St. Gregory School 1075 Swinbourne Drive, Mississauga, Ontario L5V 1B9 Tel (905) 814 5237 Fax (905) 814 5734 A Prayer to Begin our New School Year God of this new year, we continue to walk into mystery. We face the future, not knowing what the days and months will bring us or how to respond. Be with us as we journey. Deepen our faith to see all of life through your eyes. Fill us with hope and an abiding trust that you dwell in us amidst all our joys and sorrows. We thank you for the treasure of faith life. We thank you for the gift of being able to rise each day with assurance of your walking through the day with us. Newsletter Sept. 14, 2015 Mississauga Brampton Central Family of Schools Trustee: L. del Rosario Superintendent: L. Papaloni Principal: J. Krolewicz God of this new year, we praise you. H. Secretary: Amen. P. O’Brien Parish Priests: Fr. Marc Andre Campbell, Dates to Remember Sept. 8 First Day of School Sept. 14 Book Fair Arrives Sept. 18 P.A. Day - Reorganization/Faith Development Sept. 22 Grade 7/8 Confirmation Retreat Mount Alverno Retreat Centre tion at St. Joseph Church Hall Sept. 30 Terry Fox Run Oct. 6 7 - 8:30 First Holy Communion Registration at St. Joseph Church Hall Oct. 7 Opening Mass @ 10:00, gymnasium Oct. 10 10:00 First Holy Communion Registration at St. Joseph Church Hall Pastor Fr. Joseph Alojzy St. Joseph Parish 5440 Durie Rd., Mississauga, L5M 2J5 905 826 2766 Website: Sept. 23 School Pictures Oct. 12 Thanksgiving Day Saturday Mass 5:30 p.m. Sept. 24 Open House, 6:30 p.m. Sept. 26 10:00 - 11:30, Confirmation Registra- Oct. 16 Peel Health Immunization - Round 1 Sunday Masses 8:00, 9:30, 11:00, 12:30, 6:00 p.m. Opening/Thanksgiving Mass Wed. Oct. 7 @ 10:00 a.m., St. Gregory School - Gym Catholic School Council Chair: Advent Mass Fri. Dec. 11 @ 10:00 a.m., St. Joseph Church J. Greenman Lenten Mass Wed. Feb. 24 @ 10:00 a.m., St. Gregory School - Gym Easter Mass Tues. May 10 @ 10:00 a.m., St. Joseph Church Gr. 8 Graduation Wed. June 22 @ 10:00 a.m., St. Joseph Church First Holy Communion Every Saturday @ 5:30 p.m. Mass and Every Sunday @ 9:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. Mass from April 16th to June 12th Reconciliation To be celebrated at St. Joseph Church (First Holy Communion and Confirmation) Confirmation Retreat Thurs. Sept. 22, Mount Alverno Retreat Centre (All grade 7 and 8 students) Confirmation Grade 7: Thurs. June 2nd @ 7 - 8:30 - Grade 8: Tues. June 7th @ 7 - 8:30 P. A. Days: Sept. 18, Feb. 5, May 13, June 13 Christmas Break: Monday, December 21, 2015 to Friday, January 1, 2016 inclusive Mid-Winter Break: Monday, March 14, 2016 to Friday, March 18, 2016 inclusive Principal’s Message: As we begin a new school year, I would like to extend a very warm welcome to all the new families in our school community and to welcome once again, those returning to St. Gregory School. I hope that everyone had a safe and enjoyable summer. The staff and I look forward to a challenging and rewarding school year. We hope that the new year will be filled with much success and happiness for everyone. We welcome Mlle. Czechowska, who will be teaching French as a Second Language, Mrs. Cinapri, grade 6/7 teacher, Mrs. Co, Planning Time teacher, Ms. Langenfelds, JK/SK teacher and Ms. Ingraldi, LTO, who is temporarily taking the place of Mrs. Mimoso. As always, we hope that all parents will be a part of the St. Gregory School community! We invite you to attend our many activities and presentations such as Open House, school liturgies, Catholic School Council committees to name a few. I am very privileged to work with your families, especially your children and to be part of such a special staff and school community. I am looking forward to our continued partnerships with your home and the St. Joseph Parish. Here’s to a rewarding year ahead, both academically and spiritually! God bless! J. Krolewicz Principal FAITH LIFE VIRTUE OF THE MONTH: FAITH To begin the new school year, we will focus our attention on the first of our ten monthly virtues FAITH. Faith is the great virtue of believing in God and trusting that God is with us. A faithful person believes that we are created, guided by and destined to be reunited with God. The faithful person believes that God’s plan for us includes the right to be safe, especially at school and home. A faithful person… Prays from the heart whenever they can Learns from Scripture stories Believes that there is good in everyone Knows that we are all created and loved by God The apostles said to the Lord, Make our faith greater.” The Lord answered, “If you had faith as big as a mustard seed, you could say to this mulberry tree, “Pull yourself up by the roots and plant yourself in the sea!” and it would obey you.” Luke 17:5-6 Our Daily Prayer for September: Let us now pray...for the grace and strength to be people of faith - people who can truly believe that God’s plan for us includes the right to be safe at school. Amen. “The fruit of silence is prayer. The fruit of prayer is faith. The fruit of faith is love. The fruit of love is service. The fruit of service is peace.” Blessed Teresa of Calcutta “Faith has to do with things that are not seen and hope with things that are not at hand.” St. Thomas Aquinas SCHOOL MASS Our Opening Year/Thanksgiving Mass will be held on October 7th at 10:00 a.m. in our school gymnasium. Please come out and join us for this Eucharistic celebration as we gather to start the new school year. We look forward to working with our pastor, Fr. Marc Andre Campbell, associate pastor, Father Russell Asch and Fr. Joseph Alojzy this year. PARISH NEWS Baptism for Children in School Baptism is the first Sacrament of Initiation and it prepares us to celebrate First Communion and Confirmation. If your child is not baptized or if your child was baptized in another Christian Church (Anglican, Lutheran, etc.) and you would like your child to be a member of the Catholic Church please call the parish office at 905 826 2766. OUR CATHOLIC SCHOOL HERITAGE How long have Catholic separate schools been educating Catholic children and contributing to the public good in Ontario? For about 170 years. In the early 1800s there were separate schools in many cities, towns and townships. In Peel, three separate schools opened before Confederation (1867): St. James in Malton in the 1830s, St. John’s Agricultural College (1861) and St. Patrick’s (1861), both in Wildfield. Has the Ontario government supported separate schools? always Yes, as did its predecessor, the United Legislature of Canada East (now Quebec) and Canada West (now Ontario) during its total life from 1841 to 1867. One of the first pieces of legislation it passed in 1841 was the Common School Act, with a separate school clause. Why did the United Legislature of Canada East and Canada West keep improving separate school legislation? It responded to Catholic parents, trustees, bishops and priests, editors of the four Catholic newspapers, members of the business and professional world, all of whom argued for legal and financial rights for separate schools. SCHOOL OPERATIONS SEPTEMBER 18TH PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY DAY Please note that September 18th is a professional activity day and there is no school for students. A reminder, due to Ministry of Education mandate, our classes will not be finalized until September 18th. Numbers will be monitored carefully every day and a final decision will be made prior to our reorganization PA Day. A letter will be sent home to all students who will be affected by the reorganization on Thursday, September 17th. Teachers will also contact parents via telephone. The new classes will be in place on Monday, September 21st. Thank you for your patience as we follow the mandated process. STUDENT AGENDAS All students in grades 1 - 8 have received a student agenda. This is an excellent tool to help keep your child organized and on track with all homework and assignments. Students should be bringing their agenda home nightly and maintaining it on a daily basis. The St. Gregory School Council has generously provided agendas for all grade 1-8 students. We thank them for supporting this valuable organizational tool for our students. Please read the information pages in the front of the agenda and sign the area designated for parent signature. The replacement cost will be $5.00 each. STORAGE OF MEDICATION We would like to remind all parents who have their childrens’ medication stored at the school to send in new medications and forms. New forms need to be filled out for each new school year. TERRY FOX RUN/WALK The Terry Fox Run/Walk is once again being organized to raise funds for cancer research on Wednesday, September 30th. Students are asked to donate “A Toonie for Terry”. Please join us for our liturgy and run/walk. More information is to follow. KISS ‘N RIDE For those parents who use the Kiss ’N Ride program we would like to review the process. The traffic flow through our front parking lot is oneway only. The entrance is clearly marked with three lanes. The lane closest to the building is restricted for school buses only. The centre lane marked: Kiss ‘N Ride is reserved for the delivery of students. The third lane is reserved for free flowing traffic. When the program is in operation, a large orange cone will be present beside the Kiss ’N Ride lane to indicate where to stop your car and let your child(ren) out. This lane is for parents who, without getting out of their vehicle, wish to drop off their child(ren). Children must have their knapsacks and belongings with them, they should not be getting things from the vehicle’s trunk, as this is not only unsafe, but also slows down the Kiss ‘N Ride process. Children must exit from the right side of the vehicle, on their own, and proceed towards the school on the walkway. Following afternoon dismissal, parents who wish to pick up their children should enter the Kiss ‘N Ride lane and wait in their car for their child to board their vehicle from the walkway beside the Kiss ‘N Ride lane. Again, as a safety measure, students must enter the vehicle from the right side only. If your child is delayed in leaving the school, please continue along the Kiss ’N Ride and park your car on the road. You may then enter the school and locate your child. There is no teacher supervision for the afternoon Kiss ‘N Ride. If you are using the Kiss ‘N Ride in the morning or the afternoon, it is imperative that you never leave your car unattended. As an ECO School, we are asking that you not idle your car. Please note that the morning Kiss ‘N Ride program will not begin before the yard supervision at 8:45 a.m. If you are interested in volunteering during the Kiss ‘N Ride, please let the office know. Parents please do not leave your car unattended in any of the three Kiss ‘N Ride lanes at any point in the school day, most especially at lunch time. If you are dropping off a lunch for your child please park in a designated parking spot or on the street. A reminder that the gate will be closed from 8:45 - 9:00 a.m. and from 3:30 - 3:45 p.m. each day. There will be no access to the north parking lot or the Daycare at these times. The gate is for the safety of all our students. AROUND THE HALLS OPEN HOUSE MEET THE TEACHER NIGHT We are looking forward to meeting parents on Thursday, Sept. 24. Teachers will be available in their classrooms from 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. There will be an introduction of staff at 7:30 p.m. in the gymnasium. Please come in to discuss curriculum and plans for the year. If you wish to discuss your child’s progress, please contact your child’s teacher for an appointment at another date. REPORTING ABSENCES If your child/children are going to be absent or late for school, we ask that you call the school office and leave a message (905) 814 - 5237. Please press 1 for our attendance line. Let us know on a day to day basis if your child will continue to be absent. As a safety precaution we will always try to contact parents by phone if we have not received any messages. Your continued cooperation is greatly appreciated. LIBRARY NEWS Hello St. Gregory Community, The library is an integral part of your child’s elementary education. We are planning for many wonderful events and activities to take place this year in order to enhance your child’s learning and love for reading. Library circulation will begin on Monday September 28th. This is due to the fact that prior to that date we will have the Scholastic book fair located in our library. Students from kindergarten to grade 8 will have a regular scheduled library time each week in which they will be given the opportunity to exchange their books. There will also be open periods of book exchange for students that have forgotten their books or simply need to exchange because they have finished reading the book that they had signed out. Students are reminded to bring their books in every week during their regularly scheduled library time. Parents are encouraged to mark it in their school or home calendars as an additional reminder to their children. The safest place at home to keep a library book is in their backpacks. If your child has forgotten their book, please encourage them to return the book as soon as possible as there are book exchange times daily. If your child has an overdue book, a friendly reminder will be sent home so you may help them locate the book and return it promptly to the library. The library has scheduled their book fair for the year and we will be hosting the book fair from Monday September 14th to Thursday September 24th. It will be open to all family and friends the evening of our Open House, September 24th, from 3:30pm to 6pm sharp. Please drop by the library to say hello and view the wonderful new selection of books that Scholastic will be offering for everyone’s reading enjoyment. If you have an interest in helping with the book fair or willing to volunteer your time in the library, please contact the library with the days and times you would be available. Looking forward to another successful year, Mrs. Goicoechea Teacher-Librarian SCHOOL HOURS: Start time 9:00 a.m. Morning Recess Lunch (all students) 11:00 a.m. 12:00-1:00 p.m. Afternoon Recess 2:20 p.m. Dismissal 3:30 p.m. Playground Supervision 8:45 - 9:00 p.m. “REMINDER” - SECURITY SYSTEM All visitors to St. Gregory School must use the security entry bell located to the right of the front doors. Please use the bell to gain entry to the school. DPCDSB is now on Twitter! For the latest Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board news and information on schools, programs, inservices, follow us on Twitter @DPCDSBSchools LEAVING SCHOOL PROPERTY If your child for any reason requires to leave school during the day or during lunch, a written note must be provided that is dated and signed by a parent/guardian. Students will not be allowed to call home for verbal permission. We will not be accepting verbal permission for any student to leave the school during the school day. A parent is required to come into the school and sign their children out if there is no written note. Thank you for your cooperation. LAST MINUTE CALLS We have numerous calls that come at the end of the day asking us to let students know of a change in home time routine. While we will make every effort to let a child know of a change in plan, this should be the exceptional circumstance in times of emergency. Please ensure that your child knows to come to the office and wait in case you are going to be late, or to see a neighbour in case you are unable to be home. We strive to keep classroom interruptions to a minimum, so these messages should be reserved for the rare emergencies which inevitably occur. Please note that students will not be allowed to use the phone to make after school plans with friends. AFTER SCHOOL SECURITY Students must be diligent in gathering all materials prior to the end of the school day. Once dismissed, there is no supervision provided to the students. Students/parents must not be returning to school after school hours to retrieve books/belongings. In order to ensure the safety of the workplace, no students or parents will be able to enter any classroom after school. HEALTH AND SAFETY: SCHOOL YARD SAFETY Thank you to all parents who have been so conscientious in dropping off and picking up their children in front of the school. It is important for us to know all the adults who are in the schoolyard. To all children, other than your own, you are a stranger. All parents, in order to ensure the safety of the workplace, siblings attending other schools or any other visitor must report to the office upon arrival at the school. Never go directly to your child’s classroom without having checked in at the office. All students are dismissed from the entrance doors that exit to the school playground. Student supervision begins at 8:45 and students must not be dropped off at the school before this time. ANAPHYLACTIC SHOCK Please be aware that there are a number of students at St. Gregory with a severe life-threatening food allergy (anaphylaxis) to peanuts, nuts and fish. This is a medical condition that causes a severe reaction to certain allergens and can result in death within minutes. Although this may or may not affect your child’s class directly, please send foods with your child that are free from peanuts, nuts and/or fish. Thank you for your understanding. Students are not allowed to take any food or drinks out for recess because of the possibility of bee/wasp stings. MEDICAL CONCERNS If your son/daughter has any medical concerns, please ensure that you inform the school. Information may be shared directly with the classroom teacher or with the office. All information is held in confidence. Parents are responsible for ensuring that all medication and forms are updated annually for any students who require medication to be administered at school. If your child requires medication, please have the necessary forms (including R.E.A.C.T.) completed and returned, along with any medication to the office as soon as possible. This is Board policy. Thank you for your cooperation. SCHOOL YEARBOOK 2014 - 2015 Limited copies of the 2014 - 2015 St. Gregory School yearbook are still available. If you missed out on the opportunity to purchase it last June, please pop by the office to place your order. The yearbook price is $25.00. Please make cheques payable to St. Gregory School. The books will be distributed at the school in September 2015. STUDENT ACCIDENT INSURANCE The Board takes every precaution to provide a safe learning environment for students, but accidents can and do happen. Some families have private accident insurance which is able to respond to costs arising from injuries. However, many families do not. Under the Education Act, Ontario School boards are empowered to “provide, by contract with an insurer under the Insurance Act, accident and life insurance for pupils, the cost of which is to be paid on a voluntary basis by the parents or guardians.” R.S.O. 1990, c.E.2, s. 176, par. 4. The ‘Basic Plan’ coverage for school days only can be purchased annually for $32.00 per child and includes a 10 year dental benefit feature. Family discounts are available. Plans can be purchased for post-secondary and mature students and in some cases visitor or immigrant students. More complete packages include 365 day per year coverage; the Super Plan Plus has a travel component. Coverage may be purchased at any time during the school year. As the cost is very competitive, it will remain the same regardless of when it was purchased. The best value for parents exists in purchasing the insurance in September. Coverage becomes effective at the date of purchase. You may purchase coverage for your child at or by calling toll free at 1800-463-KIDS (5437). Please direct your questions to a Reliable Life Insurance Representative. Student Accident Insurance Brochures are sent home with students at the beginning of each year. If you do not receive one please contact us at the school. Participation in all extra-curricular activities or excursions will require acknowledgement of receipt and awareness of Student Accident Insurance available for purchase. Enclosed you will find an information package about student accident insurance, If you are interested in purchasing such insurance, fill out the forms and mail directly to the insurance company. Further information will be coming home under a separate cover regarding participation in out-ofschool excursions and extra-curricular sports activities. ST. GREGORY CATHOLIC SCHOOL PIZZA Please support our pizza days. Please watch for forms. We are looking for dedicated volunteers to join our pizza team! This is approximately a 45 minute commitment weekly. SCHOOL COUNCIL ELECTIONS According to Ontario Regulation 612, elections must take place within the first 30 days of each school year. A nomination form for the election of parent members will be available in the office. Our aim is to have 8 parents on the School Council. If we have more than 8 parent nominations sent in, we will have an election. All parent nominations must be submitted no later than Friday, September 25th at 4:00 p.m. Please note that parents are welcome to self nominate. Please consider joining our wonderful team! Your time is truly appreciated and is valued by all our staff and students! IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING VOLUNTEERS FOR CLASS TRIPS AND IN THE SCHOOL If you plan to volunteer for any class trips, or in the school, please be aware that you must have a CURRENT CRIMINAL BACKGROUND CHECK (CBC), including a Vulnerable Sector Screening. We have been directed to strictly enforce this requirement. If your check was done a couple of years ago, or more, and you have not signed the yearly declaration in the office, you will be required to complete a new reference check, as they expire if there is a break in the declaration process. If you are not sure if yours is current, please check with the office, or ask your child to pick up a new form in the office. We appreciate all our volunteers and wish to make sure the process is as seamless as possible. Thank you! COUNCIL NEWS We would like to thank our Catholic School Council for their continued support last year. Their financial contributions to the school have been outstanding. All five classroom air conditioners were installed over the summer months. Thank You!!!!! MILK PROGRAM We will be continuing our milk program at St. Gregory School. Forms will be sent out soon. At this time we are seeking parents to volunteer to assist...please consider helping. HOT LUNCH PROGRAM The School Council has switched the hot lunch program to Lunch Moms. More details will be sent out this week. Save the date November 28! We will hold our first annual Christmas Bazaar!!!! There will be lots is shopping, bake sale, and fun for the kids. If you or someone you know would like a table for $50 please send a note with payment to the school. Cheques payable to St. Gregory School. Tables will be available on a first come basis and we will not allow duplicable vendors and reserve the right to limit the amount of vendors in each category. From Your Catholic School Trustee Luz del Rosario Dear Lord, please bless us as we begin this new school year and guide us to be your beacons of light on earth. Welcome to everyone including our new students and their families. To our Full Day Kindergarten parents who are joining us for the first time, we thank you for choosing a Catholic education for your child or children. We endeavor to give all our students the desire to learn so as to understand better God's world in a respectful, non-threatening environment. This is fundamental to our philosophy of Catholic education. A special welcome to our grade nine students who are now on a new adventure. Your four years will fly by. Take advantage of all the great opportunities that are offered to you. We are very proud of our Link Crew and Get Ready for Secondary School programs. Never be afraid to ask questions. We hope that you have a Link Crew Leader to help you along the way. To our grade twelve students - we wish you all the best in your last year of Catholic secondary school. You will be thinking about college, university, apprenticeships or the world of work. This is the time you have been waiting for –senior students! We hope you make the best of this exciting year. Your Board of Trustees has approved a balanced operating budget of $922, 901,010 with 89.7 % of this budget going to salaries and benefits. We have 149 schools, 84,000 students and 10,000 employees. We are the second largest Catholic school board in the province. We have very strong links to our parishes so we will see our priests visit our schools as well as many of our students will visit our parishes for Mass and the sacraments. We are blessed that our priests make a special effort to visit with our students. If you have transportation questions please remember you can call STOPR at 905-890-6000 or 1-800-668-1140 or check our web site at Click on schools and then student transportation. Transportation was removed from the trustees’ purview under Bill 177 several years ago. Parents please support and join your Catholic School Council. It is a great opportunity for input and better understanding of what is happening in education both locally and provincially. You will be amazed at how much you will learn and how much you can contribute to your child’s school. Please do not hesitate to contact us. We wish you the very best for this school year and always. May the good Lord always hold you in the palm of His hand.