Discover UH – the Business Planning and Budgeting A il 1 April 1, 2011 Discover UH – the Business Planning and Budgeting Today’s Session • The UH Planning & Budgeting Process • Exercise – Resource Allocation • The Th State St t Appropriation A i ti Process P • The UH Budget 2 Discover UH – the Business Planning and Budgeting The UH Planning & Budgeting Process 3 Overview of the Planning and Budget Process 4 Multiple Cycles January 2011 0 February 2011 0 March 2011 0 April 2011 0 May 2011 0 June 2011 0 July 2011 0 August 2011 0 September 2011 0 October 2011 0 November December 2011 2011 Appropriation Biennium – Operations FY2010FY2011 FY2012FY2013 Operating Fiscal Year FY2011 FY2012 Project Year ALL Budget Planning Cycle FY2012 FY2013 Fiscal Reporting Year FY2011 FY2012 Appropriations Process for FY2012-FY2013 Biennium FY2012FY2013 5 6 Planning and Budgeting Guidelines • Provost / CFO Memo to Cabinet • Provost’s Memo to Colleges • Planning and Budgeting Guide 7 Vice Presidents Guideline Memo • Assumptions/Financial p Environment • Components – Plan Pl ffor Reductions R d ti – Use of Equity/Reserves 8 Provost’ss Guidelines Provost • Planning Assumptions – State Funding Reductions – Funding Reallocation – Tuition and Fee Assumptions • Components – Three-Year Strategic g Direction – Plan for Budget Reductions, Operating Efficiencies and New Revenue Sources – Completed Planning Workbook – Proposals p for Major j Construction and Renovation 9 Deans’ Guidelines Deans • Planning Assumptions • State Funding Reductions • Process • Initial Plan for Reduction • Components • Opportunities for Reductions • Impact on College • Use of Fund Equity • Faculty Searches 10 Planning and Budgeting Guide • P Positions iti – Continuing, C ti i V Vacantt and dN New • Budgeting Guide by Fund Group • Budget Principles – – – – – – – Planning Driven Budgeting Realism Unbiased Forecasts Full Disclosure Balance P d t Fund Prudent F d Balances B l Compatibility Location: 11 Environmental Considerations Internal and/or External • • • • • • • • • • Enrollment E ll t and d enrollment ll td demand d Facilities Resources Sustaining on-going operations Academic excellence Diversity Accountability Research expectations and support Partnerships Faculty and staff recruitment and retention 12 Foremost Consideration State of Texas Financial Condition C 13 Assessment • State Performance Measures – Legislative g – Coordinating Board – Web Posting Requirements • Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (accreditation) • Research rankings • Rankings by publications 14 Discover UH – the Business Planning and Budgeting Exercise – Resource Allocation 15 16 Discover UH – the Business Planning and Budgeting The State Appropriations Process 17 STATE OF TEXAS FY2010-FY2011 FY2010 FY2011 BIENNIAL APPROPRIATIONS (ALL FUNDS, $ in Millions) American Recovery and Reinvetment Act 5,675 3% Other 1,896 1% Business and Economic Development 20,714 11% Natural Resources 33,463 463 2% Public Safety and Criminal Justice 10,767 6% Agencies of Education 75,450 41% Health and Human Services 59,745 33% General Government 4,466 3% Total $182.2 Billion 18 AGENCIES OF EDUCATION APPROPRIATED FY2010-FY2011 BIENNIUM (ALL FUNDS, FUNDS $ in Millions) 2-Year Institutions $1,858 3% Employee Benefits $6,036 8% PUF $1,069 1% Other $1,731 $ 2% HEAF $524 1% Health - Related $7,723 10% Public Schools $50,144 67% General Academics $6,357 8% TOTAL = $75.5 $75 5 Billion 19 GENERAL ACADEMICS - APPROPIATED FY2010-FY2011 BIENNIUM (ALL FUNDS, $ in Millions) UT - AUSTIN $777 12% TEXAS A&M $723 12% ALL OTHER $$3,440 , 54% UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON $458 7% UNIVERSITY OF NORTH TEXAS $320 5% TEXAS STATE UNIV. $263 4% TEXAS TECH $376 6% TOTAL = $6.4 $6 4 Billion 20 Texas Formula Funding - History and Facts - Texas is a pioneer in the development of college and university formula funding - Texas Commission on Higher Education created in 1955 with a mandate to establish formulas - In 1959 the legislature first used formulas in the funding of FY1960 and FY1961 - In 1965 the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) created with expanded authority - Number of Formulas in use 1960: 1968 1968: 1979: 1982: 1995: 1997: 1998: 2002: 5 7 11 13 15 14 4 3 - Nearly 40 instituional representatives are involved in the formula development and review process - 60% of funds appropriated to general academic institutions flow through the funding formulas - In April 2010, THECB proposed formulas to the legilature for FY2012 and FY2013 - In making formula recommendations, THECB considers the following: - The formulas should indicate funding needed to provide a first-class higher education system - The formula should provide an equitable distribution of available funds among institutions Per student funding should increase to the national average then to the average - Per-student of the ten most populous states - The formula system is not designed for use as an institution's internal operating budget 21 Formula Advisory Committee September 2009 Review, Modification, & Funding of Higher Education S t 2009 - F Sept Feb b 2010 Operations Support Study Comm E&G Space Support Study Comm February 2010 Formula Advisory Committee March 2010 Commissioner of Higher Education May 2010 THECB Adopts Formulas Funding for FY2012 and FY2013 May 2010 Legis Appn Req ((LAR)) Instructions May y 2010 Summer 2010 Governor's Office of Pln & Bud LBB Institutional LAR's w/ Special Items LBB Formula Calculations August 2010 LBB/Gov Agency Hearings December 2010 LBB Budget Proposal Jan-May 2011 Senate App'n Bill House App'n Bill May 2011 Conference Comm & Ad Adoption i June 2011 Governor Line-Item Veto & Sign 22 Base Periods for Formula Funding Base Period for FY2010 & 2011 Biennium Base Period for FY2012 & 2013 Bienni m Biennium Base Period for FY2014 & 2015 Biennium Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec J Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar p Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2 0 0 8 2 0 0 9 FY2010 2 0 1 0 FY2010 & 2011 Biennium FY2011 Today 2 0 1 1 FY2012 2 0 1 2 FY2012 & 2013 Biennium FY2013 2 0 1 3 23 University of Houston Base Period Semester Credit Hour Trends ------------------------Change----------------------2000-01 ---------------------------Base Period--------------------------2002-03 2004-05 2006-07 2008-09 University of Houston Total Lower Division 370,011 Upper Division 257 830 257,830 Masters 81,576 Doctoral 19,677 Special Profesn'l 47,967 Total SCH 777 061 777,061 00-01 to 02-03 02-03 to 04-05 04-05 to 06-07 to 00-01 to 06-07 08-09 08-09 398,242 277 026 277,026 84,365 20,105 60,619 390,347 284 825 284,825 78,095 22,989 61,895 378,939 290 238 290,238 72,011 21,532 60,773 410,699 291 226 291,226 85,139 18,880 60,610 8% 7% 3% 2% 26% -2% 3% -7% 14% 2% -3% 2% -8% -6% -2% 8% 0% 18% -12% 0% 11% 13% 4% -4% 26% 840 357 840,357 838 151 838,151 823 493 823,493 866 554 866,554 8% 0% -2% 5% 12% Trends from 2000-01 through 2008-09 450,000 400,000 Semesterr Credit Hours s 350,000 LD 300 000 300,000 UD 250,000 200,000 MA 150,000 DR 100,000 SP 50,000 0 2000-01 2002-03 2004-05 2006-07 2008-09 24 University of Houston Campus Master Plan Semester Credit Hour Trends as of Fall 2010 -------------Change-----------g ----------------Semester----------------Semester Fall 2009 University of Houston Total U d Undergraduate d t Masters Doctoral Special Profesn'l Total SCH Fall 2015 Fall 2020 345,494 368,513 375,075 41,058 9,071 50,388 10,752 68,629 15,084 26,014 28,841 34,721 421 637 421,637 458 494 458,494 493 509 493,509 Fall 2009 to Fall 2015 7% 23% 19% 11% 9% Fall 2015 to Fall 2009 to Fall 2020 Fall 2020 2% 36% 40% 20% 8% 9% 67% 66% 33% 17% Trends from Fall 2009 through Fall 2020 400,000 350,000 Semester Cre edit Hours 300 000 300,000 250,000 200,000 150 000 150,000 100,000 50,000 0 Fall 2009 Fall 2015 Undergrad Masters Fall 2020 Doctoral Profesn'l 25 26 Elements of Formula Funding FY2010-11 Biennium 1. Instruction and Operations Formula (about 81% of total formula) (Funding for Faculty Salaries, DOE, Instructional Administration, Library, Research Enhancement, Student Services, Institutional Support) Annual funding equals semester credit hours times Liberal Arts Science Fine Arts Teacher Ed Agriculture Engineering Home Economics Law Social Services Library Science Vocational Training Physical Training Health Services Pharmacy B i Business Admin. Ad i Optometry Teacher Ed Practice Technology Nursing Developmental Ed Veterinay Medicine $62.19 times rate below: o e Lower Division Upper Uppe Division Masters Doctoral 1.00 1.71 1.39 1.42 1.87 2.41 1.06 1.72 2.94 2.32 1.74 2.52 3.87 1.70 4.18 8.09 5.43 2.48 7.07 7.63 2.86 9.29 20.52 7.19 7.64 9.91 15.96 6.62 1.94 1.14 1.66 1.29 1.24 0.71 1 11 1.11 2.05 1.09 1.97 1.28 1.98 4.24 1 73 1.73 2.97 2.63 13.84 6.65 8.49 29.55 24 27 24.27 19.12 1.30 1.90 1.94 1 00 1.00 1.78 2.38 2.45 3.21 19.87 3 21 3.21 19.87 3.42 5.46 5.36 4 41 4.41 4.73 Special Spec a Professional 3.86 8.49 3.79 7.00 3.37 10.64 16.53 2. Teaching Experience Supplement (about 3 % of total formula) Annual funding equals 10 percent of funds generated above from undergraduate hours taught by tenured or tenure track faculty. 3. E&G Space Support (about 16% of total formula) (Funding for Physical Plant and Utilities) Annual funding equals the Coordinating Board's space standard in E&G square feet times $6.21/square foot 27 University of Houston Legislative Appropriations -------------FY2008-2009 Biennium------------- -------- Final FY2010-2011 Biennium------------Biennial Change---- Appropriated FY2008 Appropriated FY2009 Biennial Total Recommended FY2010 Recommended FY2011 Biennial Total Formula Operations Support Teaching Experience E&G Space Support Excellence Formula Funding SUBTOTAL $ 129,351,823 2,913,226 26,398,470 3,999,193 162 662 712 162,662,712 $ 129,351,823 2,913,226 26,398,470 3,999,193 162 662 712 162,662,712 $ 258,703,646 5,826,452 52,796,940 7,998,386 325 325 424 325,325,424 $ 140,017,254 2,730,905 31,523,918 174 272 077 174,272,077 $ 140,017,254 2,730,905 31,523,918 174 272 077 174,272,077 $ 280,034,508 5,461,810 63,047,836 348 544 154 348,544,154 Special Items Texas Center for Superconductivity Small Business Development Center Houston Partnership for Space Expl Health Law and Policy Institute Center for Public Policy Partnerships-Support Publ. Schools Commercial Development of Space Learning and Computation Center Energy Research p Knowledge g Fund Texas Competitive Institutional Enhancement SUBTOTAL 3,607,624 2,811,134 349,986 290,937 249,374 1,369,247 400,900 1,935,804 5,000,000 4,099,811 , , 3,204,306 23,319,123 3,607,626 2,811,134 349,986 290,937 249,376 1,369,247 400,902 1,935,806 4,099,810 , , 3,204,306 18,319,130 7,215,250 5,622,268 699,972 581,874 498,750 2,738,494 801,802 3,871,610 5,000,000 8,199,621 , , 6,408,612 41,638,253 3,607,625 3,070,697 349,986 290,937 249,375 1,369,247 400,901 1,935,805 2,500,000 4,535,210 , , 4,753,967 23,063,750 3,607,625 3,070,697 349,986 290,937 249,375 1,369,247 400,901 1,935,805 2,500,000 4,535,210 , , 4,753,967 23,063,750 7,215,250 6,141,394 699,972 581,874 498,750 2,738,494 801,802 3,871,610 5,000,000 9,070,420 , , 9,507,934 46,127,500 519,126 870,799 , 3,099,322 4,489,247 Other Items Tuition Revenue Bonds Organized Activities Skiles Act Revenue Bond Retirement Texas Public Education Grant Worker' Compensation Insurance Staff Group Insurance Premiums Research Development Fund SUBTOTAL 11,879,624 1,354,803 394 215 394,215 5,896,015 491,131 4,915,532 7,494,929 32,426,249 11,875,874 1,354,803 394 215 394,215 5,916,617 491,131 4,964,687 7,494,929 32,492,256 23,755,498 2,709,606 788 430 788,430 11,812,632 982,262 9,880,219 14,989,858 64,918,505 11,652,230 1,582,671 6,347,054 491,131 5,781,103 6,380,651 32,234,840 11,642,262 1,582,671 6,361,042 491,131 6,174,218 6,380,651 32,631,975 23,294,492 3,165,342 12,708,096 982,262 11,955,321 12,761,302 64,866,815 (461,006) 455,736 (788 430) (788,430) 895,464 2,075,102 (2,228,556) (51,690) TOTAL $ 218,408,084 218 408 084 $ 213,474,098 213 474 098 $ 431,882,182 431 882 182 $ 229,570,667 229 570 667 $ 229,967,802 229 967 802 $ 459,538,469 459 538 469 $ 27,656,287 27 656 287 6 4% 6.4% Method of Finance Net General Revenue GENERAL REVENUE SUBTOTAL $ 159,275,465 159,275,465 $ 154,134,306 154,134,306 $ 313,409,771 313,409,771 $ 167,082,499 167,082,499 $ 167,341,715 167,341,715 $ 334,424,214 334,424,214 $ 21,014,443 21,014,443 6.7% 6.7% Board Authorized Tuition Increases Estimated E&G Income GR DEDICATED SUBTOTAL TOTAL 13,076,590 46,056,029 59,132,619 $ 218,408,084 13,076,590 46,263,202 59,339,792 $ 213,474,098 26,153,180 92,319,231 118,472,411 $ 431,882,182 13,501,189 48,986,979 62,488,168 $ 229,570,667 13,501,189 49,124,898 62,626,087 $ 229,967,802 27,002,378 98,111,877 125,114,255 $ 459,538,469 849,198 5,792,646 6,641,844 $ 27,656,287 3.2% 6.3% 5.6% 6.4% Dollars $ 21,330,862 (364,642) 10,250,896 (7,998,386) 23 218 730 23,218,730 Percent 8.2% -6.3% 19.4% -100.0% 7 1% 7.1% 0.0% 9.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 10.6% 48.4% 10.8% -1.9% 16.8% -100.0% 100 0% 7.6% 0.0% 21.0% -14.9% -0.1% 28 FY2011 $540.9 Million FY2011 $262.5 Million 29 Higher Education Assistance Fund (HEAF) The Higher Education Assistance Fund (HEAF) was created as a counterpart to the Permanent University Fund by an amendment to the Texas Constitution in 1984. The HEAF provides funds for most public universities that were outside The University of Texas and The Texas A&M University Systems in 1984 to acquire land; construct, equip, repair or rehabilitate buildings; acquire capital equipment; and library books and materials. Expenditures involving HEAF are restricted to E&G space space. The first appropriation of HEAF, for 1985 to 1995, allocated $100 million annually to the eligible institutions. When the HEAF was reallocated for the fiscal years 1996 to 2005, the appropriation was increased to $175 million. The $175 million appropriation was increased to $262.5 million starting in FY2008. THE MODEL AND ITS THREE ELEMENTS The HEAF model is based on three elements: space deficit, condition of facilities, and institutional complexity. Space Deficit 22.6% + Condition of Facilities 27.4% + Institutional Instit tional Complexity 50% = Allocation 100% 30 31 THECB - Academic Space Projection Model - Fall 2009 Institution UT-Arlington UT-Austin UT-Dallas UT-El Paso UT-Pan American UT-Brownsville UT-Permian Basin UT-San Antonio UT-Tyler TAMU TAMU-Galveston Prairie View Tarleton TAMU-Corpus Christi TAMU-Kingsville TAM-International West Texas TAMU-Commerce TAMU-Texarkana TAMU-Central Texas TAMU-San TAMU San Antonio UH UH-Clear Lake UH-Downtown UH-Victoria Predicted Actual 2,467,466 10,075,871 1,796,310 1 981 145 1,981,145 1,540,748 626,656 300,699 2,542,868 , , 539,577 6,394,557 252,387 923,266 753,461 890,305 676,010 486,989 709 744 709,744 670,685 130,096 123,745 157,118 4,141,278 557,419 814,066 218,551 1,991,493 8,641,073 1,376,631 1 653 782 1,653,782 1,080,434 234,805 345,250 1,495,656 , , 416,077 5,437,233 234,993 807,599 818,889 704,385 832,110 404,168 824 315 824,315 728,741 172,783 111,831 97,229 3,149,411 513,173 467,762 165,387 SSurplus l (Deficit) (D fi i ) (475,973) (1,434,798) (419,679) (327 363) (327,363) (460,314) (391,851) 44,551 ((1,047,212) , , ) (123,500) (957,324) (17,394) (115,667) 65,428 (185,920) 156,100 (82,821) 114 571 114,571 58,056 42,687 (11,914) (59,889) (991,867) (44,246) (346,304) (53,164) Institution Predicted Actual Midwestern North Texas North Texas-Dallas SFA Texas Southern Texas Tech Angelo Texas Woman's Lamar Sam Houston Texas State-San Marcos Sul Ross Sul Ross-Rio Grande TSTC-Harlingen TSTC-West Texas TSTC-Marshall TSTC Waco TSTC-Waco Lamar-IOT Lamar-Orange Lamar-Port Arthur 514,448 3,084,494 121,329 1 194 331 1,194,331 1,064,568 3,491,630 590,622 1,094,128 , , 1,011,024 1,451,680 2,641,673 246,419 68,864 410,330 160,098 86,637 647 058 647,058 260,571 164,906 200,658 431,045 2,179,507 110,516 1 006 308 1,006,308 883,898 3,048,320 570,116 903,390 , 778,394 1,140,648 1,948,416 267,351 57,869 457,501 292,214 97,050 661 287 661,287 115,512 125,872 129,374 Surplus (D fi i ) (Deficit) (83,403) (904,987) (10,813) (188 023) (188,023) (180,670) (443,310) (20,506) ((190,738) , ) (232,630) (311,032) (693,257) 20,932 (10,995) 47,171 132,116 10,413 14 229 14,229 (145,059) (39,034) (71,284) Total 58,276,486 47,909,798 (10,366,688) 32 THECB - Academic Space Projection Model - Fall 2009 Teaching Institution Library Research Predicted Actual Predicted Actual 1,439,691 946,915 570,550 439,209 482,824 427,615 1,306,273 974,084 UH-Clear Lake 213,228 163,108 90,377 91,251 13,977 12,578 193,812 172,663 UH-Downtown 404,509 192,326 100,662 67,245 24,130 5,425 217,549 173,928 84,166 54,535 42,656 16,197 6,078 561 67,605 53,807 Total 2,141,594 1,356,884 804,244 613,902 527,009 446,179 1,785,239 1,374,482 UH UH-Victoria Support Institution Predicted Actual 341,940 UH-Clear Lake Predicted Office Under Construction Total Predicted Actual Surplus/(Deficit) Actual Predicted Actual 236,675 124,913 4,141,278 3,149,411 46,025 40,273 33,300 557,419 513,173 (44,246) UH-Downtown UH Downtown 67 216 67,216 28 838 28,838 0 814 066 814,066 467 762 467,762 (346 304) (346,304) UH-Victoria 18,045 11,037 29,250 218,551 165,387 (53,164) 473,228 316,823 187,463 5,731,314 4,295,733 UH Total Predicted Actual (991,867) (1,435,581) 33 Discover UH – the Business Planning and Budgeting The UH Budget 34 University of Houston Funds Managed by the University Formula Funding - Operations State Appropriations Formula Funding - Physical Plant Administrative Fees, Investment Income Special Items Statutory & Lab Fees Staff Benefits Higher Education Assistance Fund (HEAF) Designated Tuition (General & Differential) Construction bond debt service P Premium i T Tuition iti ARRA pass-through from State All Funds Current Funds College and Course-based Fees Current Funds General Consolidated University Services Fee Pl t Funds Plant F d D i Designated t d U Unrestricted ti t dE Endowment d t and d IInvestment t t Income I Endowment Funds Auxiliary Sales and Service, Indirect Cost Recovery Loan Funds Restricted Grants & Contracts Gifts Student Service Fee Agency Funds Recreation & Wellness Ctr Fee, University Center Fee Residence Halls, Food Service, Hotel, Bookstore, Athletics, Parking Governmental Contracts & Grants (including ARRA funded grants) Private Grants Texas Grant Private Gifts Restricted Endowment Income 35 Current Funds (Funds that are Budgeted Annually) General Designated Auxiliary Fund Group 1 Fund Group 2 Fund Group 3 --------Restricted Funds-------Endowment Income/ Grants & Gifts Contracts Fund Group 4 Fund Group 5 SOURCES State Appropriations Student Tuition & Fees Endowment/Investment Income Departmental Operations Food Services Services, Bookstore Sales, Sales Parking Residential Halls, University Center & Hotel Gifts Federal, State, Private Contracts & Grants USES Salaries & Wages Staff Benefits Maintenance & Operations Scholarships Debt Service Specific Purpose of Grant, Contract or Donor 36 Texas Education Code (Effective Sept 1, 2003) § 54.0513. DESIGNATED TUITION. (a) In addition to amounts that a governing board of an institution of higher education is authorized to charge as tuition under the other provisions of this chapter, chapter the governing board, under the terms the governing board considers appropriate, may charge any student an amount designated as tuition that the governing board considers necessary for the effective operation of the institution institution. (b) A governing board may set a different tuition rate for each program and course level offered by each institution of higher education. education A governing board may set a different tuition rate as the governing board considers appropriate to increase graduation rates, encourage efficient use of facilities, or enhance employee performance. performance . . . 37 University of Houston 12 Credit Hours per Semester RESIDENT UNDERGRADUATE Students FY2011 vs FY2010 12 Hours FY2010 Dollar Change Rate 12 Hours $ 50.00 $ 600.00 128 45 128.45 1 541 40 1,541.40 11 46 11.46 6.32 75.84 184.77 2,217.24 42.09 Change 0.0% Rate 12 Hours $ 50.00 $ 600.00 137 52 137.52 8 9% 8.9% 139 91 139.91 1 678 92 1,678.92 12.77 153.24 202.1% 19.09 229.08 24.23 290.76 13.1% 209.00 2,508.00 505.08 (12.77) (153.12) -30.3% 29.33 351.96 185.00 185.00 (185.00) (185.00) -100.0% - - University Center Fee (per semester) * 35.00 35.00 (35.00) (35.00) -100.0% - - Rec. Wellness Center Fee (per semester) * 84.00 84.00 (84.00) (84.00) -100.0% - - 304.00 304.00 304.00 304.00 Tuition Statutory Tuition (per hour) General Designated Tuition (per hour) Differential Designated Tuition (average per hour) Subtotal Tuition College Fees (average per hour) University-wide Fees Student Service Fee (max per sem, incl Health Ctr) * Consolidated Student Services Fee (per semester) ** Technology Fee (per hour) * Rate $ - 12 Hours FY2011 Percent $ - n/a 13.75 165.00 (13.75) (165.00) -100.0% - - Library Fee (per hour) * 9.00 108.00 (9.00) (108.00) -100.0% - - International Education Fee (per semester) * 1.00 1.00 (1.00) (1.00) -100.0% - - Campus Card Fee (per semester) * 6.00 6.00 (6.00) (6.00) -100.0% - - Instructional Access Fee (per hour) * 3.50 42.00 (3.50) (42.00) -100.0% - - Student Academic Service Fee (per hour) * 2.75 33.00 (2.75) (33.00) -100.0% - - Utilit A Utility Assessmentt ((per h hour)) * 8 50 8.50 102 00 102.00 (8 50) (8.50) (102 00) (102.00) -100.0% 100 0% - - 38.08 456.96 Consolidated University Services Fee (per hour) ** Subtotal University-wide Fees Total Tuition and Fees per Semester 38.08 761.00 $3,483.36 (0.00) 456.96 (0.04) $ 137.52 n/a 0.0% 760.96 3.95% $3,620.88 * Existing fees to be combined into consolidated fees for billing purposes ** Combined fee for billing purposes 38 University of Houston System Operating Budgets ($ in Millions) FY2001 University of Houston * FY2002 FY2003 FY2004 FY2005 FY2006 FY2007 FY2008 FY2009 FY2010 FY2011 $ 455.1 $ 489.7 $ 522.1 $ 553.5 $ 604.5 $ 644.4 $ 653.0 $ 708.6 $ 750.9 $ 805.9 $ 874.4 UH-Clear Lake 68.2 73.8 67.4 71.6 74.7 79.0 83.2 88.1 92.0 97.1 105.2 UH-Downtown 58.5 66.7 73.6 77.6 87.5 96.2 102.4 115.3 120.6 135.5 149.1 UH-Victoria 16.0 18.7 22.5 24.1 26.4 29.6 32.1 39.6 43.3 43.3 49.2 UH System Administration 24.6 28.5 28.3 30.6 13.2 12.1 12.4 13.3 13.9 13.2 14.1 Total $ 622.4 622 4 $ 677.4 677 4 $ 713.9 713 9 $ 757.4 757 4 $ 806.3 806 3 $ 861.3 861 3 $ 883.1 883 1 $ 964.9 964 9 $ 1,020.7 1 020 7 $ 1,095.0 1 095 0 $ 1,192.0 1 192 0 * Change from FY04 to FY05 includes the move of KUHT Public Television from System Administration to UH ($8.7 million) 39 University of Houston Budgeted Sources of Current Fund Groups-FY11 Restricted 25% General 31% Auxiliary 12% Designated 32% Total $874.4 million Total $805.9 million 40 University of Houston Budgeted Sources of Current Funds-FY11 Endowment/Investment Income 2% Contracts, Grants, Gifts G ts 25% Sales & Service 11% HEAF 2% State Appropriation 22% Tuition Fees 38% Total $874.4 million 41 University of Houston Budgeted Sources of Student Tuition and Fees-FY11 Other Student Fees 30% Tuition T ition Statutory 17% TuitionDesignated 48% Student Service Fees 5% Total $329.9 million 42 University of Houston Budgeted Uses of Current Funds By Object-FY11 Debt Service 5% Equipment 3% Scholarships 13% Salaries & Wages 42% Maint & Operations 28% Benefits 9% Total $874.4 million 43 University of Houston Operating Budget FY1991 Dollars State S S Support State General Revenue Appropriation Higher Education Assistance Fund (HEAF) State Staff Benefits Appropriation FY2001 Pct Student Fees Tuition Designated Tuition / General Use Fee Pct Dollars $ 104,393,022 5,782,817 $ 123,437,585 28,800,000 $ 167,341,715 35,885,768 16,081,734 21,009,793 28,492,538 678,449 1,340,000 288,516 179,220 Dedicated Appn (Texas Grant, Wk Study, Other) Interest Income on State Treasury Balances Subtotal State Support Dollars FY2011 126,257,573 47.7% 175,265,827 38.5% Pct 232,187,757 26.6% 20,917,608 14 502 208 14,502,208 50,944,516 38 685 976 38,685,976 7,493,452 42,913,268 16.2% 28,825,001 118,455,493 26.0% 113,830,498 329,894,595 37.7% Contracts & Grants (Research and Financial Aid) 42,338,733 16.0% 63,142,150 13.9% 172,627,100 19.7% All Other Support 53,398,359 20.2% 98,278,619 21.6% 139,737,790 16.0% $ 264,907,933 100% $ 455,142,089 100% Other Student Fees Subtotal Tuition and Fees Total Operating Budget 56,946,037 159 118 060 159,118,060 $ 874,447,242 100% 44 University y of Houston Operating p g Budget g 20% 22% 16% 14% 16% 20% 16% 26% 38% 48% 38% 26% 1991 Other 2001 Grants & Financial Aid 2011 Student Support State Support 45 46