Integrity, fairness, and respect are the principles by which the school sports
program is guided. These principles are the expectations for all school
sports activities where all students will adhere to Holy Cross Catholic
School’s "Fair Play" philosophy.
Fair Play is the fundamental philosophy of our athletic program. Spectators
Cheer only in a positive manner;
Respect the decisions of the officials;
Not interfere with the competition;
Keep off the playing area;
Be courteous and respectful of fellow spectators, competitors,
coaches, and administrative officials;
Discourage poor conduct by other students/spectators;
Respect the facilities and obey the regulations with respect to
Smoking, Drinking, and Garbage.
Failure to comply with this code of behaviour may lead to ejection
by the principal or the designate supervising the event.
Failure to comply with these expectations may result in consequences
outlined by the Catholic Code of Conduct and /or ejection by any member
of school staff.
(Adapted from the Halton Catholic District School Board’s elementary Interschool
Athletics Parent Guide.)
The Dufferin Peel Catholic District School Board
________TABLE OF CONTENTS________
Objective of Athletics Program................................Page 1
It is important that during the year ongoing communication is established.
Welcome to HOLY CROSS’ Athletic Program.......Page 2
The coach/school will send home with athletes:
Parent's Role.............................................................Page 4
Communication.........................................................Page 5
Spectator Code of Conduct.......................................Page 6
A Request to Participate Form and Medical Information Form for
all students to fill out prior to their first practice;
A Student Package for Interschool Athletics;
A school information letter outlining practices, games, meets, and
other specific information specific to the school team.
The coach will communicate to the students:
Specific safety information related to the activity;
The commitment required to be on the school team and the
expected participation time throughout the year;
It is critical that parents communicate to the teachers/coaches:
If their child's achievement in their schoolwork is not being
maintained so the teacher/coaches can ensure that these students
are meeting the expectations both in school and in athletics;
If their child has been injured in any way either during or outside
of the school activities.
If their child had to seek medical attention then parents/guardians
must a obtain a doctor’s note providing approval to restart
activities and send it to the coach so the coach can ensure that
students participate safely in all activities;
If their child will be unable to attend practices, games, and/or
meets inform the teacher/coach as soon as possible.
If there are any concerns with the participation of their child in the
interschool activity please contact the teacher in charge of the
________TEAM MEMBER'S ROLE_______
Congratulations! Your child has been selected to represent Holy Cross on a
school athletics team. Students are reminded that it is a privilege to
represent the school on an interschool team and that their primary
responsibility is to continue to maintain their academic achievements and
appropriate level of behaviour at all time throughout the year, including the
time they are involved with the team.
As a team member you are making a commitment of time and effort to the
team, the coach, and your school. The following is a list of guidelines that
Holy Cross Catholic School expects all students participating in athletics to
follow. It is expected that athletes:
The Holy Cross athletic program provides an opportunity for students who
have demonstrated skill and/or 'talent' in a specific sport or activity to
compete in a competitive and fun forum against students from other
schools. Being mindful of the need to provide safe and suitable level of
competition according to skill, size, and age of the athletes - team members
and parents must realize that there cannot possibly be equal playing time or
opportunities for all students. However, during practices, participation and
skill development will occur for all. The coaches, prior to the first game will
discuss with the student athletes their level of participation for exhibition
games, tournaments, league games, playoffs and/or meets. Your child has
requested to participate on the school team with the understanding of the
amount of participation/playing time that they will receive throughout the
year. Coaches will do their best to ensure that all students have an
opportunity to participate throughout the year. Please accept their discretion
in this area. If you have any questions please contact your child's coach
early in the sport/activity season.
It is very important that communication is ongoing throughout the year. The
coaches will discuss with the student athletes the Objective of the
Interschool Athletics Program and the Team Member's Role as well as the
relevant safety information for the activity to ensure students are aware of
this important information. The coaches will provide you with ongoing
information regarding games, practice, tournament, competitions, and/or
meets, as well as the necessary Request to Participate Forms. If you have
any questions or concerns please contact the coach as early as possible to
ensure the questions are answered. Thank you and have an enjoyable
Maintain a high standard of schoolwork (to the best of the student's
ability), attitude, and general behaviour;
Exemplify the ideals of Fair Play both in and outside of
Attend practices to learn and develop the skills required to
participate in the sport;
Put forth their best effort in all practices and games demonstrating
cooperation for both the coaches and officials;
Respect the rules of the game;
Be punctual for all practices and games and communicate to the
coach(es) if you are unable to make a practice or a game;
Respect the officials and accept their decisions;
Maintain self control at all times;
Be appropriately dressed for all practices and games;
Follow the rules established about wearing jewellery;
Be safety conscious. If you notice that the facility or equipment
presents a hazard for yourself or team-mates, report to your coach
Respect the property and equipment of all schools;
Make parents/guardian aware of all practices, games, tournaments,
and/or meets.
Arrange for rides home from practices and to and from games.
Failure to comply with the Team Member's Role may lead to being asked to
leave the team by the coach or the principal.
________PARENTS' ROLE_______
It is very important that the school and home work together toward ensuring
the experience a child has while participating in the school's elementary
athletics program is positive. As a parent there are many ways that you can
support your child in their endeavors as a student athlete.
Support the fact that your child is a student first and the school athletic
program is an extension of the program for students who exhibit an ability
to maintain their level of achievement and participate in a competitive
league against other schools. These teams do require a commitment of time
and students are expected to ensure that their schoolwork is not adversely
affected by the time spent practicing and competing. This is an excellent
opportunity to assist your child with developing time management
strategies. The School reserves the right to remove students from a team if
academic standards suffer.
The primary objective of Holy Cross Catholic School’s athletic program is
to provide students with an opportunity to learn the skills and compete in a
supportive and encouraging learning environment while developing and
fostering good sportspersonship and Fair Play. Interschool programs offer
students opportunities to participate in more organized and competitive
Holy Cross Catholic School proudly offers students many opportunities to
enhance their educational experiences through school sports. The Holy
Cross Catholic School athletic program’s objectives are:
There may be opportunities throughout the year for parents to assist in a
variety of areas with a team (e.g., refereeing, driving, assisting the coach,
etc.). In order to perform volunteer duties with the school all volunteers
must have a valid criminal reference check. If you are interested in assisting
in any way please contact the school.
Throughout the year there may be opportunities for you to assist with the
transportation of students either to or from practices, games and/or meets.
All drivers must have:
The Volunteer Driver Form completed and given to the school
A minimum of $1 000 000.00 third party liability insurance;
This assistance is always appreciated!
To promote the highest degree of "Fair Play" among athletes,
coaches, and spectators;
To recognize that the purpose of athletics is to promote the
physical, mental, moral, social, and emotional well-being of the
To develop a positive self-image and self confidence through
To ensure a positive educational experience for all involved in
interschool sports;
To assist in developing positive school spirit;
To develop self discipline through the meeting of expectations as
both a student and a member of a team;
To encourage leadership, initiative and good judgment;
To ensure the safety of all students.