into
crosses that were placed on home altars or other places
of prayer. Since the palms have been blessed, they
should not simply be discarded; rather, the faithful
return them to their local parish in the weeks before
Lent, to be burned and used as
the ashes for Ash Wednesday.
HOLY THURSDAY (March 24th)
Holy Thursday is the day on which Christ celebrated the
Last Supper with His disciples, four days after His triumphal entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. Only hours
after the Last Supper, Judas would betray Christ in the
Garden of Gethsemane, setting the stage for Christ's
Crucifixion on Good Friday.
GOOD FRIDAY (March 25th)
In the Catholic Church, Good Friday is
the day on which we commemorate
the death of Jesus Christ on the Cross,
the act that brought salvation to all who believe. It is the
culmination of Holy Week, which begins on Palm Sunday,
and it takes place two days before Easter Sunday.
HOLY SATURDAY (March 26th)
Holy Saturday is the final day of Lent, of Holy Week, and
of the Easter Triduum, the three days (Holy Thursday,
Good Friday, and Holy Saturday) immediately preceding
Easter, during which Christians commemorate the Passion and Death of Jesus Christ and prepare for His Resurrection. As on Good Friday, there is no Mass offered for
Holy Saturday. The Easter Vigil Mass, which takes place
after sundown on Holy Saturday, properly belongs to
Easter Sunday, since liturgically, each day begins at sundown on the previous day. (That is why Saturday vigil
Masses can fulfill our Sunday Duty.) Unlike on Good Friday, when Holy Communion is distributed at the afternoon liturgy commemorating Christ's Passion, on Holy
Saturday the Eucharist is only given to the faithful as viaticum—that is, only to those in danger of death, to prepare
their souls.
(March 27th)
Easter is the greatest feast in
the Christian calendar. On this
Sunday, Christians celebrate
the resurrection of Jesus
Christ from the dead. For
Catholics, Easter Sunday
comes at the end of 40 days of
prayer, fasting, and almsgiving
known as Lent. Through spiritual struggle and self-denial,
we have prepared ourselves
to die spiritually with Christ
on Good Friday, the day of His Crucifixion, so that we
can rise again with Him. in new life on Easter.
Because of the central importance of Easter to the
Christian faith, the Catholic
Church requires that all Catholics who have made their
First Communion receive the Holy Eucharist sometime
during the Easter season, which lasts through Pentecost,
50 days after Easter. (The Church also urges us to take
part in the Sacrament of Confession before receiving this
Easter communion.) This reception of the Eucharist is a
visible sign of our faith and our participation in the Kingdom of God. Of course, we should receive Communion
as frequently as possible; this "Easter Duty" is simply the
minimum requirement set by the Church.
It is the policy of the Dufferin-Peel CDSB that all
schools conduct a practice of Lockdown Procedures at
least twice a year. This procedure will be initiated
should an emergency exist on school property or in
the surrounding neighbourhood.
Teachers regularly practice this precautionary drill
with their classes. The procedures are as follows:
Upon hearing the announcement “Initiate Lockdown
file, please pick up a form at the office.
The lockdown bell sequence will be repeatedly
All students and staff inside the building will remain
in their classrooms.
Students in classrooms will remain in their classroom, in a corner of the room which is out of the
sightline of all windows and doors.
All students and staff who are outside the building
are to move quickly to our evacuation site at Britannia P.S. until the lockdown is complete.
Congratulations to the Junior
Boys’ basketball team on a good
season: Matthew B., Riley B., Dylan C., Edward C., Brady D., Xavier D., Anthony D., Matteo I., Jacob P., and Justin T. Thanks to Coaches Palache and Roberto for their guidance. Way to go, grizzlies!
Congratulations to the Junior Girls’ basketball team: Jessica
B., Jenna D., Kassandra G., Sonia H., Madzia K., Maria M.,
Ana P., Yohanna S., Taiya V. and Maya V. Many thanks to
our assistant coaches Ashley P. and Shelby B. Thanks to
Coach Cinapri for her guidance. Way to go, grizzlies!
The announcement “Lockdown Procedures are
complete” will indicate the completion of the drill.
Please be aware that we will practice a lockdown on
March 10th at 9:30 a.m.
Every school year we are assigned a youth education
officer through Peel Regional Police. This year our
officer is Constable William (Billy). He has presented
to our classes twice so far. Topics have included: Bullying, Internet safety, Smoking Prevention and Youth
Also, if you have not filled out a declaration on a yearly
basis, you will be required to complete a new reference
check, as they expire if there is a break in the declaration
process. If you are not sure if there is a current criminal
reference check/declaration on file, please call the office.
On February 11th, our Junior Science Olympians participated in the Mississauga Brampton Central Science Olympics competition.
Riley B., Jenna D., Kaylyn H., Abel K. and Joel
P. worked well as a team and demonstrated
their skills and cooperation through every
assigned task. Congratulations on their 4th
place finish! Thanks to Ms. West and Ms. Pizzardi for their
guidance. Well done, Grizzlies!
Our Grade Three and Six students will be participating
in the Provincial EQAO assessments on May 31st, June
1st and 2nd. It is very important that your child be
present at this time. Further information to follow.
In compliance with Ministry directives regarding Criminal Reference Checks, volunteers are required to provide an original copy of their criminal reference check.
If you are planning to volunteer on school trips and/or
in the school and do not have a reference check on
Congratulations to our Youth Faith Ambassadors : Jad A.,
Matthew B., Keith F., Abel K., Azlin R., Michael R. Peter S.,
Shaun S., Toni T. and Taiya V. On February 2nd, they participated in various activities with other grade 6, 7 and 8
Youth Faith ambassadors from
the Mississauga Brampton Central Family of Schools. It was a
day spent on prayer, reflection
and promotion of our Catholic
faith. St. Francis Xavier Church
provided the perfect location
and ambiance for this event.
Thank you to Mme. Policelli for
leading our team.
Brampton Central
Family of Schools
hosted annual Math
Mania Competition
for intermediate students at Our Lady of
Peace School (15 Fincham Avenue, Brampton) on February 25th
from 9:00 a.m. to 1:30
p.m. This competition provided students the opportunity to test their
math problem solving skills in a cooperative but challenging environment. Our team was comprised of Daryn D.,
Keith F., Samantha G., Mara L. and Karina C. Our team
demonstrated their skills very well. They placed 4th of
our 13 MBC schools. Way to go, Grizzlies!
Our school will be competing in
the Mississauga Brampton Central
Family of Schools Chess Competition on Thursday, March 31st. It
will be held at St. Gertrude
school, 815 Ceremonial Drive in
Mississauga, from 7:50 to 2:00
Our junior and intermediate teams will be representing
the school.
- then walk away
You could also:
- ignore the behaviour
- stay away from the person doing the bullying
- find another, safer place to play
- stay with others or near an adult
Report bullying behaviour:
Tell an adult immediately if:
- someone is unsafe
- refusing doesn’t work & the bullying continues
- you are not sure what you should do
1. I know I’m a neat kid.
2. I won’t listen to what they say.
3. They won’t get me upset. I can be calm.
4. I like myself.
5. They don’t really know me well enough to know how
great I am.
6. No matter what they say, I know I can ignore them!
Strategies for Students
Try not to show emotion. Do not respond to the bullying by crying or yelling or even looking upset. Students
who bully are trying to get you to react. That is what
helps them feel powerful.
Recognize bullying behaviour:
Don’t fight back, even with words. This makes the situation worse and you could get hurt or get in trouble for
your behaviour. Simply pretend you don’t hear, keep
walking or continue what you are doing.
Know the definition of bullying
Ask yourself these questions to help you decide;
- Is it unfair? Does one person have more power?
- Was it done on purpose to hurt someone?
- Has it happened more than once?
Refuse to be bullied:
Ask yourself:
- “Is it safe for me to speak out assertively?”
Is it safe to speak out:
- stay calm
- use ‘I-messages’ to tell them to stop
If you don’t like what someone is doing, use a calm, clear
voice to tell them to stop. Do not yell at them. If it is
the first time, use an “I-message’ such as, “I don’t like it
when… please stop.” If it has happened before you may
have to be more assertive and say “Stop it. That’s bullying and it’s not okay.” Remember to stay calm and do
not yell.
It is difficult for people to bully you if you are not standing
still, listening to them. You can walk away in order to
ignore the bullying behaviour; walk away after being as-
sertive and saying ‘no’; or walk away to get adult help.
Students who use bullying behaviours think they can get
away with their actions because they believe you will
not tell anyone. Adults can help you figure out what to
do, listen to how you’re feeling or deal with the person
doing the bullying. You can talk to an adult about what
you would like them to do to help you.
One way to deal with bullying behaviour, when it is not
dangerous, is to simply ignore it. Ignoring is not a passive response. It takes work to ignore bullying behaviour and it is a skill to be learned.
When you ignore bullying, you don’t react at all. The
person who is bugging you is unable to upset you and
will probably stop. It’s not fun to bother someone if
they show no reaction to the behaviour.
 Stay calm, continue your activity and concentrate
on what you are doing
Do not show any emotional reaction - act as if you
don’t even know the person is there
Don’t tense your body
Don’t let your face show you are hurt or angry
Don’t make eye contact
Breathe slowly to keep anger from building up
Tell yourself the person’s words and actions don’t
Think positive thoughts or ‘put-ups’ when someone
is putting you down
or ongoing situations
Region of Peel - Public Health
“Conflict is inevitable; Bullying in NOT”
Tips for Parents:
 Help your children apply the definition of bullying
to determine if a situation is bullying or conflict.
Questions to ask your children – Does one person
have more power than the other? Is the behaviour
on purpose? Does it keep happening? (Answering
“yes” to these questions indicates bullying; answering “no” indicates conflict).
 Encourage the use of assertive communication
such as “I feel…when…and I would like (or I
need)…Rather than…You made me…when you…
and you need to…
“Telling an adult about Bullying is Not Tattling”
Tips for Parents:
 Younger children struggle to understand the differ-
ence between telling and tattling, while older children struggle with their desire to deal with situations independently.
Tattling – is defined as telling in order to get
someone into trouble, or telling when there is no
one being hurt and no rule being broken that
could result in a dangerous situation.
Telling – is defined as reporting unsafe behaviours
to an adult in order to get help for someone – to
get someone out of trouble.
To assist your child, use incidences where one
child is telling you about sibling behaviour to decipher whether they are tattling or telling. Also,
practice with your child how to “tell an adult”
about bullying (what happened, how they feel,
what they desire).
 Ignoring is a good strategy for verbal or social bully
ing situations (taunting, name calling, exclusion)
It is not a good strategy for physical bullying
Ignoring works best when bullying has just started
If the person bullying you has already seen you react to past bullying situations, they are likely to intensify their bullying behaviours if you try to ignore
them now
More assertive strategies are needed for aggressive
“Bullying can be stopped”
Tips for Parents:
 There is no set formula that works for dealing
with every bullying situation. The 3 Rs approach
for dealing with bullying includes: Recognizing
bullying behaviour, Refusing to be bullied and Reporting bullying behaviour.
Along with intervention strategies, prevention
strategies can be used to refuse bullying (i.e.:
encourage your child to stay away from bullies, don’t play alone and to act confident).
We continue to
need for students to play
games and activities safely. At St.
have a hands-off
p ol i c y.
means that activities such as contact sports, tackling, play-fighting,
tripping, pushing, piling on and any rough play are not
permitted. Students are consistently reminded of
these rules by staff, supervisors and administration.
We recommend that parents have conversations with
their children about the types of games they play at
school. We need your help to reinforce with them
the dangers and consequences of rough play and the
importance of notify-ng staff on duty during recess
time. The health and safety of our students is always
our priority at St. Gregory School!
Parents/Guardians, please
remind your child(ren) of the
importance of dressing appropriately for the cold
weather. With temperatures
regularly below freezing, winter coats, hats, boots and
mittens are necessary to ensure warmth, protect against illness and prevent
frostbite. We regularly have to remind students to
put on their coats, hats and gloves and to do up their
zippers and buttons. Your support is appreciated.
We suggest your child(ren) have extra clothing in
their backpacks for emergencies. An extra pair of
mitts, socks and pants is always appreciated for children as items become wet during the day. We recommend labeling all clothing items. This will prevent
the overflow of items being placed in the “Lost &
Found” box.
In accordance with the Dufferin-Peel Catholic School
Board Policy, we will review recess time outside temperatures if they drop below the -20 degree range.
Constable Billy visited St. Gregory to help out with Kiss and
Ride. If you need to get out of your car to assist your
children...then Kiss and Ride is not for you. Please use
the parking lot prior to 8:45 a.m. Please also ensure that
your children only exit the car from the passenger’s side so
that they exit safely. Our staff are on duty at 8:45 to assist
with the process and will motion for cars to move as far
ahead as possible to allow for students to safely exit their
vehicles. Not moving forward delays the process so your co
-operation and patience is greatly appreciated.
Also after school, cars must not be left unattended as this
poses delays in getting our bus students home. The buses
are having difficulties getting into the
bus lane. When a bus is approaching, please make every effort to let
the bus into their designated lane.
Safety first!
Our next meeting will be held on Thursday, April 7th at 6:30
p.m. All are welcome to attend. We thank our council
members for their on-going work for and with our students!
On Tuesday, February 9th the students of St. Gregory School were
treated to a traditional pancake
breakfast. The pancakes were made
that morning by an enthusiastic group
of parents and volunteers. The pancakes were free for the children to
enjoy and funded through School
Council Fundraising Activities put on this year. Thank you to
all parents that organized the event and made the delicious
pancakes! Thank you to all for your generous ShareLife donations!
Thank you to our Pancake Day volunteers: Jen Greenman,
Carol Galea, Maria DaSilva, Maria Albi, Maria Pereira, Maria
Guerrero de Flores, Edgar Flores, Laura Rescignio, Germaine Adbelnoor, Sandra Wood, Susy Kustra, Monica Hoehlmann, Tatiana Malkamalova, Cristina Caramidaru, Theodora
Fernandez, Tini Bigil, and Nancy Theocharis.
Our Catholic School Council is
providing an opportunity to purchase Sunday Missals both for
Young Catholics and adults. A
form was sent home. If you are
interested in purchasing these
missals, the Sunday Missal for
Young Catholics runs from January to December 2016 and costs
$10.95, while the Sunday Missal
for adults costs $6 a piece. Please
make cheques payable to St. Gregory School.
The Eco Team at St. Gregory
school continues to work hard to
make a better world. Spring is a
busy time for the Eco Team!
In March we will be celebrating Earth Hour with the
rest of Canada and countries
around the world. Earth Hour
takes place on Saturday March
19th, the last Saturday of the
March Break. Please remember to
turn off your lights at home from
8:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. to show your
support for this initiative. We will participate in our
own St. Gregory Earth Hour on Friday, March 11th
from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. by turning off our classroom lights and using the natural light to work by.
The Eco Team has been collecting single use used batteries this year, as our new
initiative. It is a great, ongoing success, as we have diverted many batteries from
the landfill. We have decided to participate in the
"EcoKids Battery Buster"
competition in the month of
April so please continue to send in those used batteries. The school that collects the most batteries could
win $2,500!
And finally, the Eco Team will be doing our first fundraiser, to raise funds to build a natural garden at the
school. All students will be participating in Vesey's
Bulbs 2016 Spring Bulb Program, Canada's Green
Fundraiser. All profits from this fundraiser will go to
purchasing plants and materials for our garden. At the
end of March, each family will receive a beautiful colour
catalogue with a large selection of bulbs and plants for
your own gardens. If you are thinking of adding to your
home gardens this summer, please consider ordering
from our catalogue. All orders will be delivered in lots
of time for your planting in May.
Thank you to all of our families for your continued support of the Eco Team and our initiatives. We are
making a difference!
Our very own Noah T. is cutting his hair for “Angel
Hair” on Friday March 4th. Angel Hair is a non profit
organization that makes wigs for children that have lost
their hair to cancer or other illnesses. Noah will be
cutting and donating his hair at the Virtue of Kindness
Assembly. We are asking for your support by donating
a Loonie to the Hospital for Sick Children to help support this cause.
A message from Noah “Remember to bring in
your Loonie donation to
show your kindness and
watch me finally cut my
hair and together we can
help two amazing charities.
Thank you!”
Have a safe and rest
filled March Break!
March 14th - 18th
Congratulations to the following students who were recognized for exemplifying the virtue of
JK/SK - Dylan R., Emery J.
JK/SK - Kamille J., Ciera R.
Grade 1 - Nathan R., Olivia A.
Grade 1/2 - Thomas C., Anton P.
Grade 2/3 - Aline H., Xavier V.
Grade 3 - Justin D., Athena I.
Grade 4 - Julia A., Julian I.
Grade 4/5 - Maya V., Kyle G.
Grade 5 - Reanna B., Dylan C.
Grade 6 - Peter F., Amanda S.
Grade 6/7 - Maya A., Matteo C.
FSL - Kristina R., Julia T.
Grade 7 - Alexandra F., Emily L.
FSL - Matthew B., Matteo I.
Grade 7/8 - Nicholas D., Justin G.
Grade 8 - Toni T., Kristen L.
A toast to tap water!
The Region of Peel and the Dufferin-Peel Catholic
District School Board have invited all students to
celebrate Peel tap water by taking part in a school
wide synchronized drink of tap water.
Our school’s Great Gulp event will take place on
March 13, 2015.
Help support this initiative by sending your child to
school with a reusable water bottle or cup so that
they can make a toast to tap water.
Peel tap water is a safe, clean, convenient choice that
is good for your health and the environment. To
learn more about Peel tap water visit
Milk Bags Unlimited - Social Justice Lives
We are collecting empty milk bags (outer) that will be
made into mats and the remaining pieces will be used to
make stuffing for pillows. Students have been busy preparing the milk bags for weaving. Our custodians have
made two weaving frames, which will be put to use once
we have amassed more milk bags. Please wash them prior
to dropping them off at the office. With thanks!