121 SUNDAY PARENTS & FAITH FOR OUR PARENTS Read this page carefully and you may share with other parents whom you know that perhaps are not practicing our faith. John Paul II wrote in his letter to the family: “Family prayer has its own characteristic qualities. It is prayer offered in common, husband and wife together, parents and children together. The dignity and responsibility of the Christian family as the domestic Church can be achieved only with God’s unceasing aid, which will surely be granted if it is humbly and trustingly petitioned in prayer. By reason of their dignity and mission, Christian parents have the specific responsibility of educating their children in prayer, introducing them to gradual discovery of the mystery of God. From the earliest years children should be taught according to the faith received in baptism, to have knowledge of God, to worship him and to love their neighbor. The concrete example and living witness of parents is fundamental and irreplaceable in educating their children to pray. Only by praying together with their children can a father and mother leave an impression that the future events in their lives will not be able to efface.” (J.P. II) Fathers, mothers, do you teach your children the Christian prayers? Paul to his disciple Timothy: “I am reminded of your sincere faith, a faith that lived first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice and now, I am sure, lives in you.” (2 Tim. 1, 5) “As for you, continue in what you have learned and firmly believed, knowing from whom you learned it and how from childhood you have known the sacred writings that are able to instruct you for salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.” (2 Tim. 3, 14) Are our children being taught in the same way?... MY CHURCH AND I… I am part of the Church, one among many, but I am one. I need the Church for the development of the buried life within me; the Church in turn needs me. The Church may be human in its organization, but it is divine in its purpose. That purpose is to point me to God. Participating in the privileges of the Church, I shall also share in its responsibilities taking it upon myself to carry my fair share of the load, not grudgingly but joyfully. To the extent that I fail in my responsibility, the Church fails; to the extent that I succeed, the Church succeeds. I shall not wait to be drafted for service to my Church; I shall volunteer, saying, “Here I am, send me!” I shall be loyal in my attendance, generous in my gifts, kind in my criticisms, creative in my suggestions, loving in my attitudes. I shall give to the Church my interests, my enthusiasm, my devotion---most of all, MYSELF! (Harold W. Roupp) The school, the parish cannot replace your role of teaching your children; give them your daily example. MONDAY: FEBRUARY 21, 2011---FAMILY DAY MASSES: 9:00 am in English 10:00 am in Italian Congratulations to all our families today: enjoy and rest! To the parents of First Communion children: please, attend Mass every Sunday, go over the Mass with your children, see if they begin to learn the various parts of the Mass: it is your job and nobody else! If you are not teaching your children the basic prayers, the Mass, Examination of Conscience; if you yourselves don’t know the Mass, the prayers, buy a book and learn them now because now is the right time for your little children, not when they are of age: it will be too late, if not completely lost. ETWN (Eternal Word Television Network) & Bell T.V. Bell TV, formerly known as Bell ExpressVu has decided to discontinue carrying EWTN on their channel lineup. EWTN, a superb Global Catholic Television Network, is in its 30th year, and can be viewed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We urge you to contact Bell TV’s Customer Service Department at 1-888-759-3474 to voice your objection to this unwarranted decision. Please, do it! 121 DATE PAYMENTS Church Expenses: Clergy salaries $29, 433.21 All other salaries 49, 472.70 Income Tax, CPP, EI, benefits 16, 605. 48 Office supplies, services 7, 656. 95 Taxes, insurance, hydro, heating 10,363. 97 Repairs and renewals 2,028. 84 Other Church expenses 14, 578. 46 Grounds landscaping 4,375. 00 Subtotal: $134, 514.61 Rectory Expense Diocesan Assessment Clergy Health / pension assessment $10, 051.89 27, 780.48 8, 000.79 Special Diocesan Collections Catholic Missions & S.F.M $ 2, 201.55 Needs of the Canadian Church 3, 204.85 World Mission Sunday 4, 546.10 Mission Co-op 3, 984.30 Shepherd’s Trust 8, 000.79 Subtotal: $21, 937.59 Total Payments for the period: $193, 284.57 RECEIPTS Church Revenues: Offertory $162, 799. 90 Other parish collections 200.00 Easter and Christmas 12, 593.30 Baptisms, Marriages, Funerals 6, 190.00 Bequests, Legacies, Donations 200.00 Subtotal: $181,983.20 Hall Revenues $458. 25 Interest and Rental (Bank) 37.79 Building Fund 15, 265.05 GST Refunds, Credits 6.070.73 Subtotal: $21, 335.78 Special Diocesan Collections Catholic Missions & S.F.M $2, 201.55 Needs of the Canadian Church 3, 204.85 World Mission Sunday 4,546.10 Mission Co-op 3,984.30 Shepherd’s Trust 8,000.79 Subtotal: $21, 937.59 Total Receipts for the period $225,752.61 WITH MANY THANKS LUNEDI, 21 FEBBRAIO: “FAMILY DAY” Messe alle 9:00 am in inglese 10:00 am italiano Auguri a tutti le famiglie: gustatevi questo giorno. VALENTINE’S DANCE Ballo S. Valentino) Ringraziamo il Comitato per tutto il lavoro fatto con tanto entusiasmo e il successo c’e’ stato, visto la partecipazione di tanti (la prossima volta dobbiamo’allargare la sala’!!!) Un ringraziamento particolare a Silvana e a Marcello, chef d’eccezione che ha saputo accontentare tutti. GRUPPO DI PREGHIERA PADRE PIO Per impegni della parrocchia, la riunione di preghiera sara’ per mercoledi, 23 febbraio con il solito formato: rosario, coroncina, messa e predica. Poiche’ e’ il nostro primo anniversario dopo la Messa ci sara’ un piccolo rinfresco nella sala. Devoti di Padre Pio, venite tutti! Nella colonna a sinistra potete vedere il resoconto finanziario luglio-dicembre 2010. Un ringraziamento a tutti coloro che con dedizione e sacrificio aiutano la parrocchia: il Signore ricompensi tutti con il centuplo. Sempre nell’altra pagina c’e’ una articoletto interessante: MY CHURCH AND I (La mia chiesa ed io), passatelo ai vostri giovani affinche’ si affezionino alle loro parrocchie. UCEMI (Unione Cristiana Enti Migranti Italiani) Questa organizzazione organizza per oggi, alle 4:00pm nella sala della Chiesa di S. Bernardo (Lawrence Ave. West & Jane St.) una conferenza sulla Bioetica: Dignita’ Umana, Morte e Cure Palliative. Parlera’ il Dr. Luigi Castagna, neurologo e pediatra. WORKSHOP PER I NOSTRI MINISTRI Sabato, 5 marzo 2011: inizio ore 9:00am con la Santa Messa. Rispondere, per favore, prima del 28 febbraio. RADIO MARIA Oggi diamo il benvenuto a Francesco Del Rizzo, coordinatore Radio Maria, per essere nella nostra parrocchia per trasmettere la Liturgia Eucaristica. Conoscete Radio Maria? Avete la sua Radio? Vi aiutera’ a pregare e a sapere di piu’della nostra fede e della nostra Chiesa.